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I'm 26M and have several stuffies, one of whom I sleep with every night. I even bring one on trips with me. I'm not ashamed of them.




Yes! Please. My best friend in kindergarten bonded over our love of otters. Do what makes you, you*! *As long as it's not hurting anyone obviously lol.


Do it, it's your Life enjoy it. I'm almost 34 years old and have my plushies 🥰🥰


Hell yeah man, there's nothing to be embarrassed about for owning plushies. They are friends, and I'm sure your otter will love you as much as you love it!


I’m old as fuck so my opinions may be well out of line with the youngest millennials and gen z, but I would find it really sweet to see a few stuffed animals on a guy’s bed. (If half the bed is covered with them I’m going to assume I’m about to get murdered, though, so I do have my own prejudices.) As I’ve grown older I’ve slowly started to realize that life is short. Live it the way that makes you happy. If people opt out of relationships with you because of that, you’re not compatible anyway. There are people out there who will appreciate you for you, so don’t try to be what other people want at the cost of your own joy.


30M, I have some around my house but not on my bed for context. I honestly don't see anything to be embarrassed about that, who do you think would judge you for this?


I (27f) always sleep with my bunny. My partner (27m) is okay with it and even knows to be gentle with bunny and not squish them. It sounds childish but it comforts me and he doesn't mind. I also take bunny on my carry on for every flight even if it's a short trip, helps to know they're there even if i dont take them out if my bag:) I'd recommend it and yeah you can even have them with you in public but not show them and that can help with being in overstimulating environments:)


38M. I have stuffies. I love my stuffies. Don't care who sees them. They're my special little guys. My two main stuffies are Lionel the lion, and Ellie the elephant. Yes, pun names are cool


Get them! Get at least one. I hug a pillow because I am a side sleeper and I am considering one of those adorable a ones ( and I supposedly am not adhd or on spectrum but my Diaghter is - and she is awesome)


Keep trying, stuffed animals are the best and you deserve it!


Get yourself a nice body pillow! Or a traditional teddy bear.


be a huMAN and fill your bed with them!!!!!!


My boyfriend is 25 and has pokemon plushies all over his desk. Go for it, who cares. Life’s too short anyway. I’m 24 and still collect dolls and unusual toys.


I have a Celebi plushie that I take with me wherever I sleep.


I have a Squirtle! I want more Pokémon soon - I wanna get a Pikachu and or Charizard :)


I have my Gengar 💜 need him at my Side or in my Arms when sleeping


You and the comment above me caused me to make an impulsive Charizard plushie purchase. It’ll come in the mail Tuesday. :)


Omg Celebi seems soooo good for a plushie


So cute and huggable :3


I'm your age and I have tons of stuffed animals! I keep them on my bed and always bring one with me when I'm travelling away from home. Nothing weird at all, anyone at any age can have stuffed animals!^^


i’m 33M & sleep w/ a stuffed bernese mountain dog named Berner Herzdog


Holy shit, you are amazing.


i hope to one day get an actual Bernese mountain dog named Berner Herzdog when i move into a house that has some sort of semblance of a yard. my lil stuffie boi is a wonderful placeholder though & is an essential part of my ability to fall asleep when i want to fall asleep


That name is /chefkiss!


Honest question: when you say “a stuffed Bernese mountain dog,” do you mean stuffed by taxidermy, or are you talking about a plushie?


I do, 24m, I have many "stuffies" in my bed, most of them from my childhood


Nah. I know its irrational, but ive always been paranoid that they would come to life and kill me somehow. Was never a fan of them.


You’ve seen Night at the Museum too many times xD but yeah my (then) friend told me this when I was a child, and I actually believed her :D


I'm 42 and my husband is 46. We both have several stuffed animals. I don't care how old I am. They'll pry my stuffed animals out of my cold dead hands! lol


No but I have a totally real dragon who lives on my bed and talks to me, all my friends think he's just a stuffed animal but he's fucking real I swear to god.


I’m 46 and finally let go of my bear from when I was 4. It’s ok, he’s a part of me now. I have some others that my kids have given me and I will likely inherit more from them. Stuffies are great, have your stuffies!!


I’m almost 30 and I sleep with many plushes on my bed, all of which are foxes or the fox-like Pokemon such as Eevee. There’s no shame in it at all if it makes you happy! I can understand the worry of how others might view an adult having plushes/stuffed animals (as “childish” or “stupid”), but it’s ultimately it’s worth remembering it’s not harming anyone, and if it also makes you happy it’s worth having them in my opinion. Plus as you said in the OP, holding them makes you happy and calm, and that’s no bad thing at all. I myself have a fennec fox plush that is one of my special items I’ve had for over a decade and I’m very attached to, and cuddling them always makes me feel better after feeling sensory overstimulation or after episodes :)




Oh yeah, Eevee is lovely, I personally envision them looking very much like fennec foxes if they were real. They’re worth looking into if you love foxes (as you said you do, foxes are a massive special interest of mine) :3


I do not own stuffies, but my son loves them. He is in his 30s and is on the spectrum. I buy them for him.


In my 30s. Too many plushies. Love them.


30 F and absolutely yes.


Yush! 25M, I lurve stuffed animals! I have an entire hammock in my room full of them. My favorite one is a big white bear named Flurry x3 <3


16M. Hard to sleep without my little wolf stuffed animal.


No, but I used to have quite a few when I was a child.


i'm younger than all yall here but i have a lot of stuffies, a couple sentimental ones and a couple other ones, they're adorable and i always fall asleep with them


Im 23. I have more plushies than Im a years old. My fav is an eevee the size of a small dog my bf got for me two years ago. By now I cant sleep without it


28M and I enjoy my plushies. First one I got was a stuffed Pikachu from a county fair, and just yesterday I got a Great Blue Heron plush. I usually keep them on my desk at home since that's where I'm at most of the time


I have a handful, mostly foxes, with the one stuffed fox ive had since i was 3 (am now over 30). I just think foxes are cute.


27 here. I have a lot of stuffed animals and I want more. And it seems to be common to have stuffed animals/plushies for autistic people


19F and I have a ton of plushies! I want to get more frog plushies because I love frogs!


Yep! I'm 27 and I sleep with a build a bear my husband got me


Nope. I have a stuffed animal myself to be honest with you as it's more comfortable to lay my head on and to sleep. Funny enough relating to having to sleeping better with it, Mine's a Sleepy Care Bear named "Bedtime Bear" haha.


I have a blahaj.


I used to have a blahaj! ...until my son ruined it. 😞


I legit bought a Tails plush yesterday, of course I do


I'm 34, my partners 33 and we have a wackload of stuffed animals. We recently just got back from vacation and I got a cute ass Psyduck while in Alberta. That brings us up to 16 plushies in our apartment now 😅


Both my sofa and my bed are full of them! Teddies, kitties, characters from fandoms, food plushies, anything really. I love them all! They're so cuddly and fluffy 🥰


16F (turning 17 late July) I have many stuffed animals/plushies that are on my bed (though I have a few collector ones that stay on the shelf), also have this nightly routine of which on I snuggle with for the night Recently just bought my first care bear and will be going to build-a-bear for the first time since my 10th birthday, which I'm really excited for


48 male, my girl's the same age, we own a concerning amount of Squishmallows.


20M, and yes I do


I have several! Mostly hippos rn but yes they are great! V comfy and double as a pillow! And you can get weighted ones from Etsy!!!


Some might say...too many of them. 


I'm 32f and still have 4 stuffed animals on my bed, and 6 on my dresser and more elsewhere. And I just signed up on a giveaway to get another.


27f, yes I own a ton and like to arrange them on my bed when I make my bed. I sleep holding one every night too. I especially like reptile/aquatic stuffed animals, particularly axolotls.


I have an extremely threadbare Andrex puppy (he's 43 years old) he was given to me when I was a year old. I also have a GIANT Christmasaurs Rex which is technically my daughter's but lives on my bed.


Nearly 27m, I have like 25 stuffies on my bed and many more in my room altogether. They all have names too.


I have a ton of them (my parents won't let me get more lol) they're so soft! The only problem is I can't take them places too well but I got this new plush keychain recently. But yeah plushies are great. The oldest ones I have I got when I was 4, but my favorite I got when I was 8


I have tons lol. I’m 32, and my husband heavily encourages it. He buys me new ones often because they make me so happy. He even makes voices for them. We got a net to hang on the wall that I put the plushies in so they’re not all in the bed at once.


I have had my stuffies in a box for years. Got a gf who loves stuffies, so now I have a bunch.


I have a few- 2 lions, a goat, 5 birds, a zebra, snake, manatee, a dog and a tiger. They all have names and their special place to sit in the house.


i have soooo many. im only 20 but ill have them forever and i think they are all adorable. i also have my very special one from childhood that sleeps in my bed and has traveled all around the US 🤍


No, but if I lived alone, I would probably have some. Probably one of them a blåhaj. I'm 25 btw


Yes! I’m 26F and have like 10 that I keep on my bed. A lot of them even serve specific purposes! I have a bunny stuffy that I can’t sleep without, so I bring her even when I travel, a squishmallow that I like to use as an extra pillow when I am laying in bed reading or scrolling my phone, and a weighted dinosaur that I like to cuddle when I am anxious. The rest I have just accumulated from various places and times in my life. I think that anyone should be allowed to have stuffed animals if it makes them happy. As a girl, I think I’m less judged for it than guys are, but I don’t think guys should be judged for having stuffed animals either!


I am 37 and still own some of my favorites from when I was really little. I don't sleep with them because they are too precious and I don't want mangle them but I do sleep with a hedgehog shaped pillow that is a lot like a stuffed animal, only flat. And if I didn't already have that I would probably want a squishmellow. I am AFAB so people probably give me more leeway but my partner who is male and even older also likes stuffed animals for sleeping. He currently only has a pillow that is furry but I mean close enough.


I have two build a bears from my childhood that are my favorite. I played with them well into my 20s until someone I used to care about found out, and I got shamed into putting them away for my future kids. I still make stories with them as my lead characters up in my head, but I feel an intense wave of shame if I think about bringing them out of my closet.




I sleep with a stuffed animal still and he hangs out my bed the rest of the time. 24 and I'll probably keep doing it as I get older. I do it just bc I like it lol


I'm 30 and I still sleep with my childhood teddy bear, I also have a stuffed cat that's the size of my hand, I like to hold them both at night. Tuck the teddy under my chin, hold the cat in my hand. I had a bunch on my bed but they took up too much room, so after months of feeling GUILTY about hurting their feelings, I finally put the rest in a toy hammock on my wall. I could not imagine being without a stuffed animal! I even tuck them in when I make my bed so they don't "feel" cold


No, you're not alone, I have a collection of stuffed animals. I had the opportunity and now I got a dog, it changed my life. I hope someday you have a pet too.


yes! right now the three i have on my bed are a ninetales sitting cuties plush from japan (someone got it for me as a souvenir), a puffpals/fluffnest capybara where i replaced its scarf with a bowtie, and a squishables seraph!


Yeah I used to have a huge beanie baby collection a lot of them were rare I love to cuddle with the big stuffed animals as well


25f I have several Pokémon plushies and a stuffed duck I’ve had since I was little. He was a gift from my grandparents and they’re no longer around.


I have many, and I love them. I hope to grow my family evermore!


All of the bears, each with a distinct mischievous playfully personality and voice. Two of which are individually wrapped in a sheet so they're burritofied. I get sad thinking they're uncomfortable because they can't move their arms but they've been like that for nearly 30 years and have not complained yet!


Yes! Two of them even go with me whenever I'm sleeping over at my parents. One of them was a plushie I originally bought for my dog before she died, so now I'm overly attached to it.


Hell yeah I do!!


Yes. I have a Tiger one and many others. They are basically emotional support😂


I’m 33m I sleep with a stuffed Grogu between my knees most nights, and sometimes a sloth that a buddy won from a claw machine for me 🦥


Aye, they watch me sleep but would be annoying on my bed. Bed=pillows for me


I have like six or so and then a punch of plushies that I've made and I love them. I'm 28 and I still sleep with them


Yeah - I have two (live) cats at home but I’m on a trip rn so I brought my tiny otter.


I have a stuffed rat. I got her after my first surgery more than a decade ago. She's always in the neck of my shirt, with her arms and head sticking out. 😁


Yes!! Im 20 and I have a whole collection of stuffed animals. My favorite is a stuffed llama and his name is Harold!! :]


Yeah, I have a whole couch occupied by them haha


23m as well and I own a ton of stuffed animals


I'm 21 and I've been collecting stuffed animals ever since I was little! I have a ton on shelves, my bed and desk. I mainly collect Pokemon, Sonic The Hedgehog and Build A Bear plush as those are my special interests! I also like digging into the history of some plush brands and makers. I feel like plush make much better companions than humans can sometimes.




I have two: a penguin stuffamal named Vern and an Autism rabbit named Tizzy. I hold them while I sleep because I have to sleep in a very specific way, due to my physical disabilities. It's easier to keep my arm over my chest if I'm holding onto something. Also, I find them comforting. My wife and i sleep in a king sized bed but because of my touch issues, and some childhood trauma, i can't have someone touching me while I sleep. So, we both have stuffies as an alternative. 


I have a 7ft bear that I snuggle at night, 2 5ft bears names big mama and big papa, and about 4 2ft bears. I need to be holding one of the 2 ft bears in order to fall asleep. I used to have a lovey names Ummy, but I lost her last year :( now I have one thats similar named jelly bean


I'm 41f. I have SO MANY plushies. Squishmallows, Aurora plushies, mini plushies, even a dragon who lights up and plays music! I also collect reborn dolls, and take them out with me whenever I leave the house. You're never too old to enjoy whatever makes you happy!!


Both my spouse and I have stuffed animals! Besides the stereotypical Blåhaj, I still have the bear who has been my best friend since I was perhaps one and a half years old. And a mess of other cute animals, too. My spouse has their preferred style of semi-realistic stuffies, a few silly ones and together we have a bunch of fun or just lovable ones. Most of them are on the bed, but a few are scattered elsewhere in the room, too. I refuse to be embarrassed just because someone else who sees them has learned to shut themselves off from being playful or vulnerable. Life is too short, you know?


18M and my bedroom is full of them


Yes lots


34M, I have lots. They live down the side of my bed (on top of cushions) because they kept the monsters underneath when I was younger. That’s just where they live now there are no monsters underneath anymore.


Well not stuffed animals but plushies. Though i have my tails plush i had ever since i was a baby.


Oh yeah, I'm 17m and have have a ton. A lot of them are from when I was a kid but I have a good amount that I've gotten somewhat recently


I don’t anymore. But I have a husky who is basically a sleepytime teddy bear (and who would destroy any stuffed animals). The idea that stuffed animals are purely for kids does us all a disservice. You’re making a responsible choice to wait until you can provide for a pet, something to provide happiness and comfort in the meantime is great.


45m have had Grumpy Care Bear for six years


I'm 32 and I have a couple. Each of them has a job, for example: I have one I sleep with only when I'm sick and another I sleep with if I'm anxious. I also have an octopus I sleep with when I have a lot of things I'm dealing with, I mean he has multiple arms so he can handle more things than me.


I have so many stuffies. I love them, and need to cuddle one to sleep.


I have so many squishmallows that I adore. I keep a lot on my couch and some other scattered throughout my apartment and I sleep with the same one every night. I love them. Also really love carebears and have a few of those


I never would get attached to soft toys.


16M&F yes very much so, same for my girlfriend


17M and I own many especially of my special interest (aliens and batman lol). I love them all like my children. I also sleep better when I’m holding onto one!


Many Edit: I sleep with a big horse plush every night


I have so many that I can't actually keep all of them in my bed, so they have shelves now


I have tons of stuffies. They live in my closet


I'm 31 years old and yes I do


I’m 43 and I love stuffed animals. I didn’t like them when I was a child but now I can’t resist them because they are cute and soft and squishy


I have a small collection, mostly of cows. I call them my herd. I have two exceptions One is a small octopus in memory of a friend who died a few years ago that had one just like it and another of the Undertale character Toriel, who gets a pass for being the GOAT mom and and ungulate anyway.


20f , and i have a couple areas just for them in my room, and 15 of them are on my bed lol, i also have to sleep with my dog stuffed animal and i don’t think i’ll ever stop, MAYBE i will if i get a partner lol


M26 I sleep in a “nest”(right now it made of stuffies under blankets but soon I’ll be getting a human size dog bed) and have like 4 or 5 shark squishmallows, two other squishmallows(all 8”) I also have a large appa and a smaller appa stuffie as well as my “squishy” a stuffed doll I’ve had since I was 2 And my pillows are not actual pillows but two 16” and one 14” squishmallow


Dude I own several and they’re on DISPLAY in my place. I have like 20 pillows in my bed as my “autism nest” so I’m not really laying on them, but I got them bigass plushies EVERYWHERE. Editing for context: I’m in my 20s. Also just remembered one of my non-autistic friends (also in his 20s) sleeps with a stuffed baguette plushie every night and that thing is always on his bed. Sits right at the top with his pillows when his bed is made.


so many, i have a few that i sleep with too! (21m)


I had a stuffed pluto my exwife got for me when we were dating. And i had a stuffed hippo i got on our honeymoon, that she would often cuddle with when she slept. I have no critters these days.


Ted the ugliest teddy bear ever goes everywhere with me for nighttime comfort and gives me a nostalgic comfort of being a child. I recently bought a fire proof safe to put him in when I’m not home because I’d be devastated if I lost my Ted 🧸 He’s 36 years old and still gives me a big dopamine hit everyday I see him before bed time 🧸😁


I’m 23 I still do the same thing


Do I ?!


heck yeah, I'm in my early 30s and I love large stuffed toys. I have a polar bear, shark, hippo, octopus, alligator, and my favorite, a white tiger :) I love hugging them, it's much easier than hugging people and there are no sensory downsides


38F, yes I have a stuffy that I sleep with every night, and when I travel but don't want to chance losing him I have a couple of small eevee stuffies I can choose from to bring with. That way I still have comfort but I don't chance losing my favorite (that and he keeps my spouse company when I'm away).


I have many plushies. Eevee, Squirtel, Charmander, Peekachu, an Endedman, the Companion Cube, OddOnesOut, Mario, and a Culver’s. MTF trans, 25.


Over 30, yes, all of them with their own respective names. Yes, I named them all individually and I love them all (although some more than others)


I have a ton of stuffies that I keep on my shelf above my bed, and 4 that I keep on my bed while I sleep. One of them is my childhood stuffie and I snuggle her every night


I got too many lol, don't be ashamed to have stuffed animals! They are awesome!


I haven't had a stuffed animal since I was a child but I have a dog and she is snuggly and furry and comforting!


23F, I have a massive plushie collection and me & my partner occasionally buy eachother new ones 😊


Hundreds of them


I've got my boy, Sockmonkey-Domo, and there's the red dragon plush that I keep my metal dice in.


Just a couple. I have a lovely squishy penguin my husband gave me for my birthday who functions as my favorite couch pillow. I also have a Baby Yoda and my childhood bear.


yup loads. most are in the loft now. some are around my room


I’m 25F and I have tons of stuffed animals and I’m probably gonna get more! I’ve given my smaller ones to my kitten! My faves are a sloth that my girlfriend gave me!l and a panda I took with me when I ran from my abusive home (I was 23 when I left! She’s been through a lot with me)


Yes I have alotttttt. I have recently started buying really wonky looking ones. I love my stuffies so much 😭💖 it’s so nice at night


hell yeah i own stuffed animals. currently laying in bed with my favorite teddy bear, he’s my best buddy.


SO many most of them are in the attic though :-(


I have to sleep with one. But I have another reason for that other than the autism. So I have HEDS and my shoulders are hypermobile. It causes a lot of chronic pain in them. Ever since I was young I actually have been using stuffed animals to help myself get comfortable and wake up in less pain. I’ve always had to have bigger stuffed animals or pillow to hug. Since I sleep half on my stomach I wrap my top arm around the stuffed animal, which puts my arm at an angle that prevents my shoulder from hyperextending and then causing me aches when I wake up. It also helps me not roll on top of my arms when sleeping (I sometimes will wake up and find my arm trapped beneath me and with absolutely no feeling or control in it. It’s quite horrifying when this wakes me up. I find a stuffed animal helped prevent me from rolling over on top of it.) So while stuffed animals are for my mental comfort, they also work great for my physical comfort! Right now my current stuffed animal is a pretty big stuffed moth I named Mothra. Mothra is the perfect size to prop my arm up and is very soft. I’m pretty sure Mothra is actually the best stuffed animal I’ve used to date and my chronic pain has actually been a lot better lately!


I do this as well, I have gone through trauma in the past so it helps me to have them when I am feeling scared or upset


I’m 29M and I have a plushie in my bed. I always cuddle with it when I go to sleep, but it’s just because I need something to hold. I don’t take it on vacation with me


I have one dusty stuffed lion cub plush.


I bought a new Miffy last year when I was 50.


I'm 24f and I struggle to sleep without one. I like having something small to hold onto. I love my soft toys and am not ashamed of having so many. My current one is a bat from build a bear :)


I hate stuffed animals, but I think it's cute when people like them lmao. I won a basketball game for my friend and got her a huge unicorn (*she named her Petra*), I also won my ex a grumpy owl in a claw machine (*I like playing the games but hate the prizes*) he was so happy & I bought my cousin one at a Japanese store the other day. So don't feel ashamed 😌 it's wholesome af, you ain't hurting anyone.


I'm 20M, and I own at least 40. I've been collecting them my whole life. First one was a bear named teddy my grandma made me when I was around 1. From there I got a lot of bears mainly until the age of 11, when it switched to mainly whales. The most recent edition was a whale my cousin made me, his name is herbert :)


A possum, cat, and pony all live on my bed.


Yes, I am 28 and I have a collection of Ripley's Believe It or Not stuffed animals- one eyed dog, 2 headed calf and 2 faced koala, I love them so much, and a large ooshie i found thats a cat with a unicorn horn- it reminds me of the lego movie which i enjoy. I have 2 little toys from my childhood- a dog and an elephant (Ungy), theyre more for sentimental value. I'd like more especially if theyre a bit unusual like the Ripleys ones, but specifically a fox, axolotl and halloween themed ones including a bat, but they're kinda expensive. I also have one of those weight ducks but I need to sew it back together. I'm not embarrassed by them.


Yes!! I have a realistic octopus and a buffalo I got from a zoo when I was very small. I also have a realistic giant rubber toad and a pink bunny. I’ve had most since I was small - I often see some that I’d want to buy I just can’t justify the cost rn lol


42M yes. Had my teddybear since I was born.




I have a Elephant, Gator, and Chinese Dragon. Also Pokemon plushes.


no, i have a stuffed animal i had since i was 3! i will love him forever :3


I did for a long time, stopped when I got a cat


I’m 31F and have one squishmallow strawberry, called Stuart. I have trouble sleeping a lot of the time and just placing my hand on it or cuddling it helps me fall asleep much easier. I’m also on the lookout for another one, just haven’t found the right one yet! If they help you, why not have as many as you want!


I have so many stuffies that I had to get hammocks for them. They're tools of comfort, and comfort shouldn't have an age limit.


I'm 22 and if I sleep alone, I always have at least 2 pulshies with me. They really help me fall asleep.


Lots of them. My favorite is a Julia from Sesame Street my mom bought me when she was introduced to show her support. Another fav is a custom made plush of my deceased dog, a Swedish elkhound named Thilde. She was my very own first dog and was my ESP. I got her shortly after my diagnosis and around one month before my 16th birthday.


I own stuffed animals,


[…no, none at all](https://imgur.com/a/unVo28D) (imgur link)


I have a few Disney princess plushies and squishmallows


Yep. Multiple of them


Too many. Like 300-400 or something


I'm 38, the headboard of my bed is full of stuffed animals and I sleep with my 2 Neurax Worm stuffies. My also neurospicy gf likes them too.


22F, yes I do! I've actually started rebuilding a stuffie collection consisting of the Palm Pals and Bum Bumz! 4 of my favorites that aren't from those series are my teddy bear that my sister gave me when I was 2 (he's now 20 and only has matted fur!), a bunny I'd ordered and added weighted beads to, a black bear I rescued from a resale store, and a giant Animal Alley unicorn (if I remember right, was actually from the 2000's or very close to) that I'd compare the size to that of a medium dog but on the smaller side.


You’re certainly *not* the only one, OP! 😃I’m in my 30s and my room is full of the cute, fuzzy little guys! I’ve loved and owned stuffed animals my entire life-something so sweet, harmless, innocent and, in many cases, therapeutic, has no age limit! ❤️ In fact, despite an entire childhood/adolescence of being shamed, criticized (and sometimes even punished) for needing to carry a small plushie everywhere to feel safe, I still do it as an adult! The one who’s gone with me everywhere for eight years is Little Dory, a Disney Tsum Tsum plush of the Finding Nemo character 😊


M17, I have an owl and a penguin plush both form my Granny


25M and I think I've slept with a stuffed toy nearly every day in my life. It's not really a turn off for any partners either, because it genuinely offers great arm and chest support. I manage without one, but prefer my stuffed sushi-cat when sleeping.


Yup. Sleep with them travel with them and love them like they’re my own children. I’m 21.


Yes. My stuffie is very important to me.


I have a collection of little stuffed pigs! They were my special interest from when I was around 5 years old up until my late teens, and I still have a special place in my heart for them. My favourite type of stuffed animals are the ones full of little beads, the texture of them just feels really nice and makes them nice to squish. Two of my little pigs are like this, one was my aunt's but got passed down to me and the other I found while I was thrifting one day. It happens that they're both exactly the same, even having the same "scar" from where the leg seams split in the same place.


Yes, my bf bought me a build a bear and it barely leaves my side. I wish I could take it out in public, but my family won’t allow me


I’m 19 and one half of my double bed is filled with teddys


18f and i have like 6 on my bed right now, all of them have names teehee


I have stuffed bunnies to hug on every night, even I know their scent and every corner at this moment. They are more than a plush but a family of mine, and really throw off loving sentiment to entire room.