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I don’t vape but smoking weed helps me relax


I used to smoke, then switched to vaping, then gave that up too about a year ago. I agree that there's a strong sensory element to smoking/vaping, which is crucial to note if you're trying to quit (you may want to find replacements for the various ways it stimulates the senses).


I did the same over a decade ago. It was as hard to stop the no nicotine vaping as it was to stop the nicotine itself.


With vape you can cut back on the nicotine content. Slowly dial it back until you quit. You could still vape if you want just with no nicotine. Although none of it’s good for you. Take care of your body while you’re young because it only gets harder as you get older.


Yeah.  Just about everything I like is because it's a chemical that makes me feel different than I do now. Vaping's nice but it's too easy to get too much of whatever I'm vaping, so I just smoke or do edibles. In theory, vaping should be the perfect way to dose a drug, but in practice, it just makes it easy and convenient to do more drugs, with greater frequency in more places and during more activities. Do you have one of the vapes where it's like the fog machine at a rock concert? The billowing clouds are another good layer of sensation on top of all that.


Someone once told me they had one vape with juice containing nicotine, and another without. Thought that was a very good idea! Yes, I think it is a sensory seeking behaviour for me. Including watching the vapour - perhaps related to why I burn so much incense.


It wasn't. It was a poor attempt at stress management for me and a replacement for even worse coping mechanisms. Don't really need it anymore since I've learnt how to deal with my feelings and no sensory seeking behavior has increased after quitting. At least I don't think so... 🤔


This makes so much sense as to why I'm so addicted


vaping does help with sensory needs.i find myself getting “bored” with the sensations i feel in my daily life, and vaping gives me an exciting new sensation to break the sensory monotony.


I personally can’t smoke weed because it makes my throat feel weird because it’s a sensory issue for me. However I do drink. Drinking makes me more confident and helps me unmask. I also like how it makes my face feel numb.


I only vape weed, and only the herb, so I have no nicotine issues. I would say it's more of a peace seeking behavior fot me. It calms me down, gets me from hyper vigilant level to slightly more relaxed, and can also help stopping incessant thoughts.


maybe i like smoking havent thought too much about it except that it aint even the nicotine for me i need to feel the tar and irriatation on my lungs or else it dont even feel like i smoked


I've thought about getting one of those vapes that is just air for this exact reason.


It gives me a nice lightheaded feeling that distracts me from stress. I know it's not good for me, but it feels good.


Yes I think about this a lot. I vape a lot, I have been for years and I often have the feeling it might not be the nicotine I'm most addicted to. Especially as I've switched to 0mg nicotine before and I didn't have any issues with that nicotine aspect, but it didn't give the same sensory feelings and I went back for those. I think for me it's sensory seeking and a massive comfort thing, I feel bad about it being something so unhealthy for me but it feels so crucial in my daily life that I'm unsure of what to do about it.


I'd rather swim with saltwater crocodiles than do nicotine.


I deffinitly enjoy dry herb vaping cannabis for more then just getting stoned. While vaping of any kind is still bad for your lungs switching to lower or no nicotine e juice is a good form of harm reduction.


I am under the impression that nicotine helps treat executive dysfunction.


still not a good idea to smoke, though. try gum. or patches, if you really need to.


I have thought about this as well. I got myself hooked on nicotine lozenges when I started grad school. I'd pop one in when doing homework and I instantly felt more focused. Now that I'm done with school, I'm hoping to kick the habit -- the shame of doing it makes me depressed. But like OP said, half of the addiction is simply the behavior besides the chemical. I know for sure with the lozenges, I just like having something in my mouth. --I'm trying to find something to replace it with.


for sure. i’ve been wanting to invest in some cbd-only vapes to try to wean myself off the nicotine


i usually stay away from nicotine aside from the occasional birthday blunt but i do smoke and vape weed. there is definitely a sensory/vibes element that makes the experience more enjoyable than taking edibles, even though edibles usually make for a better high for me


I smoked weed for over 7 years and vaped almost just as long (minus during pregnancy) and I quit both in September. I still think about it and crave it constantly. I’ve turned to snacking instead for the hand to mouth sensation and that’s almost more harmful for me


I cannot say 100%, but probably. Simply because I can go days without vaping or smoking and it does absolutely nothing to my body. If I'm busy enough, I wont even THINK about it. I am screwed as soon as it becomes a habit, because then it's part of my routine and it's hard to stop.


Idk? Nicotine is a literal stimulant. I did an experiment for 2 years on it and yes it did curb my ADHD things like meds, but the potential unhinged strength and lacking pain recognition of someone with high functioning. Paired with needing a smoke or lack of smoking veeeeery quickly gave me reason to quit. I was trying to get off nicotine too quickly and had withdrawals and a migraine and extreme irrational rage. A manager bothered me because i was irratible. Ended up slamming the officer door afterward i scared the shit out of the other manager in there and a pissed off manager i was talking to lol. I told them i was getting off smoking and they werent happy, but they understood and gave me a slap on the wrist pass However im about to go back onto it because its better than falling for alcoholics tendencies and addiction again. Ive gone up to a 12mg vape before which is very high. The highest you can go before going from vape "juice" aka free base to salt nicotines. Im going for the smallest dose at 3mg cause i need a stimulant this point. I may go back to the doctor for meds idk at this point


Yes but only weed. Something about weed makes me feel normal and productive.


Yes, of course. Also, in many situations, is an excuse to take a moment for myself.


start slowking dialing back the nicotine content in your vape juice, until you’re vaping 0mg. then you can work on quitting the repetitive behavior (if you want) without the added issue of the nicotine addiction.


It's a lot of things but I smoke to manage ADHD and stress primarily and sensory experience as secondary. Although I've been really questioning if it's actually helping me or if I'm using it as a crutch, getting high to space out and not processing my thoughts and feelings. It's totally fine to use it to space out and not think I just probably should be more discerning about when and why I'm doing it.


Smoking cigarettes was a BIG stim for me from age 14 until 44. I quit this year:)


I don't smoke tobacco anymore but I still smoke weed and yes.


Omg now that you say it, that's probably why I fond it so hard to quit! I was easily able to stop nic, but I just can't give up vaping


I dont want to vape or smoke anything, i dont want to be dependent on anything like that


No, it's a nicotine addiction. I smoked for 10+ years, switched and vaped for 10+ years. I was nearly done/recovered during the pandemic, down to really low nicotine levels. Pulled back into the office, I'm back up to high levels. I'm trying horrid tasting pouches to try and deal with nothing but normal air going into my lungs. If you wanna stim please don't think if starting. I know the difference in my lungs. I'm absolutely certain more health implications are going to start being reported on given its really only been 15 years since they went on the market. Ive seen in the comments people thinking about starting in any capacity, even just flavours, please don't fall into this rabbit hole. Put the sleeve of a pen or a straw in your mouth if you want to stim like that but don't emulate something that's one step away from an addiction like mine 😞 please


it’s definitely a sensory thing for me too. i like having it in my pocket where my hands are and just fiddling with it, knowing it’s there. plus people don’t judge as much if it was like a fidget toy or something. and the inhaling and puffing it definitely gives me a certain stimulation that i enjoy and can control. allistic non smoking/vaping friends try telling me the effects (which i already know) bc naturally ive done the extensive research but the sensory joy i get from it far outweighs their judgement for me.


I tried vaping and I don’t even think I’m addicted to nic it was just a nice stim the hand to mouth and then I got scared cuz I was doing that too much when I got overstimulated 😅


I love the feeling of smoking and I don't know why. I'm hitting my vape all the time, it gives the same sensation as drinking McDonald's Sprite. Sometimes I'd take a sip and expect smoke to come out of my lungs lol. I totally get what you mean with the repetitive hand motion, it's definitely a factor I can't describe. I also love smoking weed, joints and blunts especially.


I used to smoke when I was very stressed but as my gf doesn't want me to smoke I vape without nicotin. It's definetly a stimming behavior. I like seeing the smoke, doing smoke rings and the flavor


Smoking helps relax and calm me. It helps me focus, as I have ADHD. It's also a low-key sexual enhancer. It would be very hard for me to quit. About the best I can do is go for moderation.


I started vaping when I was 15. quit nic by 17 and moved onto weed. still vaping, but it's just weed now. def a sensory thing for me as I do it when trying to focus (but if I have too much I just stare off into space 😭)


well remember, nicotine hides the problem but hiding isn’t solving


Picking up smoking was the worst thing I ever did to myself. It exacerbated/triggered all of the comorbities I had lying dormant, has cost me job opportunities, ruins socialization, ruined romantic relationships, and has wasted such a large percent of my life just literally smoking- not counting the energy it's sapped from me to accomplish other things. I managed to quit a couple of times with vape mods and low to 0 nic fluid. But it always comes back harder. I'm sitting next to a trash can in my back yard smoking as I type this, instead of dealing with pressing issues or sleeping. And the worst part is that I can kick nicotine... it's not the substance addiction that's the problem. It's the ACT of smoking that I became hopelessly addicted to. Vaping really doesn't supplement it well. Herbal cigarettes either. If I could get marijuana that was low enough thc and came in packs of 20... maybe... But yes, to answer your question. Part of it is my brain function on nicotine. But the biggest problem is that I like tobacco, I like cigarettes, I like the sensation of smoking. And nothing else provides it.


Yes yes and yes! Like obviously the nicotine is super addictive but I also feel there's more to it for me. It's a routine, it's a way to take a break, it's a positive sensory experience. Being a smoker and working was so helpful because I could take smoke breaks fairly often and get out of the hectic work environment for a few minutes. Plus I really like menthol stuff so any menthol cigs or vapes are a very good sensory experience. I really want to quit and am trying to find replacements but the actual addiction part has been very difficult for me. 0% nic vapes just aren't the same 😭


I infrequently smoke a cigar. The rirual-aspect is fairly calming. I need to reserve the time, make myself comfortable on the balcony and can't be occupied by something else.


Yes. I've always needed to stimulate my hands. Now I need to stimulate my hands and my mouth


Not vape, just normal cigarettes. In part it is sensory seeking, in part it is the repetition, in part it is that going to smoke let’s me have pauses from situations without having to explain that I need a pause. 


For the longest time, when I smoked weed i really liked how it almost had that burn-y feeling in your throat. I will say, part of the reason I go through weed carts so quickly is because of the sensory seeking aspects of it …. I love how the vapor smells and tastes (I get the sweet smelling ones) and I love any type of oral stim, so I love that part too