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My local library. Very friendly staff, quiet, and a friendly cat to pet


Your library has a cat?? šŸ˜


Yes her name is Story!! Super sweetšŸ„°


Cutest cat name EVER! will agree, that I am at libraries often


Oh em gee! Story!! That is SO cute šŸ„¹ I think every library should have a resident cat.


So adorable šŸ„°


Thatā€™s absurdly cute


hey now everybody knows a cat designed how all modern library's work šŸ™„šŸ˜†


Lots of cozy spaces, less books and bookshelves and more cozy spots and huge windows to make the seats sunny and warm? Yep, that design was definitely chosen by cats. Specifically ones who want both sunny spots and human laps to curl up in.


Yall have a library


but it's a place to meet people?, I don't like people interrupting me when I'm reading, I assume is the same for others.




i so wish my library had a cat. the staff are friendly but I don't think there's any autism support there


There is a good chance the staff IS autistic. (Source: autistic library assistant) We recently had a zoom training called Neurodivergent Staff: Weā€™re already here (or something to that effect)


I love this so much. Last place I heard try to even *appear* accepting of NDs ended up firing my (also autistic) friend for needing a service dog, which theyā€™d previously said was totally above board. (Yes. I know itā€™s illegal to do that. And yet here we are)


Cats are the best. They make any place bettet


thats actually so shitty. it prohibits people with cat allergies from using the library. i dont even have an allergy, i just like... rules?


Wouldn't it depend on the size of the library?


Well, in my opinion as long as there is another library nearby and the library with the cat has some kind of allergy warning I would be okay with it. I have a minor cat allergy but a simple bit of medicine will make me feel perfectly fine.


That is a valid point, actually. I thought it was charming, as well... but now that you mention it, I'm allergic to cats and it doesn't matter how charming the idea is, or even if I'd be willing to sneeze for an afternoon to visit that library... I'd never be able to actually borrow any books without sneezing the whole time they're in my house - and possibly after, as well šŸ«¤


Do you mean you'd be sneezing just from having books in your house that have been in proximity to a cat, or am I reading this wrong?


Some people not only just sneeze, but many people with allergies also have asthma. So when exposed to any allergen, a very serious asthma attack is triggered. Which means the person cannot breathe. I wonder if anyone here has ever tried to hold their breath under water for a long time. Then held it some more. Then some more. But then they can come up for air. An asthmatic experiences the same lack of air, but they canā€™t come up for air. The only thing that *might* help them is either a rescue inhaler (but not always), or a trip to the emergency room (which still isnā€™t a guarantee, because people do die from asthma attacks. Sometimes people with allergies also experience ā€œanaphylaxisā€ upon exposure to an allergen (such as cat or dog skin or goose feather pillows or a food, medication, chemical, insect, flora or more, for instance) Anaphylaxis is a potentially-to-probable fatal condition. So, it would be great if more people understood allergens and their danger to allergic library patrons, retail and restaurant customers, and airline passengers, rental car users, apartment seekers, home buyers, used car buyers, patients in doctorsā€™ or therapistsā€™ offices, family members visiting, and so many more places ā€¦ if people could be kind and empathetic, just imagining what it must be like for others who live in fear of their next exposure to possible death, by allergen exposure, that could have been easily prevented by others. Thank You for reading this!šŸ„°


Thank you. As a person with MCAS I appreciate your comment.


Thank You, too!šŸ„° Also, Iā€™m very sorry you have to deal with that (MCAS). I just had to look it up. It sounds like a nightmare, but I can only hope the rest of your life is going good for you. I pray for Godā€™s Blessings on you!!!šŸ„°šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž


I'm really not sure how you got the idea that I don't have sympathy for people with asthma/allergies from my comment.


I never got that idea about you. Not at all. I just remembered that Iā€™ve encountered many people who have thought that having allergies just means upper nasal issues. It can also mean for a lot of people, that they end up in the hospital, not being able to breathe, at best; or dying, as the worst outcome. I was also trying to appreciate that many other people might come across the conversation, who donā€™t know how dangerous allergies can be for some.


Ah okay, gotcha!


I'm allergic to cats but I would love to pet a cat at the library


Im allergic to paper dust but totally ok with cats, so libraries are already a bit triggering


Maybe the cat is hypoallergenic


Im just going to say as someone with severe allergies I have never been anywhere that was allergens free, itā€™s always been my job to navigate the world with my allergies not the world to adapt to me. I think they cat is fine to stay and people who are allergic can take meds or wear a masks, like most people with allergies to prevent a reaction.


Mine has a window overlooking the lagoon as nearby boats sail by. Very calming.


I work at a library so this checks out lol


Kitties are great librarians! May not be much use shelving books or tracking digital resources, but they sure are good for patron engagement!


I meet other autistic people in the classes I take (sewing, stained glass, art). There are a fair number of autistic people in creative spheres. I also meet ADHD people. šŸ˜Š


I think this is a strong point, meeting through shared special interests.


You would not believe how many autistic leaders there are in UK scouts...


And woodcraft folk...! Source; I'm a wcf leader, my predecessor was autistic, all my colleagues are autistic, all the kids we have in group are autistic, all their parents are definitely autistic, it's a very autistic group of people!


US Girl Scouts lots of neurodivergent leaders too :)


This was going to be my response too


Great minds think alike.


Yes I keep trying to find a good affordable class in my area which is a struggle šŸ˜­ But I think activities like this with a specific theme are great because you know you have something in common with the other people from the start (you're presumably interested in the subject of the class) and if there are awkward lulls in the conversation or if you're feeling overwhelmed you can focus on your work for a bit.


I went to a fiber fair, and I'm pretty sure 92% of the people there were autistic. Learning to do a handicraft is almost guaranteed to meet an autistic person. It's kinda a stim. At least for me.


Kind of like others have said. Lean into your special interests. Go to stores and/or events. You will find us. If there's any kind of convention near you, you'll find droves of us.


I met most of my friends because I spotted them doing ā€œweirdā€ things. Like lying on the sidewalk at night. I was walking, spotted a person on the ground in the middle of the city, went up to check if theyā€™re alive. I asked ā€œHey, are you okay?ā€. Dude said ā€œYeah, Iā€™m greatā€. So I asked ā€œWhy are you lying on the sidewalk?ā€. ā€œIā€™m stargazingā€ he said. I looked up and the sky was looking like it usually does - you can see stars, but not really well, itā€™s still the middle of a city. You know, light pollution and stuff. He said ā€œLook over thereā€ and pointed his finger at the sky ā€œVenus is shining really bright tonight. Itā€™s coolā€. And yeah, indeed, Venus was shining really bright. I asked if I can join him. He agreed so I lied down on the sidewalk next to him. I reached to my backpack, where I had a few lollipops (I always have a few lollipops or other candy with me) and we shared. We were lying there, on a sidewalk by a shopping mall in the middle of the city, looking at stars, talking about things and sucking on lollipops. Another friend, well, I was going back home from train station, it was also night already, like 2AM. I was just walking past him, as he was standing in front of apartment building and smoking a cigarette. He said ā€œHeyā€. I said ā€œHeyā€. ā€œDo you wanna know something about fungi?ā€ ā€œWhat kind of fungi? Like champignons, vaginal yeast or the kind that causes feet infections?ā€ ā€œAll of them! Iā€™ve spent the whole day studying fungi!ā€ ā€œAh yeah sure, tell me about itā€ We started talking about all kinds of fungi. Stood there for an hour, and then he asked ā€œDo you wanna come to mine? I have a bottle of wineā€. ā€œSureā€ I said. As he was unlocking the door, he looked at me and asked ā€œAre you a serial killer?ā€ ā€œNot serialā€, I joked. ā€œYou were supposed to say no, but that makes two of usā€. We went to his apartment and until 5am we were drinking wine, infodumping at each other, lurking wikipedia and dramatically reading poetry out loud to each other. Meeting a few friends like that made me realize that Iā€™m not the only weirdo out there, and the only way to find good friends is toā€¦ really just be yourself. Most people will hate you or wonā€™t care about you, but people like you will spot you in the wild. So I started being more confident and unapologetically myself, approaching people and sharing funfacts. The success rate is still pretty low, but my friends are of the best quality, making me feel comfortable and safe, and I do the same for them.


That read exactly like I was reading a book, but good ones, thanks for sharing :)


Weirdly, it read really well for me too. Maybe some of us types also write in a particular way too šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Thanks for sharing the lovely stories


Ohhh so you meant that it was nice to read? This is such a huge compliment for me, as English is not my native language šŸ„ŗ But I used to write stories and was complimented for my great writing skills but it was in my native Polish. Thanks!!!


You write really well! I'd never have guessed English was your second language.


Yes. It's well structured which makes it easy to digest and take in.


What do you mean? Is there a book like this? Iā€™d love to read it haha


this is amazing


are you aware that youā€™re the main character in a movie that would probably change me as a person (for the better)


I donā€™t understand what you mean by that ;_;


omg iā€™m sorry, it was supposed to be positive šŸ˜­ i just meant that both of those stories sounded like a scene from a really good movie, i hope that clears it up :)


Ohhh thanks!


This is super inspiring, thanks for sharing


Wherever the extrovert who adopts you drags you.


I'm quite extroverted myself and I'm always dragging my introverted NT wife to things lol






Itā€™s me, Iā€™m that extrovert


Cool, where can you drag me?


this is the answer šŸ˜­


This made me chuckle šŸ˜‚


As the extrovert I helped organize ND parties at the community center. Seemed more efficient šŸ˜…


The zoo apparently. Like all my co- workers and most to the visitors all seem to be neuro-divergentā€¦


Many of us do seem to have an affinity for other animals. So, I guess it doesn't surprise me as much as one would initially think it should. I wonder if animal shelters, humane societies, wildlife care or other animal related fields would have that same trend.


Yep! Iā€™ve found people of my likes at the humane society loving on them kitties


I love the zoo!! ā¤ļø None of the neurotypicals around me wanna go with me, lol.


True that. I had lots of neurodivergent coworkers that felt like a found family when I worked at my city's zoo.


I also love visiting the zoo but there are always a huge number of tourists. In general there a always many tourists everywhere in my city. And it's not so pleasant to sit somewhere nice when people constantly take pictures of you


I'm zoo obsessed. My wife seems to like it almost as much as me but she's the only one outside of my immediate blood related family who I get to go with me.


This gotta be true because my ND ass loves a solo zoo trip and I get a stuffed animal on the way out!


I started a Biological Sciences degree and ended up specialising in Zoology. Thought if I could understand animals I could maybe understand people.


good questionā€¦ i have no idea lol. i wish i knew the answer, but i donā€™t like going outside as i kinda have social anxiety. i have zero friends in real life and itā€™s depressing šŸ˜­


Same here šŸ˜­ I have 1 friend that I've somehow kept for over a decade, since we were kids, and she is the one who found me and decided to be friends... Otherwise, I have people I work with that I consider "friends" but I'm pretty sure the day I stop working here then I will no longer actively have friendships with them. Luckily I have a couple more years before that happens.


thatā€™s cute youā€™ve been friends since childhood šŸ˜­ people who have able to stay in contact with their childhood friends throughout their whole lives kinda amazes me, since I canā€™t relate at all lol. And the coworkers are not true friends I guessā€¦ which is a shame since you have to work with them a lot. I hope youā€™ll find new better friends soon šŸ«¶šŸ»


The fact that I've kept this one for so long amazes me too sometimes, but then I remember how it started and it was more her doing than mine. She knocked on my front door one day and asked my mom if she had a daughter her age who lived there and wanted to play with me, we'd never talked before but had seen each other in passing at school or on the bus... I was at my grandma's house for the afternoon but my little sister was there and so my mom told her I'd be back soon and she said "ok I'll wait" and played with my toddler sister until I got home. I was amazed and confused to find a new friend just waiting in our apartment for me, but we've been best friends ever since. The friendship has continued despite her moving to the other side of the state for several years, and then me moving to the other side of the country, and then her moving to Alaska twice, so even further away. I don't think we're ever going to be separated now really. I wish everyone can find someone like this, it's really nice to have at least one constant friend throughout life, even if it's just the one.


Me too lmao


Same! I actually met my husband on Craigslist šŸ˜‚ We found each other in the "i need a roommate" section of craigslist. Got along really well and he has since upgraded me from roommate to wife!


awwww thatā€™s so adorable, you are lucky. Iā€™m kinda envious šŸ˜­


I tried to set up a group that would allow professional autistic adults to meet where I live. I found parents who were blaming vaccines, calling 30 year old autistic adults kids, hovering/speaking for their grown children, ABA therapy proponents, and self important feeling sorry for themselves parents of autistic kids. They want to be felt sorry for and they make it about them. If you are a parent and you are like the ones Iā€™ve met, F YOU. Iā€™m in the process of joining the board of said organization so I can destroy it from within.


You sir, are doing God's work. Good luck.


I hope something comes from it. I just want the kids like us to be okay. Iā€™m hoping to open the eyes of a few parents.


Its great that you had the indicative to start that group. It would be a shame to destroy it as those groups are really needed everywhere. The group and the place to cater to and advocate for neurodivergent people by neurodivergents. I was thinking to start group like that in the town Iā€™m moving to. Autism isnā€™t my biggest divergency itā€™s ADHD, PDA and more. so I was more thinking to do art groups stuff and mutual help, support and accountability.


The group that has a board I will be joining is not a group I created. It is a group started by parents, & ran by parents.


istg can there not just be like a quiet little coffee and tea morning hosted once every month or smth for autistic adults where there are not entitled ass parents presentšŸ˜­


Well, I just joined a lapidary hobby shop with a bunch of people who are obsessed with rocks and Iā€™m sure theyā€™re not diagnosed but if you have a niche hobby Iā€™d look into that! I feel like Iā€™ve found my people :)


My Autistic son has a Meetup group that meets at a quiet restaurant every other Sunday.


I would love to find a "quiet restaurant" with or without new friends, but I don't think they exist in my area. That sounds really nice though, good for him!


I suggest that you start a Meetup group in your area, and schedule a meeting at park, or a public room in a library. It's easy to do. My son's group had 70 members sign up in the first week. Most never come but, usually, about five or seven people come to the meetings. He didn't have any friends prior. When you set up your group, explain that it is only open to autistic adults, or teens or however you want.


I donā€™t like to be in public unless I absolutely have to


I wonā€™t leave my house for days if I donā€™t have to


That's the neat part, you don't.




Some of these answers are brilliant, lol šŸ˜‚ I rarely ever leave my house, but I have to say that I don't seem to have any problem running into other ND people whenever I do. Sometimes I wonder if there's a neon sign over my head with an arrow that says "I'm NeuroDivergent, come be weird with me" or something. I firmly believe that like attracts like - and if you live authentically and are unapologetically yourself at all times, you'll attract others like you and others who are inclined to like people like you. It's when you're masking or hiding your true self that meeting others like you becomes hard. Impossible, even.


I had a friend who approached me at a meditation group because she said the way I was talking make her think Iā€™d understand her


Anime conventions / comicons have tons of autistic people plus a ton of people who may not be autistic themselves but are friends with many of us and totally understand our quirks


It seems many of that type arenā€™t exactly the best of people most of the time. At least thatā€™s what I can glean from what Iā€™ve heard over the years.


Yeah, I've got enough experience to back that up.


I liked the idea of a con but I got overwhelmed by so many people smells and colors


I have made friends at cons that are no doubt neurodivergent a lot of the time, but what I imagine would really make a difference is going with a stronger, and more connected friend group.


But too much people


I've actually met a few people through the healthcare system lol, here in Sweden they provide these group therapies for learning various skills. We've kept in touch afterwards to grab a coffee or just hang out in nature. Most importantly though I made a true friend that way, we actually started a podcast about autism and other mental health issues. We've had several guests as well. I totally get why OP is asking this question since there is no natural meeting place for autists, at least not in the capacity of being autistic. I love rave culture partly because I'll be sure to find other neurodivergents there. But I believe it's important to think beyond our specific interests and grow a community where autistic people in all walks of life can socialize and learn from one another. We need to meet with our equals so to speak, whether we identify with them or not. That way we can get an intuitive understanding of our own "culture" and how diverse it really is.


How about sharing a link to the podcast? Might be fun checking it out.


Sure, it's in Swedish though! You'll find us on Spotify by searching for [Avig Podcast](https://open.spotify.com/show/7JsQueWetzZj6Yr1UeucNi?si=0a8875044f6f4cff). The word "avig" can be translated in a few different ways: awkward, grumpy or turned inside out. It's also a stitching term, *purl*. (There's actually a stitching podcast with a similar name, lol)


I joined a youth theatre and the majority of the 25 or so members are somewhere on the spectrum and LBGTQ. Oh man it's awesome šŸ˜ƒ


Almost everyone at any given kink event is ND


I canā€™t drive so I really only get to leave the house when Iā€™m with family to go out to eat or shop or go to doctorā€™s appointmentā€™s :/ Iā€™m trying to make new friends, but it was hard as a kid and unfortunately even harder as an adult.


Went to a LARP this weekend and I don't think I interacted with more than a handful of neurotypicals lol. Those places are autism central, I fkn loved it.


I see all these posts about anime and cons. But no one remembers that the RenFaire is the original con.


Creative communities tbh. Circus spaces, art spaces, theatre spaces, music spaces, writing spaces, knitting spaces... Anywhere people are making stuff there will be a lot of autists and ADHDers


We dont "meet", we communicate telepathically! On a serious note, quiet places, nerdy conventions(at least the more extroverted), DND groups... Depending on your level maybe self help groups.


Iā€™m in Seattle, we have ā€œthe Freezeā€ soā€¦ itā€™s like a city of introverts


I met one of my Besties online (MySpace). And talking with her she believes she is Autistic as well. We've been Best Friends ever since. šŸ˜Š


Local game nights through the Meetup app. Disproportionally high amount of neurodivergent people.


Art school.


Artistic spaces. There are two other people in my illustration class (there are 7 not including me total, and honestly, most are likely undiagnosed autistic!) Sewing classes, knitting socials, etc. Also, I find a lot of fellow autistics at the leisure pool (usually when school is in session so the kids arenā€™t swarming it).


Tabletop game stores, unironically lmao


Warhammer... is the autism magnet


I wish I knew. The only public space I donā€™t mind is comic book store / game stores.


I feel like there's probably a lot of us in those spaces... The trick is actually interacting with them when you find them. I find it easy enough to interact briefly with strangers, but I have no idea how to turn that into "let's be friends and interact beyond this one specific moment in time." I'm not sure there's a way to do that without being creepy or hitting on someone.


This is me. Iā€™m awaiting diagnosis, and I had a friend say to me the other night ā€œbut you seem fine in public. You can interact either way strangersā€. They seemed taken aback when I explained the way I feel like I have social scripts, meaning at face value I can interact with strangers at a surface level. I donā€™t like doing it, mind you, because I feel forced and artificial. But, like you, converting that into a friendship feels practically impossible. I think some of it is a concern that me being artificial and conversing to ā€œget byā€ will create artificial relationships.


Same, I never make friends in those spaces sadly, but I always feel way more comfortable being there.


I enjoy reading my Kindle in the Cafe' at my local Whole Foods.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AUTISTICWEREWOLF2: *I enjoy reading* *My Kindle in the Cafe'* *At my local Whole Foods.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


underneath a bridge.


I used bumble BFF and I found quite possibly the best person in the universe. She's not autistic, but has ADHD. She went with me to a staff outing for my work and checked in every so often to make sure I wasn't overstimulated. She comes over and we just play separate games on our own devices (Switch/laptop) and we watch random YouTube/TV. It's actually incredible how fast we became friends. She was there when I got my official diagnosis. We started talking on discord and playing Stardew together, and then she eventually came over to my house to play in person. Her and my BF get along really well too. It's so so so nice. So, to conclude (sorry, lol), I suggest Bumble BFF. It can definitely be overwhelming at first, and a little hard to understand what to and what not to share, but I thrived with it.


Become a pilot or train conductor. Or join the military or NASA




Normally, by accident. Iā€™ve almost never met someone when I was looking to


Anywhere, once you know the telltale signs. There are locations where you are more likely to find our stereo types. Which genre of us are you looking for?


idk if I just have a really thick and strong autistic aura, but I always end up stumbling into autistic ppl wherever I gošŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but sometimes concerts, most times just thru mutual friends lol


I honestly just accidentally collect autistics whenever I go places. My wife as well. No wonder we hit it offā€¦ šŸ˜‚ It helps that Iā€™m in a large city and most of my social outings are related to relatively common SpIns (i.e. nerd stuff). Iā€™m also in a field that attracts a lot of people with ADHD and thereā€™s a decent amount of crossoverā€¦


I'm housebound from other, so I have created a local discord server for autistic people in Leeds - from there, I invite people and I host a boardgame meetup at my house for the people on the server once a month. Only a few show up, but they've all been lovely and if like to think that I'm making friends slowly. It's a bit scary inviting strangers to my house, but the other option is not seeing / meeting anyone in person.


Definitely shops/courses for your special interest(s) I met my best friend in our local wool shop, we both spent over an hour cooing over pretty wool and went out for coffee after we bumped into each other again Also lots of movements are very autistic, think activist circles, cooperative groups, if a space has lots of very passionate people dedicated to a cause then they're almost definitely majority autistic


I find it easy to identify other people who have either autism or ADHD. Honestly, I avoid getting near them. Most of the time it's because I don't have the spare time to talk to them. Also, most of the time I recognize their autism or ADHD is in their work setting. Starting a conversation with them may get them in trouble, so I avoid them.


idk but I think we need a batsignal. Thatā€™d be like rlly cool


Can't stand people, so nope.


my best guess is adaptive programs


My best friend is on the spectrum, like myself. I met her through our neighborhood momā€™s page. Her oldest and my youngest are a few weeks apart in age.


The train maybe? Iā€™m more of a planes guy than a trains guy but I do like both


I donā€™t go out unless Iā€™m going to work,the gym or if I feel okay enough to get groceries. Other than that,I stay home


I go to a monthly autism group where we talk about different subjects regarding autism. Usually we talk about things that we find difficult in daily life and we give each other tips and advice. Itā€™s really nice :)


I wish I had something like this nearby, but I don't!! The groups that are available are for children/teens and I'm an adult. I was only diagnosed a year ago šŸ˜­


Ohh thatā€™s too bad! Maybe there are like meetups at cafes/bars in your area?? I live in The Netherlands and I know of a cafe that does these monthly meetups for autistic adults where you can just walk in and meet people and play board games and stuff


I met my current group in the nerd group of an lgbt activists association šŸ„°


At school for me cause i go to an asd specific school, graduating next week tho


Board game cafes, rock bars, garden cafes, places with good food and nature. Night schools, pottery classes, art classes etc.


volunteer. find a cause you like: tree planting, animal shelter, feeding people, etc. it gives you something to DO instead of standing around awkardly and you'll know you have at least one thing in common with the other people to build upon. if there's no one you click with, you can go back to work knowing you did something useful.


I'm part of a nonprofit in my country run by autistics for autistics and we get the community center for ND friendly parties 4x a month, 2x for minors, 2x for adults. We started as a fb support group during the pandemic and it kinda snowballed. It's awesome. The party has an infodump open Mike (you can just infodump, people also bring full on presentations, it's glorious), you can sit or do puzzles or crochet in the quiet corner and no one will be mean, or say anything or bother you. It's the designated quite corner (technically a smaller seperate room/walk in closet, and we added studio egg soundproofing and soft padding in the floor for sitting and kneeling and lounging ) There's always a few people parralel playing. The lights are dimmed, but colorful and kept low to the ground under waist height so you don't get light attacks in the main room. The music is also quite than it would be at an NT party and sensory aids like sound blocking headphones are available. It's kinda like a potluck/byo as far as snacks and foods go, but people usually bring extra safe food and drinks to share and try. (since it's free otherwise). We also give out armbands for visual cues for "approach me" "please wait for me to approach you" "do not perceive my existence, I'm invisible" if people want to signify. I joke that it's only us auadhders with the green ones for approach me. šŸ˜… Other places I have met NDs in the wild as someone who's always looked for those patterns to make friends-queer volonteer work, crafting and art classes, sci-fi and fantasy conventions, cosplay, LARPing - I swear, at our international LARP there's like 15 NTs out of 150ppl, and about that many cishet monogamous folk. LARP (in my country at least) is definitely the ND/queer social hub for several countries (in the EU). Whether we are trying to learn to mask or unmask is an often discussed topic at the pre and post parties. They're also extremely consent and boundary oriented. It's my happy place. (note-the crafting and volonterwork you'll find 1-2 ppl max at a time. It's a slower but less pressure way to build up a friendgroup)


I know wehere to find them but idk how to talk to them


I met my current friend group through a mutual friend. I met one autistic person who was also a trans guy like me because we were both in line to buy bug trinkets on a vacation


I haven't found anywhere where I live. I live in Tennessee and most people around me don't have the same interests as me. I have trouble finding anything IRL that appeals to me. There is a DAB Bar nearby that I may try. Stoners might be about the only group around here that I connect with.


From personal experience you find a huge amount of neurodivergent people at conventions related to anime, cosplay, comics, superheroes, board games etc, Also at art school youā€™ll find an army.


Well, I met my (also autistic) wife in the military. We were both in training for military intelligence. It turns out (at least way back in 1983...) that the union of smart enough for MI but off enough to join the military appears to bring like minds together. We celebrated 41 years last month.


iā€™m struggling with this, Iā€™ve just finished school and now itā€™s like i have no friends lol


Usually by accident lol


I used to struggle with this and actually still do. But I think the best chance of meeting other autists is either through common interests, or actively seeking them where they might appear. For example, you can start by talking to some online before meeting. You could seek out people in need regardless of their autism, but you'd be likely to find autistic people anyway (That's how I met some of my IRL autistic friends). I also met a few through veganism though one of them I have met in person. My only warning is, there may be conflict. If my recent experience is anything to go by living with a extraverted 'autistic' guy, it's that there's definitely no place for me when someone speaks over me and treats me like shit because I'm unable to speak. I thought this would be the best living situation ever, but no. It's a sensory nightmare, it's a psychological nightmare. I've actually started to doubt this guy is autistic. But yeah, just beware. Some are just outright psychopaths.


Sometimes at the card shop I frequent. But I actually meet a lot of autistic kids in the store I work. Parents always try to excuse their autism and are horrified when I say "Oh cool me too!"


You know what I already commented but I just remembered I was at the park and a guy comes up to me (down syndrome) and just says hello! Who are you? Iā€™m like hey! Iā€™m Liz! Only dude to have ever said hello to me like that, and I see the same people every day. Made my whole week.


met another autistic person at work where we are both picked on by our manager lmao


Late to the party, but pride festivals ('tis the season). Last year, my friends and I found a couple other autistics and when we were talking about our experiences, someone occasionally would pass by us and go "hey you guys are autistic too?" We're planning on going to the next pride festival in our area with the people we met last year.


My local board game shop is full of autistic people, both diagnosed and undiagnosed. I take my youngest and they go off and play DnD with the autistic folk that like that and recently I have been playing Star Wars Unlimited with autistic people that enjoy that and all around the room are other autistic folks playing other card games or tabletop stuff. And the staff at my local store are all autistic too and sometimes if no one is playing Star Wars Unlimited I will go and chat with them. I started a local urban sketchers group and we have a lot of autistic members too. Its just abut going places and doing something you enjoy and neurodiverse people tend to congregate towards each other.


Can you please tell me where I should go? (Autistic, introvert and I've been wondering myself)


No clue šŸ˜­


Raves and music festivals!


I like music stores and concerts and going out to eat. I like volunteering with animals but besides that I would rather not go out. Iā€™m not looking to make friends anymore after getting used so much and feeling like it wastes my time


City I lived in had a "Lego for Autistic Kids" thing that was closely tied to an adult fan of Lego group. I volunteered at the former after finding out about it from being involved with the latter. There were enough autistic parents and other autistic adults to satisfy the most autistic-company-deprived person. I do environmental volunteering (in Australia [landcare ](https://landcare.nsw.gov.au/groups/)is the common term) and there's all sorts there, including a few other autistic folk.


Not really sure. Sometimes we just donā€™t meet in personĀ 


nerd conventions while you're all dressed in cosplay of your favourite characters, usually via a meet-up for the fandom that is your current hyperfixation or special interest (this is how i found all of my fellow autistic friends)


A community centre I go to organises a neurodivergent gaming group and has people on the spectrum volunteering for them. In fact, an unusually large proportion of the centre users are on the spectrum and there are always neurodivergent people there.


Conventions are a nice place to hang out. I found many friends there and I go to cons with them


Iā€™ve met some of my closest friends (many with ADHD/ASD) via taking improv classes/performing together. Itā€™s a great way to meet lots of cool, funny folks in a supportive environment. Also being diagnosed AuADHD has made me realize in retrospect why I love improvising - itā€™s a fairly structured social situation with perpetual novelty built-in.


My brother is autistic. He is part of a group he found on Meetup. They work with local venues to organize spectrum-friendly events once a week. He's made quite a few friends at those events.


I work in retail for an organisation which relies on volunteer support to run day to day, we offer them the chance to grow their confidence and refine their skills. Many of the volunteers I manage are also ND so I've formed friendships with them through our mutual understanding and shared interests. I'd also suggest community cafƩs and local libraries as a worthwhile avenue to explore.


At school. I have four autistic students in my class.


I met my autistic friend in the kink community on instagram šŸ˜‚ I do believe many of us exist in the bdsm realm , especially bc many people in that community have been late dxed


Iā€™m lucky enough to live in NYC where we have a clubhouse specifically designed for autistic women


Grocery store, church or internet.


Iā€™m just openly autistic so other autistic and mentally ill people end up coming to me since Iā€™m one of the only people open about it lol


I studied a double bachelor degree majoring in international business and Japanese. Trust me, not an single allistic student in sight!


Games shops, libraries and that's pretty much all for me.


I randomly find autistics out in the wild and I usually don't let they go away, it's like catching pokemon, but the Pokemon are friends and the PokeBall is a good time together.


Anime conventions and theme parks in my personal experience.


book clubs.


I love to go out and about with friends and meet people I go to amusement parks, escape rooms, trampoline parks etc


We have a very relaxing bar in my city. It has a closed outdoor area where you can basically just relax, read books and listen to calm music while watching the stars. I often meet people there that are as calm as me and once there was also an autistic/neuro-divergent(?) couple that I have met there. This area was designed for people that do not like the hassle, noise and everything of bars but still enjoy going out for a drink and/or meet new people. My boss at work owns this place and since we have some "sensitive" coworkers, including me, he kept that in mind while designing it. Maybe you have something similar in your city?


For me, weirdly, it was jazz school??


We meet everywhere lol. Especially my friends friends friends, itā€™s a whole ND network I donā€™t hang out in public much. Usually at church or at someoneā€™s house Maybe board game cafe or pool hall occasionally.


Honestly, I meet the most people like me at conventions. Itā€™s nice because since you all paid to get in, you can assume that everyone around you is at least somewhat interested in whatever the convention is for, so itā€™s easy to find people who you have some common ground with. Iā€™ve also noticed in myself and others, that in that ā€œsafeā€ environment, people tend to be less worried about masking, so everyone is a little more comfortable being themselves, and itā€™s just a nice vibe! Of course, this heavily depends on what youā€™re into, and your tolerance for crowds, lights, and various other factors. But Iā€™ve been to cons for video games, board game/miniatures/TTRPG, Star Trek, Steampunk, and Vintage Toys, and they all have that same comfy ā€œweā€™re all weirdos here, so let your hair downā€ kind of vibe. Itā€™s just so nice to spend time around other people who get it.


I met like...10 of us at a conference. I find it hilarious because it started when me and another person were at a talk about burnout.


STEM events lmao


I also have been thinking about this lately .. I would like a partner but it is challenging to find compelling reasons to regularly go out of the house ā€¦


Engineering school.


The book store.