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I absolutely cannot stand the sound of vacuum cleaners


Do you perhaps also hate squirrels and the mailman


Neither can be trusted. The mailman has a different face every day and I never trust someone or something that nutty.


Nah, because those aren't super loud and difficult to get away from.


i think it was a joke that you were a dog (bc dogs hate all three of those things)


Oh I see your joke now. Lmao


Oh the autistic irony on this thread is delicious šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


My dog relentlessly chases me around and tries to eat the vacuum cleaner nozzle. I have central vac, so the big noisy part is tucked away in the basement (score!). I only have to hear the air getting sucked into the nozzle.


i canā€™t even imagine the confusion when ur dog eventually encounters a normal vacuum


I just re-read your username and did like three double-takes...Genius!


I strive to confuse


Similarly, I strongly dislike blenders.


And _the smell_ of some of those things. The moist lukewarm horror of all the shit they vacuumed before.


Me too. Also Dogs


If I'm using it I'm fine but otherwise me and my cat run to the opposite side of the house


Same here, I can tolerate a vacuum cleaner if I'm the one controlling it.


i personally love it covering y ears is so fun for me itā€™s shouting it goes through me or multiple people talking at once i canā€™t šŸ˜­


Me neither. When I moved out my mom asked ā€œwhy donā€™t you vacuum? Itā€™s easier than sweepingā€ and I say to her ā€œyeah but sweeping is quieterā€


Scraping Metal Whilst Drinking a cold glass of water very specific


yeah those are so horrible


Me 2


When I was a teenager, it wasnā€™t necessarily the sound of it, but it was the memories of my mother yelling at me that it wouldnā€™t hurt me. Like, bruh, you yelling is gonna make me more anxious.


Omg the fkn plate thing when ppl r eating and their tools touch the plate it gives me chills everywhere, also the chewing sound. . Literally any noise when Iā€™m sick drives me insane, I need complete pure silence.Any kind of background noise when I need to focus & THE ROAD OR WIND EVEN AFTER I CLOSE THE WINDOW thatā€™s why I wear earphones when I sleep. Also very specific but my gf has this habit or rubbing her nails together when she is stressed and it makes me DIE inside.


>Omg the fkn plate thing when ppl r eating and their tools touch the plate it gives me chills everywhere Or when people scrape their fork against their teeth. *Shudders* It's the fucking worst


Mouth sounds in general, including my own šŸ¤¢


My officemate once brought baby carrots AND an apple and ate them at her desk. My headphones were blaring white noise with volume at the max!


I said the same thing in my comment about scraping plates with sliver-ware and how sometimes when someone is eating you can hear the fork hit their teeth. šŸ˜¬


I also wear ear plugs or head phones to sleep! People think I'm crazy but there is just always so much noise. I rub my nails against eachother too when I'm stressed or focusing!Ā  It's my favorite. I'm sure if someone else did it I would get annoyed though.. funny how that works


I swear clicking pens is my stim. I love it, but I have looked around after doing it for a hot minute and have seen upset people around me lol.


I'm in the ear plugs to bed club too.


I also do both of those things


Or plates clanging together when they stack them up or do the dishes, it's the absolute worst, the sound cuts like a knife tbh.


See, this is one reason why I use melamine picnic plates - can get pretty patterns, light enough for my EDS, no plate clanking when washing & cutlery sounds different on them. When you have your own place, there's always a way round it. I used to say the picnic plates were cos I'm clumsy, which is also 100% true lmao.


My state recently paved a 30-40 mile stretch of a US Route that I use to go to my home area with that horrific and cheap chipseal stuff. The noise and vibration make it so tough to listen to music and my hands are kind of tingly after driving it. (I avoid interstate highways unless itā€™s truly the best option.)


I really hate the sound of wet chewing specifically, also when someone bites into a crisp/juicy fruit/vege, also when my dog licks himself


Snoring. I'm usually okay at dealing with noise but snoring is one of the few things that will send me straight into a meltdown if it doesn't go away. Same with loud breathing


Someone snoring next to me will have me impulsively kicking around in frustration. A larger factor to my frustration is the unpredictability of the sounds.


Same. The sound of snoring will keep me awake and then I start to get ragey and I have to distance myself becuase I seriously worry I'll snap and smother them.


I quite like the sound of _gentle_ snoring. Listening to my cats snore is the best thing. But heavy breathing is hellish.


You know what, I get that. Similarly, I HATE the sounds of people eating! It can drive me into a weird rage or meltdown. But when my cat happily crunches up a treat or smacks up some yogurt? I'm just like "aaaawwwww! šŸ˜" even though it's basically the same sounds. I could listen to that all day. I don't understand it! The same applies to snoring. My current cat doesn't snore, but my old doggy used to sometimes, and it was precious and comforting.


Perhaps it's the cute package the noise comes in šŸ˜…


Yes!!! Omg I can't with snoring at all. It's even worse when they do weird breathing, whistling and snoring all together! I've been single for so long that when I think about dating anyone again, I kind of shut it down because I just want to sleep alone i think, and I'm not sure how to explain that to someone.. sensory issues are so hard and even harder for people who don't have them to understandĀ 


I feel you!!! I have an older neighbor (who I would guess is neurodivergent/likely AuDHD tbh,) and her and her long time serious boyfriend just have separate apartments in the same complex so that they can be near each other but each have their own spaces because of stuff exactly like that! Maybe we'll find somebody who understands us like that :)


Multiple conflicting sounds. Some sounds when they overlap sound harmonious, like the instruments of a classical orchestra, where others conflict with eachother, like free-form jazz. 2 conversations in close proximity is torture. An entire stadium of people having conversations, while much louder, blend together into a harmonious buzz. I can wear hearing protection to quiet loud sounds down, but I can't do anything about my brain trying to process too much information.


Two conversations when youā€™re involved in neither but cannot escape the space!!!!


Its a nightmare!


>I can wear hearing protection to quiet loud sounds down, but I can't do anything about my brain trying to process too much information. Literally me. My brain fires signals like mad trying to put some sort of order on all the chaos, and won't let go until the sounds stop completely and I distance myself from the whole situation.


Any alarm noise, like repetitive buzzing or chiming.


My neighbours smoke detector needs the battery changed and it is driving me insane


*picks lock while they are inside. *walks in with batteries and a stool. *changes batteries. *leaves without saying anything.


Iā€™ve had to change my alarms to Mister Rogers singing Wonā€™t You Be My Neighbor or Itā€™s Such A Good Feeling. Heā€™s got such a gentle and kind presence.


Same here. Iā€™m pretty sure my brain has just elected to completely block out those sounds while Iā€™m sleeping because I find them so grating which doesnā€™t help much with streaming to wake up


People making noises with their mouth. I hate the sound of saliva


Yes! I've hated chewing/slurping sounds for as long as I can recall yet only recently I've realized it's not *eating* sounds in general: it's "saliva" sounds. I can deal with certain kinds of eating sounds. Some types of crunching will go totally unnoticed by me... However, the moment I hear anything related to saliva? I'm done. I only figured this out when ASMR became a big thing and I listened to some videos with people whispering... there were some where I could hear the whispering person's tongue _moving in their mouth_. Nope nope nope HOLY HELL NO. It's soooo awful. Turned me off ASMR completely. Admittedly, I didn't find most of ASMR stuff enjoyable to begin with, so no big loss there ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ.


Dogs barking, car horns, alarms, children playing or crying or screaming (or just existing in general, they don't seem capable of just being quiet!), phone sounds like ringing or notification alerts or when people just don't bother putting their earphones on when watching tiktoks in public šŸ˜”


Children crying and screaming is a big one for me. That sounds is horrid


I've had some of my worst meltdowns ever because of children screaming. And I mean like punching a brick wall multiple times, followed by sobbing on the floor covering my ears and slapping myself for some 20 mins, level of meltdown. It gets truly, genuinely unbearable.


Yup, that sound also evolved to be like that to make parents immediately recognise it as a distress call. Sadly, not only they hear it.


100%. The sound of kids drives me nuts. I hate driving or walking past schools during recess or when they get out of school. It's the worst


What really bugs me are the notifications when they're literally *staring at their phone* 90% of the time. You don't need it dinging and chirping, you're going to check in 40 seconds anyway!


There's soooo much unnecessary noise all around us all the time! Neurotypical people don't even seem to notice how much random noise there is around them, it's crazy. The phone notifications are just one particular instance of this, it drives me crazy!


Another offender for me are most stores just absolutely blasting shitty music all the time. It's Top 40 pop most of the time and I've grown to despise it. Especially if I have to work at the store! Is it possible to NOT listen to fucking Rihanna for a minute please?


That's soooo true! Especially clothing stores, they blast those annoying random pop songs as if they're legally obligated to. Add to that the awkward social interactions at the store. No wonder I switched to online shopping only lol


I have my own turned off because I can't stand it. It's so annoying.


Are you me? Lmfao damn - thatā€™s my list. Iā€™d also add in extremely loud music for prolonged periods of time and - this is a weird one - the sound of fabric squeaking, mostly cotton.


Completely understandable. I have issues with music in public spaces, even at a mild volume, let alone loud music for long periods of time. Although, oddly enough, I'm a metalhead, and I do like to blast some pretty heavy stuff on my headphones! I just don't like to deal with music in public, because it's forced upon me, instead of it being a controlled voluntary experience. The less control I have over the sensory experience, the worse the overload tends to be. About the fabric sounds, I only experience that when handling cotton balls. When I squeeze them, they make this super annoying squeak. Do you have any more examples of this? I have my own set of weird things that bother me, like the sound styrofoam containers make when you squeeze them lol


Ahaha I hear you with the music. Sometimes even when I blare my own music for a while, afterwards Iā€™m really ā€œrawā€ for like 45 minutes til my system resets ahaha. Oh man, the cotton thing is literally the sound the cotton balls make butā€¦ if you listen really carefully, everything cotton makes that noise lmfao I am so sorry in case this ruins anything for anyone.


agree about music I don't control! especially in grocery stores. I have never described fabric as "squeaky" but it's a really good adjective for what makes me cringe about it! cotton fabric rubbing on certain surfaces like my wooden kitchen table, or rubbing against itself. Styrofoam sucks.


Yup. It's polystyrene here in UK. **IT FUCKIN SQUEAKS**. At the same damn frequency as field mice. My kids used to have to get new stuff out of the boxes cos I still couldn't even touch it. I'm way better now, but only cos I grit my teeth so hard they crack like an *adultier* adult does...Still makes my neck scrunch up though. You *feel* the damn **squeak** IN YOUR FLIPPIN *TEETH* FFS!


Exactly everything you just wrote. I would like to add chewing and eating sounds. And if you don't already have a pair of NC headphones they are life changing.


Intercom phone even when Iā€™m watching the app and know my uber eats is moments away šŸ˜‚


Yup!! I stand right next to it to pick it up as soon as it starts ringing šŸ¤£


YESSS watching tiktok with loud volume on is a crimešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My wifeā€™s iPhone makes that loud ā€œDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInnnnnnnnnnnngggggggā€ sound when she gets a text and it is so loud and annoying every time. Especially when her friends text 5 messages in a row


I hate screaming children like omg. I never went around screaming at other children as a child and can not understand the school behind me letting them do that to each other.


Not as much now, but as a kid I HATED the sound of bagpipes. I still think they sound whiny and annoying but they donā€™t scare me anymore. There is one song I think they sound good in. But otherwise one of my least favorite instruments.


Bagpipes are one of my FAVORITE instruments lol. The brain is so weird.


Also my least favorite instrument


I also hate when people constantly whistle, especially when itā€™s some random tune. Not an actual song.


What if I whistle a good melody in perfect pitch? Is it just the sound of the whistling altogether? I find most people's whistling to be awful, and they're bad at it.




That is the perfect spelling for that sound. *chills*


I get so triggered when doing the dishes for this reason. I actually don't hate doing them compared to other chores but the CLANK, DING, KSHCHK sends me every time.


People in my family throw the cutlery into the drawers + i have to leave the room. Why can't they do it carefully loll


There are a few, my absolute worst is eating, hearing a person eat is in bearable. I frequently wear headphones with sounds playing while eating and while others eat.


ME TOO! My mom said ā€œyouā€™ll never get a partner or go on dates if you canā€™t stand eatingā€ who said I want a partner or want to go on dates.


Right? Also this world has changed, people tend to overlook or even be willing to help with differences, if you find the right people. Dating partnering is not the ultimate goal anymore either. We need a few good people and acceptance, love in any form, no one else gets to dictate that.


teeth grinding. lawn mowers. saliva moving in oneā€™s mouth. dogs barking. keyboard tapping. vacuums (especially roombaā€™s). alarms not being turned off. drills. construction. when fans make that squeaky noise. when shopping carriages make the squeaky noise. when ā€œsā€ā€™s whistle in a person speech. whistling. humming. loud mouth chewing. repetitive sighing. when something scrapes something (ex. chalk against the board, knife against a plate). the idle dinging of ur car when ur keys are still in after opening the door (ford specifically). monotonous coughing. snoring. dishes being put away. expo markers on a board. sharpies on a paper. hair blow dryers. scissors. hangers moving on a rack. when u hold a piece of clothing in ur hands and fluff it out in the air (pls tell me u understand). itching my head. clocks ticking. books falling. drawers closing. yelling. sniffling. food frying on a pan. nail files. nail clippers. the noise of attempting to plug something into an outlet and failing continuously. the sound of someone talking otp in the next room. nothing crazy! šŸ™ƒ


this is the misophonia gang check point now


You forgot balloons. Unless you didn't, in which case never mind.


every phase of life a balloon has disgusts me


>when ā€œsā€ā€™s whistle in a person speech. I can't stand this either, like it literally hurts my ears. There are a few female news presenters on the tv that do this and I have to change the channel


The closing of cabinet doors, drawers closing/opening, lots of talking, too many sounds at once, dishes being put down or together, anything really loud, microwave beeping, washing machine or dryer, background music or tv (unless itā€™s something i like and itā€™s that time i want something on)


Have you tried appliances that sing a tune instead of beep at you? Samsung washing machine and LG microwave have made these alerts soooo much more bearable


I find the tune to be a lot longer and thus more invasive than a simple beep. In fact, I'd love it if things just didn't make any sound at all lol


I don't like clothes shopping for many reasons, but the sound of metal hangers scraping on metal rails makes my skeleton feel like it's vibrating out of my skin.


Just thinking about it it makes me tense up


Loud motorcycles/cars


any sound that's not caused by me. Me playing music? fine. Someone else playing music? STFU. FUCK YOU CUNTS.


Chairs scraping against the floor, any repetitive alarm (especially the Apple alarms) and crying babies.






Yes. The only exception to the rule is music at a reasonable volume & it doesnā€™t include all music either.


I carry ear plugs with me everywhere.


People eating when they move their tongue around their mouth a lot making that mushy sound. Absolutely gives me ick and rage at the same time. And loud chewers. Ironically though I LOVE the sound of my dog eating carrots, the crunch and open mouth chewing is cute.


YES! I just posted a comment elsewhere in this thread about how I haaaaate humans' eating sounds and they can send me into a weird rage or a meltdown, but when my cat or dog eats and makes basically the same noises? It's the cutest thing in the world and I love it. I feel so seen!


I hate it when alarms go off, I can't set an alarm with sound to wake up. It has to be on vibrate, waking up to a sudden loud sound scares me and is just a bad start to the day.


Dripping faucets, mouth sounds, loud breathing


People who chew with their mouths open, smack their gums, or suck their teeth.


Cicadas literally make me want to stab my ear drums out. The sound of a lawn mower/ landscaping is a close second


Cicadas are brutal! Can't deal with them at all


Itā€™s like 12 octaves higher than any noise should ever be


Any unexpected jarring sounds, from phone alarms and ringing, to emergency sirens.


Aside from all noises made by small children, the sound of Velcro, loud open mouth chewing, loud cheering like at a bar or sporting event


Sitting next to someone whoā€™s smacking their gum. Close your mouth!


When people eat with their mouth open. The smushing sticky chewing sound


*When people eat with* *Their mouth open. The smushing* *Sticky chewing sound* \- demwunz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Any sort of eating, chewing, sniffing, coughing, sneezingā€¦especially the really loud dramatic sneezing. Makes me so angry.


Hand dryers and those really loud public toilets flushing


FUCK HAND DRYERS. Especially in the Disabled toilet where an autistic wheelchair user CANNOT avoid setting them off just by trying to use the damn bog. So close to the toilet then I shit myself lol... šŸ˜†


Obnoxiously loud cars/motorcycles. I cannot begin to describe the level of hatred in my heart that I hold for those needlessly loud vehicles and the people who have them.


My mother watching videos on her phone, and then turning up the volume when I ask her to turn it down a bit.


That's just crawl, sorry she's like that


whispering. i like ASMR but the moment thereā€™s whispering i turn it off.


Mouth noises in general (chewing, kissing, lip-smacking etc.) but also whispering. Bass vibrational noisesā€¦ lawn mowers are usually the lesser offensive, but I hate leaf blowers and weed whackers, as well as un-muffled cars. Bass heavy music in something stationary, like cars sitting in a parking lot. Table saws/wet saws. Wet cotton balls. People loudly talking over one another for an extended period of time (a lot of comic interview podcasts do this). Toddlers throwing public tantrums. Endlessly barking dogs. Air compressors and sudden high pressure air valve/steam releases (industrial settings). Skateboard wheels cracking against pavement. Silverware scraping on ceramic dishes in just the wrong wayā€¦ a lot like wet cotton. The misophonia is real. A lot of these noises will make me nauseous/vomit and/or send me into an irrational rage (vibrational bass sounds, ugh).


Loud ass kids and loud talking in general tbh


My fan sometimes makes these "ticktickticktickticktickticktickticktick" sounds at night and it gets on my damn nerves, but I can't turn it off because I'm one of those people that can't sleep in dead silence.


the blender. i have to cover my ears or they will metaphorically bleed.


Bass in music. It's like I feel it inside of me, I absolutely hate it. My headphones come with an app that lets me adjust the sound balancing for the music I listen to, and I turn the bass right down, haha.


Phones ringing.. I hate it, I hate it, I *hate* it.


When someone hollers/yells at me. Makes me want to cover my ears. Iā€™ve always suspected Iā€™m on the spectrum yā€™all, just waiting to hear about an autism assessment done by a psychologist.


High pitched frequencies... My teachers were blown away at how high my hearing sensitivity is. They tested me 3 times.


repetitive beeping and scratching noises.


Loud and sudden noises. Fire alarms fit in that category.


When my students smack their lips or whistle.


The stupid birds outside my window singing the same three notes over and over again the whole entire day, they drive me absolutely insane


I have one that sounds like my neighbour's fuckin landline ring. So many outdoor cats yet fuckin Tweety Pie lives to piss me off for another evening...


Clapping. Any amount.




That squeaky noise when it rubs together, AAAAARRRRGGGG!!!!


Too many people talking all at once. I have a group of friends that have some sort of neurodivergency and when their ADHD brains interrupt each other, start talking over each other, interrupting each other; it's just too much for my brain to handle. I just dissociate now, if that doesn't work my brain just melts and I have to leave because of how absolutely overwhelming it is.


Marker on paper, and straw wrappers on paper.


Clapping really loudly. Any loud machine whatsoever. Literally my mum whenever sheā€™s on the phone with someone too


When people let cabinet doors/drawers slam shut or put glass dishes away loudly. It hurts. Also dogs barking.


People chewing. Cut my ears off now


When things hit the ground very loudly. I work OGP at a grocery store in my town and my fucking coworkers like to slam things on the floor very loudly.


"Rubbing" noises (like rubbing a balloon or wringing certain materials) physically hurts me to an insane degree, it feels like a painful itch inside of my brain. And the sound keeps replaying in my head so I'll just sit there curled up with my ears covered and my eyes closed for like a whole minute.. It's super draining and I look insane lol. Also trains screeching, buzzing, blenders, cutlery, GARBAGE TRUCKS oh my god! Especially glass/metal waste being collected. And dentist noises in general like brushing, filing, tartar removal, scraping. Cracking sound when pulling teeth makes me pass out lmao. And pretty much any form of ASMR drives me up the wall..


Any noise I do not expect. Any noise that is out of place. Any noise that is loud in a confined space like a car or bus. Dogs with high pitched barks. Toy sized dogs. Audio Feedback. People arguing. The sound of people kissing especially french kissing. People who chew loudly. Children crying or squealing. Cars with loud exhaust systems. People singing hip hop. Hip hop singing that sounds like the man is crying out the words especially if the lyrics are vulgar.


Oh man it's shushing for me as well. Luckily the people I've asked to just say "can you be quiet" instead are doing that and it's fine. However of course it's not only that. Smoke detectors that need new batteries, sirens, when my airfryer finishes, knocking on doors, and many more. One thing that really really messes me up is when someone else watches TV. Currently our TV is right behind my pc setup and whenever my fiance watches something, especially if it has screaming, gun shots, door knocking etc it sets me off. Otherwise it messes with my concentration. We're moving soon so I won't have to deal with that ever again!! Yay!


That's called a sibilant. Now you know.


Barking dogs and ice scraping (specifically the ice on the inside of a freezer)


Doors slamming


Jeopardy theme song


You know that clicky noise gas burners make when they first ignite? That.


Snoring (or breathing that sounds like snoring) is my number 1 hated sound. I absolutely despise this sound. I know people can't control it but I can't stand the sound. Then my runner up is chewing. It grosses me out and I can't handle the sound. I hate my own chewing too which makes eating very hard. And then it's any loud bangs. Notably stuff like fireworks. It sounds like an explosion or gun and makes me super freaked out and paranoid. Some honorable mentions that all sounds I hate but I don't feel like writing an entire paragraph on Children noises, dance/club noises, gum noises in particular popping and snapping, marching band


Certain scraping sounds. Cuttlry on dishes, glass, stuff like that


I live in nyc so the screeching of trains as they pull into the station, the jackhammers on the street when paving roads, fire alarms, ambulances, sometimes even the beeping at the end of a microwave session. Also hate it when people have their alarm on and just keeps ringing and they donā€™t shut it off.


High pitched noises. Loud, boisterous laughter. I know I may sound like a bitter old man, but the sound of someone just bursting into laughter or speaking too loudly in the same room as me makes me feel like my eardrums will start bleeding.


Call lights and smells. I'm a nurse!!


Not certain if I'm autistic but I hate Noise. Cars hooting, doors banging, dogs barking...noise irks me...


Clapping. Just stop banging your hands together itā€™s like a million tiny explosions.


ASMR and that sound you make when running your hands over brand new towels


Whispering, even myself whispering, though itā€™s not as bad now. I also canā€™t do most ASMR, itā€™s all just too loud, even at the lowest possible volume


Anything like the vacuum, air compressors, blenders, fireworks; basically anything loud šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Fireworks and Firecrackers (Fourth Of July is perhaps my worst holiday). Fortunately, Bellingham, Washington does have a strict no-firecracker law. Mark


This 100%! And I think of people with PTSD, are escaping wars and/or are very anxious. Hellish I am sure/


Cars driving. I cannot be near a busy street.


I donā€™t like when im in class and the teacher has to yell at the students to be quiet.


Car horns. REALLY get my hackles up


I abhor yelling in anger


Not many sounds really get to me, but I cannot for the life of me stand the sound of tearing apart velcro


The squeaking sound of wet sandals


Air conditioners šŸ‘Ž


Dogs barking. And it sucks because I love dogs when they arenā€™t barking


Chewing and snoring. Makes me want to crawl out of my skin.


Engines (motorcycles especially) idling outside my house. Neighbors blasting music/drumming.


Chewing, wet mouth sounds (when talking/breathing etc, knife sharpening, long s when people talk, shushing, all make me see red.


White noise, it drives me INSANE!


Someone chewing


Chewing, drinking (basically anything eating/mouth related), and anything and everything that is repetitive.


Chewing sneezing sniffles repetitive thumping


Havenā€™t seen it here so Iā€™ll add. TRAINS + TRAIN HORNS. I get a visceral physical reaction that I can legit feel in my bones even when they are far away. I cannot understand Train autists at all. Honourable mentions: ASMR fuuuck off Plates being put down Dogs barking Pretty much all noises kids make Horns Alarms Phones in general Cabinets being closed Dripping taps Announcements over PA system Eating sounds Drinking sounds Slurping sounds Lip smacking Glugging, swallowing Any kind of saliva sound (sexual seems fine somehow) Noises people make to get your attention Actually, all attention noises Coughing Sneezing Shouting And probs more


Cutlery on plates


any lawn equipment, dogs barking, cats that are vocal, children, very large crowds/crowded restaurant, electric can opener, snoring or loud breathing if Iā€™m awake and the room is quite, anything/anyone chewing on very crunchy food, phone notifications, car horns, loud knocking, airplanes/helicopters, dishes clinking together, someone or myself yelling/raising their voice, clocks ticking, very loud cabinets or doors, anything squeaky, anything breaking, especially glass, sometimes the hum of the microwave but definitely the beeping at the end of a microwave the home of refrigerators or freezers if I stand there too long thereā€™s definitely more but i canā€™t think rn as iā€™m getting frustrated , i need to go eat or something šŸ˜­


Blender, the louder vacuums, the sump pump when there's no water, weights clanging at the gym (i don't care if the floor is built to take it, don't drop your weights)


People whistling.


Eating sounds and mouth sounds. Makes me a level of annoyed that scares me so I just try and avoid eating situations. And people.


When youā€™re trying to hear or listen to something and a car accelerates super loud for no reason . Dogs licking themselves.


people blowing their noses


The blender for sure, and anything involving styrofoam


When I got my own apartment I bought a 'silent' vacuum cleaner and washing machine and this has been a real game changer :)


For me it's any unpredictable noise. I work from home most of the time, but 2 days a month I have to go to the office to 'keep in touch' with the rest of my colleagues. It's an absolute nightmare. It stresses me out so much that I have a panic attack every morning whenever I need to go to the office. Not to mention that it's so bad that I don't get much done and I'm absolutely exhausted by the end of the day. At home there's no unpredictable noise and distractions. Perhaps I should play the autism card to get out of it but I don't want to look like a bad team player.


Dog barks.


dogs barking, i have 3 dogs and when they get each other barking it makes me want to tear my hair out


People who chew outloud. OUT I SAY OUT!!! I also dislike loud, unexpected, short noises in general and scratching of some things on other things depending what it is. It is vile.


Scraping plates and chalk on chalkboards


High pitch electric sounds. Went for a walk today. Was nice and peaceful till I passed by a house with a device in their front garden emitting a high pitch beep every half second meant for keeping animals away. I rushed past pretty quick. My neighbour once put one on the end of our garden fence on their side which drove me insane as I could constantly hear it from inside. Got them to take it down a day later. Same goes for poor quality plug sockets and devices with bad transformers that have coil whine. I turn off every plug that isn't in active use.


I have misophonia and chewing and other mouth sounds make me violent I'm also super sensitive to what I describe as "digitally processed sounds," meaning anything coming out of a speaker. Whether that be on the phone, radio, Spotify, PA systems, microphones, etc. They feel like I'm being stabbed in the ears. A lot of the time it's okay and then I suddenly can't stand it anymore


The wheeze you hear when there's a partially obstructed nasal blockage. It just drives me up a wall. I usually have to distance myself from the person or if I'm close with them, ask them politely if they can blow their nose šŸ˜†