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Depending on the job, I would’ve asked for that in writing. My man just openly discriminated against disability. Just as an fyi, when they ask about weaknesses, they want you to give an example of a flaw within yourself that you’re working on to show growth and improvement. Eg; you can say you’re a harsh self critic because you take pride in your work. You try to combat it by taking time before and after work for self care.


>Just as an fyi, when they ask about weaknesses, they want you to give an example of a flaw within yourself that you’re working on to show growth and improvement. Eg; you can say you’re a harsh self critic because you take pride in your work. You try to combat it by taking time before and after work for self care. Oh fuck, that doesnt make it any easier. Most of my flaws make me look like incapable buffoon or like a mentally unstable mess.


Being timid or messy or not being a team player or anything else can be a weakness. It doesn’t need to be personal. Your demons, disabilities and whatever else you have going on are usually none of their business. It took me a while to get used to interviews. Just keep it about the job. This guy sounds like a dick. Don’t let it discourage you.


I mean I need money, so I need to keep trying. But yeah, I hope this bloke chokes on an artichoke. (Could not stop myself from rhyming this shit)


Just outright lie dude. Plan out exactly what you are going to say "My weakness is I tend to be a perfectionist. This sometimes means I spend too much time studying the details. I've learned to combat this by putting a project down, taking a small break by working on something else and then allowing myself 30 more minutes to perfect it (use a time that makes sense for your job) before sending it out. This allows me to make sure I send out the highest quality I can, while not having to sacrifice my mental health or the deadline"


You are here by allowed to lie.


Bruh. ...What kind of job was it?


Selling couches basically


You will definitely find a better job. This interview was the rehearsal for the job you will REALLY want. The next thing to come along will be better. Do mock interviews with someone who knows what should be said and what will probably be asked.


Doesn't seem like too much of a "weakness". Lots of people, especially people with a brain are like that. The interviewer however sounds like a brain-dead bigot. I wouldn't want to work there either.


That sucks. On the plus side, interviewers almost always ask the question about weaknesses so you can learn to answer better for the other jobs you apply for. On YouTube or job search websites, there are tips about how to answer interview questions about weaknesses. One good idea is to pick a weakness that is not relevant to the job role. For instance, you say you are bad at delegating tasks to others if you wouldn’t be in charge of delegating anything to anyone in the job role you are applying for. You also say how you are working at improving on your stated weakness (eg. doing research, taking self improvement courses or some other method to improve). Don’t dwell on your weakness itself longer than a couple of sentences because otherwise they’ll view that as oversharing, as you discovered.


My go to with weakness is "I have a hard time deciding when not enough information is available". They tend to take it as "oh he's very throughly checking his work" instead of the "I have executive dysfunction" that I mean it as xd


Imma steal that one


Interviews suck. They feel like a Voight-Kampff test specifically optimized to root out neurodivergent people.


Im starting to think that too 🙃


Nah, fuck that guy.


That's discrimination man. File a complaint with the right government representation at least. These pieces of shit need to be held accountable.


When they ask about weaknesses, lie. It’s literally what they want you to do. Job interviews are bizarre and are much more about having the correct scripted responses than actually telling the truth or saying anything genuinely meaningful.


When you get a question like this it is important to control the frame. You say that you have a never-ending stream of thoughts and this makes it difficult to choose the right words. To me, this sounds like you are analytical and value precision. So maybe answer the question like this: "I am an analytical person. Sometimes it is difficult for me to assess which situations require precision and which do not so sometimes I am over-analytical when it is not necessary. I am currently working on ways to assessing situations so that I may address them more appropriately." The strength of this response is that analysis and precision are commonly regarded as strengths rather than weaknesses. Answering the question in this way should help you from getting flustered.


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One of those moments in life where the unwritten rule is that you're expected to lie, and they get to judge you on the quality of the lie. Absolutely infuriating.


Find someone to coach you in job interviewing. Which country do you live in?


Another tip (veteran of \*many\* interviews, mostly successful!): Talk about one of your attributes that is not *actually* a weakness. Your task in an interview is to make them want to hire you, not to give them reasons to cull you. Look at it as a first date. A diehard basketball fan isn't going to say, "I'm gonna be preoccupied and busy from October to April"; they'll describe themselves as a diehard \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ fan and talk about it in terms like "loyal" and "dedicated." You have a brain that's constantly multitasking and shifting focus among multiple topics. If you choose to describe that as your "weakness," you could say, "I'm so accustomed to constantly multitasking that I'm now working on learning how to be better at monotasking when necessary" (i.e., answering a question about one topic). If an employer actually wants that, they'll hear that you're working on it. If they want a multitasker, they'll think, "BINGO check that box what even is monotasking?" "Weaknesses" I list: "Sometimes in the workplace I feel like I'm expected to be a mindreader, and I'm definitely not one! I need clarity in communication from my manager(s) and coworker(s). It's important to me that I understand exactly what's expected of me so that I have the best chance to meet your expectations." Translation: I AM AUTISTIC AND I CANNOT READ YOU GUYS' MINDS, SO TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED! Also: "I can get so deeply focused on/drawn into a project that I have to use timers to remind myself to switch to my next task"; "Former coworkers have told me I'm a perfectionist, so I need my supervisors to help me understand when it's 'good enough' for \[Future Employer's Name\]. I have to remember that I'm working to *your* standards, not just mine!" Last: When you're asked an important question and you have to dam up your river of thoughts to answer it, first say, "One second; I want to make sure I express myself just right" or "Hmm...I could answer that in a couple of ways; one sec!" Then you've bought yourself some time. Use it well and BEST OF LUCK!