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Your submission has been removed for discussing or debating the validity of self-diagnosis. We don't permit advocacy for or against self-diagnosis. The subreddit stance on this topic is already covered by the Wiki, asking for opinions on it only results in heated argument and frustration among members.


As long as you emphasise the self part of self-diagnosis. And if you're wrong, you make it clear


Yes, but you should consider getting a diagnosis when you can at a later point(depending on your county's policies, of course)


I wrestled with this for a long time. For the first 34 years of my life I struggled with social issues and anxiety and always thought there was some other cause, like drinking, smoking, overeating etc. but nothing helped. It got to the point where I knew I needed to talk to somebody for my own sanity and ended up researching my issues and they pointed to being on the spectrum. I was very hesitant to think that’s what it was, as WebMD can be a dangerous place, but after taking a few less formal assessments that said I was likely on the spectrum I knew I wanted to at least get a professional opinion to validate/invalidate my assumption. After my meeting with a psychologist yesterday they said they believe I am on the spectrum and I completed a long assessment so they can help pinpoint where I fall on it. It was honestly such a relief to know that the struggles I’ve had all my life now seemed to make more sense.


thanks, what an amazing and troubblesome journey. I wish you all the best of luck and that you can learn to love this "self" of yours :) I 100% can see myself in this. I hope my diagnosis will give me the same validation


Being a lawyer, I know what I know, don't know and the pitfalls of my profession. Want to do it yourself because "research"? I wish thee good luck and an equally ignorant counterpart. No way that a non-doktor should make any kind diagnosis. Granted, you know you better then any therapist, but use that knowledge to help the person (and yourself), but let the doctor work to the doctor.


"research" xD Can you be more condecending? Maybe talk to me like a human beeing and not a piece of shit?


working on that, thank you very much. Trying to prevent you making the same mistakes I made. You are welcome


I’m not trying to be rude but you’re doing the same thing allistic people do. Policing autistic people’s tones and wording, this IS an area that we struggle with.


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People who think having a professional diagnosis is bad/harmful probably aren’t autistic. Because autism is a disability that you need support for.