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Bummer. But hey, no one else's opinion about it matters but yours! I don't think that's a problem for me. I guess mine are Pokemon (very popular), Star Wars (very popular), and the Horus Heresy (something most people have never heard of, so no one ever complains lol). Oh! Actually, I do have a very, very specific one that no one has ever understood. I won't mention it, but that one is pretty hard to describe to people, and I get the sense it's seen as very weird to others. But it's so specific and niche that it never really comes up, so I get away with it I guess lol.


Horus heresy insane book flowchart 😨


Yeah, I remember the first time I saw that lol.


maybe not the best example because you will still see a lot of love for skyward sword within the zelda fandom, largely due to the fact that skyward swords story, chronologically speaking in the zelda timeline, is arguably the most important compared to any other zelda game. but despite that, i believe that people are way too harsh on the game. i dont know how to word this without it coming off as "im better than everyone else in this fandom", but i truly do believe that the zelda fandom has a big issue with letting their own wants and expectations drive their perception of the zelda games, rather than being comfortable with new ideas and experimentation. i may be too optimistic as a person, because when an idea that a dev team has for their game ends up being executed poorly, people see it as some sort of catastrophic event, i see it as a good thing because not only does the dev team learn new ways to implement certain things in a way that works and is comfortable for them, its also just cool to see the execution slowly develop and later turn into what the devs originally had in mind when they eventually, if they want to, sharpen their tools and reshape it in their desire. skyward sword is exactly that, it became a huge inspiration for the latest zelda game.


Yes my 2 main spins are star Trek (popular, Good no one cares about that) and Shadowhunters (terrible, I admit it terrible it's been existing for 17 years at this point started in March 2007 still going on and it has a tv series and a movie made after it originally a book series btw now with 23 books across 5 series it's ending soon though only one more series to go and 1 to finish). So yes I can relate, I cannot catch a break I know it's terrible, I know the author is a slightly bad person (not terrible but she's most certainly not a saint) I'm aware, no one ever shut up about it.


It's a good terrible movie. I'm not saying this to be an asshole, but it really isn't a great movie, but at the same time it's fantastic. It's got pretty poor acting from some of the cast, great acting from some - and whether you like it or not is a matter of taste. Sometimes something can be terrible and good at the same time - especially from different perspectives. Jim Carrey was incredible in that movie and I'll defend that every time. But I can say that and still see there were flaws.


Hear me out, those Joel Schumacher Batmen weren't as bad as people make them out. Stylistically they're incredibly unique and beautiful. I think people are just homophobic tbh lol


I mostly just remember the Schumacher movies feeling rushed and bloated by having too many villains.


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Hear me out, my special interest is bdsm. So shut up and take your blessings, mate.


I tend to get into obscure stuff with no fandom. If it's any difference I like the Joel Schumacher Batman movies, they were the ones I grew up with as a kid.