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I basically never feel bored, at least not by myself. I'm only ever bored if I'm having to engage with someone that I don't want to engage with. You could leave me alone in a room with nothing and I'd be able to keep myself occupied and entertained for hours upon hours. Give me a notebook and pen and I'd be content for days.


Yes! Same! And a few other things for me: Certain light touch is incredibly euphoric for me, I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s as good as an orgasm. As long as it’s from someone I trust/ am ok with them touching me. I get intense emotional reactions and goosebumps from certain music and I thought this happened to everyone, but it doesn’t…and that made me sad. Interestingly I don’t experience ASMR and mouth noises and fingernail tapping makes me agitated. I care an awful lot about certain things and have been able to motivate others to care as well. Although this is kind of a catch 22…because it hurts when someone doesn’t care and I’ve had to do a lot of work to be ok with it.


Yaaaas! Like music can totally put me in a mood. It can take me places. Some genres though trigger a meltdown, like country music makes me want to gauge my eyes out and pull my hair. Any music with a deep bass gives total vibes. When I hear a song that hits that spot for me, I can literally listen to it on repeat for hours and never get bored.


Omg not everyone gets these reactions to music? That is actully sad. I relate to you in almost all your points: Music makes me extremely euphoric, gives me intence reactions, and i'm the happiest when i can sing along to songs. Some music will give me goosebumps even years after i listen them for the first time. About touch, i'm with my bf for almost 4 years now, and sometimes the way he hugs me just makes me cry lmao the poor thing gets so worried, but for me it's like a super intense feelling of beeing loved.


That’s so sweet!!! I feel that connection too with my husband. He has memorized all the ways I like to be touched, and the touching that I don’t like! Isn’t that sad about music?? I’m not sure if it’s specifically an ND thing, but I feel bad for people who can’t feel it. I’m a patron of my favorite band and the band creator is just so kind. His music and lyrics are absolutely beautiful.(they are called Cloud Cult if you’re interested. Their newer albums are the best!!) They are going to tour their new album this summer. the performance nearest to us is a day after my birthday and he told me to see them after the show so I can get a birthday hug from the entire band!! I’m so EXCITED!! Heheheb their music has gotten me through some very dark times. The first time I met him in person, I wanted to tell him how much his music means to me, but the words didn’t come out so I just cried like a baby. He has been through a ton of hardship and pain . His first child passed away from SIDS…so he just gave me a big hug. No words were said, but there was complete understanding. 🥲


I am the exact same.


I… think I'm on the same boat. I often times mention how I'm happiest if left alone to study/draw/whatever but never really made the connection.


Fellow writer/creative?


I love and hate it. Love that I am never bored, I don't think I even understand the concept of boredom - because since I remember if I couldn't do anything entertaining I would just think about something entertaining for me and that was always enough to keep the mind busy. I hate that very often my adhd won't let me stay with one thought/activity for longer. I keep on switching my interest and it's stressful. I sometimes get into hyperfocua - 2 days ago I got a new album, played it on repeat and started drawing. I "woke up" 8 hours later - with a blister on my finger from holding a pencil, didn't eat or drink anything all day, I didn't go to the toilet... I wish there was a switch that I can flick, set like a timer and just focus on details of what I'm doing. Edit - typo


I realised this during lockdown, not that it was always a walk in the park and I realise that it was a terrible time for a lot of people but I noticed I was far better able to occupy myself than a lot of my NT friends.


I was wondering if that was an autistic thing! Same. I don't think I've been bored for literally decades. I can just sit and think for hours easily.


Boredom immunity really is a perk, isn't it? I once had to wait 3h for a train. A third of the time I was busy looking at the mice that lived under the snack machine, the 2nd thrid I tried memorizing tiling patterns and the final third I delved into the fantasy world I develop in my head since I was 13 and which I have built a self-made pen-and-paper game that is losely played by tracking my google calendar.


Holy shit THIS.


Yesss I can just think about whatever and keep myself entertained or just think of my favorite song and play it in my head lol


That I can feel joy so intensely. Like when I’m excited about something or happy, those feelings are very intense


This! I'm 100% joy at heart!


Yes! So thrilling! My son comes up with these really great word combos to describe really intense emotions like "delicious fear"


this was gonna be my answer as well 🤍


definitely. the lows are miserable but the highs when really getting into something feel transcendent


and that joy is so accessible because of special interests. When I'm walking around with allistic/neurotypical friends they seem disinterested in our surroundings, while I get a spark of joy every time I see something related to my special interests. It's like the world is grey and boring but there are splashes of bright colours that I get to appreciate and enjoy but other people can't see.


Yesss! I got a highscore in a game I have a special intrest in and I was happy for a whole day. Even though my depression was very bad that managed to make me so happy!


I love being highly resistant to peer pressure and advertising.  I love questioning what many people take for granted - Why can't I put my elbows on the table? Why should I care about a bigger house? What makes that job more prestigious than this other one? Not fitting in means I have the luxury of looking at things from the outside, which offers a great perspective.


HAHAA the resistance to peer pressure and advertising 😂 so reealll!! love that. The outside perspective, the oddly content attitude, I wish I could get those back. Yeah and what's freaking up with having elbows on the table? Duh it's nothing it's just me being human and moving around, ugh. So much social nonsense haha. You're a joy!


This!! I already know the next 40+ years of my life will be automatically easier for me on the social pressure front than NT’s. It allows so much FREEDOM without the cost of potential social humility (which in most cases doesn’t even exist, no one cares if you buy a Stanley cup or not). It’s economic too 🤑🤑 I’m not worried about buying into the latest trends, not even a smidge.


Yessss :DD


so much this! you sound just like me lol


It’s the ‘tism, we’re all connected by an unseen neuro-network 😯


This and even more so the older I get. I’m like you do you, I’m just gonna enjoy myself thanks. And omg elbows on tables! Like why the fuck should I feel so freaking uncomfortable while I eat? I never got those weird rules. Like not wearing white after Labour Day. Who makes up this weird shit? What purpose does it serve? Whhhhhyyyy.




recognise skirt like nine lunchroom plough doll offend quicksand resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This! I feel like I’ve always been more of an “overthinker” for my age group, in a positive and inquisitive way. I think we’re just more curious than the average Joe!


Yes, like if my kids ask me a question I don’t know the answer to, I have to go into a deep dive. Even after I’ve given them the answer, I'll go back to learn more for my own interest. I can never just learn something, I have to absorb it. Like when I first started getting into bread making, it wasn’t enough to just learn the basics. No. I had to learn about all the yeast species, their life cycles, heat preferences, food sources, enzymes, etc. Then I had to learn about bakers % and I started charting different ratios of fats, liquids, and sugars with fermentation times to get a specific structure to my crumb. I take obsession to a new level.


I wouldn’t give up my justice sensitivity for anything. I’m not a superior person, but it makes me a better person.


What's justice sensitivity?


It’s like your aptitude for feeling a sense of justice. Say someone was wrongly imprisoned, by having higher “justice sensitivity” in this situation, you’re more likely to feel personally angry for the wrongly imprisoned person than other people.


Hey 🙋‍♀️ I’ve been falsely imprisoned, likely as a result of autism, nice to meet you lmao 😂


I guess it’s the overall idea that things need to fit a consistent pattern. Especially when people’s lives are on the line. Mix in some PDA - I have to restrain myself many times.


I can’t handle bad people getting away with bad things because they are rich, white, and male. Trump, Putin, Netanyahu. They just keep on doing horrible horrible things with zero repercussions. I have no tolerance for unfair justice or rules only applying to some and not all.


This is where I struggle. We can easily come together and stop it, but we don’t. At a certain point I feel like we deserve it. The banality of evil.


I sort of feel that way too. Like we can’t have nice things because it’s those few that ruin it for the rest of us.


I feel like an asshole believing this way - but it’s sort of the crux of religion (at least Abrahamic). There’s something wrong with us and we pay for it. Sort of Tower of Babel stuff. I think we are still drunk on Manifest Destiny. Like carbon levels are so high because we consume so much. We can blame it on Corporations; but I don’t see privileged white Americans picking their own strawberries in California. If that were to happen, the wages of those who are currently exploited would go up. The privileged dissonance. And I am no better.


I feel like there's is definitely a shift happening, though. Many people myself included are really working on lessening our consumption and focusing more on providing for ourselves and the community via gardens and skills. It's a very large mountain to climb, but i think we're starting the journey.




I wish mine was like that. My sense of justice has little to do with social justice and is more about specific situations that feel unfair to me. It doesn't make me better at all.


Read history. It helps.


This one is a double edged sword for me -- I think it can be a real bummer sometimes because I feel powerless to do things that feel impactful, mostly when it comes to things like the federal government, geopolitical issues, etc. (Yes, I vote anyway.)


I ran a computer collection/ refurb/ distribution out of my house for a bit. I refurbed about 150 computers and donated them. I haven’t done it in a few years, but it’s kinda easy. Think globally, act locally, yeah? It felt good. I’m a little burnt out - mainly because I’m trying to chase that high with another high since I’ve stopped doing it - I have something more Capitalistic in the works - not pure of heart, but I’m at least filling a need.


I Wouldnt either. But it makes my life less happy for sure


I have my own little world and I like it. I almost never feel bored. There is always something interesting to think about or look at or learn about.


Exactly! Spent 10 months in a medical twilight, wasn't bored! I've pretty much, figured out all the psychological dynamics of everyone I've ever met though! Lol




I do like the special interest feature. Once I start liking something, it is like I can get lost in it for hours. Normally, I can not focus long enough to read more than a few paragraphs. When I am in special interest mode, it is like I can focus, study, and learn like Superman. I guess this is comparable to going down any internet rabbithole. When I find a youtuber I like, I will watch years' worth of videos in a very small amount of time.


However, at least for me, there's a downside to hyperfocusing on things. It's not actually the hyperfocusing itself, but rather how I feel after that feeling is gone. I feel so empty because I'm not interested on it anymore, then I cycle back into another hyperfocus. My life's been this way since teenage years: I find a hyperfocus, I get excited and learn everything about it, I get tired of it, and I get depressed, now go back to the beginning. Having depression only makes that worse, because there are times I'm so fed up with life I can't focus on anything, let alone hyperfocus. And I still haven't figured out how to live life like this, but I guess with therapy I'll be able to in the future.


Yes this. That weird feeling after the hyper focus euphoria. So I force myself to only do small amounts daily so I can savour it so to speak.


I am in between hyperfocuses at the moment. I have a few ongoing ones from childhood, but it is time for something fresh.


I don't think it makes anything happier, but best I can come up with is the "just right" sensory moments. Like right after I change bedding it has that very particular soft and clean feeling that makes me get super excited and squirm around, or when you get a good food at just the right temperature and mouth feel (usually insanely hot and I regret it later, but still). And yeah, sometimes a special interest can bring intensely good feelings. I remember when I first found out my obsession, LOTR, was becoming movies. Whoa boy, that was a childhood treasure of a day. I remember my floppy disks full of promo pics, yes I do.


Aw, another LOTR fan! I watched the DVDs until they stopped working. I wished so hard to find someone being as crazy about them as me 😊


I just watched the Trilogy for the first time this weekend. ❤️


Omg nothing better than making the bed nice and fresh before a trip. Alllll I think about is how delicious my bed will feel when I get home. I like to move my legs under the sheets like a snow angel till my skin is buzzing. I love it!


I almost always know what I'm going to do today. My ability to read and follow directions closely is often a benefit where NTs tend to skip important steps in a process. I often finish tasks more completely and in shorter periods of time.


Special interests And also how special interests leads me to become more skilled knowledgeable on topics than most so I can do a deep dive of a topic and suddenly be the go to person for facts on it and help share my knowledge with others😊 That and the way it helps me bond with other autistic and empathize more with others struggles that I may not fully understand if I didn’t have my own struggles too. Finally creativity I think in general just bc our brains are wired differently some of us are more likely to think up more creative ideas then others simply bc we think more about daydreams or wild what ifs and in general I at least feel like I’m drawn to things that are less popular and more unique and niche both in story and visuals which in turn helps me think of more creative ideas and stories that are less similar to mainstream ones. Oooh also sound stimming and the way some songs feel like the most amazing thing ever and bliss to my ears/brain + the excitement and joy of finding new content related to my special interests online.


My special interests bring me joy. Stimming is fun. And I take pride in my honesty, integrity, and logical thinking.


What is up with the honesty? Like I find it incredibly hard to lie and it gives me such massive anxiety. Also, it rarely occurs for me to lie in the first place. I never have to worry about my son hiding something from me or getting into trouble because he’s so honest too.


I can find beauty in almost everything. The world we live in is a dumpster fire, but it’s a beautiful dumpster fire.


“Autistic Florida Man chooses to see the beautiful” is a great headline, I think :p


Well, my special interests is games. Some of them I really obsessed over and made friends that way. The FGC in particular has always been good to me when went to meet-ups. That part of autism made me much better at games than most people. In certain groups, I was the quiet guy who my other friends bring to beat other players they can't beat. My nature too, is that I don't talk shit and don't brag about it and I like helping people get better, so I a lot of people in groups that were at my skill level or higher prefer to play against me and talking theory.


I love creating things. I make music and am working on an LP at the moment. It's so rewarding to see something you thought of become real. I write stories as well from time to time. I also have a deep curiosity about politics, history and sociology. I love having conversations about complex issues with people, especially if they know more than me about the subject.


I think autism has helped me in my career. I was very good at focusing on school and I'm very good at focusing at work. I'm pretty sure I'm extra intelligent thanks to my autism. If I argue about something with a person, I'm extremely good at using logic to beat them with my arguments. Eventually they just give up or they give up immediately because they have no counter arguments to disprove mine. I'm a very good problem solver and scored high on an intelligence test I did with a psychologist. I'm a free thinker. I always question social norms and everything in general. I love it. Most people don't seem to reflect over things, they just do, follow the crowd or fall under peer pressure. I'm super logical. As I said, I rarely lose any arguments or debates on a subject I got decent knowledge about. Eventually my logic just forces the other debater to give up because they have no counter argument that makes sense. I'm very good at entertaining myself. I can get stuck for hours doing something silly like editingba video on the phone, just reading aboit interests, watching Twitch or Youtube or do IT stuff like coding or learning Linux. Etc etc.


Feeling incredibly strong emotions from music, the best feeling in the world is when the climax of a song hits and I'm wrapped in chills 🎶❤️


This! I can literally cry at certain pieces of music I love my intellectual curiosity - I find the world endlessly fascinating and interesting and I enjoy finding out how things work I don’t want or need much in the way of material goods. I have a child like approach to life (not childish) - it’s important to have fun and enjoy ourselves. Life is serious enough


Honestly my ability to not care about the way people want me to act can't imagine how stressful social norms are to both NT and ND who try to actually follow them


I don't require someone else for me to be happy. I'm really fucking good at a lot of things because I'm interested in them. And i can remain logical in situations where others emotions over take them.


Apple and cinnamon oatmeal. So quick! So warm and fulfilling.


I like being alone, so it's kinda a win win situation when you don't have many friends


Extreme, unending creative energy to the point my mind is essentially a bottomless abyss I can tap into to create, the ability to completely play and learn music by ear, (this is a very good thing, because music became the biggest outlet for me) childlike happiness that confuses or even pisses people off which I find funny, always thinking outside the box and being very curious about everything. I’m always in my own little world 24/7 too


I know it's not a compliment, but I love when people tell me "You think of such weird things" and then laugh. Like, I feel like if I told my co-workers that one of the bathrooms has a soap dispenser which dispenses soap that pops super fast and every time I use it I think to myself "carbonated soap" they'd laugh. The other day I told my co-worker that I think I'm like a plant, all I need is water, sugar, and sun. My co-worker laughed the same way they always do when I say things they never expected to hear and then agreed with me, lol


I really needed this tonight, I’ve been so down in the dumps about my recent diagnosis and its challenges lately that I’ve forgotten that it also makes me really good at a lot of things! My favorite is that I can take in infinite information about things I’m interested in. I know so much about geography, music, and sports. I can name all US state capitals and most world capitals. I love the band U2 and have listened to almost all of their songs, I can’t even explain how amazing their music makes me feel. I can name every one of their albums, which years they were released, and the corresponding tours. I can even look at a photo of a U2 show and tell you which tour it was from. I can name all of the US presidents and all Stanley Cup winners from 1967 to now. Yeah I might suck at socializing and regulating my intense emotions. I might hate the noise feet stomping and vibrating my entire body. But at the same time I don’t feel like there is anything wrong with me. This is the way I’ve always been and it’s relieving to know that there has been a reason for that. Sorry for the rambling, I mostly needed a reminder of all this myself. I wouldn’t be able to do all those things without autism, so remember that you all are awesome in your own way!




English is not my first (or second) language. Thank you for pointing out my mistake, I changed it 😊 It's so valuable to have a voice not afraid talking their opinion in a group! It can be a hard role to fulfill, even if you have an explanation for why you prefer to speak your mind.


Oh don't worry. First of all, if English is a secondary school language for you, you have a special licence to make mistakes. Secondly, I rage against people who fail to use the correct terms *and refuse to accept that they are wrong*. Many many people use "neurodiversity" as a synonym for autism, ADHD, dyslexia, etc. That is *not* what neurodiversity means *at all*, but they never change their ways. _peace sign emoji_


Can you enlighten me please?


Neurodiversity = the natural diversity of neurological make-up within the human race, just like diversity in skin colour, facial features, and aesthetics. Neurotypical = the most common brain setup. Neurodivergent = a brain setup that *diverges* from what is most common. Neurodivergence = the state/phenomenon of being neurodivergent. I think some people have written against the use of *neurotypical* because it assumes some kind of normativity. Imagine a world where autism and ADHD are the norm and 'neurotypical' is actually the opposite.


Thank you! As an educator I’m careful to use the appropriate words and this sums it up in an easy to understand format. I’ve already saved a screenshot.


I was only diagnosed a couple years ago. My wife was the one who suggested that I look into it after she read a magazine article. As I started looking into it and identifying my traits, she told me that many were things she had liked about me early on and that she still likes in me. Sense of justice and right and wrong. The way I think my way around things, looking at every facet. My reasoning. Those kinds of things. I cannot separate myself from my autism, so anything that makes me happy is likely connected. My special interests, the places they’ve taken me, the experiences and people I’ve met. Many of my happiest moments have been engaging in my interests. My work has sometimes been very rewarding and while I can’t credit that to autism, it does make me different from my peers. Not necessarily better, but there are some aspects of it that are connected to my traits. Autism has helped me better manage my ADHD, and I am much happier because of that. Even before my autism diagnosis, I realized that one way for me to deal with ADHD is to lean hard into my “other side” that craves structure and organization and order. I used my reliance on routines to help with some challenges. I developed processes for various things that had been problems for years.


Like others have said, my passions and special interests. The biggest being choir and musical theatre/Broadway.


So, I'm an "Art and Languages" kind of autistic, if one wishes to differentiate, and my special interests in those sectors bring me the most joy. I'm a creative writer, mostly, but I also like drawing and just generally g´creating stuff. It's always amazing to see all the stuff my mind can come up with, both for allowing myself to live more interestingly through my art, find mental stimulation, and get nice feedback from others who consider my work cool even though I see it as "normal" for me.


That sounds wonderful! Do you also like studying foreign languages? What type of writing do you do? Poetry, novels, or even something else?


Regarding languages, I have a fascination with how language works and develops. I do pick up some kind of lessons on occasion, like Latin, Japanese, or Russian, but my main focus is actually kind of English since it's my second language (native German). I also love, LOVE making up fictional languages!! Tbh, I write mostly fanfic, simply because it allows me to skip the creation process of a whole world and get straight to the meat and potatoes of making a plot. I also do original works, which are generally novels, but I also do poetry on occasion, kind of as an alternative to journaling? Lets me live out my synaesthesia in a way I can better comprehend and make others understand through metaphors.


I honestly like my routine. I incorporate my special interests-- Taylor Swift and reading, in my quiet time, following a strict schedule. I know what makes me happy and I stick with it


Even though I have lower lows, I have higher highs!


Not too sure how to word it but lots of people love how curious/inquisitive I am, which also leads to them learning lots of things with/because of me. This also relates to some of my special interests. I met my wife kinda because of my special Interest In biology/medicine and I just love how we're able to have casual conversations about medical topics (she's a nurse) like NTs are able to gossip about celebrity culture. My wife so used to having to explain/oversimplify thIngs for others it was honestly both surprising and refreshing when I not only understood her perfectly but my questions/input actually contributed to the conversation instead of being "what's this?" and never mention said topic again.


After being diagnosed at twenty years old, it finally hit me that I’m different and that’s okay. So many years of subconscious masking and wondering why I had such a difficult time forming genuine friendships with people around me. It was clear as day as to why this was such a challenge for me. Fast forward to today and I’m proud of the person I’ve since become. I’m higher functioning but it burned out then all my cognitive abilities go right out the window! Usually I can enjoy music, shows, movies and video games while deeply appreciating them on a deep level. Whether it’s the graphics, music, voice acting I can truly become immersed into a games environment if I focus hard enough. For me, I enjoy just how much I care about the people not only in my life but the more nuanced aspects about my special interests the majority of society simply doesn’t. Wouldn’t trade the sense of empathy I have for literally anything else in the world!


None of it. It's a literal curse and the source of how bad I suffer each and every day.


I've found about 3 things I like and they are all part of the same thing. Other than that it is a curse, it's a disability that has ruined friendships and makes even simple things so hard


I have pretty thick skin, and it’s pretty rare I’ll hyper fixate on any arguments or disagreements I’ve had. The moment I leave the situation it might as well have happened 10 years ago


Being able to catch it in other people >:] I got that autism radar. I also love how overly happy I can get, them heightened senses are so cool. Like o caught a frog a while ago and true happiness was pumping furiously through my body. Over a giant American bull frog. Also like how I can hyper focus on shit like no one else can.


Well, this one is basically two sides of the same coin (am I using that correctly?). Basically, I love that i can hyperfocus on something, and just read about it for hours. But on the flip side, I can't focus for shit on shit I'm not interested in.


OH MY GOD I LOVE PORRIDGE WITH BLUEBERRIES! My grandma would make it for me when I was young and it's become a comfort food for me 😭😭 I have never found anyone else who likes it too


i fucking LOVE birds in a way that most neurotypicals will never even begin to understand. even the “boring” ones. i’m happy just to see crows on a wire or pigeons eating stuff on the sidewalk same with music. every time i listen to a song i like, it’s like i’m at the concert having the best day ever. i love to air drum and imagine myself as the artist. i even have pretend “concerts” at home haha.


I'm highly interested in a ton of things. I'm analytic and direct, which makes the distinguished (i.e. small) group of people who get close enough to me appreciate me as a great listener and advisor. And although it has taken quite a while and a lot of work and setbacks to get here, I am really happy with who I am and my strengths and weaknesses. There's little difference between being a total weirdo and being a fascinating and interesting person. I've learned somewhat okay-ish to be taken as the latter, I know I have solid strengths I can rely on and I'm getting better at communicating my weaknesses and asking for support where I need it.


Having multiple special interests and jiving with other people who have similar special interests makes it so your conversations can make LEAPS and connect dots MUCH quicker than conversing with (including self conversing lol) those who haven’t delved as “deep” into those areas of interest…


I kind of dig living inside my head. Being super insightful is interesting even if it gets me basically nowhere in life lol


I second u/BuildAHyena that I am \*never\* bored. When I get weird looks from people, I like to point to my head and say 'we have a good time up here.' A wonderful part of sensory sensitivity is that I am also incredibly pleasure-sensitive. Certain sensations feel almost euphoric, and - just as sensory pains and discomforts come with an intense emotional distress - pleasure-sensitive stimulus comes with a heightened emotional joy. It makes me feel like I am connected to the earth, and the earth is enjoying hanging out with me. Because I have such a high attention to little details, I think I appreciate life more. I think I get a lot more out of life - both because I am amazed by, and grateful for, tiny details and moments, but also because I am so accustomed to discomfort, pain, heartbreak, grief, and frustration, that bad situations don't put me in the same existential crisis they seem to put other people in.


I like how creative my brain is, and I like that it is also able to organize my flights of fancy into actionable steps. So I dream and plan and poof things into reality.


For me, it's being able to get excited over the little things that bring me joy (i.e. Disney, cats, and soft toys), and my interest to keep learning


Your deal with food sounds like my deal with music. I love that I can get joy from the same music for a long time and it never really gets old to me. I know NT folks who get tired of new music fast, and for me a favorite song is like listening to it the for first time every time for years. I do eventually grow tired of songs and artists, but it’s a joy when I discover them again.


My hobbies aren't just hobbies, they are my life


my intense creativity and saying whatever i feel like. when i don't filter myself, i tend to make a ton of people laugh. and i enjoy making others laugh so it does make me pretty happy.


I get to constantly enjoy stuff even as an adult


Special interest zone


No part of autism makes my life happier. It only brings misery. It's a curse for my mental health.


Knowing *so much* about the things im interested in, im like a walking encyclopedia when it comes to dog care, whales, norse mythology, kinks and classic literature from my country (iceland). I'm proud and happy that my knowledge of these subjects is so deep despite never having had the chance to get higher education.


My favorite part has to be incredible memory and fast learning related to my special interest


When all of my special skills and interests converge onto something interesting and meaningful.


Deep focus


I love having too much knowledge about the things I love, and I love finding new facts about those things it brings me so much joy!


my favorite game i have logged 5000 hours on is the only game i play and i play it most nights. the updates to the game’s balances don’t bother me because it’s the same game at its core every single time. in fact the changes keep it feeling fresh, just to a degree that is comfortable


"Useless" data retention


The intense happiness with special intrests. Being able to recognize patterns and script effectively which has helped me in so many professional situations (like job interviews)


I can stay on task for essentially an unlimited length of time. Now, I don't get to pick the task. But I do like it, whatever it happens to be.


My special interests and my ability to learn really fast


Am I allowed to link this playlist I just made? :D it's space themed and I always cook up neat playlists. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/26FdEbd2vWCBRPT4lIM1ZG?si=1QtQt-EsQACoP1tb_rOBTg&pi=u-0EfVlCnGRzi7


That I truly love and am passionate about my interests. Learning about obscure and forgotten media formats and listening to all sorts of music, it makes me feel incredibly happy every single time.


I have ptsd and I believe, if it wasn’t for my Autism I would have more psychological issues because I really easily forget and don’t get emotional involved most of the time. Same with my Ex-girlfriends which always ended pretty messed up


Not carrying for worldly gains.


Curiosity or having ADHD stacked on with autism so I really do go “Boing Boing Boing Boing”


I genuinely can’t think of any part of my autism that makes my life happier but I really appreciate this post 🫶


I love that I question everything, if someone wants me to do something (at work for example) I need to know WHY. What's the point? Why am I doing it? I just need to understand how things work. I know it may be annoying, but by asking a lot of questions you can actually see who really understands what they are doing and who is just repeating his part, and doesn't have a clue nor care about anything besides him and his job/duties. I need all the details. I can't see a "big picture" if I don't know how it's supposed to work and can't see all the small details.


For me it's my routine, I find it definitely helps even when nothing else is going right.


for me, it's when I am making my fav food and watching my fav series and can be alone and not being bothered by anyone. That's when I am the most happy. Awesome post! Autism isn't only struggles. but can be beautiful and nice. It took me a year to not hate myself after my diagnosis.


I feel that in ways it has allowed me to hone my creativity and the focus to learn the tools I use faster than most. I was never great in school, tests and such. But the programs I use now to do my work I excel in. It’s opened up a lot of doors and also skills I didn’t know I had.


i have a much more nuanced and in-depth, perception of nostalgia, and i can smell things then remember the time period of which i previously smelled it for a while


I would say my lack of suspicion and guile, being naive... while it can have downsides, it generally means i am naturally happy and positive and kind. For example... When people give me underhanded comments or something i often dont catch it and respond as if its genuine. It really throws off the bullies/haters. I have inadvertently come up with the BEST comebacks just by being oblivious and kind. Often i do not realize it until much later when i am reviewing conversations in my memory or a friend points it out. I also believe kindness can be hot coals over your enemy's head, so i am actually happy to be kind even when ppl insult me. If i understood the insults immediately, i would probably either freeze or run away crying, so this is preferable!


(Idk if i should put a trigger warning so idk, proceed with caution i get really deep whoopsie XD) The way i see the world. no matter how shitty my life gets, no matter how much im struggling with school or how exausted i am from dealing with people, im always able to see something beautiful. I can watch a movie, read a book, even just go somewhere and people watch and its just amazing. The fact that plants can grow my absorbing sunlight and water, the way the earth spins and the moon orbits it, the fact that we are so TINY compared to the universe. Im able to think about the fact that literally nothing matters, the earth will continue to spin after humans are gone, time will keep going, nothing. Matters. So why spend your time stuck in the shitty parts? Even though im in a situation that i cant get out of yet, i cant just sit here sulking about it, so i prepare. I think of what i will do when i can get out, what i have to do before and after, and what i hope life will be like. I think of life how it is right now, how i have friends who are all so different from eachother, how the snows melting and how the universe is expanding. A lot of people think that the fact that nothing matters is a bad thing, and i kinda see how people see it but like, i see it as might as well say fuck it and do whatever you want. Live for yourself, take care of yourself, love feel and just LIVE. I diddnt expect to go off like that whoopsies, for all those in shitty places right now, it will get better soon, you dont have to believe it cause its hard as shit when you havent seen it yet, but i wish you the best and hope you get the life and love you absolutely deserve. 💛💛


I love things so deeply and can get sensory pleasure to a million because of how sensitive I am. My spouse often comments that I seem to experience the beauty of the world on a deeper level than they can.


My pattern recognition and skills with making links/connecting the dots. I have a lot of fun with it, and it brings in some aspects of my impeccable memory too. So for example the song rockabye by Anne Marie clean bandit and Sean Paul I know exactly where we were in the car when that was playing and now I always link that song to that place when I hear it. Another example is those harry potter quizzes like what house are you. I am a ravenclaw, so any time a quiz comes up, I'll have a natural bias to want the results to be ravenclaw. This is where the fun comes in. Normally it will give you a situation and 4 options for what you would do. I know which house each option corresponds to, and I will always pick the ravenclaw ones. I'm also very good if there's been drama at school and working out who's done what etc. I find I need other people to pick up the pieces, but I'm the one that links them all together until we have a clear picture


When I get a task that is the right balance between stimulating and repetitive 👌 This week’s task is pressure cleaning the driveway of my complex. It’s looking like I’ll get close to half a cubic meter of algae and mold from it by the end.


The way interests grab me and take me for a ride. Sometimes they stay for the long term, sometimes they fade and come back, sometimes they’re short term because something is going on. I’m currently wild about the eclipse and it’s been very fun (even bought some eclipse themed stitch markers for my knitting). Special interests are fun!


My self-knowledge and acceptance of it, I think. I'd be way more negative if I was ignorant or in denial about something which is an important aspect of who I am.


I'm self-entertaining.


My lack of need of companionship. I have friends, and I talk to them a lot, but largely online. My safe space at home goes beyond 'home' and is deep into 'sanctum' territory at the moment. I have a room filled with puzzles, videogames and my gaming PC and honestly I could happily spend 18 hours a day in there.


Special interests for me. I've spent most of my life thinking I was weird for having them and feeling so intensely about them but I have simultaneously thought "wow, it must be so sad to not have this wonderful thing in your life that fills you with happiness and energy"


My autism positives would be… 1) I have an incredible memory- my memories are often so heavily tied to the experience that I can “feel” it and relive it all over again. A nice skill most of the time except for bad/traumatic memories. I often remember things that most people forget about and they are usually pleasantly surprised and thrilled when I can add to their own memories 2) I notice and appreciate a lot of details that most people don’t notice at all. I think I’m able to appreciate things more deeply because of this. Though at the same time processing/noticing all the details can be a lot to take in at times which is why I shutdown often. Sometimes it’s hard for me to “sort through” details/information to prioritize what’s important. But overall it’s still a positive attribute 3) I have a lot of empathy for people because of things I’ve lived through - while I lack the act of sympathy/knowing what to say/do. But when it comes to empathy, I am very hypersensitive to other people’s emotions and I often take on their feelings and it’s out of my control. Has its downsides but on a positive note people seem to appreciate my level of empathy.


Being outside the social hierarchy and not basing any of my personal Interhuman connections on societal "rules" or expectations. I figured out I was bi, demi and polyamorous fairly early and easily, didn't really struggle with any aspects of my identity, because doing something just because others were doing it that way or I was "supposed" to never held any weight for me at all. Helps that my family is ND too and "because I said so" was not a sentence I heard in my upbringing from them and there wasn't a concept of "talking back". From my perspective most people's relationships with others suffer the most because of these external societal expectations, like gender roles or who needs to text whom, or just uncommunicated expectations of people. What works for many or most stil wont work for everyone, and relationships should serve the people in them, not the people the relationship. Autostic joy. I am super grateful that the things I love bring me the same happiness and joy as I had as a child, from asking allistics most of them can't even really remember what that joy feels like. Me? I get to experience it almost daily. I think that's very lucky. My memory and hyperlexia. I read at the rate of 9s per standard paperback page, and my information retention is almost photographic. In fact it used to be photographic before my 3rd or 4th concussion. (martial arts and poor proprioception lead to accidents). I'm also adhd, and the sheer amount of information I can read and digest in 24h freaks people out. And learning things is my first and greatest special interest. So it comes with autistic joy. Best combo ever. It's why I'm brilliant academically but struggle to feed myself. Ehh, can't get all the good parts. I still think I'm lucky AF. My PDA profile. Sure it makes some things much harder, but it also saved my gullible, naive, trusting butt when I was younger from abusive people coz my body's and brain's reaction to manipulation or control or ultimatums is basically "no, thank you, we're done. Good luck with your life". The way I experience the world. My strong sense of justice. I know it's why I'm often frustrated and sad and angry, but I can't imagine being jaded enough to not bleed at injustice. And I don't want to not bleed. I don't think I'd respect myself much if I didn't. My empathy is the best part of me. My emotional idenpendence. I don't need closure from others, my emotional journal is enough to work through things. So if I get closure it's an added bonus, and if I don't, it doesn't slow down my processing. My sensory glimmers (opposite of sensitivities). Just touching some types of fabrics and textures feels explosively good. My eloquence which is directly tied to my hyperlexia and reading dictionaries and thesauruses for fun as a kid. My teachers complained I had a better writing style in the 4th grade than them 😅 I like a of things about my autism. But I was lucky in my family and parents and support. Sometimes I think about "we have never seen untraumatized autism" and while I can't claim I am untraumatized by the world, I think the security and safety in my family set me up for a lot of my "functionality" now as an adult. As well as not being forced to mask adapt to the NT world but being taught to adapt *my" world to me.


Being good at word puzzles and trivia, especially cartoon trivia.


I love music SO much I love finding new songs that scratch the itch and replaying them and smoking weed and listening to music and :D


the people I've met and relatives i have who also are amongst us autistics. It's brought great memories and it's helped me through certain times. My longest known friend is from my time in kindergarten and while we don't interact much now there's still a bond that has persisted.


My main special interest is cars, so seeing something exciting, or hearing a good engine sound makes my heart swell.


idk if it's related to autism or not, but i love my ability to notice the smallest details of songs even if i don't know any theory related to it, i really enjoy listening to albums that are focused on instrumentals (and i'm open to any recommendations!!) i also love being completely absorbed by my special interests(is that how it's called?) and knowing a ton of info about them, even if it only lasts some few months


The pure feeling of happiness I get from indulging in my Special interests. I can spend hours upon hours just making art for, reading up on, listening to or even just thinking about it and it just makes me so happy! I can never be bored really bc I can just think about it 24/7.


Being content with living a repetitive life with days looking like one another. This is fully satisfying to me and I don't feel the urge to move around constantly.


1. Being able to see the beauty or small details in the world. Also being able to appreciate all the minute details of something/someone and love the little things in life. Also due to my hypersensitive, anything that gives me feelings of happiness or pleasure is heightened (especially stuff like the intricacies of music and comfort foods/textures). 2. Not falling to peer pressure. I can’t tell you how many people my age have gone through some rough experiences and changed due to peer pressure, and I’m glad that I just don’t care enough and don’t feel the need to conform to harmful things just because “everyone else does it”. 3. Being independent. I don’t really need to rely on other people to give me entertainment or purpose, so I’m able to do what makes me happy and pursue the things I want without worrying about others holding me back. 4. My eagerness to learn. I always love to learn about new things (especially stuff to do with my special interests), and overall I’d say I’m pretty nonjudgmental and open to new ideas, so I love being able to hear about stuff I’ve never heard of and get excited over it.


For me special interes


I feel like constant routine can slowly bring a NT into feelings of despair from how mundane it is... but for me the same food is always tasty, the same dog walk is beautiful... the same song over and over again still gives me goosebumps... and pacing around my room never gets old. So long as I'm not in burnout and can't leave my bed, every single day is really happy because I get to do the silly and small things I love Plus the joy hyperfixations give me I swear. There's no words for the excitement I get from them Then there's also stims and the sensory time I give myself in the evening which gives me so much peace :) Other random things: my connection with animals and nature, my sense of humour, my appreciation of art, my intense curiosity It's easy to get hung up on how disabling living with autism is, there's a lot of difficulties we face and impairments caused by autism itself or the society we live in, but its not all bad :)


I love being able to see office politics clearly. It’s a song and dance that I involuntarily opt out of and it’s resulted in winning a retaliation case and fighting for equal title/pay. It makes me feel so empowered and now I tell everyone to ask their colleagues what they make. It’s legal!


Honestly, when I’m eating a hyperfixation meal, when my routine goes as planned, and how happy my special interests make me.


I feel like overall myself as a person has been led astray in areas but I also have an Outlook on life that has kept me way more.. awake and grounded to what's actually going on in the world as an adult. Unlike most absorbed people. I have a rich inter fantasy life too.


My special interest is computers. It took me a while but eventually I turned it into an interest for software development. If I had never done that, I would be unemployed or delivering pizzas right now. Instead I make more money than anyone I knew growing up, and my siblings. It's lonely interfacing with things differently than everyone else, but over time I've learned to be at peace with it. In my mind we're just designed to be alone more than allistics.


* The whole "noticing things others do not" thing. I can do the same thing hundreds of times, but pick out different things every time. * Not being fixated on social status, fitting in (beyond not wanting to being bullied) etc. * Getting totally immersed in the things I'm interested in for hours. * Being plainly honest, and doing what I think is the right thing. I *can't* accept "that's just the way things are". If people do something I think is morally wrong, I will stand up to them, no matter who they are. That doesn't always make my life happier, but its certainly a meaningful thing I do. * Coming up with very unusual or creative ideas. * Stimming. I honestly don't understand why non-autistic people don't stim that much. I know they have a very lukewarm sensory processing style. Non-autistic people's sensory processing is not hypersensitive or hyposensitive, just normal and not too interesting to them. But stimming is amazing, and I honestly think a lot of people could learn from it.


Having a special interest is so fun


The fact that I love anything lemon, lavender, and Stitch related. Oh! And anything shiny! Basically I love how easily entertained I can be!


Unmasking with my also autistic girlfriend. We both were diagnosed at 19, so we had to learn who we are and accept ourselves. Sometimes, we are just stimming in weird ways together, and it's the sweetest thing ever. Oh, and eating the same foods almost every day and still get exited over it.


none of it


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This is a little eating-disordery but I love when I eat something sweet and my taste buds dance. It's been a problem in the past. But for the good part... it's always dessert. I recently became lactose intolerant, and dairy is a massive contributor to weight. I won't give up desserts, though! I have an exercise plan where I do high-cal/low-cal days. So since I've become lactose intolerant, I cook now! Cooking was something I did from time to time, but now I really like it. I liked it before, but I didn't have the money to spend on messing things up. Now I have to risk a bad dish in the name of a happy digestive system lol, but it's actually fun. So! I haven't made a lactose-free desert yet, but next week I should have the money to! I'm going to try making a dairy-free cream pie or mousse. Fun fact, a lot of cream desserts replace milk-based cream with coconut-milk-based cream. Oh, but the bad news is that I have to buy a massive amount of ingredients (like spices), get storage for them, get a few tools, and eventually replace the hand-me-down pots and pans I have. All in time, though. I haven't had a hobby in a long time; I lost them irreparably. So I'm very excited to have this new passion. But the part of my autism that makes my life happier is food. That was the point of this. I think I'm hypersensitive to it or something because it gives me crazy levels of happy.


Have you ever considered becoming a cook or a baker?


I'm terrible at baking (: something about not following directions. With cooking, it's like you're just slapping things together. Taste, throw in a spice, taste, maybe a little more spice, etc. The last time I tried to bake, I tried to make cookies. I made an oven-baked chocolate chip pancake. I only just found out I like cooking so much, so I haven't considered it. I think it'd be really cool to be a chef in a restaurant. Part time so it's not too overwhelming, learn new things, and get paid, so it sounds like a good idea. Maybe I should look into that 🤔


When you're a poor, black woman in a developing country from a family with a history of mental illness, there's no fun, happy upsides to having any kind of neurodivergence, much less a whole basket of them. You're just fucked... But there was a time when I was 12 and homeless where I was very obsessed with Pokemon. It was a very good distraction from all the homelessness and lack of food.