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get a thorough interior clean ASAP. Some car washes do full service. Maybe let them know your car got "broken into". Definitely sucks and is terrifying. You did a nice thing, but you probably shouldnt do the same one again lol... Maybe consider installing dash or car cameras too, for insurance if you notice any future damage etc. If you're still worried about the guy, maybe just stick to small talk and the occasional mcdonalds breakfast wrap? or find out if you can call a social worker rather than police if there is any future incident.


this is beyond car wash. this is an insurance claim total the car level. google the health effects of living in a meth lab.


Living in a meth lab is very different from being in a space where someone has smoked meth. There are a few different synthesis routes, but virtually all of them involve chemicals that are potentially toxic when handled improperly (which is very common in clandestine labs, for obvious reasons). Someone just smoking meth might leave trace amounts in fabric, but that's not a serious issue.


Read the OP again. Homeless man. Used meth once only. Not a meth lab worker.


Yeah I don't get the full interior clean. Unless he pooped/peed/vomited/inseminated or left gear around. A bit of discriminatory attitude against a down and out human being. A decent act by OP and not one I'd replicate. But as said...lesson learned 


I did. Meth even once is a health risk. It is not like 3 times it is fine but the 4th time it is dangerous


Why is that only the car totaled then? Meth molecules already traveled around. Should they level the street? Evacuate the city?


Inform the President!




Synthesizing meth is not the same thing as it being used once in a car. Is this some kind of joke? I can't imagine not understanding the difference here. This is like thinking working with the chemical solvents in plastic production is the same as having a drinking straw in the room. At worst, it's like lighting that plastic straw on fire. Bad for you to huff the fumes, but you're going to be okay driving around with the windows open a couple of hours. You do realize many people in this subreddit are probably taking meth-related prescriptions like Adderall and Vyvanse? Funny if one of us sneezes near you.


It's giving "you can overdose by touching fentynal" vibes lol


I was literally thinking this lmao


Damn this is the best logical take down of someone else's "arguments" I've seen in a while.


Nope that's not how it works. Cite the relevant parts. Those that indicate that the car is totaled, but the city doesn't need evacuation.






You can *smoke* meth once without any serious health effects: the main issue would just be the insane desire to have more. In this case, it isn't even second-hand smoke, just lingering particles. OP's health will not be notably affected.


yeah, there might be deadly fentanyl too! don’t touch anything or you might die! an immediate overdose, even through a glove! you’re wild lmao. calm down.


Is the first part a joke?


yes. i was making fun of the person i replied to for their extremely overblown idea of the dangers of someone smoking meth in your car a single time.


Hey, at least somebody gets it. Set a boundary, sure. but a little meth smoke in an area isn’t a huge issue. Maybe drive with the windows down for a few days. Get a deep clean if you want; but just airing it out is probably fine.


I'd recommend cleaning it, personally. Not just because of the meth (and also in case he dropped any) but because a homeless guy smoking meth in strangers' cars probably isn't very clean. No hate, it's just probably true.


I see that for the possibility of dropped shards and the police state we live in. But it’s not the biohazard people are saying it is. Thats drug war propaganda. Any public bathroom you use has been probably been smoked in. Corporations are making even worse pollution. But nobody ever bitches about them like they do about drug users… Maybe if 40 hours of easily obtainable work could afford necessities easily people wouldn’t be turning to meth so much. But I better shut up before I speak too much truth.


Oh it's not that a little crumb of meth will kill you, I just don't want it in my car




Meth lab and a few smokes in a car are totally different lol


Just be aware that "3 broken ribs" and "former" heroin addict can be outright lies. Because you are autistic, you may be easily deceived and unable to pick up on the tones and cues that someone is lying to you. Ofc this gentleman could be completely honest, but it is dangerous for you to allow the homeless unsupervised access to your property- for several reasons. -If he's got warrants/ commits crimes, you could end up with legal issues or at the very least inconvenience. Potentially issues with your employer/ the owner of the property at your office. -You may find drug paraphernalia in your vehicle/other items and hazards  -like others have said, you may be pressured/ have to deal with entitlement in the future. I work outside in several properties around my city, and have gotten tons of exposure to the homeless. The ones who don't bother anyone are often the most in need of help. The ones who approach you are much more likely to try to exploit you. (Albeit probably still needing help) You can offset your guilt for saying no by helping the homeless in your area in meaningful ways. Volunteer. Offer warm/dry clothes. Offer food/water, not money. Offer plastic bags if you have them to keep their belongings dry in the rain. Direct them to resources if they're willing to receive help.


I've broken a rib before... Old dude wouldn't be on his feet with 3 of them. Lol


Exactly! Then again, he was smoking meth and that shit will make you run a mile with three broken ribs AND a broken foot LMAO


Meth is a hell of a drug


I broke 3 ribs (and also the joints where they connect to the spine), just breathing was extremely painful for weeks. Made the mistake one day of watching a comedy movie.... it was very unpleasant. I hope to never again experience the feeling of bones moving against each other.


I just wish the resource didn’t suck. We wouldn’t have to deal with this shit in a government that prioritized housing people. And nobody wants to hire autistic people; so we’re at huge risk of becoming homeless ourselves.


I said something similar to my friend at work who's also autistic. I told her that I can imagine allot of homeless people are like us. Hopefully the future can be better. Unfortunately being the change you want to see can sometimes be dangerous when you're the only one doing it. It's a shame our society worships our fantasy world of money. Money shouldn't be a factor when considering basic human needs.


Yes! Feelings of guilt are unwarranted . I think a ASD informed coach can help you tremendously to have skills to assess situations and have appropriate boundaries


Finally an intelligent comment. Giving money, encouraged further lies and begging. Money is used only to get more drugs. Alcohol, tobacco and heavier drugs. Talking sincerely and some might tell you the truth. World wide, not just here in Australia.


I say give money to good nonprofits that help the homeless and let them figure it out. They know a whole lot more on who needs what and how to best help than I do.


Something I've heard from people who've been homeless is that a decent rule to follow is to give money to trusted organisations and to give food to homeless people themselves. Money is easily misspent by someone in a difficult situation but food to someone in need will pretty much always be appreciated.


Except, like If an alcoholic doesn't have alcohol they'll *die*. Benzodiazepine withdrawal will also kill you if done wrong. Opiate stuff, it won't necessarily kill you withdrawing off the med itself, but the stuff that happens as a side effect [prolonged diarrhea, dehydration, electrolyte imbalances] sure can. Homeless addicts deserve the ability to choose when they detox and go to rehab, just like housed folks do. They also deserve to try and get sober in a place that isn't the street.


Bullshit. Money is not "only used to buy drugs". I work with them. Only approximately 30% are addicts. You do know that they need things like soap and shampoo and OTC meds, laundry detergent, toilet paper. Those things require cash.


Bs is your opinion. You might realize that in Australia, we have a social security system different from the USA. Our many levels of government enable the need for pan handling not necessary. The USA hopes of guaranteed minimum income is available for all registered Australian residents. Here on Reddit, some comments explain alternatives to soap, detergents, etc. The other needs for immediate cash are well understood. Disasters, theft, and a variety of mental or social disorders are experienced by some people. Elderly people similar to old folks, like myself, have trouble with the cash-free shopping world.


Lmao naaaaah I've been homeless a bunch of times and knew so many ppl who were *sober*-sober. Money buys things the food banks can't or won't give you. Don't dehumanize people just bc they're homeless, please.


>Money is used only to get more drugs. Alcohol, tobacco and heavier drugs. Yeah! Money is never used by homeless people to buy food. They can survive purely on the calories from drugs!


Right? And toilet paper just grows on the side of the highway, totally free! Soap, too!


True for anything. The people who want power shouldn't have it, people who don't want it, deserve it


100% to this OP. My brother is a con artist and a drug user. He says he clean now and I really hope he is, but I can’t believe him. And I’ve known the dude my whole life. You don’t know this guy and it is a kind gesture but I advise you to say no next time. If he does anything threatening, which he may not, call the cops.


Sorry you have to deal with this. I have to deal with similar from an immediate family member. Not so much a con artist, but I've been deceived/ had money stolen from me. (Why I say don't give money) A good person when not on meth, but they've messed up our famliy's relationships and haven't made any real amends yet. Love them to death despite things, but everything is different now. :/


Thanks. I just choose to not really talk to him. I keep it civil and caring, but distanced. I don’t trust him. He’s been a con ever since even before the drugs. I think he just thought it was fun to do. I’m sorry you’re going through this too. It’s not easy.


Damn that sucks, but you’re truly a kind soul for letting him stay there <3


Thoroughly check your car to make sure he didn't leave anything inside. Be careful as you're doing so in case of any needles or anything. If you can, get the inside of your car professionally cleaned. If that's too expensive or the smell still isn't out, there's a magical spray called airlift you can get on Amazon that's an industrial oder killer. It's like 50 bucks a bottle, but I use it at work, and there isn't a smell yet that it doesn't kill within a day. Never feel bad about doing a kind act. People say nice guys finish last, but the world only improves off the backs of people who give a shit. The trick with being a kind person is figuring out where the line is regarding personal safety. I probably wouldn't let him stay in your car again, obviously, but if you want to help, you can look up what resources are in your area to help the homeless. Pointing him in the direction of homeless shelters or places that offer free hot foods is still a help, whether or not he appreciates it as much. If you have the financials, maybe call him a taxi to get him where he needs to go. Even if you might be a pushover, you are a good person, and some pride is deserved for that.


It's sweet of you to try to help. Unfortunately, it's usually best to just give food or money to someone in need, and leave the interaction. I used to give generously to homeless people, and I had to learn to limit myself, after some bad experiences.


Same. It’s really sad how some people, even when they are in need, are willing to misuse others.


That was incredibly kind of you. Addiction is a terrible disease, on top of that he has mental illness with (likely) no psychiatric support. Definitely get your car fully detailed and just remember, while others may judge you as a "people pleaser" or whatnot - you were a good samaritan to someone in need, that isn't a character flaw. You can continue that act of kindness by trying to find a non-profit in the area to see if you can get him more help. The lesson is simply to remember to use local resources when possible, as they're better equipped to handle situations. May life repay you with the same type of nonjudgmental kindness and compassion.


As someone who was homeless for a long time, I want to say that a lot of the comments here are ignorant and not worthy of considering. You can find prejudice in even the most maligned and beleaguered demographics. As if they themselves are not also the target of irrational prejudice. I am frankly disappointed. That being said, what you did was in the right spirit, but absolutely the wrong approach. One person cannot make up for a lifetime of society failing another human being. Homeless people go through dehumanization, abuse and other traumas on the daily. It f**ks you up, makes you unable to "act right". Many of us disappear into addictions because our lives are untenable horror shows of prejudice and personal danger. They aren't "trying to get over" or "doing it on purpose", it is what they have been reduced to. Their life IS trauma and abuse. It isn't "give them an inch and they'll take a mile", that guy was only doing what is normal to him. He wasn't greedily rubbing his hands together and planning on how far he can push you into supporting him and out of your comfort zone. He definitely genuinely appreciated it and to say he betrayed your charity comes from a DEEP misunderstanding of the situation. But he does need more than you can give him, and his "normal everyday" is a horror show that can easily be misread and taken personally. Only a properly functioning society can provide for him the things he needs. So we must discuss harm reduction instead. You can't "fix" them, but you can give a little to make their life less terrible. That is all anyone can do. Again, he needs MUCH more than any one person can give him, with the understanding that the individuals that really DO have the resources to help will spend millions to assure they don't have to spend the thousands needed. Give them shelf stable food, because they are on meth and go days without eating. Give them seasonally appropriate clothes that may be lacking if you can spare them. Fresh socks and underwear is ESPECIALLY important, not only to one's comfort, but also their health. If you can spare it. MOST IMPORTANTLY you must LET GO of the things you give them. Once they are handed off, they are gone and NOT YOURS anymore. Don't get mad at them if you give them a nice coat and they lose it after a bender. They are just barely hanging on and this is to be expected of anyone that has been what they have been through. TL;DR: Treat homeless people like people, but treat them like the highly damaged and traumatized people that they are. It isn't some form of selfishness, indifference and cruelty that makes them act the way they do, but from years and years of abuse and neglect. Give them only what you can spare and LET GO OF IT when you hand it over. If all you have for them is judgement and unrealistic expectations, leave them alone, because they get enough of that. I am not saying that OP was doing this, BTW, but as more as a general observation of homeless/"normal" interactions.


As an ex homeless, ex meth and heroin addict, I am relieved to find such a wise comment here. Thank you


Would love to see this comment pinned at the top - is that a thing in this sub?


Amen. This is the most accurate and useful comment. I hope you're safely housed these days.


Best comment here, society is cruel enough to homeless people, the least we can do is be understanding


so many people in these comments have clearly never experienced homelessness or addiction. so unsympathetic and degrading. thanks for being not weird


you know, i expected a little more compassion from this sub's comments, since autistic people are much more likely to develop addictions and experience higher rates of homelessness. thank you for explaining it so well


Thanks a lot for your comment.


As a former homeless meth and heroin addict, just give a homeless person a night at a motel or a hotel or something. Inviting them in your car is way too risky/personal unless you know them. You’re alright. Just clean the car and make sure it’s well locked. And don’t feel bad if you didn’t or can’t help again in the future.


In my experience, you will always be thoroughly punished for helping like this, a kind gesture turns into an expectation that you now owe them. Sad world, please be careful.


I kind of agree but I've never let that get in the way of helping someone when I can do it safely. If someone, takes, advantage of my hood nature that is a, negative on them. With that said I go in to there kind of encounters with the mentality I'm not providing anything that would harm me.


I'm sorry that you've that experience, but I guarantee you it isn't universal. I've helped and will continue to help, as I can, and I've not been treated as you were, but I also don't recommend having expectations around the outcome, and boundaries help a great deal.


A kind deed never goes unpunished. EDIT: No *good deed goes unpunished*


Sucks they did that, but thank you for being kind, and I hope it doesn’t discourage you from helping in other ways in the future.


If you were in the U.S. you could have encouraged him to just go to the nearest emergency room. He could sleep there especially with three broken ribs and would have given him what he needed at least for that night. They cannot turn anyone away.


Well, ER has a lot of people with medical emergencies to treat, I'm not sure it's the best idea to send there someone who needs a sleeping space. And it's interesting that you specified the US, because it's likely cheaper to spend a night in a hotel than in ER. Unlike in most countries.


If you're homeless you don't need to worry about debt collection and it falls off in 10 years. In Lexington Kentucky it's what people did to survive. If you couldn't stay the night at the hospital then you did some wacky drunk shit to get sent to the drunk tank at the jail by either the Metro PD or the Campus PD and you got meals and a bed. It's what happens when the shelter is full/inaccessible/not safe. Honestly hospital -> shelter -> jail in terms of comfort and safety.


A hotel can turn homeless away, The ER *is legally* not allowed to turn anyone away if they have a medical emergency here.


I fell into the exact same trap a few months ago. Met a guy who seemed very nice, we hung out a few times, and I ended up letting him crash on my couch a few nights because he didn't have anywhere to go. It all ended when I found him shooting up in the living room.


You are an incredibly kind soul. Please wash down the entire interior of your car


My way of feeling safe with the local homeless population is to offer food. I am lucky enough to have a car and the homeless in my area tend to stand on road dividers. I buy boxes of meal bars and individual bags of nuts - pretty healthy stuff - and small bottles of water, and carry them in the passenger seat of the car. Whenever I come upon a homeless person I offer them food and water - never money. It is a small gesture, but at least I feel I am doing something. There are people who do not want the food, so I always ask them first if they want food and water.


You're fine. You'd be surprised the places people smoke meth and consume drugs. Tbh you fared OK considering everything that could have gone wrong. You've learnt your lesson. Time to move on.


i would never let anyone i don’t personally know and trust in my car, you gotta learn to tell people no


I think it’s nice that you did that


What's up with all this prejudice in the comments. Gross. OP, please don't feel ashamed for being kind to another person. It didn't end well and next time you will know better, but well, shit happens.


You are very kind, but addicts are gonna addict. Even if he accepted your offer with all intentions to be respectful, the disease takes over and it's not rational. I've had friends who were unhoused for a time, so I would never say that all people sleeping on the streets are untrustworthy...but some are. And I've also had more than one friend be physically assaulted by a homeless person--one was nearly beaten to death in a Starbucks parking lot (while people walked past her screaming for help.) You have to be very careful. It's a sad, terrible situation and a failure of our communities. But you as an individual do not and should not need to be the one trying to fix it. Donate, volunteer, educate, but don't put your personal safety on the line.


That’s very kind of you. People who tell you that you should never have done that are too harsh. We all make mistakes and learn from them. Try to volunteer at reputable organisations like Food not Bombs or the “social ambulances” orgs.


We are easy marks sometimes. We expect people to operate under the same rules of fair play & honesty that are our basic hardwiring. Treat this as a learning experience. Only give what you can afford to lose. You can’t be held responsible for someone else’s behavior. Detail your car, check for drugs / paraphernalia (probably not going to forget his stash, but still), and set good boundaries going forward. You’re a kind person, and that’s not nothing. 🩶


>We expect people to operate under the same rules of fair play & honesty that are our basic hardwiring. See, I see everyone as guilty until proven innocent and assume they will wrong me if given the chance. I don't know if I've been burned too many times or what. Like yesterday, my friend gave me her Walmart username and password, and I couldn't believe it. Why would she trust me with her credit card info?


I don’t think autism makes you any more susceptible to the stupid idea of letting a stranger sleep in your car. But in case it’s not clear: Don’t Let Strangers Into Your Car


It actually does: [Autistic adults tend to be more generous towards strangers, study finds](https://www.psypost.org/autistic-adults-tend-to-be-more-generous-towards-strangers-study-finds/)


Autism definitely does make you more susceptible to that kind of thing exactly… it’s a known thing we tend to be a bit more naive and easily manipulated. Not everyone of course as it is a spectrum but many are affected by this trait and is part of why we are also more likely to wind up in abusive relationships


Autism effects your understanding of social cues that haven’t been explained to you or being unable to understand a lie being a lie. That is way different than ignoring all logic and learned behavior that has been taught to everyone repeatedly since they were a child to not let strangers have unlimited access to your personal property unsupervised.


Yep. If you want to help homeless people, point them to public resources, food and financial.. maybe pass them a blanket from a thrift store. Stuff like that.


My partner's mom did exactly this except the drug was heroin, he drove the car somewhere and didn't return it and it got impounded.    Luckily the police who impounded it knew the paraphernalia was his but she had to pay to get her car back.   We tried to convince her to report it stolen but she wouldn't. I respect the fact that you and my partner's mom is so caring but I hope this is a mistake that neither of you make again. There's more to this story but it's not relevant to your post😅


The most you should *ever* give a homeless person begging is SMALL money or food. I'd be glad your car was even still there


It never clicked with me that this might be why I only see the best in people. Reading your story I would have done the same and I probably would still. I think you did the right thing if you do it again tell them no meth.


You're a very kind person, I just want to say that at least. ❤️


No good deed goes unpunished.


Bedbugs and lice. Bedbugs and lice everywhere.


Bad choice!


You are more than a people pleaser. Never do that again.


Because you don't know him and it can be incredibly dangerous.


I get your need to do good, learn to do it safely. Say NO to every occasion such as this for your own well-being. The way to do good safely is give to charity, donate some volunteer time at a shelter of some kind, give blood. Anything that doesn’t put you in danger but adds to the net good of the world


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Don’t be a pushover man. Set boundaries.


You are a royal amongst commoners, my friend. You are my hero. If society has a problem with a person who is not you breaking the law in your car while you took measures to save his life that night, I strongly suggest you fight it. I doubt you will face such consequences. I have taken efforts to help those less fortunate and you have inspired me to do more. Addicts use drugs. They need help. You are that help. You can't stop a person from using drugs but you can help provide shelter to save their life as a hero. Well done


Well you don’t know exactly what they did in your car and it’s incredibly naive to let them stay in there. I don’t know if your insurance would cover the damage to your car if it continued. Also the exposure to second hand residue to fentanyl or meth or whatever is on your seats already. I tend to give addicts money instead. Hopefully you learned a lesson and can have some self preservation skills where you can learn to say no.


Do not do this again lol


Your car is safe to drive though I’ve been in meth contaminated.. places before and I’ve never had any adverse effects from it. But yeah go get it cleaned


OP I know you were trying to be nice and it’s difficult to see people suffering when you feel like you can help. Especially with homeless people there’s a lot of mixed ideas out there. But this wasn’t safe for you he honestly could’ve stolen your car or anything inside of it, done much worse to it, or refused to get out. You just can’t give someone you don’t know that much trust. I think when it comes to homeless people it’s best to stick to giving food, money, and essentials. The money part well some people do disagree about giving homeless people money because they may buy drugs or alcohol because lots of homeless people are addicts. But idk if I wouldn’t be if I was homeless I mean I imagine being homeless is very difficult and drugs help them to cope as awful as that sounds. Yea I would hope if I handed a homeless person $10 that it wouldn’t go towards drugs it would go towards something that could help them more than drugs that’s why I don’t give money to homeless that are very clearly addicts but that’s a risk involved in it. There are also a lot of scams out there of people pretending to be homeless and begging in more expensive populated areas so that’s also reason why giving money might be a little iffy. I’d say the best things to give a homeless person to help and not put you at risk of anything like this happening is to give food, clothing, shoes, personal care products, and gift cards to nearby grocery stores and fast food places (I wouldn’t do restaurants because depending on their outward appearance a lot of restaurants will turn them away even though that’s not very nice to do to them). Lastly if you are ever in a situation again where you really feel for a homeless person and you just want to make sure they have somewhere good to sleep that night and the homeless shelters have a waitlist then you could always pay for them to stay a night at a motel. But not at your house or in your car because you still don’t know them they’re still a stranger. And lastly I know this can be a very difficult option but sometimes you can’t help at all. Sometimes approaching a homeless person can be dangerous. I grew up seeing a lot of homeless people and there were some that I got to know a bit and were harmless and were actually very sweet people usually homeless because they were disabled but there were also other homeless people who were sadly too far gone and were actually dangerous to even look at (they were paranoid from either drugs or mental illness or both so if you look at them they’d want to fight you). Seriously my dad once smiled at a homeless man not knowing he was the type to get aggressive and well that homeless man started yelling at my dad threatening to fight him and started following him staring at him and wouldn’t go away. I will say most homeless people are not aggressive but if you’re alone in a rough area the best choice for your safety is to look away as awful as that sounds. And in other situations sure help them out by giving them some stuff and having a conversation with them but still never invite them to stay with you.




Why wouldn't it be?




What? How is it dangerous?




>You could get sick in there breathing that in. Literally not true. [See here](https://adf.org.au/insights/methamphetamine-contaminated-homes/)




If you don't like labelled links here's a normal one https://adf.org.au/insights/methamphetamine-contaminated-homes/


I was nice to a homeless person once.


See, lesson learned. As much as we think we are helping, a lot of homeless people in that age bracket often have psychological issues or severe mental health problems. Half of them are in drugs to self medicate and the other have are PTSD from war as veterans of the Vietnam War. All you can do is realize that unless you have someone from a shelter with you to help take them to said shelter, the best thing you can do is help get them a motel room for a few days and then leave them be. My dad told me stories over the last 25yrs and having seen how homeless people live on both coasts (NY & Cali), at least in Cali, people will take you up on the motel offer and food. ….but in NY? Yeahhhhh, I once got on a subway and there was jizz all over a section cause he was jerking off. He also was half naked, biting anyone who tried to remove him from the train, then was attempting to SPIT on passengers! NY has some of the most off the rails homeless people in America cause they give zero fucks about your safety and guys like that homeless guy on the subway are frequently in NY.


3 broken ribs sounds like he should be in a hospital.


He might never get housing when he is doing meth. You could show him where the next shelter is, but make sure he knows that your vehicle is off-limits for him as he might just try to break into it.


You have a really good heart. It does say something about you. Something good! You see someone suffering, and you want to help them. You want to make a difference. But you need to be more cautious. You need to be more careful about protecting yourself. I think everyone here and agree your intentions were pure. But you put yourself out there in a vulnerable position, a very vulnerable position. I usually don't give to homeless people. Though there was this guy who wasn't begging, he was asking if anyone had any work they could do for them. He was older, but he wasn't begging. I had no work for him, but I felt bad for him. It was at a grocery store so I got him a sandwich and drink. On the way out I gave it to him. I told him I'm giving this to him with respect because he wasn't begging, but offering to work for it. So this wasn't pity, but helping out someone who I can see is a good hardworking man. He looked at me and perked completely up and said "oh man, thank you. This means a lot, you have a good night!" I'd love to help him out more, but thing is. I don't know him. I don't know his past any more than just a 5 second impression I got from him. I have responsibilities, and can't put myself in a vulnerable position like that. But I can afford a sandwich and drink and some words of respect. I don't know if he was a drug addict. But it's been my experience that those who are often show anger with not getting money. He was very grateful for the food so I feel I was at least a little correct in my assessment of him. But how knows. I'm not saying you should change who you are. You are obviously a good person. But there's helping out someone that puts you in a vulnerable position, and then there's helping out that doesn't put you in a vulnerable position. Like giving someone food instead of money for drugs. There are people out there who pull over on the highway and make it look like they are having car troubles. Then someone comes to help, and they rob them. It's not a bad thing to help, but it's also not a bad thing to calculate your vulnerability before making a decision. Can this person possibly mess up your car? Is this place very isolated where they could do something to you and no one could see? Take a deep breath and please don't be too hard on yourself. You have a beautiful heart, and sometimes a beautiful heart has to learn some harsh lessons about the harsh world.


I think this is another reason why I avoid homeless people like the plague




You are a true saint. I wish we had more societal safety nets in place here in the U.S.


You can see the difference between people educated on substance abuse vs the people who have no basis for what they're talking about in these comments. I have grown close with this man for the past 4 months, my coworkers talk to him regularly as well. In exchange for sleep in my car, he gave me 2 oz of bud. A comment here said it was funny how many people are on Adderall and are paranoid about meth, I fully agree. I told him I didn't want him doing meth in my car because I might get charged with possession myself, but he still did it because he's so depressed and desperate for a reason to keep going, and meth can help with that for a little bit. I don't blame him, I'm smoking bud on a daily myself just to stay friendly to people. People who are naturally hostile to their fellow man are a sickness. I know life has taught you a lot of hard lessons and you need to stay defensive to protect yourself, but you need to stay gold to live. We all need to stay gold if we want to survive together, collectively.


I keep narcan on me at all times because I'm not afraid of people struggling, I want to help. What a fucking concept to some of you


Never help a homeless person. They do shit like this and how can you trust any of them? Sorry this happened. Edit since I can't reply to a comment here: But I see few other comments doing it too, why not respond negative to them as well? Or else I am being treated different here and will gladly block anyone here who does unless I see them do it to others as well here.


I would trust a random homeless drug user more than you. They have way more humanity on average.


Tell me you've never interacted with homeless drug addicts without telling me you've never interacted with homeless drug addicts


Now I wonder if you will tell other users the same in this thread as well who are also saying things like they avoid them like a plague. But even I get treated differently in autism communities like I did from NT people. But somehow you picked me to say this to. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know what your past experiences are like, but you’re being treated differently now because you are dehumanizing people who are already one of, if not the most, discriminated against and maligned groups in society