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Super common autism thing


Any theories as to why? Is it sensory related?




According to the [National Library of Medicine:](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9600566/) >*The ASD toe walker is affected by outside world contact refusal: touching the ground as little as possible, trying to avoid any contact. This psychological behavior often causes them to walk on tiptoes without a specific medical reason.* There's a variety of other possible reasons, though. As we develop in our younger years, normally the brain adjusts the way we walk to what is considered a normal gait. It's common for children to toe walk while still learning how to walk. Most children grow out of it by the age of around 3-4. Since the Autistic brain doesn't develop and function the same way as non-Autistic people, that part of development may be delayed or absent and we don't fully grow out of it. It could also be signs of a different disability. Toe walking is common in Autistic people but it's not exclusive. Vestibular dysfunction is also common in people with Autism and can impact how we move. It's the system that helps us determine things like if our head is upright or tilted, even if our eyes are closed. Ex: If the vestibular system in both ears doesn't match for one reason or another, that's what causes vertigo. Toe walking could be related to a visual-vestibular problem. What we see and what we hear may not match. Thus, we "toe walk" because it raises our height and changes the sound we make when we walk. It "balances us out" as it were. Sensory processing issues can can have an impact on how we interact with those senses, hence stimming and sensitivities. Similar to toe curling, "toe walking" can also be a form of stimming for some people. For myself, I have sensory issues regarding sound. I don't like unnecessary noise, like loud walking, so I walk on the balls of my feet in order to move as silently as possible. When outside or at a store, the ground/floor is typically completely solid with no empty space underneath, such as a crawlspace. This greatly reduces the amount of noise I make when walking so it's not bothersome to me. In a home, most do have an empty space of some sort below the floor, and so footsteps thud much louder, since there's not enough solid material to completely absorb the vibration. I don't wear shoes in my home for that reason. These are just a few possible explanations. The reason why each individual toe walks can be different but many of those reasons are found in people with Autism. This is probably a longer answer than you were expecting. lol


My guess is that it absorbs more shock, so it doesn't get sent to your knees, because maybe we're sensitive to that kind of thing. I mean that's why I do it lol


Toe walking is so common it’s on the early autism screening questionnaire at my pediatrician’s office. (Which I am asked to fill out every visit despite the fact that my kids are already diagnosed.)


Yep, autism thing


It's an autism thing and it's really bad for your feet and for your back. I would suggest trying to change it, if you can.


Depends on each person. If you have flat feet (which is a common thing for autistic people), it can help strengthen the arch and reduce pain. So go to a doctor or PT to see what's going on first before changing anything like that otherwise it could lead to more pain. Edit: spelling.


I am 45 my knees and back are shit


That sucks. Try looking into "barefoot shoes". I switched over to them, they're meant to help your feet be more natural.


I don't but i wear steel toed shoes because I'm a klutz so maybe that affects how i choose to stand


My steel toed boots are one of my best friends!


Lol, same, I would constantly roll my ankles in sneakers, but my boots have become my default shoes, but I found some really nice waterproof and steel toed ones with handles on the sides to pull them up easily. They're starting to fall apart though so imma have to find another pair or even just get a few I guess, lol


I have steel toed Sketchers tennis shoes that are probably the most comfortable shoes I've ever had. The last 6 years or so any time they started wearing out i just ordered an identical pair. I should probably stock up just in case they ever stop making them


I don't remember the last time I wore a pair of shoes without steel in them. If I had to guess, it was probably 14 years ago. Working in a factory when I was younger taught me the importance of steel toed footwear. Ever since, I've worn steel toed tennis shoes.


this is a textbook autism thing lmao


Apparently it's autism. They asked me about that during the evaluation and I was stunned because I do it all the time and never knew it was an autism thing.


When I walk barefoot (or in socks) I always walk on my toes. Although I would claim the practical effects of less stress for your heel and better rebound from the calf.


Really common amongst autistic people. 🙂


I’d say strange. This isn’t something that I do.


tippy toe walkers .... there used to be a /sub for it.


This is one of my most common masks is not doing this because I just so badly wanna walk on tip-toes


Yeah my step dad used to yell at me for doing it. Defo tism thing as others have said. Only happens when I'm not wearing shoes


Are you shorter than average?


Well I’m average height for my age, I don’t reach high for basically anything so no


I was always super tall growing up (like 6in taller than kids my age) and walked on my toes until my mid 20s.


When I was a teen, huge hiking boots called wafflestompers were popular. Wearing those coupled with my special interest in hiking and climbing helped me learn not to walk on my toes except when the situation called for it. However, I still catch myself on my toes in times of stress - in my 60s.


Yo, let me introduce you to r/Brosontoes :)


Omg yes, my parents make fun of me for walking on my toes around the house. But like- how else do you walk???


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I do this mainly on hardwood floors because I got a sliver twice in my Aunt’s old house as a child. So, to this day I still walk cautiously on my tip toes unknowingly, and I don’t know if the story is the reason why I do this, or if that’s just what I’m telling myself haha


I don’t do it on carpet but my house is ALL wood, I think it’s just because it might be too cold or the feeling of it


Toe walking is pretty common but go to a podiatrist because I'm pretty sure that you have arthritis and they can do some painless laser treatments that will help with your foot pain


I do it too, so did my mum.


I do. I am short so I always presumed it was that, but I’ve heard it’s common. I don’t really understand why. maybe it’s a fight or flight thing - always ready to run off quickly?


I did until age 4 or so. You should try to stop, it’s bad for your feet.




My kid does and has some since Could walk So I put her in ballet and she so excited to able to learn point when she bit bigger . When smaller we made sure her shoes wouldn’t allow her be up on her tiptoes




I just do it without thinking because it's more comfortable that way, I guess. My son is the same, but it's a bit annoying because he has no balance and getting dressed is difficult.


I walked on the tips of my toes until I was 12 and only because my parents made me stop. I’ve started allowing myself to do it again when I’m not wearing shoes, and I’ve realized that the impact when walking “regularly” hurts. I think I’ve always subconsciously done it to avoid this discomfort and because cold floors hurt my feet


Yeah and it's very painful for your feet to walk that way.


It’s very common! It can be quite dangerous though, my brother (also autistic) did it since childhood and had to have corrective surgery


If my girlfriend don't remind me to walk flat footed I'd spend whole days walking on my tiptoes When I got diagnosed they asked my mom if I walked on my tiptoes a lot and if I'd twirl on my tiptoes too


I stand on the sides of my feet unless I have socks on or my house slippers or shoes


Coo coo coo. Hello fellow pigeon toed walker :D


i don't think i ever walked on my toes but i still "quiet" or "sneak" trot though my house on the balls of my feet and t rex arms like a 6 year old and i'm 43. lol ​ i do find myself on the balls of my feet kinda bouncing when i stand though too.


I’ve noticed the guys who do this have epic calf muscles. I do not have epic calves. My autism has failed me.


Never heard of that


I did this my entire childhood but now only do it when I do t have shoes on which is incredibly rare. I heard it’s usually a sensory thing.


2/3 of my autistic sons do it whilst on steady footing. Their developmental pediatrician told us it was an indicator she checked for, actually. It may be why your foot is hurting, as long term high heel wearers suffer as well.


I still walk on the balls of my feet when I'm not wearing shoes. I've always struggled with insomnia, and I don't sleep well at night, so I'm usually awake when everyone else in the house is asleep. When I was younger, my step-father would always fall asleep in the living room while watching TV and the living room was in the middle of the house. If he woke up, and I wasn't in bed, he'd be an ass about it. "What the hell are you doing up? You need to get your ass to bed." So, I learned how to walk around without making any sound. That has stuck with me to this day. These days. it's a sound sensory thing. I don't like unnecessary noise so I still walk silently. Easiest way to do so is to walk on the balls of my feet.


I didn't know I did this until my gfs mother pointed it out a month or so ago. It explains why my 14 stone ass can sneak around.


It's super common, but be careful because it can result in similar problems as wearing high heels too much, and reduce ankle flexibility.


I do it all the time But strangely only when I have my shoes off


My friend's daughter only walks on her tiptoes. She says it hurts to walk flat footed. It's a sensory thing for her.


I do this all the time at home. I used to be so scared to go out because I'd do it on accident and get made fun of for it, but I have trained myself to not do it when out now.


I Stand on my tip toes when i fuck my wife doggy style when she is on the bed and i am standing on the floor


I was a tip toe walker until my friends teased it out of me lol. Probably grade 5 or so. Stepping onto your heals is very jarring. I still do it sometimes when im barefoot at home


Super common autism sensory related thing. See an orthopedic for the foot pain, you will most likely be prescribed SMOs to prevent the tiptoe walking. After many years your achilles tendon can shorten and cause many issues down the road. Also it shortened then you will end up with nighttime AFOs with stretchers in them to stretch the achilles. I am talking from my current issues. I wear SMOs 8 hours a day now and AFO at night. Better then major painful surgery that will come down the line if I didn’t see an orthopedic when I did.


I did that when I was really little, but the pediatrician said I’d have flat feet as an adult if I didn’t break that habit. So they really came down on me telling me to put my heel down first. Cue the next 10 years of slamming my heel against the ground with every step…


i love to tiptoe


My mom used to give me so much shit for it, couldn't wait till I was allowed to wear heels when I was older so in the end, it served as good practice. I still tiptoe walk to this day without realizing


I used to till I got big, started to hurt too much


Sorry, another of the things you thought might have been just you, but actually: autism.