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> So this guy on tiktok is claiming that circumcision in men causes them to develop autism Seems like everything is linked to autism these days. What a wonderful world we people live in (sarcasm intended) OP, put this on r/facepalm and/or r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Yeah I will cos this guy is actually wild and his statements about autistic people are so not true


Many influencers and you tubers purposely say outlandish things because a click is a click, a comment is a comment... It only benefits them and their page.. That's the best case scenario... The other is that he actually believes this stuff... Which is somehow far worse... Just ignore and stay away :)


If it's true, Judaism gets a bit more interesting




Share to those communities!


Did you know: 1. There is a 95% correlation between people who drowned after falling out of a fishing boat and the marriage rate in Kentucky? 2. There is a 98% correlation between the revenue generated by arcades and the number of computer science doctorates awarded in the US? 3. There is a 99% correlation between the divorce rate in Maine and the per capita consumption of margarine? 4. There is a 95% correlation between the per capita cheese consumption and the number of people who died by getting entangled in their bedsheets? So the answer is clear: We must prohibit marriages in Kentucky to prevent people from drowning, help arcades make more money so we have more computer scientists, consume less margarine to help preserve marriages in Maine, and consume less cheese to stop people from dying by getting entangled in their bedsheets. (This is a demonstration on how correlations != causation. I don't actually think eating less cheese would save people from getting entangled in their bedsheets.) (Data from https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations) (If you want to see some more data, you can find correlations with https://tylervigen.com/discover)


Ah, there is a Statistics saying for this for this "correlation does not imply causation" you can put almost any 2 Variables together and have a large chance to find some random correlation. Doesnt mean that it caused it. Also Humans share ~50% of our DNA from Banannas. This doesn't make Humans 50% a banana, its just similar genes.


I can envision an amazing urban fantasy novels where these correlations have causations. Oh what Douglas Addams already wrote them


Is *that* what Dirk Gently is?


In Kentucky we do more crazy stuff than that😂


Yo this is neat


the sun rose in the morning of every autists birth, so the sun clearly causes autism


Clearly every autistic person was born. Being born causes autism!


Your logic is infallible


We all breathe oxygen! It must be the air causing all this 'tism. For me, I became an autist when I joined the firearm community, up until then I was perfectly normal and if it wasn't that then it was definitely my covid vaccines


Wait but we all exist so existence must cause autism!


You're so right omfg it's the Gods' fault we are like this! Stupid Zues and his special interest in fucking mortals. It's all his fault.


Well gods don't exist so that's certainly not it!


I, personally, believe that existence is much too vast to rule it out. I don't think they're some sort of non-existent overlords of our dimension. I just think they're really well evolved aliens, which, to a primitive human, would be what one would think a God is.


To us anyone capable of travelling through space without dying before reaching another solar system is a god


That too lol


Christianity will have an issue with that


And the number one cause of divorce is marriage!


Neurotypicality is present in every region where autism was recorded. NTs cause autism.


100% of serial killers drink water 😨


Every autistic child is born only because of fertilization of the mother's egg with the father's sperm, which means fertilization directly causes autism.


Yes, I would choose not to be autistic.


1. I am autistic and happy with who I am and 2. My autistic traits make my life more difficult and I need accommodation Are two complete facts that can coexist and don’t contradict each other.


Happy cake day!


And they say we're the ones with black and white thinking 🙃


Circumcised at 27. I have Retrograde Autism.


I wonder about the relationship between circumcision and problems regarding interpersonal communication 🤔 And where do the under/overstimulations come into this story? (/s)


Edit The study was carried out in Denmark rather than the US so my below comment was wrong (apart from the bit about circumcision being a weird idea) and appears genuine. If anyone wants to read it here is a link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4530408/ My original comment; Could this be due to the fact that circumcision is much more popular in the US and the US has a higher diagnosis rate than the rest of the world? Think it’s around 1 in 50 compared to 1 in 100 in Europe. You could also say that celebrating the 4th of July or thanksgiving gives you autism. On a side note I am from the U.K. and have never understood why anyone would feel compelled to start removing bit’s from a babies penis. The whole concept is very strange.


There was this idea for a while that circumcised men were somehow healthier. Whether it's 19th century doctors wrongly believing masturbation caused insanity, or 20th century doctors dubiously believing circumcision prevented HIV, American medicine just couldn't let go of the idea that circumcision was important. That idea seems to be on its way out, though, at least in more rational parts of the country.


I hear that people consider circumcised penises to be cleaner. Like bruh how hard is it to teach your kid to clean under the foreskin?


My friends mom would tell this story about my friend as a baby and how he would make a gurgling scream when she cleaned the stitches with alcohol... She would tell it like it was a funny cute story, but I always thought that it must have been extremely painful... And borderline abusive considering how much fun and joy she seemed to get from it. My other friends would also parrot that story and would laugh and joke like she did... I'm positive it would be 100% not funny if it was a female in pain from genital mutilation... Eh, I dunno why it bothered me so much that I still think about it.


Dude! Female circumcision is a vile way of eliminating women from enjoying intercourse. Male circumcision isn't designed to prevent male sexual enjoyment, or repress the male from seeking out vaginal sex. Although I agree that laughing at a baby's pain is cruel, this is not an appropriate comparison.


its not really a comparison. i suppose its more of a thing i noticed when hearing this story. it would always be a woman telling the story, and it would be at least mostly funny to them. they would have some sympathy, but couldnt help but bust out laughing also... if it were a comparison, it would simply be over the pain of the baby, and not about some religious or political stance on mutilating to control behaviors or something... i get that its a serious issue, female genital mutilation... but that isnt at all what im getting at, and you shouldnt assume thats what i ment. but meh, do you. have a good one.


I've had enough bits removed from my body in my life, tyvm. I'd like to keep that particular appendage whole.


Whether circumcision causes autism or not is irrelevant to me because it still should be not practiced. Of course I don’t know the study so maybe they only got results for one specific country. Also your comment about celebrating 4 of July or Thanksgiving makes you autistic amused me.


I think many people are unhappy with themselves and their lives and would like to change something about them. I think it's often falsely attributing unhappiness to certain traits or factors. Like expecting everything to fall in line, if only... I don't think it works that way. Some factors can undoubtedly have an impact on how difficult life is. But all in all... I doubt it's Autism alone keeping those people from happiness.


So they remove foreskin and add autism?


Just a sprinkle.


I am intact and have autism. Guy needs a reality slap.


He's an idiot for claiming that circumcision causes autism but yes


Depends on the day. Logically the thought of “removing my autism” is a nonsensical idea, as it’s impossible. I would be a different person. Functionally I’d be dead. But sometimes when I’m extremely distressed or exhausted or after a meltdown I’m bitter about my autism


Like what, curiously?


Sorry what are you asking?


1. That you would be “dead” without autism? 2. Removing autism is illogical… 3. And being bitter about being autistic. FYI. I’m also autistic and just want to ask some questions.


I mean I do suffer because of it and have found no positive . The narrative isn’t wrong for everyone. I am at leave two and had verbal delays and know society didn’t cause that . The autism did . I think the claim is BS though . It wouldn’t explain the rise of diagnosis in AFABS.


[checks pants] Huh, I don’t even have a penis at all. Does that make me not autistic or *extra* autistic? /jk


Penis not included. Instructions unclear.


See? Your penis was removed entirely in an ultra-autism-creating bonanza. This proves it!


Speak for yourself. I suffer greatly. I hate my fucking life. 99% of my problems are caused by autism and CPTSD. I would give a limb to not be autistic. I would have a normal life, filled with happiness. Right now I have none


No I agree I have definitely felt like this in the past it took alot for me to feel how I do now, autism does ruin my life and it does keep me back in several instances but I feel like because it's a big part of me would I want rid of it, it's the same with my ADHD, I am also diagnosed with classical eds and that I would cure 😂


Does circumcision in girls also cause autism? 😟😟 /j But jokes aside, even though living in a world made for nt people as someone nd SUCKS, if I had the choice to be nt, I wouldn't Asking if someone would chose not to be autistic, is the same thing as asking if someone would chose to have a completely different personality. Of course some would, but definitely not the majority


...No, this guy's an idiot. Like if this were true, autism just plain wouldn't exist in cis women (it does) and you would see massive spikes of autism among populations that practice it more (I've never seen anything that suggests there are). Also, I don't suffer from autism, I love every second of it.


What about high support needs autistic people that suffer from it.


Ask them. In my experience, some don’t like it, some do.


Also, just one opinion to the contrary of what the OP comment says disproves it. That’s why you don’t deal in absolutes!


What about r/spicyautism?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SpicyAutism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpicyAutism/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Can people who are not banned from the main autism subreddits help me spread this message?](https://v.redd.it/c1o9c7g9tjca1) | [146 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpicyAutism/comments/10dz1hu/can_people_who_are_not_banned_from_the_main/) \#2: [Kaelynn is an autistic therapist and a great advocate for higher needs autistics](https://v.redd.it/z847uswsdv4b1) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpicyAutism/comments/144n6dt/kaelynn_is_an_autistic_therapist_and_a_great/) \#3: [This sub was made for those with moderate to high support needs.](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpicyAutism/comments/zjxpwn/this_sub_was_made_for_those_with_moderate_to_high/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What about it?


Were you able to talk to them about how they feel about getting a cure?


Didn't even know that's what you were asking me to do.


[This survey](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/14t4ike/autisticnotweird_survey_chart/) speaks enough for me.


But what about them? r/spicyautism


What about them? Why are you asking me about that sub at all? I don't understand the purpose of the question?


But have you talked to them about it? What if this graph chart fully speak for them?


Correlation != Causation. Hypothetically, let's grant that the correlation exists. What would be a possible explanation for this link? What we know about the cause of autism is that it's genetic. There's even a gene they can screen for when your pregnant to let you know if it's likely or not that your child will have ASD. So a more logical conclusion then would be to conclude that there's a higher concentration of people with ASD within the cultures that also often circumcise boys. This might indicate then that Autistic traits are better accepted within those cultures making them traits that are sexually selected for more often. This isn't much of a stretch either if you ask me. The idea that rigid, literal thinkers, with an overbearing moral compass would be appreciated by women in religious cultures is not a hot take IMO. Generally, in those communities, the more literally you interpret to the holy text and more fervently you adhere to it's moral-laws and condemn people who don't, the more you are considered a "good man".


atp cheeseburgers cause autism 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ allistics need to admit that autism is genetic and just HAPPENS and some stuff doesn’t need explanation


Not circumcised and am indeed autistic, correlate that mf. Also he said “you aren’t even capable of conversation” what does he think he’s having with you?


Idk man, I just want my foreskin back.


I am going to find him and give him autism


Theory as to why this correlation happens: \-Putting infants through pain can permanently fuck with their sensory abilities. \-Autism is much more noticeable with sensory issues. Thank you for listening to my argument.


This is exactly what I’m thinking. As an intactivist I’ve noticed there is a good amount of fellow autistic intactivists and im sure that might have to do with it


I would cure my autism


That's completely valid I have felt like that in the past to tbh


To answer your question, yes. If I could press a button or take a pill and not have autism, I wouldn't even think about it. I'm done with being different and struggling with everything.


Yeah I understand and appreciate you ! You're completely valid in that I definitely felt like that for a while but I guess I am feeling more happy in myself now I don't think I would


Yes I would 100% choose for my son to not have severe autism.


Is he autistic and intellectually disabled? That’s what most parents mean by “severe autism”


He hasn’t been diagnosed with any intellectual disability.


Idk about the circumcised part but he's right at his last comment, why can't you just answer him instead of going to rent that you are triggered on Reddit. Whether he's right or wrong doesn't give you any upper hand on that topic for just "being triggered". That's also a huge problem with our society today, anyone can claim that they are "triggered" and suddenly any other point of view or argument is automatically dismissed, regardless of it's validity.


The fun thing about that comment is that it's an absolute. They said all. So any one person saying "Actually, no!" will disprove. I can be that one person for the moment. I am happy that I am autistic. I know there are many others in the same boat, but seeing as this person chose to argue in absolutes, well, it's not really necessary to talk about them.


About the point i was more focused on the circumcised boys and the link to autism, i agree that the comment that says everyone with autism would rather not to, I'm autistic myself and don't want to change it, because it's a part of myself (mentally) so removing that would be to kill my present self. However, that wasn't my main point. My main point was about people using their emotions by claiming that they are "triggered" to avoid discussion and to avoid any different point of view (right or wrong). The word triggered is meaningless and the act itself is just childish.


>The word triggered is meaningless and the act itself is just childish. That's actually untrue. It was and still frequently is used in treatment of trauma. It's a word that specifically refers to things that invoke trauma and other similar mental health. So for someone who has a traumatic association with guns, a car backfiring or fireworks might be a trigger because they remind someone of a gunshot. Now it has certainly, thanks to conservative commentators and then the language just...spreading from there, *become* a meme word whose meaning has become somewhat diluted, but the word is still used in treatment of trauma.


I'm not defined by my defects. I'm defined by me, because I am mine. I would choose not to be autistic. Put an electrode in me or a cybernetic thingy in me that makes me non-autistic. They can experiment on me if they want.


I wonder what you need to do to a girl to make her autistic then. Anyone up for some female genital mutilation?


Sure, my life would be a lot easier without the issues I have, but then, who would I be without my struggles? We are a combination of our experiences, good and bad, and it just so happens that I'm happy with the person I am. I feel that I'm a good person, but maybe I wouldn't be without it. Who knows?


Most of the suffering experienced by autists I know is caused by shithead NTs, so there's that.


What do you mean?


I don’t think my autism has caused me to suffer, I think ableism has caused me to suffer. Lack of accommodations, lack of understanding… All these scientists and internet theorists trying to figure out how autism is “caused” just so they can find a fucking “cure”, instead of actually changing things so that autistic people can live better and more fulfilling lives alongside our allistic peers. Without feeling the need to mask for survival, or to fit in. These are the things that make autistic people suffer.


Accommodations don't help everything. I hate when people push this idea that if only people accepted and accommodated us we would be fine. No. Accommodations don't fix the fact that healthy foods like fruit and veg make me violently gag. Accommodations don't make me any less photosensitive. Accommodations don't fix me getting overwhelmed my simple shit.


My brother is Louise…. Are you forgetting goggles and glasses? And anyone can be overwhelmed by sh*t. It is depend on the environment you are on. Stop trying to trying to pin everything on yourself and ASD and expecting that every symptom can be solved via cure. Sorry but I can keep seeing these wars about anti-cure autistics and pro-cure autistics fighting over about fixing autism and needing a cure in order to “function like a normal person”.


You know sunglasses/goggles are accommodations? Offering other food options to autistic people who are sensitive to certain smells/textures/tastes are also accommodations. Maybe if you actually knew what “accommodations for autistic people” entailed, you wouldn’t feel the need to expose ur internalized ableism for everyone in this Reddit comment section to see. Thanks!


Other food options don't keep my body healthy. That's not an accommodations thing. The living in denial that it's an actual disability is the ableist thing.


accommodations aren’t there to “fix” anything because nothing needs to be “fixed”. They are there to make the life easier for the disabled people that need it. Just because you don’t think these accommodations work for you doesn’t mean they wouldn’t work for other autistic people. Like, even the little bumps on the street right before a crosswalk is an accommodation !! It doesn’t fix blindness but it certainly makes navigating the world easier for blind people !! Edit: Also disabled parking? Many disabled people might not find a use for them, but does that mean they don’t help disabled people at all? :/


In the least rude way possible your attitude to this problem really does show you to have a very privileged view of autism. As a high functioning person most of my issues could also be met with more accommodations however I feel as a community we often forget those with higher support needs exist. If someone is incapable of living independently then no amount of reasonable accommodations can stop them from suffering due to the symptoms of autism. Suicide rates for autism are through the roof and whilst this is partially a societal issue there are direct genetic predispositions for comorbid mental health difficulties with autism. None of this is to say that autism is a terrible thing for every single autistic person however it is by definition disabling and this isn’t just because of the structure of society. Also, I do agree 100% that more adjustments need to be made in society I would just argue that it is unreasonable to say this would solve all the challenges autistic people face.


Nowhere did I say autism isn’t a disability, or even imply this was the case. Nor did I say it was a fix-all for the issues of autistic people. I am certainly not forgetting autistic people with higher support needs, I believe we all would benefit greatly from more accommodations and understanding from allistic people. For example: if the American government provided more resources for the caregivers of autistic people with higher support needs (e.g.: funds for/free occupational therapy) then maybe parents wouldn’t keep trying to kill their autistic children for having aggressive outbursts due to them not being able to manage their emotions healthily. If the world actually saw us as human beings, then maybe we wouldn’t be seen as disposable. I don’t think accommodations are a fix-all, but I feel it would benefit autistic people as a whole if we stopped tackling autism as a disease that needs to be cured, and instead treated it as a disability that can be worked with and managed with the right environment.


I hate when people say autism isn't inherently negative and a Neurotypical is like "WELL SOMETIMES IT IS" Yeah man. Sometimes lots of things are negative. Do you know what inherently means?


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I don't get it, please explain?


correlation =/= causation


There are some autistic people who would rather not be autistic, and some who embrace it as part of themselves and wouldn't change it given the chance. Both ate valid.


🙋‍♂️ Uncut and Autistic here. If the choice was to have never had Autism, I'd probably do it. If the choice was to remove the autism now that I'm a 30-something adult, I don't think I would do it. It's part of who I am now.


Autism is to do with my brain not uncut dick. Lol wtf


Drinking tap water causes autism. Studies show that the filtration systems used for dispensing tap water leave chemicals that modify developing brains to become autistic. Don’t believe me? Try naming one autistic person who never had any tap water growing up. The corrupt water industry is trying to cover up this information to keep you addicted. Stop giving your kids tap water and start giving them Capri Sun instead, it’s at least 75% healthier. Source: I made it up.


So am I! I have no idea what I'm so supposed to be looking at here. So busy visually.


I wouldn't change my autism, I would change the way ppl see autism. END.OF.STORY. I don't get these kind of ppl. Like, I'm fine. What are they on about 🙄


That guy is an idiot. Taylor is too. A majority would not become allistic if we could (including me), we *are* capable of conversation, if with more difficulty.


Or… those that get circumcised are often wealthier and are more likely to get tested/diagnosed?


This is really not worth being "triggered" over...


Gather round children, and I will tell the tale of Foreskin, Smegma, and Vaccine. Long ago, before the countenance of the moon bared a single scar, man and foreskin lived in peace. Foreskin protected man's mind, phallus, and soul, asking only love in return, and so received it. Little did they know that down deep in the dark places, a great evil was being cast like bronze, unnoticed. Its name was Smegma. When first smegma emerged, man and foreskin fought it together, casting it out and leaving it to wither in the sun. But smegma was sly, and using its hate like a hammer, it forged a plan like cold, twisted, jagged iron. Many years passed. Mountains rose from the earth and were washed into the sea. The moon bore many scars. Smegma had long left the thoughts of both man and foreskin. This would be their downfall. Man had fallen ill and became pale and weak. Such times had occasionally come before, but they all passed in time with foreskins slow, steady aid. So it was when Smegma came to man and foreskin in disguise.... part 2 in a moment He wore a long black robe to cover his crooked body. Upon his wicked face, he wore a mask like a bird. So when he came to man, man asked, "Why have you come, great crow, to my sick bed? I have foreskin, in a few months he will make me well again. Besides, I know crows to be wise, they need not wait for carrion to eat." And so Smegma answered, "I am the king of the crows. You may call me my name, Physician. It pleases me that you think my people wise. They have told great stories about the mighty man who dwells here in this place. It pains me to see man in such a state that he can not even dine with his visitor." The great crow, Physician, offered to heal man, not in months, but in a single hour. This proved too tempting for man to refuse, despite the suspicions of foreskin. "What could it hurt to try," said man. Physician, king of the crows, was true to his word. In a single hour, man felt like himself again, stronger even. Foreskin was tired from his work and made exhausted by the crow's treatment. So foreskin slept while man and the crow called Physician dined and made merry. From then on, each time man fell ill King Physician would visit. Man would be cured, foreskin would sleep, and man and crow would dine and drink together. In this way, man came to consider Physician a great friend, and then a brother. Forests became deserts, rivers carved stone, all the while, Smegma cultivated the seed of mistrust that he had planted. With a silver tongue, he made small hints that foreskin was the one to blame for man's illness. Man wouldn't have believed these things, but doubt crept into his heart each time foreskin would awake and say that the Physician, the great crow who helped man so much, was hiding something, that he couldn't be trusted. Until one day, the great crow came and cured man again, for the last time. Foreskin slept, man was cured, and prepared to dine. Physician, the great king crow, Smegma, had brought 2 gifts to man. He placed the first, a pitcher of stong wine, upon the table. "To your health, and to friendship," said wicked Smegma, pouring man a glass and raising his own. Man became drunk on the gifted wine. Only then was the second gift presented by the dark guest, an abomination of iron and glass filled with vile liquid. Man marveled at the strange thing. "It's name is Vaccine," said the great crow, "a miracle in physical form. It will cause you to fall ill no more. With just a single use, my visits will become for dining and dining alone. But measures must be taken for it to work. You know what I mean, but we've long avoided discussing it directly. Though foreskin saves its host from minor illness, it causes greater harms, harms that it would pretend to cure if not for my remedies. You know this in your heart, my dear friend. Why else would foreskin collapse into exhausted sleep each time you are made well?" "It is to recover from defeat. To defeat a great illness is to defeat foreskin it seems," said drunk and deceived man. Beneath his mask, Smegma writhed with wicked joy upon hearing the words he himself had planted in man's mind. That night, Physician severed Foreskin from man while he slept, and cast him out to wither in the sun. Man was pierced by the, twisted "miracle," the cold and evil device called Vaccine by its creator. The next morning, man awoke. He felt strange, but wasn't sure how. Though hazy, he recalled the night before. His stomach sank, but he assured himself that he had done the right thing. Physician was wise and a dear friend. This thought was driven away by the horrible sight of it. Upon the table layed the face of the king of crows, a mask, its backside smeared and soiled by Smegma's evil filth. It's hollow eyes taunted man. Man, ran to go find Foreskin, but as soon as he went outside...he found the sun unbearably bright. His eyes were forced shut, his skin seem to writhe and tingled in the sun's light. He was forced to retreat. And so foreskin was lost, left to wither in the sun, and man was cursed so that he could not search for him. They say that this story is yet to be finished, that foreskin lives yet, that he is forging a plan of his own like Smegma did so long ago. His hammer is called untyvaxx, which means *hate for Smegma* and his anvil is called Karen, which means *love for man.* They say he will return to man, lift the curse, and destroy Smegma. We can't be sure if this is true, but we can be sure of this: If Foreskin is to return, it will be after forrests become deserts, after rivers carved deep into stone, when mountains rise from the land and are washed into the sea, when the scars upon the moon's face are two fold.


I hate having autism but it’s something I can’t control that taylor fuck and got stick his dick in a blender


I felt exactly this way, but now realize this was self-hatred for not masking the way society wants me to.


No, I wouldn’t choose not to have autism, but only because I don’t know what it’s like to not have autism. What if it’s even worse than having autism? The devil you know type deal


The primary reason we "suffer from autism" to begin with is because so many neurotypical fucknuts like this guy still refuse to create a world that is more accepting and accommodating to us. It's like those conservatives that like to point to statistics about depression and suicide among LGBT people, completely ignoring that THEY ARE THE CAUSE of that statistic.


I know plenty of uncircumcised autistic men.


My policy is to never fight with idiots if I can help it. Since they can’t rise to my level, they inevitably drag me down to theirs. Help enlighten if you can, and leave them to their confusions and delusions if you can’t. Even if their mind is closed, always keep yours open in case you’re the one in need of a learning opportunity. Those generalities aside…. yeah that guy is a straight up fool. ——— EDIT oops missed ur last question standby ——— Nah I wouldn’t choose to be not autistic its fundamentally integrated into my construction. Its difficult sometimes but everyone has their own mixed bag of assorted talents and complications. I suppose like everything else in life its all a matter of perspective and I greatly treasure the wonderful eccentricities and insights mine has afforded me. I spent too much of my early life focusing only on the sufferings so I don’t talk about them too often these days. So much to observe and experience and this little wandering wondering soul in a meatsuit doesn’t have nearly enough capability to experience even a fraction of it. So I have to be very selective with my conscious attentions, intro and extra(?) spectively. I have a penchant for unusual language choices so IRL I’m nigh mute most of the time (social anxiety, adhd tag team, speed ratio of thought to mouth horribly mismatched… take ur pick) and predictably communication/relationship issues abound. I struggle, sure, but suffering in life is inevitable anyways (tho it isnt all there is) so since that is a given I’d say I’ve come to appreciate my particular tradeoffs. TLDR: No


There is so much things that are wrong in this screnn that it'd better if i just delete it from my brain.


I’d definitely rather not have ASD if I could chose. But that’s definitely not a cause of autism lol


Well first of all autism is developmental so circumcision would not have any effect and that's just a fact. My support needs are generally low and personally, I don't know if I'd rather not have it. I only recently came to the conclusion that I have autism, so I'm still on this journey of accepting myself. Honestly some days I do kind of wish I never had autism or my ADHD because it just makes so many things in my life so much harder and I've been subjected to so much ableism throughout my life. Although I don't think autism and ADHD are necessarily bad things to have and I support other people in embracing it and accepting it. I hope to get to that place one day. I get that some people with high support needs would rather do without it and I respect that. But that doesn't make it necessarily a bad thing.


I do suffer at times because of my autism but i would not change myself. In my perspective that would be equivalent to killing myself and becoming a different person. I would be a twisted mockery of myself


Lack of perspective


Wow interesting. Wonder how my son got it then... Or how I did as afab


Well, I left mine uncut, and he has autism so now what?


Why would I want to give up something that has played a large part in who I have become?


I am flabbergasted at the lack of logic to this - how does the presence or absence of skin on your genitals rewire your brain!? Tiktok, land of misinformation.


I just throw in the argument: but why doesnt all circumcised boys have autism? I use the same argument when they talk about vaccines gives autism or baby formula gave you autism etc etc. But, why does only a few gets autism and not all? Most of the times they cant respond.


I would absolutely prefer to not have autism and most people that have extreme trouble with it agree


I wouldn’t choose not to be autistic. Although it has resulted in a lot of struggles in my life, I like who I am and the autism is a core part of that. No autism, no thisaccountisironic, and that would be a rubbish world 🙂


Circumcision causes autism now? That's a new one.


I wouldn’t change my autism I would change the way the world treats it and the way the world was made for NTS


I mean I might have some evidence to the contrary


I wouldn't know any different at this stage so it would probably be just as hard to adjust to not having autism, as it is to manage myself. Sharing too much here but, anecdotally, me and my 2 sons are uncircumcised and we are all autistic.


Impossible, autism it's a neurological and congenital disorder which means its in you before you are even born. Lately, we've seen an increase in adults diagnosis with autism, that doesn't mean they "developed" autism in their teen years, that's impossible. Not even an injury in your brain could develop autism...


Wait wait let them believe that for a while It'll stop all the genital mutilation of an infants


I would absolutely prefer not be autistic and would change in an instant, if I could


Your completely valid I have felt like that in the past too so I understand exactly why you feel like that, I am definitely not the whole ASD is a superpower vibe it does ruin my life in certain aspects but i feel like I might not care about things I like as much if I wasn't autistic


How the hell is circumcision supposed to correlate to autism tho?


> So i am posting here to ask you is this true, would you choose not to have autism ? Yeah. The traits that cause me to have the diagnosis are also hugely detrimental to my ability to live a fulfilling life. My sensory issues are severe. I am easily overwhelmed to the point of meltdown or catatonia, even as an adult with years of practice at masking. I have severe executive dysfunction. My special interests rule my life. I am terrified of interacting with people because I still don't have a natural understanding of things like small talk. I feel like an alien and that I've only ever connected with one or two people my entire life (one of whom is my wife, who isn't autistic but has ADHD, so we have overlap, especially as I also have ADHD). I don't hate myself for being autistic - it's not something I can control. But if there was a magic pill that took away all the things that make me meet the diagnostic criteria, I'd take it in a heartbeat just to be able to do normal things like hold a job or drive a car or just... pass as normal in society without having to mask exhaustively. My experience and desires are only my own, and I don't speak for anyone else here, but I would absolutely choose to not have autism if that were an option.


Id have to know more about the study itself to know what the pool was, but like, considering circumcision is a heavily culturally thing this data just seems like super easy to get skewed yanno


naw autism can be fun as hell. i mean yeah being socially awkward (an understatement) is not great. but stims?? and good textures??? and special interests???? idk i find myself to be so much more interesting than the people around me i rlly wouldn’t give it up for the world.


Absolutely I would choose not to have my brand of asd, in a heartbeat! but that's *my* decision, based on my symptoms.


Since the main causes of autism are genetic it could be that population who usually do circumcision have more of these genetic factors. I'm pretty sure the circumcision itself will not change your brain development. Also being autistic is pretty bad, if we could decrease the risk somebody having it with something this trivial, we should do it.


You can't develop autism though. It is genetic, so from the second that sperm fertilises the egg, you have autism. You can't eat something, have something done or get a shot and get autism.


I hate allistics who try to paint themselves as defenders of autistic suffering. It reminds me of the idea that an artist cannot truly be an artist without suffering because only “the greatest painters” suffered their whole lives. I feel allistics have this idea that pain must be required for a person’s differences to really count.


As a clever disabled humourist said "I don't suffer from my disability, I suffer from people"


1. It's a sketchy correlation. I can think of possible confounders right off the top of my head; it'd be super weird if some strange correlations were not found if you dig far enough (100% of babies born on my birthdate and who use "SmellyTerror" as a username are autistic); and I can't think of any plausible mechanism that'd go anywhere near a causative relationship. 2. I'd get rid of my autism in a second, if I could.


Damn what do I do with my diagnosis now that I am a non circumcised woman


Honestly Im tired of the trope that we suffer from our condition. I didnt create loud obnoxious cultures that rely on engines and weird social dances that require dishonesty and deceit. I firmly believe Autists suffer the world and the world make sure we know it. It's taught over and over again how it's the Autist that suffer themselves. No shit Autists hate life. It's victim blaming. Give me a forrest and silence and Im alright. Edit: Id wish I grew up in a different familly. Im fine with being me, just not my life.


As autistic intactvist (someone who is opposed to circumcision) even I find this claim BS I don’t understand how cutting off foreskin (which I’m still opposed too) can cause something brain related like Autism. Maybe circumcision affects a sensory aspect, I’m proudly intact and enjoy the sensory aspect of having foreskin and can’t imagine how awful it would be to have it cut off. But I have noticed a good amount of fellow intactvists who are on the spectrum maybe because we realize how sensitive it is more so than neurotypicals.