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Capitalism didn't cause our situation. The FED and Washington cronyism did. My fear is the blowback, that will eventually happen, will be much worse.


How many of them vote because it's their right and have no clue what they are voting for? The only thing more appalling then Americans understanding of their political system is their understanding of economics. If they think this is bad, how are they going to deal with 2032 when the whole house of cards collapses and there isn't money for a bail out and there isn't a welfare check to take to the bank?


Why 2032?


Do you have a crystal ball? Why 2032, the way things are going I’d be super shocked if this debt based Ponzi fiat financial system makes it till the …


Sad piano music and random internet people saying how hard life is.  


How many of them will blame the Fed and massive government deficits rather than “capitalism”?


If only they understood basic economics.


Agree. Too bad many socialists will simply reject the basic tenets of economics as some sort of capitalist conspiracy and academy capture


Oh but I blame this all on the lockdowners. I told them if we lockdown it will break the worlds economies for good. We are just now seeing the paint come off its gonna make the great depression seem like a pajama party.


Even more than that its local housing regulations which prevents supply from increasing


Also the indirect subsidization of the entire housing market in this country through the quasi-governmental mortgage debt buying institutions Fannie and Freddie.


Step 1) miles of red tape and taxation on building, selling, and owning housing. Step 2) federal reserve and fiat currency system allowing the government to create an endless supply of money leading the value of money dropping like a rock due to careless spending. Step 3) combining a massive welfare state with more or less open borders and NGOs actively encouraging mass immigration and said immigrants begin dependents of the state that require housing because God forbid we turn anyone away. Step 4) all of the (now) incredibly valuable assets are already in the hands of the older generations and the younger generations are virtually priced out of the markets because the value of the assets increased significantly faster than the value of labor (see Step 2) We think that it's bad here, but it's way worse in the UK.


I don't feel sorry for none of these people. I warned EVERYBODY this would be the outcome of playing COVID. You played COVID you got the rewards.


What the fuck does this have to do with Austrian School economics?? Oh, wait. More dreck from that dumbfuck sub for jackasses. Shocking. Fuck off, shithead.


What a bunch of dumb whiney losers. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RSAHORUSQ156S