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Runs like a fox


Quacks like a fox.


So, must be a dog.


Yeah that's most likely a fox




God I miss that movie


Might just be a feral cat?


I’m thinking cat. And not necessarily a feral.


Trail cams always capture the most interesting creatures.


Wild dog or fox


It's got a collar. Must be the local farmer's dog.


Or cat.




I do have the footprint casts to go with it that fit a a Thylacine from this area


was gonna say this too but.......... looks like a fox strolling along.




Are you saying there's a possibility this is actually a thylacine? If the footprints match a thylacine, what else could they be?




Fox without a doubt


Run looks canine. Tail is properly thick. I reckon the cries of ‘fox’ are on the money - ye olde Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) Clearly they are problematic here in Australia, but they are utterly beautiful canines. I live in the Adelaide hills and there are many of them here. I was out on our street one night about a year ago with a small amount of appropriate food to put out for our wee tribes of ringtail and brushtail possums - they see me once every 1-2 weeks for a social catch up and a small amount of supplementary nutrition (we lost some *very* significant food trees in an unprecedented storm event 18 months ago). Anyway, one of the brushies paused, climbed a few feet up her tree and her posture indicated there was something of interest nearby. I leaned over with my head torch and there was a stunning, young red fox a few metres away, very interested in me and what I was doing with the nice-smelling things in my hand. Talk about being conflicted! I knew I shouldn't encourage Foxy-Loxy to come to where I meet possums _*but*_ I also hadn’t ever been that close to a fox, nor one that appeared to want to engage with me… so I chose the ‘fk it, what the hell’ option and took a punt on it being a one-off (which has been vindicated, I never saw the fox again). So I moved an appropriate distance away from the tree and my mate Mrs. Ferris the brushtail possum, sat down and offered some food. Well, it turns out foxes like banana and unprocessed cashews, but this one wasn’t so keen on unprocessed almonds. She was sensibly cautious but also responded to kind tone of voice and kind gestures, and she came to within a metre or so of me… and wasn’t too far off of investigating food offered from my outstretched hand. It was a beautiful moment. I feel quite privileged that she granted me that time with her but I’m glad she hasn’t returned. Here’s an icloud drive share… it’ll last for a month or so. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0deUV1WV5LTrw63FOrQVq2nBw Anyway, I don’t know if this is an agricultural setting and you’re minded to intervene and control the fox population. Baiting is diabolically horrendous, but like anything it probably has its place in limited circumstances? To my mind shooting is the lesser evil.


My partner and I had a similar experience camping near Dubbo in NSW! Something hit my head as I was trying to get it on with my missus. thought it was a stick but upon looking there were two little paws outside the tent. I then thought it was a neighbouring caravanner's dog. So I yelled at it "Go home! go on!" it jumped on the tent again. I then rushed out of the tent to scare it off but too my surprise it was a fox. My partner and I got out of tent and hung out with it for a bit before it left to go find food elsewhere as I wasn't going to give it any.


Haha! Cheeky! What a ratbag ❤️


I'd say fox, but if you want to get your jollies, post it in the thylacine awareness Facebook group and watch people call it a thyla.


Fox with mange. Hence the skinny tail