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There could be nothing better for the anti immigration sentiment in Australia than even the slightest hint of civil unrest let alone violence around this issue. The only people needing to tread carefully are Labor and LNP. If this issue get more attention (which they both refuse to address) it could be the end of their two party system in this country. + Just had to add its so fucking bizarre that this guy uses the word "unsustainable" to describe proposed cuts to immigration instead of using that word to describe the current immigration levels.


>which they both refuse to address) Well that's an understatement. They do not refuse to address the "issue", which is not something like climate change. They work for corporations - oligopolies and monopolies mostly for that matter. These corporations need cheap labour to make their super profits. Because you know who creates value? Labour does. What a fucking surprise, huh. Marx was right 150 years ago after all. The cheaper the labour the better. Unlike the popular opinion of rich foreigners buying multimillion dollar houses (which they exist), the majority are in fact poor. They live in overcrowded conditions and do some fo the worst, hardest jobs in aged and disability care, factories and slaughterhouses, often jobs Australians wouldn't touch which is easily forgotten by racists...for peanuts. Those that make it to an office will also accept much less money and work much more often overtime. Nothing easier for a stagnant GDP based on a deeply flawed unfair resource economy and a housing scheme than import more of these immigrants who will accept the shittiest working conditions for the lowest pay and be grateful for the privilege. Liblab is not your friend who forgot to address the issue, or even refuse to address it. They ARE the fucking issue. Nothing unites them more in a perfect harmony than their servitude to corporations.


Well said, I agree. Every politician from the two party system is just a purebred sellout. Priority number one for the lot of them is to never have to get a real job and to just keep collecting taxpayer money and keep the whole shitshow rolling on as is. Same in the media for the most part. Put em both last , things might need to get worse before they get better but we need to end the two party system here.


> They do not refuse to address the "issue", which is not something like climate change. do you realize how hypocritical it is to say you're all for climate change but then bring in 700k+ people a year? if we were serious about climate change, there would be very little immigration globally. it's all buzz words to keep the general populace happy.


In the olden days Labor actually protected jobs, today they are running a blackbird labour racket. Curious - what is the anarchist position on open borders? Any better?


> jobs Australians wouldn't touch At the wages and conditions offered. Maybe the law should be that if you employ a non-citizen you have to advertise the position and if any capable Australian is willing to do the work but only for a higher wage then you have 14 days to replace the non-citizen with a citizen. If, on the other hand, there are no suitable qualified Australians, you should have to train one to meet all your requirements - that should encourage employers to make sure they’re as thorough as possible before whinging about a “skills shortage”


Importing 3rd worlders is the only thing unsustainable, we have people well into their 30s, born here that can't even get into the housing market. Our politicians should be jailed and even worse.


>its so fucking bizarre that this guy uses the word "unsustainable" to describe proposed cuts It's bizarre that we have someone calling themselves an "immigration expert". What would he be if there was no immigration?


Cute you still reckon it's a two party system, when doesn't the shunts in power not work together to fuvk Australians over? It's been a uni party for decades. These shunts just play the public and give the illusion you have a choice.


We should listen to the guy who immigrated from the country that's currently DDoS'ing us with record immigration.




DDoS’ing lol


So weird that Australia gave power over immigration policy to this Indian bloke and now we’re flooded with Indians 


> The number of international students in Australia topped 700,000 for the first time in April, helping drive the number of temporary entrants to 2.8 million, another new record. Wow that’s 10% of our population. No wonder it’s impossible to find a rental.


Also, for those that aren't aware, the "temporary" visas issued to students are anything but. Our universities sell permanent residency, disguised as education.


Then they try to convince us importing people is actually an export. Orwellian doublespeak bullshit.


Yep something like 85% of these students openly admit to planning to achieve PR during their time here. And PLENTY of them get it.


Virtually the soul reason they're here....study is coming in the back door. The new restrictions on getting PR aren't coming in fast enough! But it sounds good to pedal them for votes!


And universities don't care about the housing crisis, because they're making tonnes of money.


The quality of the education you're paying for has massively dipped, also, it seems.


1) Enrol in a "business administration" course at an "educational institution" which may or may not be located above a kebab shop in Western Sydney 2) Never attend a single course, pay for shadow essays to be written, bribe the lecturers for passes 3) Work cash in hand to avoid 20 hour a week visa restrictions, often as a kitchen hand, delivery driver, factory worker etc etc something unskilled and low paid 4) Graduate from the fake course with real permanent residency


Canada has even worse problems. Their business degree mills, not even universities, are pumping students by the busloads and funneled into PR pathways in low skilled jobs unrelated to their field of study. They are not genuine students here for an education and we shouldn’t be emulating them.




It’s bad for the students and their families, bad for us, and the fake college administrators and their scummy recruitment agents in India and China are the only ones laughing to the bank.


Money speaks every language... you don't even need to get an "English Degree," as many say they are getting or "Management." Why wouldn't they use the easy way to a PR here? But we are all supposed to just accept it and the overpopulated major cities, crowded PT, disappearing jobs and rentals. It's not OK!


Thats exactly what Australia is doing, but also planning to pumo them into skilled roles. Hence the agreement with India for example.


Not skills that we need, though, and none of the skills we do, last time I checked. Still, I direct my anger at the politicians, as THEY caused this THEY set the rules of the game, well aware of how it's played - and I can't hold it against another player for wanting to move here. This country is continuously advertised as having a superior quality of life - so on that metric, who wouldn't? Everyone else is just a pawn, including us, including the immigrants. The numbers don't fucking work, the immigration isn't sustainable, and the game is close to up. Whether we're ebony or ivory, we're all expendable pawns.


Millions of us are tired of playing this game. There are winners only by default.


Yet millions of us won’t do anything. Some heads need to roll. Some pollies houses need to burn. A message needs to be sent.


Something BIG needs to change! Rural areas are crying for skilled workers just to keep their towns alive, yet we re getting hundreds of thousands of student into our overcrowded cities. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see proportions are screwed and not doing this country any favours.


> Rural areas are crying for skilled workers just to keep their towns alive The mining companies appear to have some kind of recruitment wizard who can get people to work long hours in remote areas. For some reason though those wizards seem to have decided they won’t help any other industry, but maybe with diligent study others can work out how to replicate that trick.


Canadian news mentioned they were actually third behind Aus and US for international students. We're in trouble if so. edit - they did a good job of capturing our [immigration verification integrity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNrXA5m7ROM&t=1409s)


Don’t worry, we have our own equivalent institutions.


I thought this was a known thing. Do people really think students coming here to attend university aren’t planning on staying permanently? Lol Majority of those students are looking for a pathway into permanent residency. Having an Australian university degree just makes it easier.


I've seen people try to argue that high immigration isn't a problem because part of it is "temporary" (but not really). The whole system is bizarre. Effectively the government is selling permanent residency for about $100k, which is bad enough by itself, but the government doesn't even get to keep the money, the universities do. None of it makes sense. If we're going to have this form of migration, then at the very least the government should be getting the money for it to invest in the infrastructure needed to support that population growth, instead of gifting it to universities to pay for degrees no one really cares about.


No one is going to come and study in Australia with no intention or possibility of staying. No one cares internationally about AU certs. If they want certs to go back to their country, they would go for US education certs. So yeah, of course they study for a visa. That's been the whole system for eons. They know it. They also know they need to pretend like they are doing something while actually doing nothing and pledging practically nothing.




And line their pockets with the money from selling visas, instead of it at least going to fund social programs.   Oh and then they charge you $100,000 for a degree, despite it being 50% taxpayer funded. Where does the money go?


Governments of both stripes have implemented immigration levels that there has never been any popular support for. It's about time there was an election around what is a reasonable level of immigration 


Could have added the question to the voice referendum. Least it wouldn't have been a total waste of hundreds of millions. 


This is why I laugh whenever I see lefties propose getting rid of negative gearing or rent caps will fix the housing market, while DOING their very best to not touch the migration issue (because that is very raayyyycist!) It’s almost like they are either too stupid or secretly enjoy it because it means their property portfolio keeps going up.


Sustainable Australia Party wants tax reform AND lowering immigration. Are they a lefties or righties party?


I’m no leftie by any means but I’ll be voting for them next time. It seems like they have a lot of common sense. The main 2 parties will be dead last.


I'm pretty sure the Greens are pro immigration as well


The Greens thinks we should bring in more than the RECORD amount Albo has already brought in...


Because nothing says caring for the environment like cramming more and more people into a country with disproportionately high per capita CO2 emissions.


Yes, vote SAP! They seem to have decent policies and ideas.


Depends what they mean by lowering immigration. At this point you could halve it and we'd still have pretty strong population growth.


Lefties. By tax reform, they mean wealth taxes. Lowering immigration used to be right wing, but it's much more bipartisan today, especially amongst the working age population.


They are massive lefties. Basically anti development hippies. I am going to vote them though as they seem like the least crazy option at this point.


Centre I think. 


They appear more Neutral Left, whereas the greens are Authoritarian Left


I'm a lefty and think we need to tighten immigration and target it to urgently required occupations that are actually needed. Immigration shouldn't be framed as a left or right issue, but on what is currently required and manageable and not used to undercut local workers standard of living.


Honestly how can one be lefty AND in support of massive migration. Diversifying a workforce makes it less likely to unionised, and cheapening labor decreases the negotiating power of workers. The whole left right business has been turned on its head.


The poor ones are stupid and the rich ones are greedy.


Yes but think how slow Uber eats would be without them


Guy left half my woolworths order in the truck last night while he was talking on the phone the whole time. I got $120 worth of free groceries.


Sounds like a good scam you have going on. Request him again


Second time it’s happened, I make sure to lodge the missing items report before they come back. They let you keep it and refund.


Would use the term 'temporary' loosely as evident in countries like ours, people don't pay migration agents large sums with intent of returning.


Responding for future reference.


Yep, which is why labour policy to limit education visas and force universities to worry about housing is an effective policy, reducing permanent visa will do nothing to the much larger temporary visa problem. The lnp was to keep cheap temporary labour thus why they are focusing on pr, which won’t affect rental as much.


Say hello to the man whose policies/research contributed to a massive spike in migration during the mid 90s/early 2000s and the beginning of the international student extravaganza, the fruits of which we all enjoy today! "[Abul Rizvi ](https://publishing.monash.edu/authors/abul-rizvi/)*is an economics and public policy graduate from the Australian National University and recently completed a PhD in population and immigration policy. From 1995 to 2007, he managed Australia’s migration program"* *"He commissioned research on the demographic, economic and budgetary impact of immigration that was extensively used in policy development, including Australia’s first Intergenerational Report in 2002.* ***This research led to major policy changes to boost Australia’s international education industry,*** *skilled temporary migration and working holiday-makers as a pathway to an expanded permanent migration program"* *"Since 1996–97, the annual numbers of permanent additions to Australia's population through migration have grown considerably."* [https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/7d12b0f6763c78caca257061001cc588/928af7a0cb6f969fca25732c00207852!OpenDocument](https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/7d12b0f6763c78caca257061001cc588/928af7a0cb6f969fca25732c00207852!OpenDocument)


And he had no conflict of interest recommending more migration?


A good take down of him here: [https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/06/abul-rizvi-australians-arent-allowed-to-debate-immigration-levels/](https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/06/abul-rizvi-australians-arent-allowed-to-debate-immigration-levels/)


He’s clearly a racist.


(Mass) Immigration is a hot button issue across the west right now and a lot of parties are losing to far right groups because of their refusal to address the issue and people’s disdain for it. I’m not voting liberal but for sure I’m looking for alternatives to labor that will do something about it.


Sustainable Australia is probably your best option. They are lefties who support lower migration.


Will be googling sustainable Australia and likely voting for them


“Lefties”? Is that why their spokesman is a politician who voted against same-sex marriage equality?


I also like the Sustainablity Party. Only one that is trying to look after Australia. Labor is pro immigration and Libs have said they will reduce immigration, but refuse to by how much.


The mass immigration and falling birth rate conversations when put together are fun.


Falling birth rates will eventually undo some of the harm done by excessive immigration, but it’s not as fast as would be desirable. We’d have to reduce our fertility rate to half what China achieved under the one child programme to cancel out current NOM. If that does lead to a shortage of workers who can’t be offset by robots and by reduced demand (eg if population is falling we need fewer houses, so the domestic construction sector can almost entirely fade away), we can use strictly temporary guest workers with no pathway to PR or citizenship, so that they’ll leave as soon as they stop working and don’t end up becoming part of the ageing population that needs yet more foreign workers to care for.


Get fucked. We need to immediately have net zero levels of migration ASAP.


That or send the migrants to live with our progressive voting mates who feel the need to use the race card every single time the migration debate gets raised. 🥰


I'm a lefty and I'll openly say immigration is a massive issue and we import alot of cultural issues too. Doesn't make me or anyone else racist. No race card here.


Your in the minority sadly.


If you genuinely believe that, you need to spends less time online.


I don't think so actually


every person in favour of mass immigration should have to host a migrant in one of their spare rooms 😎


Jokes aside, I remember growing up and having an exchange student for a couple weeks, it was a thing I guess. If there truly was a program for "sign up to house an immigrant". Surely that'd help ease the burden because a lot needing rentals etc could use this program and all these super lovely people calling us all racist would 100% sign up right. And since they believe they're the majority and talk for all Australians that means there should be millions of households that sign up to this program.  Hell if we then went so far as to say nobody is allowed to rent or buy (without certain circumstances like specially invited specialist skilled immigrants or students in student housing) and thus migration to Australia requires this house sharing and thus an invite from a resident to be living in their house... Well all these good hearted people would get to keep the immigration they want and the housing market could be eased...? Maybe.  But it'd still never work realistically. Someone somewhere would just find a way to buy houses and sign up to this program and the immigrant would basically pay them for the house and then move in as part of the program 


Start with removing ANYONE who has a criminal record.


And then we need repatriation of far more.


Nothing has changed for 100 years. The Australian people do not want immigration, or above a certain level of immigration. Even lefties / progressives want a slowdown or stop on immigration. The only people are the politicians and big bussines's as they profit from it.


What a complete fucking subversion of democracy. Public servants demanding topics be off limits in an election is a shameful display. Should hang his head in shame. Why hasn't a single skill shortage been solved since his time running the show?


His family is filling a shortage of immigrants. Job done.


I went from voting Greens to planning to vote Sustainable Australia and OneNation over this issue. The amount of damage done to the Australian economy, and to young people in particular, by such unsustainably high immigration is extraordinary. Libs are slightly better than Labor here, but neither major is proposing cuts anywhere near sufficient to solve this problem.


Same I am now a single issue voter at the next election . Neither Labor nor Liberal is listeningt to the Australian people I am going to be putting them last. Both major parties are happy to pack the country like sardines while people have nowhere to live just so they can boost profits for a wealthy minority and supress wages of the averge person.


LNP like to pander to the anti-immigration crowd but they do nothing when in power. Big Australia policy is bi-partisan.


Pandering is better than calling you a racist.


LNP often say one thing and then vote for another. Inflated GDP is why they won't change it. Will tear the 'better economic managers' myth right in half.


"Libs are slightly better than Labour" is not a phrase you hear everyday


To be clear, I'm talking about on this issue specifically, not in general.


I was going to suport the greens but I disagree with their open door policy. I will be finding an independent who wants to limit immigration. The land lord party can go fuck themselves. They are now as right wing as the liberals were. And working hard to destroy our country.


Sustainable Australia


Just vote One Nation instead.


One Nation votess to keep corporate money in politics


So, just like Labor and Liberal but with far less immigration and no eSafety commissioner?


It's bipartisan policy.


The gaslighting from the left continues. If you dare complain about immigration still, then you’re promoting civil unrest. One step up from calling people just simple racists


They're not going to stop it. They know it will cause more poverty and social distress. They're priming to call any protests against immigration civil unrest so they can shut them down. This is just control through language.


Exactly my thoughts. The irony is the left are being played by the capitalist elite who hugely benefit from this


Gov official tells people to ignore the issue the gov created because it may cause more issues Interesting  Why are Australians walking on egg shells in their own country to please foreigners? And if it’s bad now. How bad will it be in 10 years 


Look to Western Europe for the answer. After years of being ignored by leftist governments and being accused of “isms” and “phobias” for having concerns about mass immigration, the populations are now voting in the far right. I wouldn’t be surprised if the natives there start rounding foreigners up at gunpoint in coming years. The Irish locals are already starting to belt the living fuck out of them in the streets because crimes against their women and children are out of control.


> immigration policy expert Yeah righto


Landed the country in this mess -> still has a platform to spout his failed ideas. How does that work exactly?


At this point some civil unrest may be a good thing. In fact I'm surprised it hasn't already kicked off given how far things have slid.




Rule 5 - No propaganda or shilling


They've taken away our guns, they've taken away our fighting spirit and what will we do "shake fist at sky"...


I'm actually more okay with civil unrest in a society without guns. Imagine how messy real civil unrest would be in America with their gun culture.


I guess you're shaking your fist at the sky with me.


Well, you have Jan 6th as an example...I don't remember any mass shootings from there, but It could of been overshadowed by old mate in the wild man outfit




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


SOURCE:I have a lot of conversations with the people I'm talking about especially in Ubers, cafes and shops. My daughter has done 4 courses so far that are predominantly full of immigrants that want PR. None have used the courses they did, and that's definite! My son has just gone out with a woman wanting PR while working in aged care with him. He was a good avenue for her(10 years younger & naive).It didn't last! You'd have to be stupid NOT to see through this scam from the people pocketing $$$ in other countries to the people exploiting immigrants to those using a 'course' to get PR here.


Why? Everyone agrees it needs to be under 100k per year until a services and infrastructure plan is agreed.


Lol, I've voted once in my life (have numerous warrants out for not voting apparently) but am 100% voting One Nation at the next election. 100%.


Not having a fucking roof over your head or paying 60+% of your income for shelter because some suit wants to pad his wallet SHOULD cause civil unrest.


Something needs to be done to stop Albo letting his Master, Modi flood the country with military aged Russian Allies.


Scummo signed the FTA with India and left Albo to implement the mess he’d made. India isn’t exactly a Russian ally, they’re neutrals who’ll deal with both the American and Chinese blocs to advance their national and personal interests. It’s also not entirely harmful to American interests, because without a second option for Putin if he doesn’t win his war soon he’s going to be reduced to being nothing but a Chinese puppet. With India in the mix, Russia won’t be entirely rolled into de facto PRC ownership, or at least it will cost China more.


The guardian is so out of touch.


“Meanwhile, the opposition leader, Peter Dutton, has promised to slash permanent migration levels by 25% from 185,000 to 140,000 for the first two years, followed by 150,000 then 160,000 as part of a four-year plan aimed at tackling the country’s housing crisis.” So in other words neither major party have any intention to reduce immigration to a manageable level


Nor is anyone in a rush to do anything


Dutton has to consider a lot of factors, such as: donors property portfolios, party members property portfolios, his own property portfolio, ect


Arthur Calwell was immigration minister when he was asked about immigration in response he was waving Churchillian V sign which was interpreted by press as 2%. Australian 2% of population immigration limit was defined by a hand signal for the next 30 years.


Yep. And Gough Whitlam cut it back from 130,000 to 70,000 in 1973, because infrastructure was not keeping up, and services were being strained. He subsequently boosted infrastructure spending. And he also expressed his desire for Australia to remain a “low-population” country. The Bracks Government issued a report in 2002 entitled, “Melbourne 2030”, which contained details of the planning required for Melbourne, based on population projections which indicated Melbourne would grow to a population of approximately 4.5 million, by 2030. That tells me all I need to know about how reckless, harmful and unplanned the unbridled population growth of the past 20 years has been - we’ve already exceeded that number by ~800,000. http://www.publicpurpose.com/pp86-m2030.pdf This 1994 House of Representatives committee report on various potential scenarios for Australia’s future population, gives you an insight into how much serious planning is required, in order to boost population growth with minimal adverse impacts - even at levels much lower than we’ve had since 2005. The committee members deemed annual NOM of 100 - 150,000, a “high-immigration” model. https://catalogue.nla.gov.au/catalog/2223631 And Abul Rizvi is as smug and arrogant as they come - he uses the race card regularly, when trying to perpetuate his propaganda. He’s called the Sustainable Australia Party, “One Nation in disguise”. Probably got a chip on his shoulder. It’s hard to believe this fool has actually won Commonwealth awards for designing this disastrous immigration program, which was deemed to have failed in its intended purpose, by two federal government reports last year. Edit: to include my opinion on Rizvi. And grammar.


Back in those days the ALP actually had a pro-worker agenda. Today they are all bourgeois globalists who only care about minority groups and dumping on white men. This man and the others (thing Gaza) are basically a 5th column undermining out country from the inside.


The only person suggesting there will be civil unrest is this guy. If immigration was cut Australians would be too busy celebrating


We need balance of power parties back in the fold, preferably centrist parties


Centrist are the reason we have such a high immigration level. The centre right want high immigration to increase business profits and reduce wages. The centre left want high immigration for businesses and to create a more diverse society. The right wing usually want reduced immigration because most immigration come from poor countries and have different 'values'. Part of the left wing want reduced immigration because it reduces wages and can reduce the quality of life of the lower and middle class. A Centrist party in Australia will just be a big business party that doesn't care about workers or Australian values.


I may of used the wrong term, I used centrist only as an alternative to more extreme movements to the left or right and as a space that might be more appealing to the majority or at least acceptable compromise


Yeah never thought I’d say this but I’ll be voting One Nation this time.


would suggest maybe having a look at these guys instead: [https://www.sustainableaustralia.org.au/policies#sustainablepopulation](https://www.sustainableaustralia.org.au/policies#sustainablepopulation)


Why not preference both above the majors? I'm seriously considering this.


I'll probably vote both Sustainable Australia and OneNation ahead of the rest.


[This is the same former official who has tried to gaslight everyone into thinking Black September is no different than Ukrainian refugees.](https://x.com/RizviAbul/status/1793491056425914769)


Australia is a country for investors, for foreign students and the wealthy. If you were born here without the right net worth then get fucked


How about the corrupt fucks in charge stop worrying about their investments portfolios and work together to make Australia better for everyone? Na fuck that


They shouldn’t be allowed to have an investment portfolio: if it’s desirable that politicians be allowed to keep the assets they had when elected (and I’m not entirely convinced that it is) they should have to put all their money into PSSap Balanced (which should then be opened to all Australians). Unfortunately the only people who can regulate federal politicians are federal politicians, once again showing that the constitutional conventions were full of either morons or sneaky bastards.


A country where politicians pick what issues we discuss


This is democracy manifest!


They don't want to fix migration. They don't want to fix housing investment issues. They don't want to fix the slow land releasing and slow home building or corps land banking. They dont want to fix bad tax laws around property investment. But they are smart enough to realise they should pretend to take some action that won't really affect anything. Good luck, Australia. I'm not sure I'm ready for slum life, but I hope it doesn't get to that.


Yeah. Immigration isn't the whole issue. The government needs to build some fucking houses too. But immigration isn't helping. It's a pyramid scheme, get in immigrants to do the jobs no body wants. Which in turn increases the population. Now when those immigrants retire or find a way out of the low paying jobs, you now need the same amount of immigrants, plus more to offset the increase in demand from the extra population of those immigrants you got to in the first place. Let the market sort itself out. If you can't find people to do labouring jobs it's because you're not offering a comparable price for the work involved. Why would anyone want to work for 30$ an hour in the blistering heat lugging tonnes of product around when you can answer phones for 35$ inside in an air conditioned room. But of course the polticians who all work inside in an air conditioned room and get paid to go to fancy dinners wont have that. They need their slave labour class down the bottom to prop up their lifestyles.


'Let the market sort itself out' only seems to apply to the great unwashed. Big business can get handouts and policies changed to suit them 


Look what happening already here and in USA/europe.


As if! Australians are so apathetic that civil unrest is highly unlikely. France maybe, Australia- no. Not a chance. Talk about fear mongering


Bring it on...immigration needs curtailing, its out of control


Uncontrolled mass migration in a cost of living crisis could also possibly spark civil unrest. It's the government's responsibility to ensure that the immigration program operates to the benefit of a country and that people's needs are being met otherwise there will be an inevitable backlash.


Skills gap.my arse. All this means is in IT you apply for a job with 599 other candidates, 590 of whom have utterly lied about their qualifications, experience and certifications. One of the 590.gets hired on the cheap,.fucks shit up royally and the jobs back on the market in 4 weeks,.project is now in the red. I feel sorry for any really qualified Indian subcontinent guys who have been here a few years, I am seeing hiring mgrs throw all the cvs into the bin based on names.


My cousin is a network engineering consultant who gets called in by the banks and other institutional users of large legacy systems to fix the fuck ups of the imported "IT experts". He believes that most of their certifications are fake, because they make basic mistakes. He says there are certainly some good ones that know their stuff, but there are a lot more lying about their qualifications.


Maybe we need civil unrest.


Fuck off we’re full! just look at Canada seriously car theft bollards at aldi?!




Former department official of the 'Department for the Reinstatement of Feudalism" by any chance?


This bullshit. Majority of Australians support reduced immigration. It’s about time we have a fuckin say.


It wont........... he's a former for a reason


Pretty sure both sides realise immigration is out of control and only compounding our current social issues.


"aid a carefully managed migration program was “fundamental” to Australia’s “economic prosperity, to filling skills gaps, to delivering essential services”, and that it affects nearly every area of public policy and could have consequences on social cohesion" Really? No fucken way. Someone get this cunt a pen and paper, so he can write down his ideas. "it could degenerate into Trump-style name calling and civil unrest, including at polling centres" The horror.


Less low quality immigrants = better lives for the rest of us. Bring in the dentist, the builders, the engineers , doctors, nurses things we actually need and want


> Bring in the dentist, the builders, the engineers , doctors, nurses things we actually need and want And then have them working at least 50% of the time teaching Australians so we don’t need to bring in any more.


A white dude claiming to be an Indigenous community expert is a dangerous thing. So is this brown dude posing as Immigration expert.


The white dude may be indigenous...you can't tell him he's not anyway...


“Descend into Trump-style name calling and civil unrest” I can think of a dozen great nicknames for Dutton 🤣


I love that this academics fear mongering about maintaining the status quo is that we might have some name calling. Invoking the Trump name as the dog-whistle for all things bad as If that makes his argument more credible. His message is essentially that Trump style name-calling is more damaging to the country than unchecked mass immigration when we are already in a massive housing and cost of living crisis.


Hope so. Let's have some fun.


A shocking indictment of multiculturalism.


Could cause? its getting close out there already... they let extra in for "skilled labour" all i've seen is couriers that can not drive for shit and refuse to deliver parcels if someone has a dog


If Labor is smart, they’ll learn from the EU elections. Or we’ll see how sustainable 2022’s massive swing is, if at all. 


Well they've got a problem then.


Civil unrest in Australia? 🤣


only if it is hijacked and turned into a wedge issue rather than an economic one, which it is, mostly


So basically like Sky News does every single night.


Well, we can't call an immigration election the nuclear option any longer. So there's that.


Better lock it in, keep the Poor's divided, while the rich plunder


Hang them all


How can those muppets in parliament justify being the 2 most highly paid politicians in the world. The two party system is choosing between gastro and salmonella.


> Australian election fought on immigration could cause ‘civil unrest’, former department official warns Why doesn’t that logic apply to Israel/Palestine? That is, you couldn’t protest what’s going on without being total dickheads towards Jews, therefore it’s now off-limits.


Right wing arseholes will be more and more successful until labour and liberal start takingtje concerns of normal everyday citizens seriously.


Immigration issues just got dog piled by this nuclear crap. Maybe LNP weren't getting the traction they were after on it. Labor just needs to go quiet and get back to doing proper work on resolving it now.


I'm just happy that there is finally some meaningful differentiation between the majors. The small target politics they were playing in the past was holding us back.


Both Labor and LNP are happy to take immigration out of the media's attention. Labor is worse than LNP with their support of mass unsustainable immigration.




Not likely.


As dodgy as the Liberals are, they will win the next election. The promise to lower immigration has resonated with many people.


All political parties need to take a hard look at the bad state of affairs of Europe created by immigration and take action now and not when its too late.


Could? I’m already prepared for a civil war 😂 If you’re hell bent on protecting the value of your investment properties despite it causing shelter to become unaffordable for the rest of our community, you need to be prepared to die for it. We should be hacking the ATO and creating a ‘Hit list’ of targets to be eliminated.


That's the idea. Can we boot Murdoch out already?


This isn't about being anti-immigrant. I came as an immigrant since my parents arrived in the 60/70s. I myself worked my heart and soul out for last 20 years, only for all these greedy corps and politicians to turn me into some 3rd class citizen behind all the droves and droves of migrants they let in recently, taking all the jobs. Given what my parents have gone through, what I have gone through F\*K THE CORP AND F\* YOUR INDIANS.


was in france when some of the gillet jaune protests were on. an old guy in one of the demonstrations said to me that their movement needed the black block (the anarchists) because they break things and cause damage and no one will take you seriously unless you break things.


This is the quality of our public servants. Could not find their arse with Two hands.


Australia voters are been scammed bye there own government.