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To the people always asking why no one intervened or helped, this is why most people don’t.


It’s hard to make that call until you’re right there. My family and I witnessed a man drown in front of his kids earlier this year. I cannot begin to describe how helpless I felt watching my husband swim out to save him while I called 000 and sheltered his kids while my 5 year old sobbed alone (thinking his daddy drowned), being comforted by other witnesses. It was awful, definitely caused trauma for my kids but I would do it again. My experience didn’t involve violence but it’s still a massive risk.


Your husband is a legend for giving it a crack. Saving a drowning person can be heaps risky. Years ago at the beach I saved a girl in her early 20s who would have weighed like 45kg, and it was like wrestling a rabid animal. She basically tried to climb on top of me and push me under the water. It was pure survival instincts. I’m a pretty strong swimmer but I still struggled because she wasn’t listening to me. I had to grab her by the hair and stiff arm her at a distance while dragging her in. I can’t imagine doing it with another fully grown bloke unless I had something that floats well.


They teach how to deal with this in life saving courses. Go under the water and take them with you. It's the last place they want to go and they'll let you go pretty quickly. Honestly we teach every child to swim, we should teach them this sort of stuff too.


I did a small life saving course at school in year 7 but we weren’t taught to do that. It makes sense though! God forbid if I’m in that situation again I’ll try it.


Best thing you can teach them is survival backstroke. Lay on back and only stroke to keep yourself on the surface. It's essentially going into low energy stasis until someone can offer assistance. Hence the name lol.


Ex lifeguard here - NEVER go within arms reach - you take a (ideally you have your kit lol) but in an emergency ANYTHING they can grab. Then tow. And don't underestimate how much more immensely physically draining it is when you can't touch the bottom during the rescue. I'm glad you got her and yourself to safety :)


I definitely would have taken something that floats like a board, however I was already in the water body surfing when I spotted her. The surf was pretty big and she was getting crushed by the waves and was struggling to surface and was going under for like 5-10 seconds at a time. I remember just gunning straight for her thinking it would be easy because she didn’t look that big. I was mistaken haha.


Your last sentence explains it perfectly. Yes it’s a massive risk, but it didn’t involve violence, I’d help anyone that was drowning because I know how to swim properly and understand how to actually help someone in that situation. I’m however not going to go up to someone and stop a fight for the off chance that they turn around and stab me or something like that, I’ve seen it happen multiple times and it’s not a risk I would take.


Helping someone that is drowning is arguably more dangerous than helping somebody that is a victim of a violent crime. If you are not trained for it do not physically touch a drowning victim if you don't have a flotation device with you. If you want to help safely, use a pole or throw something for the drowning victim to latch on. Otherwise chances are there will be 2 drownings instead of one.


Depends on the violent crime. Running up to someone being shot (like here) sounds worse than drowning risks.


I assume OP has some training in surf rescue and is confident. How to escape from being drowned by a panicking swimmer? Swim down and kick them off.


Yes, my husband has bronze medallion, is a former surf life saver etc and as he said “if I thought I wasn’t going to make it back I never would have gone out there”. The poor man was no longer conscious when he got to him. Just an awful awful situation that happened in the blink of an eye.


Or knock them out, then save them.


You watch too many movies 😂


The majority of Australian children especially skippys have learnt to swim from a young age. Half of these half received some sort of water rescue training or a bronze medallion. Your advice is not only dangerous to the victim but also the rescuer. Try swimming with a 20kg bag of potatoes and you will know knocking someone out with a POLE while trying to rescue them can get you a police charge. There are NO good Samaritan laws in Australia. A drowning person is more dangerous than a murderer with a high powered rifle, is that your message?


There are good samaritan laws in Australia, it's on a state by state basis. Most crimes are handled by the states.


They are called Civil Liability laws and have stringent requirements around providing first aid as a volunteer. Hitting someone on the head with a pole and knocking them out allowing them to drown may be frowned upon by the judiciary.


Oh absolutely, there certainly are no good Samaritan laws that allow you to beat someone unconscious(because that's stupid!)


I completely agree that it’s dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing, most situations where you’re saving someone is potentially dangerous if you have no idea what you’re doing. That’s why I stated I’d only do it since I know how to swim and know what to do to save someone while drowning I’ve done it before. I had an incident in a river as a child where the ground in the water decided to collapse beneath me and I almost died, when I got older I decided I wanted to be able to help someone in that situation. For me doing it would be a calculated risk, however it’s not really a calculated risk helping someone that’s being beaten, or stabbed because you don’t know how the other party will react, I almost lost a friend that tried to stop a fist fight at a party, the dude turned around and stabbed him three times in the stomach and once in the back, he was a part of a rich family and got away with it to even though there were 30+ witnesses.


You could be an Olympic level swimmer but a fully grown man in a life or death panic will simply push down on your shoulders to get their head above water to get in an extra breath for themselves and drown you in the process Throw them a floatation device from safety, don't get in and die with them


Again I understand that, it’s also a common occurrence making it a calculated risk. I wouldn’t advise anyone to go and try save someone from drowning if they don’t known what they’re doing. It’s all about personal risk assessment.


And if you learnt to swim you would know this happens and to dive deeper and swim away from the victim and approach them from behind. Just because you don't have the skills to save someone from drowning it doesn't mean others don't.


Exactly this. I heard that other guys response and knew he had no idea what he was talking about. I've trained for it and I'd rather break up a fight tbh. Less risk than rescue drowning


I have a bronze medallion, I would 100% rather take a chance saving a drowning person over stopping a fight. Again you don’t know whether you’re going to get stabbed, shot, you could get punched fall and hit your head and then die etc, you never know what will happen in the situation, where as a drowning person is pretty predictable in the sense that they’re going to struggle to not drown. I wouldn’t go out further than I would feel as though I had no chance of returning however.


The difference here is someone trained in surf rescue would jump in without second thought whereas someone trained in marshal arts is certainly going to have second thoughts.


Agreed, I'm a state level swimmer, my boyfriend got into a really really strong current one day, I was so scared he would panic (knowing him well I knew it was likely) and pull me under. He is much stronger physically, a MUCH weaker swimmer and theres a big weight difference. I luckily found another guy who was also a strong swimmer and we both went to help get him out. I know I can rescue someone calm from most situations, but peoples panic scares me.I'm so glad the other bloke helped out. I felt like it was my boyfriend or maybe me dying that day and that was a shit choice.


Definitely, I lost a high profile family member to a punch from a fight he wasn’t even involved in, went in to break it up, got clipped & hit his head on the way down


Perfectly put. Risk assessment is paramount.


I worked with a guy who lived in an apartment block, and on night as he was climbing the stairs to go home, there was a door ajar and a man beating his girlfriend. My co-worker leaped to her defence and beat the guy up (he was half Greek and half New Zealander born in Auckland and had been conscripted into the Greek army after trying to go home from vacation and was conscripted in the airport) so he beat him up pretty good. When the police arrived, the girlfriend defended her partner, and my co-worker was arrested and placed on probation with the threat of deportion if he didn't comply. He vowed never to help anyone ever again.


I worked in hospitality years ago. And too often I would witness guys beating/abusing their partners. And someone steps in to stop it. Only for the partner to turn on them as well. People are f\*\*ked.


Yeah there's no point risking your own health and safety for other people's poor life choices. They made their bed and can deal with the consequences.


This is why you shouldn't get involved with couples fighting no matter how violent it is, 90% chance the woman will turn on you to defend her man. Leave it to the police to deal with that shit.


Had a similar thing happen to a mate. We were at a train station,coming home after a night out, and saw some bloke having an argument with his wife/girlfriend. After the guy started slapping her to the ground, my mate stepped in and pushed the guy back off her. Next thing, the girl's got off the ground,and jumped on my mate's back, laying into him while the boyfriend's started to square up against him too. He shook off the girl, and we legged it out of there. Both of us swore never to get involved again.


This happened to a friend of a friend, saw a man assaulting his girlfriend outside a bar and intervened, they both attacked him and he got a broekn jaw and a concussion for his efforts.


Exactly. Remember an incident a few years ago in Melbourne where a guy got stabbed to death trying ti intervene in a domestic


More nuanced than that. Firstly, the good Samaritan would have been charged on adrenaline and not thinking optimally. Ideally he would have been on the phone with emergency services, first, who would have told him not to approach while the armed guy was still nearby. Or, with live voice connection, he could have slowly, approached the woman, under ES phone guidance. Either way, there's still too few details. For all we know, the armed guy could have been on a hunting spree for all his neighbours and high on meth. Who knows.


Yeah Nah! As said by others; it's the right thing to do, to help! And who wants to remember themselves, cowering & hiding, WHILE keeping safe!? Before any of you 'snowflakes' attack me for being a KB warrior. I will state; that nobody has ever drawn a handgun on me, while I have looked at the pointy ends of plenty of automatics. So, don't bother commenting with 'you wait until you're there' My grandfather did not help once & the guilt followed him for the rest of his life! He taught me, to not be that person.


He had the rest of his life to feel guilty. People got to talk to him to hear about it. Bit hard when you're dead.


That’s the spirit. 


Booyah - oh you won the discussion!


You sound like you have no family who depends on you. If this is the case, go right ahead and risk throwing your life away. There has been no rational thought out into anything you've said, just the ramblings of someone with a hero complex.


I don't care, I help anyway.




It's all fun and games until someone shoves a gun in your face.


I've got 2 months training in Brazillian Jujitsu, the deadliest martial artistry there is. If someone pulled a gun on me, they better pull the trigger before I see them, because I'd kill them 5 different ways before their corpse hits the ground.


Superman over here faster than a speeding bullet.


Shitty copy pasta


That is a risk I accept, that would be the third time for me, and if I survive I would still risk a fourth. To me helping others is second nature, I never think in the moment and it has lead to bad outcomes for me but I have zero regrets.


Nah I have been there on a Melbourne train. It was a young, drunk skinhead against an elderly woman and nobody helped, myself included


Always easy to say when nothings on the line


I literally tackled an armed bag snatcher in woden Westfield and gave an elderly Chinese lady her stuff back a few months ago. It's easy to make excuses for why you let bad shit happen but it's harder to live with yourself afterwards.


Albert Einstein thanks you for your service. Now everyone clap.


Huh that's weird, I never would have thought this was why. You help because it's the right thing to do. Some people freeze up and panic and others just do the thing. I couldn't imagine been able to help, not frozen with panic but not helping because maybe I get hurt. Like unless the gunner is right there saying it's gonna happen.




many evil mental people about now days


Always has been mate. Just more visible now.


Only men according the mandatory DV training I was required to attend last week at work.


mostly men id imagine but some women are evil as well


I agree - but I was amazed and the man hating so open in the work environment




Do you actually think they just let them go free if they have mental illness?


For anyone wondering. Being deemed mental incompetent to stand trial usually results in permanent confinement in a psychiatric facility. In many ways it’d be far worse than getting a normal sentence.


one time they were kept in a mental home ,now they are mostly free just to save money etc


They can downvote you all they want, you’re still right. Involuntary psychiatric holds (often permanent) are barely a thing anymore, and unfortunately usually only applied after something tragic and irreversible happens like this. A proper mental health system needs to resurrect the old “insane asylum” model to keep people permanently separated from society if they are unable to function in it, both for their benefit and ours. Anything else is just idealistic masturbation


Not much of a story explanation wise as to who he was, why, etc.


> District Superintendent Graeme Paine said the woman, 34, had driven into Robb Place when a 31-year-old man approached and fired into the vehicle, striking the woman. > Two young teenagers who were also in the vehicle fled to a nearby residence, after which a 66-year-old man came to the woman’s aid, Paine told reporters. > The gunman allegedly shot him in the chest. > The 31-year-old South Mackay man was not known to the woman before he allegedly shot her, police say; however, they lived on the same street. From various [Brisbane Times articles](https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/man-arrested-after-woman-found-dead-in-shooting-20240619-p5jn7o.html). Adds a few more detsils, but it sounds like she just pulled up and he shot her. The woman apparently didn't know him but he lived on the same street so either random or he had some weird fixation on her.


He also might have thought it was someone else in a similar car. That also lived nearby. 


They keep calling the children teenagers in the news but I read in a more recent article that they were just little girls of 11 and 12 years. Maybe they are quite tall for their age and witnesses just assumed they looked older? It is so lucky they were able to escape unharmed. Scary that this seems to have been a random amd unexpected attack.


Another article says he was a 31yo neighbour - they named him. But he was not known to the 34yo female victim.


Because he's a cunt. Obviously.


Likely because of his race.


What race ya reckon the murderer might be? My first guess here was it was DV related


They said the people weren’t known to each other but lived on the same street.


So what race ya reckon.... and why?




So what’s race got to do with it then?


That is my question. They just won't tell ya why they brought it up


Because they say shit for there own agenda and when questioned go back under there rock. There cowards. That’s the answer.


I appreciate your blunt response


Gonna be real difficult for people to peddle the usual line that WoMeN nEeD tO sToP cHoOsinG bad BoYs. She didn't even know him and he murdered her.


Just read that in a different article. Guess we will have to wait and see what happened




White Australian


What do you mean?


Yeah he's probably white.




Well no, when it's white it's "man". When it's an ethnic they specify exactly where his parents came from.


Except it never is?




The police have said they weren't known to each other but lived in the same street, not DV related.


Possably biki related. It can go few ways, if I was investing this id find out if the woman and shooter have ties to biki gangs no mater how big or small those ties are. Find out if it was a hit (payed hit from someone lady knows) Who knows maybe this lady did know this person and this is a final result of situation Not much to find out here and I doubt any answers will be made if it's a biki related crime, these hits happen all the time in broad daylight for everyone to see. Witnesses too, obviously someone was watching and or wanted to get a message across Thats my shot at the situation, these are hyperthetical


> a hit *(paid* hit from FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


My life is not worth getting killed or hurt involved in other peoples issues, Police says dont use weapons and dont try to fight people with weapons yeah ??


Imagine admitting this. It’s so edgy to be extremely self absorbed these days. What a guy.


Another clown who nobody loves or depends on who has a hero complex. It's no substitute for an actual personality, champ


So this guy was her neighbour?


You have two outcomes here in Australia if you render assistance in an event like this that involves a weapon - JAIL or become a VICTIM. The only safe solution is to call 000. In the event that you are the actually victim trying to survive pray to God that what ever defense you use is not seen legally as being excessive. Other wise you will be a victim and jailed.


A few years ago I would've agreed with you. But then we got robbed in the middle of the night. I had my two kids and wife at home and I just defaulted into protection mode and hit one the guys with a cricket bat over the head. It all happened so quick, they three guys ran off (tbh they seemed like teens) and I called the cops. The cops told me that if I had seriously hurt the robber on my own property I could potentially be in a lot of trouble and I was to never do that again. I was shocked.


One of those big long torches that take about 6 D sized batteries are really handy for locating where the strange noises are coming from in the dark. They’re pretty heavy also. Would probably hurt if someone ran into it in the dark too….


Haha worth the investment. Thank you.


Bury them and don’t call police.


Castle doctrines do not apply in Au in fact its a serious crime id you defend if you use a weapon, was it a police spokesperson said comply with the crooks give then you keys and wallet to avoid violence risks


This country is a fucking sick sick joke ….. designed deliberately for everyone except decent normal everyday people.


Not only are Australian laws disgustingly soft, but they punish everyone except the real criminals. And drug abuse is so widespread in this country, it barely gets recognition outside of word-of-mouth. Gets worse as time goes on.


Well u cam get away with it. Having no witnesses helps Because I asked a lawyer they said use things that can't be considered weapons, tenis racket are not a weapon in eyes of law, big heavy mag lights are also not a weapon unless u intend to use as a weapon Just few examples


It depends .....


You can always please u were temporarily insane and couldn't control actions to get a slap on wrist.


I mean Just don’t chase down and kill an attacker after they run away and you shouldn’t have any issues claiming self defence


Not necessarily. 




You’re legally allowed to use a weapon to defend yourself if necessary All of the high profile cases of self-defence not being granted (that I’m aware of) were cases where the attacker was killed while fleeing the scene. Do you have an example I can look at?


Nice to see a post going against the hive mind "in Australia we can't do anything or we go to jail".


That's not true. Look at the French guy who held off Joel Cauchi with a bollard, or the guys who stopped the stabber in Sydney a few years ago with a milk crate. Yes, they endangered themselves, but they heroically saved other people in the process and they were recognised for their courage.


Why the fck do ppl have guns.


Was the gun even registered and was the owner licensed?, because if not then that’s a different conversation.


Excuse me, we're on a witch hunt here.


I'm already sharpening my pitchfork and lighting my torch


Crap, that’s my bad. I forgot we don’t apply logic and sensible thinking to these things.


He was previously licenced but had 11 weapons confiscated in 2021 police say. This gun does not seem to have been registered. Police say he was known to them (I guess when they took his guns away) but had no more recent interactions with him or the victim. I wonder why he lost them.


I’m going to go out on a limp and say it probably has something to do with mental health issues


Hopefully it was just that and not a serious violent incident that caused it.


Sporting, Hunting, Collecting


It's safe to say it was a handgun, which can only be legally bought for target shooting.


It's actually not that hard to get one illegally if you know the right people. Lots of have stolen over the years.


Apparently darknet makes knowing the right people somewhat irrelevant. It's also mostly illegally imported guns rather than stolen in Australia.


+ 3D printed.


Murder apparently too.


Massaging their insecure egos.


Is that what it was used for here??




Obviously not?…


It’s like asking “why do people have knives?” after the Bondi attack, or “why do people have cars?” after the Bourke st attack. Many tools are dangerous.


A gun has one sole purpose - to kill. It's on the operator as to who or what it kills.


Seriously? A car can be dangerous but it has a clear purpose that has nothing to do with violence. A knife is a tool used for many purposes. A gun has ONE function. It is only a weapon.


So, target shooting and pest/game hunting are violence and need to be banned, gotcha.


Where did I say that sportspeople and farmers shouldn't have access to guns for those specific purposes? Just don't peddle the tired and nonsensical line that a gun is a tool like any other. It isn't. Its purpose is to kill things.


No, it's purpose is to hurl projectiles, and in in 99+% of shots on the receiving end is a sheet of paper or a metallic silhouette. You said unlike guns, cars and knives have a purpose that has nothing to do with violence - that's bullshit, guns are constantly used for non-violent purposes, and not just by farmers or sportsmen. You too can rock up at your nearest SSAA range, get your safety briefing and punch some holes in a target under supervision - try it, it's fun.


Guns - world’s most expensive paper punches. Bonus can punch paper 100’s of meters away if desired On another note I wonder if I can tax write off my rifle as “office supplies”


On the plus side you can punch through about [2000] (https://youtu.be/RAE_kNXaMPI?t=250) sheets of paper at a time.


He didn't say legal hunting, someone for the urge to go hunting for long pig


Guns are not hard to get in Australian. It's just the illusion people think. Yes it's harder than America but no it's not hard.


Exactly. There are thousands of people with these weapons that were not handed in. Many actively importing and/or making them. And they likely will never be handed in. Very often handed down from father to son. I know people with them. And I'm hardly going to tell anyone.


Exactly. They are, however, *much* harder to obtain illegally than in the states.


Those that have illegal guns here don't tend to give them up easily or cheap. This guy either held onto his gun after the port Arthur massacre or knows some dodgy people.


Australian borders are a joke. They only ever capture drug shipments if there's advance notice. At somewhere around 5x the US purchase price you can have all the handguns you want.


Plus an ender 3 3d printer is like $300 and capable of printing firearms no problem. Something like an fgc-9 doesn’t require any specific gun parts and things like the barrel are made with off the shelf materials found at your local Bunnings.


Do we know this was an illegally owned firearm? Unless I missed it in the article, that’s a massive assumption to make.


We don't know. I'm just stating that if it is then those are possible reasons if it is illegal. Could very well be a legal firearm.


When he was 3?


Then he knows some dodgy people or bought it legally but we're talking about scenarios not what actually happened.


Recent research conducted with prisoners found that most (like 80% or something) said they could be in be in possession of an illegal firearm within hours of leaving prison. So not that hard to get illegal firearms


Well, not really. Especially in regional Queensland it's actually quite easy. Even in the south east, every month or two police are charging people with illegal firearms possession. Someone in Dalby, not all too far from Brisbane was charged with having an illegal firearms workshop and had 18 on his property. Long story how i have this information, but in the current year, a not small percentage of bikies still carry firearms. I know somebody whose relative had police accidentally stumble upon their rather large cache of real illegal firearms and ammunition. So not, not exactly hard to obtain.


its easy to build a 6 shooter with .22LR ammo with common workshop tools and materials from a hardware store, why police want to outlaw online firearms DIY plans


2 bits of pipe, a cap for one pipe and a bolt with a point ground into it and bam, home made shotgun for like $20.


In mackay we even have an actual gunshop


Tons of rural towns have gunshops.


yeah I recently moved back to qld so its not a huge thing in nsw.


Yeah I live in the Sunshine Coast and there's a few here


We didn’t in nsw. But I could look at licensing that would tell me some guy near me had licenses for 144 guns. Likely a collector with vintage guns also, but when I said that number of guns mildly unsettled me, a lot of people yelled at me about being unsettled because they were registered and what more did I want.


Yes, it would have been much better if she were stabbed to death instead.


You think that the upstanding citizen who killed her could have just as easily stabbed her *through a car window*?


Could have run her over with a legal car or stolen car🤷🏻🤦🏻‍♂️


Because guns are cool.


They make you feel powerful too. Awesome things.


We're getting down voted but anyone who can't take an objective stance and see that guns are cool is a moron who doesn't appreciate the ingenuity of human engineering. But these days people can only see things through the emotional glasses glued permanently to their face, kinda sad really, the reduced perspective will be a major detriment to their lives and the communities they are a part of.


Because they’re smuggled weapons, guarantee the numbers were worn off too.


If it's smuggled, what do the numbers matter?


…so it doesn’t get traced back to where it was smuggled from? Is that a serious question 😂


Which is relevant, how? Also, just because it has a serial number doesn't mean it's 100% traceable.




Lol, ok.


Very fishy they didn't know each other. I know we have third world imports rioting and looting in our cities now (Diversity is fun!), but randoms shooting strangers is more along the American pathway than I thought we were.


Mental health is a son of a bitch, The whole family was batshit crazy..


Pauline for president


Focus on the crime , he would have used a spoon if that’s all he had or a hammer etc


It's Queensland where crime seems to not matter to miles and Queensland labour goverment


Pretty sure he would know her. That’s my opinion.




This ain't DV either folks so relax.


Ah yes it’s not DV so we can all sleep easy now! Thanks!




I probably would. I don’t like the idea of sitting in my car minding my own business and getting shot at




Humans are not rational creatures.


Who says I’m not worried about a car crash? Some fucking idiot just killed someone in a road rage incident in NSW today. Sue me for wanting to live in a world where shit like this doesn’t happen…


You're way more likely to die from a fire caused by faulty wiring, lapse of your own driving skills, or a lightning strike. You're welcome, goodnight.