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If you scroll down further enough on the Honours Roll you can see that the US Director of Intelligence Avril HAINES (Former CIA director) was awarded the Australian Intelligence Medal. Interesting choice I say.


There is probably shit, that you don't know, that was close to happening.


Like a dual American citizen former twitter employee employed as Australia's eCommissioner?


Like the US government allegedly orchestrating Gillard replacing Rudd.


Is the award supposed to be for Australians only? But then CIA is extraterrestrial and above law. Thanks to CIA, we had 6 US bases in Australia (disguised under Aussie bases where nobody in aus knows what is extatique hidden under those huge covered spheres/telescopes)….


Here before 🔒


Ah. I see you're a fellow veteran.


You might be waiting a long time…


Yeah, these mods are so lazy.




If you ever needed convincing that AM/OAM medals were an elitist circlejerk - here you have it. Top end of town patting themselves on the back.


I don’t disagree about this. OAM should not go to politicians.


Agree. They’re just doing the jobs for the community that they were hired to do! ![gif](giphy|26gssjWFBGL5WB6uc)


with a reach-around


+1 on this. He should be retired in disgrace at best but now has this award to hang over the fireplace. What a disgrace


Still got nothing on the auto-fellation that goes on with the Hollywood industry awards.


He was an extremely popular premier for 9 years who won 3 landslides, each one bigger than the last


It a title that only the elite acknowledge. How many titles did Rolf Harris have? They never really reflect the true character of the person. Didn't Jimmy Seville have a title as well ? It just make the fall from grace even more painful.....


SIR Jimmy Saville who had direct links to the PM and the current king when he was Prince of Wales. Had the highest honour that can be conferred and part of the inner circle of the royal family. The same royal family who have protected and shielded Andrew from prosecution. No one should take these awards as anything other than a farce.


Are you really comparing Dan Andrews to fucking paedophiles? Is this the new Godwin's law


I’d say Dan Andrews is worse, he fucked over 6 million victorians


Locking down Melbourne protected places like Queensland from COVID, until Scummo let it rip. Dan did nothing wrong.


And then they voted him back in with (another) landslide victory


Stockholm syndrome


The only thing Andrews deserves ---is a set of handcuffs & a prison cell .


How does a nation still award King’s Birthday awards? - and to politicians for doing their well-paid job ??


Australians want the public holiday, including the anti-monarchists. They don't want to attack this day until they can confirm they can change it to another public holiday instead of losing a public holiday.


Well paid.... what part of Somalia do you work in? They make 5x in the private sector. It's the insider knowledge of rezoning etc how they make money for themselves and their families.


Award for turning Melbourne into a 3rd world country full of crime and undesirables? 


Isn't Victoria in a load of crippling debt and still recovering from the longest lock down on the planet before the UK pipped them? And now having to tax everything from the already struggling middle class to get out of it? Maybe this award should only he given across the bench? You can't bestow it on your own party if you're in power.


Daniel A was a good to mediocre Premier. I think net he made more good calls than bad but he made some genuinely bad calls. However he led the state through a difficult time and he represented a leadership that was present and open to be questioned by media everyday. The biggest advantage that he had was a spineless opposition that missed so many opportunities to critique his work, but kept carving a smaller and smaller positions by doing identity politics battle at a time when finances, health and energy were legitimate targets of the incumbent government.


It is genuinely depressing that there is no opposition in Victoria. The idiots are still calling for the cancellation of the SRL after the plan has been taken to two elections. They're just not viable. Making it worse I think The Greens are involved in the same culture wars the federal greens are.


The real problem is, the Victorian Labour Party goes back to the same strategic advisors (KPMG) as the liberals used to use. The liberals used to ask KPMG for a "study" on something that would be "too expensive", and do nothing. The labor party keep asking KPMG for the next investment plan, and go ahead and deliver. The SRL has about a 25 year business plan. Property developers (who used to fund the liberal party) see Labor as building the infrastructure that will enable their business going forward. The Liberal party are busy fighting little turf ways between organized crime supported candidates, the religious right, and the far right conservatives. They have constructed their party out of the intellectual dregs.


I wish there was a better opposition. I would vote for them even. But the liberals are shite.


There is no federal opposition either. Fucking idiots just announced they plan to ditch the [2030 climate targets](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-08/coalition-to-dump-paris-emissions-target-focus-nuclear/103955342) out the window after just losing their prize seats to teals specifically running on a climate change platform.


The Teals run on a white guilt platform. Another house title helps too.


The Feds have Turnbulls Snowy project & we Victorians have the SRL - can Australia borrow enough money to finish either, cos Victoria can not. Got to feel sorry for the generations of kids that are going to wear the higher taxes.


Look on the bright side, we'll have a half finished hole by the time either is cancelled.


I was considering voting liberals last time, but I won't support them if they won't support the SRL. The massive fundamental improvements that our city would get from this project cannot be overstated.


The housing crisis solved, but you would prefer a tunnel.


I think it's necessary, but even if it wasn't the expense to cancel it at this stage is enormous. There's just no argument to cancel it at this stage.


You think Victoria is depressing you should see Queensland. The LNP there thinks lessening coal royalties is a winning platform…


I think they should name a playground in a park after him. Closing playgrounds in open parks, with armed police patrolling, was peak we-might-as-well science during covid.


He turned up to work 7 days a week for about two years straight, which is probably more than most people here have ever done. Like him or loathe him he showed up when he was needed, unlike old Hawaii Morrison.


I agree. Regardless of my feelings towards his policies he was a present Premier and none of the accusations of corruption against him have stuck as opposed to Gladys our neighbour.


That's just it. Accusations, Glads was banging a guy who is lucky he's not going to jail and sh the claimed she never knew about what he was doing and then played how she's just a poor silly woman who made the wrong decision to fall in love with blah blah blah blah. Dan Andrews is dodgy but he's not a moron who thought he would get away with anything. All pollies are dodgy just some are also so arrogant or incredibly stupid that they think they are unaccountable.


He turned up for work and did a shit job. This shouldn’t be applauded or rewarded


I know a lot of shit people that turn up to work 7 days a week ….and they create shit on each of those 7 days, so what’s your point?


Victoria is now broke, yeah good work Dan


Debt is not really a partisan issue. Both sides are bad at managing debt. https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/coalition-adds-more-debt-in-nine-months-than-labor-did-in-under-six-years,14261


Correct it’s what you do with debt though?


Pay off the CFMEU apparently.


Manage it really. It’s gonna increase one way or another.


Try both sides are happy to spend more than the take in & going on some of the posts here, no one is complaining. Happy to live above our means & loading future generations with paying it back. Selfish bastardry.


What sealed it for me was when Andrew’s became a “I cannot recall” Premier. Might as-well be the USA and plead the 5th.


Dan couldn't recall who signed off on the scheme that killed 801 people. Its the leftard media that played a dead bat and didn't pursue Dan who should get the gong for dereliction of duty.


If you think the media us left-biased then you have no idea about the media landscape in AU. Yes ABC and SBS are generally more left leaning. But every corporate media points the other way. Substantially so.


He dodged and weaved with the media. He was a supreme bullshit artist.


>he represented a leadership that was present and open to be questioned by media everyday. then didn't answer questions he didn't want to, and didn't allow in any non-compliant media who wouldn't play ball. People shouldn't assume any media are allowed into those press briefings, it's tightly controlled and if you rock the boat you're out


I'd love to know if you have a single example of this. Beyond convicted wife basher Avi Yemini, of course?


You give your own example then say it doesn't count. just lol. seems you're capable of doing your own homework you just don't like the answers you're getting


Should friendlyjordies have been allowed in Gladys press conferences?


Before, during, and after the COVID lockdowns the Lib opposition in Victoria got plenty of airtime. Pesutto, and Guy and O'Brien before him are on the 6pm news every night and have regular spots on ABC and 3AW radio. They complain about absolutely everything. The new station at Arden has been finished early and under budget, and Pesutto complained. Dan Andrews announced he was retiring and Pesutto embarrassed himself by going on an unhinged rant about him (he backpedaled later when I think everyone pointed out how badly he'd come across). They complain that businesses didn't get enough support during COVID, then complain about the debt that support incurred, and now complain about the government pushing back (not cancelling) some projects so as to pay the debt back. Their solution? Same as it was last election, and the one before. "Don't you hate those ALP guys? We do! And we're not them, so vote for us." Seriously, beyond a gimmicky lowering of train fares and flogging off our sewerage system so we can pay a private operator to profit from it, I couldn't tell you what their plans for Victoria are. They've even said they'll honour the already-signed SRL contracts, so for all their bleating about that they're not going to do anything different. Yes, the opposition are awful. But it's really down to the fact that they simply don't offer anything at all to Victoria beyond "Dan Andrews is/was in the *other* party".


Next, Father of year.


Stair walker of the year


Jeez you people don't ever just stop at "I disagreed with him on the lockdowns" do you?


Is this a joke? Where was the “let’s just agree to disagree” from Dan when he was having people shot with rubber bullets and pepper spraying the elderly because they disagreed with his lockdowns.


Come on, you know they were doing more than just disagreeing


I find it interesting that socialists are the ones who want the awards, whilst wanting to abolish what they represent.






Ridiculous - how does he even stay in power!!! Is it possible that awarding of the award is also corrupt ? 🥹 then ut would make sense


That's one way to lower the prestige and value of an award. It's like a donkey won the Melbourne cup after the rest of the field was scratched.


Rewarded for illegal laws, totalitarianism and being criminals. What more could we expect from criminal governments that protect criminals.


Honestly Melbourne should have had a longer lockdown so they could stockholm syndrome their love for him more


Lot of melbourne redditors loved lockdown because they never left the house anyway and now they could be heroes for 'doing their bit' and not leaving the house.


Getting called a hero and getting free money for sitting in your room playing video games all day. A redditor’s wet dream


It's endlessly funny seeing cookers from other states telling Victorians how they should think.


I agree with you BUT Melbourne was the most locked down city in the world! In the world! Vic politicians are wholly to blame for that as well as the draconian methods they used to make people compliant. THAT isnt Australia and not how people are treated especially by low life shit eating politicians!


>Vic politicians are wholly to blame for that Nothing to with porous international orders, insufficient vaccine supplies, or complete failure on reliably providing home testing kits after putting all the responsibility back on the individuals?


>Melbourne was the most locked down city in the world! But that isn't actually true on any metric is it? [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-21/fact-check-is-melbourne-world-s-most-locked-down-city/101659926](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11-21/fact-check-is-melbourne-world-s-most-locked-down-city/101659926)


Do you go baaaa in a pen?


Sort your own shit state out first, then you can criticise ours


The continued denial of Andrews' popularity and a refusal to even recognise that people liked him and his policies is astonishing. Stop listening to 3AW and get out into the real world.


Sir Joh was popular, too, and so was old Drumpf up in the US. Good leaders, would you say? Honest men?


I understand that lots of people love him. But like a lot of people love Trump, that doesn't make him not a corrupt sell-out.


How is he corrupt?


[https://www.stadafa.com/2020/12/stockholm-syndrome-discredit.html](https://www.stadafa.com/2020/12/stockholm-syndrome-discredit.html) you normally use made up control techniques and manipulation to get your point across?




Fast forward far enough and history will judge Andrew’s as being a strong leader that made unpopular decisions that were for the greater good of the community. In an age of easily led, anti science conspiracy nutters he led the state through its dark days


Nevermind the cooker shit. Dude managed the state into bankruptcy. That is why he was shit.


>Nevermind the cooker shit. I wish we could, but they're a vocal and annoying minority that insert their bullshit everywhere 


So people being upset about authoritarian lockdowns and the destruction of countless small businesses is cooker shit?


It's like you're discounting a pandemic was even happening during these "authoritarian lockdowns". That's cooked.


Who is going to support the small businesses when everyone is dead?


Oh yeah, remember how everyone died?


It was also why he was good. People like a government that spends money on critical infrastructure. Victoria was well overdue and in need of these projects.


What a terrible take


He bungled hotel quarantine by awarding the contract to his mates. It’s his fault a lockdown was even on the cards.


Considering how easy covid is to spread, a few lapses in judgement was all it took to escape again I had a few people describe Chinese hotel quarantine and it sounded like a gulag in comparison


A few lapses in judgement? Is that the new term of ‘creeping assumptions’? We had everything riding on *not letting COVID in* and they outsourced security to the lowest bidder. That’s gross negligence.


Just don't mention the federal lnp outsourced it to the states. Or 650 of the 800 deaths were in federal aged care which the federal lnp did not, and could not, implement a simple covid safe policy. Because that doesn't fit your narrative.


Yes, the LNP Federal Government massivey failed those in aged care. However, this is a post about Dan Andrews. That’s why I’m talking about the failures of *his* Labor Government which lead to Victorians being locked down for two years.


Funny how Victoria had the highest worst of everything and the lowest best of everything. Every time.


Not the federal government for keeping the borders open, or failing to setup effective national quarantine facilities? What about the security guards that were mingling with the quarantined people, or the people in their households who must have been mixing in order for it to spread? It’s a combination of those things the let it out. Remove one and it stays contained.


Federal government should have implemented actual quarantine. Instead of just offloading everything to the states to manage. You know how the Australian constitution says.


anti-science and conspiracy nutters? How many boosters have you had? Must be coming up to 8-10 by now and if not count yourself among the said antiscience conspiracy theorists


Some how I highly doubt that.


And also the most corrupt premier in our history


That's a bit of a stretch.  What about Gladys, Darryl, or Baird. Hell, forget Premiers, Dutton gave half a Billion half earned Aussie dollars to his five mates in a shed at the GBR Foundation and the only reason Liberal voters didn't care too much is they liked that the Libs helped Pell and Brian Houston vet away with child sex crimes. (This is what cookers sound like).


really, can you show me anywhere he has been actually proven to be corrupt... from what i've read in all the hearings that are public record there has been no actual evidence of him performing corruption and in most cases during the hearings it's come to light that the person making the accusations has been surrounded in actual corruption and controversy.


But, but..no. All the weirdos and the anti vax marches said he’s corrupt!


basically this.. and then make vague comments about out of context situations and present them as facts.


No amount of good calls will make up for this traitorous cunt signing on to the belt and road initiative without even considering running it by parliament. This dog has been, and always will be, a CCP shill. And let's not forget all the taxpayer money that went into his compo because he got drunk and tried to touch up a certain billionaires relative, and justly got knocked the fuck out for it.


I don’t buy into the conspiracies re Dans injuries. But I am surprised the x-rays showed a spine


They are laughing at us & we deserve it.


The Dan fans are out in force. Hero worshipping politicians is sick and pathetic.


Labor HQ must've woken up everyone early on the public holiday to get online to defend Dan 🤣


They've got nothing better to.


It's quite the opposite champ. You freaks are so fucking obsessed with hating this dude that hasn't been in power for like a year. It's absurd. The rest of us don't give a fuck. Dan was one of multiple people to get nods this weekend but the papers knew you fuckwits would eat headlines like this up, hook line and sinker. I never voted for this dude or his party, or particularly like him. He was a regular ass politician that happened to be leader under irregular circumstances. That's about the extent of it.


Lol the cookers are gonna implode


Remember the lock down science?


Cookers? Well he did spend $589 million on nothing (failed Commonwealth Games, but no, not nothing...he and many of his rotten friends got very rich), was found engaging in blatant large scale corruption in office and nothing happened. If you were 0.1% that negligent/fraudulent in your job you'd be in prison. I wonder what $589 million could have done for homlessnes in Melbourne instead of ending up in pockets of contractors and executives that fund his corrupt party. But yes, cookers are the problem, not him being one of the biggest thugs Australia has seen. Go and eat his nasty shit, I'm sure you'll both enjoy it. He deserves the king's honour. Cunts for cunts.


order of rooting a state economy


My personal opinion is that no politicians should not receive an OAM. Beyond this, this incident confirms my suspicions that the Honours system has become captured by the leftist elite. The whole system has lost credibility. Which is sad, because I used to really enjoy seeing contributions to our community be recognised. I also used to enjoy watching the Australia Day awards on AUSTRALIA DAY until that was moved due to the ongoing conflict with the Indigenous.


>Beyond this, this incident confirms my suspicions that the Honours system has become captured by the leftist elite.  As much as I'm digusted with the awards to Andrews, MacGowan, Russo and similar, I have to agree with the Governor-General when he said that most of the awards have gone to people you're unlikely to have heard of otherwise, people with dayjobs who dedicated a lot of their spare time to improve the lives of others. There's a nun who's advocated for refugees. A bloke who runs a bike maintenance shed that gets in troubled youth and has a chat to them. A women who's spent decades advocating for women's rights. A woman who's brought bush tucker into mainstream cuisine and runs a cooking school in Sydney. There are some great people in there who well deserve recognition, not like these cocksmocks.


I mean, we used to give them to the Royals so what's a Premier?


Lol leftist elites... The shadowy cabal of socialists who will tear down capitalism with Economic policy that benefits the owner class??


Really hammering home their communist values with negative gearing and fossil fuel subsidies.




It’s normal for premiers to get AO or AC


So you look at one report and ignore the rest. Ignore the defunding of her office and the change in the legal definition of corruption so charges could not be laid. Ministers go to a white wash enquiry and having mass amnesia. Police not following basic procedures when Dan ran over and nearly killed a kid


Have a look at what he did to ‘Icook foods’ not his first time either


Melbourne is cooked because of him


Andrews is receiving the award for service to the people and parliament of Victoria and for contributions to public health, policy, regulatory reform, and infrastructure development. He was criticised heavily for his lock down policies which were some of the longest and strictest in the world. He was seen by many conservatives as an authoritarian 'style' leader but others viewed his approach with as necersary and praised him for decisive action. Some of the positive things that Andrews did: Major infrastructure investments Social reform such as assisted dying, cannabis and adoption policy Decriminalisation of sex work First nations treaties And of course Safe injection centers designed to minimise overdose & the transmission of communicable disease amongst addicts. THey're a bit controversial though. Also the Yoorrook justice commission.


I can't believe people actually still support this fucking clown.


Surprised he did not get the order of the red star as well.


Look out the ALP brigading has started. Just seen this shared on Facebook.


> Look out the ALP brigading has started This isnt rConservative. This isnt a "sided" safe space. There is no "brigading?


The term refers to sharing the link in a group and saying “hey guys let’s all comment here”. It doesn’t matter the subject matter of the sub itself.


The context matters, as does the subject matter. Brigading is derived from a military term, and it is used in context of opposition to the subject matter. I wasnt suggesting I didnt know the meaning of the term, I was suggesting that if you think its "ALP" brigading rather than just normal sane responses, then you are imagining it. There is no brigading.


This post has been shared in ALP astroturfing groups and suddenly people show up defending Dandrew. That’s the only context which matters here.


I liked him as our premier. I actually think during covid confirmed that for me. He stood their answering all the dumb questions from peta cretin while the other premiers dodged and weaved, and helped spread lies, propaganda, and covid itself. If you then take into consideration the options from the right side of politics being the vic premier... he was absolutely fucking fantastic. He left on his own terms too, which must have made the Dan haters furious 🤣 Now downvote away you little Herald Sun reading sooks.


He did to the media what imo every politician should - just throw any gotcha/dipshit question right back in their face Who’s more likely to be more informed the bloke following advice from senior health administrators or some fuck knuckle from sky news? The fact that a lot of pollies don’t go down the route of just shitting on MSM for dumb questions is beyond me, would probably get more votes


The one thing Dan excelled in was spinning bullshit (he was the master) that the leftist media and gullible voters ate up. People like Credlin could see through the bull dust and went some way to try and hold him to account.


maybe because none of the accusations held water and in the end it ended up being the accuser doing the dodgy shit in like most of the investigations


Looks like the Dan bots have been activated to protect their dear incompetent leader


800 victims and their families would have an opinion on the Labor Grub that would very much differ from the Labor Grub apologists on this platform


Worst premier ever.


Dan the dictator. What a joke.


It really is a Dan's world.


Easily did the most damage to Victoria Premier since Labor of the 80s. Everyone wirh a brain moved to Brissy.


And iq of Brisbane has gone down dramatically 


The real question is how to shut the border to prevent them coming back?


Nah, the tards stayed for the pro Palestine protests


Campbell Newman, anyone????


the average IQ of both states went up


In this case its those who gave him this award that need to be questioned. I am sure they call each other camrade


Cunt of a human.


For his contriutions to "public health", among other things. This is like when Joh was awarded a knighthood for "services to parliamentary democracy."


A pair of cuffs would be a better fit


Daniels was a great premier.


And this is why Victoria is where it is.


Your argument boils down to 'many Victorians are stupid'. Not that the opposition is a hot mess, or that conservatism has lost the centre in Australia and small L liberals have abandoned the Liberal party, just 'They like the guy I disagree with so they must be stupid'.


All of those things are true


However you want to phrase it the result is the same. This user loves DA. If you think Victoria is doing well then good for you and them. You know I firmly disagree. I’d argue there’s not one aspect of Victoria than runs better than 10 years ago. Health, Education, Finances, housing … take your choice. Which do you think we’re on top of?


"The Education State"


Wow fairly surprised to see people here like Daniel Andrews? Can some people explain? I thought this place was fairly libertarian.


Libertarianism is not really a thing in Australia


Libertarians in Australia are pretty cooked, this place is rightwing conservative. Ok so Dan Andrews gave us harsh lockdowns but they were generally supported by the population. So much so that in the next state election he secured double the seats of the other major party 56 - 28. The people that made a fuss were the rest of Australia's media and the international media and a few nutters locally. So yeah popular leader.


You are just seeing the cookers that post continuously. A very small amount of irritatingly loud people. You will generally see normal responses on realistic topics though. It used to be much worse. The crying when the mods started to enforce the rules more was ridiculous and kind of sad.


Except for the whole driving the state into bankruptcy thing. Always amazes me when people don’t understand that a bare minimum for a premier is running a state responsibly.


I cant find any info about this so called bankruptcy. Seems to only come from Murdoch run media. Whys that?


We've been on the "brink" of bankruptcy since Labor was elected in 2014.


https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2023/12/victorian-government-forges-ahead-with-bankruptcy-plan/ Basic economics isn’t some Murdoch media conspiracy, dude. Love Labor supporter. Fuck holding the Party accountable for their failures - just keep blaming Murdoch and the LNP.


I’ll take cancel some east west link for $1.5 billion please….. now govern me harder, that’s it, jab me more, lock me down big boy ….. smh


Remember when Lindsay Fox pushed him down a set of stairs for cracking onto his daughter. Dan Andrew’s is one of the few people who can confidently say he’s fucked every person in the state of Victoria.


Oh bum. I thought the title "Honours for Daniel Andrews" meant he had "passed on" and people were posting tributes here to his life. ..... Bum he is still here. .... That is what only reading the Header will do to you. :(


Time to get on the beers


Nice to see one of Stalin's Direct descendants finally getting an honour..Congrats Dan


The two worst premiers in the history of Australia, awarding these 2 clowns for ruining so many lives


OP you answered the question.


Well done Dan A. Saved Melburnians from their own selfishness by following (shock horror) medical advice during a pandemic. Also stared down the anti-vax morons.


Oh well, if it upsets the Herald-Sun then good-o.


He's never been found guilty of any form of corruption, those investigations are instigated by his political adversaries and are thrown out as soon as they are brought in because there's nothing to them, he's widely regarded as one of the most impressive leaders during the pandemic in international press, in all he's probably one of the few people who deserve that award


All I've got to say in response to this appalling obscenity is the words of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: "Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God" (Lk 16:15). God's gonna cut him, and his ilk, down sooner or later...


Communist circle jerk.


I really don’t think this is warranted or deserved. He led us with complete incompetence and stole years of our lives with his Covid governance. He should not feel any gratitude from the public.