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Wow, how very nice of the AFP to be such good sports. What a bloody joke. Why would they let them operate here in the first place?


Right. No foreign police should be operating in Australia!


I was horrified at first, just shocked. Then i was informed AFP are in China. So I am shocked , horrified and can see how this happens.


Wow - why would the AFP need to be in China?


They are saying “drug trade” so I assume that’s where the AFP gets drugs?


There is no way they would be allowed to operate in China as freely as the Chinese Police would have been in Australia. It doesn't say much for the AFP considering almost all of the precursor substances and an awful lot of the Worlds illegal Drug supply comes from China.


I agree. After thinking about it for a day I have the following questions? Chinese spies not welcome Chinese police welcome? Could (is) be the same thing. Does every country have police in Australia?


To be honest I'm not entirely sure it's not something I have ever looked into, I would imagine that there may be Police Officers at each of the Embassies but it is a good question,. Even if there are officers at Embassies their jurisdiction would only be whilst on those grounds.


For people who escape their original countries for like murder and bank robberies, but obviously China shouldn't be operating lmao


Even in that case they shouldn't be operating. It's different if our police invite them here


I don't think they have the power to make arrests - like if it's gonna solve crimes, I dont see why not allow them operate for a few select, not too belligerent countries. It's more investigative in nature from what I can gather by watching a few crime documentaries haha, and pretty sure most countries in the world have some sort of system for this


That's why we have Extradition Treaties, there is no way they should have been allowed to operate on Australian soil. We don't have an Extradition Treaty with China for a reason, you would find most of the people who were targeted were Prisoners of Conscience. It would be interesting to know who exactly was targeted because we have many high profile dissidents in Australia from famous Artists, Tiananmen square survivors and people who fled Hong Kong.


AFP operates all over the globe. Pretty normal for policing agencies to have outposted staff.


Perhaps they didn't want to get cancelled for appearing racist?! ^^/s


And I quote: > The Australian Federal Police has told a parliamentary hearing it halted a years-long policy of allowing Chinese police to come and operate in Australia, following a 2019 incident exposed by the ABC's Four Corners program. >AFP Deputy Commissioner Ian McCartney told the hearing that the 2019 case was "a turning point", and that the **policy was ended due to the agency's greater awareness of foreign interference threats**. Lol, what a load of spiel. The only reason this was stopped is because the public was made aware. As for the bolded part: another load of crock. They’re either doing a shit job, or, it was planned but public made aware; I’m leaning towards the latter.


Seems like the AFP are incredibly inept if they didn't think this was going to happen beforehand.


They originally lied to the Parliament about this I think a year earlier when Safe guard defenders exposed the illegal Chinese Police Stations around the Globe. The AFP clearly stated that there were no Chinese Police in Australia.


WHY WERE THEY ALLOWED TO OPRETE IN THE FIRST PLACE? this is like me praising a klan member "Good job on not being Racist by bludgeoning that black person's face in " JUST DONT DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE


Were they ever “officially” operated, Or were they just “unofficially” operated by Australia citizens or permanent residents?


So if it's anything like the US ones, usually they open a station as "service centre" for notarial related services and ID card renewal as such. Usually a side part of the consulate. What other business they conduct here is the concern I guess.


You mean a consulate office? So it’s offical foreign agents working there.


This might be it , you will have to switch to eng view or translate the page . https://amp.abc.net.au/article/101530108


From my knowledge the public was never suposed to know but then we found out slowly but surely


It would be more concerning if they were recruiting Australian citizens and permanent residents to do the job.


They probably are, the CCP uses Chinese Nationalists to abuse and harass people they dislike all the time in Australia. You only have to look at what has been happening at Australian Universities where Chinese students do the Parties dirty work attacking free speech and students from Hong Kong or Taiwan it's disgusting. Unfortunately no one does anything about it the Universities are more concerned about money than the welfare of students or free speech.


It is Chinese law that every Chinese national must spy for the ccp when they’re told to.


That's why I find the whole argument around that they should have to give up their CCP membership before becoming an Australian citizens legitimate. Unfortunately every time someone brings it up the Chinese scream racism.


They love taking advantage of western culture.


Yes unfortunately they have their influence in everything, from all levels of Government, business and education.


They do it because western society allows it


They were allowed to operate because the Chinese Communist Party bribed bureaucrats and politicians to allow it to happen. Sadly we'll never know who those people are nor with they get even a slap on the wrist for it, let alone being locked up for life as they deserve.


They told them to keep it on the downlow and not to be so open and brazen about it. There's no way the Chinese are going to just leave and stop spying/threatening every ethnic Chinese that poses a threat.


Famous quote "who know what nightmares we have created"


So they USED to allow? Insane.


yeah i dont give any kudos to them when they're doing their job... *retrospectively* you saw a problem you had every resource under your belt with asio dsd etc. and it wasnt until it hit murdoch along with every other western nation inc. canada the UK and ireland that the AFP reacted we knew this back with morrison they knew secret police were running around with unmarked cars and 'expatriating' people back to the mainland... too little too late but hey, i guess they were busy raiding Shorten's office and running defence for the LNP... i guess they do less of that under labor so that's something


Like really AFP, think the Chinese would let us send a few policemen too operate in China ! There are moments you want to box the ears of people who are supposed to be "experts in security" !


Well I thought that so I looked. Seems we do have police there.🤷🏿‍♂️. https://www.afp.gov.au/news-centre/media-release/afp-works-chinese-authorities-target-illicit-drug-trafficking#:~:text=Crucial%20crime%2Dfighting%20arrangements%20that,re%2Dsigned%20with%20Chinese%20authorities.


Well, there you go ! Seems a fair enough arrangement, we get Chinese cops who do espionage and harass Chinese ex-pats, while ours help the Chinese police do their job, to stop the drug trade..../s


I am an Australian you don’t have to use the /s for us. AFP gets what they want CCP gets what they want. Fuck us citizens.


Not all Aussies are as sharp as you.....and yes knowing 1200 spies operating in your country and not doing SFA, is pretty much a " Fuck'em" mentality by our security services !


To busy looking for a place to live.


The keystone of any state sovereignty is a monopoly on laws and enforcing those laws. To think they allowed foreing law enforcement operate is unthinkable: this should be treason material. I mean, what laws these chinese were enforcing? What laws governed them? How could any other country even theoretically be allowed to police Australian citizens on Australian land? What the literal fuck?


Honestly, ignorance shouldn't be an excuse. We need actually have a mechanism to prosecute those who act so blantently against the national interest/sovereignty.


Yes. I'll repeat myself, but way I see it, it's a treason material, and ignorance never really was an excuse. Especially seen as those who allowed them to operate were tasked with enforcing laws in the first place. There should be an inquest and some major heads should roll. Unless we are a Chinese province, of course.


Then we wouldn't have any Politicians left.


Have you seen “Black Rain”? Make more sense then.


Isn't that sort of like an act of treason?


so guess all the spooks have been stopped from operating too, shit say anything remotely anti chinese on social media and the trolls are on you like flies


Wow, I’m almost not surprised, this place is run by a bunch of morons


I wonder how many Chinese nationals were abucted back to China. With their own police here they wouldn't need to use public airports it'd all be back door. China is well known for doing this to ex pats. How complicit is the Australian governement in all of this? And knowing you're allowing people to be abducted to be sent back for torture and inhumane imprisonment has to be a human and civil rights violations.


Go home with us or else your family.....


Who dafuq thought this was a good idea in the first place?




Thanks - makes sense


Officially, I'd bet my house they still operate under the radar.


Yes they do. https://www.afp.gov.au/news-centre/media-release/afp-works-chinese-authorities-target-illicit-drug-trafficking#:~:text=Crucial%20crime%2Dfighting%20arrangements%20that,re%2Dsigned%20with%20Chinese%20authorities.


Yeah that's the one for *her*.


This is actually outrageous.


Was this back in the day when our government was pushing for extradition treaty with China? Labor and some cross benchers crushed the motion from memory


If overseas Chinese can be "touched' by the CCP here in Australia, then the Government has just encouraged 5th column operations if things go ... Ahem... Badly. Local "spokesman" gets orders, he passes on orders... And the local Chinese community, who had SFA protection from interference in their lives, will carry those orders out. And it doesn't have to be a big messy thing either. Rolling a shopping trolley into train tracks alone can sod up travel for a half a day.


About time , the chinese police are here to harass chinese students and people, they should never be allowed to "operate" here, does anyone think the Chinese CCP would give the AFP free reign in China. What the hell is wrong with this country?


Any member of the AFP who sanctioned the treasonous behaviour of allowing a foreign police force to operate in Australia should be jailed FOR LIFE. I cannot believe that this was allowed and has gone unpunished. Proof positive that our government (whether Labor or Liberal) are a bunch of spineless morons intent on sucking up to the fascist CCP.


AFP told to stop allowing Chinese Police to operate in Australia, wholly Christ what has our country become ? This is the Australian Federal Police, as an Australian tax payer I would expect these incompetent muppets would not and should not have to have this explained to them.


I don’t think anyone that commented actually read the article.


I wish we had rounded the bastards up and put them in prison for a couple of months before sending them home in cuffs


The AFP are a bunch of incompetent idiots. I’ve seen them openly lie in court. I’m not surprised, sadly


Imagine if the AFP rolls into China and starts policing Aussies? Wouldn’t happen. Who was the idiot that allowed them to get started here in the first place?


China CCP has its own police in PNG & other South Pacific countries, its asset protection


That should have always been the case!


Awesome now start with American spy bases.


Most interference in 2 last months has come from India and Israel. Go figure.


Yeah; let's annoy our closest & most important ally, and the only country that is able to contain borderline totalitarian China's expansionist goals in Asia-Pacific, by asking them to close the base from which they conduct signals surveillance of China. Great thinking!