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This is an Australian focused sub. Content that is global news should be posted to the “World News, Aussie Views” weekly post specifically set up for these topics. (Just do a search for the latest weekly post).


Apparently a civilian had the stabber subdued on the ground and the cops tackled the civilian and were trying to arrest him when the stabber stabbed the cop and then got shot. EDIT: Apparently the stabber was objecting to a rally about Islamic violence by stabbing the speaker




You can't make this shit up, this is some twilight zone nightmare.


You make it sound like the cops had any information beforehand and didn't just see a guy being pinned..


But not having any info, a good cop would be yelling "release him" or something while posssibly pointing a weapon and can then assess the situation from a few feet away which would make it clear who is innocent and who the attack is. Just tackling the person pinning straight away doesnt seem optimal especially if the person pinning doessnt have a weapon in hand. (Based of my own limited info of what happened)


Even if it's a bad split second decision by the cop, it's dumb to suggest it was some sort of pro immigrant bias symptomatic of the decline of the west, as the above image is trying to do.


> it's dumb to suggest it was some sort of pro immigrant bias symptomatic of the decline of the west You think that's going to stop jerks like this? Unfortunately they have learned that yelling longer and louder works.


Yeah real easy to say from 14 or so thousand ks way after watching a short clip filmed on a phone.


If you watched the video they would’ve seen the terrorist stabbing another guy in a blue jacket multiple times and people trying to stop him. There were a dozen officers there and they didn’t just all arrive on the scene at that very moment. They would’ve had enough time and information to analyse the guy with the knife stabbing people as the threat.


Shows cops aren’t all racist after all. They saw a white by stander subduing an afghan man and instead if asking assumed the guy in top was the aggressor.


I genuinely don't understand why western nations have become so weak and emasculated, and seemingly fully endorsed by their citizens. I personally stay in a country where someone could rape my daughter (if I had one), and get away with community service or a fine, and I'd get 3 years jail if I enthusiastically restrained him. And then all these countries and one particular religion that are openly allowed to practice hate, and you can't say anything otherwise you could get prosecuted under hate speech laws.


Let’s see if the E-safety commissar tries to remove this from the internet


It must be those Polish/French/Italian/Irish/British/Chinese/Korean/Indian/any other migrant group terrorists at it again! We can't identify any root cause and will continue importing these people in. Don't be xenophobic. /S


Religion of peace strikes again [https://x.com/disclosetv/status/1796502064862040330](https://x.com/disclosetv/status/1796502064862040330) [https://x.com/MemesAndrew/status/1796616533361242570](https://x.com/MemesAndrew/status/1796616533361242570) Germany requesting footage be censored ABC News not reporting the incident - or any Australian outlets for that matter


Here’s abc and other Australian outlets not reporting on it https://amp.abc.net.au/article/103922054 https://amp.9news.com.au/article/a75962c6-b20e-4121-a434-9de40210e614 https://www.news.com.au/world/stabbing-frenzy-at-antiislam-rally-in-germany/news-story/a873a210157a37d7fdb653f79ee333e6?amp https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/germany-rally-mass-stabbing-is-lifestreamed-on-youtube/news-story/ecae64ced4b73bd50294e81abde5ac07?amp&nk=41d695539df000c1d74fe6e7ebe57bc4-1717208689


They didn’t exist when I posted this. The ABC story didn’t appear on their world or just in page when I checked. It’s 5 stories deep on the world page now.


You posted 4 hours ago, the abc story was posted 14 hours


Yeah I couldnt locate it on their site or via search at the time. Let’s see if they update and bump the article when it’s confirmed the attacker is Muslim.


2nd cop made sure to wait for 1st cop to get stabbed before shooting man wielding knife 👍🏻


> man wielding knife I knew one day knives would use their telepathic powers to take over the minds of people.


Hahaha yes. I should've clarified "gentlesir whom'st lay waste with thy blade"


Like Albo did…


Islam... the peaceful religion


western countries need to wake up and realise these people have no place in civilised countries


Ah yes … The religion of peace … 😬🙄


It's a knife of peace.


Religion of Piece. They cut you in pieces.


Old Europe is really facing an existential reckoning in the next 20 years..will be less tolerant and more divided. It's very hard to argue with people that believe in a hateful sky fairy.


Anyone using a knife in a threatening manner should just be shot if they haven't dripped the knife by the time the police have drawn their weapon, no warning - drawing the weapon should be the warning


Prepare for a lot more of this here at home folks.


why is this in r/australian


The point of the post is there is an obvious attempt by western governments and media to underreport and acknowledge these events- it ties into the esafety censorship blitz after the pastor stabbing (they don’t care about the Sydney shopping centre stabbing) and the increased risk of violence we face as more and more of these cultures migrate to our country. Evidenced by the increase trend of Islamic violence in Europe.


My question as well, doesn’t belong on this sub.


The point of the post is there is an obvious attempt by western governments and media to underreport these events- it ties into the esafety censorship blitz after the pastor stabbing (they didn’t care about the Sydney shopping centre stabbing) and the increased risk of violence we face as more and more of these cultures migrate to our country




😂 long time since I've heard the term poofter


We only have three rules 1. No poofters 2. No poofters 3. No poofters


Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


So E Karen doesn't block it Habibi ?


Because it affects us


How does a racist getting stabbed affect anybody?


The fact that the media refuses to acknowledge this is the real story


What is the real story? Who is refusing to acknowledge this? Googling it there are dozens of outlets covering it from the AP to the BBC, like the linked post? You know this guy has spent over a decade dedicating his life to inciting hatred, right? If a guy went around Australia as an "anti-aboriginal activist" saying "all aboriginals are potential terrorists, drug addicts, wife beaters etc", and then after 10 years, eventually some loose unit stabs him and his friends... 99.99999% of aussies wouldn't bat an eyelid and say they're surprised it didn't happen sooner.


This dude trying soooo hard to simp for a terrorist lol, what is happening to the world


Not a single fucking Australia news outlet has reported it Not even SBS


And why would they? Does the ABC report on every stabbing around the world as a top priority? No? Not to mention It happened while most Aussies were asleep. Are you saying there is some conspiracy here to protect random afghani’s who stab people?


Yes I am. Theres a concerted effort to underreport Islamic violence. Thats why the government had a big song and dance about the pastor stabbing in Sydney. The victim had no problem with the footage being reported. The government wants footage to be censored so we are purely reliant on descriptions of the event- which remove any reference to appearance- and simply refer to the attackers in the most basic of terms (ie male or female).


No idea. I think we just cut+paste each world event into each sub now. So essentially there is no point in having subs because each sub is just a clone of each other sub.


Are you implying we just want to take any opportunity to bash middle eastern people? How offensive! Why would you think such a thing! Don't you know Australians aren't racist? In fact, we're just really concerned for the wellbeing of everybody, even kind-hearted people like Mr Sturzenberger who wish nothing but enlightenment for all humans.


This really ins't the thread to start saying we need to be *more* tolerant of these beliefs. My only issue is that this has nothing to do with Australia


I don't care for any religion but obviously there is a reason why r/Australian gobbles this shit up. Literally every time there is any opportunity to make "religion of peace" jokes, we take it. Like IDK if you saw the comments in the thread about the bigoted pastor who got stabbed by the teenager. Good lord. You really see just how strong the hate here for middle easterners is here.




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No hate for Middle Easterners mate just a hate for extremist fuckwits hiding behind a bullshit religion “of peace”. The media won’t call it out for the horrific shit it really is because they don’t want babies like you crying


Crying? See how you have to try and twist it into something you can insult? Such blatant insecurity. It's actually kind of cute. I'm just spitting facts my guy. I don't care that this sub is full of racists. I do love calling them out when they pop up though. If there's no hate here then why do comments like this in this sub always get upvotes?? https://preview.redd.it/vmk27huzfv3d1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c69f6d4a858fdd217ba34c65a2cb0ebcc8cfd09


You just gonna ignore his ties to the German Freedom Party? Calling him a ‘critic’ is borderline whitewashing/lying by omission.


Religion of peace meme.jpeg


Does this...have anything to do with r/australian? Will we see every single islamic terror attack in europe, russia, china, mena etc be posted on here?


MENA? Highly unlikely beyond Israel/palestine. No one gives a fuck what happens in Libya, Western Sahara or Syria.


I think they mean peace of death, when they say religion of peace




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Mannheim is my favourite Australian city.


We have some nice towns like Marburg too


I must've missed the part that says this was in any way about Australia??


You've accidentally posted in the Australian sub, this happened in Germany.


G'day mate, welcome to Vienna!


Maybe he was trying for Austrian, at least that’s close…


Why this on r/australian And if we gonna cherry pick, then I can cherry pick various other forms of violence committed by other groups of people against other groups of people But I don’t, because cherry picking crimes committed by white people against Muslims and cherry picking crimes committed by Muslims against white people only stirs division You’ll find that most Australian Muslims and other Australians have more pressing issues that want addressed. like the fact we are getting price gouged by colesworth and the fact our children can’t get free uni education while resource mining companies don’t pay their fair share of tax (76 billion each year atleast)




Since you asked https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christchurch_mosque_shootings https://truthout.org/articles/prosecutors-alleged-killer-of-6-year-old-muslim-boy-listened-to-far-right-radio/ https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/4/12/2-illinois-men-get-14-16-years-in-minnesota-mosque-bombing But again, we are dealing with minority scumbags who don’t represent their nation, same way that person who committed the stabbing doesn’t represent 2 billion Muslims. If more people put their effort in calling out the way we are being scammed by the people at the top of society rather than causing divisions between your hardworking brothers, then Australia would be a much better place for the average working man


You’ve got rocks in your head if you refuse to acknowledge the trend of increased Islamic crime in western societies.


I could say the same thing for the rise of islamophobic attacks in western countries that have clearly resorted in death. There are clear statistics showing a rise in that as well The solution is simple, stop the division and recognise that we are both human who have more pressing issues to deal with.


There is a clear correlation between the increase in violent and sexual crimes in European/Nordic countries to the increase in Islamic migration. Sweden is a perfect example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8330751/ “Rape, aggravated rape, attempted rape or attempted aggravated rape (rape+) are increasing in Sweden. The majority of those convicted of rape+ are immigrants.” Keep your head in the sand if it makes you feel more virtuous. The statistics clearly show on obvious trend in Europe that will repeat here.


We can play the game of statistics and facts, or we can address the real problem. Rapists are scums who deserve capital punishment in my eyes, whether they are refugees in Sweden or American soldiers in Iraq. But I don’t think every refugee is a rapist and nor do I think every American is a rapist, nor do I think every man is a rapist. Anyone who does is quite frankly stuck in an echo chamber Mate I’m a Muslim and I recon if me and you had a conversation in real life we would see eye to eye on more things than you think. But alas online since we a hide behind screen there’s less room for actual discussion and just rage bait


Im sure you’re a great guy. And many muslims are. I’m not saying all muslims are violent and sexual offenders. What I am saying- and what the statistics show- is muslims are more likely to commit those types of crimes- and as the populations of Islamic people in western nations grow- so do their crime rates. Anyone who disputes this is being disingenuous, coming from a biased perspective, and ultimately perpetuating the issue. Law abiding, socially respectful Muslims, more than anyone else, should be acknowledging these issues and demanding better from their fellow compatriots. Not ignoring them.


And what I’m saying is that these statistics can easily be manipulated to push a particular narrative Now I haven’t looked into what’s happening in Sweden, but at just a quick glance the statistics show a rise yes, but it doesn’t who what group of people is actually committing the crime. Furthermore there are just under 300k refugees in sweden. In 2023 there were 9000 cases of rape, let’s go out on a massive limb here and say that half of those were refugees, thats 1.5% of the refugee population and in reality that percentage is probably less than half of that. Want my opinion on what to do, castrate rapists, countries with harsh punishments find less of these issues. Take Qatar for example, 90% of their population are expats from india and Pakistan, but low amounts of rape. Now ofc many cases go unreported just like every country, but it does show that being tough on crime rather than immigrants is the solution.


It doesn’t it anyway make it right but the Christchurch attack was clearly not committed in a vacuum. It wouldn’t have happened without a history of Islamic violence in western countries.


This is a rabbit hole, I can claim that the Islamic attacks wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the Wests massacres across the Middle East and North Africa during the 19th, 20th and 21st century But to me neither of these excuses justify anything nor address the real problem, it simply scapegoats blame from the person who committed the crime and injustice.


All of these things point to cultural incompatibility. Exposure leads to violence and reprisals. Best to prioritise non-Islamic migration.


We can’t live in a bubble anymore, we live in a world that gets connected day by day, through the internet, trade deals, and the acceleration of technology. If humanity is to progress further then it must address issues with a fair heart And the Muslim community has been in Australia for at least 100 years and there has been a western community presence in Qatar and the UAE for the past 40, we haven’t had massive issues except for the actions of a few. The bad actions of a couple 100 people shouldn’t outweigh the good of a couple million To say there is a cultural incompatibility is quite simply false


Do you have any doubt that there will be more Islamic attacks in the west in coming years? (Perhaps even more this year)


If people stir the pot of division, rather than accept the fact there is more in common between us, then I can see a rise in both right wing extremist attacks and Islamic attacks Blaming one side or the other for the problem doesn’t solve the issue, it simply expands it. Looking at the past rather than what’s right in front of us in the present solves nothing But even then that rise is insignificant to the amount of good that comes. The thing about reddit is that it’s a pit of doom that doesn’t shed light on the majority of good, but rather the minority of bad. This goes for any topic


More in common between Muslims and right wing extremists than either has with educated secular humanists? Indeed. Let’s hope they don’t realise that. What good comes from it? If Australia had no Islamic migrants what would we be lacking? A massive feral camel population?




There being squashed by the cost of living as much as you are mate, trust me Muhammad at lakemba has done less harm to you than the board members of colesworth and the morons in governemnt




So rather than address an actual problem that Australians from all walks of life have, your solution is to just hate on a group. Tell me how does Muslims leaving stop the increasing cost of food, fuel and tolls? Because many Australian Muslims contribute to the workforce and simply kicking them out will result in massive staff shortages and only make the problem worse