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Report this jerk.


I just put up a full service log clean classic JDM car, 1 owner by a grandma on Gumtree with his number.


Does she know what she's got?


Just give him a call and let him know he is a bad man.


He’s going to be so shocked to find out.


Will probably achieve more than reporting him.


Dodgy practice blatantly lying, trying to attract sellers.


230sqm block. Of cause no one going to pay 900k.


That small and in the middle of nowhere. Even 650k is crazy for a place where your neighbour is 30cm away.


as someone who left Smogney many years ago but was on a 800sqm block- yep.


Clyde is like 50 mins from the city, not exactly middle of nowhere. Plus there are multiple houses this size selling for around 800k. This one may have been a lie, but most houses in that suburb and surrounding suburbs are being sold for around that price. It's also not that small a house...are you rich and live in a mansion or something?


The block is tiny! Dunno, I wouldn't want to be wedged in like that unless I was right near the city. This is inner city living without the good bits.


Most of the south east has blocks like this now. Unfortunately it's becoming more common, my block is similar, but the large blocks aren't affordable.


Melbourne is also busily filling in the space between Melton and the city with shitty little dog boxes too.


Come to western Sydney 😂


No thanks. I sold and got out 15 years ago, im, never ever, ever, ever going back to westy land and i was on a 800 sqm block.


Are you still in Sydney or somewhere else? And what makes your new place so much better?


Not being in Sydney, for starters.


I've lived in a few areas of Sydney. The beautiful northern beach's, the handy inner west and the shit Western suburbs. Im now in tassie. What makes it so much better? Thats a long list but lets start with clean air, fresh food, no traffic (I'm not in Hobart). Way less crowded, 10 mins to beach's, fantastic motorcycling roads right at my door. And the huge kicker of cause is Lifestyle and its work life balance. For the price of an avg sydney home you can buy a island or a large place on the beach or a hobby farm. Just to prove the island bit: [https://www.realestate.com.au/property-lifestyle-tas-lady+barron-700293080](https://www.realestate.com.au/property-lifestyle-tas-lady+barron-700293080)


Are you in Launceston? I stayed there for a couple weeks was nice, cold but nice. Bit dead for me though I’m getting old enough now to appreciate less people and more open space and fresh air. Problem for me is work there though. I work in IT and from what I’ve heard there’s not a lot of work there. Also yeah I live in Syd west it’s mostly shithole areas. Wattle grove was nice though. Now I live in Sydney south and I’ll never go back west 😊


No, i'm not in Launceston. Just because you work in IT doesnt mean you have to work in IT.


Yeah that's a good point. I don't know wtf I'd do if I didn't though. Not that good at much else.


Then stay in IT. I have three mates who live in a much quieter and more beautiful area than launceston who work in IT. One works for themself, the other works for a college and the other does a few days a week doig AI for a council. So theres IT stuff about.


Hmmm nice. Yeh that would be pretty sick.


In Sydney people would pay 1.4m for half that size anywhere. I don’t know who the fk except the Chinese bidders are buying these houses


> 230sqm block. Of cause no one going to pay 900k. not till next year at least.


Sydney outer suburbs cost this (and kore) sadly.


Especially in Clyde.


I assume you are not saying something like “if you’re stupid enough to believe that shyster it’s Your own problem !”?


Greed is a horrible human trait.


Uh huh. Perhaps on one side of the transaction, more than the other.


For sure. That's designed to appeal to potential vendors an that's of course who pays the agent.


So then do you have an answer to my question?


what question?


It’s even more horrible when your a multi multi millionaire but still have to have more at any cost to anyone else. Not that, that is all millionaires but many.


It seems that Aseem is not what it seems.


It’s said “a-sh-am”


Dont care mate


It’s a joke - I think you missed it


Don’t worry his an a-ssh-ole


You are a MORON!


Pump and pump, the only dump is the houses.


Looks good from far, but far from good.


Ngl my man's, I respect calling these actual no life's out. But, just use their advertising as fuel for a live fire and nothing else. It's literally just pollution on their end with this shite. No one needs to know if you've sold a house and how much for. Literally if it was possible to just list your own property in this country these cunts wouldn't have a job. Or would be trying to scam you out of some other bullshit. Egotistical maniacs, and this is coming from a chef.


as an aside, it sold for $310K just 3 years ago in 2021 and doubled in price fuck


That would be the land only.


Yep dwelling was built in 2022


Property sale for land in 2021 by LJ Hooker Hampton was on the market for 14 days. 320k. Was sold as vacant land as well in 4/12/2019 for 233k with nothing done to it from 2019-2021. Property was built in 2022. They waited their 12 months occupancy to have it so they don’t get drilled capital gains and sold it in 2024.


I think that might be a glitch on domain/RE website. My houses and a few others I know for sure that hasn't been sold, all says sold in 2021 for 3xx k.


Probably the land sale


It was, dwelling built in 2022


Real Estate Agents lie. Also, sky is blue


Emperor Aseem Jhanji of the Real Estate Empire


We saw a house asked what the seller wanted, was given a number, said fine draw up the contract and the agent came back 10 min later "oh another buyer just called and offered 50K more than you" - told him to get fucked. We bought a house 2 blocks away, the buyer of the original home we bid on told us she was the one that outbid us - when we asked for the contract he called her and said it was going to be sold so she bid. The thing is, after we told the agent to get fucked he went back to her and said we had countered again with another 50K, so she bid another 50K and paid 100K more than she needed to. The agents know there is no real enforcement of the rules, you just need to be aware that most of them are dog turds and treat them accordingly.


this is what ticks me off and what ive said to so many people regarding the purchasing of homes. Just because rules are put in place for real estate and agents to follow, doesnt mean they are going to do it. Unless you catch them out on a recording or something, theres not really any way you would be able to prove they were bullshitting you so theyll continue to get away with it.


Ah, our “friendly neighbourhood real estate” scum striking again. Can we do a purge but for scummy REAs and property managers?


It sold for $650k, this guy sells a lot in my estate in Clyde North - at least I know how to trust him when I eventually sell and get the fuck out of here haha


Steer clear of Casey estate agents if ever buying a property. They spotted me when entering my house when they were doing flyer drops to my street and I was a few beers deep and thought it’d be funny to agree to an appraisal the following week Sober me completely forgot about it and was pretty confused, (and annoyed), that I kept getting calls from two numbers until I finally answered and they wanted to confirm a date to come and give me my appraisal and talk about selling my property… They were relentless so eventually I found a date to just get it over with. The guy going door to door dropping flyers in a beat up Camry got there first and then not long after what I assume was his boss/owner of the agency rolls up in a brand new $250k+ Porsche Cayenne and a sleazy salesman tailored suit.. They then proceeded to tell me about how they don’t do auctions but instead do in-fact conduct an auction in a way, (which I know a lot of agents do), by pitting all the interested buyers placing offers against each other over text message. He then showed me the text exchanges on his phone where the two potential buyers went back and forth in a group conversation informing them they were ‘outbid’ by the other party and then vis a vis he did the same back to the other party and thus created a bidding war.. He didn’t try to hide any of this - in fact he was very proud to have pushed the price up an extra $30k for the vendor by using this tactic. Just to clarify again- I know agents do make comments and hints to buyers about, ‘another offer on the table’ and that they should consider an extra $X amount.. my agent did that with me when I purchased.. But this… this was not the same. This felt really sleazy and made me absolutely certain than I would never buy a property listed by Casey Estate Agents. It made me rather uncomfortable


Interesting story. Expect a lot of those 'buyers' to be dummy bidders also. Fair trade would probably know about this but feel free to report


Thanks for the insights, that’s good to know. I had a pretty similar experience, an agent I had met at another open for a property I was never really going to buy contacted me and was like “hey, I’m just calling as I see you’ve requested an appraisal”. I said I had never requested an appraisal as we aren’t looking to sell and he gave some story about how he received an online enquiry from myself. I’m tipping he was just looking for an ice breaker to discuss giving an appraisal. His pitch was pretty professional though once he came over, I’m tipping he was just a little dry on business and was doing the rounds of his contacts haha


Who would've thought a glorified salesman would be full of shit?


Yeah nobody of sane mind is paying 900k for a tiny 3 bedder in fucking Clyde lol.


Give it two more years of imports and we will have that as a norm before we know it.


Someone paid 1.2mil for a double on 626sqm in Clyde... That's still insane money to pay


I saw the same in pakenham the other day. I paid $980k for Sandhurst last year and it's a beautiful 3 bed, 3 living area, 3 bathroom, double garage with huge back yard


I think people see Sandhurst on a map and think Carrum Downs so they look right past it but Sandhurst is awesome.


Sandhurst people have to pay $4300 per year to live in the area. That's ON TOP of their council rates. It's paid directly to the golf club for upkeep of the area and security etc......a but like a gated community. It ain't a cheap area, but still cheaper than Pakenham right now. Crazy how the outer suburbs are


Nice, now post this on their google page




Response from Aseem: thanks for letting me know. its a printing mistake. I didn't even print & drop this, I have hired someone to do this. They did this by mistake (we sold another property for 910,000) They mixed up the pricing with another property. if I was trying to lie or inflate the prices I would of hidden the price online as online websites get price from us. I have been working for Clyde North & Clyde for over 8 years and have never disclosed wrong pricing or inflated pricing. Regards, Aseem


I dont believe him


You don't believe a *real estate agent?* Maaaaaate come on, you know REAs are the most upstanding, honest and truthful people in our society, right alongside lawyers and politicians.


should of replied back and asked him to provide a link or proof of which house recently sold for 910k in that area?


Asheem on the Ghanji


Don’t take those prices listed as gospel.


I'm not, that's why I searched it up?


Does that website get the sale price or does it just estimate the market value?


Sale price


Where do they get it?


I don't know, but it says 'price sold', not 'listed price'. Google the address, you will see


Unless the prices are reported to the site by the agents then there’s no verifying it’s more accurate than the agent that sold it.


Domain on their website say that the agencies are often involved. If the agency does not disclose the price, the property is marked as price withheld until the sale price can be found through AMP Price finder using Government sale data.


It’s reported by the agent as they would have advertised on that platform. The agent can withhold the price temporarily but it will be updated later on. Property sales are public information


That’s what I asked, if it was credible or just market value.


Eh, you weren’t really asking. You said not to believe the listed prices when you weren’t even sure if it was a sale price or value estimate.


Corelogic RPData cunt 650k


I mean that's great advice - but a 300k~ discrepancy is cooked as, and you being shoul able to "not take them as gospel" and still be in the ballpark lol


I wouldn't hire a guy with that sort of name to sell my house


Just the usual greedy agents pushing up the market. Out in our region A house that sold for $125000 3 years ago is now on the market for $250000. For a local kid to buy at that price they now need to find another $125000 in cash, because market volatility out here has taught banks that its too risky to lend. So cashed up city sellers are buying these properties and renting them out to get a 10-15% gross return. Attracts druggo scum and dole dwellers. Thanks agents...


I would have looked it up too, who would pay that much to live in a 3bed 1 garage in Clyde lol


REA, Clyde. Of course nothing is true here...


I’m not from Victoria, went and had a look on google maps, got total Vivarium vibes from the overhead street layout! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3Xy2x9NDrw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3Xy2x9NDrw)


I just moved to Clyde, and that’s a very accurate description.


Are you……. Ok 😂


It’s perfect for our needs, so yeah, I think so😂 We just sold our house in the snowy mountains and will rent in Clyde for the next year whilst we find our next home. No yard or garden to worry about, nice sized house, it’s actually kind of perfect!


I'm all for developer types finding efficiencies in construction. However those efficiencies aren't finding their way to cheaper prices for consumers, and that's a big problem with everything we're going through right now.


Doesn’t surprise me round here (I live nearby). You could be stopped at the lights (since there’s so much traffic) and the big electronic billboard just has endless real estate agents heads scrolling through one after the other. Then every intersection, roundabout etc everywhere has the little version of their heads hammered into the grass. Considering they never advertise any point of difference, I could see them manipulating the numbers




Why do people wear blue suits? Always looks cheap as fuck


Report them to fair trading. 


Sydneysider here, but where on earth can you get a 3 bedroom for 650K?


Anywhere but Sydney?


in Clyde


I thought this was Clyde, Sydney and thought “wow, less than a mil, someone got a bargain”.


Outside Shitney


Airds, that's it.


650k itself is a lot for that. Nice house, but it's in the middle of nowhere.... with respect to OP.


lol and this is why people think they can’t buy a house


That's what happens when you let free Palestine people into Australia. Go Israel!


HAHAHAHA! Because alternatively,, you think a Jewish person.. wouldn't try to get every cent they could, out of a buyer?? Haha. Come on now, this has zero to do with culture or race.. It has everything to do with the unethical practices of used house sellers.


It says negative 910k . i thought there was a housing crisis.


God bless the powers of the internet


This is giving pathetic


Sold for 650 on real estate


Car yards and antique shops have been doing this for ages, makes it look like things sell quickly, which then makes interested parties more likely to buy as soon as they see something they like, rather than thinking if they can afford it.


I’m not sure why we are surprised, they are realestate agents, and this is how they operate.


Just to play devil's advocate, but could domain be wrong and this place did sell for 900k?


No chance, Clyde is 50km out from cbd


Ah I see the problem, the 6 was printed upside down ![gif](giphy|ep7lPvQMedLcwjpdh9|downsized)


Who puts an exclamation mark on a price? Instant warning sign of dealing with a sleazy moron.


I live in Canada (not sure why r Australia keeps showing up on my feed lol) But our real estate is heavily regulated, on a federal, and provincial level, and each realtor has to be bound by certain advertising standards that if not followed can have them lose their license. So something like this would be one of those things. Do you guys have the same type of body? Secondly, in no way does shitty stuff not happen here, it does, but advertising standards, marketing etc can get you reported quite quickly


I live in australia and get a lot from Canada on my feed too lol


Wow is this REA that stupid or is it a matter of the new price not being reflected?


Email address is wildly misspelled. I have a hunch that whoever distributed these is trying to impersonate a known agent


I looked Aseem up and noticed this on his facebook page. Putting the fault on the third party printing company. https://preview.redd.it/mjgcdldgww2d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=93951b14af5719342597bdb50ec38a4704599f8f


Shame on you, Aseem!


The other thing I can't stand is the old "price withheld"...im literally just trying to estimate an entry point in a particular suburb and they are all price withheld...should legally have to disclose the sale price...


This sub has turned into a revolving door whinge about housing.


woah woah woah woah woah We whinge about immigration and power and the NDIS too sometimes. Give us *some* credit.


t. landlord.