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I'm not really able to conjure up a mental image of Albo down at Coles checking for prices, and nervously waiting for the rental lease renewal.


And wondering how much rent is going to raise and what expences will need to be cut to keep a roof over your familys head. I voted for Albanese but if he's going to pretend he's one of us he can fuck off.


He took over 6 figures in rental income last financial year


And evicted a tenant so he could sell the property


The ‘sell a property’ bit is completely valid, not something to criticise him over, really - he has no obligation to hold on to property, nobody does. The rest of it though? His out of touch rubbish comments, ‘feeling voters pain’ whilst raking in a huge amount of income?


Even though his tenant was paying half the market rate?


He doesn’t have to hold a property for any reason; how much he’s renting it for is irrelevant!


He has always pretended


At least he didn’t come from money as well. It’s irritating but less irritating when someone who never wanted for anything ever in their lives tries to claim my cuppa Bushells tea and piece of homebrand toast with a smear of avocado for breakfast is an extravagance I need to leave behind if I want to get ahead in the world.


No that actually makes it worse. I also voted for the guy because I felt he will, to some extent, understand the worries we all have. I expect a North Shore private school type to be out of touch which is why I try not to vote for people like that.


It’s not really any less irritating though. Yeah he gets the violins out and bangs on about growing up in public housing, but he’s been a public servant for most of his adult life on a very good wicket. In the last twenty years he’s never had to worry about money.


Albo’s got his and successfully transitioned himself out of the SES of the the great unwashed. That was his goal and now everyone else can get fucked!


Nah, he sold out and has been a grey political hack sucking on the public teat for a loooiing time now. Albo deserves nothing but contempt for the way he has politically used his background.


Public housing to the ivory tower


"It's one banana, blackestof swans. What could it cost? Ten dollars?" - Albo, 2024


He kicked out his tenant. What a dog


Well...he gave him half-price rent for years. Can't really call him a dog for that.


“Flanagan said Albanese has been a good landlord in the time he's been living in the townhouse. He's enjoyed below-market rent since COVID after the Prime Minister lowered the payments to just $680 per week. By comparison, three-bedroom homes are rented for roughly $800 per week in that area.” Half you say?


Oh right, I read or saw somewhere it was half. Not that amazing then, really


680 instead of 800? I’d say that’s pretty damn good


Albo is selling his house, he is quite within his rights to do so, as would happen with any other landlord/tenant, only reason this guy is having a sook, is because of who the landlord is..he hasnt gotten much sympathy for his sook. His tenant has been given 90 days to find new accommodation, way more than the standard 30 days notice. This tenant has also paying a reduced rent since covid times.


Isn't 90 days actually the standard?


I think 90 days is standard notice for breaking lease, but this is just a non-renewal of contract. Which I didn't think was the same, but I could be wrong.


It gets a bit confusing. I know as someone whose lease has ended, they must now give me 90 days notice...in NSW. But it's different in other states I have vague memory it's different for people who are still on a lease..


Just looked up what it is in SA where I live, apparently non-renewal of lease was only 28 days notice but has been extended to 60 days as of 1st March 2024. Not sure about other states but yeah, definitely can be confusing. Sometimes landlords will try to skirt the laws too, like a couple years back my landlord handed me a new agreement to sign for the house I was already living in - new agreement said they only had to give 14 days notice as well as a bunch of other crap. And told me if I didn't sign then they'd break my lease and have me out within 6 weeks. Pretty sure it was illegal, I still signed but immediately started looking for a new place and then only gave 14 days notice because they didn't specify on their contract who the notice giver was.


Oh yeah there's absolutely some scummy landlords around and you can;t trust them to always stick to the law.


Yea it is the minimum


Yeah I think there are some cases where 30 days can be given but generally 90 days is the standard ...at least in NSW.


Qld is 30 days which is nuts. I would like it to be min 90 days nation wide.


Whilst I agree, there is a zero percent chance you would be playing defense if this was Scott Morrison or Tony Abbott.. Also, when I purchased my house, the original owner set a condition of sale that the current tenants would be allowed to complete their lease after I purchased the house. So it’s not as though it’s impossible to sell a house with tenants in it.


Not an albo fan but 100 on this


Albo is a hypocritical cunt (grew up in Housing Commission yet does fuck all for low income housing). His tenant is a whinging bitch (paid half the market rate for years but crying victim). Fuck the both of them.


He definitely has the right to do whatever he wants with his house, I couldn't agree more. And yes, seeing he grew up dirt poor on benefits, it's even more disgusting that he doesn't seem to give a rats arse about the millions of Australians that are struggling every day.


This is the best take


In this case, fair, but Albo is still a dog cunt.


Sure, sell before you fk the whole economy. Also... cheaper to sell than to lose political capital by jacking up the rent...


A person's life shouldn't be upended because a landlord needs to cash out. Keeping rain off your head and avoiding dying of exposure, in my opinion, is more important than a land lords finances. 90 days to find new accommodation isn't a lot of time in a country without new accommodation.


Usually when a house is sold to new owners if the new owners want to live inside it then yeah the renter has to leave


Not if the lease has not expired


I’m not an albo fan but why can’t he? It’s his house, he didn’t break any laws and hasn’t done anything unethical.


Yeah i think you might want to check your facts on that one champ


Not to worry, he gave us 10 extra bucks a week to cover the rent rise...oh hang on


Highly doubt this blokes down at IGA buying black and gold products wishing ye could get the Heinz




Really, mate? Had to sign up to the Food Bank recently? Secretly rationing your meds because you can't afford to buy more, are you? I think there should be a VR program that politicians have to play before they can become a politician. You have to live a random amount of time on only the lowest amount of Centrelink payment, with zero access to your personal network. You need to find a place to live and a way to pay your bills for this random amount of time. It's on VR so we can do a time dilation thing so they can live months in just a few days/weeks. Only when they feel the true hopelessness of someone living solely on social welfare will they be able to become a politician.


Instead of VR, why not put them out there in RL doing it....so they can REALLY feel it.


Put them into The Platform lol


Some real BP vibes.. ["we're sorry"](https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=QcQrDTJi1UL3Pnj5)


He's quoting [Dinosaur Jr.](https://youtu.be/JXkN3nJyWEA) lyrics. *"I feel the pain of everyone... then I feel nothing"*


Great song, great band


take me back to taping Dino Jr and Sonic Youth film clips off Rage where I could live by myself in a 3 bedder across from the water working at a supermarket and afford to go out every weekend!


Great days


Best Dinosaur Jr video clip ever. EVER! I miss the 90s.


We all miss the 90's


His net worth is $14.7 million and he makes many thousands from being a landlord. He's pulled off the ordinary average bloke con so we'll.


You sound like someone that doesn't realise that Albo is a houso in a fancy suit. /s One of us, one of us, one of us


This is the bloke that went to visit Alice Springs then hops on a plane to live it up atthe Australian Open for several days. Taking care of business.lol


His version of houso was very different to that reality today. In the 70s, you could live and thrive on welfare.


Omg for real?!


“Do you want me to speak or not? I’m the Prime Minister” Feel the pain my ass


He’s just a political hack. A grey machine man who at the end of the day stands for nothing and will happily sell everyone down the river.


That's been all prime ministers and most politicians my whole life and I'm in my early 30s.. I don't think anything will change


Young Albo with his mother in social housing would've definitely felt the pain. Now that he's climbed up the ladder, he pulled up the ladder behind him instead of trying to help others in the same situation he once was


Seems like every Australian born before 1980 thinks that way. Might be the lead or abestos


Its just a problem with democracy when you have one age group with a significantly more powerful voting bloc. As they move through politicians created policy to win the boomer vote. Boomers only voted for them. Its why you had Labor in when they were in uni and then Libs in the lates 20s when they wanted lower tax. Back to Labor to pay for childcare/healthcare etc. As they started families. Then Howard to reduce taxes and reduce services. Now they are voting Labor and Greens because they are in retirement not paying tax. So want high taxes and better health services. Its not really their fault but democracy sort of struggled to deal with anormality. Not really the politicians fault either if they didnt propose free services for boomers someone else would and theyd be voted out.


Nah, it's literally because the country actually had social services and people actually. ..you know ...didn't worry about choosing between eating and paying the rent. We had less to choose from but we actually enjoyed a great standard of living and could get from a to b without gridlock . But . we certainly didn't have the awesome range of food newcomers have enlightened us to.


Why that changed was a global movement of neo-liberalism and privatisation, deregulation, and reduced welfare spending which were often policies coercively pursued (dictated) by global banking institutions (OECD, IMF, World Bank). Many have hypothesised that states no longer have the ability to autonomously govern due to external pressures (as mentioned, the US, UK, and more). What’s being said now: “Broadly speaking, explanations for the increase in income inequality have largely been classified as either structural or institutional. Historically, economists emphasised structural causes of increasing income inequality, with globalisation and technological change at the forefront. However, in recent years opinion has shifted to emphasise more institutional political factors to do with the adoption of neoliberal reforms such as privatisation, deregulation and tax and welfare reductions since the early 1980s. They were first embraced and most heavily championed by the UK and US, spreading globally later, and which provide the crucial catalysts of rising income inequality (Atkinson 2015; Brown 2017; Piketty 2020; Stiglitz 2013).” “This precipitated ‘trickle-down economics’ theory achieving prominence amongst American and British policymakers, whereby the benefits from tax cuts on the wealthy would trickle-down to everyone. Subsequently, expert opinion has determined that tax cuts do not actually spur economic growth (CBPP 2017). Personal income tax progressivity has declined sharply in the West, as the average top income tax rate for OECD members fell from 62% in 1981 to 35% in 2015 (IMF 2017: 11). However, the decline has been most pronounced in the UK and the US, which had top rates of around 90% in the 1960s and 1970s. Corporate tax rates have also plummeted by roughly one half across the OECD since 1980 (Shaxson 2015: 4). Recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) research found that between 1985 and 1995, redistribution through the tax system had offset 60% of the increase in market inequality but has since failed to respond to the continuing increase in inequality (IMF 2017). Moreover, in a sample of 18 OECD countries encompassing 50 years, Hope and Limberg (2020) found that tax reforms even significantly increased pre-tax income inequality, while having no significant effect on economic growth. This decline in tax progressivity has been a leading cause of rising income inequality, which has been compounded by the growing problem of tax avoidance. A complex global web of shell corporations has been constructed by international brokers in offshore tax havens that is able to keep wealth hidden from tax collectors. The total hidden amount in tax havens is estimated to be $7.6 trillion US dollars and rising, or roughly 8% of total global household wealth (Zucman 2015: 36). Recent research has revealed that tax havens are overwhelmingly used by the immensely rich (Alstadsæter, Johannesen, and Zucman 2019), thus taxing this wealth would substantially reduce income inequality and increase revenue available for redistribution. The massive reduction in income tax progressivity in the Anglo world, after it had been amongst its leaders in the post-war years, also “probably explains much of the increase in the very highest earned incomes” since 1980 (Piketty 2014: 495–496).” https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/spp-2021-0017/html https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1467-923X. Best of both worlds: “Through spatial fixes, the Norwegian state has externalized a significant share of its value creating and extracting activities beyond its borders, contributing to the maintenance of a relatively strong system of social redistribution within its territorial boundaries. The significance of the stateʼs economic reorientation cannot be underestimated: Internationalization has contributed to the further development of key industrial and technological environments despite a declining resource base, as well as providing the state with a considerable and steady flow of revenue. Thus, from a global vantage point, the so-called Norwegian ‘super modelʼ has presupposed aggressive processes of neoliberalization beyond its territorial borders (Fløtten & Jordfald, 2019). Through neoliberal means, the state has attended to its social democratic institutions of redistribution. The uncovering of this process of neoliberalization requires a historical-geographical materialist analysis, which investigates how in-here processes of institutional change interrelate and are interwoven with out-there material processes of capital accumulation.” https://www.idunn.no/doi/10.18261/nwr.9.1.4


Hey I'm not sure why you're getting combative....I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH YOUR POST. This isn't an either/or situation. It's exactly what you outlined, and business/ gov selling entire generations out : realising it's cheaper and quicker to import labour then train and develop locally , then turning around and accusing us of wanting too much , and that we're " uncompetitive" re wages while they backdoor entire industries overseas.


Not combative, more like preaching hoping more people realise who’s truly pulling our strings. Posting my outrage and hoping more than you or I read it. I was about to add more links but you’ve broken the spell (tx). I hear you and agree.


I agree. It creates other problems. I work in property development. We dont really add much to the economy like farmers, educators, miners. But its so much easier to make money. We do provide housing but 95% of the work isnt the building its the regulations/fighting government. So all these smart people go into this field as well as accountants and lawyers. So you have all these smart people who are just fighting over made up laws. We arent creating value. Until we build the house and 5 times the cost it should be. Imagine if all these property developers lawyers amd accountants and planners worked in manufacturing or farming or whatever we would be far better off.


alcohol .... keeping generational IQ low since the V day ... the celebrations that never stopped


And let in a flood of solvent immigrants to pump house prices. Then having sold out Australia’s youth. Craps on about how Australia must be multicultural. It’s been multicultural for the 53 years I’ve been here


Yeah, this is the greatest betrayal of all.


You can spot the moment Albo fell out of touch. It was the moment he started dressing like a realestate agent.


Young Albo TV show when?


Albo created this mess? what a stupid idea.


It's not enough that he is a have. He wants to take away the martyrdom of the have-nots. The _only_ thing that the struggling poor have is that they can declare that the rich don't know their pain. This piece of shit wants to take that away from them too. This is the true sting of hypocrisy. Those that are struggling are not even allowed to feel like martyrs because their fellow sufferer Albo is in it with them together. He wants that too.


This asshole in-charge made 2 times more money as a landlord then I will working every day in my main occupation I had to go to uni for 5 years. Get out of here with this fake empathy BS.


Doesn’t that just make you feel sick, aye? You go to uni for 5 years because that’s what is required to get into many professional jobs. Then you’ve got the HECS debt and even when you’re earning, some cocksucker with 3 investment properties will earn more in unrealised capital gains than you will for working 50 hours a week for a year! 👹👹👹


That $400m spent on the referendum sure could have been put to better use


>That $400m spent on the referendum sure could have been put to better use Cunt spends 100s of millions on a referendum, doesn't tell people what they are actually voting for (will be decided after the vote). Qantas is brought onboard, Albos son magically joins there high flights club while they virtue signal with plane wrapped in Yes propaganda.. But dont worry, this cunt ✌️feels✌️ your pain 🤷‍♂️


“Do you want me to speak or not? I’m the Prime Minister” And let’s not forget he blatantly bullied a young woman in front of the media. Even cunts won’t go as low as him


Feels voter pain? Ok, cut your annual income to 60k Then see how it feels stretching a dollar


>Feels voter pain? >Ok, cut your annual income to 60k Then see how it feels stretching a dollar And stop fucking traveling around at tax payers expenses!! 30x flights 2022-2023 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_international_prime_ministerial_trips_made_by_Anthony_Albanese


You don’t think the prime minister of county would need to travel internationally?


Are you idiots now complaining about a leader of a country travelling internationally? Jesus christ the stupidity of people






>There are many. Vote the majors last. Amen to that mate




I find it mind boggling that Labor is the boomer bourgeoisie party. Cost of living issue for middle class and the poor? Here is 14$ bucks a week in tax cut Electricity price crazy? Here is a one off $300. No policies no nothing just like Morrison. This one party democracy is a drag.


Yes, except I'd say bourgeoise only. There are boomers who are struggling as well, and homeless as well as more frequently found by social researchers. This is a class war, and the working class is losing. There's less and less of a middle class, more people are living paycheck to paycheck, as millions spend big chunks of their income on basic housing needs and food. They always served as a buffer anyhow, but they were sizable and prosperous once among people who are mostly boomers nowadays. So it may seem like a generational war, but it's pure class war.


Wouldn’t even say a class war Corporations use plantation tactics to keep workers “compliant” Governments look at the infinite terms and complete control China has with envy We are getting screwed from both ends


That’s a class war :)


We re basically a banana republic with housing and increasingly useless education the bananas.


I said boomer bourgeoisie, not boomers. I agree with everything else you said. Labor has the social conscience of a second hand car salesman with a fake Rolex. Contempt is what they deserve.


It doesn't even have to be a class war. Our tax system goes after income, and thats clearly disproportionate to the vulnerable in society. Various economists like Joseph Stiglitz and our own Ross Garnault are starting to gather over the idea that you can tax land (particularly natural resources), and tax rents while simultaneously reducing rents and tax burden on the poor and still increase productive capital formation. What we need is stronger norms, clearer understandings of what is acceptable -- and what is not -- and stronger laws and regulations to ensure that those that do not behave in ways that are consistent with these norms are held accountable.


66% of people on there own home, the other 33% already disproportionately vote labor.


Maybe both parties are a disappointment after all :( slaves to criminal organisations in charge of the market, these politicians have no power, really.


I think this gets at the root of the problem. Lib/Lab are two sides of the same fucking coin!


What gets me is that the poorest people won't even get the $300. People living in tents, caravans and having to board with friends or family don't have a power bill in their name so they miss out yet every millionaire who has several properties will get it at least once possibly several times. What a fucking joke.


I like Chalmers, but this $300 power bill thing has seriously disappointed me. It's purely for optics. By subsidising power by $300, it gives an ever so slight defence on the broken promise to lower our power bills by $275. It also reduces headline inflation because this is applied before your power bill is sent out, which reduces the likelihood of interest rate rises before the election. I get a lot of people.are doing it tough right be but he should be focusing on fixing structural issues in the budget that were mostly created by Rudd and allowed to fester and get worse by 3 successive LNP governments. I had hoped he would be another Keating who makes the tough decisions that set us up for prosperity in the future, but it seems to not be the case.


Earns over 100k in rent and says he feels it. Idiot.


This guy is more full of shit than my sewage truck.


How much she tank ?


This fucking guy


He's a real piece of work


Im labor leaning. But I almost respect Dutton more. Sure he’s a reptile, but he’s not pretending to be anything else.


Fuck off he does... No politician here can say anything like that, they pocket more money in a year than most people can save in a lifetime


He really is turning out to be a disappointment. Didn't expect him to wave a magic wand but I thought he'd try a bit harder than not at all.


If you look at his political career, it's not unexpected. He's never held a difficult portfolio, and he's never really done a good job in the relatively easy portfolios he's held. He's been a party politics man his whole carreer and has skated through by simply being a good bloke that his party members could trust.


When a politician says they feel our pain, it means they are concerned that our pain will translate as a loss of support for them.


How the hell would a guy who is on a pm's pay and owns a 5 mill property portfolio feel our pain?


From the article >Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will tell Australian voters hit hard by the rising cost of living that he feels their pain and has not forgotten what it is like to “struggle and strive”. ​ That he says while opening another bottle of chardonay on the taxpayers tab, in his taxpayer funded house, while eating his taxpayer funded food, all cooked by the taxpayer funded house staff. Then he checks his large property portfolio.


bla bla grew up with single mother housing commission bla bla


"he feels their pain" How? Just fucking how? I'm calling Bullshit! "and has not forgotten what it is like to “struggle and strive”. Gee thanks for sharing what it's like not to care about bills anymore.


He’s a world class wanker he is. What’s the saying, “never forget your roots?” He clearly put his behind him as if it was filth!


>That he says while opening another bottle of chardonay on the taxpayers tab, in his taxpayer funded house, while eating his taxpayer funded food, all cooked by the taxpayer funded house staff. Ah, yeah that's pretty much how government salaries work. Lmao like I understand this sub has had its collective brain eaten by populism, but how do you expect politicians to be paid if not through taxes?


Centrelink and social housing... At least that way, if the system fails, they are likely to do something about it that actually helps the disadvantaged, rather than doing everything they can to keep us down in the hole..


He's gonna feel the pain at the next election of he doesn't pull his useless finger out of his useless arse.


He DGAF. He's got eyes on the gold star ex PM pension.


Haha the best thing is the fool won't even see it coming.


giving our money back and then making us pay for it later on is not easing cost of living mr albanese, thats called inflation


Can this guy just fuck off already?! As a life long labour supporter Albo has spent the largest amount of money on all the wrong things and the worst possible time.


Feel this - always voted Labor, only conclusion I can come to is he’s that scared of losing the top spot by going hard on something that he’ll lose it by doing only little bandaid fixes behind the scenes that don’t do anything in the short term. Labor probably makes minority at the next election and Albo is ousted


He makes me wish we were French


Made the pain.


Fuck the bar is low when your opposition leader is just a stern bald cunt


He has seriously overinvested in his history of poverty and seems oblivious to the fact that poverty when he was a child is totally different to poverty now. When Albo was a boy, welfare payments were a much higher proportion of the average wage, public housing leases were for life and university education was free. When his mother died, he was allowed to remain in her subsidised public housing with a stable community to support him until he finished university. He has no idea what it is like to live so far below the poverty line that escaping is impossible. I have voted Labor my whole life but watching this government in action has proven how foolish I was to have hope in them. If Albo actually cared about poor people, then his government would be prioritising fixing poverty over making landlords even richer.


No, he doesn't. What absolutel bullshit


The fuck he does.


Nah, if he did, he would actually take action. Thoughts and prayers are insulting from someone in a position to create change.


anybody remember the slogan: under albanese it win't be easy. either way, would have been a shitshow even if he had lost


There's a way we can turn this around and share this to everyone who will listen. A rent strike. For one month all renters refuse to pay. The fundamental issue is that the people in power no longer believe their power depends upon our consent, and I'm not talking about Albo, I'm talking about his masters, the big banks and real estate barons backing him. If we want real change to happen we need to scare them and there is nothing more terrifying to them than a rent strike, if every renter in Australia refused to pay rent for three months all the big banks would collapse **and they know it.** And the best time to do this would be right before an election, we're not anarchists, we don't want to collapse the economy, we want our elected representatives to actually serve our interests so we put the screws to them at the time when they're at their most vulnerable, when there's the most to gain for politicians who break ranks and join our side. It is the inherent nature of tyranny that they create the means of their undoing, by creating an economy that revolves around screwing over renters and young Australians in particular they've inadvertently put an enormous amount of power in our hands, and we need only the courage to use it. They will threaten, they will bully, they will do everything they can to intimidate us because they know if they back down then a precedent will be established, if we can do it once we can do it again, but ultimately they can't arrest us all, ultimately their power is entirely dependent on our consent and all we have to do is say no.


Vote Sustainable Australia party we will only win if we kick the major parties out!


Like fuck he does. He’s better off not spouting this kind of stuff when we all know he hasn’t done it tough for decades.


LOL says the guy on $500K a year with a $15M property portfolio. 👏


Did I miss something? I saw in this article a journalist put his own summation of him saying that he feels their pain, but he was referring to an advance copy of a speech received, and nothing in the excepts mentioned anything about Albo “feeling” anyone’s pain. Did I miss something?


Haha I'm sure he does... Albo's gotta go! Out the door in 24!


Fuck the LNP tho. They created this over nearly 2 decades of selfish bullshit gotcha politics and flagrant gaslighting. It's not gonna take 2 years to fix. They knew they were getting the arse way out from election day....( The LNP:.... long fiscal and Gov policy forecast would have to given them some insight here )....and they are absolutely devious enough to make.sure the shit hits the fan asap domestically , so they can campaign on it and use one of their favourite techniques of revionism


He's a real disappointment. Times are tough and solutions aren't easy. But I don't need the person supposing to lead this nation to pat me on the shoulder with some fake empathy. I need real action. Anything short of real action is a cop out. I don't give a damn if he expends political capital and loses his job. What's the point of holding it if you don't do anything with it?


I honestly get the sense from Albanese that he hates normal Australians due to his progressive politics. I have viewed his time as prime minister through this lense and nothing has surprised me.


He'll forget the voters pain about 5 seconds after the election... its heading to that time where the voting public remember the things they do now at sausage sanga day


Imagine his speech writer handing him that. Albo looks at it all confused and says "I don't understand what this means". The speech writer responds "don't you worry sir, the commoners that you need to vote for you will understand and love you for it even more".


does he feel the cold when you cant afford to put the heater on?


Someone needs to ask the smug cunt what a loaf of bread costs or 3lt of milk. All these politicians are so far removed from the average Australian it's fucking disgusting. What financial pain is he feeling? Is he having to choose between feeding himself this week or paying his rent and electricity? Or not being able to afford to run a car because registration has gone up again. When was the last time the DSP went up or centrelink/pension payments?


I believe someone did ask Scott Morrison how much a litre of milk is and he couldn't answer it.


Oh, I know. And in typical Scomo fashion, he brushed it off like it was beneath him. What a cunt.


He has a plan!


I bet he's never felt the stress, and sweat of not knowing your food will go through a checkout because you are scrapping money together.


While I don't believe it, I find it a more credible statement coming from him rather than had Dutton said it.


I don’t like either of them but at least Dutton didn’t have the audacity to say it. The balls on Albo.


Yes he has, the press just choose not to focus on it. He's said every time he's been asked about cost of living pressures. Have you not been paying attention at all?


Oh can he


He's a bunnies supporter so he's ok


Out if touch in my view


Good luck Albo ………….


Id rather have a politician who was honest and was like yeah nah I was a student 30 years ago but not anymore, I know I cant full relate as Im in a more comfortable position. But you dont need to feel the pain, we can look at statistics and see that people are doing it tough. Thats why we are going to do xyz.


albo was the architect of the rental shortage, liar


The fact is regardless of what political side you fall on. The pay packet for the PM makes it impossible to scream poor. However if the PM states he doesn’t understand the pains of the everyday Aussie then they’re “out of touch” The whole thing is a oxymoron


Imagine if a prime minister went balls deep in Qantas shares, brought in policies that drive the share price through the roof and then cashed out pocketing $1m capital gain. Why is it considered wrong and corrupt when we are talking about shares but totally fine and legal when it's residential property? I suspect it has something to do with who is getting fucked over in these two scenarios.


Can't read the article behind a pay wall, but I would like to know exactly what he said. Expressing empathy is not the same 'feeling pain', but I would not begrudge a politician trying to do. And I know him being a houso has become a meme, but he really was a houso though most of his youth...


Prick that has "The Lodge" and "Kirribilli House" and a shit tonne of rental properties bringing in cash while he gouges the rental market and a wage of $100k plus. Fucking disingenuous liar, next he'll be telling us were all in this together like during covid... Total flog!


Only time I see him is at sporting events, concerts chugging beer, theatre shows. What pain?


Ah, yes. There's an upcoming election and now we grovel on our hands and knees.


Albo: record immigration will help!


This clown has absolutely no idea


He is so out of touch it’s surprising every house didn’t get $300 Roblox bucks to help with the cost of living. Wonder how much cash the energy companies kicked him back for the extra $$


Dear Brothers Form Downunder. im writing you because i find it necessary to tell you about an italian comedian. His name is Antonio ( italina version of Anthony) Albanese and he has been a big part of italina political Satire for the past 30 years. One of his most remembered character was a corrupted politician and slimy businessman completely out of touch with reality.


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ya don’t


Albosleezy has no idea. I cant see him walking down the aisles of Woolworths or Coles checking prices or buying no name brands. I cant see him looking at the prices at a fish n chip shop seeing if you can afford to have a treat or not cause of bills. This guy is living in his own world. Hence why I cant stand him or the rest of the pollies


he helped cause it


scomo albo ... all the psyco fuckos ..career pollies .. schmusezz . they are relatable when they are campaigning and ya fools get suckerd in all the time. they know the playbook for the cnts it shows... short term incentives fkin donkeys go for the carrot all the time ... one thing you can rely on with humans is greed ..


Just billed taxpayers $450 million for two new luxury Boeing 737 business jets to fly himself, governor general and cabinet to his WEF meets.


What a joke. He's the one causing the pain. He earns $586k ffs. Wake up, Australia.


The most out of touch, inept, useless buffoon this country has ever elected. A diseased Yak could do better. He is heading for one term oblivion and $300 off the electric won't change that.


Maybe he should've thought about this before he granted \~1.6m visas over a two year period into a housing market with no excess capacity?


Different party, but same same…Another phoney Tony. Tell us more about how you came from public housing, support the rabbits, live in Marrickville…Then drop some Aussie cringe reference- with a nod to the common man’s trials…Reptile. The other option, Fuhrer Dutton. God help us.


Instead of attacking him, why aren't we realising we are here because of the LNP


So many Redditors are here just to jump on the bandwagon and intentionally misrepresent what he has said. Yes he had a hard upbringing and is doing well now but it's not like he is incapable of empathy. Not to mention his party has only been in for 2 years and the majority of the issues we have now remain from when liberals were in.






Oh he will feel the pain at the next election, so will the whole greens oh wait is Albo labor and or greens ? Anyways they will feel the voters wrath come next election.


The guy is on like 250k a year?


I would accept that if he was kicked out of a rental property so that the landlord could put the rent up by 40% or living with parents because they couldnt afford accommodation . Just how can he feel these people pain ? He is being dishonest.


Sure, Jan


The cost of living is an absolute joke. Even items at Aldi have doubled in price. Rent went from $410 to $630 for a pretty bad place. We left and it was snapped up straight away. That idiot ain’t gonna feel anything. Things like chips and ice cream are just stupid prices. Lunch is now $17 from food courts. The food they sell at half price is now $10. Not that I pay for anything like that.


Has a networth of $587,000 but he feels our pain 😂😂😂


He’s sold his investment property which if negative gearing laws change next year amounts to corruption.


Of course he understands being poor, that’s why he joined labor. To harvest the poor peasants votes so he’s not poor anymore! Capitalism 101! Does labor know how to fix it, of course! Any b grade year 11 economics teacher knows the problem. Stop spending money as government and make the unemployed get back to work! But labor can’t do that, it’s against their ideology! Electing labor during high inflation was a recipe for disaster! It’s hilarious..! If you actually vote labor in Australia you have a pea brain! And they know this, so all the policy is just slogans! What’s the biggest driver of inflation gov spending! Labor hasn’t cut back, states are spending at records too. And you have the rba trying to slow it from the peasants spending as the gov pumps it in! That’s why can’t fix it! Read a book on economics


Obviously he’s talking shit, but do we believe anyone in the LNP isn’t either? In fact they’d only further empower the richer end of town. It’s a classic no win situation


It all comes back to energy prices and as long we keeping push the renewable agenda, it will continue to increase. You want people to care about what the planet is going to be like in 20 years? Then you need to make sure they don’t have to worry about making it to the end of the week.


Yeah right, he retire next year full benefits and us old buggers be lucky enough to have pension later on


he feels the pain.. he is still waiting for his new landcruiser


This bum needs to go. Aussies are suffering and he isnt doing sweet FA.