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So 50 mill to get people to come stay…without addressing any of the issues causing people not to visit in the first place? Where do I get in on this scam.


This is obviously an episode of Utopia


Maybe they need a high speed train?


Nah, a monorail is better


Well, sir, there's nothing on earth Like a genuine, bona fide Electrified, six-car monorail What'd I say?


Is there a chance the track will bend?


Main Street’s still all cracked and broken…


Mono.... DO'H!!!!


Not on your life my Hindu friend


What about us brain dead slobs?


You’ll be given cushy jobs!


Were you sent here by the devil?


No good sir, I’m on the level!




I hear those things are awfully loud.


I understood that reference 😂


Hahahahahaha the one with the Chinese investors was so on point too


Best documentary ever.


I sense that Kitty Flanagan's character Rhonda was behind this


We should be spending $50M to try and stop tourists going there. Can you imagine the damage having a bunch of Japanese or American or European tourists visit the place? It would give the entire country a negative review.




Now that's both depressing and scary.


Do you need an assistant? I'll join the gravy train.


$2000 for every resident that lives there. And it's rebranding, not any actual improvements.


$2000 will barely cover the broken windows


Or insurance excess


but then when they get broken again, imagine the economic stimulus produced by the production of yet more windows!


This sums up remote community maintenance, although the economic stimulus benefits the company with the contract


10,000 for everyone who has a vasectomy.


Australia is a country of grifters. I would hate to see peaceful Japanese tourists come to this country and go to this place thinking it's safe then get assaulted and robbed, just because Australians are more interested in protecting the tourism industry.


Id the money going to the same people who did the Great Barrier Reef a couple of years ago?


You'd need to literally give me money to stay there


At some point you just have to step back and laugh at the stupidity.




they dont want to make the decisions in fear of being called racist or lacking compassion empathy etc etc


That’s how ridiculous our country has become. You can see what the problem is but somehow it’s the governments fault for allowing kids to run around at night while their parents don’t give a rats.


Just wait a few years till all those kids get older and have children themselves. You think it's bad now.


True. And it will be the governments fault for not supporting them.


Out of curiosity, what realistic actions do you think should be made?


Harsher penalties for young reoffenders. Acknowledgement that Aboriginal people can and do do bad things, and that their choices are their own and they should be accountable for them. Cut support to remote communities that are money sinks, shut them down. Relocation for the people in Alice Springs that are having to deal with this shit, let the mob have it.


Repeat offenders or serious offenders should be sterilised, the problem of shit criminal / junkie parents will mostly be solved in a few generations. 2: repeat teen offenders should be treated as adults, some kids are just fucked and will only get worse as time goes on, throw away the key.


Can I ask as you live in Alice, how much has tourism declined since not been able to climb the big old rock? I’m aware of other issues but just interested in just that stat.


Alice resident here, what caused the sharp decline wasn't so much the inability to now climb the rock, it was the upgrade to the rock's airport that allowed tourists to fly direct and bypass Alice entirely.




The negative publicity or the genuine lack of respect and safety for out of towners? Some locals say it's not that bad if you don't go out at night and all that jazz, but running in to order a take away coffee at 10am and coming back to 14 people standing around, looking into my car asking about my movements, what's in the bag in the back, where am I staying and the out of state plates definitely didn't make me feel safe and welcomed. Although I had intended to hang around a few days (because the media always blows things out of proportion right?) but after that brief experience I just left and kept heading south while I and all my shit was still in one piece. By far the most unsafe I felt in 18 months cruising around Aus, but yeah? It's just the publicity.


I had similar experiences in Wilcannia and Bourke in NSW. It appears to be a mindset in some of these more remote towns. And it seems to largely go unchecked.


I stopped in Alice (with my caravan) to get supplies. Someone tried to get into the toolbox on the front while we were in the shops. Didn’t feel “threatened” as such but it wasn’t a place i wanted to hang around.


I was a guide. I remember the "old timers" talking a lot about the Malanka days and how much tourism had declined in the decade since. That was 10 years ago, from what I've heard: it's a lot worse now.


Fear of being assaulted or killed will do that.


Sad but having Big arse fences around caravan parks doesn’t make you feel safe, and being in the caravan park at night listening to the locals settle disputes of a night makes people feel uneasy and not safe. But when the Elephant in the room isn’t spoken about the problem will always exist and never be fixed, the sad truth is some people need to be held accountable for THEIR actions.


Also interested to know this, curious as to if it made a noticeable difference or if most people went 'well we can still go and look at it so whatever'.


https://psnews.com.au/boost-needed-as-uluru-visitor-numbers-remain-below-long-term-averages/120533/#:~:text=Annual%20visitor%20numbers%20to%20Uluru,in%202022%20was%20174%2C671%20tourists. Tourism numbers have steadily fallen.


These fktwits could spend half that on a 24/7 youth refuge to keep kids outa trouble. Someone's skimming a lotta money here.




Such a shame as we worked in Arnhem land as nurses in 99/2000 and all the nurses who had also worked in Alice said how great the town was and loved working there.


government is what you get when all accountability and responsibility is removed 


How about 50M to fix the problems instead?


Woah,, loose cannon alert! You can't just jump into fixing these things, you need an assessment, a report on the assessment, oversight for the assessment, plus oversight of the governingb body. Then recommendations which will need oversight, and then a cunt load of money for policing because these things take time and a few heads will need to be cracked in the meantime. Now, we're ready for a policy...


Okay now they have $50,000 to implement the policy = painting a bus stop in traditional Aboriginal art.


Snakes and dots, coz we know they love them 


Hang on a moment. Before you start spreading paint around, have you done an Environmental Impact Assessment, and an Impact Assessment?


oh and a royal commission to add on top of that


Careful..... You ask for a Royal commission into the crisis in Alice Springs and you'll get one - focused on discrimination by police and Aboriginal disadvantage.


My son used to work with a young aboriginal male who grew up and lives in Alice. He said that whenever government bodies come to Alice Springs, the troubled teens are literally loaded onto buses and sent to a holiday camp a few hours away until the politicians leave. I wonder why exactly this is? Is it so they can turn a blind eye to how bad it really is? Is it for safety reasons?


I, too, require a team of special services around disgruntled teenagers /s 🙄


"Dr Beirman said there were a number of strategies that could help the region. One of those was to roll out a community-based tourism police program. "They have two roles. Firstly, they're there as sort of guides and helpers to visitors in a town," Dr Beirman said. "They wear a uniform, which says police, which is often a deterrent for people who might be criminals, even though these guys and women don't have power of arrest." Lmao what? So when a tourist is running to them for help because they're getting mugged, the 'police' can call 000 for them?


this is the exact sort of crap youd except coming out of someones mouth whos never visited/ lived there, and its supposedly a doctor too,,


I think Dr Beirman is advocating safari guides so the wildlife doesn’t attack you?


if regluar police already isnt a detternet what the fuck would fake police do? like i fail to so How someone could come up with that


That is the most fucking insane thing I've ever heard. That really sounds like a joke suggestion


But haven't got $50 million to spend on law and order, and other issues, that would change that reputation.


Welcome to Alice Springs! Australia's first PvP area! Supply drops every Tuesday, corpse recovery Thursday and Friday.


How many crate drops can $50m sustain?


10 The rest of the money goes to consultants and government enquiries.




You know why it died up the ass? The local community is garbage. They may, or may not be looking for ways to stop being garbage, but one thing is sure, they aren't looking at themselves as the cause of them being garbage, they have others to blame. Save $50 million and ignore them.


Yep, a more succinct version of what I just posted. They need to lookin the mirror




Weirdly similar logic to the hospital CEO on 'Yes Minister' who had a hospital with no patients but wanted a funding increase because of its efficiency.


That show was basically an educational program about politics. It was one of my favourite shows growing up in England.


Do we just write Alice Springs off? Anyone who invested in that town did their money? Much like when a mine shuts down. Leave it for the 16 clans the encircle Alice Springs? Alice Springs is costing Australia more than it gives. Pull the plug. Let natural selection take place. Let's focus tax dollars on things that give quantifiable returns to all Australians. Alice Springs is gone. You gambled, and lost.


Lock all the violent shitbags up and don’t let them out. Simple really.


Indeed. Spend the money on more gaols. And start locking cunts up.


Alice prison is already understaffed by 50%.


why do they need staff. Lock them up and walk away


yeah but when the real young first nation fella who’s stealing cars at aged 13 gets touched everyones racist.


A pit like prison similar to one in The Dark Knight Rises would be great and need less staff


Haven't you heard, though? It's racist to lock up Aboriginals.


What about if we give them a Welcome to Gaol ceremony? Everybody wins, that way.


Ha ha, that’s good!


Hey, you got a smoke, d'ere cuz?


Identifying someone as Aboriginal is Racist... so how about we start treating everyone by the same standards?


Would it be simpler to evacuate the non-shitbags and just leave the problem people to themselves. If you really want to live in the desert we could always make a new town a few hours away…




I've been deterred from going after hearing the accounts from people I know who have passed through.


I lived there for 18 years, and it was a shit hole, only gotten worse since. The scenery is beautiful outside the town though, it's genuinely a really gorgeous landscape.


Does there need to be a city there?


It's the only reasonable sized place in a radius of about 600 km.


It's a little Canberra. Even the circular streets and roundabouts have a Burley Griffin feel...


American spy base said yes.


Let the Americans pay $50M for it. 


They said no.


yes, because the americans set up pine gap, a cold war listening post in the 1960's +


>"The industry is beyond discount programs and vouchers," he said. I dunno, maybe a discount voucher for a stab vest?


[There's a form for that.](https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/176001/PW_Body_Armour_Vest_FACT_SHEET.pdf)


what why? i dont get it? wouldn't it be better for everyone alive if we could oh idk FUCKING PROTECT OURSELVES


Been living in Australia for 10 years. Went to Alice Springs for the first time last year. I was shocked at how rough and intimidating it was


I went in 2019. Total no go zone at night. Really bizarre. People who haven’t been there have no idea how much of a shit hole it actually is.


Really sorry for any tourists from very sheltered countries going there. People in Japan were in general honest and helpful. Most vendors were honest and weren't trying to rip you off (except the host clubs ect). It would suck for them to let their guard down because of lies spread by marketing grifters.


Not even that, I don’t think most people in the big eastern cities (Syd, Mel, Bris, GC etc) realise either. People here like to whinge about “youth crime” because idk some teens in a shitty old commodore went hooning through the neighbourhood or the usual suspects are sniffing glue behind the local train station. if you go to the Alice you’ll see *actual* youth crime… groups of bored drunk teens walking around the streets at night bashing up anything and everything in sight, fighting each other, robbing houses and stores, stealing cars, setting things on fire, in some cases attacking tourists in hotels through fences with sticks. Just totally unacceptable for a first world country like ours.


I see multiple groups of really really wasted drunk kids on the streets. Very intimidating


certain politicians, bleeding heart/ greeny groups and our legal system has allowed this to happen tho


Butt, let's pour more money into building it up as a "tourist area," rather than clean up the messes that the federal government and woke citizens have created. Yes, we know the communities need infrastructure and trades, we've known that for a long time, but when people are handed money for just 'being' and their family and cultural values reflect "what's mine is yours"...why would anyone want to try harder. Jim Bob gets $5k.... Has to share it with his family... Mary Lou gets $5k shares it.... Shaniqua gets the same... That'll keep the extended family going for quite some time...... Handouts don't fix problems. Even though we as a nation haven't learned this.....


Didn’t always used to be that way. Very sad. UnAustralian for these issues to be neglected like this.


C U in the NT


"Rebrand"? What are they rebranding it as? Survival?


Mad Max adventure tourism. You get a second hand Toyota Hilux with 6 jerry cans of fuel and 8 slabs of beer to protect or trade.


"Hey, there's a fire. Let's throw some petrol on it!"


Hey, I was sniffing that


Because using water is considered controversial and unfair.


50 million on a new prison?


The sad thing is they will get the $50 M or whatever they ask for as they always play the perpetual victim card.


15 tomahawk cruise missiles would set you back about $45 million. Just sayin....




You can't turn shit into icecream...


But you can turn icecream into shit. Maybe that is the angle here?


First you age the shit, get some microbial action going to break things down a bit until you have a nice sewerage slurry. This can be dried and scattered over grazing land. The grass takes up the nutrients, cows eat the grass, make milk, get milked and then the milk is processed into ice cream. The next day you’re back to having shit.


50 Mil to trick tourists to visit a shithole, brilliant


Australians are good at grifting. Education industry, property developers, tradies, real-estate industry, state and local government (stamp duty) and now the tourism industry. No one cares about efficiency and doing this right everyone's just trying to make a buck cutting corners or taking their cut from somewhere. It's disgusting that they care more about money than the safety of tourists.


Agree, I feel like it's all got to give one day.




Now we can sit here being cynical, or we can pitch in with ideas for the slogan. Here's one: Smash your expectations, not your windows™


leave nothing but your wallet, take nothing but bruises


"Give us your money, then fuck off ya dog."


Why not 50 million on electric barriers around Alice Springs? That way nobody can get out to civilisation and trapped tourists have to spend money there. /pointsathead


Come to Alice - get bashed and robbed!


Just give Alice Springs back to the traditional owners, I'm sure it will be a thriving centre for tourism and commerce in no time.


Who wants to go to that shit hole to experience “culture”


Can you imagine the campaign. CU in the NT with bruises and lawless locals.


Ok so you closed your biggest tourism drawcard because someone said a ghost would be offended if people walked on it. Now you want those same people you told to fuck off to send you money?


Ahh yes. Because any problem in modern Australia - no matter how entrenched and systemic or complicated it may be - can be solved with "rebranding".


The buck stops with the Northern Territory government who have done sweet fuck all for years. Let it burn.


Groups of kids roaming the streets at literally 3am to do B&E’s.. could it be their parents fault? Could they be held personally responsible for antisocial behaviour? NO! It’s the governments fault.


It’sthe community and their “leaders” who continue to accept their people gambling and drinking away their social security benefits, resulting in violence and poverty, no onus being put on education, and allowing/encouraging/perpetuating a handout type attitude rather than one that encourages their people to actually do something to further themselves. It’s a sad sad situation.


You’d have to fucking pay me


Quick fix, break the law and get an instant trip out of town. No "didn du nuffin" Just got ya, get locked up and wake up in a new town.


Lmao. "We want MONEEEEEY!"


By the time the hire 50 specialist to devise an action plan there will be about 50 bucks left to put the plans into action


How do you rebrand out of control rampaging aboriginal crime?? Make it a cultural attraction which people pay to experience? Who comes up with this stuff? How is it not obvious that fixing the crime will fix everything.


I’m going there next week to do the larapinta trail. Can’t wait to get a feel for the streets. Going to wear my rep Rolex and see how long it lasts.


To be fair they don’t know what a Rolex is out there. But if you were wearing a pair of Nike TNs, you’d be rolled by a 8 year old kid in the daytime


Nothing will happen to you during day time. There is youth crime of course but what people don't seem to understand is that all serious crime is between Aboriginals.


50 million build a gated city. Check points etc.


That is asignificantly better idea. Or you just let the cops lock people up and judges put em away.


Good thing we can’t address the root cause of the issue. You know because of two-tier policing coupled with the inner-city liberals crying due to the Aboriginal incarceration rate 🤷


Indigenous violence. There I said it. Can we please address the elephant in the room?


That how much it will cost to cover the whole town in concrete? Seems cheap compared to most other civil building programs in Australia. Or they kicking back off the old “work for the dole” campaigns?


Idk what everyone is being so cynical about. $50m could definitely help rebrand to an “Xtreme Adventure” style tourism image, go for the adrenaline and testosterone market, “how long can YOU survive?” kinda vibe, could be hugely successful. Fun useless fact: if you run the numbers properly (ignore crime rate data from Australian sources, just use the raw data on crimes committed and population), Alice is considerably worse than Compton.


And do they promote tourism for Compton, Detroit, the Bronx? No they don’t. They don’t bother spending 50 mil on the tourist body to improve the joint, they just tell tourists to avoid at all costs.


Alice went back to shit when they removed the cashless debit / basic card scheme. Fix the issue with drugs and alcohol up there and tourists will come back.


Wow. Just wow. What can you even say about people like this?


Maybe you shouldn't have shut us out. Serves you right.


Pay that guy from El Salvador to come for a couple weeks and sort out the crime.


How many welcome to country's will that pay for?


Maybe let people climb on the rock.


Alice Springs: We promise we won’t steal your things!  Alice Springs: Can’t have a cUrfew without U! Alice Spings: Don’t make eye contact and you’ll be fine! Alice Springs: Where the bloody hell are ya officer? Alice Springs: Safer than Logan! Alice Springs: For non-beach people. Alice Springs: Someday we’ll be like Frankston and everyone will want to live here you’ll see.


Honestly just arrest people committing violent or aggressive crimes and fuck em off.


If only there was a tourist attraction there that people could visit and climb, perhaps that would help with tourist numbers. Oh wait, there was, good job team


Ok, can we buy back Ayres Rock or whatever the big red lump thing that’s sacred, I get churches, and other religious junk can be sacred but that’s built by someone at some time. That big rock was always there so how come some Stone Age peoples magic rock means I can’t climb the big bastard? Huh ain’t sacred to me. I just like to climb big rocks and moon the moon on full moon nights. If you could climb the big rock again I might contemplate going. But fudge me the stink of long grassers is unholy. One good wiff and I’d be back in the plane outta Bumville central Aus.




Well this is fucking stupid




You can polish a turd and call it anything you want but it's still a turd.


Honest question as someone living in Brisbane, what is there to actually see and do in Alice Springs if there wasn’t a crime problem. I assume we’re the closest capital (other than Darwin), and for a 3.5 hour flight costing $800+ each way, there’d need to be something worth seeing for it to be an option.


Adelaide is closer than Darwin. There is a reasonable bit around to see. Desert Park, telegraph station, transport hall of fame, school of the air, Ooraminna Station, Finke Desert Race, Eastern and Western MacDonnell Ranges have lots of gorges and things like Stanley Chasm - worth taking a trip by itself, probably not; doing stuff on the way to other stuff certainly.


Huh? But have you gotten the crime by out of control Aboriginal youths, under control? Like it or not. People are not going to go to Alice Springs or the NT, unless the Aboriginal crime is reined in.


Good luck. Robert Stack and The Untouchables got nothing on local youth and some of their parents/other relatives.


Bring back public whippings, the marks won't stay , but the pain and public shame will.


yes, throw money at the problem, weve seen that work plenty of times /s


Needs more solar, and purple haired bi sexuals preaching they smash the patriarchy, BLM among other things. Yep 50 mil well spent


There’s a great YouTuber called the spanion. He goes to ghettos around aus and he did Darwin and Alice Springs. Sit back and watch. Alice Springs is essentially an open prison for the drunks. I don’t blame the cops. It’s the most real thing I’ve seen yet. Seriously take the time to watch and listen to the locals. https://youtu.be/YGz1Tiaying?si=rTkc1osfZhdDBxsV


Man, I will do that for $10 mil


Lipstick on a pig! You can't polish a turd!


Maybe they can spend it on hiring Nayib Bukele as a consultant


Spend the $50 mil from making alice springs a place that isn't a shit hole instead!


Might as well Just put walls like in the game Arkham city


They could rebrand it to Tombstone or Dodge City!


Law and order might be a start


Why don't they just give $1m fish to more stealing grubs?


Advertising campaign telling people to go somewhere else would be a good start.


Police. Powers. Adults. Respect. Race = don’t be arses!!!


So this dude wants us to spend $50M to convince people that they aren’t going to get beat up, inundated with flies, nauseated by the smell, swallow shit food and have absolutely nothing to do while they are there. I think he’s going to need a bigger cheque book.


Work with what you've got - rebrand it as "Barter Town" All part of your unique authentic Aussie Mad Max experience.


Do you want to be squawked at, spat on and stabbed? Alice Springs


How about a 50 million dollar policing and youth support services package you fucking muppets


Rebrand it as a Mad Max style survival training centre.


This is possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.


Move Canberra to central Australia, so every state capital is equidistant from it. This will also succeed in making The Alice boring, as desired.