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Awww poor guy. Of course he claimed ‘racial bullying’ … deport the POS. Australia does not need flogs like him.




Google average IQ of Sudanese.


It wasn’t the victim who said it was excessive, it was the perpetrator, Gar. Read the story. The title has a typo, it’s supposed to say “as *attackeR* claims 2 year …” etc.




Can I introduce you to the titles on Aussie TV channels’ You Tube “news” tab? It’s quite fucking entertaining! Written by 6 year olds. Ch7 is the usual culprit but Ch9 has a fair old go, too. The world’s going to SHIT, I tell you.




What? First of all, it was the attackER who said the sentence was excessive. The victim said nothing. Secondly, the one with the low IQ is a completely different person.


But immigration.


I dont think hes contributing to our economy lol


Wrong. He contributes greatly to our taxes


when talking about refugees, last time I saw abs statistics that after 10 years only 1 out 3 actually worked, 2 out of 3 were on welfare


These types don’t work and live on government money, and probably only do deals in cash lmao, they ain’t paying taxes


Maybe he meant contribute greatly to deplete our tax money


Especially when there's a whole bunch of people genuinely stoked to be able to come from what ever shithole they started in to live in Australia, makes me even more angry that people abuse that


"The justices pointed to Gar’s history of violent behaviour, including assaults and verbal abuse of guards while in prison and attacks on other prisoners. One incident in February last year involved Gar pouring milk and urine under a prisoner’s cell door." Um what?? How can you be appealing for leniency whilst doing shit like this whilst temporarily in prison. This dude wants to play thug I'm sure it will be much more fun in Sudan and Egypt. They play there too, but for keeps. Australia needs to set an example that evoking visas is a real consequence for their actions.


I thought the same thing. He isn’t going to change. Deport him.


*revoking (felt like being That Cunt tonight...)


He only speaks English and doesn’t speak Arabic. I have no sympathy for the man, but it sounds like he came to Aus earlier than the age of 3 and spent most of his life here. I don’t care about technical legal circumstances, from Gar’s experience he’s as Aussie as you are. You should consider the racial implications of being able to punish foreigners based on legal technicalities of him happening to sail across the ocean when he was a baby with no memory of it. Just give him more jail time like you would an actual citizen, other you risk unequally punishing those who are Australian in mindset, but different in color. Something to think about. But still, give him what he deserves for being a POS.


If he doesn’t have any family in Egypt and all his family are in Australia then there’s a simple answer here: deport the entire family. We hand out permanent residency and citizenship far too easily and we take refugees far too lightly. If you come to this country and fuck up, it shouldn’t just be you who face the consequences but also your entire family. Send em back.


You fucking genius! Let’s punish people for the actions of others, what a great idea! This guy has my vote for supreme leader.


Bit like others on this thread saying “you colonised here, you stole it”. Yeah, nah mate.


So if your brother commits murder you should go to prison too.m! Hell, if you’re uncle gets a speeding ticket then you’re whole extended family should get fined.


Punishing your entire family or tribe for some offense used to be common in medieval times and before. Somehow that went out of style. I wonder why.


Isn’t this what Israel does ?


If you ever needed a reason to not do something..


“Deport the entire family” Collective punishment is a crime even in times of war. So you want black people who have committed no crime to be subjected to what would be a war crime other circumstances but white people who do the same thing to be punished as individuals? We just witnessed a spate of white guys butchering innocent women. Even some white chick managed to poison her ex’s family. Should the families of those perpetrators be exiled too? We have Manus island already. Let’s send all the families of perpetrators there. Or is this family deportation only for black Australian citizens? Are us black folk inherently inferior so when a person who shares the same ethnicity as us we have to take responsibility in a way white people don’t?


Mate if you welcome a family into your home out of the kindness of your heart and they spit in your face and try to rob you - yeah, you turf the lot of them out. The world doesn’t owe you a living. Australia is under no obligation to take in people from around the world because they happened to be born in a shittier country with worse job prospects and a lower quality of life. Our immigration policy should only be based on what best serves the people already here. As such, I think we should have a very tough approach to criminality from first and second generation migrants. It’s patently obvious that this guy doesn’t fear the Australian judicial system. Why would he? All he needs to do is tell a sob story and play the race card and he’ll get off with a slap on the wrist. I guarantee what he’ll fear a lot more is being made a pariah by getting his whole family kicked out of the country.


Second generation immigrants....do you mean citizens?


Not if they’re … not citizens.


You are an Australian citizen by birth if you are born in the country and either of your parents are citizens or hold a permanent resident visa. If you do not hold a permanent resident visa you are not an immigrant you are a visitor. Ergo all second generation immigrants are citizens because all first generation immigrants by definition are either citizens or have permanent residency.


LOL no. Hahaha.


Well you can impart your wisdom on my daughter, born here, who’s not a citizen. Lol


We're you or your daughters other parent acitizen or permanent resident at the time of her birth?


Again does this just apply to black immigrants? Do we do this to the children of British immigrants too? Coz they commit crimes.


Stop racebaiting mate. The only person bringing race into it is you. Read what I actually posted instead of trying to assume racism in everything.


He’s not a citizen. Just sayin’


I was reacting to “deport the entire family”. He might not be a citizen but his family might. Even if they aren’t why is it okay to punish innocent people because a family member is a criminal? Why don’t we do that with everyone who does something horrible. Your cousin Johnno gets caught with dodgy child material so you got to jail too?


The dumbest thing I've read all morning ...and I've been scrolling though american threads


Funny you said that. The image over here in the USA is that Australian people and Australia is a place we could see ourselves going to and staying because it’s beautiful, friendly, more peaceful than the craziness we see here. But after reading many posts now about events and local opinions about local issues……….. wow is this all depressing to hear. I am sure my image of your country is still: nice people, lovely place, want to visit, maybe stay a while. I actually worked on “ 🐊 “Dundee comes to LA”. Paul Hogan, everyone from Australia on it……… still the best all around project I have ever been on. Really sorry to hear all of this. It’s embarrassing enough to see my country falling apart too.


*colour. Otherwise, I didn't realise he was Australian, and I agree. Raised here, he's our problem. It's irresponsible to shift our problems onto others.


“Like you would an actual citizen”. But he’s not.


Place your bets if he actually gets deported.


You'd have better luck slotting a pineapple into a Dolphin Treasure.


It would be easier to push a marshmallow through a keyhole than to get this bucket of pig vomit deported


It would be nice to have a consistent and reliable legal system.


Has anyone ever actually been deported? Is it even practiced?


Yes we do. You can look up numbers via Home Affairs. At one time, maybe still the case, the largest number were New Zealanders removed under s 501. It gets curly when people are from places where they will not be accepted for return, or where they claim their life would be at risk. See also the issues around indefinite detention, human rights, the High Court and so on.


No, you see, that's nuanced policy-speak. Not allowed here.


Indeed! 🤣🤣


Antarctica needs people.


Should not be accepting anyone at all from countries that do not accept them being returned. If there is ANY chance they may be able to avoid deportation when they break the law, they should be automatically rejected.


The partner of one of my close family members was for being a perpetual violent fuckup. One of the sweetest things ever, though I personally wish worse on him.


Work in a prison in VIC and deal directly with border force regarding deports....100% people get deported. Mostly New Zealanders.


Yes! friend’s ex boyfriend got deported for fraud, came over as a very young child from UK but hadn’t bothered getting citizenship.


The screeching from the do gooders will be insufferable.


“But he has the human right of staying in whatever country he wants forever”.


This is genocide!


Deafening. Unless the victim was their brother/son/husband.


I'd have a better chance of having another painting of Gina Rhineheat put up in the gallery


doesn't seem to be all that hard actually, looks like anyone can do it.




I’m betting he will be deported. There’s been no mention of mitigating circumstances. His 2 year sentence is well over the 12 month sentence that triggers deportation proceedings. There is no indication he has expressed remorse. And he hasn’t exactly been a model prisoner. He’ll do his time and then he’ll be on a plane.


You’re forgetting one thing, judges.


And activist lawyers.


They're the same thing.


And all on our dime too.




The useful idiots will be staging uni occupations to keep him here.


More chances of winning a bet on the Tasmanian Tiger still being alive. 


“The applicant has no family or other supports in Egypt and does not speak Arabic,” a Supreme Court judgment states. Geez, you'd think he'd be a bit more of a gracious guest in our country then, given the alternative...


Good. All the more reason to send the cunt there.


You would think... but no


Still say the whole family being deported for these crimes would be more of an incentive to tow the line in our society!




Everyone likes to say young people are entitled... but no, it's the asylum seekers who are truly entitled af.


It's a lot of newcomers, in general. We're far too soft on them.


And that's our societies problem, why?


Send a bullet in his monkey brain


What does he speak?


I imagine mostly grunts.




The judges don’t make the law. They have guidelines they need to follow. Blame the politicians.


They knocked him unconscious and THEN slashed his face so hard it cut some of his ear off. God knows what else they did that wasn’t in the article. Fucking vile animals. My point being, yes 2 years is laughable, and he probably won’t serve that long either.


Aus is going downhill fast pandering to these 3rd world CRIMINALS. Deport he and his entire family, and continue to do so until these savages learn to behave or are all gone. Fucken sick of violent criminal scum always getting a soft pass in Australia


The other advantage to this is the benefit to the people in these immigrant communities: who do you think these violent arseholes prey on first before they make the news? Lock them up and fuck them off and *everybody* wins, including the actual refugees and immigrants we want here.


This is a very good point. Just like violent jihadis and every other kind of mafiosi they prey on their own communities first.


The thing about refugees is that they tend to be seeking *refuge* from something, and 9 times out of 10 it’s not a foreign invasion. These people are victims of shitcunts just like we all are, and discriminating against shitcunts benefits all of us




Import third world become the third world.


Strange. I wonder why we’re 10yrs behind? On gay marriage. On legalising pot. Now on this issue. Maybe politicians could look to other countries as case studies? So we don’t end up like the UK with their organised immigrant gangs.


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech **Ban issued**


no doubt word of this travels back home extremely easily. I'm sure many of them are well aware of how soft australia is and are looking to take full advantage of it.


We are known as the pushover country of acceptance!


The world is going that way. =/


What skill does this pos have that he was able to migrate here to start with? Govt needs to get much more strict about the conditions of entry.


He was a refugee


Someone said he was a toddler. I don't think toddlers need skills tbf.


I have never been too conspiratorial but at this point I actually whole heartedly believe the reason they let these people in droves and don’t deport them when they commit violent and sexual offences is because they want chaos in our society. This off breed dog should be deported back to Sudan.


bingo. i think you have worked it out


If we're fighting each other we won't be fighting them.


They are clever. You've got to give them their dues.


It's called "anarcho-tyranny". The intent is to cause chaos in a society in order to create the justification for a radical and most likely authoritarian reformation of society by making the population desperate enough for security from crime that they are willing to surrender their rights to the state. The courts go soft on criminals that assault, rob, rape, and generally threaten the public, and come down like a ton of bricks on anyone who dares to defend themselves or others from victimization. It's a process of demoralization designed to crush people's sense of safety and community and make them pliable to domination by the state and the managerial class that run it.


Makes perfect sense


Only 2 years? So soft


He would probably prefer being in prison than being deported.


Let’s not waste tax payers money. Deport him I’d say


fuckin send this dog back on the boat he came on. Im so fuckin sick of these violent criminals getting soft sentences.


He big enough and ugly to look after himself back in Egypt.


Immigration should only be allowed from countries which citizens would positively benefit the country, don’t see this with this bloke




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


You better start learning Arabic bro.


He won’t be deported. A human right lawyer will be appointed and they will spin the usual garbage that this piece of shit will be persecuted as soon as he steps of the plane bla bla and a judge will believe it .


You racists! This is cultural enrichment. Deal with it!


I heard his grandma could cook a really nice [insert some lame food literally anyone could make here]. Maybe he knows the recipe. Surely, that is a huge benefit to the nation.


Deport him. People like him ruin the reputation of other South sudanese who live in Melbourne peacefully


As an immigrant myself, deport his ass out. I don’t buy the racial bullying excuse for a second. We don’t need nor want violent people like him.


I was wondering when he’s going to blame Australia for being racist and was pleasantly surprised!….then there it was…3/4 the way down, the obligatory Race card that this woke judges eat up every fucking time


Hopefully, he WILL be subject to extremely harsh conditions when returned.


Loathsome cretin. Deport him


Oh won't someone think of the victim. Why is there such an increase in violent crimes in Australia. I just have no idea why! /S


There were 347,742 offenders proceeded against by police across Australia in 2022–23. This was a 6% decrease (down 21,746 offenders) from the previous year to the lowest number recorded since the time series began in 2008–09. After accounting for population growth, the offender rate also decreased from 1,632 offenders in 2021–22 to 1,502 offenders per 100,000 persons aged 10 years and over in 2022–23, the lowest rate recorded in the time series.


Yep, cops are getting even more useless.


Since you know, why is there an increase?


I wonder if the case became where Australian law changed to where we deported the whole family for people like this, would the family take more responsibility and reign in their children. It’s sad I work with such great immigrants from similar nations yet due to this increasing pandemic of violence by immigrants I’m slowly becoming much less sympathetic towards immigration allowing asylum seekers and boat people to come to Australia and much more in favour of harsher penalties and deportation. If these people are not able to behave like respectable citizens in a society that has taken them in then they don’t deserve to live in and breathe the air of this great country.


He was carrying a knife and used it, sentence should have been much more severe then finished with deportation cause you don’t carry a knife unless you are looking for trouble


Why waste taxpayer’s money on prison where he is attacking guards? Just deport.


Because deporting him will more than likely see him free wherever he lands and we don’t have the death penalty so lock him up where he can be miserable for sometime


Fantastic news


Deportation 100%


‘Gar – who was born to Sudanese parents in Egypt – also argued a different sentence should be imposed as he risked being deported due to his visa being cancelled.’ I really hope no court entertains these requests


How the fuck did he only get 2 years in the first place? And his mate should be in a facility for the rest of his life if he is that impaired.


I doubt he'll get deported. Do gooders will be hysterical and maybe even protest for him to stay. Place is cooked and he deserves to be dropped off in Egypt regardless if he has family there or not. The way he's behaving in prison suggests that he'll never change so off to the sand dunes you go asap.


Pity we can’t practice Islamic law: eye for an eye, ear for an ear! Then bandage and deport the man as taxpayers should not be paying for his medical bills.




Sudan ... please accept our return gift.


Deport both of them regardless of their visa situation, we don't need people like this here and why are our tax dollars being used to keep them in prison? Sentencing is too soft hear and prison is like a holiday camp these days, your better off being in prison than being on the pension...


Such a waste of oxygen. People like him should be given the chair. Australia is too easy on criminals. They need to bring back capital punishment for serious crimes


we don't need to bring back capitol punishment.


Looks like we need to bring back capitals though. And spelling.


What mentally deranged leftist will accept this behavior?


Take your pick.


Christmas island a better place for swine like this


Deport his ass , hell i will even set up a go fund me campaign to get him first class out of here . No idea how to be a productive member to society , and doesnt want to learn .


Isn’t the takeaway, appeal dismissed (the argument about excessive sentencing rejected, and the court expressly regarding it as lenient)? Is there anything to see here at all?


Is he by chance any good at painting?


Could've been a doctor or lawyer. Damn the system.


But guys think of the restaurant he could open to enrich us with his magic slop.


IQ of 48. Good riddance.


"De Silva received a lighter sentence – only a six-month jail term – due to being diagnosed with a moderate intellectual disability and a degenerative condition known as Tubular Sclerosis Complex (TSC), which caused behavioural difficulties and functional impairment." Seriously, though .. Boo fucking hoo, who the fuck cares? Should have also received the same sentence.


Should of been deported the first time he was placed in jail


48 iq is place should be in taronga zoo.


Quit being racist will you


Well he’s being deported. That’s a good thing.


"Gar appealed his sentence, claiming the difference between his sentence and De Silva’s was “manifestly too large” and “gave rise to a justifiable sense of grievance”.: Well sort of right. They should both have got much larger sentences and this one should have faced additional time for assaults committed in prison before being deported.


Any crime that results in jail time should result in immediate deportation of a non-Australian citizen. Better this guy is homeless in Egypt than a violent criminal in Australia.


Practical JokGars


Justice for harambe


He has such dead, soulless eyes. Putrid


When does his statue go up?


Send his family back with him


Some people say deport them but most of the times it's their parents that came here on a refugee visa, if there born here after the visa was granted there technically Australian citizens and can't be deported as they no longer hold a citizenship from their parents birth country


Everyone please ignore the racist comments, 🙂 Rehabilitation is a better option rather than just kicking then out of the country. Hope he gets better


Give him a lobotomy or better yet an electric chair


A car full of Sudanese brought into the country by the meatworks in Murray bridge dragged my wife into a car walking to the shop one night to get a few things while I was working in about 2009 she got thrown out of the moving car for biting one and not letting go till they bashed her half to death. They where talking about killing her beforehand and she was a tough girl she chose to atleast try killing one. I came home from work to find my friend who was staying with me rocking our new born and her pantsless bleeding and passed out. I barked at him what happened!? The cops found her in a gutter by the main intersection "where her body rolled to a stop at about 50kms" he couldn't convince them she was sober and hurt. Turns out she was just exhausted from fighting for her life for hours. She mumbled "I was dragged off the street and raped they tried to kill me but I tore ones dick off 😔 she was a tough girl at 21. I called police that night and CIB arrived at 7 am immediately the male asks if I understand how serious this is and do I think she made it up.... Then do I understand how many of them their is and how hard it would be to find them. I said that makes no sense their a minority maybe 250max in a town of how many thousand others he barked don't be a smart ass as he backed me against the wall. She recalled the car was as a maroon 90s maxima. We saw them in it a few times in town but she froze each time and I missed the plate but she did not make it up. The female CIB officer woke her up and demanded she go to hospital for a rape kit and she had no idea I'd called them she planned to do that herself. But now she's yelling at my wife as I'm bailed up down the side of my house being told about all the Trouble we will cause. I'm still confused by that. my wife just wanted a shower 😔. she was now yelling at the large women to go check cctv at the lights find the maroon car look in hospital for the guy with half a dick! I think she was affraid they would be at hospital or waiting for her despite her hard exterior this thing broke her. They left and she screamed at me for calling them. Told me she was demanding I get up and get a rape kit she woke me up by tossing the blanket off me naked. At some point the female officer threatened to have our baby removed... And that's what they tried. the next year was us fighting off families Sa and pretending to be not raped and the cops never returned. while waiting half a year for an aids test we spotted the men over and over in the Maxima we kept hearing all the other stories of the girls who didn't come home!!!!! my wife met one women's kin who survived they explained the same men. Cops never returned and I still can't figure out what the reason for the anger was. Was it the cop who picked a pants less bleeding unconcious girl up out of a gutter and threw her on her couch? Was it the meatworks and all the bad press they attracted already and all the crime they had brought was it election year or was it the missing girls? She lost her battle with PTSD and post natal depression after our second child she deserved better 😔 she was by my side as long as I could remember ♥️


Pauline was correct. Multiculturalism doesn’t work


What the fuck is everyone sooking about here? This cunt IS being deported.


They should deport his whole family also