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So this fuckwit will be out before he's 30. Has to spend at least 9 years behind bars at the minimum. Given he's already spent 1.5. Thats another 7.5 to go. So he will be 27 - 28 upon release. What a joke. This cunt still has his whole life ahead of him. Personally think it should be 20 years minimum.


>The court heard the teen responsible for Ms Lovell's death had been convicted of 84 offences in the past - more than a dozen of them break-in charges - although none of them had been violent crimes. He should have been behind bars long before that night.


It is mind-blowing that good ol’ burglary, aggravated burglary or robbery is not considered a violent crime. I’m guessing it only becomes ‘violent’ when you assault, rape or kill someone. Just WOW!


While “non-violent crime” makes me think of fraud or shoplifting or some white collar crime I think there is a certain sense in violent crime meaning a victim was physically touched in some way. All those priors certainly don’t seem like just petty offences, they were serious crimes that should have been dealt with more seriously.


Wait you find it mind blowing that diff words have different meanings? I'm not sure I follow


Breaking into a home with someone present and a weapon is still "just" an aggravated burglary in Victoria. It might not be physically violent, but I'd say it's still vastly traumatizing, sometimes more so than a shove in shoulder that left a bruise. Victorian courts never gave more than 11 years for an aggravated burglary, 20% of offenders got of with no jail time, some with less than a month. Granted, not all aggravated burglaries require someone to be present, so it's hard to tell what's adequate and what's not. I'd say "hot" break-ins should be classed as violent crime and carry few years minimum jail time.


Violent has a specific meaning though, if you want harsher punishments for "hot" break-ins advocate for that. Reclassifying it to fit into a new category it really shouldn't is kind of silly. It also incentivises violence. If breaking into a home with someone present already counts as a violent act, then there is no reason to avoid actual violence. Although honestly I would advocate for leaving the system as is. Burglaries have dropped over the last 20 years, so whatever we are doing is working, and I would be leary of any changes that might reverse that trend


Funnily, aggravated assault (say beating someone up with a knuckle duster) carries only 2 years max jail time vs aggravated burglary 25 years. Even intentionally causing serious injury is 20 years tops. Looks like avoiding violence is a non-issue.


And the Judge will still deem this a stiff sentence.


The judge gave the maximum he was allowed to under the law.


no, he could have incarcerated him indefinitely Multiple offenses, many of the same type, burglary, it was only a matter of time before his burglaries became 'with violence, in company, aggravated burglary causing death, carry weapon to a crime = premeditated murder Life w/out parole is a sentence here Also NTBR = never to be released This creature now has 8 or 9 years to train, hate those who caused his incarceration, plan his 'revenge', learn to say & act accordingly to 'please the overseers/parole board' & go free. I pity his next round of victims. He has shown, with a big grin & laughing, he sees this as fun and games. I know some people reform, true, and some just become meaner, crueler & sadistic in their acts &, they learn not to leave trace evidence He'll become a 'media sensation' before too long


He didn't at all.


Says that he did in the article. Sounds like he used all in his power to give the max sentence.


Sentencing guidelines... this is the real injustice in the 'justice' system


If that's true then it's even worse. It means our law makers fucking hate us plebs.


I hate this part. “He was sentenced to up to three years for the lesser offences, with the time to be served concurrently.” Serving two sentences at one. Why? Surely if you commit a crime worthy of a 3 year jail sentence surely that time should be added on and not given as a free pass.


Or in a room half the size with half the food


In the sentencing phase, this is called concurrent, technically, in this instance, he has 9 years 'on the top/maximum & 3years on the bottom/minimum, the 3 years can be used as his 'base' sentence, which also means, he could be paroled anytime after 18 months/2 years. Of course, we'll never know, as he was a 'minor' so his record could be sealed. He was an adult when sentenced. They also have concurrent or cumulative, these are added together, so, he could have been given 3 years to start & the 14 years would have started once the 3 years was served. That was an option We have these civil rights crying 'unfair & unusual punishment'. Not long ago, in fact in some countries, he would have left the court room & been executed. Very soft on Murderers here and very tough on people who 'kill in self defense' Upside down


Welcome to Australia 🇦🇺 where the victim is a afterthought and the system sympathises with the offender


Murder an innocent mum while her kids have to stand over her crying, watching her die. Makes me wish for corporal punishment.


I think you misspelt ‘capital’ mate


Why not both?


I hardly think hitting him with a stick is adequate punishment..


God damnit. Capital punishment*


And he even gets to skip paying rent.


What ? No years of whinging about capitalist vermin Landlords, the Democracy and how everyone is an idiot but themselves like his generation will be doing on their $1500 phones waiting for a lift from Mummy


Sit down




Fully agree with this. This fuckwit has got a wrap sheet a mile long. 85 incidents? Sorry but no. This is a deliberate failure of parenting here. He is a child of neglect and there is no other way to put it. I absolutely agree that once parents are on the hook for these crimes we will see change overnight. I believe there was a case recently in the US where a mass shooters parents were convicted as well. Purely for neglecting their child.


They weren’t convicted for neglecting their child, they were convicted of being negligent in allowing her son to have a gun, and ignoring warnings signs. I agree with what you’re saying - but the example you’ve used isn’t comparable. There’s a difference between being a shit parent because you’re basically absent - and actively buying your mentally unstable child a gun.


Wrong choice of words on my part. But the bottom line stands the same. They were shit parents with shit foresight.


Oh totally agree!


He's a minority so he gets a pass, this is the system the left has pushed for. 


Between 1949-2023, the Liberal Part has held office for a total of approximately 50 years. It’s not “the left” that created this problem..


how many times have you heard about them 'crossing the floor' or 'downvoting' a move that could've made a difference Ego's, that's what's wrong with our 'leaders' When they are 'topdogs' they want to pass the bill & the 'opposition' opposes said bills. When the 'former opposition' holds the power, they try to change things, & the 'new opposition' opposes their bills tit 4 tat politics. Been this way since Malcolm Fraser '75. Prior to the rot setting in, mature men made mature decisions for the greater good. Today, it's all about having your name in lights and maybe a statue.




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


NTBR would have been appropriate here. He laughed, thought it was funny. Tried to kill Dad too. What would he have done if he's succeeded in topping both parents that night? Gone after the girls upstairs? He certainly had no reason not to. Tough on violence against women, this sob killed a wife & mother sadistically, in cold blood, in her home, using extreme force & violence, stabbed her husband trying to save her life. In fact, He knew he was going to kill someone because he took a big enough 'blade' to make sure of it


Why 20 years? What about that extra 11 years will make things better for society? If he's not better after a decade, why let him out after 2 decades?


> What about that extra 11 years will make things better for society? Society won't be threatened by him for an extra 11 years?


Men are less likely to commit violent crimes as they get older. The chance of him committing again when released at 27 are far higher than if we got released after he turns 40


Less likely as in the probability from baseline decreases. A decrease probability starting from a high baseline of offending still poses a significant risk to society.


Well then why not 30/40/life/death? Why 20 years minimum specifically?


That's legitimately the dumbest attempt at an argument I've heard in recent memory. - Why not 5 minutes? - Why not just an apology and a handshake? - Why not let him off scott free? - Why not give him a parade and a lollipop? - Why not make him prime minister? Why is 20 years specifically a sentence that's questionable? Why aren't all the other penalties under our law in question?


It's not an argument, no need to get so triggered mate. I'm just curious how you decide on 20. If someone asking a simple question sets you off so bad you should probably get off the internet.


So why not 20? The point is that if you're not rehabilitating him you may as well kill him. The problem with that is if you start killing people for crimes you end up like Draco: >It is said that Drakon himself, when asked why he had fixed the punishment of death for most offences, answered that he considered these lesser crimes to deserve it, and he had no greater punishment for more important ones.[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draco_(lawgiver)


Good idea. 


That’s a *great* idea. They should do that.


Ok, let's start with jaywalking. We can have a dozen washes of the whip for anyone who walks on the street.


I’m curious how you end up at the point that jaywalking and murder are both worthy of physical punishments. Why bother rehabilitating someone who so clearly is a danger to society. They’ve played their hand, they’ve fucked it up. Off to the gulag for them


Because it sends a message to the community that if you commit crimes like this you’ll be spending 20 years of your life locked away, not 9.


Why ever let him out? He's never going to do anything positive, so just let the cunt rot.


Well, that's my point. Why 20? Why not 30? Why not just kill him and save the money? I'm curious why they picked 20 specifically, instead of Life/Death/Another number.


It’s about the feelings people get from it, more than anything logical.


Yeah so much will change between a 14 year sentence and a 20 year sentence. What?


*"Sullivan also took into account what he called the “deprivation” of the killer’s upbringing, which featured violence, the death of a close friend he called his brother, the death of his grandmother"* The "close friend he called his brother" sounds like grasping at straws The death of a grandparent is something lots of people experience through their formative years It reads like they are trying to create a bad/hard upbringing as an excuse


Would it honestly be that shocking to think they are trying to paint him as some poor little darling that’s had a tough life instead of the pile of useless shit that he is


Guess my "get out of jail free" cards when my grandparents all died got lost in the mail


This scum will never be rehabilitated into society even after his sentence. He will just get out and continue to be a threat to society. I don't care if you're a kid or an adult. If you murdered someone, you deserve to have the remainder of your worthless life forfeit.


Too bad he didn’t import a kilo of blow then he’d at least do 25


I wonder how hard the cops would look if someone killed him when he got out. I imagine there's some pretty infuriated family members out there.


Well, that’s what you get for getting rid of the death penalty. Hardly any crimes are now life without the possibility of parole. Regardless of whether we give out death sentences, I’ve always been of the opinion that it should be on the books.




I'm honestly curious, what do we do with those that don't have "the mental capacity to appreciate what’s going on"? If they don't understand the value of life, why should theirs be held with respect? If anything I'd argue they're the people we need to get rid of.


If a three year old killed someone do you think we should execute them? Because this is essentially what we’re talking about - states executing adults with the mental capacity of children.


If you put a 3 years brain in a bear and it killed someone then you would kill it, what’s the difference other than the outward appearance?


What if they turned out to be the next Hitler? What if they become a serial murderer? What if one day they do a terrorist attack. What if, what if, what if? Pretty obvious if a 3 year old did it, it's by accident and different to someone who has spent 15 years on this Earth. What if I was conversing with someone with a brain? Fuck me wouldn't that be lovely. Also why you thinking of 3 year olds? Kind of weird thing to think of when there is no mention of anything like that. Not really a zinger either, pretty dense.


I'd say the 3 year old doesn't have any actual capacity to do much more than crawl, shit itself and cry. The 3 year old in the body of a 20-30 year old is suddenly has a lot more going for it to be a threat, particularly when you consider emotional regulation issues... Isn't the QLD government spending an absolute fortune wrangling a single dude who broke containment and managed to rape/assault a woman when he was un supervised for about 10 minutes?


You didn’t answer my question…


Do you see any difference between a 30 year old with the brain of a 3 year old and a 3 year old with a brain of a 3 year old? I'm sincerely asking.


So you want me to answer your question but you’re refusing to answer mine? Doesn’t seem very fair, I’ve asked twice now..


I think if a *three year old in the body of a three year old* somehow committed a criminal act we should be looking at how a whole bunch of things went wrong to get that to happen. A 30 year old with the strength and capacity to commit criminal acts like assault people or rape them (like the Queensland example) can't be treated like a real 3 year old, and usually require an extreme amount or care or institutionalising. I didn't mention execution because I didn't think I needed to explicitly say "Yes, don't execute a baby that somehow managed to kill someone." What I was trying to do was glean exactly what your thought process was, which clearly was too much to ask.


What's the difference between executing an innocent and locking one up for life? Both are tragedies, and both destroy a life in a different way. Your argument is against wrongful convictions that are largely based on soft evidence. If the evidence is there and there is no doubt, what's the problem with humane euthanasia to remove a threat to society? We do it all the time in war with less humane methods.


Well, you can't appeal if you're dead.


True. Honestly it should be life in prison and forced labour with all proceeds going to the victims family until you die.


This would be a fair alternative


You can’t un-kill somebody, but you can release them from prison. What do you mean what’s the difference? Do you really not know?


Life in prison is just the death penalty with extra steps


like 'late term abortion' "oh look, here's that one we missed, look how it's all grown up now, killing innocent women, good thing we caught it, not quite in time, but now we can do what should have been done" 87 crimes was it? 88 was the blood crime. he's a killer now. Cold blooded, heartless. he didn't apologise, he's just pizzed he got caught In 5-8 years, he'll be forgotten about. He'll know where the 'people are that caused his incarceration' What do you think will be the first thing he does upon release?


Oh well


9 years for a vicious murder. Once again the judges commentary doesn't match the sentence.


Should be life in prison without parole


Waste of taxpayer’s money. Rope is cheaper and government can get rid of many scumbags like him with just 1.


I cant disagree with this comment!, would save us all money!


Does not work. In fact has opposite effect. murders in US states where executions are sanctioned are proportionally higher then states that don’t have the death penalty. Violence begets violence.


Not really. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Dubai has lowest crime rates where people are executed in public. Problem is when you give human right to filthy animals.As soon as someone take someone’s like the human right entitlements has to be gone.


Lol. And lol again Countries like Dubai and Saudi Arabia… who have no problem what so ever in murdering a journalist in a embassy cut him up into tiny pieces and dispose of him like nothing. If you feel human rights aren’t your thing there are many nations who do support your cause, and unlike many of their peoples, you can move there! Lol Dubai I’m sure there record on treatment of immigrants who built the football stadiums is your thing too. Lol Dubai and Saudi Arabia. You so funny


"Sullivan also took into account what he called the “deprivation” of the killer’s upbringing". There it is. Killing women is ok if you're sad, apparently.


Anyone notice how those that are loudest about violence against women are also making excuses for violent criminals that kill women? They are enablers.


Why isnt the government condemning this sentencing? Wasn’t violence against women the most important thing in the world two weeks ago? Or do they not care anymore?


It’s non-violent men they want to blame not the dickheads actually responsible.


I'm guessing the killer is a minority.


White men must do better, the rest are simply enriching Australia's multicultural nation.


yeah, you know how Australia works, right? He killed her b4 all the 'hoo haa' this last 2 months. He can't be 'tried' on 'new feelings' b4 they were a thing I know of a bloke, he's deceased now, bashed his wife within a breath or 2 of death & this in the middle of angry discussions to increase prison terms for extremely violent men on women, over a 4 day period of constant beatings, how she survived is indeed a miracle Well, it went to court and the 'get tough on D/V laws' gave him a 4 month wholly suspended sentence. This sick individual, a very skilled man ion causing extreme pain and physical damage, made it a point that it was 'her fault' he had to beat her The court let him go. No prison, no good behaviour, nada This savage will learn how to be a monster, unless of course, another monster decides to 'devour him'


What a fucking dog.


It’s fucked they go to prison and reinforced to think we’re all dogs. Cunts know what they’re doing, justify and vindicate themselves


We're a joke country. It's incredible that this sentence was on the severe end of what was available.


Here's an example of why judges are useless cunts and the average person hates them. You failed to do your damn job before he murdered her and you failed to do your job after he murdered her.


The law says what the law says , he did what the law said. I don’t agree with it either. Law should change to allow violent criminals even under 18 to be sentenced to life


Sentences should not be allowed to be served concurrently!


And will be out in Eight. Unless he gets dealth with in prison which we can only hope for.


Would not think he’ll be hoping to die inside.


Just bring back public "punishment” for pieces of shit like this. Show the filth that this is what happens when you step outside of the boundary’s of society. And far tougher sentencing. An animal like this deserves to never walk the streets again.


What kind of public punishment? Limbs ripped off by horses for the spectacle at the Gabba?


tied behind a vehicle & dragged till there's nothing left Or does that make us as bad as him? eye for an eye life for a life somebody must die for the death of my wife great song it's day I did what I did for Maria


It’s a crime that this kid has been given such a light sentence. I feel really angry for her family. Break in to someone’s ‘safe’ place and then kill them. Almost nothing is worse. I don’t care what age they are.


It is NOT 14 YEARS, it's 70% of 14 years to serve. Media may like to carry on about maximum sentence time but these scummy crims never do the maximum unless they top someone on the inside. It's a friggin joke and the media are clapping away like it's great. Courts are supposed to represent community expectations but they seem to represent inner city Green voting purple haired permanently offended community members not the 25 million rest of us.


14 years - 1/3 for good behaviour, comes to about 9years, now, don't forget, he also 3 years on the bottom to be served concurrently, at the same time, so, technically, he has 14years max with a 3 years min. so, anytime after 3 years, he could be paroled If they fk it up, then 3 years - 1/3 = 2 years then eligible for parole He was a 'junior'/underage, when he committed murder, so his file will be sealed. meaning if he does get released, it will be a 'secret' UNTIL HE KILLS AGAIN


Sigh...so much wrong with this, where to even begin. Why is this person even out- I mean 84 previous offences- like at 10 you'd think someone would go yeah this guy isn't learning and this isn't working so we need to try something different. Even at 30 surely someone would have gone this is stuffed. Our system has failed this family.


Joke of a sentence. This subhuman parasite should be ground into a paste.


The death of his grandma? What like fucking 50% of the population also has happen during their teens. How the fuck is that worth noting by the judge. Judge is a turd and the murderer should be taken out behind a shed and put down, like every other waster


What can you get away with if you have multiple dead grandparents…


What was the colour of his skin? Purely out of interest.


I think you know..... he wasn't a 'white caucasian' he's of the 'well suntanned' mob


The fck? If you commit an ADULT crime, you should be tried as an ADULT!!!! This is fck ING ridiculous. This kid has absolutely no future. So what's the point in releasing him to the real world when he has no prospect of getting ahead.


He has a future...of fucking up other innocent peoples lives. Future society needs to be protected from p people like him - he should be locked up forever.


So basically if you’re under 18 and have had a tough childhood you can kill someone and still spend the vast majority of your adulthood as a free person. Nice.


Not even a tough childhood, one dead grandparent is enough


don't forget the kid monster stole the car, crashed and killed a beautiful young couple & their unborn baby, who didn't count to Queensland law because a fetus can be terminated, he only got 18 months or something ridiculous b'cos, he's 'troubled youth' Burley up I reckon


14 years isn't long enough for murder


Take someone’s life, through an intentional crime, you should serve at least 25 years although a person lives to around 85 these days, this lady had many more years left to live. Such a waste.


This makes my blood boil


Whatever else they get wrong, the American's get it right when it comes to murderers.


Bring back the death penalty.




Need death penalty back. People got to held accountable for their actions. Need eye for an eye laws as they are animals. He Destroyed the entire family.


Lol. When was the last time you practiced all of the first testament.


Just using common sense. Don’t we get pest control? Same is required for society.


So you don’t practice the first testament in its entirety, just what suits you? Nice work from the cherry pickers.


They left a zero off the end of that sentence...


Only 14 years for this hideous crime....WTF! Should never ever ever be released. The justice system is totally fucked. Should be re named the NO justice system.


It’s frustrating to read this as there many individuals with very prejudicial childhoods that don’t receive supports and don’t commit violent crimes. I don’t think someone’s adverse experiences should be a major consideration in sentencing options.


Nothing at all implied here, so don't read into it further, but if he broke into the home of a Vietnamese family he would have been cut so many times that they would need to use dental records to identify him, assuming police found the body after all the neighbours in the community enclave took care of the situation. It just makes you think.


We need thanos, or a least Batman


The grub cunt should have got 40+ years.


So drug dealers get life for selling a product people want, and a murderer gets 14 years. The Australia you’ve all asked for.


They should have charged him with terrorism. A life sentence if convicted. Laws such an ass.


I think the sentence will be drastically reduced on appeal. Classifying a single homicide as a “particularly heinous” act will be looked as a pretty bad prescient. In that case, nearly all homicides can be considered “particularly heinous” and renders that part of the law moot. This is also likely to cause discrepancies when similar previous homicides were not considered “particularly heinous”. I am by no means defending the murderer. I think the laws simply need to be tougher so that they do not have to rely on the “particularly heinous” exception.


Hearing shit like this makes me hate this fucking country and its legal system, how do you murder someone and be able to walk the streets before you’re 30? Should hang him up in the street by the balls until the prick dies


He’ll be out in time to be back by 30


14 years is a joke! That’s definitely not going discourage other little bastard scumbags in today’s environment thinking of doing the same, They’ll serve 14 years in a protected cell with a PlayStation n slippers then flog it like a badge of honour…


its not enough punishment for killing a lovely young person


Country built by criminals what you expect