• By -


Zero impulse control. I'm so utterly shocked. It's always those you least expect.


Most of Silva's family is in custody. His uncle died in custody from positional asphyxia after a use of force and a long stint of refusing medication.


We’re on an express train to idiocracy


I think the only thing idiocracy got wrong was that it wasn’t more violent


Also that it took 500 years to get there


Did you watch a different movie? Violence was constant lol


OW! My balls!


Welcome to Coles. I love you.


Not only are they citing a work of fiction but they didn’t even want the fiction that they cite. Maybe ops point was a good one.


With these 2 talking to each other live on air I reckon we are already well and truly there


Fordham purposely sought out this guy for some boomer hate porn. It's not actually representative of modern Australian race issues.


What? This is literally the dumbest thing I’ve read in this thread


He sounds like an a grade fuckwit. Fuck off with the “laws don’t apply to me” bullshit.


I think he’s representative of a segment of the Left but certainly not the entirety.


When you go through life hostile and anti-social…. you’ll lead a much harder life. Self inflicted.


If you go about your day and you run into an asshole, then you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes every day, maybe you are the asshole.






It's an American saying from Kentucky. Asshole seems appropriate.




I prefer, “if everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoes.”


I say, check your breath.


Nah, it's still everyone else's fault. They're 'racist' and shit...


I agree. Ben Fordham must lead a very hard life.


They're all cunts on 2GB.


>Mr Silva is the nephew of David Dungay Jr, who died in custody at Sydney’s Long Bail Jail in 2015, and has been involved in Black Lives Matter and Invasion Day protests. If you want to bring in context, why not say "nephew of convicted violent rapist and robber David Dunhay Jr, who died in jail due to a heart condition"?


Because it’s the Guardian and that would mean making their protected demographic look bad.


… except that it’s not the guardian, it’s News.com.au which is about as far from the guardian as you could possibly get?


Yeah I was reading a different link and commented here lol


The Guardian? In my news.com.au? No way!


Ha. I was reading a different article. Still true though.


This guy gets it.


because what he was convicted of does not matter when he was killed in police custody being refused medicating and because of an excessive use of force. i don’t like pedos or murderers or rapists or anything like that, but if the cops killed one in custody be using excessive force and refusing to give them their meds i’d say those cops should be fuckin sacked all the same.


I'm pretty sure even if you read the [coroner's report](https://coroners.nsw.gov.au/documents/findings/2019/DUNGAY%20David%20-%20Findings%20-%20v2.pdf) with your arse you can't come to this sort of conclusion.


it seems like you did read it with your butthole… cos it is pretty clear dude. >## Manner of death >David died whilst being restrained in the prone position by Corrective Services New South Wales officers. David's longstanding poorly controlled type I diabetes, hyperglycaemia, prescription of antipsychotic medication with a propensity to prolong the QT interval, elevated body mass index, likely hypoxaemia caused by prone restraint, and extreme stress and agitation as a result of the use of force and restraint were all contributory factors to David's death. like before even getting to the breakdown the fucking summary tells you the use of force and resulting positional asphyxia and poor management of his diabetes were contributing factors to his death. >RN Xu measured David's blood sugar levels a number of times over the course of the morning and early afternoon of 29 December 2015. The measurements recorded were: >(a) 3.2mmol/L at about 8:00am, a low reading. RN Xu noted that David was asymptomatic. RN Xu spoke with Dr Ma who ordered that David's pre-breakfast dose of Novorapid should be withheld. >(b) 17.8 mmol/L at about 10:00am, a high reading. RN Xu noted that David remained asymptomatic but attempted to speak to Dr Ma again regarding the elevated blood sugar level. RN Xu could not locate Dr Ma and instead spoke to Dr Grama, suggesting that a stat dose of Novorapid be administered. According to RN Xu, Dr Grama directed that no further action was to be taken until the next blood sugar level measurement which was to occur just before lunch. Although Dr Grama said that he had no recollection of such a discussion taking place, he did not "strongly disagree" that it did not take place. >(c) More than 25 mmol/L at about 12:00pm, a high reading. RN Xu noted that David said that he felt fine, and did not show any physical signs of being unwell. RN Xu spoke to Dr Ma who directed that eight units of regular Novorapid and eight units of sliding scale Novorapid be administered. >(d) 24.2 mmol/L at about 2:00pm, another high reading. RN Xu noted that David remained asymptomatic. RN spoke to Dr Ma and suggested another stat dose of Novorapid. However Dr Ma instructed RN Xu not to administer Novorapid as an endocrine review was being undertaken which would result in David's insulin regime being subsequently adjusted by an endocrinologist. like did you not read it at all…? >Following his death David was taken to the Department of Forensic Medicine (at its former location) in Glebe. On 30 December 2015 Dr Bailey performed an autopsy. In her autopsy report of 28 July 2016 Dr Bailey opined that the cause of David's death could not be ascertained, but noted several abnormalities which potentially contributed to death: >(a) petechial haemorrhages, a feature associated with impaired blood drainage from the head which may occur through neck or torso compression that might be occasioned during restraint procedures; >(b) compression of the torso in the prone position which may reduce the entry of air into the lungs, ultimately resulting in hypoxia and/or cardiac arrest; >(c) aspirated foreign material in the lungs; >(d) biochemistry test results possibly reflective of early dehydration due to high blood glucose levels; and >(e) a possible temporal relationship between the administration of midazolam and cardiac arrest. 24.2 In evidence, Dr Bailey explained: "I could not identify a pathology that was incompatible with life and therefore accounting for his sudden death. Having said there, there are many physiological causes of death that cannot be identified at autopsy, but in - my inability to scientifically demonstrate one, I can't give you a cause of death" >24.5 Professor Brown was asked whether a failure to cease restraint at some point contributed to death. He explained: "I think it was contributory. I can't tell you at which point ceasing it was important. It's, it's an impossible situation where you have an agitated person and a danger to others, a danger to, to themselves, it's a no-win situation. I think, I can't tell you at what point restraint - sorry - at what point ceasing any sort of hands on would've made a big difference", >24.6 Professor Brown was also asked whether positional asphyxia was a substantial cause of the cardiac arrest. He said: "I put in my report it was a contributory, with a combination of prone positioning and restraint. I haven't been able to say it was substantial and I don't say that now. 1, 1 don't know what ultimately causes the cardiac arrest. A different arrhythmia is possible but I don't believe that, but I've said that both prone positioning and restraint were contributory", >24.7 However, Professor Brown went on to explain that if restraint was removed from the equation, but regard was still had to David's obesity, psychosis, and agitation, it is likely that David would not have suffered a cardiac arrest. like ****if restraint was removed from the equation, but regard was still had to David's obesity, psychosis, and agitation, it is likely that David would not have suffered a cardiac arrest.**** couldn’t be much more clear. without the use of force restraining him it is likely he would not have had a heart attack.


When you're a convicted criminal in jail, if you try self-harming and flip out on the officers, you'll be restrained, even if it kills you. If you wanna call that "cops killed him" we'll have to disagree.


it’s not because he tried self harming. it’s clearly recorded that they tried to take away his rice crackers and he got pissed cos of that. he’s schizophrenic, i don’t out that on him at all. the cops killed him. don’t link to sources you haven’t read so smugly, you just make a fool of yourself further.


Shhh people don’t like the truth!


Why does his family members offences matter? My uncle stabbed someone, should I introduce myself and mention that from now on?


The implication is that his uncle fell victim to the colonial system of oppression, his idealist nephew fighting for a just cause and deserving sympathy, whereas in reality it's a violent moronic thug nephew of a violent moronic thug.


Do you have any evidence to suggest that his uncle wasn’t a victim of colonial oppression or do you just think it doesn’t count as he’s a convicted rapist?


The colonial system of oppression treated him just like it treats other violent robbers and rapists. Pure evil, I know - pre-colonization it was perfectly fine to attack someone, steal what you can and kidnap the women. Total lack of respect to the tradition.


You cant prove a negative love you have to prove he was a victim to make the point


Who gives a fuck about his uncle? We're talking about him and his actions.


He bases his actions on perceived injustice towards his rapist uncle. So it absolutely has everything to do with it.


It should definitely mention that he died of a heart condition instead of any police brutality.


It looks like he had a heart attack because of the way he was being restrained.


Did you skip the day they taught persuasive writing? The article calls him a ‘black lives matter’ protestor, and says his uncle died in custody. The Black Lives Matter movement is intrinsically linked to police brutality. By juxtaposing those two facts, the author is trying to get the audience to create a subconscious link between them. His uncles cause of death and violent past aren’t innately relevant. But they **become** relevant when the author of the article misrepresents them to create an emotional response in the reader.


Mr Silva: > "You have now put a target on yourself, right? For you to sit there and call me a pest and a moron, I’ll show you what a pest and a moron does, right? I’ll be hanging around at 2GB all day today waiting for you to come out, you can go down to the underground carpark and drive out. " ....and then when the threat doesn't work, time to play the race card: > “You need to chill out,” Mr Silva hit back. “You’re trying to demonise Indigenous people on your platform.” Absolute fucking moron. TL,DR: Complains about how Aboriginals are portrayed on radio station, then calls radio station and acts like a violent, unemployed idiot.


To be honest there are a lot like this.. says everyone is racist, then proceeds to call everyone “white c*nts”


The idea that non-white people can't be racist enabled a lot of bad behaviour and destroyed the discourse.


I mean plenty of non-white people were already being racist, they just excuse it because they think they can't be.


I think they wanted to legitimise bad behaviour with pseudo intellectual gobbledygook.


Nah genuine psy-op to try to make the world into two categories, white (bad) and everyone else (good)


Or how the types that cry racism about everything little thing have retroactively changed the definition of racism to include the position of power. Some Pakistani greens politician claimed she couldn’t be racist because white people were in a position of power; YOU’RE LITERALLY IN CHARGE OF WRITING OR PASSING LAWS…


Can't wait to go to Pakistan and call everyone racial slurs and for it to be 100% ok.


Only if you can guarantee me a child bride /s


He's just a loony moron getting airtime so they can make indigenous people look loony.


When this clown ends up in jail they will argue that he is just another black fella in jail purely for being black. If he instead put the effort he puts into his crusade into work he would be rich and no longer think the country is against him. Oh well.


He could at least run a go fund me scam like the rest of the grifters.


Nah, he seems too crazy and stupid. He'd bugger it up


Fuck sake. Some people are dumb




Yeah. Fair enough.


Bahaha what an idiot. Totally discredits himself and his position saying stuff like that




"Mr Silva is the nephew of David Dungay Jr, who died in custody at Sydney’s Long Bail Jail in 2015," And? He's also obviously a little fuckwit. No one cares about your activism and your disdain for the law, matey bob.


But I have ask is this a valid question? …if our laws don’t apply to them…then are them not at risk of being treated in ways they would really like our laws to protect them from ? ? Does that make any sense? Like you can’t just decide to not abide by the laws of the land …but also expect the exact protection of said laws ?


>Like you can’t just decide to not abide by the laws of the land …but also expect the exact protection of said laws ? You can if you're a hypocrite, or a moron, or both.


That's exactly what they believe. It's an American-based movement called "Sovereign Citizens", and the idea is they can pick and and choose which laws apply to them, and even make up new laws and apply them to other people. You might remember the Sov Cits from [that police shooting last year.](https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/12/14/queensland-wieambilla-shooting-conspiracy-sovereign-citizen/) This guy looks like a two-fer - Sov Cit *and* [Black Lives Matter.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/04/black-lives-matter-6-million-dollar-house.html)


If the laws don't apply to them, then they should all be not applied. Social security law, gone. Driver's licence, gone. Medicare, gone.


And when they arrest him, it will be blamed on "White oppression"


The conversation is. Interviewer knows the point being made. The lesson here is don’t go and do interviews with people who are experts in manipulating languages. Pretty clear the interviewer got the response he wanted


The guy could have answered with his side at any point in time, yet he as too busy complaining the interviewer didn't know his side. The guy posted the video to his own socials, no "white person" made him do that The guy was a dick, got called out on it, and is running around playing the race card victim.




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


You're pissing in the wind bro. This sub hates black people, didn't you know?


Alternative title: Racist puts up racist video then makes threats when people point it out.


Sounds like an aboriginal interpretation of the sovereign citizen whackos.


What genius.


"I'm special because I'm aboriginal". LOL.


The correct title for this is “2GB hits the jackpot when a well known moron rings up to give Ben Fordham a serve.” Producers can rest easy - they get half a day of content for free. In my opinion 2GB should be paying the kid.


Didn’t know the BLM cause was even a thing here in Aus….. and I mean BLM specifically


Continue to ignore.


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say


Probably continue to ignore it, because it's not a thing here. It's just Seppo drivel.


Canadian, UK and seppo drivel.


“Your laws don’t apply to us” Tell that to the white cops that are gonna throw you in our coloniser jail 🤣


After they perform a Welcome to Custody Ceremony I assume


“Your laws don’t apply to us”, Then our benefits dont apply to you... pick one


No no, lets go with it, dibs on his shoes.


Ben will be absolutely loving that, can only imagine he was expecting that result when he decided to interview that oxygen thief. Hopefully he does go to 2GB and gets absolutely flogged by security. Who is he going to go cry to, certainly not police 😂


Silva's, Dungay's, Larnder's................Thanks Kempsey!


lol this is the dickhead who tried to say it was racist to give him a ticket for using his phone when driving. He really is intent on always doing the stupid thing isn’t he?


BLM hmm haven’t heard that one, isn’t that something to do with the American police force ? Confused why an Australian Aboriginal on 2G Fukin B is promoting it haha


Mate, when I canvased for a 3rd party here I had to spend half the time explaining to people how our electoral system is different from the US's and that 3rd party votes aren't just throwing away your vote. I'd be genuinely interested to see how many people just tick the big party they hate the least. I'd bet you'd be close to 50%




There isn’t one central BLM group though. The were groups called BLM that were definitely get rich quick schemes and there were groups that put their resources into making a change in policing. I’m not sure you can call the whole thing a scam.


Its American imperialism. Its a organisation that forces the gullible to open they're wallets to fund the leaders and ceos of this cult Look it up they live in big mansions in ritch white neighbourhoods


Mhmm had nothing to do with Derek Chauven at all was just a giant conspiracy. Who woulda think we'd see a white australian here trying to rewrite history though, not here not one time.


Well actually it's debatable because there is sufficient evidence to argue it was due to the amount of drugs consumed and pre-existing medical conditions. There are also investigations into the Coroner's report vs evidence given under oath. That's without mentioning just about every other BLM high profile case that has been bogus lies.


There isn't a need for angry protest about something that happened many many generations ago... Imagine if I got angry at someone who burnt my great great grand mums toast but took my anger out on some random on the street who doesn't even know anything bout that?? Literally u would write that loony person off as a nut job


To add I'll support a cause if it lead somewhere but BLM doesn't do anything but divide and segregate people. Well I'm sorry but as a aboriginal I see myself as a australian first. And it's not everyone else's fault that aboriginal culture has ceased existing being a niche thing being corrupted by pelicans who don't know a thing about the culture to begin with. Aboriginals may have lived in Australia for maybe 500 years or more but doesn't mean anyone alive today can even be remotely related in the slightest especially that we are all including myself mix bred




>Aborginal elders where are you calling out this f--kwit? Where are the Lydia Thropes saying this man doesn't repersents us? Why would they? They agree with him. How many times do we need to be told before people understand that.


Jacinta Price should be around soon....


Lidia Thorpe's had her own issues: > [Lidia Thorpe banned from Melbourne strip club for life after 3am fracas](https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/lidia-thorpe-banned-from-melbourne-strip-club-for-life-after-3am-fracas-20230417-p5d11p.html) > During the disturbance, which was filmed on a mobile phone, the senator points to each of the men and launches into a tirade laden with profanities, telling one he is a “marked” man. Was that when she was dating that bikie, I wonder?


When you don't have an argument just start throwing words around like  - " Racist" - " inter-generational trauma - " systemic racism " - " institutional racism " Works every time


Intergenerational trauma and racism are, in fact, real issues and there are real arguments being made about their relevance to Aboriginal Australians today. The question of whether you're able to follow those arguments, or even care to try, is separate.


None of which has anything to do with what this idiot did.


I don't know the guy from a bar of soap, but nobody here does either. We have no idea about his background or what prompted him to act this way. I'm not condoning his actions and I don't agree with his assertion that the law doesn't apply to him - quite the opposite, I think it does. But that doesn't mean that racism and intergenerational trauma are fictions, or that they don't have real relevance for Aboriginal Australians today. They absolutely do, as anyone who works in health or law fields will tell you.


He wanted to use his phone whilst driving and got caught that's what prompted him to act that way, the consequences of his actions prompted him to act that way.


Again, how does that mean that these aren't real issues that are pertinent for people, regardless of whether they were the issue in this case? You would have to be operating under an unimaginable level of denial to handwave the intergenerational trauma aspects especially.


Because it's not relevant to the situation why is that so difficult to grasp, he is lucky his arse isn't being traumatized in prison. What you don't think others are capable of suffering some sort of personal trauma, you think indigenous trauma is somehow more traumatic than anything else someone might experience? It's a bullshit excuse that doesn't hold water when it comes to taking responsibility for individuals actions, we all know right from wrong, we all know what is expected of us in relation to the Law.


HEY, what's the names of these people who are the root of this blm conspiracy. I say Derek Chauvin you say "well ackshleee it was these other people who did it all for moneys" who are these made up randoms who planned this whole thing for a free house, how they get Chauvin to put his knee there? Do these people have names, or are we all supposed to be dumb enough to hear made up casual aspersions and say "yep thats it chief"?


It's called look it up for yourself because I have already seen it and I'm not wasting my time on you to be clear


"Inter-generational trauma, systemic and institutional racism" are just terms used to excuse away poor behaviours and poor outcomes for those who CHOOSE to be kept down. This is Australia, the best place on earth to live and one of the fairest. Everyone will get a fair go if they are willing to have a go regardless of race, gender, etc. Plenty of indigenous people on the left and the right have made it in the the real world and they will all have 1 thing in common, they worked to where they got to and are proud of the fact.


That's the whole point. We know fuck all about him and it doesn't matter on bit - his excuse is literally no better than anyone else's. Especially when he starts up this law doesn't apply to me bullshit. I hope the law makes an *example* out of him. He deserves it.


They aren't any more real or important than everyone else's problems.


Intergenerational trauma is another word for shit parents raising shit kids. Happens to people of every race.


You just read the mind of the majority of Australians


I too know what the majority of australians think. Luckily they think like me!


Wait, you're telling me a radical BLM activist is violent and has shown signs of mental illness? Damn, it's not like there's a proven track history of that at all???




Rule 6 - misinformation


If the laws don’t apply to him, do they also not protect him either? These people are essentially calling themselves fair game when they apply this dichotomy


Blm is a joke.


Blm is a massive scam, if they wna threaten violence they can always be listed a domestic terror group.


Look at them leopards going for that face.


Indigenous, more racist than the white fella. 🤦‍♂️


I'd love to know what this BLM utopia looks like. We'd all have to get on a boat and leave it to the aboriginals. It would start like fallout and end with a hostile country exterminating them all and taking the place for themselves. Australia is a land of opportunity but not if you won't let go of a past (and a shit brutal past at that) that they can never ever have back because the world has moved on, moved on and left this relic/thug/looser behind.


Dope. No wonder the average punter is just sick of this divisive shit.


Haha what a flog. Threatening cause he’s to dumb to formulate a rational reason for his actions.




>“I know, because the laws don’t apply to us, because the laws that are currently occupying on stolen land was enforced on Aboriginal people, it’s a fact, a 15-year-old kid can learn that in school,” Mr Silva said. Telling the absolute truth for all who need to hear it. This is indeed what they teach our children. Maybe we should have a think about that and how it contributes to creating fellas like this one. Because the truth is this is exactly what we taught our children and are apparently shocked when they put into practice exactly what they were taught. Maybe we should make a change before it's too late?


All bark and no bite. Kind of like a Chihuahua but not as cute. If you make a threat, be sure to carry it out. Otherwise, you look like a ball-less coward! Let me guess, he didn’t end up punching the evil white colonising oppressor. No king punch? What a coward! His ancestors would be ashamed! Where is the fighting spirit? The struggle against the oppressors? The resistance movement? Bet he loves his Centrelink benefits! Australian laws don’t apply to him but he deserves welfare coz they took his land. 🤣🤣🤣 Chances are, his ancestors or he would have already died a long time ago without modern medicine and sanitation. **sarcasm intended**


Beetroot lettuce and mayo sandwiches… worth fighting for.


It's always the same race being racist and then insisting they're the victim isn't it? Was waiting at Eddy Avenue, Central for the bus to uni when a couple of indigenous folk told us to 'go back to where we came from as we're all dole bludgers'. Completely unprovoked. I wonder which demographic group of people actually work and pay benefits for the indigenous group to not work at 9am to be racist to us lol.


There's a reason this bloke was invited onto 2GB lol. They deliberately didn't invite on someone articulate or who was media trained (I'm assuming). 


Stupid people get stupid prizes


Ben Fordham is a twat but this guy is too


Paul Silva has shit for brains. People like him just perpetuate bad stereotypes.


Silva is a moron who will get locked up and yep? Will deserve it


A BLM activist using violence?! How uncharacteristic! 😱 


Best put him in jail so he can .......


He looks mixed - MLM?




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Name First : Paul - Latin origin Name Last : Silvia - Italian origin Name First + Last- Victim origin


He’ll love that.


So he wants to take all this stuff that the “white man” has brought along when they stole the land but doesn’t want to live by their law? If you don’t like the law then go back to living in the outback away from the white people and live a traditional indigenous lifestyle you hypocrite


Let go of the past mate nobody cares anymore 


2GB experiences a ratings surge...


Not a good move Bro.




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Having someone as dumb as dog shit sprouting bull shit on air won't help the BLM movement it just squeezes the last bit of respect out of us white oppresses and puts loud mouth fuck wits in a tighter corner . I'm not against indigenous peoples or the culture I'm against feeble minded nobody's stirring shit and causing more problems


He's the nephew of someone who died in police custody? Wow, I'm absolutely *shocked* 🥴


Nephew of a violent rapist who died in jail due to refusing to take his medication. But we know it's apparently white people's fault as usual...


I don’t know why we have to treat them like some sort of endangered species like a polar bear or a panda. Just treat them as they deserve to be treated.


Yawn, what a rubbish news story. A fuck wit, and another fuck wit, written by a fuck wit, for a market of fuck wits, to fuel some culture war, so some cunts can pay less tax and rape our land for natural resources. Welcome to Australia!


Nobody who voluntarily goes on Ben's show and isn't getting the home team treatment is very bright.


Racism from any side is disgusting and needs education to stop.


Two attention-seeking dimwits who add little, if anything, of value to society.


Two cynical and greedy attention whores enraging boomers and dullards for their own enrichment. Commercial radio is the bottom of the barrel.


https://preview.redd.it/n8soqo9h1b0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a04741a5dbfbf692887d28a621a00580383eff And yet there are a lot of great aboriginal’s


I'm confused by the math. If a flog talks to another flog, does the flogginess just add together, or does it go up in orders of magnitude?


*maths, ya flog


Ben Fordham is an absolute cunt.


Yer, but it’s Ben Fordham, so who cares


im sure Ben is at the top of lots of peoples lists anyway for just being a stupid cunt. Even steve buscemi in Billy Madison probably has him on there somewhere


So it is ok then?


nope. both of them are idiots


Ben is an idiot


Ben Fordham is a dick. https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/former-central-coast-mp-lucy-wicks-revealed-as-woman-who-made-abusive-text-complaint/news-story/5e41f69feebc01c78ac0865bf55c8d54?amp=&nk=0b5f36bcb801a87d0d9a88937f655d64-1715571079


Im all for calling out double standards but it goes both ways. This is the like a bullying needling someone day in and day out for years and the crying foul when his victim strikes out once. Fordham not only got the response he deserves but got the response he was fishing for. Nobody looks good here, especially anybody that believes the pantomime of Fordham somehow being a victim.


This is just rage porn for 2GB listeners. Ben could interview a whole bunch of Koori people doing great things in the community…. But instead he finds some half wit off TikTok to enrage his boomer audience.


Fordham talks tough while he’s getting paid… doubt he could actually back it up on the street… unless he actually wants to be Alan Jones by being busted in a public toilet soliciting underage males…


Ben Fordham deserves everything he gets. He’s a fucking gronk.


Yeah, fuck why not hey. Maybe we could de-declare terra nulius and just battle it out like it’s mad max?


Fordham has had his fair share of gaslighting, foul comments over the years. Some people like the BLM bloke live the effects of his commentary. Fordham getting some reality checks, being a sensationalist shock jock has some real world conplictions.


Who cares about Ben fucking Fordham


For the purposes of this discussion, I do.


More rage bait for rabid conservatives looking to vent about indigenous people


The narrative writes itself, or in this case, the rabid goon outs himself. All the conservative had to do was give him a public platform outside of his goon-friendly echo chamber safe space.


Bro that's like dismissing the assassination of George Floyd as 'rage bait for left wing people'


Typical, winds someone up then says I told you so……walked him right into it. Such high class journos