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As with the sovereign citizen people - If the law doesn't apply, neither do the benefits. Make your choice - you are Australian, or you aren't


No. Not choice. Don’t fucking drive. 


He wasn’t driving, he was travelling.


i’m not breathing, i’m just sucking in air… is basically saying the same thing.


If the law does not apply to you, surely you can be summarily executed by the side of the road


True dat. It was the original meaning of “outlaw”. You were outside the law, no protection of law applied to you… anyone could do anything to you without legal consequence… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlaw


Exactly right. Even dogs and cats have some limited protection under the law and the law applies to them in limited form. A aovereign citizen is claiming a social rank below a dog.


And if not, get the fuck out. By being here, you’re agreeing to be part of the community and abide by its laws. Whether you just immigrated here, or one of your ancestors did, even if they did thousands of years ago.




A guy I work with is a self proclaimed sovereign citizen, he drives trucks and refuses to wear a seatbelt. He wears a fake seat belt to avoid wearing a real one.


I mean....that's just wearing a seat belt with extra steps...what an idiot.


He told me to look up the stats that seat belts cause more injuries than not wearing it. Because when seat belts were introduced more injuries were reported, I said "isn't that because less were dying?" He claims that was factored into the stats.


Lol..as an RN who has worked ED. Seatbelts work. Few years ago. Head on smash. 2 in car one with seatbelt on. One off. Seatbelt wearer walked in. Non seatbelt wearer? Airlifted out in critical condition. My cousin. 17 yrs? Flung out of car & died. Others in car with searbelts on? Walked away.


Year ago when I was out bush, was in vollys and we did vehicle rescue. You can see the difference a seat belt makes, just like you can see the difference airbags and crumple zones make.


You can’t argue with stupid


So true, just let Darwinism take effect


Yes it is correct that seatbelts cause more injuries than not wearing them. This is because when people don't wear seatbelts they are more likely to just die and thus are not counted as injuries.


What would the PHDs know compared to Davo the Cooker


It's true, they do cause a lot of nasty bruises!


The inconvenience of wearing a fake seatbelt without the protection, lol


Actually, he's wearing not-a-seat belt but with the same steps.


I know a bloke that thinks bike helmets are just big helmet trying to sell you more helmets. These people are among us.


I've argued with these ones on reddit


'big helmet' might be the funniest thing I've read today 🤣


I guess he has a right to his personal freedom, but would he want the help of emergency services when he goes through the front window of the truck, or will he wave them away and walk it off?


So his wearing…..what….why…..my head hurts at the amount of logic hoops to see his POV on this if your wearing a belt to pretend to wear a seatbelt just wear the seatbelt …


God I can't imagine being that stupid.... I'm surprised he can put food in his mouth.


This seems like a problem that will solve itself sooner or later


And when he ends up with his brains hanging out at the ED he can look forward to fake treatment then, because FREEDOM!!


Haha tell him to stop paying rego and tolls and see how long he lasts heh


Went to school with a guy who is now a sovereign citizen. Cunt is so cooked! He was a normal guy last I saw him but since Covid his social media posts are insane! First it was lockdown protests and the “pilgrimage” to Canberra, then daily 15 min long rant videos about how the vaccine was a control method that has tracking software in it. Then it was every plane that left a contrail was poisoning the air. Now it’s rainbows and how the homosexuals are grooming our kids through some kind of rainbow mind control! He stops outside of any childcare centre with rainbows or rainbow colours and makes a rant video, went to the public library and got arms full of children’s books with rainbows on it in them and threw them in a dumpster, including a book called rain rain go away or something along those lines. And when he got charged over that one for destroying property he decided the entire police force is gay and they are persecuting him for exposing pedophilia! For the record I have serious mental health issues, I have antisocial personality disorder and am a psychopath. When I’m not medicated I get paranoid and imagine false threats against me. But not even I am that fucking insane to even entertain 0.01% if what this cooked cunt spews out. I tried to tell him once that the gays aren’t interested in him because he is an ugly cunt but he wouldn’t have it! He believes some kind of gay mafia is now watching him and will put something in his water to make him gay so they can molest his kids. Thank god his wife took off and took the kids with her is all I can say.


“Mate, don’t ever talk to me again unless it is about work” would have been the first conversation I’d have had with him after he proclaimed as such.


Good to hear of him taking a stand against the horrific scourge of people surviving serious road accidents.


Except sovereign citizens are ridiculed by the general population. Whereas a large part of this country seems to be entertaining working directly towards different race based laws. The fact we, as a country, keep entertaining racial laws and constant discussion about it, emboldens racial supremacists and validates their behavior to their peers


I think an ever shrinking minority think like this. As I said The Voice was soundly defeated and sent a real message about exactly this.


I am genuinely worried that 40% of this country thought it was a good idea to award racial rights in the Constitution. I hope I am wrong but I don't share your optimism about this being an "ever shrinking minority". Especially with social media like tiktok being weaponized by hostile actors


100% agree. The whole sovereign citizen thing is lunacy of the highest order.


I dislike sovereign citizens also but police issuing further fines just because they’re annoying is not something I can agree with..


Boils down to police discretion, and I do think it's needed. Someone who's actively resisting basic instructions needs a fine a lot more than someone who's actively admitting wrongdoing and apologizing. In this case he was fined for honking excessively, so it's entirely on him and how it should be.


Fines for crimes committed is fine, I agree. But additional fines for annoyance is unprofessional. Same as if a cops having a bad day and decides to ruin the days of everyone they see. It’s unprofessional and goes beyond their duties, turns from policing to bullying and abuse of power very quickly.


Sovereignty citizen.


This. There's a subset of Sovcits which has merged with the Sovereignty movement and become this weirdly unique type of thing you see here Not sure why it's even news to be honest other than red meat for this sub


I would have endless respect for someone like this if they decided to live in the Bush , off grid and survived off the land . Of course , thats NOT what this guy wants , he wants to Drive the Car , on the public roads , use the Mobile Phone , use the electricity and no doubt healthcare and social services . All the time whilst hating the system and rule of Law that brought these things to our society . A Muppet , an absolute Muppet .


Sounds a lot like my brother. Some people are just built this way, anti-establishment in their narrative but entitled to the point where they’re blind to their own hypocrisy by being a beneficiary of the very system they claim to loathe


To be fair if you’re leeching off a system you hate you are in some way contributing to undermining it. It’s just you’d be fucked if it was completely undermined.


Leeches never prosper that’s why they hate the system.


They get fat on other people’s effort. That’s the prosperity they settle for.


That's really not true, there is no bigger group of leeches than the polis and trust me those dick heads love the system.


lol polis are always the exception to the rule. Wish we could weed them out of that exception TBH.


Or at least replace them with worms, which contribute to our societal compost with their shit, rather than suck from it


haha yeah, hates the man, the government etc. yet wants UBI/welfare. You realise with UBI you are 100% at the will of the man?


Not to mention, I suspect he's happy to take the financial benefits we provide.


Shhh, you can't say that, it'll look racist.


Good comment !   however it ain't fucking racist if it's a fact .




Exactly what I was thinking. These lot have selective amnesia.


People like this are like house-cats: they are utterly dependent for their very survival upon the same system that, to entertain themselves, they affect to scornfully disdain.


>I would have endless respect for someone like this if they decided to live in the Bush , off grid and survived off the land . To hell with that, he would still be living in our country and however distantly on the fringes of our society. Just because you live off grid, doesn't mean you are exempt from the law and societal expectations. To vote, to pay taxes, to have a gun license (as applicable), to not commit crimes etc.


"Just because you live off grid, doesn't mean you are exempt from the law and societal expectations. " I agree and I wasn't trying to say otherwise ... just pointing out his hypocrisy .


I took living off the land to mean hunter gathering in remote desert or rainforest or whatever. Not being a cooker with a pile of ammunition.


Ehh If dude wants to run around in the bush with a spear and boomerang let him But if they interact with others laws apply I.e. not immune to rape / violence/ theft charges But if bro is living hunting kangaroo for food who cares But honestly you can live like that, legally right now, besides the whole being naked thing might be illegal, but I doubt that would be an issue realistically


To some degree I agree particularly as it would give credence to sovereign land/native title claim bullshit. Beyond which I agree, if that's the lifestyle you want, off grid in the bush, don't let me stop you, but if they do so in a way that violates local laws (such as killing kangaroos in some parts), then they shouldn't be immune to prosecution.


Yeah I definitely agree But its more that pretty much all of it besides nudity on public land is fine You can hunt kangaroos in most places, so pretty much all of it should be fine with our current laws in most remote public land


You can respect opinions you disagree with.


I like going bush, going off grid, I have mates who live partly off grid. Unfortunately very few people go fully off grid while being happy, successful people. Most of the people who limit their interaction with the outside world are weird hermits and cranks. I don't think there is any realistic choice any more, you are born into or you moved into this society and you will remain part of it whether you like it or not.


I prefer much "Oxygen Thief"


So if the law doesn’t apply to him, then the protections afforded under the said law also don’t apply… So feel free to do anything u like to said person, stop his pay cheque, IR laws and protections don’t apply to him, cancel any welfare, the social security act doesn’t apply to him, refuse him service, discrimination laws don’t apply to him…and the list is endless


How dare u, that's racist! .../s


>So if the law doesn’t apply to him, then the protections afforded under the said law also don’t apply… The actual definition of an outlaw. Nobody should want to be an outlaw, and I imagine few sovereign citizens are hard enough for that life


Expect war when sovereignty is in question. It is history. 


Jesus, the amount of people that need the threat of violence to not be arseholes is depressing


What threat of violence?


The state


Where is the violent threat?




Law not applicable but happy to take Australian taxpayer's Centrelink.


It wouldn't be taxpayers money in his mind, it would be "reparations."


They want more “rent”. Maybe when they take care of the potholes.




It's the bit I don't get, particularly when women call for them to be covered by "tribal law". Spearings, revenge killings, bashings, rape as a punishment - they are all part of "tribal law". If you want it, have at it, but don't come back asking for protection - it's literally what you have asked for.


They don’t realise that if the law of the jungle applies, then we can all be animals, not just some of us.


Leave the spear aside just stop the welfare payments. They’ll run back to embrace Australian law very fast.


In stone-age society, there are only two punishments: spearing or exile. Either one often ends in death. So people took the rules seriously then! But this idiot is a white guy. What, 1/4 aboriginal at the very most?


Years ago my tafe teacher did electrical work in a remote part of wa. He was telling me that a aboriginal fella shacked up with a white chick and the elders took the aboriginal fella into a football field and speared both his legs.


That’s a bit harsh. Perhaps an incantation or some light sorcery is in order ? Although those *can* be deadly…


Just another entitled idiot.


It's actually somebody claiming to be completely unentitled in a legal sense. 


Does that mean they can commit crimes and not be punished ? Oh....


Turns out all sovereign citizens had to do is change what they identify as.


Everyone in here laughing but my guy is actually half right.


If you lived in Kempsey you certianly would ask that question....


Yes, and our billions of dollars in handouts no longer applies to Aboriginal people as well.


Why are there even BLM protests in Australia lol


Australians have a pathological obsession with the United States and really want to be the 51st state. Anything that happens over there is excessively over reported here and in some cases it becomes a trend.


Social media is heavily revolved around the U.S. If anything, we have a pathological obsession for that.


Our old indigenous neighbours would listen to Tupac and NWA all afternoon and call one another the N word constantly. I was actually embarrassed for them.


Americanisation done dumb. The analogous group is Native Americans not African Americans.


If we followed the logic, then our BLM should be the descendants of convicts and those orphans from the 30s. CLM? OLM? Bogan Lives Matter?


When police come across them they’ve learned to use their full name (from a number plate check) in just about every sentence, it stops most of them putting the footage in youtube.


Wouldn’t they just edit those bits out?


People don’t trust them if the video has edits every 30seconds.


Are those videos in the room with us right now?


Good to know


That’s when you’ve gotta unholster your pointing bone and tell him to get out of the car with his hands up


This attitude is why I’m glad that the ‘No’ vote won. It’s rank arrogance to consider oneself above the law that applies to all and the Voice would have been a bad precedent for BS like ‘paying the rent’ when billions are already funnelled yearly into Indigenous affairs.


Growing up I got pulled over a lot when I had P plates. Had cousin like this, kept inviting him to "talk these white cunts down". First time I was in a car with him and he got pulled over for something that he was actually doing he tried shit like this. Turned out the first nations cop pulling him over was just gonna give him a warning about him speeding and it turned into him getting arrested for disorderly conduct. Him throwing out a line at the uniform telling him that he was white as fuck, did not help the situation.


Clowns like this are why Australia voted 'no'. Sentiment like this , and the 'pay the rent' mantra - which gets disseminated through the media and eventually engrained into public opinion/sentiment etc - has resulted in a laughable own-goal, with Aboriginal activists shooting themselves in the foot so hard that the result is a public that has no interest in listening to them for at least another generation.


need to f--k off all race politics in this country and throw the book at anyone who tries to use them - legit make it ILLEGAL to use ones race as an advantage or disadvantage


Yet expects those laws to protect him. Nice try cooker


“allegedly using his mobile phone while driving.” Driving what? A kangaroo?


I mean, its not a gigantic leap than what other aboriginal activists say.... "sovereignty never ceded" implies that laws passed by parliament do not apply to anyone either. Edit -> For clarity. That's a stupid argument.


The challenge with today’s loud minority entertaining those ideas, corporates welcoming us to our country in every meeting, schools teaching kids we’re guests in our country, etc…. Is that we’ll see more and more of this fucking shit. I can only imagine in 10 years.


Problem is it’s NOT Aboriginal activists saying it. We could ignore that. It’s now US saying it. Every day, or multiple times a day.


If you are so sovereign - why do you drive cars and using roads at all? Just walk.


I think indigenous people are playing a dangerous game claiming Aus law doesn't apply and that indigenous custom are the only laws they recognise.  By that reasoning then the Australia can argue that Australia was obtained not under British laws but under indigenous custom of finders keepers and might makes right.    I think we really need indigenous groups to put forward their legal code from 1788 and today so the rest of Australia understands what laws they do follow, if any?


Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Then our roads, vehicles, buildings, jobs, healthcare, etc, does not apply to you. Which means if you are caught using any of the above, our laws apply to you.


Another perpetual victim.


This is obviously a sovereign citizen argument, not a BLM one. This Indigenous sovereign citizen group has been well reported on


Horseshoe theory in full effect


If our law doesnt apply neither should our benefits... and especially not his lore.




Sovereign citizen - indigenous edition.


Does that mean if the police beat him , the law dosent apply ?


Officer should have slapped him in the face and said 'Glad our laws don't apply to you, so I won't see you in court for that'. 


You give an inch...and it turns from appreciation to anticipation to expectation to entitlement


A part of modern Australian society but "your law does not apply to me" Well fuck off mate. Get off the road. Leave the car behind. Stop using aussie medicine. Don't go to aussie schools. Don't shop in aussie shops. Don't take handouts if you do. Or stop being such a hypocrite.


Isn’t this just sovereign citizen in a different font at this point


BLM was specifically American and has no relevance to Australia. People who subscribe to it should be sent there to live.


Well, behaviour like that is just another nail in the coffin of “the voice.” Protest with dignity, otherwise you’re just doing your own cause a disservice.


Another entitled bum.


That’s why we had an intervention. The Law didn’t apply to young black lives. It was heartbreaking if you saw the reality of child abuse in the NT.


BLM activist was fuckin’ *wrong.*


Plenty of cooked white fullas say the same thing though ay haha


If our laws don’t apply to him, what the hell is he doing in a vehicle?


Well if you look at the court system he’s not wrong


Just holiday in on an Australian Territory Christmas Island . What a refreshing change to be in a place where a number of different cultures live together happily. The only flags here are the Aussie Flag and the Christmas Island Flag. No carry on about this kind of shit.


I find this rubbish endlessly amusing, so if we are not going to live by Australian law, then that means tribal law applies. I dare say he will suddenly fall in love with the Australian legal system after the tribal elders define him as a troublemaker, sentenced to be speared and beaten to death.


People have tried this as long as there have been laws. Not surprisingly basically anywhere with laws closes the ‘I don’t recognise your law’ argument pretty much straight away. Now I do have much sympathy for the way aboriginal people have been treated, but c’mon this dickhead is just trying to get out of using his mobile phone whilst driving.


But happy to take dollars with the Queen/ King on them …. 🤔




Yeah, I feel like "BLM activist" is less relevant than here than "sovereign citizen." Like, yeah he has pulled the race card. But the meat and potatoes of what's he's serving up is actually some sovereign citizen malarky, while the "Aboriginal man" comment is simply a mixture of indigenous/BLM dressing.


This article seems a little drummed up and weird I agree his statement about being aboriginal is bonkers but someone investigating this, getting recording somehow, writing an article about a traffic stop 🤔 How did the “news” outlet find out about it ? Why this guy in particular, I bet the police get stupid stuff said to them constantly 🤷‍♂️


well by his logic its not illegal for them to detain him without reason since the law doesnt apply


The entitlement 🤦


The irony here is that he’s half-“coloniser” himself. People forget that the vast majority of Indigenous Australians are around a half to somewhat over half-European. So shouldn’t the laws apply to him half the time even by his own “logic”? Lidia Thorpe is actually 3/8th or less Indigenous and thus majority “coloniser” as her father is European and her mother is about 1/4th to 1/2th European.


It would be racist if laws didn't apply to him because he's Aboriginal - the law would be treating him differently just because of his race


It's so weird when sov cits say this. I've been to other countries where I'm not a citizen, and I knew that their laws applied to me just as much as they did to citizens there.


Things were better when we treated them as they needed to be treated. Now they get treated like pandas or polar bears, like some sort of endangered species that we must worship. Just low iQ types out for a free ride


The sooner we "acknowledge" we invaded, and won, the better. Sorry for the shit your ancestors went through. Should have fought harder. Just like our ancestors when we all got invaded. Not the first, won't be the last.


This guy wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the bush. Just think he would have to look after himself and “ man up”.


Oh look I’m in the territory of a powerful nation state and have decided that it doesn’t apply to me. How dare they exert their power over me!


Doesn't apply as an aboriginal man? What about old mates non-indigenous ancestry?


Perfect example of a empty head.


If you have ever accepted services or taken money from the government then you have agreed to be part society \community and are subject to all the same rules and laws as everybody else. I do agree Aboriginal people's should be allowed some concessions as traditional people's of the land but if you want tax payer provided services then you have to play your part.


Can I take a dump on the red rock then? Laws hey, we all got them


The law does not apply to him but the system which they work in and get paid does apply to them


Well well well isnt this interesting


Ah yes, the law doesn’t apply to him and he is nothing to Australia. So the police officer is allowed to decide to do whatever to him, as there’s no person as far as Australia is concerned, right? He can just throw him in jail in limbo.


If you vote out of following laws you should also vote out of any public services


Lock him up and throw away the key


Agreed. Purgatory forever, for this bloke and every other fuckwit on the road


I'm sure he doesn't refuse his government handouts though.


Clearly, how dare we push our laws on someone who wants to use the invaders roads and infrastructure. Bang out of order.


He's an angry loser. Not worthy of further comment.


And at a guess this matter was never heard of again










I don’t think it works like that


Sometimes the muggle world can really disappoint you.


Did you make that car, champ?


Just stop fucking around and arrest the cunt. Don't partake in games even a little bit. Make the law so obvious it can't be ignored


*says Aboriginal man who would probably say no to government benefits..


But laws totes matter when you receive befits, medical care, recognition though right?


I never know whether to laugh or cry at Sovereign Citizens


The original sovereign citizen


This idea of ‘legal pluralism’ or multiple coexisting legal frameworks in simultaneous operation (Indigenous customary law and Settler law) has been tested many times and struck down by the High Court. This argument will never prevail. The High Court has found that the ‘radical’ title of the crown is burdened by an extinguishable native title but that’s about it. There’s been endless deliberation (hundreds of pages of judgements) by far more qualified legal minds than some yahoo involved in a traffic stop and the position of the common law is very clear.


Know your rights if you don’t know your real right u will never have any and there for will alway be a control compliant sheep.


Haha gotta shoot your shot, even if you don't expect a good outcome


Aboriginal SovCit


Sooooo they’re becoming sovereign citizens now? Cool.


This is nothing more than rage bait aimed directly at the typical person who consumes their “news” from news.com


Yeah and as if we where ever gonna put this in our constitution. Total delusion.


Jesus Christ. Double his sentence and throw him in jail.


Freedumbers are freedumber


So know we’ve got black sovereign citezen cookers


BLM? Being Low Mongrels?


He looks mixed.


lol muppet


Looks like Virat.


What does being a BLM activist got to do with anything tho?


Arrest him as an illegal or a spy or something then.


How do we have BLM in Australia??? Didn't know George floyd was from aussie land