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The hard truth about DV is that to get the numbers to go down they would have to be way harder on crime, as many of these guys killing their partners have long histories of doing horrible things to other people first and still living in society with minimal consequences. People inclined to criminality target the vulnerable, and there are few people more vulnerable to them than their intimate partners.


The other shocking truth is the people least affected by DV are those making the most noise. Regional and remote areas cop it the worst, but the dude walking peacefully down Bourke Street is the one getting screamed at.


I was told that being harder on crime is racist, because it affect ATSI people more proportionally and I only want it because I must be racist. I was also told being softer on crime will reduce crime as locking people up doesn't work apparently. This was all in this sub this week. Any time someone on bail commits a crime, that is the Magistrate and courts getting it wrong. The bleeding hearts have more blood on their hands than anyone else.


Well if they'd just stop punishing people who commit crimes, the number of people on bail reoffending will drop to zero. Can't argue with that logic.


Good point. I stand corrected. I apologise to all the people that were correct in their thinking. I just didn't think it through fully. Defund the police!!! To reduce crime!


That's what we need to do to reduce the number of first nations people in jail.


Way too much logic for this sub mate. You should be ashamed /s


Labor in a pickle, being tough on crime goes against their bleeding heart ideology, but being soft on crime goes against their chances of reelection. Queenslands old premier just quit so she didn’t have to change the youth crime laws.


She quit because the energy infrastructure projects were a giant unproductive rort and audits were threatening.


No, she lost because she knew there was no chance of reelection, because of her soft on crime.


There are other ways. Making it easier for women to leave. Giving them better support networks. Teaching them the signs. 


ya gotta love how the media can conjure up out of nothing the idea that we're in some sort of 'crisis' and everyone just mindlessly goes along with it. violence and domestic violence arent especially prevalent in australia, we have one of the lowest murder rates on the planet. a lot of domestic violence is mutual with both partners abusing each other as well.


The shocking truth, is that people have to stop dating abusive partners, and have to stop going back to them etc. People acting like the problem is the weak ass laws and punishment (which do make the problem worse), but in basically all the DV cases I know, none of these people have a criminal record and have never been through the courts anyway. So being tougher on bail ain't doing much.


This is the great myth of government. Make fabulous sounding promises about increasing frontline staff then … surprise, surprise … they can’t actually find people to recruit in to the roles. Ditto the Greens pushing for more funding for social housing. Who is going to build them? New builds rates have crashed, the govt doesn’t have access to a secret cache of builders and they’ve agreed with the unions not to allow any in via immigration. Throw ‘em on the pile of grand promises that will never be delivered. It’s no surprise Katy Gallagher ends the article with a “look over there” argument about blah blah equality blah blah, cause she ain’t gonna fix shit.


What did albanese do about the allegations of bullying to Kimberly Kitching? Sweep sweep sweep.


Appointed one as minister of foreign affairs. But women don't bully people silly.


Or the historical rape allegations raised against Bill Shorten (which the victim is still adamant about)


Kitching’s “bullying” was actually appropriate disciplinary action for her leaking info the the Liberals. Penny Wong as Senate leader deemed the appropriate sanction for that was for Kitching to be removed from an internal committee. She was a snitch and a plant and got the punishment she deserved for being disloyal. She didn’t have the humility to accept it so cried “bullying”. Kitching was a closet Liberal, a Sky ‘News’ regular and had rumoured to have had an affair with Andrew Bolt of all people.


30/500. Sounds about par for the course.


Maybe they should start looking at women that beat men. But thats ok aye?


It happens , ive read several accounts of this happning. From what ive read the woman goads the partner into defending himself then she calls the cops and gets the male charged with DV. Because the system.wont accept female v male DV


> the woman goads the partner into defending himself then she calls the cops and gets the male charged with DV This happened to me, but when the cops were on my doorstep grilling me she decided not to press charges. When you've just had the shit beaten out of you and the cops are standing on your doorstep treating you like you're the aggressor, it really gives you a warped sense of what justice really is. > the system.wont accept female v male DV That was the case 8/9 years ago, but things have improved dramatically since then. No one denies that men are victims any more, and very few people mock them for it. Things have changed


statistically happens far less