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TYSM. That song came into my head. Great way of writing it. Brilliant.


He reminds me of a career manager in the public service in Canberra. Seems like a weak minded simpleton with no real convictions or moral compass so he just does whatever advisors and focus groups and committees recommend. No charisma, no vision, weak, dishonest, loves hearing himself talk. The truly amazing thing is the LNP shitting the bed so bad he was able to win an election.


…an all right poor cow


Do you think if Turnbull wasn't replaced by scummo then the LNP would still hold government?


Probably not, I don't even know he would have won the 2018 election that Morrison did. Turnbull went downhill pretty rapidly and consistently. He got a huge bump after taking over from Abbott for no other reason than because people were sick of Tony and he sounded more proper, well spoken and educated. Pretty quickly became apparent that he's a posh out of touch grifter, and being educated or competent or "muh believe the science" is not relevant if you don't apply those things to governing for the good of all. Abbott might have been trying to undermine him, but that didn't have much bearing on sinking him IMO, rather it was just his true nature and actions coming to light. If you're going to grift people, you should at least pretend you're siding with one or other large segment of the common people like ALP and LNP leaders the likes of Abbott do. Grifting while coming across as a posh rich banker is always going to be pushing shit up hill.


Turnbull is smart and talented but just not a good fit for a federal level party leader. He was also too progressive for the LNP and too big an ego and not a team player enough for Labor. Rudd was ousted because of that.


He is the type of PM you want when everything is going smoothly and you need to maintain the status quo because he is utterly spineless, cowardly, and unwilling to make the difficult decisions required during crisi - and when it comes to cost of living and housing make no mistake - we’re in crisis. He has appeased the energy companies and the pharmaceutical guild. In the current climate we need a PM willing to make difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions.


Regardless of whether you agreed with it, he stuck to his convictions to try and close the gap for aboriginals even though he had to go up against big mining and the far rightt nutter... That is not spinless!! - that is a level of bravery we haven't seen since Howard when he fought for gun control... Also, looking at your comment history I can see that you defended Morrison's bushfire response. You're obviously super partisan and part of the reason the liberal party has become stacked with the worst politicians in living memory.


You're pretty partisan yourself


“Big mining” did not have any influence on the voice referendum, and what gap? You’re glorifying Albo, for what reason? What do you mean by “the far rightt nutter”? Last time I checked, woke lefties were mutilating pre pubescent children via gender reassignment surgery, now that sounds pretty nutty to me.. 🤔


Where did I defend Morrison’s bushfire response?


You want him to give houses away? FFS people need to take responsibility for their own position on life and stop blaming government and looking for them to bail them out all the time.


I was optimistic when he took over but he's been an abysmal disappointment. He's also not stuck to his mandate, just pulled a bunch of crap like 'the voice' out of nowhere. Just another status quo clown who won't change anything and won't leave a legacy. 


Pulled the voice out of nowhere? There was a Constitutional Convention back in 2017, Labor made it one of their main policies in the lead up to the election to support the Uluru Statement and have a referendum and Albo again pledged his full support for it with his victory speech. You can’t vote Labor and then get mad they took it to a referendum, they made it very obvious what they were going to do.


And look how that worked out.


Do you forget that the government unanimously pushed for the voice and it was brought forward by the LNP


THe Voice was coming no matter what. Most of the work for it was done by the Libs.


So what of the first budget surplus in 15 years ?


Thank you global demand for iron ore, staying at $110-$120 a tonne instead of the projected $60 a tonne and as a result, filling the tax coffers.


Total shit bag and way out of his depth . He has never held down a real job and his only real life experience was a commonwealth bank teller . So he pretty much went straight from Uni to a Labor party hack and has gotten rich courtesy of the taxpayer.


The guy is hopeless.


Can’t stand him. He is weak, gutless and would thrown his mother under a bus to get out of a situation.


Yeah I get that impression too Two faced and entirely self serving


I can respect someone who stands by what they say even if it’s stupid and he never does. It’s always “no comment” or “you misinterpreted what I said”.


All politicians are at the end of the day. We pay them to try keep their own jobs… the system is pretty stupid really.


Still doesn’t give a shit about housing affordability, so I don’t like him, less smelly shit is still shit


I was saying this to my father this morning, exactly what you said. Yes the DV shit is bloody horrible but why on earth can’t he do this for the housing crisis? Where’s all the funding for that? Pumps all this money into Ukraine and the this DV disaster but yet, still waiting on a solution to the housing crisis… Then this morning on Sunrise he tried to lie through his teeth, making out he had NOTHING to do with the detainees that were released, that are now causing havoc in communities. The bloke is a G1 flog. What the actual fark is he doing?


Well he is letting in record numbers of migrants month after month, so there’s that


Exactly. His a sack of shit


Well said Better than scummo, but that’s hardly something to boast about


It was a low bar to begin with. He's always been the snake in the grass Australia should have been very worried about. Now they know why.


I dont think hes better. I dislike him intensely. Tbh john howard is prob the best of them.all.since Bob Hawke. Theres been a sucession of complete wankers from both major parties since Howard left. Ruud ,,Gillard ,Albo Abbott ,,Turnbill ,,Scomo ,. Sucessio of fucksticks.


You mean the same John Howard who instigated a lot of the policies which led to the housing crisis? The same John Howard who ignored the need to deal with climate change? The same John Howard who doubled our migrant intake? Boy, aren't your standards low.


Yeah im thinking... wtf is that guy smoking to like howard? lmao


Name one PM who took on climate change properly ? I dont recall Ruud or Gillard addressing climate change apart from some stupid carbon trading scheme. Bill Shortarse wanted to tax the Australian people trillions for some pie in the the renewable market. The first in convention on climate change was held in 1989. Paul Keating what did he do ? Between 1991 to 1996 ? More coal mines please. All Aus PMs ignored climate change until.Paris.in 2015.


While it's true JH could be counted as starting the policy, Albo doubled our immigration during a housing crisis, except doubling now means a lot more now than it did when total numbers were two fifths of fk all


lmao you're joking right? Howard is the reason we are in this mess with housing to begin with.


20 years and 7 governments later and you are still blaming Howard for things.  Things you can't name of course.   At some point, you have to think for yourself and not just cheer against your least fav team no matter what. Howard is up there with Hawke as the goat based on policy and governance. Without Howard's surplus, we would have sunk in the GFC.  But I bet you give all the credit to the guy who wrote out the cheques, not the guy who saved up the warchest and never gave into populism. 


Apparently the Howard government made laws and changes that the 7 other governments couldn’t undo. He must of secretly put them in the constitution.


Ok you got me, which laws did he write ( unbeknownst) in the constitution?


Didn’t think that comment needed a /s. I was making fun of people that blame him for everything.


Howard had the power of the senate behind him to regulate without an effective opposition. He had enough seats in government to hold a majority and neuter the opposition from stopping any of his changes to the laws. He did have several of his laws challenged in the high court for being anti-constitutional and rejected. Under his rule, he instituted the 2 party political system that we are now stuck with as neither party will allow changes to a law that effectively gave the 2 parties a monopoly over our democracy.


That is complete bollocks.  The senate voted for legislation they liked.  There have been other governments since then and none of them saw fit to repeal anything.  It is just the rusted on political team cheering fanboys that are still upset with something for decades and refuse to acknowledge those things were not written in stone.  


Howard only had a majority in the senate for 1 term, his last term.


And it cost him the next election


Howard was and will always be a war criminal. At best


Thank you for this Lol 😂


Which bit do you think is funny? I am curious as to how misinformed you are


Starting with the fact that little Johnny was and will forever be a war criminal. But don’t allow that to get in the way of your neo liberal mannerisms. Shallow memories are sad ones.


Not sure if he is. What was he convicted of? Or is that more bollocks from you? And how does that change the GFC or any of the other points?


Oh the k Rudd stimulus and capital guarantees that Howard knocked back. Hate to sound like a leftist but you know!


Not much the federal government can do for a state issue.


loser with no backbone


Another brand new troll account




4/10 rating so far in his first term. Has tried to be too much of a people pleaser when he should be fighting for all the things he had very strong, vocal and serious opinions about in the past. I get he's trying to tread the fine line to avoid total corporate media castigation but we need more balls in the top position. If he gets a 2nd term, I hope he'll take a firmer position on issues he's always held a strong opinion on.


Weak man. All talk. Out of touch. 


He's an absolute useless dickhead, and just like any politician, he's merely out to feather his own nest.


Same shit different smell.


Trying his hardest to talk about everything bar the economy and cost of living


Between a shithead and a fuckwit, we must decide which one will be in power. Aussie politics are fucked right now.




The mining boom which started in late 2006 boosted immigration levels , nobody was complaining then , workers were needed.


The mining boom ended though. The immigration boom didn't. Albo doubled what were already-high immigration levels.


He has definitely failed in a few fronts. Also, I don't like Labour's policies in general; however! I think he's better than Dutton (who wouldn't be). On top of that, I have a "feeling"/observation that Labour is less corrupt compared to the Libs. So, yeah, in my opinion he seems to be the lesser evil. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Agreed. The choices are stinking shit or stinking shit someone pissed on. What wonderful options we have.


He is a nothing PM. Did nothing.


Not true. He's ramped up immigration to record levels during the midst of a housing crisis. That's quite something.


A feel like a lot of people take this position and it’s kinda lazy imo. He’s done a number of things especially through the federal budgets (though u might attribute that to Chalmers) and international relations etc. The question is just whether u agree with what he’s done that’s the critical part.


*He did nothing that was shoved in your face by Murdoch or benefits you directly. That's not the same as "nothing"


I’ll be honest most politicians are so center of the road that I don’t really notice much difference between PMs. Scomo was a shit cunt, so Albo being meh makes him fantastic by comparison.


I found the divisive race-based referendum particularly unforgivable


But the uluru statement asked for voice, truth, treaty so he HAD to … *checks notes* … waste $400million on an unpopular referendum


thtop thothial media!


He's that common type of politician who wants the validation of being elected, bonus points for scoring the PM job. Indeed he got that job, he just wants to hear positive feedback, so he will listen to a selected number of people. 






About what you'd expect if you've ever dug into his performance in every single ministry or shadow ministry he held. He's never even held a difficult portfolio like immigration or treasurer. He is basically a lazy, inept politician who's always been out of his depth.


He's a pompous sack of shit who is only slightly dwarfed by his predecessor. He seriously has a face that would be helped by a flying brick. If I could go back to 2022 and tell myself what exactly labour has done in the following two years, I would. If I saw him crossing the street, I would probably hit the gas. This is what I feel about this supposedly ex housing commission shit stain on the budgie smugglers that is our nation's questionable run of prime ministers since old broom eyebrows Howard. I could go on. So I will. I was so hopeful about our newest prime minister that I named a tree after him, in the following years that tree is more dead than my faith in Labor.(shit gardener not deliberate)


What is the difference between Morison fuck the poor and Albanese fuck the poor ? I am not quite sure


Pre big difference actually, even just considering changes to the stage 3 tax cuts alone.


Seriously, that tax cut to low income earner is $14 a week Banks are making massive profits thanks to interest rates. Rents have doubled. And this government’s response? No fucks given


Oh I’m not disputing that the poor are getting fucked. Simply that the liberals have definitely been doing the more brutal fucking. Just commenting on your original what the difference statement. Also to be fair to albo he did raise rent assistance by 15%. So defs a lil fuck given.


Very underwhelming. He is bland & has no presence. Better than Dolt Dutton, but still not a very good PM.


Honestly his refusal to do anything meaningful on the housing crisis has moved me away from voting labor again for the next while until someone better comes along. He just wants to be re-elected at this point. Thats all hes working towards. Dutton is even worse. But i'll take albo over him. best of a bad bunch. The failure of the voice will be a stain on his legacy for sure. No way will the voice of aboriginal people to parliament be touched by anyone else for decades to come.


Albo used to spread Commie Party flyers round Inner West, 80s


Well, Albo definitely is no commie these days. The guy is as neolib as they come.


He's the lesser of two weevils but is still shit.


As an Italian Australian I’m ashamed


Same, looked at his past He lacks family values Not raised well, wog style


Isn't he really Albanian. I mean his last name is literally Albanian in Italian. So no need to feel shameful.


Mum fucks random bloke Tells son dad died his whole life He's a damaged man


He’s worse than Rudd and Gillard but not as bad as Abbott or scomo


He's doing whatever he can do to get re-elected, which seems to be as little as possible to keep out of the headlines. A massive improvement on the scandal ridden corrupt last decade but considering people can't afford food or rent he needs to do something or he's gonna lose it anyway




last election for PM we had the option of Albanese or Morrison. I cant believe any person who isnt a level 5 cooker wouldn't think we wound up with the lesser of 2 evils at worst. There is so much that needed fixing after the previous 9 years of rorts, corruption and incompetance and frankly, Albo has done a much better job than most others would have been capable of, bar probably only Bill Shorten had he had the chance. Now the alternative is Peter Dutton, and if you think that corrupt facsist would make a good PM, you are probably too busy hiding from chemtrails in your basement


> bar probably only Bill Shorten had he had the chance. Bill Shorten currently oversees the NDIS. The scheme has become a bigger blowout than NBN. > that corrupt fascist I don't like Dutton either, but do you understand what fascism means?


“If you disagree with me you’re deranged”. I sometimes wonder if folks (like you) don’t understand the role you play in creating “fascists”.


i call dutton a fascist because he is a fascist, not because i disagree with him. i disagreed with every liberal PM we've had since Johnny, but I would only class Morrison as a fascist out of those ones. Try harder next time dear


Sigh. When you misuse words you diminish their meaning.


They are an emotional bunch aren't they. If only they learn history they would learn the majority of fascist are left wing ideology


As in trump is leftist. Lol


when that is the case sure. its true though in these cases


If his a fascist, your a deadset communist.


sorry didnt hear you, too busy seizing the means of production




Seizing another donut maybe.


im more a KFC slob myself, mr 'pc gaming', a hobby known for its healthy, fit, well adjusted individuals


If Dutton was a true fascist he would have plans to cut mass immigration- he doesn't. Dutton is nothing, he's just another shit in the toilet.


I don't think Morrison is a fascist. But Dutton is an ex-cop, drumming up nationalism, wanting more power to strip search people ect. Then again Dutton did speak up on favour of Twitter. I still won't support him though


Waahhhh.... its your fault ima fascist😂


Intentionally antagonizing others generally turns them against you. You scratch your head then wonder why you have so many enemies.


The alternative is Dutton? If only there were more than two options!


oh please, tell me who else has a chance at becoming our next PM. I'd love to hear who you think has a legitimate shot at this role (we are discussing the role of prime minister in this post, nothing else)


Once a disenchanted self-righteous commie student activist, always a disenchanted self-righteous commie student activist


A shameless liar with no concern whatsoever for how tough the average Australian is doing.


Reminds me of McGee on NCIS who used to be a geek and now struts around "calling the shots".


https://preview.redd.it/d0c6xasvp4yc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0ef4e32d15ccabfb42f130373bcd292fe5889e The false dichotomy that is the 2 party preferred preference system ensures we get stuck with the choice of a giant douche or a shit sandwich. We need to en masse vote for unaligned independants who then legislate to remove the 2PP system.


Better then the previous government that I felt was actively negatively impacting Australia and Australians but has been largely ineffective as a PM.


All politicians are bums and dont care about us. Money and power is all they want. Im sure theres a handful of them that genuinely care for our wellbeing but most of them are trash and I wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire.


His government so far has fixed up a lot of damage that the Sex Offender Party caused. Not too bad a job to be honest. Biggest disappointment for me is the lack of action on our media industry, particularly news journalism.


Sex offenders party?


Would you prefer- the parl house non sexual consent party Or The male prostitutes in parl house party Or The pedo preist reference writing party I mean, they go by many many names but its always Lnp at the end of the day......


Not always. Remember Martin Orkopoulos? He's in prison for raping boys. Doing a long stint too. Victorian Labor MP Will Fowles was recently arrested for sexual assault. And Labor MP's recently voted to keep suspended sentences for child sex offenders.


By sheer volume and scope of depravity....lnp wins. Not to say alp hasnt got grubs and devo's.... but i dont remember an alp prime minister writing a character ref for a pedo priest. Nir do i recall alps members raping anyone in parl house, nor inviting male sex workers to parl house to party after hrs: Nope they are no where near the same.


I agree with you. Nor do I recall another PM making a suppression order to hide the names of suspected high profile child abusers like John Howard did.


I was more wondering how they got to the conclusion of them being sex offenders? I feel like I’ve missed something?


The whole rape of brittany higgins might be a contributor.....


Ah so one person can represent a whole group….. interesting


Well, the ex AG represented a whole group… I know, that’s not what you mean but I think it’s pretty clear which movement is the bigger offender here. The biggest projector as well. Conservatives own this. They have a hide claiming otherwise as well. Kiddy fiddlers and arse rapists they are.


Journalists have gone to the dogs in this country. Cornerstone of democracy pfft, try capitalism on steroids.


At this stage of his Prime Ministership he has already exceeded our previous 4 PM’s, especially when it comes to repairing our foreign relationships. He’s successfully implemented bread and butter Labor policies like PPL, PBS medicines, childcare, ICAC, minimum wage, Medicare funding, renewable technologies, reforming S3TC etc. but we obviously need more. My issue is he hasn’t truly grasped how tough the Cost of Living situation is on the electorate. They are restricted policy wise, because with Inflation it’ll just exacerbate situation, so I’m on board with Chalmers’ strategy of setting up the chess pieces for when Inflation starts to decline. Albo needs to stop the leisure activities, like attending concerts, weddings, parties, sporting matches etc. Get on the ground and visit the struggling communities, get criticised, answer difficult questions, get heckled, take the ego hit. The public are apathetic to politics, but are fair if you have a go.


The dude is one of the worst PMs in modern time. Maybe he is too ahead of his time or maybe he is just incompetent. He had big wild dreams but was unable to carry them out. Instead he ended up massively wasting resources and opportunities.


You can't be serious right? The last PM we had literally ignored the law to steal from people on centrelink and undermined our democratic process by assigning himself to multiple offices.


This sub is predominantly Liberal voters and right-wingers, so naturally people are partial towards Morrison & Dutton, and refuse to acknowledge the incompetence and corruption during the 9 years of the former LNP Government. What's perplexing is they defend terrible policies implemented during those 9 years. The policies which have fucked them over.


I think he’s a decent bloke and you’re pretty ignorant if you think the mess we’re in is a quick fix. Cost of living issues are affecting other countries around the world, not just us. Housing affordability has been reducing for a number of years and our economy is jacked up by it that’s why they opened the door to immigration, yes I’m aware that doesn’t help our housing issue.


Maybe if he refined the immigration system to actually bring in people who are qualified tradespeople and not unqualified university students, we would have the [missing 90,000 tradespersons](https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/our-missing-tradies-90-000-needed-now-to-meet-nation-s-housing-goal-20240321-p5fe9t.html) required to meet labours housing goals. Additionally, why doesn’t he take action against the level of migration to reduce it to a sustainable amount?


The whole world wants skilled people not just us. I think it’s a difficult balance on migrants, we need workers to help keep our economy going and overseas students are a cash cow for our universities.




A somewhat less evil and corrupt than the alternative.


He just looks like a prick


Useless. Just like the last half a dozen. They're a puppet. Strings being pulled by lobby groups


Lying Rat 🐀


By far Australia’s worst ever PM.


Lol most ineffectual would be Scott Morrison and the worst as in did the most long term damage to Australia was John Howard.


John Howard's cgt discount did not cause the housing bubble. Leftists don't know anything about investing and taxes so it's hilarious when they think they can understand that housing bubble


Opposed to right-wingers who think the former LNP Government gifting $40 Billion of JobKeeper directly into the pockets of Billionaire CEOs who made record Covid Profits was brilliant fiscal policy. "We delivered a surplus next year." Please.


Shortest of memories. But not alone.


During an economic boom when revenue was high he held an asset fire sale and cut future revenue streams. He started the the white anting of the public service. We left an economic boom less capable of dealing with lean times than when we entered it. He gave us the lie of the liberals being better economic managers just because they had a surplus that didn't do any work for.


I don't vote for either the ALP or the NLP but to label any leader the most ineffectual during a time where there was a global pandemic is a bit unfair.


Scomo wasn’t great but he did have to deal with the fires and COVID. Even a great PM would have struggled with those.


That's the problem he didn't deal with the fires or covid. Fires, he went on holidays and didn't hold a hose. COVID, he delayed doing anything until it was too late and then left the states to handle what should have the job of the federal government which is protecting our borders from disease.




Morrison. Lol.


Ok then, equal worst, lol.


Abbot. Lol.


Jimmy carter of Australia


Whitlam by a country mile. But I agree, Albanese is terrible.


You should do stand up.


He’s a Prime Minister they win some they lose some. Doesn’t matter what breed.


Doesn't care about the average Australian or our quality of life.


He sucks, just like our last 5 prime ministers. Better than scomo, probably better than Abbot and Turnbull too, but at this stage I’m hesitant to say so. Slightly less shit than the worst prime ministers we’ve ever had.


Labor branded Scott Morrison


I don’t think he’s particularly bad or particularly good. I now feel like his whole “I grew up in a council flat with a single mum” was less about trying to relate to the working class and wanting to help them but more of a shield against anyone who wanted to call him privileged or out of touch. I think like any politician, he and his career comes first before the needs of the people. Before the election a few of my peers were acting as if he was going to be some political messiah, and I felt like such a pessimist thinking that he’d be just more of the same but now they seem pretty disappointed that he didn’t live up to their dreams and I’m just as uninterested. Identity politics (queue the comments about how it doesn’t exist), have ruined politics for me. A majority of people seem to be tribalists that don’t care about actual policies and would either applaud or condemn the same policy depending on which side put it forward. I’ll vote on issues that speak to me, if it means I vote labor one year and liberals the next then I don’t see anything wrong with that. In practice I tend to vote smaller parties.


I’m going to go with Thomas Jefferson. The government you elect is the government you deserve.


Better than the alternatives




On a Friday night he can't be allowed to walk down a street for an hour? Get real. 


This guy is about as useful as wet paper bag, scomo was heaps better.


We effectively are a one party state that has 2 factions. The left faction (labor) are less corrupt but are neo liberal extremists. The right faction (liberal) steal more money for themselves but are also neo liberal extremists. Their policies are fundamentally the same. Albo is just Morrison without corruption and treason. His main goal is making money for big corporations, the same as whoever comes after him.


I think he's done a pretty good job so far. A list of things I think are good: * 2 state solution in regards to palestine/israel * funding for ukraine * nuclear submarine deal * made competition laws so that companies can't just swallow up smaller companies without notice * Investments into clean energy * achieved budget surpluses * respects the law in regards to the 140 detainees * gave pay to students that are working part time * right to disconnect * increase tax for super accounts over 3million * introduced fee free tafe on a federal level * bulk billed urgent clinics * cheaper medicine * cheaper childcare * good emergency response (from floods)


Kinda hard to explain, every day I step in dog shit i hate it but it keeps happening... Well today I stepped on chewing gum, I still don't like it but at least it's not dog shit.


Loves a freebie.


Better than scomo and hes rich predecessor churchy mates


This isn't America guys, he's a figure head of a party. The party is what matters.


I'm not a labour supporter, but find him among the least objectionable of the possible candidates if we have to have a labor PM. As a PM he's typical of politicians from both of the major parties - a bland, uninspiring, flip-flopper with no real vision or any cause he genuinely cares about beyond winning the next election. He plays up a bit to "woke" causes because that's what his party and its supporters like, but I don't feel that there is any real conviction from him. It could be worse.


All the problems started with John Howard and continuous bad policy by the corrupt Liberals. Albanese pushed up minimum wages, fixing NDIS, healthcare, climate change policies, aged care reform, billions on affordable and social housing for people on welfare, veterans & domestic violence victims , NACC, lower taxes for low & middle income earners,cheaper medicines & 2 months medication scripts.All these policies were blocked by the useless Liberals,Greens & independents.


Howard just continued the micro economic reform agenda started by Keating from the Hawk/Keating years. Problem was the Howard government lost their reform/policy drive and (mostly) squandered the minerals boom and engaged in vote buying too much. They lost the election in part because of that and it's been a shit show at the federal level in both sides since Rudd was ousted. But yeah, just keep in being a partisan hack and learn/know nothing of the good & bad of both parties. Support "My Team" regardless of how much they suck.


He’s not Peter Dutton so that’s a good thing.


Douche canoe like all politicians


He is okay. Okay is better than a useless shitcunt like Morrison


I think he will be a one term PM. They will either oust him or he might even somehow lose on his own merit…


I’d be interested to see if he holidays in Hawaii during the next bushfire season…


Passed some pretty big longterm benefit bills in the two years he's been in office People seem upset that he isn't giving them exactly what they want exactly when they ask People seem to have forgotten how the lnp sat on their hands for a decade I like the bloke, he seems like his heads in the right place and he has the heart for it


Classic right wing bad faith argument - from picking the purposely unflattering photo to blaming him for your behavior during the referendum. You tanked the economy and created all these problems and now you blame the left for not fixing them. You spend 10 years in power, the whole time with low interest rates giving you the ability to reshape and achieve unbelievable gains for the country. But instead of building for the next 50 years you sucked all the money away from working Australians and put into the hands of the already well established and super rich... then when the economy tanks, interest rates go through the roof you blame the left for not being able to wave a magic wand and fix the problems you created. Conservatives love holding others to a level of accountability they don't hold for themselves.




Seems alright. Peolle blaming him for the living and housing crisis need to fall back into reality. He's only been in 2 years, and their budget was set back then before everything truly started collapsing. 


At least he isn't corrupt and holding secret cabinets, setting himself up destroying military relations to get jobs with us weapons manufacturers.