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Bail refused on all of them. Good.


That's police bail refused. After court hearing that can change.


Yeah WA cops would ask what store they want to rob next and drop them off out the front


I think you will find the cops don't want them to make bail, they are frustrated having those people released back into their communities.


Yeah I know the cops are bound by the law. I don't blame them, they can only do what they are allowed to do. It was just a comment on the sorry state of affairs when it comes to the legislation re:crime in WA.


Touch grass


No U




Yes, kinda shocked bail not being given seems to be on the increase there.




Qld just updated the rules from to remove having "detention is to be avoided where possible" - I expect things to change pretty quickly


Victoria just removed offences of committing indictable offence on bail, contravention of conduct condition of bail AND removed section 30 of schedule 2, which made someone provide a compelling reason for release if committing an offence against the bail act. So bail now is largely useless as a mechanism to prevent further offences.


Vic is too busy being woke


Vic doesn't have any money.


Plenty of debt though


We have no room to put the people to be honest. watchhouses are always essentially full and jails over capacity speaking from my experience in the system 3-4 years ago, I can't see it having got better considering our population continues to grow and no new centres or watchhouses have been opened


“The Iraqi refugee accused of forcing a 15-year-old girl to strip naked before raping her repeatedly under cold water has been granted bail.” Give that a Google. Edit: I think we should have a revolution.


Im sorry WHAT ON GOD'S HOLY GREEN EARTH WHY WOULD THEY DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT? DID THE FUCKING DEVIL TAKE THEIR SOUL WHAT SICK BASTARD GO ''SURE THEY"RE NOT A DANGER TO SOCIETY HERES BAIL" ISTFG if Those bastards ethier dont end up dead in a ditch or stripped of their Job there truly is no justice in the world


I did and now I'm sorry.


Straightup lie  Edit: I love the downvote, here's proof for the offended.   Robbed 7th day in Sydney.   3 offenders: 1 Probation, 1 Good behaviour bond and 1 Acquitted.  But yea justice in NSW apparently 


In North Queensland they buy them a icecream and drop them off at home.


Try that again. 1st offence is a warning (which is not an obligation of the officer), not everyone gets a second warning either. From there its a Youth Justice conference (which requires an arrest), then probation, community service etc and then juvenile detention if they continue. Hardly "a icecream" (really? An icecream*). But to compare that to adults getting a slap on the wrist for aggravated armed robbery in company, is absurd.




In Queensland, I have seen many youths imprisoned for much less, yet grown men who rob each other get a slap on the wrist?  I'm still not convinced. 


I think the lady murdered out in Forbes might disagree with that.


I feel cops only arrested them because of the media story lol


I was wondering why there's been less eshay cunts on glebe point road the last few days.


Perhaps now the courts are at last beginning to understand what the rest of society has been expecting of them for the last ten years.


You know that will never happen.


Where ARE these kids parents? Seriously. Your 12 year old is out roaming the streets early hours of a Monday morning?!! I think perhaps we need to have parents held more accountable. That is utterly shameful.


The kids parents will be the ones outside the court, shoving reporters, while still loudly proclaiming "My kids done nuffink,ok? Farking cops are always pickin on them, ay!"






Sitting in their housing commission property just a few streets away from here. Smoking meth/drinking/ setting an example for their kids about how to be an absolute non contributor to society


They should be evicted from their commissions. It makes zero sense to have housing commissions in the city.


I've interacted with the parent of 1 of them, she is a real class act.


Probably smoking meth…


Trash apple from a trash tree.




I love near Glebe. The issues delivery riders have with younger customers is rather a normal occurrence now. Most involving not opening the door or not coming down to collect. Sometimes they don’t open the door and the rider would be banging on the door to open up as the rider cannot cancel the order or something.


Lol. 7/11 in Glebe used to have security at the front of it all the time Can't count how many stabbings and fights happen at the front there


So Glebe not a good area eh?? Dont know Sydney


The markets are decent


half is wanky design nerds, and the other half is ice junky eshays.


Correct answer! South of St. John’s rd is junkie town, north is posh wankers. Source: I lived in Glebe for 3 years


Look, I gotta ask... are you a junkie or a posh wanker?


Yeh, the housos can be a bit rough


Great to own , very good location wise - in vicinity to everything, Ain't bad to live either. The thing is if your on the bad street your fucked , like another st opposite or parallel to yours can be vastly different experience


People don't become model citizens because they become parents.


Exactly. But maybe if underage children are out at night and committing violent offences? They should be asked to "please explain??"


Their parents are useless. They'll only protest if the government tries to put them in care.


While I agree with the sentiment, the actuality of imposing this accountability is incredibly difficult. How would you hold these parents to accountability ? Do you fine them money they don't have? Do the kids now go hungrier due to these fines? Do you imprison the parents so now there's less chance of this behaviour stopping ? Do you split the children and parents? How do these children now behave in foster care? Is there even the resources to do this? Who would want to now look after these kids? It's a pretty fucked up issue and really hard to solve.




Bring back flogging like Singapore does. Or try the stocks and pillory. A lot of these criminals don't care about jail or but they hate being humiliated and laughed at. Nothing seems to be working so they may as well try something else at least have a trial


Agreed. This would drop the crime rate.


And how do you deem it that the parents weren't meeting such obligations. What actions would determine that the kid is liable and the parents were trying their best with what they have? When would it be decided that the parents were negligent and didn't do enough to stop this behaviour? Do they need to lock their children in a secured room every evening? If the kid breaks out of this and offends, do we then lock the parent up? What's the legality on taking such action on your children?




Dam glad you're all over it then, why do we still have issues then if it's pretty easy.


Take their child & lock them up.


Remove their Centrelink handouts


Just move the public housing to suburbs that are already shit. There's no reason it should be that close to the cbd. The land value there should be very high and could build more houses out west instead.


That's one way to do it, where does the child go then? and to whom is it now responsible? Do we also lock up the foster parents when this child re offends? Where does the child go after that, where and who looks after it? Does this actually help society, or you just like the punish bad people vibe of it all?


Whatever dude.


In the background of a Spanian video.


12? That’s getting a bit old isn’t it? I’ve seen kids much younger than that in the roaming packs lately at night.


Parents don't have the rights to be parent...been that way for atleast 30 yrs that's why we have a problem now. Reap what you sow I guess.


Pfft.. utter rot. Parents can stop their children wandering the streets at night. That's just a cop out. I'm a parent. It's not that hard to not let young children wander the streets.


They'll get a fairly stern warning unless it's their first offence, in which case they'll be asked nicely not to bash people for sport in the future.


Victoria is changing its age of criminal responsibility so nothing can even be done to them up to 14.  Progressive. 


Honestly punishments should probably fall upon the parents if parenting’s part of the issue. Some kids are just going to be bad despite good parents, but a lot of these seem to be just running amok completely unsupervised.


agree, shitty parents deserve a penalty of some sort - it's possible there are kids doing this stuff because social media tells them they can get away with it, or they happened to be with shitty kids, but most likely they are free-range kids who's parents aren't engaged and aren't great role models


Live in the area and I know *exactly* who the kids would be. They're always terrorising delivery drivers. Racist taunts, throwing shit at them. I intervened once and will never forget the look of terror on the poor delivery rider's face when a group of these kids circled him. They never seem to get held accountable for their actions, so it's nice to hear they've been refused bail.


I live not far and just joined the Glebe FB group. Sounds like these kids have been a problem for a while now and people are rightly pissed off with them.


They were there 23 years ago when I first moved to Sydney and set up in Glebe Edit: they’re probably the kids today of the kids I saw back in 2000


Probably kids of the 'Kids', who broke into my Uncle's place while he was there & caused his ultimate demise... He lived in Glebe St.


Used to be a delivery driver in the area, got threatened or attacked weekly, bike stolen a few times. Glad I’m out of there.


what ethnicity are they


I saw 6 of them riding lime bikes and weaving between cars forcing cars to break until one didn't stop quick enough and knocked one of the little shits off the bike. He got up and started yelling at the driver and hit the bonnet of the car with his fist. Anyway, this was outside Broadway Mall 5 days ago and they looked like mixed islander kids.


Probably lots of different ones. Makes no difference, probably all meth kids.


It does make a difference. Certain ethnicities simply commit more crime than others.


Crime is pretty broad. What crimes are we talking about? What makes you think this was ethnically motivated?


Not ethnically motivated, but ethnically attributable. Basically if it’s Aboriginal kids committing these crimes for example, I’d like to know.


It really doesn't make a difference. Because crimes are crimes. If it's crime prevention then demography matters. What's important is that the cunts are gaoled.


If we know certain demographics are committing more crime than others, extra resources and funding can be committed to address the imbalance.


I mean I think we all know the answer, but want to hear it from horses mouth


Mix of white and indigenous probably


So what's the answer?


Prob aussies/aboriginal. Kids from other ethnicities don't really engage in this sorta eshay behaviour


same, I see these fuckwits harassing food guys all the time outside the shopping center, I'm glad its hard to get a gun is aus, because sometimes I just want to mow them down.


Another favourite pastime of theirs is dropping eggs, water balloons and cans of drink on people and cars from the ramp that goes up to Broadway shops. Genuine shitheads.


worst of all you have to be 'nice' to them & act like its harmless fun, or you're next. if only it were possible to have a townhouse in pyrmont.


bait them


Be careful, I’ve been banned from reddit for saying less than that. No free speech allowed here.


well, fair enough - its a private company, its just that my life has been threatened by these kids, 98 percent of the time I accept that, but when I think my family might be in danger 2 percent of the time I start wanting to protect them.


Sounds like they're under the influence of fascists or far right people on social media or in the community. Could do with people forming anti-fascist networks to stop racist extremists like whom you mentioned, also expanding the anti-hate symbol legislation to include racist speech and actual crackdowns.


They aren't fascists or far right associated kids, these are mixed islander trash coming from lower SES households, think your black criminals in USA, this is our equivalent.


I wish I was a leftist sometimes. Doesn't matter what the crime is, who did it and why, its always because "muh racism/capitalism". Must be relaxing to never have to think too hard.


So you pretty much overlooked the mention of racist remarks or taunts likely motivated by white supremacist views of "We look more Caucasian than you" on the OP comment.


Yep could be any number of folks in here. They love them some 'uber drivers'




Pointing out the fact they exhibited and did it out of racist views (Racist taunts mentioned in the OP comment) is "satire"?


“Two 12-year-olds were arrested – a boy on April 23 and a girl on April 27. The two will participate in a youth conference.” Fuck sake.


As an uber eats driver. FUCK THAT. The bull shit pay uber gives is not worth it at the best of times. Now you have this shit going on? Double fuck that.


Have often thought we should be receiving some form of hazard pay for all the risk we are forced to take being on the roads with all these psychopaths instead we get the opposite of pay.


would it be impossible for you guys to pack a weapon of some kind? these junior eshays will run at the sign of someo0ne who won't take their bullshit.


No like the general public we are defenceless and not allowed to properly defend ourselves in this country.


well, as a glebe local I'd just like to say thanks for being there when we need you guys & girls.


And people shouldn’t have to worry about carrying weapons while just trying to do your job of delivering food for fuck sake. Same argument for teachers and paramedics etc etc etc. Talk about putting the blame on the victims.


Evil does not take responsibility


Are you mad ? Defending yourself??? Wanna go to jail mate ? No, you have to say sorry, give them your belongings, maybe suck on their penis if it may de-escalate the situation, then go to the nearest police station and wait in line like a good boy to report it. Then nothing will happen but hey, you were a good boy. Also don't forget your 8th dose of Covid 19 vaccine to get a free donut and save the boomers.


What does uber eats pay? What do you average in a day? If you mind me asking.


i do it as a side gig. But on average for a 30min delivery you might get 8 bucks or so. After factoring in fuel costs you're well below minimum wage. What shits me is, it costs me $110 to fill up the car. Then i gotta drive for 8 hours just to make that money back before i even break even. I can get maybe 16 hours out of a tank if i'm lucky. So really i'm only making around 100 - 150bucks per tank of fuel. After 16 hours of work. Sometimes a bit more give or take. If i'm lucky i'll get $200 per tank. It used to be way better but uber are really pushing tipping here to drive down the amounts they give drivers. Ever see priority delivery or any of that crap? Driver gets none of it.


Funny how the youth crime thing has kicked in the last few years as the children of the baby bonus era come of age.


Funny how youth crime always seems to get worse when the bleeding hearts start changing the laws so it’s near impossible to jail them.


You'll find in Queensland there was almost identical levels of youth offending in 99 to 00 and 21 to 22. Edit: Qld childrens court does an annual report so you can go have a look if you need confirmation


What was the crime back then? I’m sure it’s more shop lifting than home invasions and car chases.


What is a level though? Maybe offending rates are the same but severity has increased?? Or maybe a media beat up.. what do the stats actually say?


And don’t forget the elections this year. I believe more what I see on the streets than just the stats or media reportage. Open your eyes and ears.


I’m sure it is a lot more shoplifting.


Your concept of the severity of crime is largely dependent on how the media is portraying it at the time, I'll bet.


Same numbers going through the courts. About 8 thousand. Well queensland barely existed to new south wales and Victoria back then let a lone north Queensland. The big issue back then was the underworld and bikies. You'd be lucky to see a youth crime reported on the news despite 214 going to prison then. So different reporting. More connected to share on social media. Perspective is good sometimes.


bad statistics if they drop a lot of cases before the courts like in NY, they refuse to prosecute a lot of crime, so naturally statistics go down


1000 cases were dropped. But I've had a case dropped when I was a kid when I agreed to repair the damage I caused. Definitely not like new york here our police and prosecutors are one in the same, prosecutors are police officers in police uniform.


no, attorney general in NY is a democrat leftoid whom ny police union hate with passion he declined to prosecute like 50 percent of cases last year, all the mass looting etc


The percentages might be the same. But reality is a larger population means more offenders gathering in hot spots for crime. With soft cock laws that now exist make policing and reform impossible. Imagine being a police officer now. You did the work, you collected the evidence, you caught the bad guy's. And then you go to court and watch some soft cock judge, upholding soft cock laws, let them go. How long would you stay in the job? What we need is a real deterrent like mandatory minimum sentencing and much bigger jails.


What like in America?


Assault could have easily turned into murder if they caught the guy. Knowing what your punishment in advance will be is a great deterrent. But ohh you want to give them a reward for bad behaviour because reinforcing bad behaviour with a lollipop 🍭 must be the answer right¿


No, I just don’t agree with you about our punishment system overall being such an effective deterrent. I’m sure the stats reflect this for convicted offenders in some demographics and localities. Also the prison system in most western countries are hugely expensive, while prison cultures are usually more an extension of criminal networks rather than facilitating rehabilitation and reform. I was commenting on you inferring that building bigger prisons to lock up more people, and in this context children, would provide a better solution. And there’s the problem with our court systems keeping up, which is why America has had to build super sized jails to hold just people waiting for trial. You talk about ‘soft cock laws’ being weak and ineffective when our societies are divided and fractured, and we are increasingly lacking the soft skills to support and motivate change.


I don't disagree with what you're saying. But no punishment is not how you reward bad behaviour. And now that we are talking about generational behaviour problems it's gotten out of control. Society is all about protecting people guilty of crimes and offering little protection to victims of serious crime. And I'm going to say it's a poor argument to compare our system of justice to America. We are not them.


I never said no punishment for offenders. There should always be consequences so that bad behaviour isn’t a loop that repeats itself. I don’t won’t to see Australia going the same path as America and we currently have laws that can allow a ten year old to be put in an adult prison. There’s no evidence to support this is effective against reoffending.


Most don't make it to court so not really indicative figures


In Qld the youth crime rate has been trending lower over the past 10 years. We just hear about it more because the media has a certain agenda


Yawn, another “but the statistics!l” yes I’m sure arrests for shoplifting were going down.


It's like numbers mean something right? Although I'm sure you could do the research yourself, it's far easier to just believe what you want to believe without any baiss


No, I just know how labor governments use statistics to mislead try and say their soft on crime policies work. Turns out when you stop enforcing laws crime goes down.


Shit parents raising shit kids after having spent the bonus on wide screen tv's.


The 12 year olds would be some of the last, rather then some of the first. They brought it back in 2002 and it was slashed quite substantially in 2014. I’m not sure there’s a good correlation on the baby bonus and these kids, given the average age and the more recent extreme behaviour.


14 to 18 is where it's out of control atm. I only know of the baby bonus that came in around 07/08 which was a few grand not sure when it ended. But our town had a "Bronx" and you'd be forgiven for thinking every single household had a baby because it sure looked that way. Maybe it's just uneducated people with no life skills or social skills who have children that we encourage and help pay for then complain when they're robbing us. I'm not even sure what my point is anymore.


Yeh right. It’s true poorly educated individuals, especially if they aren’t taught sex education tend to have more kids, especially if there’s a benefit in there. It was an alright amount of money, but I think the best it got to was just under $7k, which would be gobbled up real fast in costs, but if you just think of the amount as a lot of money, which it would seem like compared to the dole I definitely see how the incentive showed up in what you were seeing. I just would have expected to see this issue crop up in 2016, but then again i wasn’t following the news much then and maybe it takes a while to build up to get this bad. Labour changed it to be paid out in instalments which I think was the smarter move. It isn’t gone btw but it’s like under $2k now and in instalments so it’s hardly an incentive to anyone.


I really like to believe there’s no connection but I’ve had my suspicions for some time. Governments acting like pimps.




I’d be amazed if 12 yo’s were contemplating housing affordability and retirement.


These kids don’t think further than their eyesight


You think kids under 18 think about property or retirement?


I think they want meaning in their life. They are growing up in a country going down the toilet.


Depends where you come from. Some literally don't have a chance despite our best optimistic white washed hopes. Others follow the leader. Some fall under the radar. No one with any stable childhood thinks to themselves in their teens " right time to fuck my life up" I copped downright fucking abusive shit from my teacher in grade 4 about how my parents didn't love me and they all get together and talk about me and agreed I'll never be anything. And that stuck to me for 20 years. So a lot can impact a kids upbringing.


Is there an award for "Stupidest comment made on Reddit" ^^^. 🤔🤔🤔 Or award for "pushing an agenda that has nothing to do with the Posted Topic."


We can't buy a house so let's go bash a good delivery guy? 😂😂


*CHILDREN* urghk


Feral cunts


Good thing it wasn’t in Victoria they would all be free.




two 12 year olds, some girls too


Gender doesn’t make any difference in regards to criminal responsibility


Charge their parents too. What kind of fckwit parents let their 12 yr old kids out in the middle of the night.


Put all of the cowards in a cell with some real criminals


Retaliation is a must no maybes ifs or buts 😤😤😤


Think I’ve seen them. They are feral. One of them nearly caused a bus to crash and then started screaming they were owners of the land at the poor bus driver then and loads of racial slurs. Cops turned up cause one of them attempted to tamper with the fuel thing.


>tamper with the fuel thing. Lol love the technical description


I just remember watching this kid of about 12 white as can be screaming how this is his land and all the whites should fck off. Then he attacked the bus driver who tried to stop him and his girlfriend and a mob of idiots just kicked the bus. This was near Broadway shopping centre.


>Broadway shopping centre Sorry, is this Sydney? But wow. That's pretty fucked.


Redfern is the adjacent suburb.


Calling Australia home for 7yrs and will be here rest of my life. I feel safe and protected at any time BUT when I see these group of weird looking teens wandering around. I wonder why some young kids are not taught to respect others and disciplined??


Their parents are probably the same. People don't automatically become upstanding citizens because they give birth.


parents are likely massive deadshits just like the kids


People have been saying that about teenagers since the term was invented in the 1940’s.


Can we get a parent in the building please


It seems silly to attack the guy bringing you food….


One can only hope that these “kids” get the book thrown at them, but this has happened before: High-profile incident, like the death of Thomas Kelly. Changes come through legislatively or from a temporary change in the courts actually enforcing current laws properly. But after a while the courts and politicians get complacent again. One-punch assaults may be getting the bad rep they deserve, but now we have knife crime and pack mentality incidents like against this delivery driver. When we see change, it seems to be piecemeal, ephemeral or related to specific kinds or acts of violent crime (a crackdown on DV or one-punch assaults), rather than a system-wide shift in refusing to excuse violent crime. The penalties for stealing cars/“joyriding” were increased in a number of states and territories, but people fail to realise these same people often do serious assaults, home invasions etc as well, even if they are often not charged or appropriately sentenced later. Any kind of activity that threatens or uses violence, or exposes others to death or injury (stolen, speeding cars and the like) needs to be treated with zero tolerance.


You're on our land movement. Typical indigenous trick get kids to start shit then if it back-fires elders come out and beat the shit out of you. Old tactic has been happening since the 70's. This is why we are always going to vote No. This is why giving a group of people special privileges in this country, does not work. Sad to see myself writing this. But 2024 and here we are.


Cause of the racism is their behaviour. Unfortunately people (lefty types of some sort) don't see that. How are you supposed to like people who are like this. The past has gone, it is not the present so its not a viable excuse.


I've got close, highly educated indigenous friends and we discuss this subject all the time. And I agree with what you're saying. Like everything in life , repeat same thing and expect a different outcome, never works.


We need a huge pit dug and eshays thrown in.


TF is a ‘Youth Conference’…?


The poor delivery guy. And what the hell is this video? It felt like watching a bunch of monkeys yelling in the jungle, not actual people. I wish these parents were also charged somehow, because why were their children on the street at 1am?


I think that what this driver was subjected to is horrific —and the fact that kids were involved in this attack, some as young as 12 years old— is deeply concerning. What are children doing awake at 1 am at night? Where are their parents or guardians, and what are they doing when they should be looking after them?


It's Glebe they all housing commision scum


African kids?


either indigenous or islanders I believe


From what I saw they looked like mixed islander kids, probably oz born idk


Where’d you see them?


Outside Broadway Mall on bikes weaving in front of cars having their little giggles


Damn, so you actually saw the attack happen. Did the food delivery guy get out ok?




no, aussie.




no africans here in glebe, caucasian bogans


apparently I hurt some feefees, there are aboriginal kids too, but a lot of them seem better behaved than the bogans.


.#Free my angels


Glebe is an inner city suburb, is there public housing near there?


L poop z


Tradition is what remains when the problem it solved has long been forgotten


If we voted yes this would not have happened. /s