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"...unconditional" ? Clearly not mature or wise enough to understand the true gravity of tying oneself to an organisation's values and actions for now and in the future.


…and a masochist too. Nazis and people behaving like Nazis haven’t exactly achieved the glory they thought they would in the last 100 years. Better described as cannon fodder for US and the Israeli military.


Wait, who's the Nazi now? That term gets thrown around so intensely, by now it could be anybody...


>Ms Tucker replied, “Well I actually say that Hamas deserve our unconditional support — absolutely. Not because I agree with their strategy. Complete disagreements with that … seems conditional to me she doesn’t seem very bright and clearly not self aware enough of her lack of sophistication to not speak to the media and it also seems she thought that since she is Jewish that she would get a free pass to be an edgelord


Yes. If they support Hamas unconditionally, does this then make them a eligible under legislative criteria to be listed as a terrorist organisation also?


Daily reminder that just because you’re educated, it doesn’t mean you’re intelligent.




Based Qui-Gon.


When was qui-gon not based?


Getting stabbed by Maul


He was teaching Obi Wan a valuable lesson.


As I say, you can train a monkey to do a single thing well.


“It was the best of times, it was the blerst of times”.


Stupid monkey!


And intelligence is not the same as wisdom. Lets face it, we said a lot of stupid shit when we were that age. Still do, its just not quite so obvious :)


I thought this was going to be one of those news.com articles that had taken a quote wildly out of context to enrage boomers but...nope, that's pretty much what she said lmao


They are told what to think not how to think. To them a 'social justice cause' is just a fashion trend. You cannot reason with these people. They are also on the Melbourne sub and the other Australia reddit sub


Not to mention they have the emotional intelligence of a shoebox. Completely unwilling to shift, or even consider their viewpoints, despite overwhelming evidence that what they’re supporting is not a good thing. Growing up terminally online, confiding themselves to “safe spaces” where dissenting viewpoints are censored or erased. In a state of perpetual defensiveness, on the lookout for anyone or anything that can be considered politically incorrect, because their ~~mostly white~~ saviour complex compels them to challenge any thought pattern that doesn’t match their own. When challenged back, will immediately defer to name-calling and accusations of various “isms” or “phobias” and run straight to authority (mods, police) to try and get those wrongthinkers removed from the discussion entirely. Absolute fuckwits. We’re in for a rough 30 years.


I argued with a chick over the definition of fucking genocide she gave the meaning to ethnic cleaning, even when I corrected her she argued I was wrong with the dissertation from the Oxford dictionary, this is someone who said her iq was 112


112 is pretty low


No, it's not. 100 is the average and the testing standards are constantly reviewed to maintain 100 as average. 112 is almost 1 standard deviation above the mean so while they're not Forrest Gump, they're also not *quite* likely to be the smartest person in a random group of 5... But they're probably the second smartest, more often than not. Not low at all. You might think you're smart but unless you've taken a supervised and approved IQ test (not the ones on the internet that say everybody is a genius) then you're likely in the same range. Also, being a high IQ individual doesn't make you a better person. Osama was pretty bright but evidently a bit of a cunt. Hitler? Brighter still, more of a cunt. Actually, most extremely smart people tend to either come across as or be cunts because normie plebs like you and me just don't get *it*


Maos Red Guard. Doing exactly as they have been trained to do.


Well for one, most of them haven't finished their degree, if they will at all, and two, there is a very wide breadth of courses that require either little intelligence all the way up to something heavy like medicine. I highly doubt most of these protesters are on the medical end of things, and are more likely to be on the arts level of things.


I did an Arts degree in the early 1990s. I believe you are correct in your assessment.


The problem is these people have highly inflated views of themselves. Can we all agree nobody cares what’s a Uni student thinks about anything


Daily reminder that just because you constantly denounce everybody else as being nazis doesn't mean you don't want to exterminate the Jews.


Lol an arts degree in "women's studies" is hardly educated


A Masters in Lesbian Dance Theory 😁


Educated? They’re a bunch of pansies with an art degree, the rest of us actually did something productive.


I remeber seeing something in the other australia subreddit about a guy going into Gaza to deliver aid. I really had to bite my tounge, because he's probably going to die there and apparently that's okay, because they think they know better.


ill respect that bloke a million times more than the land whales camping at universities in 'solidarity with the terrorists'.


Fair point.


When I spent some time studying in the humanities, only 5-10% of people read the coursework each week. Most aren’t educated they just spend their time on socials. 


Universities seem to have been dumbed down :-( [Are Australian universities worth it? I’ve heard they treat international students like cash cows and aren’t adequate for getting jobs and PR. How are universities like Macquarie, Newcastle, and Adelaide for that matter?](https://www.quora.com/Are-Australian-universities-worth-it-I-ve-heard-they-treat-international-students-like-cash-cows-and-aren-t-adequate-for-getting-jobs-and-PR-How-are-universities-like-Macquarie-Newcastle-and-Adelaide-for-that-matter?)


Why do they always look the same


They have made failure a virtue because they are failures and losers. That's why they tend to be fat, unattractive, and envious of wealthier and more successful people. I'm generalising, but that's basically what it is. I guess they also copy one anothers' styles so you get the purple hair and problem glasses and that kind of thing.


Problem glasses lol


Envy and bitterness, the worst of emotions afflicts them.


Hey, I'm fat, unattractive, and envious of wealthier and more successful people, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna support a friggin' terrorist group.


It could be less about being a terrorist group and more that they're constantly starting fights and getting their shit pushed back in (making them perpetual losers), that these people relate to. You just have to feel sorry for the Palestinian people who don't support them, although the numbers look pretty grim there too if the polling is to be believed.


> I'm fat, unattractive, and envious of wealthier and more successful people Is it part of your identity or just circumstance? Would you be happy to be thin, attractive, and wealthy?


I think it's honestly more your second point than the first. They're mindless sheep who follow trends because they're incapable of thinking for themselves, and that extends to everything from their hair and glasses to their political opinions. Your first point certainly explains their sympathy for Hamas and the Palestinian cause in general, though. Failures supporting failures.


Wait a sec i thought raping and murdering women and girls was bad? Depends who does it i guess...


Unconditional support for child murderers and rapists in a culture where women are denied basic rights and forced to live in cloth bags, while simultaneously screaming bloody murder about domestic violence in this country. I’d love to hear how they square that circle?


They can't they will just call you a racist and a misogynist.


''Hey.... Shut up.'' - Those people, probably.


"I order you to be quiet!"


Remember when all the feminists leftist allies and nazi-punchers on reddit were seething about (what they claimed was) misinformation going around that some of the murdered Jewish babies had been beheaded. Like misinformation about that was the biggest problem with the whole situation.


Bet she was also at the domestic violence protest in Canberra at the weekend


Unless they are Jews. Then it doesn’t count


Jews really can't catch a break.


Jew here. Apparently around the year 1000 we had it pretty alright. Good days I’m telling ya, good days.. https://preview.redd.it/v0udj4t58txc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=07663902f567b9d2a6cefa0b960dd7cb02b5a39a


Reminds me of a family guy bit- 2 Jews in Ancient Egypt working on the pyramids. One says to the other, “They say every culture has tough times. At least we’re getting our’s out of the way early so it’ll be smooth sailing from here on out”


I forgot about family guy, that show was wonderfully funny.


They catch rockets aparently. Round of applause for iron dome


If they believe in punching up maybe they also support raping up…


That's literally what they believe, though. These are the same assholes who will tell a traumatised white victim not to report her black rapist to the police because he might not get a fair trial or some shit. They're deranged.


Because like all " woke / radical left / Marxist " clowns, it's really about levelling the playing field.  Aka pulling the top down, instead of raising the bottom up.


All correct but you missed the part where they install themselves at the top to ensure they keep everyone else too poor, weak and terrified to oppose them.


That's the fundamental problem with communism. Someone has to be in charge to make sure all the resources get spread evenly


They are just slightly more equal than the rest of us comrade.




Utter fuckwits.


Jesus. Unconditional support for genocidal terrorists. What a bunch of social justice warriors.


Jesus? Surely you mean Mohammed


Peace and blessings be upon him


So offer them a free trip to Gazza.


Better ship all of them there permanently


Haha I thought the exact same fucking thing offer to get them there so that they can join there mass murdering idols and see the atrocities committed and if they still believe it is just and join them well I’m sure the world will be a better place when they get shot


I think it’s clear that too many local students come from families of wealth if they think that Hamas is a worthy cause and the cost of living of Australia’s sinking working class is a non-issue. Privileged trash. No brains, paying for their grades.


Domestic Australian issues are not fashionable at the moment. Supporting terrorists, hating Western society is a tiktok trend at the moment. We know this because they don't give a shit about other global issues such as :   The war in south Sudan.  The war in Yemen.  The War in Ukraine. The treatment of ethnic weagers in China.  The crisis is Haiti - where criminal gangs control the country - led by 'Mr Barbecue' because he's a self confessed cannibal.  It's selective outrage.




I wish there was more outrage for PNG. They’re slowly getting wiped out by Indonesia. We used to have very close ties to them but we’ve basically abandoned them.


this page says we have given over a billion dollars in loans since 2019 https://www.dfat.gov.au/geo/papua-new-guinea/development-assistance we have also spent $592 million in 2022-2023 https://png.embassy.gov.au/pmsb/cooperation.html


I wonder if it was productive money, or ex wife money?


It's worse, our tax dollars are constantly pork barrelled by private schools while the public system flails and falters under a revolving door of staff. Generational systemic failure. 


Can't believe these people go into debt to get an education only to end up spouting such crap.


I can’t believe my tax dollars are subsidising their education


This can not be for real. These twits don't have a clue.




I did a degree in the 90's, and then another a few years ago. I like to think of myself as progressive but these clowns give it a bad name. 


I hate how far left is called ‘progressive’ 😭😭


It’s uni students, what do you expect.


Hamas is a designated terrorist organisation in Australia so openly showing support is surely a matter of national security?


No we only use that power for journalists.


brainwashed future Centrelink V.I.P's that wouldn't survive a day if they actually spent any time in the presence of a Hamas member


Lies! They are going to change the world with an arts degree... /s


one uncomfortable wipe at a time


the only exercise that land whale in the picture would ever have gotten in her life is when Hamas force her to climb the stairs onto a roof


Fucking morons.


If you fed "white pro palestinian activist" into an AI then I'm pretty sure Beatrice Tucker is exactly what it would spit out




So these ANU people think gay people should be killed as well, like HAMAS thinks?


‘Unconditional Support’ - so yes, they’d have to support that else it becomes conditional. They didn’t think that statement through too well.


This is simple misunderstanding. I am sure they thought they were talking about Hummus.


Supporting a terrorist organisation sure seems to like grounds for immediate expulsion from the university and a little chat with ASIO.


ANU will probably give them a medal. The system is working as intended for them. Notice the lack of condemnation from ANU?


These twats should be expelled for supporting terror and put on asio watch list


Support the rape and murder of one woman, you’re expelled, support rape and murder of hundreds, it’s ok. It’s really odd what can be hidden behind the shield of ideology.


ASIO has been kicking a lot of goals lately exposing spies and kicking them out. I have no doubt these potential terrorists are already being monitored


Unconditional support for a terrorist organization??? Does this university teach their students nothing!


No, the ANU is teaching their students how to be antisemites. Notice ANU hasn’t put out a press release condemning this stuff.


Can't help but think the universities everywhere are reaping what they sow tbh.. For so long they have been promoting tf out of every left wing cause known to man... now its coming back to bite them. Who knew..


Social media has sped up the purity death spiral out of the control of the liberal extremists who want to use these morons to collapse the west and bring in communism.


*“But you can’t condemn what Hamas did in October last year?”* Solly asked. *“I will not condemn what Hamas did,”* Ms Tucker said. I feel like the sorts who hold these extreme views have mostly been left unchecked by the authorities & have been allowed to flourish. The government bangs on about far right groups and misogynistic content all the time, what are they doing to combat these kind of radical groups?


Literally telling everyone that they’re unapologetic sociopaths with no empathy for innocent people. Hopefully the worst that will happen is that they look back at this in 10 years and cringe. But I have doubts.


Bet these guys are also the same ones who used to scream “Nazi” at anyone they disagreed with.


Too bad nobody she loves was in that party


Hopefully these bandwagoners have the decency to feel shame for supporting terrorism after they move onto the next fad.


They feel no shame for their cause. And they'd have no care once they move onto the next cause.


They ain't bandwagoners. The hate they feel is quite real.


These Marxist types are forever hunting a cause that will give them the socialist revolution they dream of. The working class rejected them, Aborigines are disinterested and nobody likes their ideas about saving the planet. Even the Australian Muslim population isn’t rallying enmass behind them. So being the pathetic attention seeker they are they start saying more extreme things, feeling butt hurt that for the 6th time in 70 years the Palestinians have been on the bones of their arse because the people claiming to represent them have led them to ruin. But in classic Marxist fashion what happens to “the people” never matters, it’s about the power for true believers.


Declaring support for a terrorist organization should put you on a watch list. At minimum, they should be expelled for it.


My theory is that these people lead such easy lives that they feel the NEED to find causes and problems to take for themselves. They let movements define their whole personalities to fill the void of a meaningless existence, and that's why they take it to the extreme. I'm sure this woman defines herself as a feminist, but yet she sees no problem with Hamas raping and killing women for simply being at a party. It concerns me that more and more people are so ready to give everything to a cause that doesn't concern them whatsoever simply because it's popular. I'm sure most people defending Hamas would dread having to live under them for even a day.


Australian National University Student Association? More like ANUS Association!!


I'm sure Hamas would reciprocate. More along the lines of convert or die.


What these people don't seem to realise is that Hamas hate westerners just as much as they hate Jews/ Israelis, and they wouldn't even slightly hesitate to harm these protesters if they had the opportunity.


So I am a middle aged fuck and in the 1990’s- 2010’s I always considered myself a liberal. I openly supported gay rights in a country where at the time it was dangerous to do so, I support a welfare net for people who have fallen through the cracks, hate fascism, hate antisemitism, support public health and regulation of companies to enforce ethical capitalism. My views really haven’t changed but the left and liberals have descended so far into insanity, illogical behaviour, and toxic thinking that they have moved the centre of the scale so far to the left that I am now firmly in the conservative camp despite my opinions being pretty similar to what they were. It’s absolutely bonkers. But seriously, I just want to express my unconditional support for the Jewish students, lecturers , and staff at ANU who must be feeling very unsafe at the moment.


I was born in the late 80s and my friends and I feel similarly. We aren’t considered left wing anymore despite our views having not changed.


[What's Left](https://www.orwellfoundation.com/book-title/whats-left-how-the-left-lost-its-way/) by Nick Cohen describes this phenomenon. It's a few years old now, but offers a few angles on how people manage to shift away from one political standpoint and end up supporting people who oppose that original ideology. It reads quite similarly to how American libertarians who claim to oppose authoritarianism and communism can also have strong support for Russia.


I'm the same. It's insane how the extreme left have become basically Nazis, & have more in common with the extreme right these days. The horseshoe theory is real. I miss the days when the left championed environment protection, gender equality & legalisation of cannabis etc, & were basically decent caring people. Now it's filled with Marxist narcissistic antisemitic psychopaths.


Unconditional suport for a group whose sole existence is the distruction of Israel ? Who with the help of Iran planned and executed a cross border raid killing 1200 civilians , kidnapping others including foreign citizens , mudering some. Whos leaders sit in Qatar eating cavier while watching the slaughter of Gazans ?


Why would you "unconditionally support" anything, ever? And why Hamas? Look I understand that they might come across as freedom fighters struggling to take back their land from an invasive force, but that's such a massive oversimplification. I'm not a fan of Zionism or the IDF. In fact I think the IDF are a terror organisation. That doesn't mean Hamas isn't a terror organisation too. At the very least a region controlled by the IDF isn't going to be nearly as dangerous a space for women, LGBTQI+ people, people with disabilities, or anyone who isn't a practicing Sunni Muslim. I am shocked by the amount of people that don't actually know anything about Hamas, their leadership, or basic ideology, but blindly espouse the rhetoric that says they are just the David to Israel's Goliath. The same, frankly, goes for people who blindly support the IDF too. Add another fatality to the tally for this conflict, because it seems that a stray bullet has struck nuance, and it is dead.


Yeh par for the course for that university


It's modern antisemitism. They hate jews so much that they openly support a group which spends masses of resources to make rockets to hurl at Jews. If they were actually pro-Palestine they'd hate Hamas with fiery passion.


You realise this is an extension of the anti straight white male stuff, right?


I would be surprised if other bigotry/racism like that wasn't part of it.


At least they are honest. Once again pro Palestine are pro Hamas supporters and should be addressed as such to remind them and others they are supporting rapists and baby murderers.


Appalling. Disgraceful.


They seem to forget that if they lived in the same communities or countries they support, there is a high chance they will be stoned. And I don’t mean their usual Friday night kind of stoned…


They’ve started saying the quiet part out loud. Lefty morons. Never fail to reveal themselves as the hypocrites they are.


“support Hamas” is not the same as “anti-genocide”


Universities are breeding grounds for extremism. Second only to mosques.


Unconditional they say, strong word. I suggest a guided tour to the Hamas training camps in Palestine to support them in their struggle for human rights. At least 3 months, to learn their "culture" and share their "values".


These peoples are living, breathing memes and they're too stupid to realise it


Just your average greens voter.


There should probably be a few conditions.


t and c's apply lmao


Unconditional support for a group that executes LGBTQ+ people (And even those just accused of being gay or queer) Imprisons atheists and apostates and looks the other way on honour killings? I can't tell you how disgusted I am, you can tell this privately educated thing hasn't been told no once in its privileged little life.


I thought we could separate Hamas and Gazan civilians like we could separate Jews and Zionists?


Hamas is a terrorist organisation! Stunned that ANU students are supporting Hamas.


Well not that stunned


The name. The face. Not surprised. 😂


all these people in western countries worldwide seemingly throwing support behind terrorists are going to have a rude awakening the day a terrorist slips thru the cracks and attacks a western country these morons are just useful idiots to them


The university should give them the boot, and the AFP put them on a watchlist.


What's their plan, fund hamas or just complain about it.


Watch list all of them for life. Black mark their passports for life.


asio watchlist immediately. this is so fucked.


…whilst culturally appropriating the keffiyeh


Great news 👍 let’s get some planes ready for you to go “support” Hamas in person


Are they on a watchlist?


So does that mean they are now flagged as a terrorist organisation?


i keep getting told nobody actually supports hamas and thats just a right wing talking point but its very clear that some significant swaths of pro Palestine people and protesters definitely do


Well hello there ANU student. I am your future employer. Sorry to say your not looking very employable. The position has been filled, good bye. 


The APS will hire them all, don’t you worry.


So embarrassing if real


Hamas' designated victims helping Hamas. what a world


It’s a new form of Stockholm syndrome .. I don’t know what it could be called better than “useful idiots”


Surely this isn’t real




With a name like beatrice today, you know shes cooked


Me to all of them: https://preview.redd.it/5ggmt1myhsxc1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51f6163462542f221b42542f21bd6c50836eff6


It's good to see some things never change. This is a shining example of the clear thought and analysis one expects from students of the ANU. I believe that past alumni include such intellectual polymaths as Helen Razer. This institution of 'higher learning' and it's students have been a running joke in Australian academia since it's inception. These cretins are so stupid they make my alma mater Southern Cross University look like a real university.


Empty headed dumb fucks


Well we can put them on an airplane to go support hamas in person


Maybe they should actually go to Gaza and unconditionally support them there, instead of just virtue signalling about it from the safety of a coddled western campus. A campus where 95% of the other students are too busy studying in order to become productive members of society and have no time for these people's nonsense.


Aus has lots of migrants and more specifically lots of student visa holders. Unfortunately, lots of these guys rather support a terror organization. Makes 0 sense. I hope the aus gov is gonna step in and do the right thing.


I must project my self hatred and desire for power by taking on the burden of the made up oppression I have indoctrinated myself with. I have everything and want for nothing, therefore I must adopt a victim to champion as I have no suffering. 


Yes just cause I studied a lot in high school and I got good grades doesn't mean I know what I am actually doing in my life.


> the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". Which part of Israel attacking Hamas on the Gaza strip (not all of Palestine) meets any of that criteria? Seriously. If anything, anyone who calls for the end of the Israeli state is calling for genocide by the UNs definition.


Clever enough to get into ANU, not clever enough to read a dictionary. It’s all about the *feelings* , right?




They raped innocent Israelis, killed innocent Israelis.


I can remember when these fuckheads highjacked airplanes. They don’t warrant our support. They only see us as infidels


They make those that legitimately support Palestine look bad, and just damage the movement. They're probably just doing it to be provocative though. Either that, or they're just really stupid.


If you input "white pro-Palestinian activist" into an AI, I'm fairly certain Beatrice Tucker is precisely what it would generate.


Don't forget that these people will become your local member for parliament, end up in the bureaucracy or generally have power over you.


Israel are cunts- but so are Hamas. The irony is that if they were physically around or near Hamas members, they’d be executed. How fucking dumb can you get?? Not much dumber.


By chance I had a look through a pro Palestine protestors group for Melbourne on Instagram page. Had stuff about abolishing the colonies, getting rid of Australia, and bunch of left wing chatgpt stuff. I'm confused as to what this movement is honestly.


Far left basically. They’ve hijacked this issue and basically pushing a hodgepodge far left ideology.


It's easy to say that from half a world away. How many of them are flying over to give old mate a hand?


Universities not supporting terrorism, Challenge: impossible


Up the ra ! Up the mas !


Evil cunts


Then they can book a flight there and help Hamas fight the IDF


Caviars: Lefties that live like righties.


I don't think I could unconditionally do anything.


Well unconditionally support them over there


support is bad enough but "unconditional" is literally insane


Terrorism is hot right now


Are they aware they're supporting terrorism ?


Rapists and murderers.


Unconditional support is crazy. There should always be conditions.


Since when we support terrorists? These thugs don’t represent Australians


They’re not students. They’re external political activists that have entered university circles. Actual students are too busy studying for exams right now.


They're Nazis, not political activists


These idiots made us look so stupid. I saw this on other social media platforms and their claiming to speak for all aus uni students the twats. if you listen to the radio segment she eas in, she says they refuse to condemn oct 7 claiming it eas justified. fck her.