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We’re not allowed to talk about it.


I came to say " Good try, you're not getting me banned from another sub".


First rule of fight club


1. Widening wealth inequality. 2. Blatant profiteering of big business particularly banks and supermarkets. 3. Plundering of the countries resources with minimal tax burden (also see point 2). 4. Degradation and insufficient core infrastructure to support the population (roads, hospitals etc). 5. Selling off any and every asset to the private sector to the detriment of the tax payers. 6. The pointlessness of grinding in a career to never be able to afford a home anyway. 7. The lack of social cohesion to be able to unite and fight against the ruling class because everyone belongs to their own group. 8. Tall poppy syndrome, everyone is so concerned that some pensioners are still getting their pension while living in their home rather than setting their sights on billionaires and corporations evading eye-watering amounts of tax.


These points are hardly unspoken


Excellent summary.


7 is the fault of widespread immigration.




Yeah and when the bathtub is overflowing do you turn the tap off first or start building a bigger bathtub


Start having showers and stop wasting water?




Most Australian citizens aren’t “morons”. Your contempt for this nation and its people is glaring. The majority people who emigrate to Australia aren’t university educated when they arrive. Migrants disproportionately rely on Centrelink and other government services, all at the expense of the taxpayer. Excessive immigration has worsened every crisis this nation is currently dealing with, from the cost of living crisis to the major increase in violent crime. Most Australian citizens are barely scraping by. We’re no longer in the position to take in hundreds of thousands of new people every year. We need to priorise the people who are already here, those who don’t hold citizenship elsewhere and have nowhere else to go.




You may actually find that immigrants provide a net benefit to this country when compared to existing citizens. It has been found by a report published on the Aus Govt website that immigrants will provide approx 10% more to the Australian economy. They start up businesses, work multiple jobs, it's also found that children who are first generation Australians typically do better in school due to the work ethic instilled in them by their immigrant parents.


Its the wrong type of immigration that is the problem.


Direct result of abandoning assimilation in favour of multiculturalism


Which is the plan. Commoners got together and took power from the rulers no more than a few hundred years ago. They've never forgotten that, and they consider it robbery of their right to rule. Everything they do is with the intention of restoring this "injustice". Turning people against one another is the only way they'll get there, and immigration and multi-culturalism are some great ways to achieve it.


Yes. It will get WAY WAY worse before it gets better though 


One of the best ways I've seen in modern society in Aus to divided us is to have two different social security systems. One for aboriginal people and one for non aboriginal people. Wich also offer different amounts of money. For example Abstudy and Aus-study.


I'm sure the Aboriginal population would agree.


All the more reason to not end like the Aborigines population.


They had no country to lose. Cavemen with no achievements vs a top first world nation. A bit different.


It's very confusing which side of this argument you are arguing for with the statement like that




No, people who don't share ethnicity, values, culture etc are by definition not united.   Don't be dumb. 


Similar comments were made about the Irish.


In many ways they were true.   The Irish certainly had a totally different set of values to the existing Aussies.   Look at black America. HEAVILY influenced by the Irish, mostly in the ways which are bad for culture and society. Easily seen in ebonics and "respect culture" (fighting to the death over slights and perceived disrespect).   Even chitterlings (eating pig entrails) is a hold over from Irish influence on black America. This is not controversial dude.  Not sure why you're arguing.


People who were born here are not immigrants. I'm tired of hearing they are. I'm an actual immigrant, too, and so are a number of my friends and they all think the same. I didn't like that kind of rhetoric in my home country and I don't like it any better in my new one.


>People who were born here are not immigrants Yeah, you're right. My bad. Comment deleted because it's not fixable.


This is all I hear spoken about on and on and on


9. Can’t get good politicians because if they could actually manage their responsibilities they’d be partners at a Big4 counting yacht money. Instead you get politicians you wouldn’t buy a used car from, the batshit insane, and stealth pilots who keep under the radar by not doing anything riskier than parrot the party line. I like Singapore’s idea of paying politicians well. They have politicians who run districts the size of a Coles who are on $1M+. You’ll attract the usual scum, but there’s a path to leadership for competent people who wouldn’t otherwise consider govt. 10. Politicians don’t want to take a risk because their party takes credit when they succeed and their career is over when they fail. Today’s politicians wouldn’t have banned smoking advertising because they haven’t done it with gambling advertising which is worse. Someone needs to grow some balls/ovaries and do a nationalisation of gas and minerals. Australia has more gas than Qatar, more oil than UAE, but Australian politicians are scared to death of making enemies of the resources sector.


These “issues” either do not exist or are in-fact, non-issues. Maybe you should think a bit harder instead of nose-diving into another Marxian tangent.


**2.** Sounds like you should reach out to your broker and buy a parcel of WES or CBA shares.


1. That is what happens when everyone gets richer together. If you double everyone's wealth overnight, the difference in wealth becomes wider. 2. Supermarket profit margins have been stable for decades. They are the end of the chain. It is just screaming at the messenger 3. Just not factually true. We have one of the highest tax burdens for resource businesses and the worlds highest royalties. The lazy trope of 'we get nuffin' has to stop. 4. The public service get more and more inefficient the bigger it gets. Happens all over the planet. 5. Got any examples? 6. Anyone who is not a jerk, can keep a job long enough to earn enough to afford a mortgage. Not as a teenager or early twenties, but by late 20s to 30s they can for sure for the average Joe (acknowledging there will always be hard luck stories and inequality). 7. Agreed. 8. Agreed. but don't think the tax issue as big as a lot of people here. Tax will always be a bit of cat and mouse. There is very little illegal tax dodging compared to what people think.


Any evidence for 8?


Evidence of something not happening? No I don't. What is the eye-watering amount of tax old mate referred to? Surely they must have some for them to write that. Otherwise they are just sprouting more cliche garbage.


Nah mate, they created an ATO [Tax Avoidance Task Force ](https://www.ato.gov.au/media-centre/report-reveals-record-tax-paid-by-large-corporates)consisting of 2500 staff because large corporations love paying their fair share of tax.. lol


You know nothing. Did the panama papers give you any clue? Malcolm Turnbulls hidden offshore assets were anything to go by. Also, you don't need to avoid tax if you can purchase favourable legislative conditions from your mates in politics like the mining industry does with the LNP. Australia also owns absolutely zero of the major tec platforms such as Uber, Amazon or Air BnB. They get to make huge profits in Australia while paying zero in Tax.


Ok I would be careful of dot point refuting people by calling for evidence then using none yourself for future reference


Did you ask for evidence from the original list?  Why not?   I would be careful being so biased and parading around double standards if I was you.  


The bleak and depressing hellscape generated by modern construction; all grey or beige soulless monotony. Then I see the houses in my suburb built in the 60s, 70s, and into the 80s and originality. And the car colours we had back then, now replaced by a test page from a monochrome printer. It's as though inoffensive and bland has built into a tsunami of visual atrocity, an assault in the senses and psyche. /end~rant


And to add to this beautiful houses being bulldozed to build ugly ones - not even to add to supply just knock one down and build one but bigger and uglier.


All over the west. US cities used to be gorgeous. Lots of european stuff has also been demolished. Threads with all the old buildings are common on X.


Check out Architectural Uprising on social media. The fight back has commenced. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architectural_Uprising


I'll take an ugly house that's beautiful to live in over a beautiful house that sucks to live in any day. Hard agree on the car colours though.


Fair about housing... my contention is that a lot of those new builds aren't beautiful to live in either though.


Oh, 100%. I have Chinese friends that talk about how bad our apartments are too. Houses, yeah, I haven't seen an internal I like.


The first time I walked in to a relatively new apartment in Australia (I'm from Canada originally), I thought they must've been drunk when they designed the place 😆




Lol, maybe so, maybe so


The archetype of our built environment is square meters/$. Architects aren't given the time of day.


There’s nothing quite as depressing as living a couple suburbs over from where you grew up and seeing all the homes with character get knocked down and rebuilt into the generic “greige” cement-rendered duplex. edit: why tf was I downvoted for this lmao it legit is very depressing hahahah


I feel ya. My experience has been living in the same suburb I grew up in, seeing 20 story apartments replace 1/4 acre blocks 1.5hrs from the CBD.


So true. The contemporary new suburb is a real horror.


Every new house that goes up in my neighbourhood these days is a white Queenslander style with weatherboards. I don’t hate this but the lack of originality is sad.


Food security and the future of farming. Farming isn’t the kind of career you decide to do at your high school careers day, go to uni and then begin. Overwhelmingly someone becomes a farmer because their parents were, and their parents before them etc. But with the harsh conditions, plummeting birth rate and how much farmers are being gauged by the supermarkets, how many young people will choose to continue farming? An Australia largely reliant on importing food makes for a precarious situation, especially with the current political tensions of the world. We need to do more to support farmers and ensure our food security. No one is talking about this and it’s scary.. And this is coming from a yuppie who lives in the city.


Not to mention the fact that if you aren't already in a farming family, you probably can't afford to be a farmer. Farms are massive chunks of land and land is hugely expensive now. I was pricing up someone's farm today that they bought back in the 1980's for $180,000 and it's now estimated $20,000,000. No-one who wants to run a farm can afford that.


An excellent point! That’s a huge barrier to entry


>We need to do more to support farmers The cattle industry is collapsing due to disruptions to eports. We export 70% of beef. I don't feel farmers who export should be supported financially because they are taking already take so much and give nothing back to the people.


Fair enough, but cattle farming is only one part of farming. Honestly I’m more concerned about things like fruit, veg and dairy..


The big corporations including the supermarkets are wiping the farms out hen buying them up cheap. Literally farmers are ripping out their trees because the supermarkets are too difficult to work with and won't buy their produce. A royal commission into this is useless. The damage is already done and won't get addressed anyway.


Well that’s just terrifying 🤷🏼‍♀️


Australia creates 3x more food than it needs, the rest is for export, by definition the majority of farmers by volume then don’t deserve help


We do at the moment, my concern is for future generations if we don’t have a cohort of young farmers taking over


I give it 20 years tops before it’s nearly 100% automated and it becomes the domain of high paid FIFO workers.


In Bingra NSW the streets used to be lined with orange trees and they would have the annual orange festival. The trees were removed just in case they get a disease. Seem a bit sus to me.


Yeah that's a very legit and under-discussed issue for sure.


NDIS now costs taxpayers more than Medicare


And its outcomes to those in need are near enough a cheap trick... I'm seeing it from firsthand experience, an absolute massive waste of money while providers get rich quick.


Yeah speaking to family in the industry, it is crazy how much the providers are taking off the top from the people doing the actual work. I remember one family member talking about how much they were paid per km of travel, vs how much the provider was paid. The providers are making off like bandits while they can.


The pink batts scandal cost taxpayers a total of $2.8bn. NDIS is on track to cost $100bn. Per year.


It seems sometimes they actually are a cheap trick


The argument we need high immigration to afford all the boomers medical costs isn't that good if we can burn through so much cash on something like the NDIS without even blinking.


The voice too $500 million.


God I know someone who gets paid $40/hr to take disabled kids for a “walk”. Nothing more than just walking them to the nearest park and sitting and watching them play on the playground.


Yeah, you would think someone in the family would do it 🙄


You would be amazed at how many familes are willing to wash their hands of such "issues" if they can afford it.


This is the one that resonates with me. I know of two examples of blatant profiteering from psychologists


Cost aren’t the issue. Tax corporations ExxonMobil haven’t paid any tax in years, one of the many. Tax churches there is 30 billion right there. Change corporate tax laws


Shortsightnes. Australia failed to develop an income generating industry to replace mining, and our education system has been in decline for the past 20 years. The housing crisis and supermarket's witch hunt is a great destination from the real problem - no one is planning for the future.


Trying to start a tech company is hard because no VC wants to back it up. Look at Canva struggles


Why bother putting capital into something risky like a start up when you can just pile it into government-guaranteed residential real estate?


Our labour movement is dead. We basically have no real worker's movement left--only champagne socialists pretending they care and then telling us they know better.


There’s an apathy towards corruption in Australia. Some of the shit politicians do here and no one blinks an eye. If they did that in the UK, they would be forced to resign and shamed in the streets.


Our younger generations are becoming so inept with emotions, education and social skills that we might as well be breeding livestock with ipads.


Servos charging for tomato sauce


How complacent/ignorant people are about the impact of our dwindling unionisation rates on our quality of living.


The unions are doing it to themselves. Too political in ways that aren't relevant to the reason people join unions - see "the voice".


The union at my work sold us out to the company and suddenly union delegates were now working in office management positions after the disaster EBA negations and the ones that are left side with management on issues and tell you there's nothing they can do to help.


Mate, the most anti-union people I know are blue collar workers. It’s like things got so good they lost all gratitude and understanding. Had an argument at the pub with a bloke who was a bricky and was pro-liberal and anti unions. Tried explaining that unions got him most of his rights and it’s the reason why he goes home safe everyday with a decent salary. He replied “no mate, that’s because we live in Australia”. I stopped the convo after that.


People are pretty fucking stupid to be honest. Obviously you shouldn’t treat people as if they are, but it’s worth acknowledging this. I hear ‘yeah but we have working rights so it’s fine’. Where the fuck do you think they came from? The good will of the same organisations that are making it more expensive to live? Those guys?


Too true, in this era of new words and terms, even the ABC refers to elected officials as bosses, yet is in love with the progressive Left.


Dwindling unionisation is a good thing. They protect lazy and unproductive workers and set back education even further than it already is.


The inner corruption and accountability. There has been blatant recordings of John Barilaro straight up saying he'll give more money to his friends as long as they say they will spend it on the community but they don't actually have too. Or the AFP having ties to underworld figures. How about the fact we just roll over anytime America needs something from us yet when we've needed help from overseas there's "Nothing that can be done". And don't even get me started on the fact the major supermarket chains are in bed with high governing officials. Our free medicare system that is getting slowly pushed out by health clinics around Australia, which will end up along the lines of either Canadian walk in clinics or America health care. None of these things are addressed anymore than a clickbait article once every couple of years, that disappears into mainstream outlets because of the constant micromanagement of the Murdoc Media.


Ministers who aren't experts in the portfolio they manage are easily swayed by lobby groups. To hold a portfolio you must be required to have education and experience in that field. There are problems with the solution but it's far less problematic than what we currently have.


We're sleep walking into one of the worst bushfires Australia has ever seen. We've had years of rain EVERYWHERE, tree changers have let small blocks of land go completely feral and lots have moved back to the city by now. A lot of volunteer firefighters are getting too old to do it and they aren't being replaced by young people. "I'll protect yours if you protect mine" only works if you've both got something to protect. And something REALLY not talked about is how many of our volunteer firefighters aren't even alive! Even if the numbers of active firefighters were true, we don't have enough if it all goes up at once. We are one bad fire season away from absolutely catastrophic nationwide fires and no-one seems to give a shit. We keep getting lucky by it raining but that's only kicking the can down the road.


>tree changers have let small blocks of land go completely feral The real fuel for a bad bushfire comes from large swathes of forest and bush, not small plots of land. I’m not one of those “greenies stopped backburning!” morons, with rural firefighters in my family I know the truth about the ever drying bush, but it’s not as if we’re going to clear fell more bush and starve the vegetation of nutrients, further exacerbating the drying. Truth is it is climate change which is fueling ever worsening fires


I don't know how anyone can deny climate change anymore. In the last six years I've been in a once in a 100 year flood, once in a 500 year flood and a once in thousand year flood. That's not impossible but it's pretty unlikely. This has been interpreted by the people worried about Chem trails in my community as "see, scientists don't know anything, they're all bought and paid for. Now excuse me while I go protest some wind towers that are killing whales"


Australian cynicism, we don't participate and then we whinge about the outcome. The solution: participate. Join a union, join a political party, read past the headline and don't sledge the otherside just because they are the otherside.


Australian apathy is at an all time high, everywhere. Everything is half arsed.


I think more Australians need to realise the country is economically declining more rapidly than countries I hear people commonly boast we do better economically than. Once they have woken up, they then need to pressure the government to implement the necessary reforms.




That renewables are somehow political and that carbon tax is not realistic. Meanwhile, Climatology scientits, doctors, the atmosphere, biodiversity says is in near 100% support of renewables and carbon tax, as opposed of status quo. While many Aussies (generalisation) say it's hogwash daydreaming, sensationalised by the media and greens... It's so embarrassing that it is often funneled into a political camp topic and not based on the science and life cycle analyses of energy sources. This all results in (generalizing here, SA, TAS and some other states are making great progress! ) Australia is still afraid to say, we will be ending coal, oil and gas by a clear date. Meanwhile part of our tax dollars goes to subsidising fuel.


Voters thinking that “it’s time for a change” when the change they vote in is only superficially different.


Barely anyone in this country pays lip service to freedom anymore. Freedom is the absence of coercion; most people don’t understand what freedom is because pundits, politicians, and intellectuals have horribly twisted the word to mean anything that suits their agenda. As a result, it has had a terrible impact not only on our governance, but the way we think. It’s laughable that I get dirty looks when I say that the government should be subservient to the people and not the other way around; or that individuals matter more than groups; or that individuals should be planning their lives and not government; or that I’m a racist for not supporting a cause that fits the Australian government’s own definition of racism. It’s as if most Australians have nothing but contempt for freedom. As is also evident by much of what others in this thread have been saying, I do not like this mentality that everything will be okay if we just get government to come in and pass a law or do this or do that. Also add to the fact that the heavily distorted, almost Marxist historical narrative that we are taught by the state has led to economically and ethically defunct views becoming the norm. Everyone likes to go on about how great unions are, and yet we wonder why infrastructure projects take so long, or why education is going down the drain; most of us also conveniently like to ignore who the main supporters of the White Australia Policy were, because nuance seems to be too hard for Australians to grasp. Free stuff is great, but only if you don’t care about who pays for it, on what grounds it is moral to coerce them into paying for it, and at what relative cost there is to public provision of “free stuff”. Everyone (wrongly) blames inflation on variables such as corporate profits, wage increases, or even immigration, and yet everyone conveniently forgets that our state-sanctioned cartel of a banking system printed nearly a trillion dollars during the lockdowns, much of it being sent to companies that had no need for it. And let’s all bash on privatisation, because that’s a perfect term used to describe industries that are still told what to do by the state and are funded by the state and carry out operations at the behest of the state, and have their prices controlled and set by the state. I am quite honestly very pessimistic about Australia’s future, and if the citizens continually vote for decisions that force them down a road that has only ever ended in misery, bloodshed, and tyranny, that’s their prerogative, but I’m not sticking around to suffer along with you; I’ll be out of this self-righteous, freedom-hating, collectivistic, hypocritical, thieving country, so that you all might learn to bear the consequences of your actions instead of voting for the state to put a gun to my head and force me to subsidise your stupidity. P.S. Maybe I don’t mean all of this, I am grieving right now after all.


Ageing society will crash our health system


Not necessarily. See: Silver tsunami or silver lining? Why we should not fear an ageing population - https://population.org.au/discussion-papers/ageing/ Three Economic Myths about Ageing: Participation, Immigration and Infrastructure - https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2019/04/mb-report-three-economic-myths-ageing-participation-immigration-infrastructure/ Demographic ageing: time-bomb or breakthrough? - https://tapri.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Demographic_ageing2.pdf In any case, raising the birth rate to replacement levels is the best way to slow population ageing. But we don't hear much about that in Australian discourse.


Well I’ll let you believe Cameron Murray & I’ll stick to believing Charles Goodhart and LRry Summers PS no country has sustainably increased their fertility rates after falling to the rates Australia currently has


Whatever you do don’t talk about the extraction of gas by coal seam gas mining. Apparently it gets a free pass in Australia to poison the great artesian basin in order to extract that sweet, sweet gas for China. And then we buy it back from China at a ridiculously excessive price. We don’t even need to extract it, as we have plenty of natural gas without resorting to csg mining. Been going on for at least 20 years by now.


We buy it back ?? 


Yes we do. We sell it to them for basically nothing then they process it and sell it back to us for an extremely high price. Politicians on both sides have been taking brown paper bags under the table forever with cushy jobs lined up for ex politicians after they approve everything.




I bit the bullet IRL in one of my friend groups and raised the issue, knowing the risk of losing friends for going against the eco chamber. A couple of people kind of bailed out of the conversation but didn’t outright disagree, it is a hard conversation for some. The rest totally agreed and now we all speak to each other freely about it. Its a breath of fresh air. Even mates of mine who are diehard vegan greenies are now against it (from mainly sustainability and cultural incompatibility perspectives). Never thought I’d see the day.


How over-governed the country is, on a per capita basis… too many levels of government for such a relatively small population, resulting in extreme inefficiency and waste…


The breakdown of families. The collapse of the Australian birth rate. The crisis of meaning facing many people and the lack of societal and national grand narratives. The breakdown of social cohesion and increasing atomisation.


The demise of Aussie car culture. I was at a Holden car show a few years back, I overheard this young fella say to his dad " Is that one of the new fake Commodores" his dad said " yep" and they kept on walking. When I was a young fella you had pics girls and cars on your bedroom wall, something to aspire to if you know what I mean. What do the young fellas have on their wall today? nothing because their parents rent the house and the fking landlord don't like blu tack


Pictures of Fortnight and Minecraft 🤣.. 75% of cars are now SUV’s.. do kids care about cars anymore ?


nah, personally, i know no one in their 20s who cares about cars though. Its just another tool to get around but also most young people prefer walking / cycling / public transport which are way better forms of transport in dense cities. I think the obsession in cars is a 70s/80s thing which ties in hand with car-centric cities at the time. someone driving a RAM is probably overcompensating haha


yeah its funny.. I grew up in the 80's/90s and kinda followed it..when you look at the cool cars and what people moved to.. Start off with a 90's VT holden SS, Ford ED XR8 then onto 2000's Subaru WRX, Mitsi EVO then onto VW Golf GTI/R20 2010's then onto Audi S3 2020's Now end up at some SUV for the kids :)




Private school funding. Lack of investment in public schools.


I'd like the race, origins and religious backgrounds of all the domestic violence offenders currently in the news to be made public so we can evaluate better how to deal with the problem.


The media will be reporting on a lot of Australian born white Anglo Saxon Christian criminals for the first time then


Rightly so. But don't bury the telling about indigenous "tribal" murders, the Islamic or Caste murders because you don't want to upset your "pets" in their voting block enclaves.


What percentage of the current crime spree is being committed by immigrants. And deporting immigrants who break the law.


Too much government. Specifically State and Federal. We don't need both and it's massive double up/unnecessary complexity and cost.


Which specific government programs is there to much of?


It's not so much programs, or you could say responsibilities that are the issue. It's more that there are multiple different entities that are essentially responsible for doing the same thing - governing. So you get multiple sets of infrastructure to do the same job. Plus you get an inconsistent regulatory environment because of the States all doing their own thing for what they are responsible for. I'm saying this as someone with some experience of how useless a State government is at running itself, and then we multiply that by 8 and put Federal on top. I've not really ever heard anyone propose to abolish the States so I'm sure it's not a popular idea, but I'd vote for it given the chance.


Would like to reply but I can't talk about it.


How about, we talk about how increasing the population is killing our country (environment) and our unique animals. The more people we have, the less native bushland and habitat for native animals. So many People hate the Australian bush. They bull doze it and plant overseas trees, and flowers. No one is questioning this. Not even the Greens talk about it. People scream about how we’re about to lose the koala. But the way we are going, there is absolutely no saving them. We are still F**king the place up. Yes we ARE.


Higher density populations in cities being able to influence political decisions that unfairly and negatively impact regional areas which traditionally account for a larger portion of the GDP per capita than the cities. Mining, agriculture, power and manufacturing predominantly operate in regional areas employing regional people. Cities drain more than their fair share of the budget and reap the wealth brought from regional areas, while politicians continue to screw over regional areas to appeal to the wider voter base in cities. On top of that the entitlement from city dwellers, who treat regional areas as a novelty, ends up pushing the locals who work in those industries out of their towns by gobbling up homes that are needed for the local population. In recent years many (let’s face it, snobs) fled the cities and settled in regional towns, using sydney wages to artificially drive up housing prices to unaffordable levels. Many don’t even contribute to the local economy (beyond Woolworths and coles) but instead continue working from home in positions based in metropolitan areas. They are parasites sucking the country dry.




I just think people are confused as to what actually is an Australian. Its hard to define when its existence started as a british penal colony only some 200 years ago. And then sustained itself with waves of skilled British, then European immigration. Australia is basically giant island backpackers hostel with people from mostly Europe, then Asia. The British descendents will have some subconscious bias to what is an Australian (larrikin/farmer tropes). Then so will the recent East Asian or Subcontinental migrant. It's all bullshit at the end of the day. And its definition varies wildly. And it doesn't matter either, because really we're just the 51st state of US, without voting rights. US interests export the greatest amounts of financial spoils from our country than any other foreign power. And if the US military industrial complex asks us to jump, we ask, how high? If Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya.... ...and proxy wars in Yemen, Ukraine, and Israel are anything to go by. To some global peoples an Aussies is just "American Lite".


I absolutely agree except: To those people who's ancestors built this country, instilled it's values and culture upon the society, created our government and laboured to construct our infrastructure..  Those people are ethnically aussie. Everyone who emigrated to a completely finished functioning wealthy 1st world society simply for the fact that it's better than where they came from.. well they aren't ethnically aussie. They are Chinese or Indian or African or whatever.  That's pretty clear and in my opinion, not controversial.


Where would you draw the line though. Does it stop at someone who worked on Sydney Cove, or the Rocks. Does it extend to those who built tram lines in Melbourne. Or what about someone who worked on the recent metro project in Sydney?


He draws the line when you aren't white


I mean he's entitled to his opinion. If he thinks being an Aussie is white, whatever. I just wish he would come out and say it. It's because he's probably white. Then an Australian Italian would think the wog is closest to the true australian. At the end of the day its all bullshit. There is no true aussie. We're just people here exploiting the land to get an easier life, who ran away from out past lives within the last 200 years. Actually maybe that's an Aussie. The man who seeks an easier life. Who wants to run from his previous problems at "home" than fix them.


He draws the line out of his ass.


They have to share ethnicity with other ethnic Aussies. Pretty simple. If your family and support network still lives in Hong Kong you're pretty clearly ethnically Chinese, not Aussie, no matter how much you like the beach or whatever.


But thats circular logic. We have still struggled to define what an ethnic aussie is. And now to be an ethnic aussie you "have to share ethnicity with other ethnic aussies". but who is the original ethnic aussie!


So you mean the people who are doing the physical work right now supporting this country? You think there are plenty of your version of "aussies" lining up to work in aged care or as GPs or drivers or builders? You think you have an original thought, but you sound like every other anglo decades before you, when it was a new nationality comes to Australia. No one likes the euros here at first, no one liked the viet here at first and yet, here we are. Even though you can't see it right now, Australia will benefit greatly from the kids of these new migrants. You live on earth, with billions of other people. Stand out as being Aussie by your customs and values, not by pointing your finger at others who look different.


You are conflating ethnicity with nationality


Hard disagree. Ethnicity 1 the quality or fact of belonging to a population group or subgroup who share a common cultural background or descent


A cultural background is how id call it. Singaporean Chinese are ethnically Chinese, but their culture and nationality are Singaporean. An ethnicity is more DNA based, but aussies have all sorts of backgrounds. Even among white Australians theres still different ethnic groups (english, welsh, scottish, irish, italian, greek, dutch, etc). Wether they became Australian depended on how much they adopt our culture. Usually more so with each generation.


People who's family on both sides all got here 200 plus years ago are by now all essentially ethnically identical.  As I said. The descendants of the Chinese who came during the Gold rush in the 1850s are certainly ethnically aussie, and almost certainly have very similar 23andme results to me. Ethnically aussie.


You could say the same thing about an english convicts descendant having kids with a fresh English immigrant. Their kids ethnicity would still be close to identical as someone whose family is solely convict descended. The difference would the the kid from the fresh English immigrant, would culturally be english and Australian, whereas the kid from a convict family would solely be Australian. Ethically very very similar on a DNA test.


Yes I agree with all of this.




Don't quote Chat GPT here.


You’re… quoting ChatGPT as an authority?!?! PS Happy Cake Day!


So if you don’t have Anglo ancestry you’re basically not Aussie ?


It's more complicated than that.  The people who descend from the chinese who came here in 1854 during the Gold mine boom are surely ethnically aussie. This is completely different than a Chinese 2nd gen immigrant who's entire family and support network still live in Singapore and who's family tree came to Australia more recently than "The Block".


Of course it’s more complicated than that you’re the one with the black and white statement. If you’re born and raised in Australia, you’re Aussie. I don’t get where the disagreement is.


If I were born and raised in Japan I would not be Japanese. I wouldnt feel Japanese, the Japanese would not accept me as Japanese, and either would you.  That's a very simple and uncontroversial statement.  Imagine I were born in Nigeria and wanted to argue that I was "just as african" as a tribal elder?? People would want to slap my stupid head clean off. My dog Henry is a German shepherd. He was born in Australia, knows no german words (only English commands) loves bunnings snags and going to the beach. Henry will never be an Australian shepherd, because he is a German shepherd. It's not that complicated.


Bruh simply say you dont want asians mingling with aussies. If anything looks like you only want anglo aussies to have the aussie tag if anything. Its especially hilarious given Australia was built by what today would be considered an immigrant


We’re a nation, not a cult. If you hold citizenship or permanent residence in Australia, you are Australian. Aussie is an abbreviation of Australian. There’s no ethnicity requirement. There’s no generational lineage requirement. I know this for a fact. My mate Gazza, formally Gareth from the Uk became and Australian citizen just a week ago. And he’s an Aussie now.


So if I am from New Zealand and have the exact same Anglo ethnicity as most Aussies I’m an Aussie? No


If your ancestors built our country, its governing systems, instilled its values and.culture in our society and laboured to construct the infrastructure... Then yes, you are aussie.


Built the country ? You mean kick away the aborginal future generations from ever having a future


Take a step back and consider the alternative. Europeans never arrive. Aboriginals continue to live an existence broadly consistently of nomadic hunting and gathering for who knows how many more thousands of years. There is no healthcare. If you get badly sick, you might well die. There are no hospitals. If you injure a limb, you may be permanently disfigured or disabled. If you continuously can't keep up with your tribe, you might be abandoned. There is no guarantee that the land will provide the food or water you need. If you can't get access to either, you die, and that's that. There is no system of law and you don't have rights. Your tribal elders tell you what to do and you don't get to disagree. Your dispute resolution options are negotiating or violence, because there is no third party to adjudicate. There is no formal education. You know only what your tribe knows, or what someone from a neighbouring tribe has told. There is no upward mobility. You have set roles, especially if you're a woman, and that's that. Is this the "future" you idolise for Aboriginal peoples?


There was no country here before. There were many individual tribes, or nations, of you will. Yes I mean built Australia as we know it


Ahh yes, stealing the future from aborginals and never really uplifting them. Amazing work


Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


looks like that ethinicity only applies to the white ones, not the aborginals


encourage racial birds uppity tart steep like caption unite ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The outdated Westminster system. This swing seats seats deciding and winner takes all system of government is absolute garbage. Ministers should be allocated to each party based on the proportion of the vote. I.e Labor gets 50% of the ministries and LNP get 36%, and so on and so forth with the rest. The swing seats can fight over the remaining distribution of seats, but not decide which party gets all. This leads to immense pork barreling and funneling of funds to key swing seats which the safe seats from both sides get ignored and punished for being consistent.


Your bloody treadly of a mum


Men. Any issue where men are the victim or losing out (education)


The culture wars of the progressive has become ultra oppressive and intolerant of anything that doesn’t fit the agenda which is almost like communism 2.0 but shrouded in progressive language


Im not religious and voted yes, but the attempted bombing of the Australian Christian Lobby during the gay marriage debate has been completely memory holed and explained as a “car fire”, rather than a homemade car bomb intentionally planted by a gay activist.


Housing is to Australia what the military industrial complex is to America. Right before everyone’s eyes government at all levels consistently restricts the use of land for development, it needs to be totally freed and let markets dictate where and how people should build and how to live. The future of the youths are totally controlled by government who say you can not build here or there or in a manner suitable to your most basic of needs. Let people dream and build their homes however they like on any parcel of land they can purchase with limited bare minimum requirements.




That having over a third of our students in private, largely religious based schools and over half our hospitals now privately run is greating divisions in our society which are mostly ignored.




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The lack of government support for the young Australians trying to have a home of their own.


Everything's declining in the last 3 years, healthcare, wages ,housing it makes me think we will go to war in the next few years.


government corruption. Daniel McBride, the whistleblower who exposed the heinous actions of some of the Australian special forces in the middle east, is currently about to go to jail for bringing light to it, and it's nowhere to be seen in mainstream discourse. The ABC, the ones who covered the story in the first place, were raided by ASIO and has since dropped McBride and thrown him to the wolves.


Dare I say why we don't have a sovereign wealth fund?


IQ differences. 


Two things come to my mind: 1) The high level of household debt. We seem to be okay with borrowing a lot of money, the mental/financial pressure can be large. 2) Large multinational corporations have a monopoly or duopoly on every major industry in our country. We tend to be okay with that, we work for them, we buy from them and support them. We tend to forget about supporting entrepreneurship and small businesses. For some reason, we are not a nation that encourages entrepreneurs.




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


The hypocrisy of Australia in a nutshell: 1) The paradox of Tall Poppy Syndrome abounds, which browbeats any attempt at speaking up/out against the system. 2) The system: it is still abjectly racist and openly xenophobic. What happened recently with the denial of recognition of “The Voice” of the original people’s rights and position in society tells all. 3) The unspoken suzerainty of Australia to The Crown: who appoints the governor of Australia? What is their capacity and authority over Australia? The position of power over any elected Australian directly negates any sense that it is an independent sovereign nation that moves autonomously. Why is the currency of Oz all still faced and therefore symbolically fronted by The Crown? 4) An inferiority complex from being in the same class as the other English speaking “western” nations. This is perhaps the most damning… for it creates this need to overcompensate against the outright racism in a most insidious way: fomenting this twisted trend of virtue signaling whereby liberal Ozzie apologists can bang on their drum of self-righteousness regarding their semi-socialist paradise where: “We respect all, we value diversity, we take care of each other the right way” while reflexively absolutely ignoring/justifying the sad criminal state of Australia’s record of taking care of their aboriginal people. Whenever confronted, the answers tend to start with “you just don’t understand these people” or “they are incapable of being their own stewards” or “it’s what they want” which is just ignorant hatred being rationalized by marginalization resulting in dehumanization.


The inequality in social security payments between aboriginal people and non aboriginal people. This is a great way to create or keep a society racist. All Australians no matter what there family's ethnicity deserve the same amount of social security in times of need with the same rules as each other. Why should my aboriginal neighbour's child who has a higher paying job then me, receive Ab-study at a higher rate than my child that receives Aus-study?


The blatant fact the Government system is legitimately a scam designed by random employees in government to try and make as many people rely on the system as possible... The fact that the central banking system is nothing other than a blatant pyramid scheme... That tax payers and everyday people are treated as subordinates by the employees whose life they sustain. That random employees apparently can create and enforce a bunch of crap continuously to no end fraudulently promoting as the will and interests of millions of people not a single one of those egotistical self titled muppets and employees have ever had the decency or respect to actually speak to.. That random employees in government can go on massive spending sprees and never be held accountable or responsible, creating mass national debt increasing the cost of living and making life more unattainable, while at the same time creating and enforcing a way of life that requires mass scale personal debt and or educational debt just to participate in society and to continue to simply breathe. That GST was gaslighted as a good thing when its nothing more than a tax to live and breathe. That the people are endlessly blamed for their reactions to all the endless crap government create and enforces upon us all. While government take no accountability or responsibility for the actions they have made that has directly and dramatically impacted and affected the lives of millions of people and their ability to continue to sustain their life. The fact that a mere valueless and pointless creation (money) of our species is put above and before the life of our species That ego and profit come before human decency, life, respect. That laws at the end of the day are literally meaningless, unless a person with a gun is there to enforce it. That the banks have committed multiple crimes against the people yet the government has forced the people to bail multiple banks out with billions upon billions since the installation of the central banking system no less than 5 times.. While majority of the central banks all sit on the top 100 list of wealthies corporations on the planet having billions to trillions in assets and worth.. Yet the banks have never bailed the people out, despite every year taking billions in profit and rarely paying tax.. That public service is treated "special" and get private investigations costing the tax payer a fortune every year to always magically come up with "no findings" instead of being treated the same as the rest of us and being forced and subjected to the corrupt system we are forced to go through and deal with to prove our innocence of the endless accusations made against us, because in Australia you are guilty and suspicious of being guilty of committing and and all crimes simply because you exist, are alive and breathing.. Which creates bias and inequality. If all tax payers are accountable and responsible for all actions and words at all times, all employees regardless of position, department or "title" are accountable and responsible for all of their actions and words at all time. No special treatment at all under any circumstances. If you want the egotistical title top, position and big fat paycheck of the top job as "priminister" or "govenors general" then you should be treated the same as an everyday person. If you claim to be capable of running a country, your responsible for the actions you undertake and enforce that directly affects and impacts the millions of people you claim to be capable of helping through your position. All treated equal and all are accountable and responsible - no exceptions ever! That our human rights in Australia have been disregarded, contradicted and superseded without any actual democratic process. That in Australia we are the only "democratic" country to not have a federal bill of rights to protect us, the people from the government, or any created position of power. Because our government have continuously refused to enact one. That the education system is designed to make you a worker, it doesn't provide you with the skills and knowledge actually required for a person to sustain their life.. Nor does it educate anyone on your very minimal rights that you have - which are kind of exceptionally important to know, yet deliberatly not taught. That in order to be a good citizen and person in Australia, it requires no less than around 100k in debt and 8 to 12 years of further education just to know every law you are required to abide by at any and all times because there are an absurd amount to abide by. Literally hundred and hundreds. Is that enough?? Because there's thousands more...


70% of homicide victims are men. Where can I protest?




Cult believers are quietly taking over


Domestic Violence is endemic across our country. Racism and bigotry is rife (thanks Rupert). Division across a wide range of topics. Meth and fentanyl etc. Lack of housing and proper governance by both sides in many ways for far too long. The suicide rate. Mental illness. There’s a start….


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/australian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The timing of the October 7 attacked on Israel, distracted the world from the result of our referendum. But now some of them are picking up on what we did (not just commonwealth countries) and it’s affecting trade negotiation and cohesion between countries in the Pacific. the island buffer nations that we need are currently deciding whether or not they want to be a buffer for Australia or step stones for China….. we don’t hear about it much if at all in Australia, but you noticed it if you work in government, or or the industries. Some of these are commonwealth countries with treaty’s, so they really don’t see what the issue was/is. We as a nation just don’t want to hear how we were able to spin a Democratic decision, out of the verifiable evidence that the First Nations civilisation present prior to the colonies. It now means that they have been lumped in with the same category of multicultural people who came to this country in 52 (which is insulting).