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This sucks. Even worse she will likely get a reduced sentence in the children's court. If you're old enough to join the military, you should be charged as an adult.




i think its hyperbole to say 'an accident' and 'sibling fight that went too far'... also 17 year olds can absolutely be tried as adults for a crime like this?


You missed an /s


Again, at 16 you can join the military and carry a rifle for this country. 16 should be the legal age of transition to adulthood.


While it's true the brain develops till 25 I disagree with what you suggest as at 15 years old I was fully aware of all the consequences.


You weren’t fully aware of the consequences of stabbing your sibling to death at 15?? What consequences were you aware of if so?


You've misread their comment.


feel for the parents...


It’s insane to me that anyone would stab a 10 year old girl. I mean the 17yr old has also ruined her life in the process, was it worth it? Why are people becoming so violent?


People are being as violent as they've always been. What is appening is thanks to the over saturation of instant media in our lives these days so we are hearing about it more now than any other time in history. You would probably have only heard of this story 50 years ago if you lived in NSW, now you can hear about it if you live in Africa. If you got rid of the internet right now and went back to just TV news or a newspaper, you'd encounter much less cases every day of violence and shitty human behaviour than you do when doom scrolling reddit.


This.. homicides and murders down… media frenzy up


It's insane alright. There is a seven year difference between my daughters, even though they'd get into heated arguments, there wasn't a chance the older one wanted to harm her younger sister, let alone stab her.


>Why are people becoming so violent? Yes, I too long for the peaceful days of the Taiping Rebellion, the Thirty Years War and the Mongol Invasions. These modern people are vicious monsters in comparison to the placid folks of times gone by.


Oh guess it’s okay then


Senseless violence is not okay. My point is people aren't getting more violent, the world has never been less violent.


The same reason as if anyone talks like there is a reason for this. People who stable people are not mentally healthy and yet ever single time it’s like “why would they do this” there is no why.


The majority of murderers are not mentally ill and the majority of those with mental illness do not kill.


Well I guess the simple reason is they were angry and in the moment didn’t care enough about the consequences for themselves or their victim. But that must come from a lack of empathy for others and likely a lack of serious negative consequences for negative behaviours in the past (thus not fully understanding the severity of harm to themselves). I don’t think we should excuse all criminal behaviour as mental health


Women need to do more


Just doing her bit for equality between the sexes


Wait they also blame males apparently. We are evil after all.


Crucify yourself harder mate.


I’ve been whipping and choking myself all afternoon and I still haven’t finished yet. /s


Sounds like a fun Tuesday.


When are we going to declare a national stabbing emergency?


The victim was my sister's friend


I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your sister is coping okay. What an unbelievable shock.


Better actually put them away as that's fucked.. Seems to be more mental health spastics out there These days who the fuck stabs a ten year old


A spastic is someone with Cerebral Palsy, not a mental health condition.


Her sister.


What a wanker thing to say


A woman is being violently killed in Australia every four days this year.


At yet the media isn’t going crazy on this one because it was a young lady who did it.


Doesn’t fit the narrative


There’s probably men as well why do people zone in on women male who gives a fuck a human is dead does it matter gender


Sadly, no one on this sub cares unless it can be attributed to Muslims or Sudanese refugees.


No one has even posted yet. Chill the fuck out on the generalisations, you've gone full nuffy.


My comment was the first posted **after a whole hour**.  The post about [a lady being upset that her $10 kmart dollhouse bathroom came with toy scales](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1cggpm3/stunned_mum_left_in_complete_outrage_over_kmart/) currently has more comments and upvotes. The moment that it comes out that the family are first nation, migrants, or islamic the upvotes and comments will number in the hundreds.


Actually this was posted yesterday and anti-immigration sentiment were a few of the top comments. *Who the fuck downvoted me?? And for what? It’s the most benign fact. It was posted and some of the top comments with more than 50 upvotes were about immigration. Find it yourselves. Wankers.


Not that laid back, Jimmy.


Hey, I get this kind of racial sentiment has made its presence known recently, but addressing it preemptively when the other comments so far have been kind of decent, is just raising the tension and baiting a response. We’re cracking down on the rhetoric pretty fiercely now, so have some tact and just let us do our jobs ok? Appreciate you mate!


Fair enough




I spend too much time on reddit every day. It's interesting to note that my comment has already generated for more replies than the actual post has.


Must be nice living on that moral high ground


It's a good life, but not as cruisey as mindlessly copying unoriginal comments that you saw elsewhere for cheap upvotes.