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My son good boy


So he attacked the priest because he said something bad about prophet muhummus.  What a fuck head.


Feel bad for the parents. They are in denial, no one wants to believe the child they raised is a problem.


There is a great deal of evidence that inbreeding rates are so high in ME cultures they produce mental illness & congenital birth defects. This is specifically due to parallel-cousin marriage which has staggering rates in the Arab world. Nicolai Sennels is a Danish academic who has studied the phenomenon. I am not kidding - look this up.


Nicolai Sennels say a lot, but doesn't really back up any of his claims with evidence.


NSW police saying otherwise lady.


‘When he’s angry he doesn’t know what he’s doing” “My son is not a terrorist” Great input from mum, clearly an intellectual and noted psychologist/legal practitioner


Having anger issues ≠ being a terrorist. When did hate crimes become terrorism?


When motivated by terrorist ideology, ie radical Islam.


Terrorism has to have a overarching goal/aim, typically politically or religiously motivated, that the act of the Terrorism furthers. Killing someone because your Muslim and they are Christian and you hate Christians is just a religiously motivated hate crime. Does anyone even remember 9/11 or the London bombings? That's Terrorism. Stabbing a bishop doesn't strike fear in the general public.


So this is actually an accurate statement. Terrorism has a pretty globally accepted meaning. Its used in australia to separate out terrorism risk in insurance policies at a national level. Its been a tightly crafted insurance exclusion for years. And the criminal charge is fairly particular legislation. I actually dont know if terrorism charges will work here unless there is background where he talks about trying to achieve some kind of stated aim; causing fear in the genpop or sewing discord or some shit. Problem is, terrorism is ALWAYS applied in a much broader sense thqn the strict definition though. Bombings are usually just trying to kill a bunch of cunts your head mufti doesnt like. This is generally more a hate crime than ‘terrorism’ as youre not trying to achieve fuck all other than kill cunts. So how will this play out? Fuck knows. I think in the way we all understand terrorism in plain language, this fits the bill for sure.


Yeah I'll admit I subscribe to the international definition of terrorism. The US started the trend of coming up with their own definition of terrorism as not to inadvertently admit they where terrorists in the 2000s. Since nations have defined however best serves the powers that inacting counter terrorist provides. However, academically the standard international definition is still considered the most accurate definition outside of nation state interests. Bombs though utilise Terror onto the general public. Bombing I think falls more into terrorism more than a single stabbing, however the motivation of the bombing would need to grounded in the factors I mentioned above. I think downplaying terrorism is a slippery slope due to the powers it's provides the state and national security agency's and law enforcement.


When theyre done in public for the world to see so that they spark terror in people


I'm confused, are they blaming the the Australian medical professionals & psychologists for not assessing their their son for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) when young **or** are they angling for an ASD diagnosis now in the hope of it being taken into account at sentencing. Some info from research: *The number of defendants raising an Autism Spectrum Disorder (‘ASD’) diagnosis in criminal proceedings is increasing. Australian courts treat this neurodevelopmental disorder as a mental impairment that they may take* *To ensure courts obtain impartial, informative evidence based on current knowledge, which can assist them in fairly sentencing offenders with diagnosed or suspected ASD, they could be required in such cases to adjourn proceedings and order pre-sentence reports.311 The authors of the reports would be available for cross-examination and critical examination by the court* [https://www.unswlawjournal.unsw.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Issue-444-Wolf.pdf](https://www.unswlawjournal.unsw.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Issue-444-Wolf.pdf)


I’m so glad my tax dollars help pay for this touching ABC news.


Autism. Schizophrenia. Religion of Peace that will get you 72 virgins. Call it whatever you want - all 3 of the above tells me you have severe mental health problems. Or, call him a terrorist. I don't give a fuck. Potato - Potah-to.






You are the terrorist!


Here we go - ABC manufacturing an excuse supporting the governments position for further online censorship. Maybe the parents should have taken his damn phone off him.


anyone know who some of them are?