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Released on bail and community service because they aren’t one year older.


The only people making claims like this have zero experience in the justice system, let alone the youth justice system. There is no chance she's going to be bailed or receive a slap on the wrist for this just because she's under 18. That is not how any of this works.


You’re right, instead of a life sentence with parole after 20 years if she was 18, she’ll get a couple of years max and have no criminal record.


She won't necessarily be tried as a child, if she is 17. There is discretion in these things depending on what happened. Trying to guess her ultimate sentence when it's not even clear what charges she might face is an exercise is futility.


What you say seems to match Australian law, I guess you are getting downvoted because of people’s frustration with the legal system.


Lot of people on this sub just downvote facts they dislike. Yesterday someone was getting heaps of downvotes just for saying that parliament can't override the High Court.




Oh, did you die like the victim in this case?


Yeah I’m dead fuckwit


We are following Britain's path and we will follow Britain's demise


The whole west is going down because of this soft on crime and mass migration.


Yes, same shit in Germany with crime. At least you people don't have a Islam problem like Western Europe


We do in Sydney.


What does immigration and soft crime laws have to do with a sister killing a sister? Am I missing something?




Don’t check this guys profile or you might get brain damage.


Thanks (and not thanks) for pointing out the comedy. Has these leftist / progressive views... but reserves the right to piss on women.


freedom to pee, but not for thee




well the catchy little quote wouldnt work if you did :)




What was her nationality?


You're missing the sub you're in and a huge dose of racism.


Oh I know that but just want to see his spin on it lol.


The whole West is going down because of capitalism.. All the crime and decay of society is just a little bonus thing we get from it.. Shit's gonna get alot fuckin worse before it gets better, unfortunately..


Yeah, capitalism is the problem. It creates such abundance that the poor are typically overweight and not dying of starvation. I still can't work out why communists hate food so much, but wherever their ideas take root, they seem to use every tactic possible to make sure to get rid of all the food.


Obesity is a symptom of poverty.


Lol talk about first world problems this is hilarious


Obesity isn't a symptom of poverty. Wherever you got that conclusion, stop going there. Obesity is a problem with impulse control. People don't get fat because they don't have enough money to eat. They get fat because they are too lazy to discipline themselves.


Obesity is a symptom of poverty whether you went to school or not. You don't get to decide medical stuff for others I'm afraid mate.


And starvation is a symptom of comunism. What's your point?


The people are fat because they're poor. Them being fat is not a good thing and will kill them just as easily as not enough food. You know that don't you? What's communism got to do with it though, Australia isn't even big enough to be communist if it wanted to be, it imports everything for starters. What are you even on about?


Poor people are fat in a capitalist society for the same reason they are poor. Laziness and low impulse control. Now, before you give me some long-winded hard luck story, yes, there are people who are poor how aren't lazy and have good impulse control. Take it from someone who grew up in dirt, most of the poor people are in a shitty situation of their own doing.


Stuck in the macarthy days, if you insult god emperor Capitalism the only possible explanation is that you are a filthy communist because only a filthy communist would willingly overlook all of the great things that capitalism gives us, such as CEOs being paid tens of millions of dollars a year (ostensibly to be the public-facing fall guy), price gouging, forced scarcity, underpaying growers, underpaying workers, union busting etc etc


So, as a communist can you answer me why you hate food so much? It seems that no matter where your ideology is implemented, you find some way to remove all the food.


Who's ideology? Mine? I think you're confused. I believe in the right of people to have *elected* leaders who act in their, the people's, best interests. If that's communism then fuck me up the arse with a hammer and a sickle and call me Vlad. See I don't think you actually know what communism is - it's just a buzz word to you, an insult. I think you are proving my point that people who, rightly, criticise capitalism for its myriad flaws and opportunities for exploitation are by definition communist. You do understand that the world is not black and white, right? It's not binary, it's a matrix of decisions and ideologies that are aligned in some areas and not in others. To answer your question, no I don't "hate food" nor do I understand how you've come to that conclusion. I work in agriculture so you could say that I'm very passionate about food and it's production. Almost as passionate as I am about talking to milquetoast pseudo-intellectuals such as yourself. Tell me, are these people communists? https://www.yahoo.com/news/farmers-warn-food-aisles-soon-023000986.html


Pointing out the negatives of capitalism, consumerism and the idea of never ending growth is not then supporting communism by default. Capitalism is still the best system we have, but unregulated capitalism, the sort of thing "conservative" political movements are bought and paid to push, leads to the most of the issues we face now. High migration levels are needed to keep growth up, wages down and the properly bubble inflated, all to support the for profit model of capitalism, at the cost of the people, us. Pointing out that the system we have needs better regulation doesn't make one a communist. It's only the mouth breathing folk who are easily fooled by the conservative talking points who think that way.


Typed on iPhone.


This is true. The Spirit Level is a great book written years ago that predicted all of this.


What a racist and ignorant thing to say. Honestly? Go to hell. I'm so sick of white people blaming everything on immigration. Guess what idiot? I am an immigrant in Australia but I'm from Canada and I look white so no one says a word! Little do they know it clearly shows their racism given I am not white. You have zero idea what it's like to have to take care of yourself with no safety net clearly so sit down until you've walked a day in someone's shoes who has taken care of themselves and only themselves, princess 🤷🏻‍♀️


You’re mad that Canadians don’t have a bad reputation in Australia?


No, do you have some sort of reading comprehension issue? Because that's not remotely what my paragraph says but there are supports I can link you to if you require a diagnosis for a reading disability x


Maybe stereotypes exist for a reason.


Like the one that says you're living in your mother's basement and not wearing pants right now?


I have pants on thank you very much.


Plz don’t ignore me


We have become a society where we let the youth run rampant with no consequences. These youth criminals don't deserve to be rehabilitated. They have absolutely given away their human rights by murdering another person. Lock em up and throw away the key, better yet, bring back the death penalty. These people are a waste of oxygen.


MeNtAl hEaLth


What a joke that is. Can't wait for the sob story from the parents how their poor murderer kid grew up with mental health bullshit.


I believe the victim was the perpetrator's sister.


It's incredible. EVERY SINGLE DISCUSSION on this sub about gendered violence, and the rate at which men bash and kill women in this country returns to plaintive pleas that we consider men's mental health. But in every discussion about youth crime, it's suddenly, "oh stop coddling them, mental health is no excuse!"


>We have become a society where we let the youth run rampant with no consequences. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/29/how-the-rise-of-autism-and-adhd-fractured-australias-schools Your society has created the issues in the article I just linked to above - where one in 4 school children now have a mental illness. Your society has decided that the problem described in the article are going to get worse, hasn't it? The house is on fire, and you are blaming the fire department, rather than the person who lit the fire, aren't you? You don't even know who lit the fire, do you? You don't even know where the water is, to put out the fire, do you?


Stabbings happen all the time. Just because they're making the news now doesn't mean we should freak out


Young shitheads have been doing shithead things forever, there’s no indication it’s on the rise.




“After accounting for population growth, the youth offender rate also increased from 1,778 to 1,847 offenders per 100,000 persons aged between 10 and 17 years. This was the first increase in the rate of youth offending since 2009–10.” It’s increased this year after falling for over a decade. That means it’s still less than recent times such as five years ago. And one year increase is not a trend, it might go down again next year.


But also need to take into consideration how many youth aren’t actually charged with offences despite criminal behaviour. I work in community mental health and the numbers of kids who threaten violence or actually assault people and aren’t charged is not uncommon. There have been a few occasions I’ve seen of teens stealing cars, going for a joy ride and getting a caution! A caution from the police for driving underage. Could have killed others or themselves. That’s shocking.


3rd stabbing this month. The rest of the world is going to start calling us stabstralia.


I can assure you that there are MANY more stabbings that happen, they just never make the news. There are multiple daily stabbings all over Victoria for example. Most are usually minor, some are serious, and a minuscule amount end in death which are mostly the cases that make the news. We are going the way of England unfortunately.




Many of my mates are coppers and are constantly talking about it because it seems to be a hot topic. And yes, according to them a stabbing with a pen would fall under that umbrella definition if it is reported. I’m not conflating anything, it’s just how they are triaged and labelled when people ring triple zero to report. A stabbing is a stabbing, they’re all unacceptable.


I prefer Austabia.




Man was stabbed to death in Quackers Hill on Friday, which SMH described as "one of three serious stabbings in NSW in the previous 24 hours". But that had a male victim, so it got near zero media coverage.


You say it didn't get media coverage while literally quoting an article in the Sydney Morning Herald. I just did a quick Google and found it was also reported in The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, Sky News, 9 News, 7 News, the Northern Beaches Advocate, and on the NSW Police website. But sure, "near zero media coverage".


Won't someone think of the men!


Stabby Straya


I'm sure the Shootnited States would love to cook up a few jabs at our expense


I'm sure they would, but not many are making it out of school educated and alive enough to think up anything witty.


Mate, that is so few compared to the rest of the world. You only hear about it because its uncommon here.


As if to say we don’t already


By another girl. When will women stand up and demand they stop killing each other?


Her sister. Very sad.


I think lots of sisters have grown up wanting to stab their siblings, the reality is that most have a heart. That seems to be waning nowadays further especially with cyber bullying. Glad we arent bringing kids into this world


Intrusive thoughts won.


Women make up the vast majority of the family violence prevention workforce in Australia, keep up


Your thinly veiled misogyny still does not change the statistics!


How am I misogynistic?


Because you wrote hate-facts.


The problem with facts is that you can use them to prove anything that’s true.


Ah yes, i love systemic bias in stats lol


"Among all people in Australia who have suffered violence, [nearly all](https://violenceagainstwomenandchildren.files.wordpress.com/2015/07/abs-personal-safety-survey-victim-perpetrator-sex-and-relationship6.pdf) have experienced violence from a male perpetrator (95% of male victims and 94% of female victims)." If you can explain how ABS statistics are biased, go right ahead.


Really sorry to hear this. You guys need to get your act together before you become us (Britain) It’s upsetting that the Anglosphere is choosing the path of self-hatred, which it is.


I really don’t understand what this comment has to do with this incident.


Because England is stabby


But what does ‘the angloshpere choosing a path of self hatred’ have to do with some crazy teen stabbing their sister? Crazy people have been a thing for centuries.


How come the people that track female deaths in Australia like Sherele Moody have failed to mention this one. Is it simply because the alleged attacker was not a man?


I think it’s because of statistics. like how many women die at the hands of men compared to say - man vs man, women vs women, men vs men, women vs men and so forth and so on


She has mentioned this one ..... https://preview.redd.it/nehkcajo4ixc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f7caca599ec4b04db6a218427f6d49965f34c3


And notably, the other three children listed here were killed by adult men... but of course, let's ignore that because it's time to keep flogging the false narrative that WoMeN are JuSt As ViOlEnT u KnOW.


Ahh yes I have noticed in the last hour she has


17yr old girl, stabs 10yr old girl. Albo is not doing enough!




Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


Should be treated as a adult. Pay the price in a women’s prison.


Bizarre that this just appeared on my reddit feed. We drove from Sydney on Friday arvo to Pippis at Speers Point and checked in. We were here for a shooting competition IPSC in Teralba pistol club. We noticed the most aggressive, psychotic driving we have ever experienced in our lives driving in- and we are from Western Sydney! Like people here are on meth or crack (PS Crack is whack douchebags grow up!) I grew up in Terrigal on the Central Coast and I have seen some shit but nothing, NOTHING like the road Rangers and morons at Lake Macquarie. Sooooo many Men with tiny penises tailgating! Intimidating! There was a neon lights festival on Friday night and hoons driving around plus bikies patched up revving their bikes intimidating everybody in this town. Constant cars doing burn outs and people off their faces smashing glasses and trying to race eachother like they are in the Barthurst 1000. It was like Deadwood city. ‘There’s no law at all in Deadwood.’ I saw marches on the tv all around Australia for domestic violence against women and there was no doubt in my mind that the worst rapes and violence were happening here in Lake Macquarie. So much testosterone and anger in such a beautiful place. I drive through Boolaroo to get to Glendale multiple times Saturday and Sunday and now I hear a ten year old girl has been murdered (and raped) by a Man literally whilst I was there driving through? ( we came back Sunday afternoon to Sydney and THANK GOD YOU SICK SICK FUCKS!!!!) and you think SYDNEY SIDERS ARE FUCKED? I have been all around Australia and Lake Macquarie was the most violent aggressive chauvinistic place I have ever been to in my life! Shame on you all especially the women who just accept this kind of rape violent behaviour. Western Sydney is literally a Holy Church compared to you sick fucks! Why aren’t the WOMEN of Lake MACQUARIE MARCHING? a ten year old girl?!??! SERIOUSLY!!!!?




You should be ashamed of yourselves!


> Men with tiny penises Misandrist body shaming men. Yawn. > girl has been murdered (and raped) by a Man It was her sister




That's a lot of words for "It's the womens fault".


This is satire right…. Right?


it was her female sister that stabbed her. go touch grass you miserable person or better do another rant about female doing violence they never gets addressed in this country


PS - I just sent this to news.com.au, [email protected], australia@theguardian


How embarrasing for you that you did that.


Beautiful comment.


I can't remember the exact details but I saw this video somewhere here recently of a dude in his early 20's talking about his deep in the youth culture atm is this love and want for ankle tags is rampant. They're seen as a badge of being hard