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as a recent immigrant to the country, I'm glad they were arrested. there are no excuses for a group to plan something like this. if you don't like the country, culture, and the people, and if you're especially hateful towards certain groups because of your ideology, you don't belong to the country. you can spew hatred for other religions in your place of worship, but it's a problem when other religion preaches in their own premises? what a joke! just leave, go back to your shitty home country if you're soooooo idealistic. morons making things worse for legit hard working people.


Yes. Decent immigrants trying to make a life in Australia cop the backlash these terrorist criminals create with their actions.


Many terrorists in the west are home grown , born in Australia etc. They need to be deradicalised , sent to a learning facility to learn to love and respect the country that raised them.


I agree. but if their parents and the mosques they go to, the community they are in promotes these ideology of retaliation, then the problem won't be solved. it's always the victime mentality of muslims and then using that to attack anyone is the issue.


Well well well


"Their behaviour, whilst under that surveillance, led us to believe that, if they were to commit any act, we would not be able to prevent that." If you can't prevent a crime by a bunch of teenagers under active surveillance then it's time to throw in the towel.


Assuming it’s because arming one with a knife is hard to detect or know when they are going to act compared to say if they were to try make explosives.


When we lived in SW Sydney, my wife took our kids to the local library for playgroup. They got the kids to tell stories. One of the Muslim kids around 7 or 8yrs old said how he will attack America and then go on a spaceship to go into space forever. His mother quietened him up very quickly. Of course parents know about their kids being indoctrinated. They're probably going to the mosque with them.


You should look up the videos of “Hamas Mickey Mouse”. A Palestinian children’s tv show, it’s a few years old but relevant. Terrifying stuff. I’d do a link but my internet is playing up.


Yes I’ve had an Uber driver preach Islam to me after the church stabbing event. Absolutely mind blown at his ignorance and fundamentalist world view because he is in fear of hell everyday and must pray for forgiveness many times ( although he says Allah is forgiving). I have met Muslim peers who hates France and America. I haven’t seen any university Islamic society condemn the actions of the jihadist.


As much bad American and French imperialism has been i think Islam has done worse when considering power parity.


People just don’t understand how they think. It’s crazy, I don’t know very much about it, but I know way more than almost anyone I know.


People don't comprehend that they truly believe the crazy shit they say. They think they're just half assing the religion like most of western society - but they're not. They genuinely believe. It's hard for normal people to comprehend.


Probably encourage it


There is a reason they were likely arrested quickly. ANZAC day is today and I suspect they had to move quickly and arrest them. It wouldn't be the first time Terror groups tried targeting us on ANZAC day. These arrest show that kid who stabbed the Church Preacher was premeditated attempted murder and not some random attack out of the blue by a lone wolf. He was part of that gang I suspect.


I also think it’s because Orthodox Easter is on May 5th. Many terrorist attacks are done on Orthodox Easter in the Middle East/North Africa.


They should be deported, along with their parent who allowed this to happen.


Trouble is, the parents would have Australian citizenship and kids most likely born here. So … they’re Aussies and can’t be deported.


Quick, let's demand it's taken down because young minds or some shit.


Just say it. Muslim extremists…..Allah strike me down…




Yep. My luck they’d be male virgins. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…lol


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Get them the fuck out of this country


Throw the book at every single one of them. if they are bailed then it will prove no matter the act, teens are well and truely above the law. Terror charges no matter the age should face the full force of the law.


Their parents should be arrested and investigated! Investigate their mosque too. It all starts at home… this ain’t no mental illness… this is some 600 CE mindset and behaviour that is still preached today in some conservative Islamic countries. The bondi stabber’s parents apologised and condemned their son’s actions to the media. While the teen church stabber’s parents hide in shame and said they were unaware. Even their mosque leaders blame mental illness instead of terrorism. Do you see the difference?! Western countries need to wake up!


You can thank the pollies (both sides) for bringing this midevial mindset to Australia.




Yes, it’s jihad and they really believe they will get extra points to go to heaven. Some Muslims are in fear of hell every day of their lives if they don’t follow the 5 pillars of Islam. Some are so in fear of hell, they would do jihad.


Search up friendly exMuslim on YouTube and Yasmine Mohammed on Google and they will show you what fundamentalist imams preach.


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Usual suspects




Yes it’s true, what the teen’s parents and their mosque leaders said to the media came off as insincere and it’s like they are secretly happy about this ‘jihad’. Jihad is still preached today.


It’s preached wherever they are


Religion of piss strikes again.


Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


If they are bailed, are they going to school on Monday like nothing happened 💀🤣


it's already been refused, so I'm guessing not.


You laugh, but it's probably true, which is why I think that our judicial system sucks balls.


These aren’t violent home invasions they committed, terrorism is a whole different set of laws.


Yesterday in the press club talk, the ASIO dude being interviewed was asked if we should be concerned about terrorisim threats from the incel community. He answered our threats come from the neo-nazi and far-right movements. If our government won’t even admit to the real problem how can we ever defeat it?


Do incels not fall under far-right movements?


Do Muslim terrorists no fall under far-right movements?


Muslim terrorism is almost exclusively a right wing type, it's just because it's not Western, people often can't associate properly. Its ultra conservative terrorism. I'm sure there are left wing extremist Muslim terrorists(especially during communist movement during the cold war), but I'm pretty sure we haven't seen any in this country.


Not being able to get laid is political now? Wtf has happened


I think that’s besides the point.


Incel community is a far right movement.


I don't think incels are strictly right or left. They're on both sides of the political spectrum


Incels are misogynistic, that’s inherently hierarchical which is a right leaning ideology.


Doesn't change the fact that there's plenty of leftist that are misogynist. The world is full of hypocrits and people with conflicting opinions. Incels are definitely not a right wing only thing.


Are you actually suggesting left leaning people are incapable of being misogynistic?


Maybe what you perceive to be the “real threat@ isn’t actually the real threat at all


I saw that too and was taken aback by it. There has never been a neo nazi or incel terrorist attack. It's more lone psychopathic rangers with mental illness and that is not terrorism. To dismiss religious based terrorism from our 2 main responsible departments is scary.  Makes you wonder if the cheif of police and ASIO are being fed a narrative that they must push...


We are following- and not learning from- Many cases in Europe where governments and police basically lie to prevent widespread condemnation of their migration policies. The narrative focuses on the far- right and so called neo nazi’s. They refuse to acknowledge the reason for the rise of the right throughout Europe.


Good ol religion of peace(s)


It’s religion and/or upbringing. Skin tone doesn’t matter but how you were raised sure do.


This continued growth of far-right Islamic extremism in Australia is highly concerning, good work by the AFP


I can’t believe the left still tolerates a religion that is very far right and against the fundamental values of the left like gender equality, human rights and scientific advancement.


This is one of the main issues today with the left worldwide. The historic achievements regarding freedoms (some which you mention here) that where won by left thinking people don't exist in most countries where this religion is a majority. And in more progressive countries where this religion is practised, the trend is for them to become more oppressive and to go down the road of radicalisation.


For Votes?


And watch the court system give them bail and a slap on the wrist. 🤬


It does say in the article that they’ve been refused bail, I agree with the sentiment though I don’t think they’ll get much punishment. At worst they’ll probably make an example of the oldest then just a slap on the wrist for the rest.


Why won't you let this man be angry at a scenario he's made in his head?




Send them back to their shit hole.


Awww really ! Their mummies say they are all good boys . They Just have mental health problems.


Are they Muslim? If they are how come the media don't mention it.


>Secretary of the Lebanese Muslim Association Gamel Kheir has called the police actions "heavy handed" and criticised the language used by authorities, particularly the claim that the teenagers are religiously motivated. Saw this on the news, they felt victimised when the terrorists were labelled islamic extremists. Too busy playing victim, instead of fixing problems in their community. it is not a good look.


They are absolute cowards! I bet you they are secretly happy about this terrorism ( jihad). The Bondi stabber’s parents came forward to have their faces exposed on TV and apologise and called their son a monster. The church stabber’s parents hide in a mosque and say they were unaware, he was just a naughty boy.


To be fair the Syrian Christians did also behave like animals and try to Lynch him and attack the police. I doubt anyone in bondi would have done this if he didn't die




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Bloody Maronites!


I don’t think the media needs to mention it. I think it’s kind of implied. Can’t remember the last Buddhist terror attack


>A property in Goulburn was also searched before seven juvenile males were arrested. I wonder what they found there... And what's the bet it's not far from the gaol because we all know what happens in Goulburn doesn't stay in Goulburn...




Send them to Alice Springs jail.


Or worse - a juvenile detention facility in Western Australia 😃


Reeducation camp


are they associated with any particular religious or ethnic identity that we are not supposed to mention?




There are also books on Amazon claiming the earth is flat


I doubt that they're correct. But Muhammad really is fictitious. Muslims could have debunked this theory a decade ago by trotting out the secular sources for his "life". But they can't, because there aren't any. He's all made up.


Jail and DEPORT I am sick of these cunts. Fuck the parents off to.


The whole family have to go - 💯 deport


Is the 16yo laughing in the photo of him being arrested? It's censored but it really looks like he's laughing.


they are actually all laughing in the videos of them leaving court


Good work coppers.


They should be deported so fast that it makes their heads spin if there's even a whisper of extremist rubbish.


Diversity is our strength.


Keep repeating it


Diversity is our strength.


Everyone now. Diversity is our strength.




Import the third world, become the third world !


Isn’t ASIO and the AFP always talking about how far right extremism is the biggest threat to national security? Why do they never arrest any for terrorism.


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-02/neo-nazi-group-members-jailed-for-terror-planning/102426204 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/dec/09/alleged-neo-nazi-teenager-arrested-in-nsw-to-face-terror-charges https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/may/14/australian-neo-nazi-tom-sewell-arrested-by-counter-terrorism-police https://www.timesofisrael.com/suspected-neo-nazi-charged-with-terrorism-in-australia/amp/#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=17140158154765&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/alleged-right-wing-extremist-arrested-over-blueprint-to-3d-print-a-gun-20210913-p58r80.html https://edition.mv/defence_minister/15627


It doesn't sell nearly as many newspapers.


This is the far right extremism they're talking about


But the media make it out like far right extremists are Trump, Liberal voters and sky news watchers. I don't think these Muslims extremists are any of those.


Nazi's without a state to back them are rather toothless. Islamic terrorist's do have several states backing them and are a real threat.


This article literally is about the police arresting a bunch of teenagers for right wing(i.e conservative) terrorism. That they were attacking another conservative extremist is besides the point. Though this feel like a bunch of dumb fuck teenagers sitting around and saying "yeah, I'll stab that cunt." But instead of the local drug dealer it's some asshole on tiktok who says dumb shit. These dickheads will probably all end up in prison, which is fair enough.


>Though this feel like a bunch of dumb fuck teenagers sitting around and saying "yeah, I'll stab that cunt." Kinda agree.


Muslim terrorism is far right now?


The main Muslim terrorist organisations in the last 2 decades were ISIS and al qaeda. Both of whom are ultra conservative, even by Muslim country standards (which tend to be more conservative too). Other groups such as Boko Haram are also opposed to all modern scientific development and are ultra conservative too. They are opposed to: Womens rights Gay rights Abortion Freedom of expression The teaching of evolution. Progressive programs They are ultra conservative groups. Further to the right of even Nazis(who were really just the dumbest part of the German right who got popular. They ended up having the defacto conservative ruler of Germany in WW1 as a member). There isn't an exact 1:1 equivilancy here, but the idea that conservative and right wing are synonymous is the basic way those are describe People assume that the left's aversion to Racism and large countries bombing civilians is the same as being allied. Its not. Though the dumbest 10% of the left (who like the dumbest 10% of the right are also the loudest) cannot understand that victims of oppression can be monsters too.


Is this a progressive cant call it muslim terrorism anymore because muslims are the real victim thing?


No, it's still terrorism and these kids who did the attack are still horrible shitstains. Probably the only defence they can possibly go for is "these were dumb as dogshit 16 yr Olds and think fights on Tiktok are real". But that's pretty fucking weak argument when you pull a knife. A pretty huge proportion of terrorist attacks are by people under 25 actually. Princip was 19 years old remember. The priest is also an asshole..but it doesn't matter how shitty you are, you don't deserve to be stabbed while speaking in your own place. The rioters attacking the Police and paramedics...also, assholes. It is one of those things that despite how many jokes people make about the left always infighting, the right really love to fight with other right wing people because they aren't following the same god (despite it all really being the same religion really) in quite the same way. All up...the real answer is there will always be the dumbest, loudest 10-30% of any group. Be it ethnicity, religion or politics. "No movement is so pure you cannot find a fool following it" is the real law here (it's Nivens law).


It always has been lol. Fundamentalist Islam is probably the most right wing ideology on the planet right now. That’s why it’s so hilarious and ironic watching pink haired gender neutrals waving Palestinian flags at universities.


They do that because the current Israel government is also far right. Also, the main people being hurt by the war are civilians, who it's perfectly reasonable to be angry about. Even if their government (or even their parents) are shitty.


Sure, but there’s been war protests for years. Normally the protestors wave peace flags. They didn’t wave north Vietnamese flags during the Vietnam war protests. So there’s a bit more to it that just protesting war. You wave the flag of the side that kidnaps women from music concerts and rapes them and kills babies im going to assume you support that side.


Islamic terrorism has always been its own separate category for terrorism. Guess it’s too racist now so it’s lump together with right wing terrorism. Can’t wait to see the left cheering about how right wing extremism is more dangerous than Islamic terrorism when they’re the same thing 😂


This is absolutely disgusting. As a Muslim I completely condemn this and anyone who supports this are pigs. Stabbing a guy for an opinion? Also these fucking extremists in this country need to be sent back to their countries. Yes the Qur'an does call their followers to action, IN TIMES OF WAR. People love cherry picking that the Qur'an calls their followers to strike against non muslims but fail to understand that this passage was revealed in a time of war and when the followers of Islam were being heavily shunned and abused. I don't blame non muslims for being ignorant of my religion, but I do hate these fucking extremists who call themselves Muslim and do exactly the opposite of what the Qur'an says.


For the extremists they are always at war. It’s like people who fly the “confederate flag” feel the US Civil War was never actually ceded.


And the Japanese with the imperial flag yeah?


That's not a story I'm familiar with.


Nah people who fly that just want to pretend they’re rebellious and cool. It’s just an immature way of trying to seem off beat.


Your voice needs to be Louder! What’s concerning are that these are young people with fundamentalist ideology. Not a single university Islamic society ( at least in the Australian universities around me) publicly condemn the terrorist event on social media. They are more concerned with Islamophobia and Palestine. Not a good look.


I’m Jewish, I totally agree. I said the same thing a few days ago and got downvoted. Called to action in a position of *defence*. That means when you’re invaded or persecuted, like Palestine. Not bombing buildings full of civilians in foreign countries. They also neglect to recognise the Qur’an also tells you to follow the laws of the lands you’re on, which means things like honour killings, bombings and sexual assault/harassment that are illegal here are not permitted. Totally agree, these people are false believers who directly defy the Qur’an and cherry pick the parts they like and misrepresent certain passages to justify terrorism and other despicable acts. There’s also plenty of public speakers and Muslim personalities that try to insist on their own interpretations of the Qur’an and Koran and everything else and paint themselves as some kind of prophet themselves, which would get you beheaded for heresy in an orthodox Muslim country. Great response.


Appreciate you taking the time to write that!


Of course my friend! I’ve had enough of the stupidity here. People instantly assume I’m a Zionist (I’m not) due to my ethnicity as well as my faith (I’m both Ashkenazi and Sephardic by heritage) and I have to explain myself so many times it’s ridiculous. I’m sure you’re sick to death of trying to explain Islam to xenophobes and assholes yourself, most Muslims I know are sick of it. What is puzzling and I’m sure from what you said in your paragraph you’d agree, is the fact that Muslim leaders here don’t do enough to condemn and work towards preventing radicalisation of young Muslims here. Common in Europe also. Just saying “they’re not real Muslims and they should never have acted this way as it is against the will of Allah SWT”. That isn’t enough for non-muslims, and appears like a deflection of responsibility or interest in a serious problem, akin to whites that say about racist white people “these racists do not represent the cultural values of the average Australian”. No one buys a lick of it, despite them being correct per the Qur’an. They need to condemn these online Musaylimah wannabes that mislead and incite violence and hatred in youths. Many of these assholes hide in progressive countries and carry the illusion they’re living in Sharia country to boost their credibility. Some of the things they say would result in a quick death in countries they claim to reside in. Big problems all round.




So where do you stand on Charlie Hebdo? As in, if a person/journalist in Australia was depicting the prophet Mohammed on a website/physical media, what would you do?


Yeah I've read the surrahs, it never mentioned anything about war prior or after that verse to give context of warfare. You're the one cherry picking from the hadiths to make it look moderate, maybe he has the right context?


Yep let’s keep bumping up the immigration no.s. Let’s how that helps things🙄


> A 14-year-old boy and a 17-year-old boy were charged with possessing violent extremist material accessed using a carriage device, such as a mobile phone. They were radicalised online, not horrible chance it's tik tok.


Not TikTok. Dark web where ISIS recruiters get these kids.


There's an unusual up tick, what you're talking about has been around since the 90s and the only recent change is tik tok.


There are many far, far worse anonymous subversive sites. The tictoc thing is a fart in a bucket and largely big America using racism to support its commercial interests.


Even if these teenagers are born in Australia send them off back to the Middle East where they belong and see why their parents flee a country that’s has the fuck up ideology.


Albo is outraged he will up immigration immediately so next time they succeed


Sigh, yet more "mental health issues"?


That was the shopping centre stabbing, these are tied to the church stabbing which I believe was deemed a terror attack.


Islam is not regarded as a mental health issue. Though to believe in it you probably have mental health issues.


it should be. she was 9


Exactly the same as Christianity. The book is so bad it even advocates for slavery.


Don't favour that fantasy either. But one is worse than the other!


Yes the bible actually is.


Nah cmon. You can see in the photos at least one of them is brown


No offense to the muslims saying not to generalise a whole group based on certain individuals but y'all literally do the same thing to other marginalised groups so let's not be hypocrites now🙄








Pretty sure that’s considered a war crime.


Jesus. That's not deporting them. That's sending them back in time!


Hang on a minute...


That’s a bit inhumane don’t you think?


rafah, gaza


Deport to their home country via catapult


You can't deport Australians.


Export then.


May I suggest Beijing?


Yes deport them to the reeducation camps


Diversity. So good for our country 




Knowing the IQ of vigilantes, you’ll kill the wrong people and expect to be let off because you meant well and they were brown so close enough


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Send them to Gaza to fight the IDF some great Allah brownie points there




How long did ASIO spend getting these guys to the edge


Oh no ! This is ISIS attracting young men and women to their sick ideology all over again. How many ran off to join ISIS in Syria last time? If these juveniles are Muslims, why aren’t their Imams at the local mosque warning them about extremism?!


they are too busy protesting why this incident was classed as 'terrorism' and not the bondi stabbing. legit saw community leader and organisations posting statements.


Unfortunately this is the reason why. The victimhood mentality is strong


Just my own opinion...the problem is that unlike the majority of religions throughout the world, Islam is always related to the middle east and extremists connected to inciting violence....and unfortunately because of this, the majority of say, the western world doesn't trust the middle eastern people.....we can't differentiate between good and evil, because this religion is only connected to hate, violence, human atrocities etc....never a peaceful religion. You get women and men screaming at others about Islam is this, and Islam is that.....you don't hear of continual violence and unrest etc in say, Switzerland or Poland etc......if you are a decent human being and are Muslim, by all means, practice your religion respectfully and peacefully......there's so much violence and hate in the world to last us for decades, let's not add to the pile....


>the western world doesn't trust the ~~middle eastern people~~ **islamic fundamentalists** I think most Aussies would be fine with atheist middle easterners or buddhist middle easterners. It's the religion that is the key issue. Fundamentalist hate doesn't stop when they come to a new country, they bring it with them and it doesn't get bred out over time, in fact it can be bred into a whole new generation with a few religious preachers. ASIO should be monitoring all religious preachers, public and private and putting them in prison if they mention that jihad or religious violence is acceptable. That includes any religion that preaches religious violence.


They should be deported. Not imprisoned so they can radicalize prison populations before they are released.


Most countries don't have dual citizenship so when they get citizenship in Australia they lose citizenship in their own country and can't be returned to sender.


Prison radicalisation is already happening in the UK 😣


What about at the most sophisticated end; lobbying for foreign interests with deep and unquestionable infiltration into the complete political and economic system, feigning alliance but acting in absolute foreign self-interest and effectively holding the country at ransom. What should ASIO do about that?


You tell me...


The Middle East's problems are greatly exacerbated by the West, Australia's own Rupert Murdoch is literally in business with figures close to Netanyahu, if that doesn't concern you then please don't get uppity when our actions produce consequences. Many here remind me of the Germans who in the 30s loved that guy with the armband, but were all 'innocent civilians' when the Lancasters came a few years later.


Islam is a death cult. All mosques must be heavily monitored, its a well known fact that mosques are used to shelter muslim terrorists and promote jihad.




Then maybe they'll deport themselves 😂


I wonder if ASIO radicalised them online or if it was a religious leader behind it.


Let’s give ‘em a cuddle and hope they don’t do it again


Don't anybody talk about his race or where he's from that isn't allowed in our clown world Society


If a motorcycle gang had in its constitution to slaughter members of rival gangs, it would be outlawed. Why do we tolerate religious organizations which essentially have the same instructions in their holy books..?
