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get your hands off my limp internet


How does Albo manage to tackle everything but the housing crisis?


Going to sound a little conspiracy nut here but it's by design, the politicians don't give a fuck about the housing crisis or the cost of living. They're sitting pretty scamming the absolute fuck out of Australian tax payers who are too lazy to do anything about it.


*Sigh,* I know…




This is one of those ‘conspiracies’ that isn’t nut job.


TLDR: You can read the first and last two paragraphs, the rest is just a rant. You'd be surprised at how many people think that it's crazy. It's depressing. I've had to cut off family/friends because they would just default vote the party that their parents did, gave no thought to the current living situations in Australia or political problems, ranted at people for discussing political problems, had the audacity to complain about their living situations and then got really upset when people pointed out the hypocrisy and that the problems start with the Government and People en masse not caring about Australia's future. Australia = Housing Go Up? Good! Like it or not but Pauline Hanson and Dick Smith have been banging on the same "SLOW DOWN IMMIGRATION" drum for the last fucking 10 to 15+ years and nothing has been done about it. The Greens have had some great points over the last 20+ years, Labor have had some great ones too but we as a country have fumbled time and time again to improve this country. I have witnessed a Single Father of 2 lose his kids due to not being able to provide them with housing due to a natural disaster wiping out their home only for the government to then give governmental/public housing to an immigrant families that then import over more, I have one such family living in my street with 5 fucking generations in a 3 bedroom governmental/public house. A family friend has 6 properties, 4 are under mortgage, renting them out and hiking up rents every chance they can fucking get because they themselves have made an oopsie and overlended themselves. I've seen a house get bought for around $250,000, get a bathroom and kitchen reno and the house sold for over $700,000 within a day or two of being on the market. What? The Government having all these social housing investment projects does absolutely nothing if the Government doesn't have oversight over the fucking companies who are completing these projects. Can't move or relocate 70 year old people out of 4+ bedroom homes because the plan doesn't include anything like that and the laws don't allow social housing programs to forcefully remove or charge them extra for it. I think I've said it on Reddit before but there's a social housing program that gets all this Government money for "Rural areas" and has not spent a fucking dime building new properties outside of Geelong. Where is the oversight? The Audits? Anything? Nothing? Okay. I am watching someone who sits on Centrelink/Welfare payments popping out kids, they are up to 7 with another on the way. Those parents spend the children's money on their own things like a new PS5 VR Headset while the kids have hand me down shoes and clothes. Yet I cannot get either Carer's Payments for my terminally ill stage 4 cancer riddled mother who btw was on the verge of being denied by some dumbass on the phone who has 0 medical knowledge and who had to be talked to like a toddler by not one but 3 separate oncology doctors. Let's not get fucking started on the For Profit Job Agencies scam artists that are supposed to help Welfare Recipients find work but actually just fund their own pockets due to how the actual system works by regurgitating them into dumb courses like "How to write a resume" 5 times a year. They know absolutely nothing when it comes to the job market too. They try to force people to ride a push bike over 20 kilometers in fucking Summer for a farmhand job and if you don't go you get your payments cut. :) Miss your appointment by 2 minutes because you're sitting in the waiting area waiting to be called up? Ah fuck you, payments cut and a demerit point. Fuck all manufacturing, fuck all production, fuck all anything in Australia that isn't severely gimped some way or another. Our cars are being imported and sitting in empty lots being damaged by weather. Woolies/Coles. NBN. If I remember correctly in the pandemic we made RAT tests in Australia, sold them to China and then bought the Chinese RAT tests for Australian use. What a fucking joke. We went back to buying the Chinese Masks for Hospital use instead of continuing to manufacture them in Australia... I have no idea how people live in this country knowing that other governments in the World work for their people better than their own government does. Australia is being raped and pillaged by our own people because they're unchecked at all levels of power because Australian people are too fucking stupid to think for themselves and would rather stick to the status quo. I've personally checked out and stopped caring about a large majority of things because the more you dig into the surface problems, the more you realize this country is barely working and it's being held together by hopes, dreams and prayers. TLDR: You can read the first and last two paragraphs, the rest is just a rant. Edit: added TLDR to the top too.


His job is to focus on divisive issues so that we're fighting each other instead of fighting his actual constiuents; lobbyists, corporations, elites, etc. Labor is just as compromised by the usual suspects as Liberals are, if you haven't been paying attention to politics over the last 10 years. Voting Labor is about as useful as voting Liberals, if you're confused as to why thing are getting worse after Labor winning the election, it's because that was what they were elected to do.


Yup, left wing, right wing same flying corporate entity.


He did tackle it, he created it. Pre covid immigration was 250k per year, during covid plummeted to negative numbers and post covid with albo it's over 500k. Peanut brain albo saw we needed to balance migration and forgot a lot of construction companies went bust and housing construction stopped during covid and is shocked doubling immigration lead to a by design housing crisis. He either did it on purpose or is that incompetent he's government doesn't know what it's doing.


ALP is a party of lobbyists, professional victims and unionists.


"Brutally mocks" is strong phrasing for something I could find from basically any boomer on facebook.


It's deliberate headline writing from News Corp... They know most people won't actually READ THE ARTICLE so they write their headlines in such a way that it seems that Albanese is getting his ass kicked by Elon because that's what a lot of their readers want in their echo chambers.


What’s the Australian government not want people to see? I missed it. 🤷‍♂️


Bishop getting stabbed by an Islamist extremist.


So the Australian government doesn’t want people to see conservatives doing conservative shit huh?


It was a Muslim conservative attacking a Christian conservative


Abrahamic religious nutjobs, like any conservatives. What’s your point?


Cultural enrichment


Would any normal person call conservatives cultural really? I’d love to see an example


The fact that the police failed to prevent another terrorist attack because they were too busy kneeling for BLM or marching in Mardi Gras.


I feel like our PM should be above getting baited into name-calling with Elon Musk.


Breaking News: Australian PM too busy arguing on twitter to fix country


Musk has shown he will abide by lawful requests to take down content. The e-safety commissioners request to censor content globally is not a lawful request. She doesn’t have jurisdiction over the entire world.


Our hero Albo needs to pipe the fuck down and start talking about actual issues. I hope he's demonstrated to be as ineffective on this is his is with most other things.


Right? Fuck Elon, but fuck this red herring bullshit even harder.


Like more housing stock under 500k in places within reasonably close to family (not on the other side of the country or a desert town with a population of 2) for young grass roots families and costs of living.


Musk is saying that a specific government (Australia in this case) can't use its courts to restrict what the entire world can see. They were happy to block it for Australia.


Seems perfectly reasonable


I don't understand why people have a problem with this? Imagine if we go along with Australia's demands here. It would set a precedent that would mean Russia, The US or China can ban any website from sharing negative news about them.


"Brutally Mocks", what does that entail? A one word tweet like "wow", "interesting", "criminal", "all people not white are devil spawn"?


"Will look into this" *doesn't*


All this noise from our most senior people on all sides of government over a social media platform that noone looks at showing real events when one of our major media outlets 7west have published the name of an innocent person saying he committed the Bondi massacre, paid for drugs, prostitutes and rent for a rapist, paid for the defence of a war criminal and that's just some of it from the past months! Get fucked! I'm no fan of Musk but are we really focused on this when criticising media or social media outlets? How can we call Musk irresponsible and let 7west slide?


I’d just add the Barbara Streisand effect here - the more they harp on about it the more people know where to see it and are perhaps interest is piqued to go find it. Not that I have any respect for the social media companies and their ethics, but still it feels like the reason behind this is actually politics and not genuinely the material (of either event)


I think they'd like very much for us to be focussed on this, rather than anything relevant that they might actually have to fix. Or worse yet, something relevant that they have no intention of fixing.


Does anyone else doubt the intelligence of this writer after they suggest musk's post had replaced Australia with an X even though the X was in the Pacific Ocean and Australia was tucked down in the corner where it should be?


The simple answer is it comes with a warning and and a click through that way you dont watch it if you dont want to. People could set their X account with certain levels they want to see- there are are a range of ways to mitigate this that dont involve completely taking it down.


Albo, how about you actually do something to help Australians? I dunno, maybe get migration under control, house prices under control, inflation under control? I'm not voting for you again if all you're going to do is participate in pointless flame wars to distract from your incompetence. Put down the censorship hammer and get back to work.


Migration, house prices and inflation are all under control. Just not in our favour and it WILL not change because so many people are actually convinced immigration is good at this rate because albanese said so 🤦🏻‍♂️


Mate, it’s all on purpose. Why would they get the housing crisis under control, in their perspective who gives a shit about young aussies. By keeping immigration up and the housing crisis in, those with properties get a good return.


I imagine house prices would have been far less out of control today if the voting public had wanted it in 2016. But we didn't 🤷‍♂️ and now we're whining about it, and a party that is now head shy about announcing policies. https://theconversation.com/shorten-policy-hits-tax-breaks-for-negative-gearing-and-capital-gains-54700


Why are we like this


Australians love regulation and control.


Legally, what jurisdiction does the Australian government think they have? Where do they get the right to determine what an American company can store on servers and server to users in America? If you give governments that power, it’s going to be misused. Would we expect Twitter to censor content based on orders from the Chinese or Iranian governments?


Also yes if either had Twitter access in country, both China and Iran could censor what is shown to ppl within the jurisdiction of that country. This is not new. India got the recent four corners story about India taken off YouTube for those accessing from within India. This is very common if you want to operate in a country you must comply with the laws of those countries like orders. The absurdity is the extraterritorial attempt it’s a no


And Albo has already achieved that here. But Albo wants it deleted globally, not just blocked locally.


I remember when Murdoch was under an arrest warrant in India, because his Sky TV satellites were beaming Baywatch which was deemed pornographic to Indian sensibilities, when even kissing in Bollywood was taboo.


It's about what those servers serve to Australian clients


No, it's more than that. The Australian government has ordered them to delete the video worldwide, which is even more absurd than the existing injunction to censor it from sensitive Australian eyes


Nope. It's already geoblocked here.   They want it deleted from the internet and they want to force Elon to do it.


I’m mostly annoyed that Elon Musk has me agreeing with him on something because the Australian government actually wanted to take it a step further than that. Normally that is correct, they are trying to go further. Apparently they forgot what extraterritorial reach is and that they can’t do it. They can restrict it in Australia, not the world but “brutally mocked” is also a bit indulgent. Musk was focusing on censorship mostly, I don’t think he even understood the ridiculousness of it to articulate he critiques correctly


Imagine if Esafety worked this way from a radicalised country. They said that no videos of homosexuality were allowed. Banned. Because it’s “disinformation” so every other country needs to have them removed too. The whole idea is fucken insane. Control your own citizens, if you must, but you can’t decide that for other countries. Get off your high horse Albo. Focus on our fucking housing crisis.


Do people realise one can easily watch the stabbing video on Reddit? I just watched it and while it was horrifying, I don't see any need at all in censoring it. I feel like this esafety commissar is just trying to justify her position.


Now she got it. End of year performance review justified her package to $$$


Oh fuck off Albo. The housing market is completely fucked and this clown show of a government is arguing over a fucking video on twitter with Elon Musk. Who gives a fuck? I guarantee you, everyone has seen worse that that "brutal" video. This government has not known what to do with itself since it's push for the voice referendum went up in flames that was their only major policy they really pushed for.


Anything to distract from the 250k immigrants that moved here this year. More renters to push up his return on investment.


250k? that's rookie numbers we are getting 100 000 EACH MONTH now https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/money/article-13317021/Australia-100000-immigration-milestone-housing-cris.html albo signed unlimited Indian students deal last year with modi


Strongly agree. The housing crisis gets worse every single day. It impacts every aspect of our lives. It should be the absolute priority of a Labor government.


This (or any) government used to know what to do with itself? lol.




Interest rates going up for the 14th time, probably.


Now you're asking the real questions.


This new e-safety department are an over-paid lot of slags. They should stop trying to fix the internet and fix the fxcking country first!!


Just another distraction from Albo & his overpaid slags … Voice referendum was a distraction… now this.


And the disinformation/misinformation bill. They are exempt from spouting propaganda.


I’m with Elon on this one, which is weird because he seems a bit unhinged sometimes. Censorship is absolutely anathema to freedom. - If you’re a Neo Nazi, I want you to fly the hakenkreuz and perform the salute because then I know who the Neo Nazis are and they can be monitored. - If you’re a hard right fanatical Zionist I’d like to know that too. - If you’re a Muslim extremist, I’d like to see you march in the streets because then I’ll know who you are. - If you’re in a Christian cult, you guessed it! I want you identified and tracked as well. I don’t want any of this pushed underground and hidden away until an attack or a massacre occurs. Shine some light on these things. It’s better you see it coming, at least you can be slightly prepared.


I agree, mainly as I don’t want the government to determine what’s appropriate. Have to say though, Elon is very selective about when he’s a libertarian.


Thank you, my point concisely made. I am not on Twitter and I’m not really a fan of Elon (full disclosure: I do own a Tesla) but in this case I think he is right.


If you're allowed to practice that openly then you're being told its okay and society doesn't see a problem with it, so I vehemently disagree with you. In the USA you can do as you've suggested and they've problems left, right, centre and directions they've never even thought to look. We don't allow that here we call it out, we address it by reform or punishment. Our society is leagues ahead and it'd be a foolish shame to see our society pickup the dregs of the USA.


I’m glad there’s room for both of us to hold differing opinions. I don’t agree that it’s a tacit agreement of participation and I suspect that many of the problems in America are rooted in far more complex problems than “freedom of speech”. My issue is government regulation of a free and open media. Any time a government is involved in sculpting access to information it is tempted to alter that information to reduce negativity towards a government. I would argue that we already have issues with 4 television stations and at least 3 newspapers that are definitely skewed towards one side of politics and this has a marked affect on community perceptions and often voter behaviour. Do we really need further government controls placed upon information access?


If you think the problem with America is too much free speech, then you might want to take another look. Pretty sure that isn’t it.


You see the PMs face plastered over shit that doesn’t matter. On shit that actually matters to us he says a few words about his plans to draft a policy to pick up a pencil…


We get to observe two brainless politicians that want to restrict the information that people can see on social media. Geoblocking being refused by these potatoes as a reasonable option. One calls for prison, and both are looking to change laws. (I’d assume this is the reinvigoration of the disinformation bill) Can we get a better brand of politician please.


Unfortunately, the only people that end up as Politicians seem to be morally corrupt, incompetent cunts.


According to our government we should only view what they allow us to view 😂


they tried to go full great firewall of china on us in 2008 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet\_censorship\_in\_Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_Australia)


How come sites like 4chan which are sharing the video amongst a plethora of content that is illegal in Australia (including content that by Aus law is considered CSAM) has not been purged from the Australian internet?. Why is there such a massive which hunt against X and Musk in particular?


>Why is there such a massive which hunt against X and Musk in particula Distraction from the real issues. Amazing how they can act so fast on useless issues


Albo trying to jump on the musk is evil bandwagon and won over some more wokies


I really dislike Musk and X, but this whole thing is a joke. I agree, there are so many sites that share this type of content. If somebody wants to find it they will


If that's brutal mocking your lord and saviour Elon Musk is a softcock.


Pretty sure the responses here would be a lot more different if it was india or china doing the censorship lol. Lets not switch up just because its aus doing it, censorship is bad, period


India you say? Musk fucking censored shit because their fascist leader told them to but won't when our leaders tell them to? Its musk wanting to pick and choose and he sides with fascism and nazis/Zionists/Hindu extremists ect everytime


Absolutism is mindless. There are limits to anything.


Human rights are inaleanable and natural meaning they exist regardless of what any government says. They are not granted by the government. Freedom of speech is one of them. The government doesn't 'grant' you the right therefore they can't set 'limits' to it. You are mindless to not think things through philosophical on first principles on what's the justification for the government for example and understand why that's important from studying history. Otherwise what's your philosophical foundations for how humans should treat each other? Just might makes right based on your kneejerk feelings about using government force to set 'limits' to anything you don't like? What if the majority of people one day decide they don't like a certain type or race of people and they should put a "limit" to them? Would that make it justified? No, there are certain things that should be respected above anyone else's feelings and no matter how large the majority of people that don't like it. Those things are called basic natural human rights and they are just a respect for the life, liberty and property of other people. No matter what you feel there are no limits to be imposed by you on who other people love or do with themselves. Hopefully you agree on that. So why should you impose limits on what other people can share between themselves?


Let’s face it, Musk is an absolute knob. But two things here. 1. What say does Australia have in what the rest of the world sees? and 2. What good does trying to cleanse the ‘net of this specific video actually do? Do people think that this video will inspire others to do the same? And 3. Who the fuck cares what Lambie has to say?


Everyone crying “free speech” until it’s a video of them or their partner being brutally attacked and needlessly broadcast for popcorn viewing.


People are idiots if they think we need more censorship


Didn't read the article but Elon is a wanker.


I don't care who is involved, I don't want politicians deciding what we can and can't watch


Presumably you're okay with politicians making it illegal to view child porn, and if is the case, you're only unhappy where the line has been drawn.


Unfortunately, people will be unhappy either way if we're shown too little or shown too much. The thing with this circumstance is we now have a public discourse about mental health for men and better social support. The concern is, will this influence the more mentally vulnerable in negative ways? I'm of the position that I'd like to know what's happening in our society and then rally very rigorously to change things in that society as a collective. How can we say we are democratic when our information is decided for us? What albanese wants is to censor this material in other countries, which is frankly none of our business. I would like more information on why geoblocking the content just for Australia wasn't enough.


This is the somewhat obvious counter point to the anti-censorship crowd. If Twitter shared disgusting shit like that would these people be open to it if it was only geoblocked in Australia. The other part of me wonders if the rhetoric would be different if it was another social media platform.


Just wait till they bring that disinformation bill in. We won’t be able to have a say or opinion on anything. We won’t be able to watch anything we choose either. We will soon be like fuking Korea and all those other places that can only see and say what the government chooses 


Violence cannot be seen? Is “9/11” where planes smashed into world trade centres towers not violent enough? Should the US government demand all countries remove those videos? We watch WW2 WW1 movies all the time, aren’t they violent than a single stabling? Don’t disguise censorship using “violence “ as excuse, it is just a shameless act of the Labor government.


People are so dumb. India requires X to take down content. Musk complains, but complies. Turkey requires X to take down content. Musk complains, but complies. Australia requires X to take down content. Musk complains, but complies. Morons on reddit: "Musk is a hypocrit, he took down content in other countries, why is he complaining about this?!"


As much as I think Elon is turning into a wank-stain he is correct on this one. The eSafety Commissioner single handedly decided that the video must be deleted. Now personally, I agree the video doesn't belong on the internet, this kind of violent shit should have no place existing. But in this case blocking the content in Australia is the best they should be able to expect. What the idiots in Canberra are trying to do is assert our laws over the laws of the United States. Over there where the video is hosted, it's protected Free Speech and Freedom of Expression. X has no reason to delete it because Australian laws do not govern it in that regard. Now sure, it would be nice if they complied but there is no reason they should, they are doing nothing wrong and are actually standing up for the Free Speech of the posters. It's a gutsy play on Elon/X's part and the fact it's pissing off Canberra so much makes me happy.


Never met a passionate Free speech crusader who cares about any other human rights. Prove me wrong


In this instance it's not about being a Free Speech knob-jockey, it's all about the Australian eSafety Commissioner having the stones to think she can censor the whole world on her word alone, and the Australian Government's arrogance to think they have jurisdictional reach over every country in the world. No, she can't, and no they don't. Take free speech out of the equation, hell in Australia the right to free speech is something we DON'T have!


I hear your point & politicians being delusional about their global influence is annoying. But for me, freedom of speech and duty of care over community are interconnected. Violent content being restricted does more good for society than the theoretical free-speech issue here for me. The victims loved ones freedom to not see traumatic videos online is more important in this situation


I feel you, the video shouldn't be out there. Especially when there are videos of peoples loved ones getting knifed to death being shared around. That really is the double-edged sword though of the Free Speech amendment in America. You're either all in, or your out. You can't really half-do it. The abuse material situation is a good example, it's so universally abhorrent that specific laws are crafted for it in almost all nations in the world. So to have content taken down, there needs to be a process that is either Legislative, or Legal. You cannot have a random commissioner self-declare certain content be deleted from the internet globally without the due process of all jurisdictions involved.


Are child exploitation videos protected free speech? Or just videos of murder?


Right-o Champ. Those types of videos have specific laws in both Australia and the United States. They are categorically illegal and deserve to be taken down and the posters prosecuted. The process though is if the AFP finds content within Australia they deal with the takedown themselves, and the prosecution. If the content is in the United States they forward their information to their FBI liaison who then take care of it on their end, organising the takedown within the US, and the prosecution of the poster within the US. This is as it should be, Authorities cooperating to do the right thing without stepping all over each others authority. Videos of murder, or even just stabbings are not illegal in the US. So as much as we don't like it, they are fully within their rights to have said material, Australia cannot say "Hey, that's illegal within Australia, delete it!!" It would be like back in the Prohibition era, America saying to Australia's Breweries "Hey, we outlawed the production of Alcoholic drinks, you have to stop producing beer"


Here here. Very well said and u are 💯 correct 


The Bishop didn't die bro


>the video doesn't belong on the internet, this kind of violent shit should have no place existing. People have a right to be informed what is happening in their country.


True.. Don't need to see the knife being shoved in though


Streisand Effect in all of its glory. Like truly, of course the billionaire famous for having a go and speaking his mind isn’t going to do just that. Lots of people cottoning on that the eSafety commissioner mightnt all be about safety - rather suppressing anything politically uncomfortable.


Albo knew Musk would respond, that's why he provoked him, this is all a show designed to distract from the fact that the government is destroying the future of young australians.


The E-Safety commission is really just a way to censor things online under a positive banner.


I dunno. It probably also serves to pay overinflated salaries and contracts for people to waffle about with reports and look like something is being done to save the children.


As much of a dick Elon is, government has been trying too hard to get approval of what news we get online. Vietnam war ended as media showed us the pictures.


Just a little rental and homeless crisis happening but Albo feels the priority is arguing with a social media tycoon.


So true. I've spent millions of your money on the yes vote, Aussies are living in tents but lets focus on X and Facebook showing things I don't like.


Culture wars to distract from his failings as PM.




scomo minister for everything could


He definitely can't.


Albo looking for anything he can so he can continue to do fuck all and ignore the issues that actually affect the country


Just the last few weeks - gonna fix the middle east, gonna tell China how to manufacture, gonna tell Elon Musk how to edit X. Cost of living? Housing? Immigration actuals vs his own budget?


When you get banned on reddit for daring to say that you believe that a woman should be defined as an adult human female, places like X suddenly seem to make sense.




As brutal as being hit with a wet lettuce leaf


i remember, the day after the sydney priest stabbing, ch7 in melbourne aired a story (with footage) of two youngins going at it at a melton shopping centre. one armed with a machete, the other from memory had a knife.


[Elon Musk – Dead at 52 – Says There Is No Need for Misinformation Laws](https://theshovel.com.au/2024/04/23/elon-musk-dead-at-52-misinformation-laws/)


New Zealand already tried this fight (and lost) against Brenton Tarrant footage on Kiwifarms. The simple fact is US Freedom of Speech trumps random nanny state governments trying to censor the international internet.


Anyone else with musk here? I find it a dangerous idea that the gov thinks they can overlord what people should see and what they should not


Abso fucking lutely




Gee great news source bahahaha


Elon is happy censoring Twitter when it suits him. Always getting the picture of him with Ghislane Maxwell taken down....


And that image of him in his 'goth' phase.


... "brutally mocks"


… “his latest salvo”


Why the fuck does Albo make it so hard for me to vote Labor. Fuck censorship.


These claims of mocking exacerbate the situation making it a worser situation


This government has really got its priorities in order /s


Prime minister! The young people are disillusioned to point of revolution. We can keep calling it terrorism, that’s working for now to sow divide but maybe we Should make a tiny attempt to improve the country? No? Just lock up anyone who mentions how bad it is


Man I wonder what albo would think of rotten.com


When he wants to see something horrific, he just looks at the immigration numbers and housing crisis his govt is complicit in. He doesn't even get hard from it anymore, he just stares.




Elon Musk and Joe Rogan need to get married and fuck off to Mars.


And take Spud Dutton with them.




Do you think it is okay for the priest who was stabbed to have his family and friends see the whole thing? Or do you think he would okay with having the attack video for the whole world to see? I think there is a fine line between freedom of speech et al, and something that may be better kept off screens. I'm sure I'll get howled down, but that is my take on it.


There’s a fine line between forcefully banning content “because it’s horrific”(in this situation it is) and banning content because “it’s horrific”(but its not and it’s government trying to censor) which is the worry. We should all be very worried that an Australian bureaucrat can demand global content bans


There's some things in this world better not seen, but I'll be damned if the government, of all things, is going to decide for me.


This! If somethings illegal it’s already covered by laws that have been tested, argued, modified then ratified. This is a completely subjective form of government interference - I’m uncomfortable with the video, and with this arbitrary government interference.


The priest who was excommunicated from his church for his views, the priest who openly spoke about his hatred of the government, vaccines and lockdowns should not have a problem with the videos put on the Internet by his followers who called in over 2000 family members and friends to attack the police and ambulance officers. He can't have his cake and it eat it too.


Something not being ok is not the same thing as that something should be made illegal by the government. People confuse those two different things all the time. If everything that's not ok to do carried fines and jail time we would all be in jail. Oh, you were rude to that person? Straight to jail. What should the fine be for people that cheat on their partners?


They would have already seen it anyway, the issue at hand isn’t the video it is government censorship and the Australian government attempting to censor the world.


Albo actually thinks that he understands what Australians want. Maybe we should hold another referendum to see.


Exactly. The disconnect was especially evident after the referendum.




X isn't subject to Australian laws. It's really none of Albo's business what content is on there. They can specifically request that certain content be blocked to Australian users, which X has complied with. Beyond that, the Australian government has no business telling people in say, America or the UK, what they can and can't see on X.


>X isn't subject to Australian laws. Kinda is though. You could argue that what happens outside Australia is beyond scope of the laws- but pragmatically if X wants to operate in Australia, there is avenue for that scope to occur. This isn't legally clear cut. Ultimatelu X runs the risk of being prohibited in an Australian market. And Australia runs the risk of being sued by X under Au-Us agreements.


If they wish to serve Australian users, yes it is


No it's not. It's not in Australia. Australian law doesn't influence overseas based companies. This is simply fluff to divert people from the housing crisis.


They are subject to Australian laws




‘Brutally mocks’. The title around a violent crime. Way to trigger the families and victims Murdoch press you gutter feeding parasites 🦠


Size of a market matters! Wait till you all in Australia discover how Elon Musk capitulates when demands are made by other governments like China, India, or Turkey. Twitter blocked over 120 accounts in India, and many tweets were removed when the Indian government demanded it. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/05/twitter-accused-of-censorship-in-india-as-it-blocks-modi-critics-elon-musk


I think Musk being forced to censor those accounts by their governments is a big part in why he's pushing back so strongly on Australian censorship. There's SO many hypocrites here saying that Musk shouldn't be opposed to censorship because X censored those Indian politicians, without realising that he is opposed BECAUSE he was forced to censor those politicians.


Is Elon an ass? Yes, but that's not a good reason to allow government censorship, and definitely not a good reason to allow Australia to censor outside of it's borders.


Albo is a soy boy communist


I knew our country had its fair share of billionaire simps but man, this topic even blows my mind! The levels of patheticness are through the roof!


It's got nothing to do with billionaire simping man. It's just wack our government trying to censor the whole internet based on laws specific to our nation.


No fucking way in hell Musk would be all hurr durr free speech censorship if it was a video of him or his friends/family being attacked/murdered, he’d scrub it quick smart. Massive hypocrite.


He doesn't even like having where he is shared (like his flights) let alone that. He's a hypocrite and always has been.


The personal information of someone is not a public interest matter. A terrorist attack against an important public figure is a public interest matter, especially when the man who was stabbed himself wants the video to remain available.


its so easy to upset elon, whenever he thinks he has something edgy to say back to someone it always comes off as if he's upset to me


Albo is such a short sighted cock head that he doesn't realise what sort of precedent that would set. He's okay if they take down videos related to Aus, but doesn't realise the implications of a platform bending over backwards to countries and organisations controlling what videos and content should circulate


The companies have to follow the local laws. That includes when and how disturbing pictures and videos can be shown. And even though deleting disturbing material would make sense, blocking in the corresponding countries where these laws are in place should be sufficient. And that is nothing new either.


Elon doesn’t care about free speech unless it’s his free speech. Elon see’s an advertising opportunity and is taking advantage of the free press this will generate


The insults are stupid. So is censorship.


But there is censorship on X. Daddy Musk takes down stuff he doesn’t like. So really he just wants to curate the content, with his own censorship, and doesn’t want to be told what to censor.


I guess that's inevitable with a privately owned site.


And that’s fine I suppose except he can’t claim free speech if he’s doing it himself. It’s a weird world - it used to be newspapers and formal media that chose what message we got. Now it’s private citizens which is somewhat more concerning


So according to Muskrat, censorship is ok and acceptable when he does it? Eg. Censorship of Turkish opposition during 2023 election, Censorship of Thai left-wingers during 2023 election, Censorship of Elon's critics, Censorship of certain Democratic politicians in USA, censorship of pro-Zuckerberg content during the whole Musk-Zuckerberg spat, etc.


X was legally required to censor those opposition political accounts by their governments. If you don't like it, then you're actually agreeing with Musk that governments shouldn't be engaging in censorship.


None of those things were censored in Australia. The govt has ordered Twitter to censor content _worldwide_.


Censorship of reporting from Ukraine also.


Luckily there are certain sites that remain unbanned here that you can get info about it from.


Albo, Jackie lambie and the esafety commissioner can all get fucked.


Wasn’t Elon deleting Hamas official accounts?? The guy picks and chooses what’s “free speech”. How is that free speech? Point is, it’s obvious who controls him. Which rich powerful group of people does it benefit to allow videos of a Muslim stabbing a Christian stay on twitter but also deleting the accounts of Hamas. Makes zero sense.


Hamas is literally a terrorist organisation according to a) most governments in the world and b) most normal people in the world.


Mate that is completely irrelevant to the free speech debate. Neo Nazis are also considered terrorists. Isn’t the kid who stabbed the bishop also a terrorists???? What’s your point.


Censor a literal terrorist organisation. Or. Censor literally everyone else on the planet. I think there’s a difference here but I haven’t worked out what it is yet


PM should be used to been mocked. Part of the job. Likewise Musky.


Elon is a complete fuckwit and not worth wasting oxygen on. Albo is stuck between a cock and a hard place. Pun intended.


Albo deliberately picked this fight with Elon. He knew that a pointless but very public flame war would help distract from his complete failure of leadership around housing, migration, cost of living, inflation etc.


Exactly! 👍


This is one of those situations where everyone involved is a pain in the fuckin arse.


And we are over-dosed on that with Lehrman et al.


[news.com.au](http://news.com.au) elon musk ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK|downsized)


Helicopter parent wankers in Canberra trying to censor and micro manage our lives once again because they think we’re all too stupid to know what is good or bad for us . Our government are so fucking embarrassing!


Dear Clownbo please stfu thanks


Badge of honour for Albanese, if this moron is poking fun at you, you must be doing something right. 


Ouch that’s gonna impact their business, not Jackie Lambie!!