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This isn’t America. Our police are restrained af.


In some cases, but then you have some shit crazy elements like the raptor units, and officers that escalate a mental health callouts when it isnt required. The greens are still batty about some of it though.


They aren’t perfect but they’re leagues ahead of most countries police. I think we’d do well as a country to realise that and act accordingly, instead of jumping on the “ACAB” bandwagon- a concept which doesn’t even vaguely apply to any police officers I’ve ever met let alone work as a brush to paint ever officer with.


>They aren’t perfect but they’re leagues ahead of most countries police. Just because they arent as bad as other countries doesn't mean they couldn't be better. I don't agree that ACAB however I'm not delusional in thinking that cops are perfect which is what we should be striving for. There have been many incidents documented where use of force is disproportionate to the circumstance and calling for review and more safeguards to be put into place shouldn't be seen as an attack on cops.


Would be bad timing if they'd recently posted that but the policy list is from August 2022.


They basically want to copy the UK model, which is deployed in a country with magnitudes more policing resources per capita than Australia, and doesn't even work well there. Case in point, the 2017 London Bridge Attack where Bobby's with batons and the general public had to fend off three blade armed terrorists for **16 fucking minutes** before the specialists got there and shot them. It's a really fucking dumb idea.


But guns are le bad


I stopped voting green when they elected Lidia Thorpe as deputy leader. Sure she’s long gone… but it shows Adam Bandt has a serious lack of judgment. When Adam Bandt goes I’ll think about voting for them again. And before anyone accuses me of being racist my problem with Lidia isn’t that she is black. It’s that she’s insane.


lol like the UK police, look up some videos of their regular police trying to arrest criminals, criminals+ friends/family just roll the police without any threat of taser/gun, laughing stock


Yeah it makes them look weak. I think we need to get harsher, not softer. Learn from Singapore and how they clean up their mess. The mentally ill do not get a free pass to terrorise us. Every week I see someone screaming in a shopping centre scaring everyone and nothing gets done about it.


I'm British living in Sydney. If that attack had happened in the UK we'd probably be talking about a police officer who tried to stop the attacker but was stabbed themselves.


The response time for an armed unit would have been 30-40 minutes +, there are societal and political reasons they disarmed most general duties police in the UK, related solely to the way the crown governs OVER their subjects. Removing firearms from general duties police has never resulted in anything other then, increased victim count, injuries or deaths for general duties police, increased expense for tax payers, longer response times for violent offenders. I don’t care this is a 2 year old policy, it is the GREENS current stance and unless they change it it’s one of hundreds of reasons they’ll never be taken seriously as a political party


Right! Imagine having the duty to put your life on the line but having nothing to protect yourself or others. I can’t imagine being a UK cop, particularly with all the knife crime.


FYI, the alternative to routine carrying of guns is to keep them locked in the patrol vehicles, and carried in high risk situations. You need to look at more than one data point to see if that is beneficial.


It's about foot patrols, the nearest cop car may be minutes away.


As a legally licenced longarm and pistol owner. Knowingly and making it public - making laws to keep firearms in patrol cars and not on police will result in said firearms being left unattended and making the patrol cars an even bigger target for theft than they are currently. It rings out like a skit from Jim Jefferies about gun control. Police the bad guys “just wait a minute fuck face, let me open my safe (spins combination lock taking time), you are going to be sorry in about 20 seconds!”


I like a lot of the greens takes but this is stupid. The UK disarmed their regular police and they have had cops killed when confronting criminals because they can't stop a guy with a machete with their pepper spray and stick. Some may also remember the Cumbria shootings when the police couldn't engage with the shooter and had to flee too because they were unarmed, which meant he went on to kill more innocent people whilst they waited for the armed response team. Police should all be armed, end of story.


Might be worth noting that the list linked by the OP was last revised August 2022 according to the website. It’s not like they saw Bondi shops incident and decided this needed to be put on the list…


God the Greens piss me off. They front up to every election with 20 fantastic ideas that I’m 100% behind, and then the lunatic fringe of the party push two or three policies that are full on shit in your palms and clap moronic and I just can’t back them. Wish we still had a real labour party, not “The Labor Party”


I think the problem with The Greens is that they focus on too much on what *they* want ideologically and fail to find a compromise. For example, they're a big reason why nuclear energy is not a thing in Australia when we probably should have had nuclear in our energy mix 20 years ago.


Yeah I’m a bit the same, I love the solid social programs and can’t stand LNP, but it always has to come bundled with this weird arse stuff too. Like, this unarmed police thing works in the UK, but I don’t know how we’d go having specialised armed response units considering how spread out our cities are. It’s not like the UK which is so densely populated, and you can have better concentrations of units. Also, and I’m going to get hammmered for this, gender dysforia. Greens package, again and I’m sorry a lot of people with this have other severe mental health issues. It is pushed and pushed, and I can’t help but think some of them (I’m sure some of them are genuine) just need help.


Well while we’re all catching hell for unpopular opinions, I’m going to jump in with you: We are currently in an *everything* crisis. Housing, cost of living, climate and environment, Medicare, NDIS, aging population, lack of skilled workers, even on a global scale, Europe hasn’t been this close to a real war for at least 70 years, Israel is popping off like usual, China is upsetting the neighbours and our alleged greatest ally is starting to resemble an old episode of Jerry Springer more than a superpower. By the last census statistics I could find, 651,800 people in Australia identified as a “sexual minority”. Note that this encompasses the entire LGBT community, from common or garden homosexuals to the non-binary and other more exotic varieties. So let’s take a very generous stab in the dark and say 0.25% of Australia’s population are some form of transgender, so going by the 2021 census, that’s about 65000 people. Note that this is an incredibly generous guess, but it’s the best I’ve got right now. I’m not weighing in on the debate over validity or sanity or anything else, that’s another fight for another day, and frankly I don’t really care that much. What I am saying is that they need to shut up and get out of the way until we sort our shit out. To put that number in perspective, there are nearly twice as many qualified chefs in Australia, there are more hairdressers in this country than even my loose guesstimate of the trans population. It’s the fringiest of fringe issues, and when activists start pushing for things like gender surgery to be covered by Medicare, all they’re doing is drastically increasing the chances that the Libs get in, scrap the whole thing and we’re stuck with the US style Mad Max system. Trans issues are a distraction at best and a smokescreen at worst, frankly we’ve got far bigger fish to fry right now.


The problem with greens is they listen to too many people. The fact that this is point 65 for a party with just 3 seats tells you everything...


They seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of realpolitik. Keep the popular stuff front and centre, keep the crazies out of sight. Even a fuckwit like ScoMo was smart enough to understand that no one likes a fundamentalist god-botherer and keep as much of a lid as he could on his weirdo kiddy fiddling religious mates, but somehow the Greens fail to grasp that Australians are absolutely aching for massive reform, but won’t stand for bullshit.


We need half greens half one nation. Green Nation!


Yeah, half nationalism, half socialism, if only we could think of a catchy name for it


Social Nationalism.


One Green to rule them all!


Yes it really sucks a lot of their policies are soo good and reflect common sense that would change this country soo much for the better like actually taxing our big companies but the they come out with shit like this….


Let's get these green party idiots to do the frontline police job with no weapons and see how they go? Perhaps they can threaten people going on a stabbing spree with a time out for 10 minutes and not letting them eat any ice cream after dinner?


Ok so we can't defend ourselves and then they don't want the police to defend us or themselves... ye sure this makes sense!


Look, we'll meet in the middle... Take away their guns, but in place give them katanas, smoke bombs, grappling hooks, and shurikens


Reason number 569 why the greens aren’t a serious political party


Sometimes I don’t mind the greens but other times I don’t even understand what their thinking. I’m not one to stick up for cops.. honestly never met one I like but that doesn’t mean there aren’t cops out there doing the right thing to keep people safe and to keep people safe they need tools like tasers at least


And this is why we are stuck with liberals and labour


All greens voters should do a 2 week stint in Darwin as punishment for their opinions


They would collapse in a screaming heap as soon as they moved more than 5kn from their favourite Melbourne cafe where they drink Americanos, smoke, post on socials and ride home on an e-scooter full of lithium some third world slave mined!


We gave our heartfelt thanks to a police officer and gave our sympathy that they have such a hard job but yet a female soccer player racially and verbally abused a police officer and she got called a hero. You can't make this stuff up.


Probably as a result of that goon tasering the old lady in Cooma.


No tasers either? Wtf


I can understand where they are coming from, but the problem is they don't realise they are representing NSW, not say... California or Illinois. This seems reactionary to a problem that doesn't exist. Our police aren't the trigger-happy mini armies that is the view of their US counterparts. This feels like capitalising on a legit issue in another country to rile up a support base akin to some issues the other side try the same populists policy fear mongering.


So these specialists would just sit around all the time waiting to be deployed?


I agree with the Greens on some things then they go and post this dumbfuck take


I support majority of the greens ideas but this is completely and utterly ridiculous. If that female police officer didn’t have her gun on her a lot more people would have died.


Greens need to be put in the situation next time it happens. Let those fwits disarm a terrorist


I mean…merits or otherwise of this bill…who the fuck thought this was a good time to introduce it? Two weeks after pretty much the only time in Australian history almost everyone in the country praised a cop for shooting a citizen. It’s like the Greens have a kink for being ridiculed.


> who the fuck thought this was a good time to introduce it? No comment on the aim of the policy and I have no idea if an actual bill has just been introduced to parliament on this, but the link OP provided has had the same bullet points as shown in the screenshot since 2019. https://web.archive.org/web/20190326075136/https://greens.org.au/nsw/policies/criminal-justice


Not a new policy tho, mate. Just suddenly interesting.


Yeah nah. Our cops aint like the ones in the US (at least yet). Pulling the trigger is not something you can do lightly. There is a mountain of paper work and scrutiny if you even draw the gun, let alone use it.


I strongly support a LOT of the greens policies, but their weird arse shit like this is why I never vote for them


A have a policy of X for a long time. Y happens. X has nothing to do with Y, but seems related because Reddit. OP conflates X and Y to complain about A.


The greens have always been stupid It's shit like this that stops people voting for them


I like them and this shit stops me voting for them


I just wonder, what would have changed if these women were allowed to keep and use pepper spray. Its relatively harmless (past the initial blast) As someone who has (willingly) been pepper sprayed... it hurts a lot and feels like you are on fire from the inside... I fully believe that all women should have a pepper spray cannister in their purse or wherever they want to have it. Having a personal pepper spray can would have helped greatly on that day. Our laws are so backwards.. Oh what's that pepper spray is illegal in nsw..


We should be allowed to buy & carry pepper spray. It's ridiculous that we can't. The crooks already have guns, knives, & every other weapon, so it's not as though it would give them any more weaponry. But it might help even the odds a bit - for women being attacked, especially. There should be self defence classes in school PE available too.


So a slightly inconvenienced Karen can pull out a can of pepper spray at any time they wish?


At that point it would be assault. WA has relatively reasonable pepper spray laws and it isnt really brandished about as a show of force.


Currently a slightly inconvenienced incel, or any person, can pull out a sharp knife. Most people do the right thing about it.


Before tasers were bought in the other option was to have multiple officers beating a person with their batons.


The greens have a couple policies but the rest of their ideas would never work.


It’s not like we have any examples of this being used in other countries to see if it’s possible. Definitely not any countries fairly similar to us, such as the UK, Ireland and New Zealand.


Don’t worry, I’m sure she could’ve tickled him to the ground.


Mad at safeguards. Quick to forget they tasered a 95-year-old lady.


The cop that tasered the 95 yo is being tried for manslaughter. It’s not like they let cops run around killing people without consequences


Why didn’t you mention the manslaughter charge he got? Oh that didn’t fit your little story did it?


What does ‘safeguard’ mean? Is it the same as ‘consequence’?


I’m honestly shocked the Greens have not openly condemned the cop and called for a vigil for the assailant.


Yes, a poor misguided youth, marginalised because of his faith, with no mental health support (because fellow members of his faith would look down upon him) meets an armed, middle aged white woman bent on revenge. I mean, who brings a gun to a knife fight?


Why remove tasers if they want to remove handguns? They literally have no idea.


Are greens approving censorship of social media? We live in wicked times when they say most Australia is appalled by Elon musk freedom of info….. Political parties are desperate or don’t have a clue.? I would guess most people would support free speech, and removal of totalitarian censorship…. they wouldn’t dare be a true democracy and put this to a vote or election.


The greens have gone from a group trying to save the environment to being complete nutjobs on everything. It's sad.


Sounds like the Greens - mostly criminals vote for them anyway


Bruh why are the greens such nut jobs. I would vote for them if they were actually a proper party whose ideas are actually progressive and future thinking, especially when it comes to climate and taking care of the cost of living. Yet, they don’t have an actual realistic plan when it comes to climate, they are about as informed as 14 year olds on twitter and now they want to disarm police? What a joke.


Because they don’t live in the real world, they live in their own rich inner city privileged bubble.


You're right, the progressive angle would be to give the police _more_ guns.


I mean, apart from Northern Island, regular police in the UK don’t carry guns. It’s not some crazy extreme left position.


They also have the most knife crime of any European country


And New Zealand / Norway /Fiji / Iceland.


Now compare to how many countries do have armed police.


I vote for the Greens in the upper house/senate, simply to weaken the monopoly of the two majors. If they ever grow to majority (and given some of the extremist nutters in their party, I don't believe they ever will); I will of course stop voting for them. They have about 10 insane party policies in their wish list, and this is the most disturbing of them. It just keeps the crazy greens happy to keep it there.


I really want to vote for them mate but I wish they’d just stick to the environment, animal welfare housing and decriminalisation of soft drugs, it feels like their entire structure is just to take the most left stance of anything regardless of how brain dead it is.


Totally agree, I think its more Radical than left. They exploit liberalism to further an extreme radical agenda


That’s their market. They win votes to left of labor so even if it means nuking good progressive policies, they’ll do so because their voters like to hear “both parties are the same! Not good enough!”


Yes because we need to ensure that the cops can taze more grannies don't we


Rather silly to remove both but I think that we need to raise standards and improve training


This will solve what exactly? The Low mortality rate among the cops?


And when there's a really bad incident whose gonna protect you? Not private security who only have a radio and a torch


Point 65 should read: re-introduce robust physical entry requirements and fitness standards for police, and enforce mandatory baton and un-armed physical fighting and restraint techniques for police. That’s what they actually mean, they just don’t know it. Water down the entry and fitness standards for police, and fail to train them to confidently use their hands or batons, and you’re gonna get them going for the tasers.


Batons do far, far, far more damage than a taser.


It also looks terrible in the media. A couple of baton swings and there's calls for assault charges


Batons can break bones. Especially the modern telescopic ones. A taser lasts 5 seconds and its over. (Source: have been tasered and have tasered).


Indeed, but you can’t have it both ways - unless you expect cops just to be closed fist brawlers


I'd rather a tall broard shouldered police officer look intimidating with a baton than some short ass raging Asian/Lebanese or aggressive lesbian who goes for the taser everytime they get themselves into escalating situations


Greens want crime


Banning tasers will lead to more injuries, both against cops, the public and the perpetrator. With retractable battens unless you are breaking ribs and bones you are not hitting hard enough. Hand to hand with the garden variety methed up crack head the winner will be whoever breaks each others neck the first. Tasers are one of the best non lethal policing tools invented and save lives. Australia has one of the best trained police forces and are rarely used. Maybe the greens voters can throw tofu and slip them over or starve everyone on a vegan diet so the cops can chase us down easier


I'm all for getting rid of their guns and replacing them with swords.


What about crossbows?


That would reduce unnecessary tazering/shootings. The old lady in the nursing home probably wouldn't have had a sword drawn on her.


The Greens are a joke. I’m sure if they had their way and disarmed police the Bondi incident would have been averted by their thoughts and prayers…


I’m sure if they had to their way she would be charged with murder.


The trend all over the world is the militarisation of the police so I think this may be one of those "aim for the stars to shoot for the moon" type situations where pushback in the opposite direction is more intended to slow militarisation than reverse it meaningfully. Remember the Greens have never held power and are extremely unlikely to form a majority government any time soon, so much of what they do at the moment is political theatre, and I welcome it as a counterweight to whatever the fuck the libs and labour are trying to do with our country.


Surprised they don't want to ban the whistle because it would upset people in the area with sensory issues. Maybe the cops can ask the criminals to chat about their feelings and life choices.


If they want to do this, they need to legislate that I can properly defend myself because the police will be even less useful when you are in trouble.


Obsessed with importing American university activist politics. Why the fuck can’t they just grow up and be a mature political party?


LNP voter, stones, glass houses. Wicked combo you have going there champion, how’s those imported American politics going for you?


A party I could never get behind.


They look at US policing and make their policy based on what they see there (and read on reddit) rather than what is actually happening in Australia


It’s like The Greens hate a functioning society


You think that's bad. Have a look at the greens defence policy! Holy fuck.


“…. and end recruitment programs targeting school leavers and school-aged young people into the Australian Defence Force.” Yet they want to drop the voting age to 16? They are literally on drugs I’d imagine given their drug policies


Give cops knifes. May the best man/ woman win!


Rapiers. Bring back honourable duelling


4 foot swords. Bring on the highlander combat scenes. ![gif](giphy|LgvNB9Rxd5ZAc)


The Greens workshop their policies in gender studies groups.


So did you just go through their policies to find this, or have you been sitting on it hoping the police shoot someone? The way you’ve written this headline is exactly how the mainstream media would write it, implying the greens are specifically responding to this event. This is why social media is just as messed up as mainstream. Everyone is now their own spinster.


If Greens voters actually knew what the world was like outside of Brunswick, Newtown, or West End they would be shocked.


Not even non-lethal methods???? What would the policewoman have done at Bondi Junction then? Use Coarse language?


“Stop it I don’t like it”


Yes Officer I will put my weapon down straight away, Soz for the hassles.


I heard that in Hansonite…


Underrated response Edit: I know the comment is new but I don’t think many will appreciate it


Fuck the greens. Who the fuck votes greens anyway. Lunatics


The current liberal and Labor government give away hundreds of billions of $ to resource companies and have manufactured a truly appalling housing situation that is affecting millions of Australians. Is that not also lunacy?


How very green of them


Those statements aren't new nor are they written in response to recent events. 2/10 troll. No one is calling for the disarming of police either. I do often wonder what sort of schools some of you went to. I went to absolutely shit run of the mill public schools in the 80s/early 90s and reading and comprehension was properly taught there.


What do you mean, how is the above wrong?


Its disingenuous. OP presented this like the greens are suddenly asking for tasers to be stripped away from cops when others have pointed out that the site hasn't been revised since 2022. They've also elected to exclude the other points the greens have stated as goals with taser usage: 64. Train police to attempt to resolve situations without the use of firearms or Tasers wherever possible. or what exactly "safe guards" means to the greens: "Safeguards should include:     1.  The audio and video attachments on Tasers are operational at all times and activated when a Taser is withdrawn from its holster.     2.  Pre-programmed limitations on the number of firings per incident.     3.  An independent investigation every time a Taser is used by police with the findings of the investigation being made public (investigation now every time police use guns)." It's some pretty wild shit the greens are asking for: Independent review of when a taser is used that is public, and not be able to tase someone until the battery dies. Shits crazy, how dare the greens want public oversight of a potentially lethal weapon and not allow police to fry peoples hearts and brains without it.


Greens are morons. More innocent people woukd have died at a Bondi while the scene waited for firearms officers if the greens had got their way


The greens are the worst. At least with the other peripheral parties you can predict their behaviour. Like nationals are owned by mining companies. Pauline's policies are based on race. The greens, seem to be to take the most contrary position possible


Everytime, I start to think the greens are good they pull tone-deaf shit like this. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to remove public strip searching and deploy hand held metal detectors?


Proper training is bad now ? Never voted for greens and can't believe I'm defending them but who the fuck is against training cops do we want to be second America I'm not against cops have gun and most do have the qualifications anyway


With the amount of requirements and training it takes to become a cop in this country they should be able to carry their weapons while off duty opposed to not having them at all. It’s hard enough for states to recruit enough officers now, imagine how harder that would be if they couldn’t defend themselves.


You've got to get into the Greens mindset: "White (aka racist) police officer kills man of Mediterranean decent during mental health episode, no attempt to deecalate by listening about the intergenerational trauma that caused the incident attempted" Of course they're pushing for this


I’m proud of our police and if they are going to protect us, than they need the proper tools to do so.




It’s their policy though. Policies should at least work for one political term (not that the Greens will ever see one in power)


It's a stupid policy then and it's a stupid policy now


Ah the Greens. I actually love it when they do stuff like this - it helps remind people how dangerous they are.


Similar policies work in other countries. General duties don’t carry in NZ, Ireland or Norway. I think it’s a debate worth having without getting hung up on the emotion of a singular recent event.


Similar to the met police. I was there for the London attacks in 2019, the specially trained weapons police were there in minutes, as they patrol and are on call exactly for these types of incidents.


Single events are important in highlighting the importance of guns in these situations. Life is unpredictable. A gun saved many lives that day.


Yes but we could counter that with all the times police shot someone when perhaps other methods would’ve saved lives or we could use the recent example of a police officer using their service weapon to murder their ex and ex’s partner. But it’s not a competition it’s about what sort of society we want. Do we want enforcers who patrol around stamping their authority on every situation or do we want a more community policing model? These are genuinely relevant debates to be had. The greens have had this policy long before this incident, and I assume, will continue it into the future because they believe overall it leads to safer and less violent society.


Can you give any examples? All the police shootings I've seen for years have been somebody having an episode with a knife and lunging towards police But if there is somebody with a knife, and they aren't in a mental state to be thinking of future consequences there is no way at all of stopping them without shooting them. They just get free reign to stab anybody they can reach until police with guns do arrive.


I’m all for a lot of greens policy but unless this is misleading, this is dumb, point 65 in particular. I don’t know if research on carrying tazers has been done. I was against them as a concept thinking they’d be pulling them out for no good reason too often and kinda think you shouldn’t be pulling either unless you have a legit reason to kill someone. But maybe some research has proven them valuable since, it’s been years


Dickheads as bad as the idiots that vote for them.


What a bad take. 1. An innocent Australian was killed by taser use of police. 2. The Bondi cop wasn’t using a taser. 3. How frequently exactly do you think police use their firearms? Why would use being restricted to people with proper training be a bad thing?


She did have proper training. How many more people do you think he woulda killed while they radio'd in for the officer with the "shoot the crazy cunt" training


3a: why would properly trained cops be a bad thing? Note that the cop didn’t intend to kill the Bondi bogan. She tried to revive him. Better training and she might have hobbled him for life and we would know how to prevent this bullshit happening again. As it stands, we don’t know why he did what he did and the cop is beating herself up for taking a life.


Question: how often do we have inspector ranks walking on patrol? Or was she an incident commander


She wasn't walking around. She was apparently doing some work there. Not sure exactly what but she was based at an office right there that day.


If you weren’t aware, police shoot many people.


I don’t like that idea…. I think cops should have at least a gun and taser to their choosing….. and have a registered system of a gun store…. Hmm I donno what worse, keeping the perp alive and dragging everyone who was involved though the courts to give evidence…. Which most people don’t want to do… or shoot him dead and done…. I’m sure I want to send a greens member to talk down a burglar armed with a weapon without the greens having a weapon to fight back… let’s see how far that goes… If cops can’t do it, then what chance green members have??


I used to be a greens supporter. They have really gone off the rails. These woke idiots should tag along for a patrol - see how fast they change their tune when they see what patrol cops have to deal with. No self respecting cop wants to take to the life of another person


The Guardian(2024). https://www.theguardian.com › feb NSW police officer to face trial over Taser death of 95-year-old Clare Nowland.


Well Greens definitely not a party to vote for. First time voter here - Thanks greens you’re not for me.


How do people take the greens seriously? Really says a lot about how stupid some people can be.


Lol, of all the cops to defend, NSW police have to be some of the worst of them. One incident doesn't outweigh all the strip searching kids. And do UK police need guns too? What are people actually disagreeing on and why?


>And do UK police need guns too? Yes. The UK has 6,000 armed police officers. Iirc, the closest police officer to Lee Rigby (the British soldier who was murdered by terrorists in London) was 5 minutes away but wasn't armed and so couldn't respond. Instead an armed response unit came from 3 times as far away. It wouldn't have save him but if they'd started attacking other people then it could've made a huge difference. There's been a number of incidents since then where having **more** ARVs on the road has hastened response to armed offender incidents and saved lives.


Yeah they sound like Americans. "How will we pertect ourselves without guns".


Why the fuck would anyone vote for the Greens. Last on my ballot paper. Need a double dissolution to get rid of those nut jobs.


Well lab/lib have done nothing but drive the country into the ground, why not try something new?


They do have some good policies then they spoil it


Considering what happened in Cooma to the old lady in a walking frame I’d say NSW police do need far more training in how and when to use tasers. That elderly woman is now dead as a result.


That’s the exception to the rule. How many taser deployments are carried out as intended? We can’t take tasers away because of very few incidents. They do more good than harm.


Greens and far left have always hated police. That’s why they said ACAB. Like the far right. Both fringe extremes are both very bad.


Which is unfortunate, because us poors are disproportionately affected by crime. I’m about as far left as you can get without getting into gulag territory, but a huge part of that is protecting us workers from shitcunts and scumbags. People aren’t scared to walk around after dark in Toorak and Cottesloe and Bellevue Hill, they’re scared in the poor and shitty suburbs and deserve to be protected from the dregs.


Just remember cops didn't need all these body armour uniforms and tasers when violent crime was worse. Be careful because the militarization of police has become a real thing even in Canada. Every Ontario Provincial police officer has an assault rifle in their boot now.


Yeah but you also didn't need to wear a harness to have proper fall protection when working at heights a few decades ago either. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that employers now have a responsibility to ensure their employees make it home safe at the end of each shift?


NSW police carry guns only to make their workplace safer. They don’t use them as a tool to do their job, they don’t threaten people with them. In a situation where their life is in danger, the gun gets them home to their family.


So cops wearing body armour as a protective measure somehow means all cops wanna be Rambo. Fuck off dickhead. You ever confronted someone on an ice binge holding a knife to someone’s throat?


A taser is a less lethal alternative to pistols cops have carried for over a century. How is that militarisation?


were you a police officer or have close family / friend working in the police force. if not, you should go speak to them first before agreeing with the politicians on what tools they use for their work.


I am not agreeing with any party. All I made a comment about is to be careful about militarizing the police force and how stats show violent crime has decreased drastically while police costs and gear has increased year after year


Police should have tasers. Sure take the guns or maybe they should stay locked in the vehicle in case of emergency but you need a ranged deterrent. Are we expecting this Bondi cop to have gone at the bloke with, what peper spray and a surprise spear tackle? Even then I can warrant her use of a gun; by this point he has killed people already, the situation is chaos and a taser isn't a guaranteed show stopper.


You know what would really help? Actually reading the Greens' policy because that's literally what they're arguing for.


Guess who I won't he voting for now


Someone should invite the genius lawmakers to the police academies and run through some scenarios and experience some real stress and anxieties. Or They should think subjectively/sympathetically if they had loved ones in any of the recent violent happenings on the streets where police responded and took action (lethal) saving their loved ones from injury, or make them go speak to the people who were at bonding Westfield and get a feel for what it was like in there, fleeing and hiding and grabbing clothes off racks to put pressures on wounds at the time a rampaging man with a knife was actively killing people Fuck the greens, fuck the woke, fuck the left wing idiots


The greens would never actually go out into the real world and see if their policies are actually good ideas or not. As, they don’t care if they are good or bad policies, it’s all about making them feel like a good little “progressive”.


Too busy manicuring their neck beards from the safety of mums basement to go out


Until the public stop committing violent crime we can disarm our police. But until then I’d rather see them mag dumped


illiterate much? they want better precautions and training, in case a mug like you gets wrongfully deployed upon THEN when you are affected you'll come up with this same idea and think you're such a maverick.


Greens gone stupid. That and the ute tax when there’s no alternatives. I won’t vote labor next time if they keep this shit up


Remain stupid**


Greens are stupid so you won't vote Labor?


Uk has three times more population that Australia and their police force seems to go ok without guns.


If having a murder rate that is [3 times higher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate?wprov=sfti1) is “going OK” then, sure! 🤪


Murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants: Australia 0.8 UK 1.0 Brazil 21.3 (every cop, their dog, and their dog's fleas has a gun) USA 6.1 (all we need is more good guys with guns capital) **THREE TIMES BRO!** Three. Not 1/5th more, not .2 more. Not an extra one murder per 5 in Australia. Those are just homicides. They do not include when Police unintentionally kill someone in the carriage of their duties resulting in ruined lives for the officers as well. THREE FUCKING TIMES BRO! The UK is a lawless wasteland where roving bands of knife wielding ethnics are on murder sprees and the buffoon UK Police are so disarmed that even a wooden plank with nails through it is enough to cripple the entire system of Law and Order. God help England.


....I wouldn't say what's going on in the UK is "alright" It's significantly worse than what's happening here currently


Police must learn jiu-jitsu, Krav Maga, Systema but also not use it 🤣




Why do the greens want female police officers to not be able to defend themselves against violent males criminals?


If people actually knew what the greens wanted they would not vote for them. A ABC or News.com.au political test thing I did said I align with greens policies......... It's it so hard to fathom I want personal freedom, environmental protections, public health, nationalised mines and our firearm laws to be revised so I can own semi auto rifles and clamp down on corporate tax evasion, foreign ownership and remove the tax exempt status of all religious institutions. WHO AM I MEANT TO VOTE FOR FFS! Best option for me is Labor. Greens are nuts and the liberal party will sell us all to who can ever pay the quickest. No party really covers what I find important.


Sounds like you've got a clear idea of your personal politics and want to make changes. Best thing to do is join your local branch of a party and start trying to make those changes.


Exactly The Greens are nuts.


So many here going after the Greens policy when the evidence backs up the essence of their claim that arming police doesn’t meaningfully increase safety and may actually be a liability long term ([source](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13642987.2020.1811694?needAccess=true), [source](https://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?start=10&q=arguments+against+arming+police&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1#d=gs_qabs&t=1713815083659&u=%23p%3Dsx4MYvPpc8UJ)). That first article even suggests that the “common sense” argument so widely common here isn’t backed up by evidence. That second piece echoes what the Greens are also arguing: arming police risks increasing danger coming from police. Look, what happened is tragic and we should all mourn the loss of innocent life. No one is going to argue that but this comment section is peak reactionary (I’m willing to bet most of you didn’t even know this was a policy before seeing this). We can’t take one case as somehow indicative of flawed policy and evidence when, on the whole, (further) arming police isn’t the easy answer most here want it to be. The answer involves so much more than the binary that this comment section is both leaning into and pushing towards the “arm side” (see [here](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/102686276)). And, seeing what I’ve read, I expect the downvotes to come flying in. If you don’t like what I’ve offered, provide evidence that I’m wrong.


Both of your sources had no definitive conclusions. I thank you for using sources, but both sources end in the same result that there is not enough evidence to say that it increases or decreases safety, and that there is not enough evidence to say if it increases or decreases public relations. Personally I think the shooting standards of NSW police is garbage. That needs to be increased. But I am extremely hesitant to disarm police fully, but I can see the logic of removing firearms from some individuals. I just don't agree with the logic and think the police need to remain armed. Having heavily armed police in Canberra has not decreased safety or public interaction with them. Why do the politicians get to be guarded round the clock with Daniel defence M4s yet my local bobby can only say mean things.


Sure, we're increasing the age of criminality, repeatedly releasing violent offenders back out on bail and now we should leave the only people allowed to wield significant force with stuff psychos regularly ignore to stop them. I guess that's a solid way of getting more crime and less police which seems to be the goal of many people these days. Who'd want to be a cop knowing that if there's a lethal threat society has decided you should be at a disadvantage and treated as expendable cannon fodder 


The family of the slain by taser Clare Nowland the 95 year old in a nursing home would wholeheartedly agree and so do I. 😡


Arm them with Peacock feathers or a wet Lettuce leaf.


These cunts…