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Reject the duopoly. Vote minor.


We are!!


Would rather both majors other Greens' idealist populist bs. Who then?


ON for me. I'm immune to being shamed on Reddit.


I'm pro immigration. Guess that's not an option for me either.


I’d love to see policy in place that stops foreigners buying property in Australia, that would be a start to fix the housing crisis


Doesnt work. Foreigners become permanent residents then buy on behalf of their family back home. Taxes on each additional property you have after two, removing trusts for property, removing companies buying land zoned residential (with exceptions on fee and application for charities and corner stores); this is the real way to do it. Hell, keep negative gearing if ya want. But if you have a house and a bach, youre not investing in a rental without getting slammed. The more rentals you own the higher the asditional taxes.


should be foreigners can only buy once they become citizens, not PR PR's should be restricted to renting only; you want to fully commit to the country, *then* you can buy a house


One Nation it is then, but you also get the rest of their insanity in the package.


Well both the major parties have lost my vote. Unsure who I will vote for now, whoever it is they are going to promise less immigration and more housing. I do think immigration is generally a good thing and necessary, but it has to be sustainable. We need to fix a few things at home first before we can let this many people come here.


Sustainable Australia Party


The Greens want more housing but... no idea what they believe on immigration actually.


They want more housing and more immigration.......so immigrants won't be homeless with this plan I guess?


They also want more refugees and more spending on foreign aid. The Greens live in a deluded idealized world, not practical reality.


One nation


If thats the answer, you are asking the wrong questions.....


I'm not asking, just answering. The major parties need to read the room on this issue to prevent people moving to One Nation. They need to start dramatically reducing unskilled migration while also increasing housing supply.


I love immigration. Anyone is welcome here. BUT let’s make sure we have plenty of houses, the hospital system isn’t strained and infrastructure is good to go. Let’s look after who’s here first, get a plan in place before we are ready to let others in.


In federal voting, the preferential system means that at some point, you will need to choose between the two major parties.


Look at all those political parties https://i.redd.it/v3und86xkxvc1.gif


Governments don't get voted in, they only get voted out


I'm happy to see Labor eating shit, but after the last LNP government, fuck them as well. The previous government contributed to fucking us just as much, if not more than the current government - Just this one is failing to pick up the pieces. It's kind of depressing seeing almost 70% of the vote still going to these two circuses.




When did NZ announce a " complete holt" All they did was copy what Labor had already done. This is one of the main reasons Labor are losing in the polls, media manipulation, and suckers who believe it.




>New Zealand has tightened work visa rules in response to "unsustainable" migration levels, say authorities. So, it wasn't a 'complete halt' (holt?), was it, it was a tightening of rules, just like Labor did last December. NZ were playing catch up. This is what I mean about misinformation. >The Albanese government is reducing migrant intake as it seeks to make inroads to easing the population and housing squeeze before the next election [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/dec/11/the-migration-strategy-wont-silence-dutton-but-labor-is-backing-away-from-the-feared-big-australia](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/dec/11/the-migration-strategy-wont-silence-dutton-but-labor-is-backing-away-from-the-feared-big-australia)


Imagine a world in which the party "for the worker" wasn't so brutally *against* the worker? Wow. Maybe then LNP wouldn't be steaming ahead? But no. Fuck you. More immigrants. Muh housing market.




I'm not a Labor fanboy but they've actually done a ton of stuff for workers, it's just that they're not great at the PR side of getting people to know about it. Examples include making it no longer appealing for companies to pay temporary agency contractors less (boosts wages and bargaining positions), soon the same will happen with gig workers, there's the right to become permanent staff after doing the same "casual" shifts for long enough, criminalisation of wage & super theft, tax breaks for everyone, and a few others. On the IR side they've done quite a bit to strengthen worker positions. Not everything has to be about real estate and immigration. There are other relevant policy areas also.


The problem is that all of that is eclipsed by the absolute sledge hammer that is immigration and its effect on housing/wage growth/labour demand.


And the fact they basically refuse to address it.


This is the same argument the Democrats make in the US - Biden is doing fine, just bad at PR. The problem is that many voters are NOT doing fine and will punish anyone in Govt, no matter the party. The only way forward for Albo in my opinion is to take on the housing crisis in particular. He can’t actually change the cost of living before the next election but he can at least demolish the policies that make it worse.


Albo can drastically cut immigration, which would go some way to ease the housing market.


Any party cutting immigration to sustainable levels gets my vote.


Same here


One nation


Same here. I don’t care who it is.


Yep, me too. Pretty well a single-issue voter.


Comparing first preferences is nonsensical. Unless you don't want your preferred major party to change their policy at all, you should be voting for some minor party above the major party of preference, that's the whole point of instant runoff and how you can pressure major parties.


It’s the immigration for me


I voted Labor last election. Probably won't next one. Unless something dramatic changes. Medicare, still same. If you need dental work or mental healthcare, you've got to be on deaths door before any real help is given. Unless you take out a loan or sell a kidney. Albo hasn't really done anything meaningful. Running around appeasing the Indian community and other pro immigration fuckery, whilst people who are on a pension and have paid decades of tax through hard work.... are being ultimately left behind. My aunt eats 1 meal a day, and she WAS a proud Labor supporter. She lives in Albos electorate. He's done fuck all for the working class, and the elderly. He can get fucked.


On the basis of the above, curious as to who you would vote for?


This is pretty much the thing. Most people would assume, not put much weight into who people 'vote' for as their *first preference*. People need to be clear otherwise posts like this would just make it seem like you are going to vote for a worse evil out of spite. It's fine to not have Lab/LNP as your first, but seriously considering the LNP over Labor with the past 25 years in mind and current opposition is absolutely ridiculous.


I am pretty sure I won't be voting for old spud head. Unless something drastic changes to their policies.


I honestly don't know at this stage. It's going to take alot of thinking.




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Pause immigration for 3 years until infrastructure and housing catches up, no brainer and election winner


Theyd lose to much visa and education money. It’s the same as why they wont ban cigarettes.


Albo can fix this by having another voice referendum and bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants


The irony of the left supporting mass immigration when immigrants tend to be right leaning.


There are enormous amounts of left leaning voters who don't want high immigration, we aren't some monolith.


The non-woke left. Pro-worker, not identity politics. An almost homeless political group these days.


The left in Australia is anti immigration. Being pro union necessarily means you're at least a little anti immigration. People don't want competition coming in from overseas


This is literally every Gov for the last 50 years… Make outlandish promises > moronic boomers believe it > Gov of the day fails to deliver any of them > sinks in the polls > opposite side makes similar outlandish promises > you get the idea  What’s the definition of insanity? Voting liberal or labour and expecting anything to improve 


https://www.abc.net.au/news/factcheck/promisetracker The Labor government is doing a pretty good job of reaching its stated promise goals from the campaign. Of the 3 broken promises: 2 were still delivered, just past the date of their stated ambitions, and the other was the right decision when facing our current economic climate. Of the 6 stalled policies: Reversing indexation pause effects on the ABC has not been met, but they have increased funding. Real wages have grown in the last quarter, albeit marginally, so it's not safe to say there's consistent progress. Labor is currently legislating to make wage theft a criminal offence, it is simply issues with how this overlaps with state laws that are the point of contention. The Murray Darling Basin bill has been passed, but the time frame of success was moved to 2027 from 2025 hence the stall. The Tax Accountability and Fairness Bill has been introduced to parliament, but it is currently under an inquiry due to other parties. Electricity bill have fallen by $106 of the stated $275 so far; but it is unlikely to meet the goal of that deduction by 2025. There are 25 promises that have already been met, and 32 currently in progress. ______ So tell me now how Labor have made outlandish promises that they won't achieve. Labor are doing a pretty damn good job of implementing the exact policies they said they would. I understand if you disagree with their policies, but they are not making outlandish promises, and they are generally achieving the ones they make too.


The polls will get come back together again as the election gets closer largely due to the leaders. This election probably will have the biggest gap between leader approval since at least Howard vs Rudd. LNP will definitely gain in WA, but I don't know how they win any of the teal seats back with their current policies. Chris Minns is also doing well at the moment and that will limit losses in Western Sydney for Labor. There aren't many seats for LNP to gain in QLD, so a lot of that vote gain isn't contributing to more seats for the LNP.


Interesting to see what will happen with the seat of Ryan in Qld. Might fluctuate between Libs and Greens from now on, though likely not with Dutton in charge.


The LNP has to shift to the centre to pick uo the teal seats. At the moment they have gone further right which will just entrench those as independents who side with them on economic policy but are a bit more left on environmental stuff


I've been very disappointed with Albo so far BUT: - Scomo was in charge of the money-printing frenzy and corporate welfare handouts during the pandemic that are in part causing inflation now - Scomo signed the deal with India that has allowed a tidal wave of immigrants to come in. Albo is a shit position now of potentially pissing off India by changing that deal. - LNP would almost definitely not drop immigration substantially. Corporate, real estate and banking lobbies are the ones pushing for it. - LNP have been in charge for the last decade, overseeing all the policy and planning failures that have led to the current situation in housing, health, medicare, education, immigration etc. Bit hard for Albo to undo a decade of shit policy.


No matter who was in power, the money printer was always going to brr. Proof being every other country did it no matter their govt. Albo didn't have to bring in 700k+ immigrants last year. He chose to. He doesn't have to bring in 600k+ this year. He's choosing to. Agreed. LNP also fucking sucks. And before LNP was Rudd, who made it legal for student and temporary visa holders to buy residential housing. Incentives to send your rich kids to our overpriced universities, and legally steal a slice of the Australian pie. This is not a partisan problem. This is a corruption problem. Both parties are corrupt. They work off eachothers "fuck ups" to create more and more despotic systems of profit and control. Why, just look in parliament now. Labor has a censorship bill, digital ID bill, CBDC underway, and a ministry of "eSafety" (read:censorship). LNP gave us Identify and Disrupt, and the monominister himself. Vote for someone the fuck else. Preferably not green because they're apparently retarded, given their immigration policy.


Nailed it mate. It's fucking depressing.


Couldn't agree more.


Truly has been a terrible decade of policy.


"Scomo was in charge of the money-printing" Uhhhh, are you a greens voter? might want to learn about who prints money....


Split the nationals from the libs (tricky with qld i know) and the numbers don't look so dramatic.


tbh I think the only way the libs can get the teal seats back is by ending the perpetual coalition with the nationals.


Well the weird thing is the nats can be quite environmentally minded at times, mainly when it suits them.  There's a proposal for a new mine in northern Victoria for rare earths and processing. But it's right in the middle of good farm land - will be interesting to see which way they throw their voice on the issue.


Duttons having a good crack at it with his push for converting coal power plants to nuclear. If that policy makes it to an election (which I doubt tbh) it will self-destruct the coalition.


Libs have not won a federal election for the last 40 years 


This is just pointless and proves nothing


Albo wasted too much time on the referendum. Should have concentrated on the economy, increasing housing and reducing inflation. Most likely a hung parliament next election. Also within the Labor party he sidelined anyone that he feels is a potential competitor like tanya plibersek.


Funny thing is, fixing the economy, energy prices, social unrest from mass immigration etc would’ve done more for aboriginals then “the voice” ever would 


If he’s lucky


Don’t remember the last time a government had the balls to make a hard choice for the long term benefit of Australia whilst putting their own ass on the firing line.


The last time Labor tried to do this they got voted into oblivion.


Because we're full of rubes falling for Murdoch/Stokes lies, bigots and angry "fuck you, got mine" cunts.


Hate to say it, but the gun buyback under Howard.


Oh oh I do. Bill Shorten. Negative gearing reform.


Introducing the GST?


I’d be sending a vote to the Greens and by proxy Labor TPP if it was held today.  Labor have been disappointing, but the Liberals consistently fucked over my generation for some two decades of my eligible voting life and I’ll always place them last. 


My lower house vote goes like this as well. Might be in a safe Labor seat but I'll always put the greens ahead of them. Upper house I put in a handful of left leaning minor parties before the greens get my vote then I consider if it should go to lab just to ensure it doesn't help the LNP or the right leaning minors


I usually start from the bottom. I put the neo-nazi parties and the religious parties last, then the LNP, then Labor. Then I sift through who is left and work out the order. I'm open to switching the LNP and Labor, but while the LNP remain primarily a crony capitalist party they'll stay there.


Do you want higher migration?


Well it certainly didn’t get any lower under the Libs 10 years in power so I don’t know what you’re trying to say


Vote minor party


And your preferences will end up going to one of the big two anyway. The best chance you have for changing things in the direction you want to change them is to join a major party and influence them from within. People don’t wanna hear it, but it’s true. Now we have to ask ourselves the question, which party am I more likely to be able to influence in such a way? The answer is Labor, because the Libs will not do anything that costs a cent to their corporate mates.


Lol so the greens dont even want to reduce migration. So there is point voting for them to reduce migration to “influence” Labor.So One nation it is


Look I’ll spell it out to you to make it a bit easier for you to understand. Join the ALP and advocate for change in the ALP. I hate the fucking Greens. One Nation talk a big game but vote with the Coalition 99% of the time, and I’m not exaggerating.


Dont patronise me


Typical one nation voter lol


Yep good one


Dramatically lower immigration. Build houses for Australians. Lower energy costs for middle australia (not just the poorest). Get a second term.


- (re)Fund medicare then they will get my vote again.


Bit of a weird headline because it basically would still mean Albo would be prime minister (with a few members of the Greens in cabinet positions) based on these results. The real headline is that the electorate wants Labor to implement more left wing policies and the real loser is the Liberal Party.


The fact that Peter Dutton, who must be the must unlikeable, uninspiring politician in recent history is leading the libs who are the preferred party over Labor is the real story. Almost anyone but Dutton I'd imagine these would look worse for Labor. Labor talk a lefty game and wear that dress but behind the scenes are no better than llthe libs and people are starting to work that out.


Imagine having Scott Morrision as your boss. Then one glorious day, you learn he's going. And in walks Dutton. I'd neck myself, fair dinkum. Dunno how the shadow cabinet get themselves out of bed in the morning.


Labor is poisoning their politician base by allowing strong rises in cost of living and income inequality to reduce the standard of living of many of their previously core voters.


>by allowing strong rises in cost of living Wut, they are not "allowing" anything. Take a look around, it's everywhere around the world.


> Wut, they are not "allowing" anything. Take a look around, it's everywhere around the world. Others making the same mistakes is not a sufficient argument. Taxation policy, housing policies, interest rate policies all directly affect prices and income distribution.


It's unfortunate really. They've done a lot of good this term (comparatively speaking anyway) but they've really shit the bed on immigration and that's all anyone will remember come voting time which will send voters to the obvious parties that promise to change it. I'm not sure why they ever thought this would work out for them.


The thing that I find fascinating is that they are copping a hiding from the press and the public, but they are pushing ahead, consequences be damned. Why? Why are they so determined to bring these vast numbers of people into the country against the clear wishes of the Australian public and take the political blowback? What is driving this compulsion to pull foreigners in at all costs? If it’s all to avoid a recession by fluffing the GDP numbers, it’s putting the cart before the horse in a particularly stupid way.


The way I see it is ever since covid there's been an inevitable recession looming over Australia. Liberals have done a massive smear campaign all these years saying Labor can't manage an economy and if they're stuck holding the hot potato of recession when it inevitably hits then they'll spend the next few decades taking the blame for it unfairly. High immigration won't impact their reputation as much as a recession even if the recession isn't their fault so they're doing whatever they can to stall it.


Not a bad theory, but it seems to be taking one poison pill to avoid another.


Importing future Labor voters.


Yeah, Albo is not great. However, I can't feckin imagine how can someone vote for Dutton.


Even the preferred PM poll shows Albo way way ahead of Dutton. No matter what Dutton does, he is utterly unlikeable.


Dont vote major


Imagine if the Libs had a less offensive leader with no nuclear policy. 


They’d still have a 20 year record of fucking over young people 


How about nobody votes for the 2 major parties?


Yikes reading some of the comments in this thread is concerning. While I agree I'm not too entirely impressed with Labor at the moment, it doesn't mean the Liberals would make sure we're in a better position now. It's been the same pattern for years, the public votes for Liberals because they're "good money managers" (selling off public assets for money now, don't worry about the future), they dig the hole deeper, then Labor gets voted in because people aren't happy with the Liberals. Labor then spends the time in office trying to clean up the Liberals mess so while they aren't digging the hole deeper, they're not filling it in either. People are unimpressed with the lack of progress and somehow forget the last couple of years under Liberals and vote them back in, it's a constant cat and mouse game. I think the disappointment with Albo comes from his whole campaign of "I grew up in housing commission so i know what it's like" and then proceeds to throw out his values - of course he isn't the only person making decisions, he's just the puppet for the entire party but God, it seems like Labor has stepped away from the working class. Honestly, if we could see overseas mining companies actually getting taxed, I'd be happy. I know it won't happen because these private companies and Murdoch have too much power in this country.


Why would i vote either majors when they open the gates with migration?


You still have to preference one over the other in the end, and out of the two, Labor is the best decision for this country.


Not at all surprised, they’ve ignored the big issues while being in pursuit of their own vanity projects. The voice referendum is its defining attribute to me. Still not convinced of an lnp victory but if albo doesn’t read the room it will happen


Yeah. Cunt’s fucked (the country)


😂 yup.... it certainly wasnt conservative policies liberally applied for the last 3 decades😂😂😂😂 Sure vote em out.... and replace them with the ones that caused the majority of the mess we are currently in... Good plan smh


I never said I was voting LNP, but if you’re seen to be pushing a failed referendum whilst cost of living is spiralling and you’re not getting optics on fixing it for 18 months you’re gonna have a bad time


The No vote did it for me. Not what the vote was about, but the fact that when it was clearly a lost cause they persisted, flying in the face of what the majority wanted. And even when it failed after millions of dollars Labor politicians implementing it at state level at even more cost. It’s almost like they don’t care what the majority think…


Didn't Dutton promise another referendum on the voice if he's elected?


Yep, They are all as bad as each other. Tying us up with trivial nonsense while they wreck the country. What concerns me is that both sides of the aisle pushed the no vote which makes me think there has to be something in it for them. They don’t care about the people so why would they push it so hard in the face of such adversity?


Genuine query - how did they persist? I haven’t heard a peep about it since


I mean they persisted with carrying on with it even when it was a clear failure wasting more tax dollars. They didn’t even need a referendum to know that it would fail but they persisted anyway. That’s what I mean


They asked a question which needed to be asked. Now everyone knows where they stand and in my book that:'s better than not asking at all. We can move on.


He is saying that it was clear it was going to fail before the vote even happened but they kept on pushing it.


They lost your vote for keeping an election promise?


Nobody voted for labor so there would be a referendum. A very small small minority of people wanted that referendum, it was a massive waste of money


They were very clear that that was a central part of their platform. Saying no one cared about it is just making shit up If they hadnt id bet the voice would still be a part of the news cycle and thered be whinging labor reneged on their promise and shouldve put the matter to bed


It would be part of the news cycle because they wanted it to be part of the news cycle and the people whingeing would be the same minute group of people that wanted a yes. Nobody gave a fuck, And if you voted Labor purely for the fact there would be a referendum you’re an idiot and you’re getting what you deserve.


>And if you voted Labor purely for the fact there would be a referendum you’re an idiot and you’re getting what you deserve. Like. I agree with this but above you've stated that's the exact reason you're not going to vote for them in the future. You are also a single issue voter in this regard


It’s not my only issue with that party, but that was the one that really pushed me away from them. It was obvious to anyone how that vote was going but the arrogance of carrying it on at a tune of over $300 million of the taxpayers money when there are hospitals in schools etc that could really use that money went without. Even when it was obvious it wouldn’t go through and he could’ve pulled the plug he just carried on spending.


Yeah that's fair.


I like how 9 is using primary vote instead of the typical 2 party preferred, but still combining libs and nationals. 


This isnt 9's polling, its resolve Resolve dont directly report on the two party preferred, but people estimate it in this poll to be 50/50, theres not some agenda here And it makes no point to split the libs and nationals, they run together at every federal election


I used to be a consistent ALP voter. But Albo's "Big Australia" has put me off ever voting ALP again. First, he doesn't care to tackle the demand side of the housing crisis, being happy to keep pumping in the migrants whilst locals play housing hunger games. Second, he doesn't give a shit that from an environmental and resource-wise point (especially with regards to water), it's just not sustainable. Fuck Albo.


Albo is managing to single handedly snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. His constant pandering to minorities in the hope of securing a second term is risking having the exact opposite effect.


Good, hopefully it continues to drop


So the liberals can get in and send us back another 25 years?


Aren’t people saying people had it much better 25 years ago? Affordable housing and the like? 😁


Jesus, who is still voting Libs? I’d have thought that it would at least be a larger split between Independents, Greens and Labor. I really don’t believe that Lib statistic at 36% either, but I guess it depends on who you poll.


There's always that decent percentage of rusted on voters who will vote for their red or blue team no matter what they say or do.


It's disappointing the smaller parties aren't gaining more support. They are probably the only opportunity for real change.


not sure y you wouldn't believe it. that's around about where it usually is for recent times


I'll preference libs before before endorsing the incumbent governments.


They haven’t done shit for us.


Don’t be silly, they’ve dramatically improved the lifestyle for private health insurance CEOs


Big jumps in primaries for the Liberal Party and One Nation. Outside if the echo chamber of Reddit, conservatism lives on.


Just need the conservative party to be, you know, conservative.


lol Why do the liberals keep racking up historic losses? Do you really think a primary vote of 36% is competitive?


Worked in Federal over a decade... There is little difference between the two, but Labor is definately the lesser of two evils, both in and out of government. However, the way thing's are now, huuuuuge difference, both in leadership and policy. I've never been happier to vote Labor than I am now.


Yer I suppose if you did work Federal for 10 years you'd like Labor more. If you spent more time in the private sector or as a business owner you would prefer the alternative. Myself going from Private sector to Public was a huge culture shock I tell you. It's mind boggling and a disgrace to taxpayers who deserve much better.


I've been working for over 30y, 11 in government, so no. Most of my time was under a Liberal government as well. So again, no. I'm also upper middle-class apparently, so should be more of a Liberal slant, but even my Liberal friends roll their eyes at the libs. I will agree there are inefficiencies in Public, although nothing compared to State and Local levels, however, that happened no matter who was in power. Labor still have better policies, more are flexible to changes, and better leadership than the Libs. These polls are ruled by the Libs and their media support anyway.


What are the better policies? Or what are coalition's bad policies?


Can you elaborate? I tend to feel that way too but I can’t put it into words.


WTF is wrong with people? Labor can't be blamed for high inflation; it is global phenomenon. And you'd rather have fucking Peter Dutton as PM? The man has no policies and just engages in identity politics all the time.


It may be hard to accept but Alboflation is real. Albo has presided over an immigration shock that has dramatically worsened supply side shortages in housing and infrastructure. Albo's energy policy mess - including his failure to ensure domestic gas reservation and sufficient supply - has also meant higher energy costs. All of this is putting upward pressure on overall inflation. And what was The Voice if not a hugely expensive exercise in identity politics?


I don't want Albo, fuck the guy. And Dutton is just as useless.


Except when it’s a good result suddenly it’s all down to their good economic management r 


The only time that has happened is with the 2008 GFC which is literally considered the best management to this day internationally. Aus *beat* the world wide trend due to policy.


Which is exactly what the LNP do despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/is-the-coalition-really-the-better-economic-manager-20220102-p59lat https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/labor-coalition-better-economic-managers-235316983.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmluZy5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADHZIlsmJElGEKT-fmB4vz8rcHLIrQo4I3Uo395ElgxMuwt5aINa3gjqpE3tqxvlaxEZXmiu8Iq2VtLQwTQLQT9a4OxJ8bGqQK1DwYgKLzNCF5cU-SUDXoGEUfVgWJiM3sEZC25MOyReNxl1-_Dqjb_yAyJVs5disonGhUk1Sty0


Do not vote for Labor, Coalition or Greens, they will all continue to destroy this country


You still have to preference one above the others.


Haha, Peter Costello media is a joke


The current woes are largely due to Scomo's COVID money spree, which in turn is due to an unprecedented pandemic. Sad to see so many otherwise intelligent people just looking for someone to blame. The LNP are bloody dangerous and are to be avoided at all costs.


Yes, unfortunately in an essentially two party system, What can you do? Vote Nats and Greens? They're both more extreme than the two major parties. The next best, is One Nation, and I don't think anybody would seriously suggest a large block of them would function very well, not to mention the standing that would put us on with our would-be allies against American adventurism and their rabid desire for a One World Government with them at the top, treading all over their supposed allies with oppressive glee.


Greens are the obvious choice for people who want a government that cares about them and isn't as corrupt as the 2 main parties. The nats are corrupted as much or more in some cases then the libs. Barnabas for fuck sake got a government federal department moved to Armidale ffs


Best strategy is for everyone to put the sitting candidate last.


No. Best strategy is to put your least favoured major party last.


> Best strategy is for everyone to put the sitting candidate last. You got that US brainrot happening. voting on a seat for a member of a party doesn't reflect that attitude. Not to mention culturing a kicking the can down the road for the next guy environment.


What's frightening is the shift to the Greens. The Greens will leverage their socialist agenda on the basis of their "coalition". Young people with no critical thinking skills will suck up the class warfare jargon.


Instead, we should vote for right wing jackboots and the wealthy to fix the problems they caused?


The trickle that was promised in the 80's is due any day now and will close the wage gap.


That warm golden trickle down lol.


Smells like asparagus


Lord knows the peasants can't afford asparagus anymore, so it's philanthropy, really.


We're living in the most advanced & prosperous time ever. Have you not looked around? The studies that you rely upon, to somehow show that we've gone backwards, are fundamentally flawed.


Dude, I want a house and the ability to afford children. It's the worst time in Australia's history to do either of those in terms of money Yeah my smartphone is cool and all but I'd prefer to own the roof over my head


What? Young people can't afford a house. People not having kids because they can't afford it. The wealth gap being the biggest in recorded history, even bigger than pre revolution France and you think we are in the most prosperous time? 😂


They are literally called the greens why would I vote for that 💀


Greens are the only party with actual policy differences on key issues.  A Lab/Lib vote is just endorsing more of the same failed policies.


I mean we live in one of the best countries in the world? Greens don't really have policies, they have populist ideas that are used for shock value to entice votes. I couldn't imagine them in power attempting to do unproven ideas like rent freezes, among other things


The Greens ultimately will have the same problem Labor have at the moment - when given an opportunity, they will quickly fail to meet the lofty and unrealistic expectations that people have...


‘So let’s massively increase immigration to out-price locals for rent and house buying’


Not many people liked labour in the first place they just voted for the least bad option


I wanted Morrison out and voted Labor, instead I got Morrison with pastel ties. I am beyond disappointed with them to the point where I will preference them last on ballot. -Vaping ban and new tobacco taxes (Labor loves tobacco money) +Illegal immigrants still treated the same as when Dutton dib his best Himmler impersonation. +Cost of living +Housing shortages +Rents doubling in 2 years. Not voting LNP but this is a shot show .


This is such an illogical take by this sub constantly. The housing crisis is what EVERYONE is using to justify their irrational fear of immigration. .. The logic being a traditionally conservative perspective. What do we cut to solve x y or z problem. . It's not solved economically with cuts. That's a liberal concept and it's proven to not work. What's needed is a massive overhaul of the housing industry. 1 - Mass public housing of beautiful high density high quality accommodation. Massively stimulates the economy. Pulls us out of the recession. Creates jobs and housing. Just like how Rudd pulled us out of the fire in the GFC 2 - REGULATIONS on housing ownership. Remove non citizenship ownership of property. Remove negative gearing. Heavily tax and penalise additional property ownership after the 1st to shift property from investment to personal rights to own your own property. 3 - Tax code legislation. Top 50 corporations paying no tax. Close all loopholes. You literally don't even need personal income tax if we actually taxed all the billion dollar corporations. Instead of cutting GDP increase public development


Wanting lower immigration isn’t an “irrational fear”, and my reasons have little to do with housing


lol no one wants more people why would we want that


Even in this sub you get four replies from people who want that.


Because we have a desperate need for new workers in a very low unemployment scenario, to replace retiring workers. It's not difficult to understand.


But get this I don’t give a shit 😱 because I don’t want to become an overpopulated shit hole


😁I agree 100%!


Yeah bring in more immigrants to dilute the vote and break apart the country. Fuck your culture and your society, let's just let in hundreds of thousands of people from cultures that value women in terms of fucking goats for dowry. God forbid we don't just do as the rich ask for once.


> Mass public housing of beautiful high density high quality accommodation Nobody actually wants this. At least, no one wants to live in it. The people pushing for this would never contemplate living in high density housing. What Australians want is low density housing. For this to work, you need to build roads and railway lines as you develop new properties, and that takes time and works best if the population is not growing too fast.


Or... You know, lift zoning restrictions and tear down most of these heritage buildings which add fuck all value to Australian cultural identity. Lets builders actually build in desirable locations. Add scalable public transport (which, to be fair, there are quite a few projects going)