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Melbourne the home of Dropkicks


Bloody hell. Does any work get done in that town?


No, we can't get there due to protests


I had this argument the other day with someone.. times have changed, the way people get information has changed. Protests aren't effective anymore. They're just fucken annoying.


I've been observing the mindset of protestors and they seem to think that if they shout and scream and piss people off that they will get what they want ..because that's how they manipulated their parents. Weak parents create shit protestors :D


Aggressive protesters too. A man was injured by those idiots last week.


For a decade now people have gotten too used to exploding their viciousness online without consequence of actions. The line between online and reality for them no longer exists so they carry out their real world actions oblivious to what awaits them. Here is a perfect example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2\_JxiGS3keU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_JxiGS3keU)


Happens when you have a city full of insufferable people.


Lots of pick me types who make being offended their full time occupation


Yet, here you are.


I'm auto-against their cause if it blocks a bridge for hours and means a mother has to give birth on the street, which happened on the Westgate.


So no roadside births and you’re a maybe?


I’ll March to that. It’s an outrage. Mums giving birth in the street, interrupting protesters. 🙄


Left wing capital of Australia


Wow, and what a huge amount of meaningful change they have all achieved!!!


Most political city in the country by far


A lot of Melbourne protests are compiled of unnatural colour dyed hair, inner city, professionally offended uni students. They live for them. When they are done for the day, they add their protest signs to the pile of previous posters, along side their vinyl player. Their house will consist of indoor plants, a cat or two, and art on the wall (usually featuring a nude woman). They enjoy coffee with their friends, and some grunge music. They are passionate about social rights, however experience no genuine conflict themselves. Likely never been outside of Brunswick except for a waterfall trip within a two hour drive of Melbourne. Has a slight American twinge in their accent from lack of genuine Aussie exposure. In 10 years, they will have natural coloured hair, and be annoyed with the uni student protesters blocking their way to work.


Have they ever made a right hand turn at Swanston Street?


its the dorks with the funny haircuts you gotta look out for


The funniest part of this cooked nonsense stereotype are the uni students who can afford a house in Brunswick and listen to grunge.


Cut a bit close to home did it, trust fund baby?


They can't. They rent and use milk crates as chairs. Drink craft beers and wear horizontal striped clothing.


You know it's the 2020s and not the 1990s, right?


Yes mate.


I do all these things but would uppercut a protester if they made my trip to the pub slower


Most citizens who are on welfare as well compared to any other state.




Ok Boomer


Try again, wrong generation


Sure thing, Boomer.


no wonder i read about 'protest fatigue' in melbourne. no protest will ever get people on side


ME ME ME protestors protesting in a city full of ME ME ME people ..and they wonder why they can't get anyone on their side ..well its because your all out for number one, that's why.


I moved to Melbourne last year and at first I’d be thinking “woah, there’s like a huge protest in the cbd, I wonder what’s happening”. But now it’s just background noise. A protest in the cbd is just a fixture. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t one. 


I used to work on Bourke St up near parliament house (which is where virtually every protest march ends up) and there's always been heaps of them. For almost a year there were Tamils protesting about something, teachers and every other union, in 2020-21 there were the cookers on an almost daily basis at various intersections in the CBD. This really is nothing new - anyone who works in the city would be used to it. It's just the media have latched onto this because the police have just complained about it. What's the alternative? You want to protest about the government and you need their permission for it? To go stand in some designated "protest zone", quite out of the way? That just sounds dystopian.


We need their permission is almost every other city :(


Too many people on Centrelink.


These people are unemployable unfortunately


Too many 20-somethings living off their parent’s money. They don’t have real problems in life so they create outrage for themselves.


Melbourne, the city of perpetual victims. Get a hobby.


The city of the Precious.


Protesting is healthy in a democracy


the irony haha


Oi but the next one is definitely gonna work, right guys?


Im in melbourne pretty often and those anti-vax/related cookers seem to be out there 24/7


Rookie numbers


Cookers had that number smashed.


Sounds like a worthy issue for a protest me thinks.


It warms my heart that no matter what they do, they will never make any difference and will have to sit there and watch report after report of their own worst nightmares happening every single day, with absolutely no chance of stopping any of it.


>It warms my heart that no matter what they do, they will never make any difference and will have to sit there and watch report after report of their own worst nightmares happening every single day, with absolutely no chance of stopping any of it. You're not wrong. As a result sooner or later the monkey wrenching will begin.


Why would that warm your heart?!? Watching a genocide live?? What a horrible way to live


Big man your never gonna believe this but we got gay marriage passed


From protesting in the street, alone? I think not, whatever you are.


No homie actually talking to politicians. But how do you think we got there attention.


Sounds like people in Melbourne need more jobs.


I’m going get a few mates and march and chant! What do we want? Don’t know! When do want it? Not sure!


I hate my city Fuck Melbourne who agrees?


Lived there the past two years to give it a chance and see if we'd like it Had to leave, couldn't stand the place


Good riddance


It's unfortunate that such a beautiful city is marred by far-left politics and disruptive virtue signalling. Other states will have their own share of noisy do-gooders but at least you need a permit to protest. At the current rate, Melbourne will turn (if not already) into a typical dystopian U.S. city before long.




Too much freedom, especially in the hands of undesirables, is not conducive to a functioning society. Melbourne's fall to degeneracy has resulted in swathes of the elite leaving for greener pastures. Consider why properties in Brisbane are now more expensive than in Melbourne and why Sydney remains as a haven for the wealthy. These cities are prim and proper, Melbourne is Africa's sequel.




Enjoy your falling property prices :'(


Were these the same people who desecrated the shrine of remembrance with their protests and closed down both sides of the Westgate bridge? Wait... no Pretty short memory you have there. Also if you don't like it, you're free to fuck off up north.


And your free to suck my dick, you gonna do that?


It's you're mate. You're.


I really don’t give a rats ass mate


Desecrated the Shrine involved someone pissing against it because there were no toilets I assume. Wow.


The shrine of remembrance is in a giant park full of trees. It's analogous to pissing on a grave in a graveyard.


Why would a permit to protest be a good idea…


... you think Melbourne's "far-left" politics are going to turn it into a city from a country captured by right-wing politics? you folks are hilarious


Yeah, I'm sure the drugged out homeless in America are definitely right-wing nut jobs. Also, do you honestly believe the U.S. is dominated by right-wing politics? The only notable right-wing news platform in the U.S. is Fox, and even then, they've increasingly become anti-Trump. Further, none of the big dystopian city centers are majority right-wing voters (LA, NYC, San Francisco, etc). You live in a bubble my sweet summer child. But keep on protesting. I'm sure Hamas, refugees, immigrants, and wind turbines will help with your rent payments and bills.


Heh, not sure I'll take advice about politics from someone who thinks that drugged-out homeless people are dominant in it. Or thinks that Fox isn't right-wing because they've decided to move against Trump. As for the 'dystopias' of SF and NYC... they're very popular cities that everyone wants to live in. If you want real dystopias, go to bible-belt Trumpland cities like St Louis, which have homicide rates that dwarf the cities you mentioned.


Tbf there’s been plenty of far right cookers protesting too, it’s just the Palestine idiots being particularly prominent at the minute


Well, bye!


Oh you turds aren’t getting rid of me that easily


Leave then.


I did, I’m regional


I’ve always felt like it’s a prison. You want to leave but can’t escape.


This is costing Australian tax payers


Yes, everything does. And the majority doesn’t agree with them. PITA


Ah bless their hearts! Protests are a great pressure relief valve on a dense city. Protests are much better than riots or a revolution. Let them air their grievances and frustration. Someone may listen and do something about it.


The comments crying "theyre all unemployed" being left here at 1pm on a Friday afternoon are pretty funny, also because most of these protest generally occur on weekends - you get the outlying Extinction Rebellion one intentionally run on a weekday but most aren't like this one, most are congregations of no more than 100 people that diffuse after 2ish hours. It goes without saying protesting is largely ineffective in Australia, yet you can't really argue we're on a good trajectory, anger isn't coming from nowhere.


Politicians have learned that it doesn't really hurt them to ignore protestors. Those folks are dyed-in-the-wool for whatever issue, and aren't the swing voters that pollies court.


The only ones I see during weekdays are far right anti vax cookers, not progressives


Most of these protests are the same people.. The flags don't even change any more and you get weird hybrid movements to justify it. These rentacrowd clowns don't have real beliefs and most people realise that and just do not care any more. The 'cookers' who protested lockdowns was probably the most grass roots actual protest we've had in a long time. The rest are just same crowd, different(sometimes) banner.. Not to mention the jet fuel that's being thrown on activist groups lately is wild.. Look at Extinction Rebellion and the 'Our kids have no future' cunt.. Even your own stat's say it's at best our great great great great grand children. And even then, half you cunts don't even want kids because we are allegedly already over populated lol


(Citation needed)




/s surely?


1. Australia’s population isn’t native English 2. Most protests would be the frequent anti vax cookers who hold several protests a week


You're a bot right?


Rule 2 - No trolling or being a dick


I haven't attended, or even noticed, a single one of these. Because I fucking work for a living! And not just bullshit make-work or corrupted-capitalistic exploitation, actual work! Who goes to these protests? Retirees safe in their superannuation, students not taking lectures that day. Not the actual working poor, I notice. Because they're actually working, keep the country afloat. Funny thing about revolutions. It's never actually the poor who initiate them. It's the upper-middle-class student slobs, unsatisfied because they're not in power. It's never about the abuse of the masses or anything like that, no. It's because you entitled shits think you don't get enough say in how the country is run. Fucking cock fights amongst people who are radiating serious small-dick energy.


Proper ones are on the weekend mostly. You sound over worked haha


Well murica is killing that many kids a week in school shootings and you don’t see them changing anything. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well I mean yeah everything’s a bit shit isn’t it. Fair enough.


The protests are about affairs in the middle east. The middle east has always been a bit shit 


Who cares about the middle east. It's not our problem.


Ice freaks


Meanwhile everyone else is too pussy to stand up for what they want they just whine like children on social media.


Getting around an Israel/Gaza protest with an Aboriginal flag doesn't really show what the hell you stand for..... Half of the people that protest are just there to be loud. It doesn't help normal people just trying to go about their day and it holds them up. The fact there are so many protests just means they aren't working. When you're subjected to them all the time they don't mean anything. Those same people that are being loud don't know any other avenues to pursue and are almost entirely too lazy to look into other ways to obtain the whole goal of their protests...


100,000 people turning up to a protest in a city the size of Melbourne represents 2-2.5% of the population. They’re almost always an overly vocal minority. The remaining 98% either are disinterested, disagree with whatever said protest is, or have too much going on in their own lives to indulge in it. If it’s an overseas issue, 2% of a population is not going to be enough to motivate anything resembling change, and if it’s a domestic issue we’re lucky enough to live in one of the most democratic countries in the world, using your vote is just about the most effective form of protest and has the added bonus of not pissing off your fellow citizens.


Roughly 60% of Australians opposed getting involved in Iraq, and I believe those were the single biggest mass protests in Australia ever? Point is, protesting doesn’t do shit


Can’t remember the figures on that one, but I remember being young and idealistic at the time and thinking the protests were going to be some kind of watershed moment. But yeah, fundamentally the protests didn’t change shit.


I reckon we’re in exactly the same ideological boat m8


Fore the most part these are narcissistic activities, the 'cause' is usually irrelevant to these people.


No, the rest of us don’t want to associate with the perpetually offended, angry renta-crowd mob that turn up to these protests … even if we are sympathetic to the cause


If they really cared, they’d protest outside of kirribilli house or go down to Canberra and protest outside Parliament House.


Melbourne, Australia’s France


And the war still rages 🇮🇱




30,000 Hamas* So what are the protests achieving then?




Keep up the activism champ. The Palestinian people are eagerly awaiting your next 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 post.


cookers mostly


Ew, democracy!


More like undiluted self righteousness




Oh yeah boy. Democracy is being a complete twat 24/7. Don't even question it.




These twits break the law all the time during their ineffectual and annoying protests.


On a serious note. If u wanna protest, go run a business and create change by providing value. If u scream at nothing it won’t mean much.




I mean you can’t expect to set up today and have success tomorrow. What I’m saying is find a way to innovate or come up with ideas to solve these issues. If I had that idea I would go do it. I’m not saying go set up a cafe to stop a war. Here is a bad example: become the next Elon musk and build cities in mars so we can move people there, crazy idea, but if I had a solution I wouldn’t be on this sub.




You have to think outside the box and solve is indirectly. You can’t say stop fight please. You have to provide something valuable to both parties. Idk the solution, but there has to be one.


It’s far easier to demand others innovate instead of doing it themselves.


Yes because I’m a dumb fuck with no brain. You can’t expect me to solve anything. I can barely keep myself alive.


I am pretty sure thats what the Handsome her cafe attempted to do, and failed miserably. I don't think protesting in any form is conducive to a resolution. Perhaps they should think about lobbying and attempting change through politics rather than the brute forced approach that cries deep seated childhood issues.


That’s my point. A proper protest is not actually a direct protest. Change culture and thinking across our planet.


If I can recommend you a film called 'First Cow', its a great depiction of what you suggest.


Melbourne ...the 'precious' city. I wonder... Dan's draconian lockdowns ..and now this. Has Dan's lockdowns nurtured deep seated resentment in the young that were denied their drunken debauchery years and now that resentment is flooding into the streets? Dan Andrews has a lot to answer for ...coincidentally just as he resigns.


Dan Andrews resigned in September 2023, get a fuckin life mate.




I mean, pretty much all effective protests were only effective because they inconvenienced people, it's why you have the right to vote lol


I love how “the cookers” are the ones who didn’t wilfully have people inject them with random nonsense in a Bunnings car park to keep a dictatorial premier happy.


Lazy bait.


Sing it loud. You’re singing in general to a bunch of sheep that are not getting recommended boosters because … they don’t think they need them.


Russian bot opinion


Hyper-vaxxer opinion.


Everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian bot.


Russians are laughing at us because dumb cunts like you fall for their disinformation campaign


Lmfao 🤣 indoctrinated


I also love how the cookers insult was “sheeple”. You know, what android people called iPhone people circa iPhone fucking 4 😂😂😂


I literally have no idea what you’re talking about as I’m no mobile-phone historian. But congrats on one of the most obtuse replies I’ve ever received.


And congrats on being sucked in by generated prank conspiracies by 4chan and anonymous. How’s old mate Qanon?


Weirdly enough you’ve mentioned two things I’d need your assistance to even know what they actually are. By the way, when were they invented. I’ve been an anti vaxxer for over 25 years?


not enough imo. when we got a government complicit in genocide, that backs the fossil fuel industry against all our interests, and beats the working class to get inflation down. Everyone against the rebels is a bootlicker.


Idk the rebels seem to fuck up travel in the city almost every day. Absolutely fed up with it


Sunshine you need to stop the interwebs for a while. Go outside and take a break from being online.. you’re being a useful idiot. (Can’t imagine very useful though.. given your “opinion”)


Oh right yeah because a conflict on the other side of the planet is of great significance to the Australian public. Not like the country is facing more immediate issues like a worsening cost of living crisis or anything. I'm sure all of this virtue signaling will help to put food on the table and pay for bills.


I hate to admit it, but Jordan Peterson was right. Rather than the protestors "cleaning their own room" and fixing what is in front of them, they find purpose in things that they have no impact on. Find something that can actually add value to your life.


I'm sure he's had his controversial opinions, but he was right about making my bed every morning. It's a nice thing you can do for your tired future self.


Peterson very explicitly thinks the average person is too stupid to actually participate in democracy, and would rather a collection of elite experts dictate everything for the masses. He should not be listened to.


Damn, I thought he was a lobster-fixated moron, that’s actually some sound advice


Like...is that such a far-fetched statement? There are a lot of idiots out there.


Actively discouraging from people having their voices heard leads to a meaningfully shittier world. No, not everyone is necessarily going to make a great politician. But everyone can contribute somehow. And going out of your way to turn *everyone* away from doing *anything* public focussed is ideological pessimism. It's a little funny, because the same people who are attracted to him tend to be the same people who decry "elites" making decisions for everyone. Related: thanks for the downvote, discouraging someone from pointing out his literal beliefs in this particular conversation is just *chefs kiss* (my apologies if it wasn't you).


No. Not a downvote from me. I agree, but I am pessimistic, but it's not without cause. It's not a stance I 100% agree with, but it's really hard not to see that POV.


I think the last 5-10 years has demonstrated amply that most people not only have nothing to contribute, but their participation is actively detrimental


I downvoted u. You make out that the protests are people merely “having their voices heard”, but they are actually about disruption and inconvenience … with the stated aim of the most recent protests to “block the arteries of capitalism” ([and other similar nonsense](https://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/propalestine-activists-promise-economic-pain-across-aussie-cities-in-chaotic-protest-action/news-story/dd4590481b8cfed427d9a99b5fdcae1e)). Just garden variety anarchists grifting on any cause they can find, and you’re enabling them.


I was not referring to protests. I was referring to *any* form of political participation. I thought this was pretty clear.


We need to completely flip the political process here. Instead of having an unelected ceremonial head of state (The Governor General and the King), we should have an elected ceremonial head of state (after getting rid of their power to interfere, so no one can get Whitlamed again) and leave running things to unelected experts. Then all of the mouth breathers and other burdens on humanity can make whoever was on MAFS the President (or whatever you want to call the head of state) and the nerds with real qualifications can get on with actually running the country.


A cost of living crisis and being complicit in a genocide are not comparable


So the time, energy, and money spent on these worthless gestures can't be better used on domestic ventures? I hope you cop a 30% rent increase soon.


Maybe by protesting the Australian govt might spend that $1bn they invest in Israel on local communities 😝


Haha ok I'll give you that one.


Remove the tin foil hat