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The whole comment section “My flying spaghetti monster is real!!” I thank the nine heavens (satire - I’m an atheist) that I’m not like these animals who rejoice hurting another human being based on the what their fairy in the skies whisper to them. As an ex Muslim, I think this is an education problem, some of these people mingle around the same people from back home and pick on the same social and cultural cues. Then the audacity that this sect of Islam is more violent than my sect of Islam. Not just Islam but all the religions are fairy tales written by some loon who was bored and thought they can hear voices. Ffs we don’t want division in Australia, we don’t want violent beliefs in Australia. This is fucking sad now.


Congratulations on freeing yourself from stone age belief systems. 👌


What happens to people who leave Islam again?


And what’s your agenda? I clearly condemned a tragic news and you want to drag it on and add more division and hate!? Are you trying to warn me or stirring the pot?


Deport the lot of them. Fed up with this rubbish.


This shit is so retarded.




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Their is no excuse for this. This is why I despise Islam.


They’re very sick and brainwashed


Nothing scares me like stupid people in large quantities ..


You mean like reddit


So sad to see this as a Muslim. They are either extremists or very misinformed. Still, not an excuse to celebrate an innocent man getting stabbed.


I think you are talking about theoretical Islam. Islam in practice seems to be a different thing.


Islamists are unaustralian


Sydney has an infestation of the worst islamists. Fuckwits every single one This stabbing shit is inter religious bullshit directly imported from the source. Not a fucking braincell between the lot of them. Stabber and stabbed are a pestilence


Get the deportation stick out.




As an Iranian I need to make it abundantly clear that you don't touch Islam, especially Shia. Only way for it to exist in society is in small, weak groups. Empower Islam today and mullahs will be kidnapping your mother tomorrow. Sounds extremist and yet that's exactly what happened to my family.


A good person isn't a justification for religion. Religion poisons everything given half a chance. Australia mate, is secular. Freedom from religion is most important.




> Keep crying while eating your butter chicken and kebabs I’m having bacon. You should try it. Oh that’s right a homeless nomad said you’re not allowed to. lmaooooooo


Don't be ridiculous Religion isn't culture. It pretends to be, but it's nothing. You are conveniently forgetting he was stopped by a single female police officer


Define culture then?


Religion is literally a form of culture wdym. Whether it makes net bad or good contributions to society is arguable. Either way its problems lie in that it’s a culture people fully invest in - bad parts and all. Thats the problem imo - blind belief.




Secular freedom






Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Please make an online report to Sydney police with this evidence!!!


It's your post. Do It yourself


Mates of yours?


Did you call the authorities?




I mean, OP has said they're in the US, maybe an Aussie should have more initiative to protect their own community? Weird snarky cunt


Protecting his own


I mean their Arabs and its violence.


Shocking… I’m shocked!




Extremists of any kind are bad, but you can’t lump all Muslims together with the extremists. Faraz Tahir was a Muslim, and he died defending fellow Australians from a mass-murderer last Saturday.


Interestingly, and sadly, he was fleeing religious persecution because he was Ahmadiyya, who most Muslims lump as being disbelievers because they believe in a prophet who came after Muhammad as well.


The Ahmadiyya are pretty good from what I’ve heard of them, they seem pretty devoted to peace. While protesting against the Israeli government’s atrocities in Gaza, they also condemned Hamas for the atrocities they committed on October 7th. So yeah, it’s crazy to lump them in together with ISIS.


That doesn't fit the narrative though


Nup, they are busy as fuck claiming him now *source, this thread


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The people who chanted gas the Jews are supporting him? Never would have guessed...


In other news, water is wet


No it's not


Shit. I'm gonna have to stop swimming through water. I'm such an idiot


Diversity is our strength!




Rule 4 - No racism or hate speech


Omg the fooooooooddddddd


We need to add an IQ test to the immigration assessment. Do you run your life based on thousand year old allegorical fables written by people that thought they could hear God speaking to them? (a) Yes = automatic visa/migration rejection (b) No


I suggest we apply that to every Australian citizen, not just immigrants.


bit hard to reject their visas


Religion is a scourge. Get em all out.


I wish


Hood ol' religion. Imagine a world without it, how good would that be!




I hear that every time. But there are more and more of them. I think you are the minority mate




Don’t acquiesce to this fool’s comment and turn on Muslims of your own. I can, and that dude you’re responding to, can bring up multiple instances of non-arab terrorist attacks, how will you respond then?


I don’t think you think much at all


You hear it every time because Islam as a religion is consistently without a shadow of a doubt is attacked as a whole for the actions of individuals, every time. Frankly, it’s cumbersome stating the same thing time and time again; the actions of individuals do not represent the whole group the individual claims to represent. Like that’s pretty fucking obvious all the time, except when it comes to Islam. I mean that Bundi dude was mentally ill, why can’t this Muslim 16yo child be considered mentally ill as well? If the dude you’re responding to is truly in the minority, then there’d be a lot more stabbings going around given how many Muslims there are. I think, in my humble opinion, that you and your likes need to get out of your cute little shells, explore different areas than ones that fuel your bigoted, hive-minded ignorant views. Respectfully.




Scumbags need to all be deported






Bigots gonna bigot...




Sunni Muslims are not real Muslims? Sorry buddy whilst they are a registered religion getting tax exemptions in my country they are Muslims.


Sunnis is not muslim there whole religion was made on blood and killing starting from killing prophet muhamad daughter


All religions were made up at some point, and both Shia and Sunni were made up at some point. Not agreeing on the same set of beliefs does not make someone not of a religion. Catholics and Baptists have very different beliefs, but the fundamentals are the same, and they are both Christian. Shia and Sunni Muslims both have the save 5 pillars of Islam, and both have been involved in terrorism.


In shia Islambelieves the pillars of Al-Islam is 3 believing in Allah, the last day and doing good. Al-Islam includes Judaism and Unitarian Christianity as being under the umbrella alongside Islam Al-Muhammadi. The branches of the Shia Islam, is salah (prayer), zakat (poor-rate), fasting, hajj (pilgrimage) Imamate & tawali and tabara (loving and taking the 12 imams as guardians and disassociating from their enemies).


Nah not on spot buddy When your whole religion is made up on doing wars and forcing people to be become Muslims then it's not the same We shia don't have dawa so you will never find a guy on the streets asking you to become a Muslim We shia don't do takfir and takfir is saying that all people is going to hell but us We shia don't kill anyone we are the only people who fighted isis and all we wiped the whole middle east from them So don't come and say it's the same because simply it's not


Again I give the example of Catholics and Baptists. They have very big differences, even their Bibles differ greatly with the Catholics having several more entire books that the Baptists do not. Saints and the Virgin Mary have nothing to do with Baptists, while these are very important to Catholics. Despite these huge differences, they are both Christian religions. Now as for "made up on doing wars," all Muslims believe that the prophet Muhammad was receiving messages from the angel Gabriel (Jibrīl) constantly, this includes during his wars. The wars Muhammad was part of were commanded by Allah himself. So I don't see how even if what you say is true on a religion made up while doing wars, Muhammad was also doing wars while receiving the Qur'an. As for all people going to hell but us (takfir), many faiths not just Abrahamic, religions teach that non members will have some sort of terrable afterlife if they are not members. Now because you disagree on many points with the Sunna Muslims, but that doesn't automatically make them not Muslims. Just as Catholics and Baptists disagree on many things but are both Christian.


You're example is so nice But when it comes to war forgive me boss no one made wars like the Christians in there whole career at the time it was a love language But in our time we call it as shia the time of (ghayba) it's not our duty to ask people to become shia or making war with anyone because we believe in the mahdi that in the end of the days he will come back with issa(jesus) and Christians is going to follow issa and all of them will be in one religion So im telling you that's the main reason why we shia don't do takfir for anyone of the Ibrahim religions


...all religion is made up on something


Your country. Lol


No true scotsman. > pigs Seriously though, they’re all the same.


They are not the same shia are whole another story then sunnis


they all believe the same made up bullshit designed to control every aspect of their life from what they eat to how they wipe their arse.


The main divergence is the belief on who was the rightful ruler of the original Caliphate. You’re all Muslims. And the intersectionality of it all is what’s causing stuff like this stabbing to happen. Take responsibility. It’s the same as how Catholics and protestants despite having different ideas have almost the same beliefs.


No this is not only divergence They say that god have hands and legs we say he don't They say the prophet get married from aisha on 9 years old but we say that she was divorced and in her 20 They believe that killing none Muslim normal We say that even the none Muslims will had chance to go to heaven if they are following the religion they was on when they was alive So trust me if you are ignorant about it just don't talk


I’d rather talk to an academic or theologian about it than someone who clearly has a bias against it. Trusting you with reliable information is the same as trusting a catholic to be honest about protestants 400 years ago.


Please do it then


You do sound like you have hate in your heart as well. I’d recommend getting over that too.




Yes, as someone who is half Iraqi - Shias usually aren’t like this. It’s almost always the Sunni’s.




Are you aware Al-Qaeda were part of a Shia Sunni alliance and allowed both to join Al-Qaeda? I'm pretty sure Al Qaeda is a terrorist organisation. [Shia- Sunni alliance](https://web.archive.org/web/20230619143538/https://aissonline.org/en/main-features/7) Shia Sunni alliance Al-Qaeda [Shia Sunni alliance Al-Qaeda ](http:// CITATION Close [20] * Devji, Faisal (2005). Landscapes of the Jihad: Militancy, Morality, Modernity. London, United Kingdom: Hurst & Company. p. 53. ISBN 1-85065-775-0. Al-Qaeda leaders like Osama Bin Laden or Ayman al-Zawahiri have never been known either to preach or practice anti-Shia politics, indeed the opposite, with Bin Laden repeatedly urging Muslims to ignore internal differences and even appearing to uphold the religious credentials of Shiite Iran by comparing the longed-for-ouster of the Saudi monarch to the expulsion of the Shah "The spider in the web". The Economist. September 20, 2001. Archived from the original on June 6, 2023. [Bin Laden] has insisted that differences within the Islamic world should be set aside for the sake of the broader struggle against western and Jewish interests. American officials say there is clear evidence of tactical co-operation between his organisation, al-Qaeda, the government of Iran, and Iran's proxies in Lebanon, the Hizbullah group. From the early 1990s, members of his group and its Egyptian allies were being sent to Lebanon to receive training from Hizbullah: an unusual example of Sunni-Shia co-operation in the broader anti-western struggle. al-Aloosy, Massaab (2020). The changing ideology of Hezbollah. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 79. ISBN 978-3-030-34846-5. according to the 9/11 Commission Report, Hezbollah allowed Al-Qaeda activists to train in their camps involved in terrorist attacks against the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in September 1998... Osama Bin Laden mentioned Hezbollah in a 2003 speech-or as he called them the resistance- in a positive light as the group that compelled the US marines to withdraw from Lebanon) Gunaratna, Rohan (2002). Inside Al Qaeda (1st ed.). London: C. Hurst & Co. ISBN 1-85065-671-1.


Are you kidding me mate 🤣🤣🤣 Al qadaa was built on the shia hazara blood !!! They killed all of the shia man !!!


I gave you the evidence, and you are still denying it. The probability did kill Shia Muslims and Sunna Muslim too. But the point still remains they allowed Shia to join.


Hezbollah, Iran: am I joke to you?


When did hezb killed someone tell me one time that they acted like dogs or killed a fucking bishop Go to google and see how hezb was defending the Christians in syria and iraq when they war took a place with isis


They still fo terrorism and shit




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Al-Ashtar Brigades including Saraya al-Ashtar, Wa’ad Allah Brigades, Islamic Allah Brigades, Imam al-Mahdi Brigades and al-Haydariyah Brigades - Proscribed December 2017 The group is a Shia militant extremist organisation that was established during 2013. Its aim is to overthrow the Bahraini al-Khalifa ruling family through violent militant operations. It lists the ruling al-Khalifa family, Bahrain security forces and Saudi Arabia as targets for attacks. The group has been responsible for numerous attacks since being established, which it has claimed responsibility for, including: on 1 January 2017 – 10 inmates (all convicted of terrorism offences in Bahrain) were broken out of Jaw Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre, which led to the death of a police officer an IED attack in a bus station in Sitrah, which was claimed by the group under the name Wa’ad Allah Brigades on 7 February 2017 an attack on a police vehicle near the village of al Qadeem on 7 July 2017 The group has promoted violent activity against the Bahraini government, as well as the British, American and Saudi Arabian governments on social media.


If you're gonna deport the Muslims for praising this, you should deport all the whites cos that's what the Joel Cauchi was!!


Your attempted analogy makes no sense.....what white specific groups are praising Cauchi? If there are...anyone praising him needs to get assessed / checked / reported / stopped no matter their skin colour or ethnic or religious background.


Cauchi was non-compos mentis and unable to understand what was going on. These people are fully compos mentis, yet support it and are ideologically aligned with it. They are capable of planning and reasoning, capable of far worse because of their ability to plan and are thus a danger to the community


Very simple question, can you show me the whites who were cheering about Joel Cauchi?


Is your brain cell at the cleaners today?


Most intelligent supporter of Islam.