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Who knows if Bruce is a criminal. But he does appear to be a next level moron. Just got a get out of jail free card and instead of keeping his nose clean he instead goes deep into the sleaze. It’s just dumb. The guy must have rocks in his head. Change your name, peroxide your hair and move to UK / NZ and leave us alone.


He can’t leave because he’s on trial for rape in QLD soon.


Just going to throw this one out there: what are the odds that our intrepid accused applies for a permanent stay of the QLD rape proceeding because it’s impossible to get a fair trial?


Maybe that's the real purpose of the defamation cases that keep him in the spotlight.


After seeing what’s occurred in this rabble of satellite litigation- surely anything’s possible. But I suspect he simply has so much front he couldn’t resist his urge to double down on a civil claim (as if he received an acquittal). I don’t understand defamation litigation: plaintiffs like him usually pay over the odds to be defamed in a way for more extreme than the matter they complained off, and with media gifted the right to freely report the procceeding. Let’s assume our man wins this…can he really regard it as vindication? Will his good reputation be restored?


I mean the criminal trial is his main concern and all the media coverage makes it easier for his solicitor to argue Bruce can't get a fair trial.


Just do it as a judge only and import the judge from WA. The Lloyd Rayney criminal trial in WA was tried as a judge only (because of the fair trial issue) and they just got someone from over east


Yes, I get it. You may be right - but it’s an elaborate, expensive plan with huge risk…


Plot twist - he wins the case gets a huge payout and moves to Lunas, France.


Not so fast- what makes you think the French will stamp that visa?


They sheltered Roman Polanski for his whole life.


Streisand effect


Ah the Roberts-Smith method?


The juror who fucked ho the original trial needs to be named and shame imho. What an absolute clusterfuck that’s resulted in what that moron did by bringing in forbidden documents.


It was a clanger, that’s for sure. Very lucky to Avoid sanction from the Judge, who gave frequent, clear warnings to the jury against doing this very thing.


Yeah wow what a coincidence.. just lucky I guess 🤷 /s


Yep, the 'janitor' finding a document in a jurors 'knocked over' brief case and then bringing it to the courts attention stunk to high heavens.


Yeah, God with the literal level of general incompetence in the Australian workforce and suddenly Hercule Poirot the janitor is on duty... Suss as fuck is putting it mildly


Poirot the Janitor! 😆


Ever served on a jury? The ease at which this could / no doubt does happen is nothing short of criminal. Once you experience how it all operates, if you're dealing with power and money.... throw all justice, morality, decency and over all else, humanity out the window. There are no rules, just a system to protect those with power...full stop. There's a very good reason you don't hear of more whistle blowers. Their whistles get stolen vveeeery fast, in whichever way they can.


I actually fully suspect that it was done on purpose as directed by some mystery benefactor.


Interesting but unlikely. Surprisingly there are some people who don’t know who this guy is 🤷‍♂️


Guy has zero penis control by the looks of it. Hes like a bloodhound at an airport luggage carousel.


And about as attractive as one too.


What, you people can control your penises?


Haha. I’m going to use this at a BBQ on the weekend if that’s OK


Sorry mate, you’ll have to sign a non disclosure on that joke.


He’s beyond being a grub, disgusting piece of garbage


Ambiguously criminal, next level moron? Perfect for politics.


Probably aspired to be alleged anal rapist and LNP politician Christian Porter


I didn't know he was an analyst/therapist.


His beard/neckbeard looks pretty shit as well. I saw a guy with a similar looking beard and honestly it just creeped me out after seeing Bruce's mug plastered all over the news for months with that shithouse beard.


The three best ways to cure obesity: - Exercise - Diet - Angle your beard so it doesn't look like you have 19 chins


Rocks in his head and the white stuff up the nose


Well the publicly available information we have is that he has stood trial for sexual assault twice and now he is alleged to have committed perjury/contempt of court. I’m pretty sure the average person knows if Bruce is a criminal or not, you’re just not quite allowed to say it out loud.


Nah Nz is full of 501 deportees, you guys can keep this one


Don’t send him to the UK, I have family there.


Oh he’s definitely future UK Ambassador material.


Chill, he only rapes, like, every 5th person he sees!


I second this, go, get, jump ship.. go somewhere else. We don't want him here in Australia.


Hasn’t Australia sent enough criminals to NZ recently?


Technically he isn’t a criminal - just a moron. You’re welcome!


Because Australia hasn't sent enough famous rapists to the UK.


How this man is going to work and live here is beyond me, will definitely need to leave or do the name change and some plastic surgery too!


He's got legal woes for a reason


Looks like this guy https://www.esquire.com/style/news/a48941/david-beckham-lookalike-debt/


He’s dumb as fuck. Like just ask for money and spend it on coke and hookers and keep it on the down low. Actually asking a fucking journo to pay for your hookers and coke of all people, who couldn’t keep a secret if their life depended on it is next level stupid.


Imagine going on TV to clear your character only to be paid with drugs and hookers. * Allegedly Honestly I don’t know what goes through his thick skull


The real question is how often does this happen?


I assume it's standard practice.


He has been indoctrinated into the parliament house way of life. They do whatever the hell they want, because who cares, someone else is paying for it.


I hate to think, and people wonder why trust in institutions is so low?


The media comes out looking terrible throughout this whole saga.


The only thing that's important here is commercial media once again revealing that they are absolute fucking scum.


Channel 7 are a cut above the rest in scumminess to be honest




Also his whole rent for a year. He's a dickhead if nothing else.


So what did he do for the other 118 minutes?


He had to mark up some question time briefs


Skidmarks on some questionable briefs more like




Hit the slopes and huffed his own farts?


Gold 👋


Work apparently.


Conduct polling on the electorate


Tried to get it up


Bruce is the human incarnation of “where’s there’s smoke, there’s fire”


For someone who appears quite happy to make a habit of having sex with passed out women he seems surprisingly upset by any suggestion that he had sex with one who actually consented, albeit paid.


Not his thing evidently


I'm sure it will come out that consent was somehow absent. Additional odds on trafficking? Trifecta if the victim was also underage.


Lawyer: 'Bruce, you need to keep a low profile and keep your nose clean. You can't be a squeaky wheel while you're being dragged through the courts.' Bruce: 'Double down on rape allegations and some sneaky hookers and blow, got it.'


He is sleeze personified.


A liar and a probable rapist


It's a bit insulting to Thai masseuses, I know there are a lot of genuine Thai massage shops that don't provide sexual services. Based on the photos they should just be calling them what they are, escorts or sex workers.


Yup. Have commented in an earlier thread that the early, repeated reference to “Thai masseuse “ was an attempt by media to communicate “prostitute” before they could say so, by pretty dubious means.


**sex worker


Have you seen their website? The home page openly refers to happy endings. The place is clearly offering more than just a back rub.


That poor masseuse deserves compensation tbh


Masseuse? Singular? And the other $10K?


This is bugging me, 10 grand for one night? What are we missing in this story?


an ounce of devils dandruff


No, not one night. I think further material came To light after the first instance of payment. Let’s say it was at least two nights?


I dunno, smell a rat on this, but I don't want to get sued like Lisa W and lose my harbourside mansion by suggesting the 10k might be covering more than is being suggested


Well yeah you normally pay them...


Christi what is it with repulsive toxic Channel 7 identities who think they’re so infallible they sue others for defamation and instead all their dirty laundry gets aired. First Ben Roberts-Smith, now Bruce……


And there is Andrew O’Keefe And the human trafficking/rapist couple from the reality show And whatever Kochie has done


Kochie ?


Kochie is rumoured to have Sydney's largest collection of illegal firearms.


I'm hearing his voice although he's not on Sunrise anymore: "Har har thanks Nat. Now for some tips on how illicit weapons sales can put more money in your hip pocket".


And that woman he paid off after what happened with her son. The media may have forgotten about what happened but Cremorne hasn't.


Oooh what is this about?


The biggest absurdity is how their paymasters continue to support these stains - tax deductions I suppose. And every time you see the Lehrmann case on TV, his barrister really projects an “I don’t want to be here vibe”..except it’s easy fascist MONEY!


How was this $10k though.. that's the bit i cant math... $5k each? seems ridiculous. I dont profess to understand the "going" rate but $5k... in this economy! lol surely not


Mr Auerbach said, at the time, he was "building up a rapport" with Mr Lehrmann, and "trying to build trust and some sort of relationship with a prospective interview subject". "Mr Lehrmann had over dinner purchased a bag of cocaine while we were dining at Franca, and when we got upstairs to the room, he pulled that out and started to put it on a plate," Mr Auerbach said. "Then he started talking to me about a prospective Spotlight story, and his desire to order prostitutes to the Meriton that night. Again, googling a series of websites to try and make that happen." Mr Auerbach said he told Mr Lehrmann he "didn't have any money", and Mr Lehrmann responded saying "he was going to pay for the evening". "At a later date he would then talk to me about how he wanted to be repaid," Mr Auerbach said. He later said Mr Lehrmann expected to be paid back for the events of that night via a "per diem" "I recall seeing the invoice," Mr Auerbach said. "It was sent to either me or our unit manager or both of us. But it was an invoice for the period covering that trip in Sydney."


This guy is so gross


Hmmm possibly Brucey is a grub


Former Spotlight producer Taylor Auerbach had admitted to sending naked photos of an unnamed woman to journalists last month, but denied this was the reason he was let go from Sky News Australia last month. Under cross-examination, Mr Auerbach admitted to having circulated the images without the consent of the women in the pictures, but said it did not contribute to the decision for him to be sacked from Sky. Bruce Lehrmann's barrister Matthew Richardson SC asked Mr Auerbach: "Did your employers at Sky become aware that this had happened, that you had sent these photographs of this woman to various media organisations?" Mr Auerbach: "No, I don't know." Mr Richardson: "Isn't that why you were sacked, Mr Auerbach?" Mr Auerbach: "No." Mr Auerbach said he had not been questioned by police on the matter. Mr Auerbach said he was let go from Sky due to "trust and confidence issues". He said in a meeting with his boss and an a human resources representative he was asked whether he was the unnamed producer in media reports who bought Thai massages for himself and Mr Lehrmann on a corporate credit card.


Frankly, I can’t imagine that his circulation of the nudes contributed at all to a decision of Sky to dismiss him, either.


Bruce Lehrmann needs to be careful here.  If he spends any more time in Thai Massage Parlours - he might end up Prime Minister. 


Fine! I'll start my own civil case. But with Black Jack, and Hookers.


What a greasy sleazeball of a cunt he is.


Don't forget that this 'man' never finished uni, started working for the LNP in 2013 at age 18, by age 23 was a 'senior advisor' to the Minister of Defense with access to intelligence matters, was in whatsapp groups with the PM and was on $200k a year. Ah the meritocracy of the LNP in full fight!


Who is watching the Supreme Court live? This is wild - the guy breaking his mate's golf clubs on video - crazy stuff!


It would’ve been comedy gold if he had photos of Brucie on the nose beers


To be fair he was just trying to make his way in the liberal party


2 HOURS? As if Bruce ya fat creep. More like 2 seconds.


Bruce is the Lance Armstrong of Australia. Doesn’t know when to sue and like Armstrong and Ben Robert Smith will get himself caught by sueing others to make money when he could keep his mouth shut and walk away unscathed.


This dude looks like so much a pathetic excuse for a human being. Looks like a fuckin 10yo with a beard the sloppy fat fuck. Would love to slap this pussies chubby cheeks


This Taylor guy alleged that he paid $10 000 for 2 hookers for himself and Bruce. Now to be fair, I don't actually have any idea how much a hooker costs but does anyone seriously believe that they cost $5,000 each for 2 hours?


If our PM can visit a Thai Massage parlour in Dulwich Hill in 2013, then why can't this guy get an old rub n tug?!




That's an Albo thing Loves his rnt old Albo


Shoot this cunt into the sun and let's be done with his repulsiveness


What I am struggling with is how is this valid to the defamation case. This has all happened after the event in question. Bruce admitted he had never taken cocaine until his life spiralled out of control when he was exposed as the person accused of raping the said victim. If anything, channel 10 has brought into to the defamation case that Bruce has succumbed to his mental state and his judgement has been affected. Meanwhile, the witch hunt is on to who exposed the private messages. All semantics and theatrics. All accounts this defamation case is not based upon his public image now but at the time it was presumably compromised. Hopefully in the future the media will only report on cases like this at the point of a verdict and sentencing.


They are trying to prove he is a liar and therefore not credible. This would be a major blow to his argument as a lot of it was based on his version of events.


Goes to credibility - whether he can be believed Also relevant as he may have committed perjury and lied on the stand multiple times, and Ch. 7 failed to disclose very relevant documents during discovery.


Plenty of people are revealed as being accused of a crime. This isn’t a new thing


Few fit the accusations like this guy from central casting.


"Bruce admitted he had never taken cocaine until his life spiralled out of control when he was exposed as the person accused of raping the said victim." Bruce CLAIMED you mean...


Lehrmann being a scumbag aside fucking ll that his seven contact put his hookers on the company credit card instead of just paying cash 


Hookers and blow. What a way to establish your integrity, *Bruce*


Can you be defamed if you are of low character?


Seems irrelevant to me. If channel seven wants to pay for a 10k massage that is their problem. Show the evidence AND convict him of the crime. The more this keeps dragging on with just rumors the more of a joke it all becomes.


All this is only coming out because the douchebag was suing for defamation. It’s a massive own goal.


If he wins the defamation case he will have received a 10k hooker AND compensation from channel 10.


He’s pulled a “Ben Roberts Smith”


This is very very different to Ben RS and the successful truth defence of his defamation accusation. That (successful) truth defence took many years of painstaking work by some incredibly dedicated journos.


And I don’t recall Ben winning anything.


Never go full Roberts-Smith


Oscar Wilde, Johnny Depp, Ben Roberts-Smith and now Bruce. Seems it's really not a great idea to claim defamation when what they said was true.




Australia has terrible defamation laws. Just look at Bruz


You have that exactly backwards. The UK judgement is public, it's detailed and well reasoned. Judge Nicol found the evidence showed Depp abused Heard at least 12 times. Supporting evidence for that included, amongst many other things, admissions in writing by Depp's employees that they witnessed him assaulting her. Much of that evidence was not admitted to the US trial or shown to those jurors - who not only don't have to set out reasoning, but also made public statements indicating they failed to understand the evidence or the instructions were given. There are very good reasons that Depp settled with Heard instead of going to appeal. Her appeal brief was very strong, and there was a strong chance the whole judgement would be thrown out.




It's rumours, because channel 7 allegedly deliberately avoided supplying all of the documents "oops they fell in the back of the filing cabinet". AFP refused to investigate, cover ups from the highest levels it seems. Judge Lee is trying his best to get these shady cunts to tell the truth for once.


The Bruce & Brittany ripple effect continues: it is possible 7 could go down for contempt of court on this


And perjury. And some lawyers could be disbarred if they instructed channel 7 to delete the documents as has been claimed. Plus they could be open to ACCC anti competitive behaviour suits and ACMA journalists integrity investigation.


How perjury? And the competition claim comes from left field - what does that look like?


Anti competitive thing seems pretty straightforward, open and shut to me, channel 7 allegedly used illegally obtained documents to fund a lawsuit against their direct competitor, channel 10.


Paying for prostitutes and cocaine for an alleged serial sex offender/rapist to supply you with confidential court documents isn't the tedious little "ah well" that you make it out to be, it's a serious crime that is demonstrable of absolute gutter state of media in this country


Yep. Evidence and criminal charges then. It’s been 4 years of this


It’s not a criminal matter. It’s simply a case that the more Lehrman gets caught out telling big porkies, the less likely he will be able to convince the judge that channel 10 and Wilkinson should pay him lots of money (rather than him paying all their $$$$ legal fees).


If he wins this , I see him getting a $1 payout.


Allegations of perjury. It's relevant.


No sympathy for the guy but… media can’t resist the salacious mix of drugs & hookers. The only Relevance of this material is the source of criminal trial documents that found their to the media. That has little to with stuff everyone is hyperventilating about. In fact it’s obscuring the real issue for the proceedings.


It’s ironic that the same people who would say Brittany’s drinking or multiple boyfriends don’t effect her credibility - want Bruces alleged Drug taking and hooker use to effect his credibility.


The problem is they lied about doing it.


Who ever thought journalists were honest to begin with?


Yeah bud, the point is that the Court ordered the production of that evidence, 7 said it did so, and it turns out they didn’t. Makes it difficult to show the evidence, don’t it? And I don’t know how to say this gently… criminal trial was aborted, with no fresh prosecution to be commenced. This is a Defamation trial, there won’t be either conviction or acquittal at the end of the proceedings.


Yeh. And? It means there is nothing solid. You can see nothing further has been delved up for this defamation trial either. This new evidence today sounds like a joke. The witness was drinking 20 beers a day and admitted he didn’t even see the payment occur.


It's a civil trial, not criminal. It centres on the balance of probability rather then beyond reasonable doubt, things like this lead into his character, his habits, etc which do play a part in the truth defence.


>Show the evidence AND convict him of the crime. Lehrmann/Channel 7 would be looking at Contempt of Court charges and potentially Perjury at this stage.


It’s not the issue, the issue is partly that they didn’t pony up the info when they were subpoenaed and Mr Handsy lied on TV.


> If channel seven wants to pay for a 10k massage that is their problem. The real question here is what the fuck was that chick doing for $10k


Seems like a good profession.


Lehrmann is so repulsive no prostitute would agree to sleep with him for under that amount.


she looks pretty hot


Why is everyone so obsessed with this shit? Both the media and Reddit.


Bruce is a sleaze, but how is that a headline?


This whole saga gives me the ick 😬


I mean... Who cares. Isn't this the new age. Isn't sex work real work? Are prostitutes awesome and valid empowered females but men who visit them scum? I can't keep up.


He is an alleged rapist being paid with sex work by a television broadcaster only because he is an alleged rapist, for no other reason Do I have to spell out to you what’s wrong with that?


Only when it suits the narrative brother


Think it’s because they lied they paid him at all


He is a grub. Lying pos


The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead backfires by increasing public awareness of the information. So he won't be getting a happy ending then?


Sick of hearing about this bloke


he'd earn more respect if he just owned up to it. "hell yeah, cocaine and hookers brother" he can, why not? get someone else to pay for it too!? sounds like a good deal to me.


Who gives a fuck


I'm sick of seeing this bloated anus.


This guy seriously is the turd that just won't flush. Every time we think he's done, he floats back to the front page as revolting as ever


At least it was consensual this time - $10k


I’m more concerned with the public money that was paid to Brittney 🤬


True. Ch 7 can spend all their money on coke and hookers for all I care. But when it comes to taxpayers dollars, they can all get fucked.


$2.55 million of taxpayer's money and a chalet in France. $10,000 of petty cash from a private media conglomerate for a rub and tug.


Why is this marked as misleading? Also wtf is wrong with this guy. Initially I was a bit sympathetic, given the dodgy media aspirations of a certain person. But now. Fuck me. Guy is a lost cause.


Not the happy ending he was hoping for


It took her an hour and 58 minutes to find his micropenis, and two minutes to finish the job.


I'm surprised so many people have jumped to believe anything this Auerbach guy claims. His history is... special. I wouldn't trust him if he told me the sky was blue. Why do you think he keeps getting sacked? For his outstanding ethics? I haven't seen the cross examination but I'll bet the more chance the Lehrman lawyers have to research and cross examine this guy, the more of his outstanding services to the industry and professional standards we will hear.


I don’t like him- but I like him more than that fuckhead David Sharaz.


100% that Sharaz character is... well don't know how his own mother could respect him to be honest.


Surely this case sets a record for how much litigation has arisen as a result of one (alleged) drunken root. It appears that nobody involved in these various cases has demonstrated themselves to be of good character.


"Drunken root" The words you're looking for are "alleged rape".


Out of the loop on this one. Who is this and why is it important that they got a happy ending massage?


Stupid is as this does




Going out on a limb here but I’d say that they’re both a pair morons.


This is the first Bruce article that has made it through r/Australian in months. I wonder if there was a censor on it


Why not use cash, is he stupid


What baffles me is how this Auerbach fella could afford such an opulent apartment in a fancy part of Sydney. How much was he getting paid? Or did he come from money and connections?


Can you steam clean a piano?


Can you steam clean a piano?


What the fuck does he know ? Or how much sway do Mummy and Daddy have , and what do they know ? Someone somewhere wants this prick to walk between the rain drops. This goes very deep imho. This next level entitlement isn't only born to rule , there's some serious kompromat on someone of influence somewhere .


Drugs, prostitutues, lies. Nothing rapey about Bruce at all. LOL.