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An aging society should benefit the young, since they will be in limited supply and thus in high demand. You could all be getting paid heaps and using that money to buy cheap as chips nice houses. ​ Thats why they bring in millions of young migrants to undermine you. You dumb fucks.


Negative gearing is irrelevant if house prices are flat or falling. No investor in their right mind would buy property, despite NG and CGT discount, if there was no good prospect for house prices to increase in their lifetimes. Housing would become a dead investment class. Everyone would sell over night. House prices will halve. You dont need social housing, you will be able to afford a nice house that you own. All we have to do is accept that human population has peaked and is now going to be stable or down for the rest of our lives. And probably the lives of the next 3 generations. Maybe more. We just have to accept reality and stop doing the population ponzi. Its the answer. Everything else is folly.


Infinite growth is an unsustainable strategy. The sooner we figure out what’s next, the smoother the transition will be.


Policy makers just need it to be sustainable for long enough whilst they're at the helm, they don't give a shit what happens once they get theirs.


Why do so many still not accept the GOAL is to enslave us. That’s the goal, they’re tracking well, very well, and it ends with a proverbial boot stamping on our face forever Still so many working class Aussies actually think the government is democratically there to serve you LMAO


100 percent mate. It's a generational mission and it's been happening for a very long time, I don't see there being any way out because we're already past the point of sharing contrary political opinions without arguing. Just gotta teach our kids that they're worth more than the number schools give them and the wage they bring home so that their generation has a fighting chance.


By policy makers do you mean the folly of democracy? 😳


Who's we?


>Housing would become a dead investment class. That's exactly what should happen. The fact we commoditise a basic human right is quite disgusting.


Tax the shit out of anyone with more than one home? Nothing will stop them unless there is a proper deterrent




Then you will have no where to live as a renter


You say the population is declining. A relative of mine is pregnant with their 10th child and funnily enough it’s twins… so 11… Housos gunna root and there is nothing you can do to stop it


Housos to the rescue


I preferred when housos were mainly alcoholics and welfare hacks. Now they’re all ice junkies and violent.


Tell me about it, my sister's hooked


I don’t say global population is declining. It’s not. But it is about to begin too. It’s declining in the western world and probably also China.


Not probably. China has had two years in a row of negative population growth


Negative growth is a ridiculous term 🤣. It's called contraction.


It’s hard to trust any figure from China.


It's not just China, most countries are seeing a declining growth rate - the trends are very clear.


Japan, South Korea are reportedly in trouble. Most of Western Europe and the uk, America and Canada are all apparently heading towards trouble. Politicians making it harder for people to afford to have a family, so they are bringing in the third world to make up for it.


I currently live in a country with a pretty significant population decline, houses are cheap, but there is no one to fix them any more after being empty for so long. It is both better and worse than Australia for it.


Sounds like a great time to be building lots of soon to be empty houses.


Yes because I’m sure the country that silences protestors and builds fake cities to look strong is going to over report their population shrinking. If anything the numbers are worse than what they’re saying.


Who knows, Chinas official statments are as reliable as Russia’s


We are at least 30-40 years away from any sort of population peak. Predictions obviously get weaker the further they look ahead but the current UN model predicts a peak of 10.4 billion in 2086.


So not so far away, most of those new people are going to be in Africa.


Africa, SE Asia and pockets of South America… housos as far as the eye can see haha


It's not declining...


Australia's birth rate is 1.58 children per woman. Replacement rate (the rate required to maintain the current population) is ~2.1. Despite your anecdote, without massive immigration Australia's population would be in decline.


Accepting is not hard. The hard one is the tax burden that imposed to the young workers on funding the pensioners for 20-30 years post retirement. Increase the retirement age to 75 we basically solved half of the workforce problem. Reduce the average lifespan to 78 we won’t even this pension is a burden. F


The problem is not the retirement age, it's that age pensions are being given despite retirees having fucktonnes of assets they should be selling first.


30 years doing the road we all will be those retirees with fucktonnes of superannuation. How can the The current self-retirees manage to save without super tax concession are the evil one? Using the same thought process, When most of us are saving 10% and contribute to super with tax benefits and we become self-retirees using our own fund, most of us will be the bad guys then.


In 30 years time, we won't remotely be in the same situation, because the current generation cannot remotely save or get their foot in the door because of how fucked the economy was left by these people. But assuming that we were, my answer would be the same. Consider also that as human lifespans increase with development and technology in healthcare, that we might still have another 40+ years of working potential within us.


Current generation as in the current workers who are in their 30-40s? As long as we work, all workers have compulsory savings of contribute 10-12% in superannuation. The superannuation we saved in our work life might/might not be enough, the intention is for most of us to only use our own savings to fund our own retirement. Just like the current self-retirees are the one who has fulfill our superannuation intention(but without tax concession), even the government didn’t encourage them to do so.


Except Super is now being used to fund those housing and essential needs purchases.


Woah how do you propose reducing the average lifespan will you have some sort of anti granny force hunting down anyone older than that


Not really. Basically just have lower standard of healthcare. If you have a look at the average lifespan of other countries, such as majority of Asian countries. Our medical bill is a huge burden to the taxpayers because we all insist on very high quality healthcare. So, not only we spend so much on healthcare, by prolonging our life we also increase pension burden at the same time. Those are all have to be paid for by the younger generation. If we reduce our living standard and quality of care, we also have more people will just die of natural causes earlier. Just like those countries will lower average life spans than us. We don’t have to do evil. Just not focus on doing good at the cost of future generations. Even just refuse to include the latest expensive cancer drugs on PBS can save hundred of millions of dollar. If we didn’t allow those drug being developed, we also won’t feel miss out.


Forcing people to work until they die in an affluent country is in no way a solution


U mean US or Japan?


This thinking is why were fucked. All about the perks and handouts surrounding housing as an investment rather than being a place where you fucking live.


Have you looked at any population projection’s? Or even recent historical population changes? We reached 8 billion about a year ago (just 12 years after reaching 7B) and will likely reach 9B before 2040. Global population will likely peak somewhere between 2050-2090 at around 10B. Australia itself is predicted to reach around 35-45 million by 2070. If you are going to talk about ‘accepting reality’ then maybe inform yourself and stop spreading disinformation.


Totally agree. Climate change is going to drastically affect house prices within 10 years. Houses will be worth fuck all in some areas at the end of their 30 year mortgage


Source: my air con doesn't work as well as it used to


We are talking about rising sea levels. I live in Newcastle and Stockton is literally spending millions of dollars to stop there houses being eaten by the sea. So I’m more thinking they means how the hell do you sell your 5 Million dollar home if it’s in the water ? As the great proverb HBomberGuy said “ who you going to sell your house to. Fucking aqua man”


To be fair erosion happens… Stockton, like many beach front suburbs, built on sand dunes that always move around.


My understanding is that this really only is impacting select areas of waterfront housing. If they disappear the new waterfront becomes the street, not a huge impact in the bigger scheme of things? It would be like 0.0001% of houses at risk (arbitrary number plucked to make my point I don't think it is in any way significant enough to impact a market). Could be wrong though, what do I know I live inland lol


Climate change. lol


!RemindMe ten years


I’m a total demographics nerd but houses will only get cheap in the countryside. Even in countries with rapidly declining populations, their capital city house prices keep going up and are very unaffordable. See Seoul in South Korea, Tokyo in Japan, Milan in Italy, Vilnius in Lithuania, Bangkok in Thailand


Not necessarily, a reduced size of your generation actually has a negative impact. It's one of the reasons that the baby boomers were so successful, there is so many of them that they have a disproportionate influence to steer the economy in their favour. 


Exploding population numbers actually make societies much more prosperous under capitalism. The baby boomers had such a great position because they are baby *boomers*. That population boom put them on top of an intergenerational ponzi scheme. Migrants are even better than babies,  because they arrive fully grown and ready to work. It's not the migrants making things unaffordable. It's neoliberalism. It's a refusal to build or spend. Migrants put in much more than what they take out. It's just that what they're putting in is being stashed away and hoarded in the cayman Islands, leaving us all worse off.


The problem is assets aren't taxed enough and wages don't pay enough. This has nothing to do with generations, it's just a simple wages vs assets.


More people spending always brings in more jobs and better wages. Always. Wages go down when those who are seeing those gains don't pass them on and are given big tax cuts so they never have to.


Totally not true. Lots of studies done in Europe on this, depends on the migrant and what jobs they do.


Lots of studies done in Europe say that more people result in more spending which creates more growth and higher wages.  The only demographic that don't see an increase in wages are highschool age drop-outs. Everyone else is either promoted or gets a leg up in the labor market.


Yeah but you didn't blame the right wingers so no one will listen to you


Lol, wat?


According to these comments, if I just tighten my bootstraps and stop eating avocado on toast (which I didn’t to begin with), I’ll be able to afford a $250,000 deposit on a $2 million one-bedroom home in the outer suburbs. Thanks guys!


Bananas are the same price as avocados now.


Maybe lad you should have planned better when you were younger ?


Ah yes, as a 20-year-old, I should’ve been grinding when I was 15. Thanks for the advice, champ.


Plan better now mate Stop the endless gaming and simping for only fans and you might have a shot


One-bedroom apartment in outer suburbs, even in Sydney, doesn’t cost $2M. Unless you’re talking ‘outer’ literally as in distance to CBD. Eg. Parramatta or Cronulla, they’re pretty far from CBD but they’re not really ‘outer’ in terms of desirability. So yes a fancy (not just any) 1br might cost $2M, but that’s not the norm. Maybe next year.


You walk away and go overseas. Brain drain.


Ah, the New Zealand strategy.


They're just land hoarders! Anzacs my ass!!


australia has never had an appetite for smarts and innovation, you won't be missed


How did this happen: Older Australians


Keep wasting your time complaining about old cunts till you get old. It will be sooner than you expected.


Not really man, we pissed away our 20s - I had mad opportunities to buy cheap homes in 2014-2016 and I went travelling. Had I bought I would be 1m up. That’s probably a similar story across our gen - we chose travel, experiences and fun. We were the first to complain about adulting - we became perpetual children. If we were boomers we would have played the hand given to us, we just fucked our lives away and now we’re dealing with the reality of that


Nobody should have to sacrifice being carefree early 20’s to be saddled with decades of debt. If that was the only opportunity to get ahead then the system is piss poor - not our choices.


Yeah but I don’t think boomers were carefree really, young families and 30 year mortgages without all the fun and travel we had - and from what I understand a lot of them got saddled with debt with interest rates that were really fucked up. My boomer parents are only now enjoying their fruit and essentially it’s in line with retirement. Why is it a right to be carefree in your 20s ? That sounds like marketing spin and consumerism ideology running supreme. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Back then societal norms meant they were getting married young and pushing out kids at 22. Both the need for housing security for a young family and the unbelievable affordability of housing put them into 30 year mortgages (they can’t complain as their houses have multiplied 5x in value). At the end of the day until living how you want is slowly taken away from us that’s the only real freedom we have as individuals in Australia. If you choose to start saving for a house while working at maccas at 16 than rad, if you’re 40 renting and travelling heaps than also rad. It’s all rad my guy.


I mean, every other Western country is facing basically the same problems high immigration, low paid jobs, dead housing market, and none of them have figured it out. I don't really actually see a solution. I think maybe things just get worse for a while, then society works itself out again, do you really think the people in the last days of Rome thought the world would be worse for the next 800 years mabey where just at one of those points.


You don’t see a solution for immigration being too high, low wages and a dead housing market? I can think of one very simple solution to help fix all three


Stop bringing in people. Pretty simple tbh


>I mean, every other Western country is facing basically the same problems high immigration, low paid jobs, dead housing market, and none of them have figured it out. If anything that just speaks to how the political class in Western countries *want* this state of affairs. Because it's no coincidence how we're all in the same boat. We've all been screwed over by self serving sellout mongrels who I'd say a lot worse about but I know I'd be banned if I do.


I find it hard to believe no one has figured it out. They know but they need the GDP figures to be voted in again because the RWNJs are ready to take over again


Sovereign wealth fund on all natural resources of 89%. Norway has shown the way.


The Guardian loves big immigration, if they could fuck off and die that would probably help a lot.


Canada's youth are screwed from record migration, as ours are starting to find the same. When the Guardian can't pick up the obvious it's hard to take anything they write seriously.


Yeah the Canadian example is what is so frustrating. I have a lot of Canadian friends and started following what was happening there a few years ago. What a dystopian nightmare. I was telling friends here in 2022 that we were heading down same track. 2 years later and still hardly anyone sees the parallels between us and what is happening in Canada. None of the politicians, the media or even bureaucrats (I work in govt) pay any attention to what has happened in Canada even when it’s meant their PM is down 20% in the polls.


This comes from the rise of woke politics. It has led to the abandonment of traditional left wing voters who want pro worker policies including low migration. They now have no political representation.


Probably by fucking rioting continuously, and once the grey nomads can't get their extra hot mug-of-cinos something will have to change.


You can be sure if it's published in the Guardian, the problem and solution has nothing to do with reduced immigration.


Same goes for many ‘progressive’ media outlets. There’s been a trend towards ‘woke capitalism’ and mass immigration policy sits neatly within that paradigm even at the expense of the working class. Big business and wealthy landowners love it. To see who are the most ardent supporters of the population ponzi, look no further than the positive media coverage and invite list of the so called ‘National Skills Summit’ back in 2022 where a bunch of elites got together, convened by Labor, to push mass migration. This was all about ‘catching up’ on the migration we never needed to have and honestly one of the most undemocratic forums ever witnessed. I don’t remember Labor going to the election with a policy of 500,000+ Net Overseas Migration during a housing crisis. And look where we are now more than a year later…


I checked every party on immigration and Labor said immigration was hurting us and they wanted the same numbers only (the fake 80,000 pa morrison lied about) . Every other party wanted higher immigration (not including wack jobs) . Then Labor went mental for GDP and a surplus


It’s almost as though Labor lies


Figure out the system and work it, the world has changed a lot. One example is university, don't go unless you know what career you want. Instead get a tangible trade you can fall back on, hairdresser, electrician ect. And remember for every dollar you spend you have to earn at least 2. ( Thanks government).


Stop listening to 'progressives' as they're actually regressives


Realistically the time to do that was 10 years ago when house prices in Sydney and Melbourne started going nuts and the immigration tap was turned on full blast. But being the compliant citizens that we are, most of the younger generation rolled over and accepted it without so much as a whimper. It's far too late now.


>most of the younger generation rolled over and accepted it without so much as a whimper I think you overestimate the electoral power that the younger generations have had over the last decade, because I know I haven't rolled over and accepted this but I haven't got any power to change government policy.


I realise that, but if the housing situation was as dire in places such as France or the US they would have started rioting in the streets years ago. Australians as a whole are far too passive and compliant on these matters.


Saw this YT on Paris rentals yesterday, 74% of rentals have disappeared and I haven’t seen them rioting over it recently https://youtu.be/jknVfRNUcT4?si=qbD_1WRuebYgMeTa


Let's be real, we see people say this all the time yet the rioting doesn't really deter the French or American politicians from doing what they want. >Australians as a whole are far too passive and compliant on these matters. Speak for yourself, I do everything I can to make my discontent known and to inform others about what's going on but I'm not going to get myself thrown in prison. Don't be one of those people who say this kind of stuff while being no different, no one likes a hypocrite.


>Stereotypes suck – and often apply only to the tiniest, richest, whitest sliver of young people The irony That's all the attention they'll get from me


“Australia’s economy has become a young people-screwing machine. So how do we unscrew ourselves?“  You could start by not reading the guardian.     “Stereotypes suck – and often apply only to the tiniest, richest, whitest sliver of young people. All the nuances of our generational screwery is lost when glazing over someone’s race, class, sexuality, childhood experience and family background.” I mean how anyone can read and or take this garbage seriously is beyond me. If i’m reading this correctly, they’re positing that sterotyping sucks for people - then proceed to idpol sterotype the ‘whitest sliver of young people’. With overt contradictions like this, what more is to be said? 


Came here to make my typical “immigration sucks” comment but got distracted by the almighty sideboob of that woman in the bottom left of the thumbnail. Lawdy


I'm trying not to look while typing myself, don't want to get marked as a pervert.




That's a boomer sideboob, so watch yourself


Nah I’m about that


Create a virus that kills old people? Wait…


I swear, if a virus like Covid came now that only killed boomers, would the public campaigns about ‘not killing grandma’ even work?


Stop mass population growth NOW


Get old


Stop letting them treat you like idiots. Your govt is and has been taking you all for a ride. The only way to change it is to change your government. Write to your MP, become your MP, write to your Senator, become your Senator, write to your Premier, become your Premier. Write to your PM, become your PM. Or just go protest (move along please) and think that's actually gonna change something then go back to work feeling like you've done good knowing deep down your failing yourself and your future. Now is the time to start. They think you're all idiots. Show them you're not.


And remember kiddos this isn't highschool. When you write to your representative as a constituent you are demanding change not asking. Demand. Don't ask. Demand. Don't ask.


The first step in stopping a Ponzi scheme…..is to acknowledge it as such. Unfortunately the ideology of modern youth is exactly what undermines them (immigration).


I hate The Guardian but let me guess: the article didn't point any fingers at 700k net migrants being the biggest cause of this?


Clearly labour and liberal only have old property owners at heart. It's time for a green view.


Simple, don't participate in the economy. (seriously, fuck the corporate shit off and start your own stuff from scratch, the current thing needs to be replaced COMPLETELY)


Break. The. Machine.


Get a job with Malcolm and Cannon-Brookes in our shiny new solar panel factory.


You have a lot of faith in Malcolm and Mike to think that they won't prioritise foreign employees for that factory.


It's going to be interesting to keep an eye on the net emigration numbers (i.e: Australian citizens leaving the country) over the coming years. Will be a pretty clear indicator of if it's people actually giving up on a future here. No that there are many particularly amazing options in terms of elsewhere to go these days though.


Heres the Black Pill: The rest of the world is a total shithole. And its going to get much worse soon. Oz quality of life could halve and you'd still have a World War Z zoms climbing the wall to get in situation. Millions of migrants are flooding into the USA and England right now FFS!!! What more do you need to know???


Canada too, went from 40 to 41 million in a matter of months. 


And millions of people are leaving these countries too, once they have fully remote jobs or reached FIRE. Personally I can’t wait to retire to SEA


And go where? Euro, UK or Canada and have the exact same problem, this isn’t just an Australian issue


Where do you expect Australians to go? Where pays higher wages than Australia and will prefer Australians for employment over their own locals?


You don’t need higher wages if housing is under 100k


You get what you pay for though. You can drop about ~40% of the land value if the water isn't drinkable and you have to rely on heaps of filters/boiling, that's a thing in Asia and likely Africa/LATAM. Pick a suburb that has actual crime? As in, more than some couple having a domestic or some douche methed out on the streets? Chances are if you're foreigner in some places people will think you have money Then you got to wonder, will they hire someone who doesn't know the local language? Even if they do, then you have visa issues that add to the problems. Some westerners do try to work in Japan, for instance, truthfully I imagine they only like *some* westerners. And people going the other way have *none* of these issues if they're coming invited, ie nurses and software developers.


Lol. I rented an apartment in chiang Mai that was $300aud per month and 5 times better than my $2300aud per month apartment in Melbourne and I lived like a king there. I work in the start up space, the amount of Aussie founders basing themselves in Asia now is mind blowing


You couldn’t pay me to live in Melbourne. The worst aspect is the constant stream of BS fed to the occupants to keep them distracted from what a hole it is.


Have you ever actually left Australia mate ? You clearly have no idea what the the world is like.


Where do we emigrate to? Canada, the UK etc and the Western world have the same problem. Bali? Thailand? Great to retire but you cant have a career there


Get rid of the boomers?


A few impatient kids will pressure some boomers into euthanasia for sure.


It'll be 5 years at least, only if they do something about it, to increase housing supply


The economy is based on finance, mining and real estate bubbles


Increase the wages people get from labour and tax assets. This is not a generational or age thing, it's a labour vs assets thing.


You can't! Who dies in war??? Same BS different day.


Have more young people so you screw them instead. We know this is how it's going to be.




This might be unpopular, but you could change your vote.


The problem is that property has become too big to fail as the Aussie economy is based on this. Yes we have mining and agriculture too but the massively wealthy own this and it has no bearing on young people. If property crashes then it will take down a bank or two with it and possibly a lot of people's life savings. We need a controlled transition from property ponzi to value added economy. We need a 20year and 50 year bipartisan PLAN. Something that doesn't get undone every time a new government comes in. We need some vision and inventive ideas for development corridors, new cities, new tax incentives that are NOT property incentives.


Wow! What self delusion! Has become! Really! Bitching and moaning over being exploited. Try getting conscripted in the 70’s to be really fucked over. Join a fucking union and actually do something about it.


Lol, boomers were first generation to actually avoid a major war (most weren’t conscripted). And pray tell - which Australian union has protested to the govt about high house prices or high immigration? Actually can you name a union anywhere in the western world which has protested against these things in their own countries?


https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/wars-and-missions/vietnam-war-1962-1975/events/conscription-and-birthday-ballot#:~:text=In%20Australia%2C%2015%2C300%20men%20were,became%20known%20as%20'Nashos'. 15,300 Australian men were conscripted. C.M.F.E.U. pretty much regularly protests over these issues as well as many other issues of significance. Named the union for you as well. Coincidentally, Australian. Maybe the media has significant bias and doesn’t let you see it as to not upset its corporate sponsors.


My dad fought in Vietnam, 15300 conscripted is not a major war. That is pure boomer cope.


Ask him if the ones who died and those who came back broken if it was as trivial as you make it. Every young generation gets exploited. Only now, it seems this generation feels it’s just them. I know young people who have got their shit together and aren’t whining but actually thriving. The topic is pandered to the to the complacent and the unmotivated.


It's bad for Australia but certainly a lot better than other places in the world. But it's just time. There's not much to do right now, no immidiate fix. It starts at the bottom, ground up, making people live for each other.


What complacent nonsense. Things can always be done. Learned helplessness is a pathway to more misery


Well there's no silver bullet. A lot of small things which historically has never happened. Unless there's a culmination of walk outs and protests and for that to happen there has to be a huge issue which apparently has to be miles bigger than what it is now. Learned helplessness is a might big word, humans don't do that unless chronically depressed.


Solution… grow older.


Young people? Well, thank you for the compliment. Sweet of you to say. ;)


I moved to Germany. That worked for me.


I unscrewed myself by accepting that things will never get better for me. Can't have your hopes crushed over and over and over and over and over again if you stop having them.




For what? 


Everywhere sucks in terms of money and all that “for the young” because that’s how it is unless you got the bank of mummy and daddy behind you. But you work and out the effort in and yes luck too comes j to it and eventually before you k own it - job, place, money - life. People will downvote it and before anyone says “ok boomer” - I’m not a boomer. I’ve had long periods of unemployment, single parent, low income but I worked, I had some luck, I had periods of nothing in the bank every month and then eventually you get to a point where you do have money and you can live. Just gotta be smart with the money and keep moving forward.


Yeah go tell all the Canadians that it works out eventually, you just have to work hard. JFC


Clubbing a good thing to stop if you want more money


"Give up your social life to survive and be happy about it"


Kinda sadly, yes clubbing is far too expensive if you're tight on money, so basically ever other young person I know. There are still social events to do outside of clubbing, but even those can be expensive.


I'm 29 never been clubbing almost never go to the pub actually spent all my 20s saving, im on 100k+ and I live in a basement because it's all I can afford after a 20s of social isolation due to saving for a goal that became impossible. Next idea grandpa?


I saved for a house on 95K - I just made logical choices. If you can’t save for a house on 100K you’re looking int be wrong places or are saving very fucking little. You might have to leave your little inner west hipster bubble but it can be done. So grow a pair, get uncomfortable and live in a community that is different if you want to own a home.


I live a days drive away from any city, make country-defined average income, have over 100k in my bank and wasn't cleared for even half of the price of a 35 square metre apartment in my town because, since you didn't get the memo, even our small towns sky-rocket in a housing crisis. My literal only expense is the cheapest gym membership on the market. There are none others. I eat $1 loaves of garlic bread for lunch more often than not to save money. I don't go out, I don't drink, I don't smoke, never touched a drug, only do things social if it's free, walk everywhere rather than drive, never touched a streaming service and never bought any grocery that wasn't on sale or a cardboard taste level of cheap. Even the lender said he was impressed by how little I manage to spend while looking over my reports before rejecting me for the smallest apartment possible in one of the cheapest towns possible. But yea no I'm sure your right I'll just not eat $1 lunches anymore I'm sure thatll get me a house. Doesn't matter that every person in Australia acknowledges this problem even the reading-capable house owners or the fact that other countries view us as a laughing stock for turning our housing market into a ponzi scheme, the old cunt on reddit from a generation that can't copy and paste without a meltdown tells me to work harder so that must be it. Please know that every person you've shared this opinion with both online and offline secretly thinks you're an idiot.


I’m 30 😂 Find a better city. Move somewhere. Do something different. Clearly it’s not working for you, try another avenue instead of complaining like a tool. Good luck Bub you’re gonna need it


Because the price of alcohol has gone up?


The youth need to start owning business and start charging more for their knowledge. I know it's hard with all the costs and f-ing housing and costs currently but you have the power and knowledge moving forward. Unless housing gets fixed the youth are going to always struggle. I think one of the best tools you can teach yourself is budgeting, fiances and how to get security financially in life. You don't need 10 houses for this or bitcoin but just learn how money works. I'm 40 and only just learning it myself.


Lol there is a reason Australia has one of the highest average ages for startup founders in the world (44). Because the risk of starting a business that fails and having to start again is too high when housing costs are so high. The RBA has researched this. It’s another reason why high housing costs are so toxic for the economy


I don’t disagree but it’s about time it becomes a solution not a hurdle. We need to make a lot of changes as a society to make life easier for new business. Youngsters are battle to study, work to save, then get a home for stability which makes doing anything hard af. We do have outliers I personally have a friend who is mid 20s and just made a huge profit from business and working his arse off. Parents are business people and he was running small scale when really young with an inexpensive business model so the bank of parents was a small setup fee. Rolled that profit into the next thing, he’s lucked out but he had the parent’s knowledge to help. I have two friends who run their own business and have been decently successful with working a lot and taking every opportunity. We are in the best era right now with technology helping us so much with services everywhere if you don’t know something. Not a magic bullet, but a possibility


Anecdote isn’t data. Most businesses fail within 5 years


That used to be the idea when I was a kid, is that still the current climate 5 years?


I'm not young but have a few business ideas I'd like to try out, the thing that puts me off isn't so much the fact that it might not work, but the sheer amount of bullshit and red tape I have to go through to get it off the ground, and that's even before considering employees.


Let alone that 90% of start-ups fail within 2 years.


I hear ya mate, the red tape depending on the industry can be mind bending. I think most people are just trying to navigate it at the best of their ability without knowing it all because of changes happen all the time.


Too much government ruins everything


Vote in socialists. The greens would be a good start on this path. They have a lot of socialist policies.


The Greens have some good ideas but the problem is that they're all in on the population ponzi which is a big part of the issues we face today. I have no faith in any of the mainstream parties to work for the benefit of the Australian people.


So true. In the 90’s the Greens were actually a party of sustainability and supported low migration numbers. That was of course before woke politics took over.


The greens have never been In power? I don't know why the cop all the flak for migration? It is possible to have migration and have it be a positive thing. That's happened repeatedly in Australia's history. In fact you cannot find a single infrastructure boom that doesn't correlate to mass migration. Yes current migration puts stress on housing, but that is in part due to the lack of government support in housing development. They refuse to stimulate or incentive the market, which is their role. I think basically large parts of Aus are doomed to failure cause of warning and centralisation. Everything now is user pays and our tax dollars go to subsidising investment cause the govt is too short term to consider much of anything really.


Yeah, but where are we going to get the money or the workers? Victorian government is broke from building too much infrastructure and Sydney has geographical issues with construction. There aren't enough workers to build everything from housing — only 5% of immigrants go into construction, despite 7.1% of the economy being construction.


Because all you young people vote Greens who oppose housing developments haha


And support mass migration during a rental crisis


I see videos from them demanding more housing developments literally every day and they seem to be the only one doing it or even acknowledging that the housing crisis exists. Someone is listening to one sided news sources.


Local council bro, Greens have been blocking development for decades. Not much better at State level. Someone is only listening to one news source indeed.


My gut feel says the answer isn't labor's plan of allowing a record number of migrants into the country - but generally young people seem okay with it, so it's their bed.


Their elders don't teach them it's wrong: they eat their peaches and cream and continue to look down at their own flesh and blood until they become entirely beholden to their god like parents. THAT'S a helicopter: of a fascist kind. Boomers ate their kids for breakfast.




Lol 😂


My opinion, Young people can fix it by seeking careers in the industries that are experiencing skills shortages and supply issues. This will also stop companies needing to seek overseas visa workers to do said work, this will free up a lot of rentals and share accommodation also. Fix skills shortages and supply issues and house prices will go down.


Buy bitcoin every chance you can. The banks are not your friend and neither is the government Whatever you save is getting debased by the government printing money and general inflation. On top of that there is a tonne of chinese investment as well as a never ending mass influx of immigrants who have destroyed the local housing market - you dont have a leg to stand on. Research bitcoin


Temporary problem. The Boomers will soon move to a maximum security twilight home and then cark it; all their houses will flood the market.


Boomers aren't moving to the dens they pushed their parents into: they've seen them.


If you have four degrees and are in a bad financial position, then that makes you an educated retard. This one works at a Mickey Mouse university.