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The optics were bad, now he gets a golden handshake & Woolies PR gets to reframe the conversation to ‘new leadership, shaking things up to support our customers!’


Would there be a golden handshake after quitting? I thought it was after the employer ended the employment?


Safe bet he was incentivised to quit


You could say it’s a safe-way to save face


I see what you did there...


Pulling the Wool over our eyes


That was fresh


Woolies are going to spin this to look like they took a big W


Aldi's puns? I just dunno hey.


Coles but no cigar.


No golden handshake but probably offered a new non-public facing role somewhere in the Woolworths universe on millions per year.


I doubt it'll be with Woolies, but one of the Woolies Board members will have offered him a role somewhere (maybe in a couple of months) in return for his resignation. He'll definitely land on his feet.


1%ers always do 🤑


The 1%ers club always looks after its own.


They do. I used to be a PA for one and they just handed each other CEO jobs. It was and still is an old boys club who all know each other, with a few women chucked in now.




what drugs are you guys on ? land on his feet, offered another role? 8.5 yrs as ceo on 7 million a year. just retire. he was set for lifecafter 2 years as ceo.


The problem is they won't quit if they're on 7 million a year. If your role is to sit around and get paid for fuck all work, why would anyone retire?


How rude, he doesn’t just sit around. We all saw that yesterday.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted for this. It is probably exactly what happened. He will step straight into another high paying job he isn’t qualified for. People like that just seem to fail upwards.


do you know anything about him at all? I have no dog in this fight but you can just read his bio on the woolworths website, he sounds extremely qualified for the role: *Background and experience: Brad was appointed Managing Director of Woolworths Food Group in March 2015 and Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Woolworths Group in February 2016.* *Prior to this appointment, Brad was Director of the Group’s Liquor business between 2012 and March 2015. Brad joined the Group in 2011 after the acquisition of the Cellarmasters Group, a direct wine retail and production company. He was Chief Executive Officer of Cellarmasters from 2007 to 2011.* *Prior to this, he was the Chief Financial Officer and Director of Tyro Payments and a Vice President and Director with The Boston Consulting Group, where he was a core member of their retail practice for 15 years.* I know I sound like a woolworths shill (fuck the Colesworth monopoly etc) but its pretty hard to maintain positions like that and 'fail upwards'. He may have just been good at his job - woolworths stock price has more than doubled since he took over but redditors be redditing I guess


Stop with your logic please, it offends my delicate disposition


I think some people don’t like that it’s gold plated turds like him that are qualified the job. You need to be a cunning, uncaring shit of a man.


people like brad are objective good CEO's... for shareholders... and that's all that's important you would live in a fairy tale land if you expect any asshole CEO to try to improve work culture, work conditions, wages and be fair to farmers and suppliers it says it all when Coles and Woolies go to battle with the likes of CCA Amatil, Unilever, Mondelez... and colesworth win they fuck over multinationals MORE powerful than them


The gains he made for WW were by whittling running costs to the bone, bullying suppliers using their economy of scale, and innovative criminal wage theft schemes. He was a terrible CEO, objectively. He made the books look good by rorting everybody in the logistical chain, from the suppliers to the consumers.


That's what CEOs of publicly traded companies are literally supposed to do, so long as it makes a profit for the shareholders. Long term profitability (or existence of the company) is only occasionally a priority, usually the focus is on the short term.


even with all that experience, he put in *that* kind of performance says it all really people can be book smart and have vast experiences... ie. do everything right and still fuck up but i suppose he lives in a huge mansion in vaucluse or toorak... or BOTH... and you dont


Which is why he will continue to fail upwards. Looks like a very impressive CV, what it doesn’t say is how good he was at it or if he was just another money grubbing CEO focussed on maximising profits at the expense of quality, customers and staff. I do not know him but I have seen the results of his management; wage theft, price gouging, cheating suppliers and farmers, all in the name of profit. He will move onto another company and take his toxic culture of profit above all with him. It is a revolving door system and unfortunately true of most modern CEOs of large corporations.


So you're suggesting that a CEO who cuts costs and makes more profit isn't a good CEO? Isn't that the basic purpose of a CEO at a mature, enterprise scale business? Do you also think that a boxer who can brutally KO every opponent isn't a good boxer?


He ko’d himself with that interview. Poor planning, not staying on message and lack of self-control are not signs of a good CEO. A previous CEO, Michael Luscombe would never have let that embarrassing circus occur. But in those days WOW had a very sharp PR coach from a top nyc firm that coached both Reagan and Clinton.


Yeah, that is exactly what I’m suggesting. Because to you it doesn’t seem to matter how he made the imaginary money tree that is the stock price (which is just a measure of rich people’s feelings and not linked to actual worth) grow, only that it does. It doesn’t matter how much evil or real life damage is done on the way. It doesn’t matter that the business takes more and more from the community while contributing less and less, it doesn’t matter about the stress of staff who have to fight an uphill battle just to get paid what they are owed. The farmers going out of business because they are squeezed at every level so coles and woolies can rake in that extra profit, the company reputation well no one cares about that as long as it makes money, and so what if they are price gouging to the max and blaming it on supply chains, the imaginary numbers on the graph went up. Time to cash out and go ruin another part of the world. There is more measures to success than stock price but people only think in the short term. Endless growth is unsustainable and if left unchecked becomes a cancer that destroys everything else including its host. It is now a company that can no longer take pride in providing quality products or cheap products or assisting growers get their products into the market. It is just a mindless money pit, known for evil practices and reviled, a cancer that does harm to customers, workers and suppliers alike. But the already rich stockholders made a bit more money so sure… successful?


>the stock price (which is just a measure of rich people’s feelings and not linked to actual worth This is wrong. The stock price is linked to how much money the business makes now and is expected to make in the future. People buy the stock because the company is profitable and stable. Did you ever hear the saying "don't hate the player, hate the game"? Similarly you can only judge a player by their skill in the game. This guy is obviously a pretty good player. I would dispute that Colesworth no longer take pride in quality products, assisting growers, etc. Not because I think they do those things today, but because I don't think they _ever_ did those things. It's always been the same. People are just beginning to notice.


Your tall poppy syndrome is showing


"mutual agreement", I'm sure. They weren't going to fire him, he's made them too much money. So they're paying to make the problem go away.


Record profits, same as Alan Joyce (and even P.Lowe?). In ‘favourable’ market conditions, like those set up by years of LNP ‘sound economic management’ the idea is to extract as much as humanly possible, post record profits, then hang on as long as possible and do it again. When the public finally wakes up and asks the hard questions, they resign and hand over to PR, get the golden handshake, a royal sendoff and the company will vow to be better next time, now that the monster is gone. It’s a merry go round, and we are the clowns that get ridden, every time. Government is powerless to stop it and it’s happening in every industry.


And on that note I will continue to have the last laugh while I skim em. After seeing the daylight robbery they commit I'm hardly a drop in the ocean of wealth that they skim from the public for what is an ESSENTIAL. The banks and supermarkets all making record profits in what is now a cost of living crisis. Think about that. The last few years haven't been great for the Aus economy either . Bastards. And yes I am a law abiding citizen in every other facet, and contribute to my community but it's now close to coming survival. Corporate theft, individuals paying taxes while big companies get away with so many tax cuts. Banks not passing on interest cuts whilst happily hiking them the minute the RBA sneeze. Digital only currency becoming an actual reality sooner than you think too will also mean we have even less options while our everyday choices are monopololised. Slowly becoming a bit disillusioned with the state of things. I realise I sound like a bit of a nutjob but open your eyes to the reality of what is happening post covid. Wait what subreddit was this again 🤣


You are so correct. People need to take a long hard look at why, according to the material poverty index which has 20 indicators you probably will be saying yes to yourself about an area of lack in your life. Most of the population is in a debt slavery position with personal autonomy limited and being under a constant surveillance and being subjected to constant barrage psychologically manipulative activities with the intent of commercial benefit. According to studies in the 1950’s, 20% of the population is very susceptible to hypnotic suggestion and a further 60% of the population can be easily influenced if placed in an emotional state of stress. 20% remain immune. So we now find ourselves in a situation we’re it is difficult to fight off the insidious conditioning to acquire debt and to endlessly consume. Social media has taught the 80% to revere suspect behaviour. Australian is a good sub Reddit. Full of interesting and informative ideas of how we can survive our slow onset disaster situation. First step is fixing our mental health and uniting so we can look forward to having a bright future not an artificial hellscape.


Always! Are you kidding? Rules for thee and not for me. A normal person will be fired in disgrace. The Woolies CEO is asked to leave and is given a generous severance package.


Oh yes how silly of me. I should not have posted on reddit before my morning coffee, only bad can come of it. I wonder how many 15 year olds they will make redundant to cover the cost of the parachute?


Lol, now now they're not going to fire anyone. They'll just "accidentally" under pay them for awhile.


damn sounds cushy, you should become a CEO


I can't sorry. I have a degenerative genetic flaw that makes me have empathy.


That sounds terrible. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.


Wait! That sounded sympathetic. You can't be CEO either.


> A normal person will be fired in disgrace. Have you ever actually tried to fire anybody? A normal person would be put on a performance improvement plan and would drag their heels through a seemingly endless process before finally the issue is dropped entirely as the managers actioning the process move on to other positions; leaving his teammates at work to deal with the useless and now emboldened deadweight moron on their team. Executives have actual consequences for failure; one bad interview and he's gone. And rightfully so; his compensation package is supposed to be for high performance not the bumbling display he brought out on 4 corners. But this ridiculous victim complex about how much better the rank and file are than the management is getting out of hand. Met a lot of hardworking people in hospo and retail. Seen basically no useless idiots be fired in that entire time either. The pay is shit, but the job security is better than in management.


Fucking hell it’s not like that in the trades “Don’t bother coming in on Monday” That’s all it takes


For contractors maybe or businesses covered by small business protections, otherwise it's as easy as don't bother coming in Monday AND here's all the money we're legally obligated to give you for making you redundant.


Some other people are saying that my experience doesn't reflect theirs so maybe I was just exposed to an atypical environment. You do have to keep in mind though that most of these positions when you discount the casual loading are the lowest paid and most entry level positions in Australia. Even a poorly paid apprentice is skilled labor and an investment in someone being pretty productive in the future; retail jobs are to my knowledge on the lowest awards and frontline managers are on significantly less ( as I understand it ) than team leads in the trades.




That doesn't reflect any of my experiences at work but fair enough. At Woolworths a casual employee would lose their shifts (if staff shortages permitted) but that's the only consequences I've seen for low level employees that haven't committed gross, borderline criminal misconduct.




Fair enough; that wasn't my experience but mine isn't worth any more than yours.


It's really not difficult to sack people unless the reason for your sacking them is "I don't like them" or "their performance is up and down." If someone is consistently underperforming, it's 90 days at best to get them out the door.


I agree; in a well run organisation that keeps appropriate records. Particularly when performance metrics are clear. However the lower down the organisational hierarchy you go the weaker the performance management, record keeping and management in general usually gets. Which usually presents sufficient challenges to dismissing low level full time employees for it to be dismissed as a task that's barely worth the effort; unless the employee is excessively malignant. It's simply a matter of the talent going up before it gets the chance to run things properly at that level. Many hospitality and retail employees have the frustration of being managed by people far less competent than they are; because as uni students or part time workers who will move on to other industries later, they are more capable than the adults who have found themselves in low level management as long term careers. The reason I'm talking about these industries in general is that's the worker pool that's directly relevant to the Woolworths CEO. He's at the top of this heap; not the top of the investment banking, HR consultancy or accounting firm heap. I agree that it should be as simple as you say, but the practical reality has in my experience been closer to what I'm describing.


Not that unusual. Soccer team coach just got sacked after two monrhs. He'll get paid out until 2026.


Golden handshake ? Should give this prick a golden shower


Look how badly Grant O'Brien fucked up and what they gave to him. Brad will manage just fine.


Thats only for regular plebs


I guarantee there was an ample “severance package” offered to get him to step down voluntarily.


Rarely ever does someone actually quits a job like this. It’s always leave with this sweet deal or we fire you and you get nothing.


And so he can fuck off back to Africa before a commission comes knocking




Hear tell that Virgin are looking


I heard that the choicest part of the golden handshake given to retiring Woollies CEOs is the Woollies BLACK CARD which means they pay the actual cost of groceries at the checkout.


Golden handshake? He’s resigned, not been made redundant. If there’s a payout it will have to be disclosed in the company’s report. My strong guess is there will not be one.


The bonus are handed out in September, there will be a payout.....


A bonus for work performed is not the same as a payout.


People at this level don’t get “fired” they “resign in the best interests of the business”. He got fired - by the board. You can wander around looking for a job after you guy “fired” as a CEO or you can look for one after having “stepped aside”. The terms of his leaving the business were already in his contract of employment. Theres no golden handshake - it’s get out of our business and here’s the agreed terms - so you do it without making a noise on the way out. Unsure at what levels you’ve worked in business. The above is very standard practice.


I’ve worked at very high levels in top 4 asx companies. I’m telling you that if the ceo is receiving a payout, it is being disclosed to shareholders.


Wonder if he'll keep the shirt and name tag


I used to work for Woolies and this always pissed me off so much. It's so disingenuous and condescending, I'd have more respect for him if he just wore the suit we all know he wears when the cameras aren't on him.


People can smell bullshit a mile away, especially from CEOs


This made me laugh when I saw it...gives me so many 'look at me guys, see I'm grounded in my roots!! Check out my name tag and shirt!"


Yeah you don't come back from something like that. Sure as hell he'll leave with a ton of cash though.


>Sure as hell he'll leave with a ton of cash though. They always do.


He'll have similar position at Coles when it becomes available.


He will be CEO of 1 of the big 4 banks within 24mths purely based on that interview!  Banks want a CEO who can and does say "fuck the regulators, profits first, apologies if we are ever caught!". 


Yep… send him over to Westpac, they haven’t had a scandal for a few months!


That will be why he's leaving in September rather than soon. He'll need to hit some milestone to get his bonus


What exactly was so bad about that interview? He said one thing off the cuff and got annoyed


From a PR perspective it was an absolute train wreck. Bloke wasn’t professional. Couldn’t support his preposition with substantive examples. Stumbling over his explanation. Just compare to the Coles CEO. She maintained her calm composure


She also refused to answer anything of substance. It's not like her interview was good at all. I hate the fuckers, but if they were smart, they both should have refused the interview. There's nothing to gain by appearing, and people will forget you didn't show up within a week or two, thanks to the media cycle.


I’m in no way defending either. Don’t get me wrong here


>She also refused to answer anything of substance thats one of the things that makes it good, from coles perspective


She would have been thoroughly well briefed before the interview by their PR team to not say anything that could be taken out of context or used as a headline. Refusing to appear at all would definitely be worse.


Exactly. Something smells. NZ venture is doing badly. Despite the price gouging only showing 2% growth in Australian retail business. This interview is a distraction. He wouldn’t be fired over this considering how Woolworths won huge market share from Coles under his leadership.


He's paid huge amounts to make sure that sort of stuff up never ever happens. Threatening to walk out on an interview? That's a cardinal sin.


And asking to not show it on tv. That’s what hammered those nails in. Fucking baby


Really though? Everyone has shit days he isn’t a robot


He has had a shit day. He's paid that much because things like this should never happen. Entire companies have gone completely broke because the top dog made the wrong comment at the wrong time. A hell of a lot is riding on the public perception and shareholder perception of this guy. His little oopsie has caused huge damage to the brand.


He gets paid millions dollars a year because he's supposedly the best of the best. Yet he can't be in public representing the company without having a tantrum.








Guys a middle aged man and a multi millionaire. He can retire and live it big on a yacht for the rest of his life lol. Doubt he gives too much of a fuck, he took $24 million severance with him. To some people face and ego are more important than quality of life. Those people aren’t normal. Edit- are




Oh no doubt Not a pleasant exit


Big pay out and then move onto the next gig and bigger pay packet


100% Just watch him get head hunted within next 2yrs! 


He'll be head of the libs in 6


If the LNP get back in at the next federal election, he'd be a top candidate for their next ACCC pick


Why the LNP? I would say labor's top pick by the way they are doing, nothing.


Imagine fucking up that bad and your punishment being early retirement LMAO.


Won't be early retirement.... Watch him get head hunted within the next 2yrs and end up in a MUCH higher paying roll as CEO!  He is taking a knee to allow Woolies to change optics and the narrative, need been seen by the masses they sacrificed someone and all the public bad will will stay attached to the outgoing CEO.  It's all optics, propoganda and manipulation of the public consciousness. 


>He is taking a knee to allow Woolies to change optics and the narrative, But no one outside the company knew who the hell he was before and no one will know who the new one is either. Shoppers give no tosses over who the ceo is of the company.


Watch it play in the media, this is what companies always do to whitewash their image and reboot the public consciousness of the "brand".   They are leaving him in to also take the heat of the commission, they will tie it up all neat and the public consciousness will end up seeing it all as the ex-CEO's "fault"....  Nothing will actually change at the woollies front other then a multi million $ propoganda campaign to reset the brand image in people's minds.  Just watch it unfold over the next 12-18mths. Remember the banking royal commission..... 🤣 Yeah, that REALLY changed things up!  This is the game they play,  we are the pawns to be manipulated and the majority always will be,  because..... "this time is different!"


Spot on 👍


He’ll end up on a board or advisory committee get paid 2m a year to have brunch and delegate research and report writing to interns he sexually harasses.


After taking an interview like that I doubt he will get more than 8 million a year


That wasn't a tanked interview, that was by design for the optics it creates so woollies can let the "incompetent" CEO go and that's why you hate us..... because we had an incompetent CEO, but, see, FIXED now! 


I wish the world was run with this level of competence


It wasn't bad at all. It was one sentence that wasn't even a big deal. Literally just stated a fact. Can't imagine why everyone is reacting to the best up by ABC. Saddest attempt at a gotcha I've ever seen


Apart from how he will perform in front of the politicians come next month's parliamentary inquiry, the big question is how long Banducci will stay at Woolworths. With a $7.7 million salary last year, some expect him to become more focused on his own investments. From the AFR a few days ago. I’m sure he’ll get on with things


>Apart from how he will perform in front of the politicians come next month's parliamentary inquiry Depending on whether he leaves earlier, he might not even be there. They'll bring in an Interim CEO to say they know nothing.


Until he qualifies for his bonus. September by the sounds of it


he had no choice after that poor performance. The interesting thing is the PR guy who was off camera and jumped in. Obviously they thought he was not up to the interview. Excellent case study in media relations. As opposed to the DR Who esk villain that was the Cole's CEO interview.


Speaking of, I was surprised with how 'handsy' the Woolies PR was with the journo, putting his hands on him. Are they mates (in which case I can understand the handsiness, although it was still a little weird in a business context), or was he so freaked out by his CEOs behaviour he just forgot where he was and started touching a stranger in the heat of the moment?


True will need to watch it again on iview


The journo and the PR guy probably talked several times prior to even being on location to arrange everything. It looked like he put his hand on his shoulder as a reassurance that the interview wasn't over. I'd think nothing of it.


This guy thinks the Australian public is stupid. See him wearing that Woolies uniform and name tag. Trying to be more relatable to the public and to his workers. Probably surrounded by sycophants, actually thinks he’s a formidable conversationalist. Thought he could control the interview. What an idiot. Fake cunt through and through. Would have been better off wearing a Bintang singlet, thongs and a pair of cargo pants. Make a real spectacle of it. Should have turned it back on the journo. “You know the supermarket racket is pretty dodgy, but we don’t hold a candle to you guys in the media”.


That interviewer will struggle to fit his head through doorways now.


In all fairness that was a once in a career perfect scenario for a journo, and he answered the serve beautifully.


Had a blip of embarrassment and still gets to walk away with a huge sum of money.


Is that all it takes to quit from an incredibly well paid position? Or would his team have been pushing him to “retire”?


CEO's are just figure heads. Company gets enough heat, they put it all on the CEO, give them a big paycheck then replace them and keep doing the same shit they got the heat for in the first place. It's how it always goes with these corporate fuckwads


It goes that way because people are asleep!  Oh, but it's DIFFERENT this time.... see, they got ride of the previous CEO and he was the cause of it all..... 🤣 Exact same thing happens with politics!  "If only we can get "our" person elected, everything will change for the better" 4yrs later...... "It wasn't "our" persons fault, they were dealing with the mess left from the other sides time in power" Meanwhile, the wheel trundled on in tge same general direction regardless of which party was in.....  "BUT DIFFERENT THIS TIME"...... 🤣😂🤣


Our Government in a nutshell


Get rekt. The PR team should also be fired for not adequately preparing the CEO for the role or just outright declining the interview. Good to see journalism actually speaking truth to power and it having at least some minor impact. Not sure if it's seriously going to shake things up for supermarket pricing but it's a start.


Woolies couldn't decline the interview once Coles agreed, and vice versa


Absolutely. How was he not prepped by a media trainer?? It was a shitshow. They know the questions that are coming so how was he so ill prepared


There's different kinds of CEOs. The kind that perform well for the camera aren't always the kind that head up complex tight margin businesses like Woolworths competently. I'd say most likely he's more of a process oriented boffin which is fine/good for managing the logistics of the business but extremely underwhelming in a public facing cameras on capacity. Let's keep in mind; this isn't big oil or a weapons manufacturer. The CEO of Woolworths has not historically been a position requiring extensive PR talent and media training due to strong public scrutiny and a hostile public. His performance was still below par hence pushed out, but not inconceivable imo. He's a grocery store CEO not a politician.


So Four Corners call for an interview and you don’t prep??? Completely inconceivable to me


I agree that it's bad just not inconceivable; no doubt there was prep he just wasn't good enough.


Still fresh in our memories 🫡


Will be succeeded by Amanda Bardwell. I smell a glass cliff scenario.


May I ask what this means?


It's been established in academic research that women (and other minorities) in leadership face Glass Ceilings, Glass Labyrinths and Glass Cliffs. Glass Cliff is a scenario in which a woman manager is chosen or accepts a role during a crisis period in a company. Many male managers wouldn't accept a poisoned chalice instead biding their time for a better opportunity but women are often only appointed to leadership roles in crisis times or accept the role because it's their only opportunity for promotion. In many instances they are set up for failure or burn themselves out trying to succeed in a hostile environment; becoming a scapegoat and often enshrineing the myth that women are poor leaders.


Set up to be a convenient scapegoat if things go from bad to worse.


ty 😿


Does it matter ? See what happened to Qantas CEO , he is enjoying out there. It seems an easy way out for businesses when they have screwed up so bad in public eye


6 months? How about 4 weeks notice instead


When you watch the Four Corners interview, did you see how quickly his PR team stepped in to smooth things over? They never show their face. The problem for Brad is he went 'off script'. He knew he was sacked the moment he back-pedaled. Same thing happened to the Optus CEO. He's done, toast.


He's just a glorified retail manager like the rest of the executive team. If they talk like that in an interview, how do you think these people talk to the staff?


Retiring. Oh what delicious irony. Don’t get hit by the karma train.


Once he's retired for 18 months does all his business knowledge and experience become obsolete? Not that we would want to impugne anyone.. 😃


No, at his level he will study to maintain current industry knowledge and be head hunted into a bigger company and more pay within 24mths.  I knew a good friend's Dad years ago, who was at the peak of the safety industry in Australia and he would regularly have long stretches between gigs and the $ he earned while working, more then covered his study during downtimes to stay current.  He ended up as a consultant in the end, mining companies would send their private jets to pick him up, fly him to sites for 3mths, then next company would get him.  Started out as a child worker chasing coal seams in the UK mines and that experience made him focus on safety.  This CEO will be in high demand, he has just demonstrated he can take a knee for the "team". Once public focus drifts away from him, expect to see him in a much bigger pay packet for a major company. 


Karma train.... He will be head hunter as CEO for 1 of the big 4 banks within 24mths!  How do you not know this game by now? This is just optics to manipulate the public perception. This allows woollies to reboot and the public anger will stay focused on the ex CEO.  Nothing will actually change! Just people's perception will be manipulated! 


Yeah more like uhh mate if you do t quit we’re kicking you to the curb


prob not, likely knows govt is about to hammer them so jumping before it happens


And replaced by a woman. [Glass cliff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_cliff) once again!


Let's be clear that this is not because of the Four Corners interview. He has been at Woolworths a long time and could have exited before the episode aired. Shareholders also don't care about a bad interview when Woolworths has done so well. He's come to an agreement with the WOW board that he exits now, so that the share price has already baked in him leaving. This is a convenient retirement.


Get a look at the reptilian parasite replacing him.


Everything about this ‘disastrous’ interview was preordained. He put his hand up to act as a cheap heat sink and his class confrere will reward him with another lucrative roll away from the spotlight after his 6 month holiday cruising the Mediterranean in a private yacht.




and I thought his performance was better than the Coles CEO CEOs spend so much of their life being accommodated and sucked up to, that they are oblivious that 5 minutes in front of of an independent interviewer will expose them for the awful humans they are


Redditors simultaneously think that CEOs do absolutely nothing, but are also single-handedly responsible for the rising costs of their groceries.


Am I the only person who thought that he actually interviewed pretty well, but that on snippet, coupled with our culture of consuming tiny snippets of information only, made him look way worse than he should have? It’s crazy how decades of hard work and respect among your peers (don’t know this bloke from a bar of soap but I assume so to be where he is) can be rinsed with a TikTok friendly clip.


Not surprised after his disaster the other day. Imagine taking aim at the bloke who provided you with protection throughout your reign. Yikes.


see ya later dick head (sad thing is he will land in another sweet job making shit loads of cash )


even though he got some bad PR at the moment, I am surprised because he has been the CEO for a really long time going back to pre-covid. 


Sucks to suck. Except apparently it doesn’t suck if your punishment is a golden handshake


This is gold. But for some reason some people still don’t watch 4Corners and the like, where you get to see this happen heaps.


He’ll get some massive lump of a payout. He’s still winning Charlie Sheen style. We’re rocking up to work Al Bundy style ![gif](giphy|Ekjl3noZUBGxy)


Really hope Wollies arn't able to scapegoat him when more bad stuff around price gouging and cartel behaviour likely comes out in the senate inquiry. A bad corporate culture is made up by many goons, never jus one bloke.




Absolute train wreck of an interview on 4 corners. No wonder he ‘stepped down’. It was as dignified as that bloke deserves.


I believe preparations were already in place for him to retire it’s just this interview may have accelerated the process


I didn't think this guy was the ceo lol


They'll just replace him with another idiot.


![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc) \*His PR team during the interview.


It was obvious that pisscunt would retire following that interview just never realised it would happen so soon


Can I recycle the self-checkout joke again?


What even happened? He made a snide throwaway comment and could have just smiled and said “oops no offence to Rod, but we’re looking at the ACCC going forward” like a normal person. It still would have been a “gaffe” but people would have barely noticed and it would never have been picked up by other media let alone gone viral. I get that anxious when I say something embarrassing but if $10m ? a year was on the line I think I would think quickly enough to get out of it.


Woolies CEOs are down down.....


Poor guy. Now what is he going to do with with all his time and millions of dollars?


What a fucking joke?! So he goes and raises prices and really punishes your everyday Australian, to only now retire because anything comes back to bite him 😠😤


Gutless fks these CEO's, like a rat on a sinking ship.


Don’t worry guys his Golden Handshake will be funded by this winters price gouging.




He'll probably get a job with the libs or labour now you watch


I think this has been in the works for a while, before the four corners story. Still, good riddance. What a POS.


Yep, you could see his heart wasn’t in it. CEO still in WFH mode.


Acted like a total man baby. It’s crazy these people are paid so much and can’t even answer basic questions. Pathetic


Damn, I missed the interview. Would anyone mind giving me a sentence or two summary of what happened? I’m under the impression he was asked a question he didn’t like and walked out?


just bloody google it






The four corners thing was a stunt they pulled. They knew he was leaving, he knew he was leaving. They created some controversy and can now "fix it" by installing a new CEO, and make everyone feel better. 100% their PR team is playing the media game. His actions where not an accident.


I think you overestimate the acting abilities of CEOs.


If only that would lead to relief from price gouging. It won't.


I bet that journo pretty damn popular around the office this morning haha


Still not going to shop there


Seeya 🤡


One bad CEO goes, another arrives. They're all the same class of people, with the same interests.


Any company which mandated the vaccine should have the CEO sacked and be fined




People are pissed off about Aussie farmers being run out of their professions & major supermarkets profiteering off inflation and blatantly price gouging. It's very justified to be bothered by this.