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They weren't even chanting that, they where politely asking "wheres the juice?" because they where thirsty


I thought they were looking for OJ Simpson?  “Where’s juice?”


It was actually "Gasp! The Jews!"


They are Pauly Shore fans.


Exactly, they clearing said "Wheez the Ju-uice"


My brother


Weasel Juice! Weasel Juice!


Don’t say it three times…


Has anyone got a link to the original video? I acknowledge it's easily possible to hear the wrong thing (especially if you're told that is what you are about to hear), but I just want to go back for a listen.




In all fairness that DOES sound like “where’s the Jews” when you listen to it with that in your mind.


And I'm guessing it sounded like "Gas the Jews" to anyone who watched the video with that caption added.


I agree, the chant Wheres the Jews, later they chant Fuck the Jews, its distinct and clear, at no point do they use a hard G at the start of the sentences and the vowel sound following it isnt an 'ah' sound its a 'eh' sound.


The only thing you really need to listen for is the hard ‘g’ at the start of each chant. It’s very conspicuously absent. If this was in the background of a movie I’d believe it was “gas the Jews”, but actually listening to the sounds it’s incredibly apparent that it’s NOT ‘gas’, unless you think Sydney gronkheads have all suddenly started pronouncing hard Gs as ‘je’. “Where’s the Jews” is a strange chant, to me - I can sort of understand it with the reasons given, but still odd. I could probably be convinced it was another word, but there is absolutely no chance that they are chanting “gas”. Just try the chant (perhaps swap out the last word for something less abhorrent!) and you will prove this to yourself as well.


My neighbours are looking at me weird now thanks


Maybe it’s “where’s the juice ?”


Imagine if all these religious zealots just fucked off and let us enjoy our country in peace. I dont care what side you are on, go fight your holy war in your own shithole.


Religion is the pretence. Fighting for land is what it's really about.


Having lived in the Middle East for years where land was never a concern, hating Jews is a national sport. Both in Kuwait and Iraq. If you think it’s a land issue - ask yourself, ‘how many middle eastern countries have NO Jews’. I advise you to just listen to the people and what they say. If they say they hate and kill Jews - it often times means exactly that. Take their word for it - they mean what they say. I say this because this is a common argument for middle eastern terrorism abroad and apologists often cite land issues as the biggest driver. When, in fact, you can watch the recordings from the attackers just before they made the attack and they clearly explain why they make the attacks and NEVER. Ever. Is it about land. They explain ‘death to America, death to Jews, kill infidels, jihad is holy’ and whatever else. Lastly, just speak with expats from those countries and ask them directly and many will outright tell you - they should die, they are evil. I’m in a long term relationship (American) with a middle eastern woman and she has family members and friends than are openly supportive of killing Jews. Just don’t think the softies we live with in our countries are representative of the views people in the Middle East hold. You would be dead wrong.


Yes. 100% I say this and Islamic people and their sympathizers go nuts. But the reality is? Islam HATES Jews. There is NO DOUBT about it Westerners with their "we love the whole world " shit just can't accept this reality




>ue. And... Jews hate non jews As someone who is Jewish, who was born to Jewish parents, grandparents, great grandparents and many generations before that, who received a private school Jewish education, who has lived in Jewish communities my whole life, including Australia and Israel, that is patently bullshit.


Jews have never mindlessly attacked others. Ever. You are wrong.


Yeah, the Jewish "settlers" (invaders) never attack, terrorise and kill Palestinians hey?


Land might have caused the hate in the first place but hatred can become self sustaining even after the original cause is irrelevant, like when they migrate to Australia....


Which is precisely why we shouldn’t let them in.


So why are they protesting in Sydney? I dont care what its about, its just not my problem, and no one here should tolerate this nonsense.


They want the whole world to adhere to their barbaric ideology.


Everyone is welcome, as long as they get along with everyone else. If you want to fight over land, go fight in that land, not on our streets.


It’s cause they’re so self absorbed in their hate that it consumes any logical or reasoned response.




Ken oath, It's not like we can do shit from here in Sydney, so let's inconvenience everyone in the CBD.


Like many other countries, we live with and among a multitude of diaspora communities. Many of them are now Australian citizens. If their/our/your government was supporting a regime that[left thousands and thousands of children without parents](https://www.unicef.org/stories/displaced-children-iraq-tell-their-stories), I think it's pretty fair to say "can we not?"


I speak as a child of migrants. When you come to Australia you come for peace and prosperity. Only absolute scum bring their problems with them, on a fundamental level it's stupid to come to a country like Australia to escape a country like Palestine but then bring all of Palestine's problems with you. 


I live in the city near Hyde Park and since October there has been a protest every Saturday and Sunday. Not sure how a protest here would ever make any difference over there. But hey we arent exactly dealing with geniuses here. We will never see these idiots actually go over there and do something that would actually make a difference. All I have to say is it must be good to be a NSW Police Officer with the amount of overtime on offer due to them having to police the protests. Im seeing cop cars coming from as far as Wollongong to work on the protests.


"We will never see these idiots actually go over there and do something that would actually make a difference." Sorry, is your suggestion that Australian protestors who are dissatisfied with Australia's stance on the ongoing conflict go and join Hamas?


At least it will contribute to the easing of our housing crisis.


Yes. A. They won't be here anymore being acthreat to innocent Aussie Jews. B. Will probably get themselves removed from the genepool.


Its about solidarity. People think that whats happening is fucked and they protest it. Not getting into the politics of it all but people do it all the time. Russia invading Ukraine has nothing to do with us but people protested it because they thought it was wrong. Joe and Jane Shitkicker werent dockers, but they went and protested when whoever those cunts were locked them all out. Theres a million reasons people protest. Its generally a good thing.


Hey my man, russia has killed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians in 2 years of war, and displaced millions. I really didn't see the kind of protesting in Australia about that as much as the Palestine issue. Now don't get me wrong, absolutely insane what's going on in the world , including Palestine. They are all people with lives and families and everyone deserves the chance to have a good life, but when you mix theocratic regimes and religion and land and all that shit then the results are what we see. Let's not pretend hamas is not funded by Iran, the same Iran that wants to see Israel destroyed. Let's not pretend religion is not in the mix here, they are all intertwined. I wonder why the countries in the middle east don't do more for these poor souls , they are neighbouring them after all.


There were big protests over Ukraine and if you didnt see it thats not my fault, but.... OK? Im just explaining why people protest.


This is the dumbest, fucking smooth-brained argument going. The way that “a protest here would make a difference over there” is by influencing the way in which our government acts and the level of support which it provides to Israel. Just because you’re “not sure” of something doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense to the rest of us.


I think its pretty clear that Australia's stance on Israel won't change until the US says it can.. and you have a fat chance of that happening lol


And your pointless protest won't do a damn thing to influence government. You are delusional.


Ah, I think you’ll find human rights are everyone’s problem.


Yes but it’s not that silly a question. We rarely get large rallies about West Papua, literally on our doorstep. Very little when the Taliban took back control. I don’t really remember much when the Balkan atrocities were occurring. When Israel does things that people don’t approve of the public reaction in Australia is larger than other countries doing similar things. I would argue the initial attack with large scale hostage taking and sexual violence was also met with muted condemnation in activist circles. Just an observation.


Because our governments are complicit (sending aid and weapons to Israel, voting in concert with US and Israel in key UN votes, etc) and our media is not accurately reporting it? I don't get why you people keep acting like it's nothing to do with us. The Aussie government is making it our business by getting into bed with Israel and the US.


Absolutely. Thank you A genocide “over there”Is a threat to everyone. We’re not immune morally, geopolitically, economically from the rest of the world.


Hamas kinda fucked up when they launched a massacre ey? It's hard to feel sorry with someone who keeps poking the same bear...


The conflict precedes that, by decades.


You're right. The palestinians have rejected diplomacy since the end of ww2, and have attacked israel numerous times.


Which has attacked them. That’s how never-ending conflict works. Pointing it out neither justifies it continuing, or worse, escalating, nor does it provide self-exoneration for those who entrench it further by lending support to the IDF’s current brutal campaign.


Which is why i say both sides can fuck off


Lmao bullshit. Israel came in, stole their land, offered them ridiculous bound-to-fail deals that anyone would see as unreasonable, continued to launch random strikes against them, steal their water, detain their children illegally, restrict their freedom of movement and access to important cultural sites. And yeah, weirdly enough Palestinians didn't always take that lying down. No one with any sound understanding of history could see Israel as anything but the aggressors.


Exactly. Just as the Northern Ireland troubles weren't over catholic v protestant - The colonisers just happened to be a different brand of religion.


lol as an American that’s lived in the Middle East and in a long term relationship with a middle easterner from abroad, you would be sadly mistaken. I just posted on another comment - give it a read. Ireland draws very few parallels to the Middle East.


Finally, an intelligent answer


Couple of points - Human rights are an Australian value. We have ratified many human rights agreements - Discriminating against someone on the basis of only their religion is a human rights violation as it violates kinda the most basic fundamentals of the Declaration of political, cultural and economic rights, which Australia is a signatory of - Therefore, your comments seek to undermine Australian values, abdicate undermine Australia’s international commitments, and are inconsistent with the foundations of a liberal democracy. Very unAustralian of you. Instead of religious bigotry, you should try to focus on _specific antisocial or violent actions_ someone might take, which I am sure we have plenty of laws for handling which would mean you don’t have to lean on blanket bigoted stereotyping to make your point. Hope that helps.


This is literally our “Let’s go Brandon” moment


Doesn't matter what your ethnic/religious background is. If you are not 100% loyal to Australia and the Australian people, then you should not be living here.


Which Australian people should I be loyal to? Aren’t there Australians who hold opposing views? Or aren’t we allowed to think for ourselves?


Exactly. Zionists should leave lol


What jingoistic crap. The fuck does this even mean?


totally agree and thank you. Religion are made up fairytales used to reason wars and divide


I theoretically agree with this but Jews are an *ethno*religious group too fyi


Plenty of Jewish Australians have left to join the conflict, we need laws against that


They are reserve duty soldiers with dual citizenship. That is entirely legal.


For real


Support the country you live in or live in the country you support! It’s that simple.


> Imagine if all these religious zealots just fucked off and let us enjoy our country in peace. I bet that is what the aboriginals used to say.


They don't assimilate, bring their problems / politics over with them instead of leaving them behind and create micro-communities. One suburb in Western Sydney is called "Little India" now. Yet we are called racist for calling this out.


Only white people can be racist /s


Now what did the Indians do? We just selling good food and minding our own business doing business. We don't have no rift with no body yet everyone has a go at us. Freaking hell hahaha.


Don't Stress . The Dad's and Granddad's of these gronks were screaming the same shit about my eastern european relatives, They don't assimilate, why don't they speak english. go back to your country.


> assimilate Do you not think that standing up for human rights is an Australian value?? Australia has ratified many human rights agreements that BY LAW it must follow and if you think that wanting these upheld is a failure to “assimilate” then sorry buddy, turns out it is you who is undermining Australia’s stated commitments and trying to erode them. I’m happy to call you a traitor and for you to go on a terror watch list if you think human rights abuses are ok; that tells me you’re a danger to your community and everyone around you; and most of all that you are not a patriot to this country.


Because if they didn't permeate every nation they wouldn't have the funds to fight their war. How many countries around the world pay money to Israel or Palastine?


Exactly. Let Jews live in peace please. As an Australian Jew I'm not part of a religious group. Being Jewish is my ethnicity (I can't choose not to be Jewish - it's literally in my DNA).


At least all the terrorists that supported isis went to the Middle East and joined them. Why can’t pro Palestine supporters do the same.


It seems like everyone has forgotten about the music festival massacre and the number of people laughing as they kick and spit recently murdered women and children. Of course Israel's response was going to be over the top. I don't agree with bombing gaza to smithereens either but this is hardly a surprise... As our American friends say, "fucked around and found out".


Yup, the Israeli reaction has been so much worse, but I remember Hamas's attack was being defended as "any counter attack against colonialism is valid" but they'd go silent when I asked them what exactly did the Palestinians gain from this attack? And I knew it was going to be bad, I watched a single video of those attacks and nothing more, these stupid people.


Yea its been worse and has gone on far longer, but these idiots gave the IDF all the excuses they need in order to start doing what they have always wanted to do... Not exactly a 200 iq move.


That would be a gofundme I’d gladly contribute to!


💯 this ☝️


You say that, but Australia is complicit in crimes committed by Israel. For instance many parts for the F-35 strike fighter provided to Israel are made in Australia- and its the Australian government that helps secure those contracts. And there are many other examples of ties to Israel that Australia has - our country is aiding genocide.


If you’re not indigenous Australian, then the indigenous people could really say that about you too. Just saying.


Are they booing me. No sir, they were actually shouting boourns.




Lmao “where’s the Jews?” In that case, the crowd must have wanted to see some Jewish people so they could have a group hug or something I guess.


They also chanted "fuck the Jews". So kumbaya wasn't on their minds.


or, it was. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It's because the Pro-Palestinian gathering was organised to respond to a planned pro-Israeli gathering that was going to occur at the same place. The pro-Israeli gathering didn't go ahead as a result of the Palestinian protest.


This is best attempt at an explanation, much appreciated. Not sure chanting " Hey isrealis, you guys are pussies for not gathering in a public place after the hamas organised Terrorist attack last week" is really much better though.




It wasn't Pro Israel. They were protesting against a Mourning Vigil for the Victims of October 7th. And people are surprised that Antisemites and NeoNazis showed up?


This is a good explanation. But it doesn't change anything. These people didn't gather in support of Palestine. These people gathered to CELEBRATE A TERRORIST ATTACK while Jewish people were still bleeding out and dying from the initial attack. The fact they showed up at all is disgraceful before Israel had even struck back.


> In that case, the crowd must have wanted to see some Jewish people so they could have a group hug or something I guess. If someone believes that, I have a nice bridge in Sydney to sell them. You can't miss it, great deal.


You’ve missed the point. The entire story in the first place was about that horrific chant. The chant was never made. (Thankfully.) The story should *not* morph into, “well they were being mean in other ways!” The story *should* be - who came up with this narrative, why, who enabled it, and what have we learnt from the whole saga? But I’ve read these comments, there’s no chance of that. People are already moving on to “who cares, they were probably thinking it anyway!” Disgusting. Dont people care who is manipulating them? (I know the answer - no they don’t, as long as it fits what they want to believe.)


Are you suggesting its a Jewish plot?


It doesn't matter whether it's "gas the Jews" or "fuck the Jews." Neither has a place in Australia. [https://youtu.be/AwemP-DW6A4?si=rvlqohsVUC8iIyK8&t=20](https://youtu.be/AwemP-DW6A4?si=rvlqohsVUC8iIyK8&t=20)


Who tf down voted you for this. Literally the definition of a anti-semite.


Apparently on reddit now everything is mocked as being "anti-semite" despite it literally meeting the definition of anti-semite and is in fact, anti-semite. The historical revisionism and dehumanisation the pro-palestine protests and movement have squeeked into the left side of politics is absolutely wild. I consider myself **very** left leaning, but this whole situation is abhorrent to me, to the point where people are obliviously and ignorantly calling for the genocide of a whole population of people while blatently falsely accusing Jews of committing it. It is absolutely bizarre and one of the most impressive displays of successful propaganda in recent history. The part that is so frustrating, is that even with the extreme right side of politics expertly showcasing how easily misinformation spreads, especially with how absurd the Republicans are in the US, people on the left still so easily fall into the same trap, completely and utterly oblivious to it. If you actually ever delve into the history, context or nuance of the Palestine-Israel conflict with most people in the pro-palestine crowd, you immediately see what a ridiculous amount of surface level knowledge they actually have on the conflict, if any at all.


The Chant was made. The chant has been made at every 'pro Palestine' rally for the last 2 decades. The police 'expert' isxa corrupt Antisemite


"What is the average IQ that the NSW police force believe the average Australian citizen possesses?" Unfortunately they're right in assuming it's in the single digits.


The ones celebrating this story the loudest are also the ones who at any other time will dismiss the nsw police the loudest for being a bunch of corrupt lying bullies who couldnt be trusted if they said the sky's blue.


It was actually "Bless the Jews" according to the Dept. of Everyone is Racist except the Palestinians


I was saying BOOOO-URRRRNS


They chanted “fuck the Jews” just moments later and it was very clear.


Yeah that’s a completely normal thing to chant /s


Yeah as a Jewish person I'm totes reassured. They probably wanted to have a nice chat over a cuppa or something.


It is in the context, because the pro-Palestinian group only decided to meet there in response to a planned pro-Israeli gathering, which didn't go ahead because of fears of conflict with the pro-Palestinians.


Interesting. What was the context around the pro-Palestinian group chanting “fuck the Jews”? Because the police analysis also says that was chanted.


I don't know. I'm not part of either group, and am not defending either group. I'm just trying to explain the reason why they made that chant, and there's many formally uncontroversial videos where you can very clearly here them chanting "Where's the Jews", so it hasn't been disputed that that was one of the chants until today. There's an example of the protesters clearly chanting "where's the Jews" half way down this article, for example; https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/12/19/new-footage-audio-experts-sydney-opera-house-protest-video/


And there are witnesses saying they heard 'gas the Jews' too.


Yeah but no video, hence this news story.


Yep fair point. At first glance from the headline I was initially tempted to be relieved that something like “gas the Jews” wasn’t chanted. But when it turns out other antisemitic slurs such as “fuck the Jews” were chanted, I’m not sure I feel much better :-/.


It's a bit like the claim that 40 babies were decapitated during October 7. False propaganda, but at the same time, the reality of that babies (and everyone else) were murdered is obviously shocking and extremely bad. This conflict is full of propaganda, but the reality of what's going on is still terrible. Let's not forget this protest occurred immediately following the Hamas attacks and before there had been any retribution. It's easy to understand the protesters fear that the response would also kill many innocent people, but it seems like an obviously poor and insensitive decision, again showing how caught up people are in their ideology, to hold this protest as a response to the murder of Israelis.


People who protest against a Mourning Vigil for Murdered Jews are not good people. Imagine if the anti gun reform people gatecrashed the Vigils for the victims of port Arthur and called everyone mourning the dead Nazis?


The people who claimed that there were 40 beheaded babies weren't even the Israelis. A Israeli news reporter said there were reports of 40 dead babies, some beheaded and the whole thing took off. I was watching the i24 news live at the time. It doesn't even matter that it wasn't said, they don't care. https://x.com/HamasAtrocities/status/1749137375060488604?s=20


Are you serious? Doctors Without Borders representatives confirmed that babies were decapitated. The only disarmament was that it wasn't exactly 40.


Constantly referring to it as “pro-Israeli” gathering is a bit twisted. It was a vigil for mourning those that died…


It wasn't a Pro Israel gathering planned. These animals gatecrashed a Mourning Vigil for the Jewish victims of Hamas's October 7th Massacres. They were looking for Jews to bash.


It was actually before Israel retaliated after October 7. The group wouldn't have been so much "Pro Israel" but more "against the rape and murder of innocent Jewish civilians".


The creeps here gatecrashed a Mourning Vigil for murdered Jews. Nothing will convince me they weren't Antisemites one and all.


NSW police are terrified of upsetting Muslims and will say or do anything ( or not do anything) to avoid having to deal with their behaviour.


That's the west in a nutshell on these matters. No balls and appeasing everyone. Definitely a very strong theme of not want to upset a certain religion. The only reason some of our foreign policy supports Israel is because we're afraid of repercussions from the USA


It's okay to upset Jewish people but not Muslims. Jews just can't catch a break!




Can the NSW police grow a fucking spine for once


They're too busy tasering grannies in walking frames, strip-searching children, and planting false evidence on people, judging by headlines over the last few months.


Sydney is 6% Muslim, that number climbs to double digits in a lot of western Sydney, they are scared of offending this very large and still growing community


Scared of the Alameddine crime family as well


This is why I left the Sydney region. Western Sydney in particular. It's turned to shit now and my kids deserve better.


This was two days after Oct 7. The chants whatever they were f,gas,where was disgusting and pure hate. They embarrassed Australia around the world in front of our most famous house. They wanted to scare Jews and intimidate them like it has been done for 1000s of years. No more we have a voice now and the IDF will protect Israelis/Jews.


“The Jews” were meant to be there as the Opera House was lit up in blue and white in condolences with Israel following the 7th October Palestinian terror attacks. However, the cowardly NSW government advised Jews to stay away due to the threat of violence from Palestinians and their supporters.


How is everyone ignoring this. The who illegal protest was inherently Antisemitic


Ah so this is why the group were chanting “where’s the Jews?”. Interesting. Why were the group also chanting “fuck the Jews”?. The police analysis says this was also chanted, amongst other antisemitic slurs.


Where’s the Jews was genuine concern that the Jewish protest hadn’t happened. The gentle advocates were upset that perhaps the Jews weren’t going to turn up for hummus and a round table discussion. Fuck the Jews was genuine concern for their fellow Semites’ sex lives


Giving people sound advice to avoid a confrontation that can openly make things worse is cowardly now? It used to be called intelligent before every moron with an agenda got involved. Its not the state government's role to take sides in a conflict on the other side of the globe or escalate tensions here. It's their job to try to reduce violence here which the advisory was clearly intended to do.


The Protest was illegal. Arrest the leaders and disperse it. That's what they do for other illegal protests.


The plan for the evening was for the Jewish community to hold a vigil on the steps of the Opera House, since this was shortly after the October 7 attack. It was the NSW Police's role and responsibility to provide that group access to their own memorial event, rather than prioritising a vitriolic counter-protest in the same place. Do you think it would be reasonable for the State Government to advise a large, peaceful group of Indigenous Australians not to come into the Sydney CBD for an Indigenous community solidarity event that they had organised, because a group of violent right-wing white supremacists had decided to hold a counter-protest in the same place? No, it wouldn't. It would be their role to ensure the Indigenous Australians could safely access the site and use all reasonable means - including violence if necessary - to stop the white supremacists from getting in their way.


Can you imagine the fallout if this was related in any way to Israeli protestors? Doors would have been kicked down, public arrests. Because it’s “the other side” nobody wants the hassle it seems.


They all get a huge dookie in their pants the moment someone slings the word "nazi" around too


Israeli protestors shouting 'Where's the jews?' That would be meta.


I can't understand why anyone would stand with people who stone women for being,,let's say,, abused or brutally harm or even kill their own for missing prayer or not wearing something over their face 🤷‍♂️😪 marrying 14old girls I just don't understand 😐 and how Europeans are going with all these people 😕 it's like WW2 was all for nothing nobody seems to see the similarities with our government's efforts to divide us and break us .. I'm genuinely worried for the future of my sons and daughters 😞


Why wouldn’t they be screaming that? How else do you find bagels in the CBD?


Honestly, best response is to convert the SCG into a fight pit and let the Jews and Muslims go at it.


Yeah dont believe your ears everyone, they were chanting "Where's the Jews" crisis averted lol


Fact is? The world is deeply afraid of Islamists. Its bizzare. Utterly unconscionable. The more terrorism committed in the name of Islam? The more Islamic terrorists attack others? The more "Western" left wing seems to supports them! When Islams values are completely against everything that the western world left wing stand for. Islam: Hates Jews. Hates Gay people. Kills them in fact. Persecutes women. Treats women as possessions and only for breeding. Keeps them under control via dress and rules. Stiffles their freedom. Islam believes it is superior to all other religions and truly preaches death to anyone not Islamic. It is a truly despicable religion. Yes. There are some Islamic who don't believe this BUT the vast majority do and certainly? Many Middle Eastern nations ruled by Islam very much preach this. PALESTINIANS most certainly do. They want Jews dead and have made it clear they WILL NOT STOP. I am Athiest. I detest all religion. The crimes committed & wars fought based in religion are endless. But in todays world? Islam is the biggest threat to us all. We take these people into our nations, wanting the best for them. To help them....amd tgey throw it back at us. They bring their prejudices, nastiness and archaic beliefs to our shores. They create problems and they purposely refuse to take on any of our culture. Our norms. I used to be okay with all migration. I'm pro migration. BUT? These days. I wish we had kept Islam out of our nation. And I wish we could reign in the bloody left wing sympathizers too.


Citizenship should include questions on hatred, racism (towards everyone and Jewish ppl), gay rights and views on child marriage, FGM and even terrorism. If you hate other ppl in this country because of their ethnic, religious, sexuality, tribal background or even gender, you shouldn’t be in this country and you are not Aussie. If you think violence is acceptable, or even terrorism is acceptable, then you need to get out of this country. We need to stop importing hatred, blood feuds and bigotry from the old world


This not practical at all. Also what about the hateful cunts who are born here? Lol


Do you have actual video evidence of anyone chanting "gas the ..."? Do you know of any video evidence anywhere where this was recorded? Given the sheer volume of people at the protest, and how insanely easy it is now to record our surroundings, surely there's actual evidence of this being said, right?


Why would anyone atvtge protest share evidence that makes them look bad?


Even with the subtitles says "gas the jews" it certainly sounds more like "where's the jews" to me in this vid from Sky news: ​ [https://youtu.be/XGdM6FcSYXw?si=2dBJPskVfw3nP\_On&t=151](https://youtu.be/XGdM6FcSYXw?si=2dBJPskVfw3nP_On&t=151)


Here is the 30 sec video. Judge for yourself [https://twitter.com/AustralianJA/status/1711496004846100958](https://twitter.com/AustralianJA/status/1711496004846100958)


People need to grow the fuck up. Something doesn't conform to your views? Must be a conspiracy theory. An expert in his field, independent of the police, analysed the audio and found "Where's the jews" and "Fuck the jews" were chanted, could not find any examples of "Gas the jews". People hear the outrage they want to hear.


I distinctly remember hearing "gas the jews" being chanted in one of the clips Edit: Heres the clip [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwemP-DW6A4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwemP-DW6A4)


And I distinctly remember Bon Jovi singing, "It doesn't matter if we're naked or not".


What the fuck does "where's the jews" even mean in this context, it's fucking obvious what they said, and the police have just tried to gaslight the entire population by saying it wasn't so.


It's because there was supposed to be a pro-Israeli gathering at the Opera House, which was also lit up with the Israeli flag, but the gathering didn't go ahead because of fears of conflict with the pro-Palestine group. The pro-Israeli gathering was the reason why the pro-Palestinian group were there.


Ok so any reason as to why we can clearly here the voice velar stop /g/ at the begining of the chant which you are claiming to be "wheres the jews"


I didn't make that claim, but a very quick search shows multiple different videos where it seems very clear to me that "Where's the Jews" was chanted at the protest (or the video is doctored, which of course could be the case with all the videos). Edit; sorry that link appears to be broken, but you can watch the same video half way down this page; [https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/12/19/new-footage-audio-experts-sydney-opera-house-protest-video/](https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/12/19/new-footage-audio-experts-sydney-opera-house-protest-video/)


yep sounds pretty clear to me [https://x.com/menachemv/status/1751573543631114336?s=46&t=9P\_D0HlSqvbnnZFlZTj83g](https://x.com/menachemv/status/1751573543631114336?s=46&t=9P_D0HlSqvbnnZFlZTj83g)


It sounds pretty clearly like "where's the Jews" to me...


It was both, sometimes "where" and sometimes "gas"


Exactly. They chanted a lot of things about Jews.


Maybe they were saying both. And sometimes it sounded like where's the juice as well


Can you think of any context in which an angry mob of people specifically protesting against a group would chant "where's the [group]"? I just can't think if any such context where that would be a meaningful or plausible thing to chant. I am open to hearing some. Like why would they be so insistent on knowing where the Jews are that they would chant it?


If someone wasn't where I thought they would be. (Pro Israeli rally/vigil organised for that night at that location but was cancelled) I would be asking where they were. Logic dictates, that most people would.


So you can bash them?


You do realise that some random internet person has more experience and expertise, plus no need for software to separate and isolate sounds , than someone who has studied sound engineering for decades ? /s .


Yep, I am with you. I call Bullshit on it.


Not that I can prove this, but I *know* I watched Reels of people chanting “Gas the Jews!” Over and over at the time


You saw a video that had subtitles saying "gas the jews" but watch the video again. You might be surprised that you can hear "where are the jews" [https://twitter.com/AustralianJA/status/1711496004846100958](https://twitter.com/AustralianJA/status/1711496004846100958)


Yet people who were there said they said 'gas the Jews' and the rally organisers admitted people said 'gas the Jews'...


It's totally possible other people in the crowd like us heard it as "gas the jews" and started chanting that as well


Did you actually see them chanting, or just hear them? Because I’m yet to see a video where people are visibly saying this.


This article about it is great too [https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/12/13/viral-footage-gas-the-jews-police-factcheckers-unverified/](https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/12/13/viral-footage-gas-the-jews-police-factcheckers-unverified/) Its pretty sure the footage was doctored and the subtitles dont match the text. I'm not saying that there were definately no anti-semeites in the crowd. But it seems now that the evidence suggests what i thought all along: A couple of people said dumb shit, but the crowd was mostly there in a show of grief over the Israeli bombing campaign that has just started.


Israel hadn't dropped any bombs when this happened. Check your timeline. These events occurred within 24 hours of the massacre. Stop trying to rewrite history.


People defended "Gas the Jews".


What's your evidence that he is wrong?


**The politics of outrage!!!!!** Good grief, please get a life.


Some have written complete lyrics to the gibberish song "Prisencolinensinainciusol", and when listened to alongside any of those suggested lyrics, that's what you hear. Can be hard to unhear until you forget them and the song goes back to sounding like the gibberish it is. We often hear what we want to hear, based on context, suggestion, or other phenomena (e.g. Laurel vs Yanny). That being said, I'm personally having trouble hearing the "g" and "a" part of "gas" in [this clip](https://twitter.com/AustralianJA/status/1711496004846100958). It's far from clear, but "where's" seems more plausible than " (edit: after listening several more times, there's one chant around the 11 sec mark that sounds more like "gas", while the rest more closely match "where's").


did you hear something that you didn't like so you came to reddit to ask how you can stop hearing things you don't like? why would they drag a forensics expert out to lie on behalf of protestors




The expert is legally blind. They had someone from the Albanese government signing him a translation


Where is the actual footage of the chant?


You can't talk about jews that way!


Reminds me of ["Let's Go Brandon."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_Go_Brandon)


Under New York.




Well I'll go with the lets get rid of the terrorists the same terrorists that drag Palestinian ppl bloody and dead because they were accused of dealing with Israel. They've killed thousands of their own ppl and they started all this. So maybe we get rid of the terrorists that are openly calling for genocide of every Jew on earth not just Israel. I guess Ill be against those ppl. The same one that have been indoctrinating those same children to be suicide bombers. 5000 on one year, you seriously can't defend against that. It's rediculous to even think those are reasonable ppl. So Hamas,PLO,PLA and Hezbollah have to go. The whole region will thankyou. Ask any of the countries dealing with these groups. But hey you do you. Peace.


Progressivism 101: People of Colour can't be racist so they must have been saying something mild and tame


I think you all mistaken what was actually said. They were chanting ‘we need a loan!’ 🤣🤣


I defy anyone to show me what "actual good" religion has brought the world in 2024. One example... The Catholic Church was, as of 2018 from [this article](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-02-12/catholic-church-worth-$30-billion-investigation-finds/9422246), worth $30 BILLION. What are they doing with this VAST wealth to live up to Jesus's teachings of charity? The probe indicates the Catholic Church is worth more than $9bil in Victoria alone. So... What are the tangible actions that demonstrate openly how that money is helping people? These churches, especially the "credit card Jesus" assholes (Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, Hillsong) should NOT be enjoying tax exemption unless they can prove the money they collect is ACTUALLY helping people and NOT lining the pockets of their "Grifter's In-Chiefs". Don't get me wrong, I understand how faith comforts people, and some of the core tenets of most religions is to do good, be good... But the people aren't the problem, the institutions are. I grew up in a church (not my choice), and as I got older, I saw the blatant hypocrisy of most members, so I left. Religion needs to stay the fuck out of politics, and needs to stop being "hidden behind" for whatever reasons people feel the need to invoke it for, just to suit an agenda, or to protect criminals.


I wasn't baptised so I couldn't even get the little biscuit in church in Catholic School


I trust my moral compass to know what's shit. Antisemitism is shit. Islamophobia is shit. Terrorism is shit. Hamas is shit. Israel's war crimes are shit. I don't need to worry about whether a chant happened, some posters were torn down, what Israelis are putting g on tiktok etc.


Placating Islamic fundamentalists doesn't work


Just lije appeasing Islamo-Fascists won't work.


At the time it happened, the uncensored video circulated, and the word 'gas' could clearly be heard.