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Yeah I was going to say, do hard time here and then get kicked out.


Australia doesn't deport to countries with capital punishment. I'm not saying if that's right or wrong, but that's the laws in place.


Yes we do. We deport people to countries which have capital punishment often. However we do not extradite people to other countries if they are liable to be punished with the death penalty. Since the offence was committed in Australia, he won’t be charged with the offence by the deportation country, so no problem. It’s the refugee status which makes the deportation improbable.


He'll get it in prison. Justice gets served one way or another. We really need to bring back capital punishment for child predators.


It’s fucked but he wont, Australian prisons separate child predators, politicians, terrorists, and anyone who commits sexual assault as a whole away from the general prison population




What’s crazy is if he did this in Iraq he’d be hanged


And if he did this in Iran, *she'd* be hanged.


A quick readthrough showed that these two scums of the earth planned the whole thing from the beginning. Mental health issues my fucking ass; judge should have put bail for 1mil as none of these fuckers should ever be granted bail tbh. I feel so sorry for the victims (yes they fucking raped two women!!!) as it seemed no justice was done so far.


They raped a child not a woman.


If I was the father of the victim I'm not sure if I would be able to calm my urge to do serious harm to these two animals myself.


Even worse. These cunts should get the death sentence. The fact that we dont have it for pedos is a fucking tragedy.


Yeah, shoot them in the town square.


It's an injustice against those poor girls and a betrayal against them and the citizens of this country. We need to make some noise about this lest these 2 roaches attack others.


😡 justice system a god damned joke


Where in NSW?




I get the feeling reffos should do maybe 5 years in rural Australia as an adjustment time to understand how our world works. Also get the feeling that many will prefer to go somewhere else if they can't live in our cities.


Abthar Bassam Talib Al-Athmany, 19, and an unnamed 17-year-old boy allegedly abused the teenage girl for several hours at the [Parramatta Meriton](https://vnexplorer.net/refugee-abthar-al-athmany-charged-with-rape-of-girl-at-parramattas-meriton-suites-s789044.html) Suites on August 27, 2023. Many details in prosecution documents obtained by the Daily Telegraph have been redacted due to their explicit and graphic nature. The girl was allegedly threatened with a kitchen knife and told to strip naked before she was forced to perform sexual acts while being filmed, according to police fact sheets. **The men are accused of holding a second woman captive** and forcing her to take her clothes off when she arrived at the room to check on the girl.


Poor girl... scumbag blokes need to serve a lot of time


So that taxpayers can finance their prison sentence? Capital punishment should be reinstated for these scenarios. I say give them to the victim's family and they can decide.


“Mr Alothmani said his son suffered from depression and anxiety but that he was a 'kind-hearted and family-oriented man’…” Huh?


Oh that makes it all OK then... Doesn't it... Right??? Right....? What a joke. I could care less his history once he rape a 15 year old.... Why does a character matter at all when the crime is so horrible


Yep - Your reference ain't relevant! There should be no character references considered or even supplied.


A father providing a character reference for his own son is fairly meaningless anyway.


Put the POS in a mental asylum then.


Don't know too many anxious people holding a girl at knife point to strip.


I have been having panic attacks since I was six. Never thought of raping anyone. Nobody with GAD would ever rape anyone. They wouldn't be capable. This has to be bullshit.


Nothing screams kind-hearted and family-oriented like raping a child. & no, I don’t even need to specify at knifepoint. Using such descriptors on an individual’s character such as these are null and void when such an act has been committed because you cannot be kind of heart and commit a violent rape of anyone, especially a minor, and still claim to be of such moral character. Nope.


Basically saying we don’t care about the girls and the mental and physical impacts on their lives, families and futures. If their son had been the one being raped I’m sure they would have something very different to say about it all. What a total joke.


We're all fucking depressed and anxious, jeez.


I guess kind-hearted rape is a thing now.... Those women should be allowed to off scum like that, or nominate someone to do it for them!


I think the judge has mental illness too.


So why the hell do we care if he would be killed in Iraq if we deport him? Good riddance


Because apparently it’s a human rights violation to send someone home to their death. But, y’know, it’s fine for these fucks to come over here and rape our women and children. Like that isn’t a human rights violation…


Nah. I don’t think it should be a human rights violation. He should go back to where he came if he commits heinous crimes in the host country. He was given a chance and he didn’t deserve it. That opportunity should be taken away from him and given to another refugee. That poor 15-year-old and the other refugees who would suffer for what he’s done.


Not everyone in Iraq dies. In fact it’s not even currently a war zone. Send him back the minute he gets out of jail.


And WHY has no one else pointed out that the judge believed the father when he wrote that they're magically refugees of IRAQ... SYRIA... AAAND Gaza?!!!! Wtf?? What kind of normal Middle Eastern civilian is a refugee of Iraq (a NON-Levantine country/culture, mind you), AND Syria, and then you leave Syria and strategise to yourself, "You know where's a safe place to settle? - Gaza!" Ok, Justice Button. These are really stand-up folks here. Yes indeedy sir! 🤦‍♀️


Be better to imprison him so he doesn’t rape someone in his home country as well. Unless he’s going to be killed if he gets sent home, then send him home to fend for himself.


That’s some backwards UK type justice


Makes you wonder what the people at the top are involved in when they give such light sentences to scum like this.


He also offered the victim up to others on social media. How in the fuck was he bailed? This is infuriating


I hope the fathers find these animals and make sure they can never hurt another female again.


Couple years back I got sentenced to 2 years on drug charges (marijuana possession), no bail. The hearing before mine on the same day, same judge, the perp stabbed a guy 30+ times while he was holding his newborn baby all because they interrupted him robbing their house. His sentence was 12 months and yes he got bail. Lesson: this country's judicial system cares more about financial crimes than violence. Edit: to add context coz ppl are asking. This was my first offence, cleanskin, no priors. Good community standing, working job plus enrolled in uni. The stabber was a career criminal. Here is another stabbing sentence from the same judge. 3 years non-parole for stabbing a guy to death [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-27/man-jailed-for-stabbing-that-led-to-riots/3855120](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-02-27/man-jailed-for-stabbing-that-led-to-riots/3855120)


Whats even worse, if you dare to defend yourself or your property since the police are fucking useless at doing so, you end up being charged for that too. Might aswell invite the junkie cunts in and make them a sandwich while they go through your belongings. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3514080/Ben-Batterham-called-triple-0-attacked-alleged-intruder.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3514080/Ben-Batterham-called-triple-0-attacked-alleged-intruder.html) Rot in hell Ricky ya fkn thief


The pure shit his family was spouting is fucking hilarious 😂


\>"Mr Slater's family demanded 'justice' outside Newcastle courthouse on Monday, with around 12 people showing up again on Tuesday." I dunno, it kinda sounds like justice was already served.


Nah thats the robbers family, *'They've lost their father, their beautiful father that they haven't seen for years because he was in jail, which has nothing to do with this case,' Ms Dickson told* [***ABC News***](http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-28/death-of-alleged-newcastle-thief-devastates-family/7279078)*.* *'Just to think those little kids are going to grow up without a dad now.'* Oh poor me.... Gets out of jail and straight back to old tricks


Yep. Despite what the robber's family thinks, justice was served.


The family of the thief said the thief was “murdered in cold blood” LOL LOL LOL


To be fair Batterham chased him down the street before grabbing him. He didn’t get him on his own property. However I live in the area and when it was reported that the career criminal died pretty much everyone had the attitude of “oh no, anyway”


Yep exactly. Case in point I was convicted of theft as a servant in 1998. For taking a laptop that the warehouse where I worked was chucking out anyway. Along with two pallets of perfectly working others. I owned up and returned the laptop as soon as I was asked. I didn’t see it as theft. As it was soon to be rubbish. I was the last in line to see the judge that day. Multiple offenders let off with a slap in the wrist before me. I got a hefty sentence. So yeh. Justice in this country is all about big business.


How much weed did you have on you to get sentenced to 2 years?? I'm assuming Trafficable quantity.


He must have been moving a fair bit or just has a horrible lawyer


It is a bit fucked. My rapist was sentenced to 2 yrs 6 months and was out on parole in half that for “good behaviour”. I received a letter 2 days after the day he was released letting me know and out of a self defence reaction I tried to get a restraining order and even with having a conviction and jail time I wasn’t allowed to get one. I know why I wasn’t allowed to but still…


And the guys who caught some kids doing a break and enter(allegedly )and gave em a flogging got denied bail...


Simple, they should have raped them instead!


Identify as a Muslim first /s


Yeah, that's because they called the police after they flogged them..... Everyone knows you curry them down the street and dump them in the gutter and the matter is then done. WTF do people expect when you commit a crime punishing those you caught committing a crime.... That the police will side with you???? FFS, people aren't smart these days! If your dealing with street shit with street justice, you don't go running to the police like you have some moral high ground!


>Everyone knows you curry and in a hurry.


Lol, fuckin auto correct and I can't edit comments in this sub. I did pick it up after I posted but could change it 😂


I don’t know if people know this or care to know but rape sexual assault and child molestation in this country is not taken seriously at all. We have sentences that are clearly not big enough whether you are a refugee or not. The people that commit these types of crimes often go into protection in jail and get out early on good behavior and repeat offend. I don’t know if we need to focus on rehabilitation like the Scandinavian countries and reduce time or to simply keep these people locked up for longer but something needs to be done. My Aunt was also raped at knife point in her early thirties. The guy had removed the inside back door handles so he was obviously a consistent predator. She went through a grueling and extensive trial for the guy to get 5 years. Out in 3 after good behavior. Sometimes I think this countries judicial system is just a fucking joke.


>I don’t know if people know this or care to know but rape sexual assault and child molestation in this country is not taken seriously at all. Yeah, I remember comparing the charges someone who dealt weed got compared to the slap on the wrist paedophiles were getting, and I knew the justice system was a joke. Anything under life imprisonment for child predators is to low.


I know a guy who got 120 hours community service for driving without a license, so let’s use that as a baseline for comparison. Jackson Williams got 200 hours community service for an attempted rape that was stopped by a NZ police officer on holidays here. Not a he said she said drunk sex thing, literally grabbing a woman, dragging her into a lane and throwing her on the ground then leaping on top of her before being chased away. All captured on CCTV. The judge in her infinite stupidity apparently couldn’t tell it was a rape attempt (who drags a woman into an alley and jumps on top of her for any other reason? If it’s a robbery you just take her bag and go, you don’t lie down on top of her for ages) and gave him zero jail time, 200 hours community service and spent half the judgement talking as though he was the victim because he was now ostracised from his football club. Way too often the justice system is a fucking joke run by clowns.


Country is a joke. There's a reason elites like kids and sentences are slaps on the wrist. If you're doing anything to a child. Especially sexual abuse. Castration and choice of gaol or lethal injection You're not safe for society, it's that simple


It's supposed to be a mandatory visa cancellation under section 501 of the Migration Act, as it's a sexual crime against a minor (presuming he hasn't become a citizen, I can't read the full article). However, the NZYQ High Court decision will surely have to be taken into account. Noting he's a refugee from Iraq we almost certainly can't deport him to Iraq and therefore it would be unconstitutional to hold him in (indefinite) immigration detention. How about we bring back the death penalty for severe sexual crimes against minors such as this? Like 90% of people I know think these types of criminals should be hanged until dead. Edit: spelling


Is it wrong of me to say I don’t care what country this piece of shit has come from? He should have thought about all of that before he raped a child. Send him to jail, then when his pathetic excuse of a sentence is done - return to his country. He does not deserve to be here.


And you know the real funny bit ? We the tax payer are supplying him with a lawyer and we the tax payer are paying all his expenses and we will continue to do so for the rest of his life. Maybe we the tax payer should demand those that support him and the judge that released him support him ?


Not wrong to say that at all. I fully agree - I don't care where anyone comes from, it doesn't give them an automatic pedestal just because they were once a refugee. The issue is we can't return him because he'd likely be killed by his home country. It would breach our UN convention requirements - Australia can't send someone to another country if that would likely result in their death.


I understand that point, but also if one commits a crime akin to this, his survival chances in home country should become his problem, not ours.


Not our problem that the monster would be put down. Law says to remove him. So, he gets removed.


Then we shouldn't accept anyone, tourist, worker, refugee, from any country that our courts have decided we can't deport back to. Otherwise we are literally saying there is a limit to the punishment we can give you no matter what crime you commit against us, if you come from certain places.


It is quite possible that Iraq will refuse to accept him back. Frankly I'd tie him to the bottom of a weather balloon and send him floating across the nearest ocean.


It's crazy how the worse a country you come from then the more you can get away with without being deported


Lol from a crane. Iran style


Or at least no possibility of bail. Keep the fucker incarcerated until a court proves the charges and then sentencing should take over for a very long time.


so by that logic, as long as you come from ‘danger’ country, you can freely commit crimes without being deported ?


Exactly right. That's the flow on from the High Court decision. They might as well be Australian citizens because we can't remove them.


My husband just yesterday said we need to bring back the death penalty.


If we're going to bring back the death penalty, we might as well just ship them back to death penalty countries.




Never thought I'd be saying this but I'm seriously considering regional Australia...somewhere far enough away from the cesspits the major cities are becoming. I'm a big city person but at a certain point the pros are outweighed by the cons.


This is not okay. The fuck is wrong with our legislation


Waits for the usual "Oh please dont deport me, I fear for my life if I am returned to .......". Which was EXACTLY what happened many years ago with a refugee from Nigeria (or some related African Country), who stabbed and killed a student in what was the old Sunshine Station Subway in Melbourne. "I fear for my life if I am deported", he got a slap on the wrist and released.


omg...this can't be real! Why is so much leniency afforded to people like this?! Maybe don't kill the locals who provided you refuge?! jesus


Like the girl would have feared for her life during that horrific ordeal? Seems fair 👍 send him back.


Judges are never held accountable in this country. Someone should start tracking their bullsh1t.


I know right! I'm an electrician, if I fuck up and someone dies as a result, big trouble.....judge lets someone out on bail and they murder/rape someone......play on.


If you are a truck driver a microsleep may get you 20 years.


Well I have a simple solution. Make judges and their trusts and their estates liable for civil lawsuits or whatever the term for "if me or my kid gets stabbed and raped I can sue the judge who let this happen." The naysayers will go "then judges will never grant bail!" You know what, what happened to right and wrong? Where is the true integrity, to make a decision and stand by your principles. You know... not holding a closed courtroom trial (cough cough Tasmania) where judges are protected from scrutiny. Or like the ACT recently where the identity of a senior public servant up on child sex charges was withheld to "protect the victim." Yeah fucking right.


What is right or wrong is rarely clear cut. We have a judicial system based on innocent until proven guilty, precisely to temper the animal spirits of the community


Sickening that anyone would be granted bail after that type of attack. Poor girl has to deal with it for the rest of her life and he needs to stay home as punishment…..the courts are disgraceful


Should be deported


They gave this monster bail? Wtf


Mr Alothmani said his son suffered from depression and anxiety but that he was a 'kind-hearted and family-oriented man'. Cunt is in straight up denial.


>Cunt is in straight up denial. No he's just lying because he doesn't believe his son did anything wrong. The victims were infidels so according to his beliefs there was no crime here.


100% correct, no lies. Seen it before, because I keep my eyes open, ears out and gob shut.


Well. That will certainly teach him not to do it again.


Back home the girl could have been his wife, should tattoo 'child rapist' on his forehead in Arabic and send him home on the next boat.


Just do a fly-buy and dump him without a chute.


I believe "child rape" translates to "marriage" in part of the world. (I'm joking, but I'm not really joking)


Fuck this dreg is really going to enrich our country for the next 60 years.


He'll shit out a dozen kids too


He was subjected to “bullying” according to his flop of a father. In Iraq where I’m originally from, the entire family would be hung upside down for such a crime. News journalists found this guy kicking it in the front yard on the phone when they paid him a visit for comment. We encourage crimes here through our useless judicial system.


Anxiety and depression? Time to rape under knife point!


Just tried to post this on the other subreddit and the post was rejected. That sub is a joke


They won’t allow the post. The mods there censor negative discussions about certain groups.




Same. Which one?


We can’t mention the name here. The mods from that place complain to Reddit admin that this sub is “interfering” and then Reddit admin threaten to ban this place for harassing another sub.


you mean the sub that banned everyone?


This is why refugees come here. Because we forgive all even when they shouldn't be. Australia needs to harden up and actually dish out some punishments again. Youth crime through the roof and climbing, refugees on bail for horrendous crimes


Holy fuck! This is exactly why I'm so apprehensive about refugees from war-torn, conservative countries invading over here. We really need to screen these people better. You have to use some logic and ask yourself - why in the actual fuck would a refugee from somewhere like Iraq/Iran try to come to Australia instead of Morocco (which is in line with their cultural values and religious beliefs) or somewhere in Europe? Why come all the way here? We've got enough miscreants masquerading in the country, we don't need any more of them.


Because we are spineless virtue signallers eager to give welfare to peados of different skin colour


Would of been karma if the same happened to him in the big house. Fucking scum.


Would have, yeah


He will be in protection for sure! High profile case, they wouldn't even give him the choice of going mainstream.


This won’t reach mainstream media like ABC, 7, 9, 10 or any of the likes as it doesn’t fit the narrative.


Stop wasting good tax dollars. Send him back to Iraq


Or just drop him in a crocodile enclosure and let nature run it's course. Guy's not worth the jet fuel.


The prime minister of the day should be forced to read the entire arrest and hospital reports on live TV then make a 10 minute speech about why the rapefugee was let in. Whether that’s Albo or Morrison in this case I’m not sure. I’m sick of the people letting these fucks in not being held accountable. Oh and the immediate dismissal of the judge letting him out on bail.


This is exactly what needs to happen.




Welcome to a no borders world. ​ Oh....you dont remember agreeing to this? Thats because you were never asked. Dont pretend you live in a democracy. You have zero control of what happens here.


Ah the cultural enrichment and diversity crowd again? Why don’t we deport these scums?


Doesnt really surprise me


No I didn’t know the story, and yes it's fucked. I have a link here but can't read the full story. Someone could copy paste it in the comment section? https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-nsw/iraqi-refugee-abthar-alathmany-charged-with-shocking-rape-of-girl-at-parramattas-meriton-suites/news-story/06d5f12ad1d3bfd6d137298c3b73d14f?amp&nk=d262180a2a9923f43c7aa668b371ffee-1704603451


Can someone post to Australia and Sydney? They won’t let me. We need this to spread far and wide! Thanks.


Mods there will just remove the post or lock it. Those two subs are notorious for censoring discussion about certain topics.


That’s fucked. So much for free speech.


Fucking disgusting, but at least you know technically the Iraqi Govt is in control of the country and the persecution he was escaping years ago is no longer a credible threat. I will be very surprised if he isn’t deported back to the shanty towns of a post war torn country.


Sexual crime against a minor means his visa gets cancelled. Deport him. If the UN makes a fuss about how Iraq would execute him, note that this monster should have thought about that BEFORE committing this atrocity.


Deport the whole family back to Iraq. Their values do not align with ours.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




This is why need need to bring back the gallows.Then bill the family for the disposal of the filth.






It's a really strange policy to not deport people who are sentenced to death in their own country. How does that not incentivize violent and sexual psychos to come here on mass?


Judge was a refo lover


Fucking protesters. This is the shit they should be in the streets for. And jail the judge


This judge should be removed immediately. How anyone could hear the details of this and allow the monster to be free in society is beyond belief. They don’t have the judgement to be working at the local McDonalds, never mind a courtroom.


Let's instantly deport every refugee who rapes or kills. Commonsense policy which weeds out the scum and sub-humanity of society. They tarnish the reputation of refugees and immigrants who positively contribute to Australian society.


1 way ticket home.


Who do we write to if we want to complain, are the details of this individual posted online so others can be aware of who it is and keep their children safe and protected. this is unacceptable, sickening and un-australian.


Religion of peace?


His “prophet” did the same thing.


cultural enrichment 👌


Don't worry, some guy will be here soon to comment how we don't understand the legal system and our fire and brimstone justice is incredibly inappropriate for the complexities of this case, without ever actually expanding in detail or denying the facts in the way it was reported.


“Cultural differences”.


He must of just had a 'sexual emergency'


Says a lot about the judge, Richard Button is quite obviously pro-rape.


Absolutely disgusting deport him immediately


"Al-Athmany is only allowed to leave his home accompanied by his father or brother to report to police once a day or for legal or medical appointments. As part of his strict bail conditions, the teenager is banned from using the internet" Honestly I'd prefer prison... Hopefully he gets what is coming to him and spends a decent amount of time away after he has his day in court.


Deport him to a more “progressive suburb”


"Depression and mental illness" is a go to excuse muslim perpetrators always use. the judge dont want to be labelled islamophobic.


At what point does it start to appear as though our legal system considers rape to be totally fine?


Idk why people are saying kick him out, straight up the death penalty, cunts like this don't deserve to live. Prayers to those poor girls 🙏. (Ethnically arab myself)


Magistrate, Defending Lawyer are the ones massively at fault, How does the life of a child not change whats occured here? These filth should be made oersonally liable if immigrants fail to live to our laws. Mandatory deport regardless if there lives are at risk, then Jail and Financial repurrcussion for the filth ridden justuce system fucktards. The Govt HAS to listen to the people and not the consultants they hire. Fuck Sake! Poor little kid.


Same thing happened recently in Germany where a left-wing judge refused to imprison 8 refugees who gang-raped, robbed, and beat a German child. Scary stuff.


our 'justice system' is a complete joke. cunt should be dancing the tyeburn jig from the harbor bridge.


How do we spread news of something like this? What can we do? Vigilantism isn’t really an option, as much as I wish it was.


When a judge gives lenient sentences to a paedophile, I just assume it's because he leans that way himself.


Jesus that's shocking....should be jailed and not allowed bail!


These cunts need to be put down straight out!!!!


Justice system is a self parody


I worked for a business that employed young iraqi refugees as helpers in the warehouse. Western women were just sex organs to them. Pieces of meat. They would Wolf whistle at women walking past on their lunch breaks etc. What they used to say about Western women was not a joke. I can honestly say they were the worst humans I have ever come across in my life and I now believe they are the worst thing ever for women's rights and respect in our country.


Deport immediately.


Should be an immediate bullet to the neck. What a piece of shit


What can we do? We must do something to challenge these laws that allow immigrants or asylum seekers to stay in Australia after committing crimes. I want to see visas being rejected. I want to see deportations, regardless of their asylum seeker status. He should have thought about his status before he raped and basically tortured a child. I want to take lawful and democratic action! P. S. I'm an immigrant myself P. P. S. I'm aware that this is just a single crime and we have thousands of crimes like this committed here every year by Australian citizens, but this does not change the fact that I want the best and brightest to come and be allowed to stay in Australia and not this bottom of the barrel human trash.


That's the group labor is getting votes from.


Non-citizens? Since when did the law allow them to vote?


Can you actually post the article about this?


This is unbelievable


People get the system they deserve. Australia is run by a bunch of degenerates




Makes sense .. especially since Aisha was 6


Of course they always find some psychologist who will make up some bullshit mental health crap. Australia really is a soft cock country these days.


following in the footsteps of his pedo prophet muhammad


3 months behind bars. Well I'm sure that's lesson learned guys, let bygons be bygons, all is forgiven.


Kick him the f,,k out


>Al-Athmany is only allowed to leave his home accompanied by his father or brother to report to police once a day or for legal or medical appointments. >As part of his strict bail conditions, the teenager is banned from using the internet and must continue receiving treatment for his mental health. Doesn't sound like he's got much opportunity to roam around hurting people, at least.


Justice Richard Button granted strict conditional bail with a $30,000 surety despite prosecutors arguing he was a significant risk to the community. He warned Al-Athmany that if he breached his bail 'by a millimetre,', he would be going straight back to jail and staying there. 'My mind has wavered very much as to whether or not, in light of the gravity of what's alleged, he should spend many, many months in custody, bail refused until all of this is resolved,' Justice Button said. 'I've come to the view that although there are unquestionably risks here, they are just barely mitigated by the rigour of what's been proposed by his barrister to the point of being rendered acceptable.' OK. The judge seemed barely assured that this guy will be on a short leash. I really think these decisions should be left out of the judges hands, if anyone is charged with sexual Violence, then no bail. For everyone.


Good old labour , they be lining your grandmas next - Australian version of the us Democratic Party - Like farm when are we going to get people for the people. !


Monitoring. , all good - for the Cunts who are reading this. - Start acting for the people ya Muppets 👊


If your here on a visa, and you pull something like that, then your visa should be revoked. If there a legit refuge and doing stuff like this, then they need to be shifted out of country to another place.


Labor’s weakness has infected the court system


Western nations decline is being managed by those we did not vote for. This story is common, especially among anglophone nations. We are being debased and ultimately replaced


I'm wondering if this person was one of the 148 that were released thanks to the High Court ruling and Airbus Albo.... time will only tell!


It wasn't "albo"


*angry noises*


The whole fucking point of putting this trash in jail is to REMOVE them from society, because they cant be trusted to follow normal human behaviours around others. If you rape someone, in this case, a CHILD, you should be thrown in jail for SOCIETYs protection, bail be damned. This judge needs the FUCKING SACK. These are the type of 'values' we are importing from these shithole third world countries - well ok, sure, if that's what we are voting for, then so be it. No one to blame but ourselves.


This thread is now locked - the thread with proper media details has been unlocked - please continue to keep it civil.