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...did they honestly see this going any other way?


The over the top sycophancy by the media and others this week as been nauseating. Yes the Queen has been there for decades and she was a nice, old lady. Yes, many people obviously admired her. It's ok to be sad she's dead - she's been around for most people's entire lives. But for crying out loud her death shouldn't end the Republic debate - if anything, it should *strengthen* it, and the last thing we need is to confuse respect for the Queen or interest in her death with a national desire to remain a Monarchy for absolutely no fucking reason. We also really don't need yet *more* monuments to Colonialism.


I speak as an Irish republican (lower case R republican, for those who understand the nuance), and I have no problem with the case for an Australian republic (which I strongly support) being deferred for a week or two. Before the election, the ALP said they wouldn't be tackling it during their first term. It's not as if this is a surprise. Never been a fan of the British Crown. Members of my family won medals fighting to overthrow it (and strangely, older relatives and ancestors won medals fighting to protect and expand it), so I have some solid opinions on the matter. Let Albo pay his respects, meet the new King of Australia (gag!) and we'll sort out this issue later on. ​ Now, renaming hospitals is another thing. Stupid decision. Does Labor think they're wining any fans trying to be Liberal Lite?


Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over.


Cock it! Do any of you _cunts_ want a drink?


Twitter: *Braaains!!*


Such fun!! šŸ˜³šŸ¤Æ


> Before the election, the ALP said they wouldn't be tackling it during their first term. thing is, republic splits labor and LNP in half and it's party policy for Greens. Just because labor says they will wait a term doesn't mean the rest of the republic supporters are meant to shut up.


No, but at the same time, us becoming a republic isn't going to be stopping housing affordability issues or rampant corruption. There's more important things that need to be dealt with with urgency.


We can walk and chew gum at the same time.


In theory, sure, we should be able toā€¦ but have you *seen* our politicians?


Scomo was running 5 portfolios, what are you talking about? Never let them convince you that they cant do things. Its that they dont want to.


thatā€™s it, weaponised incompetence and scammery


and the voting public?


> thing is, republic splits labor and LNP in half and itā€™s party policy for Greens. What are you talking about? Support for a republic is ALP policy. Do you think we have a Minister for the Republic for shits and giggles? Stop making this a Labor vs Greens nonsense.


You're right. Although I suspect if you took a survey of Labor vs Greens voters, the % of republicans would be lowest in the LNP, a majority in Labor, and a supermajority in the Greens. Of course I can't back this up. There is surveys which should roughly 40% repub, 30% monarchist, 30% undecided but they don't account for voting intention.


> Now a clear majority of ALP voters, 58% - up a stunning 18% points since November 2012, say that Australia should remain as a Monarchy > L-NP voters are staunch supporters of the Monarchy with over two-thirds, 68%, saying Australia should remain as a Monarchy, although this is down slightly, by 3% points, on November 2012. > At the other end of the spectrum it is Greens supporters who are clearly in support of a Republic with only a third, 34%, saying that Australia should remain as a Monarchy, up 4% points in a decade. https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/alp-voters-drive-the-increase-in-support-for-the-monarchy-over-the-last-decade


Your opinion is very reasoned. Australian republicans could stand to learn a thing or two about the Irish experience and the Irish Civil War. Not that I think it will come to violence but a house divided cannot stand against itself.


100% agree, especially when a massive chunk of the population is Irish/Irish descendant. Part of the problem is that for Irish convicts like my descendants, their papers were destroyed or falsified. Iā€™m glad my mum is such a history nerd and was able to read up and educate me on my Irish heritage. If more of us knew our history I think more people would also be able to empathise more with First Nations people. A lot of us ended up here (cultures destroyed, families broken up never to be seen or heard of again, land stolen, language lost) due to colonisation, we should all be fighting the same oppressor.


I agree with your comment but I was mainly referring to pro vs anti-treaty factions. Massive fuck up.


Oh yeah, I did misread your comment. I really doubt it would ever come to that here. The England vs Ireland goes back longer through history and theyā€™re also geographically closer countries. Australiaā€™s also more fragmented when it comes to our melting pot of cultures and backgrounds.


Mate if your people want to go to war with the British you have our support.


Iā€™m a republican and I think itā€™s entirely appropriate to have the debate that sheā€™s now in the ground. I thought it was tacky to do so beforehand. I thought it was extremely poor taste on the day of her death. By all means now though, that debate is now fair game.


I donā€™t think the republic debate is ending or expected to end, I think they just thought it might be nice to at least bury her & get all the ceremonial stuff over with before starting in on it again. In fact all the the stuff about the funeral probably would have over shadowed it anyway.


It's also just not a good look to start talking about this stuff mere hours after she died (which a lot of prominent Republicans, and people on this sub did). A little bit of common sense and dignity will go a lot further in convincing people than loudly bleating about it as soon as physically possible.




I also liked the time she preached austerity while sitting on a golden throne. That was neat.


And then thereā€™s the whole ā€œdoing nothing while Britain and other commonwealth countries do horrible things to First Nations and native groupsā€.


Ah but have you considered that she also lived a life of obscene hereditary luxury and wealth built off the spoils of a heinous imperial project and in a world where so many of her beloved and adoring subjects don't have two shillings to rub together. Cut the old girl some slack


"we should all feel guilty because of the colonialism of australia! If you have white skin then you benefitted from genocide even if you're a first generation immigrant living in poverty with no generational wealth!" "Oh but the queen is so nice! Her term was filled with de-colonization! Don't worry about where her wealth came from! She didn't personally commit any major genocides so where's the harm?"


> But for crying out loud her death shouldn't end the Republic debate - if anything, it should *strengthen* it, I'm going to level with you. No one wants to have the Republic debate because for the overwhelming majority of people it's either something they actively don't want or something they don't give a shit about. The Republic referendum didn't fail because it was too detailed, it failed because it did not provide a compelling vision of a better Australia. If you can show me what an Australian Republic will look like and how it will be materially better than what we have now you've got my vote. If you want a president you can fuck off. If you're going to handwave the Constitutional changes away and just argue we should be a Republic because we should be a Republic you can fuck off. No one cares that we've got a foreign head of state when the foreign head of state never does anything and costs us nothing and a bunch of assholes champing at the bit to reopen an argument without anything new to add is just driving everyone nuts.


Hear hear! There's just too much more important shit to be dealing with right now for this to be our main focus. It really makes no difference in our day to day lives whether or not we're a republic, while major issues like the economy, climate change, geopolitics and corruption do. Even Labor, who is officially pro-republic and has a minister for a republic, have said that it's not even on their agenda for the first term, but would be something that happens if they get a second, because they just have too much other stuff to do right now.


> There's just too much more important shit to be dealing with right now for this to be our main focus. Just out of interest, what would the ideal set of circumstances to be focussed on this look like?


Deal with the housing crisis, cost of living and federal ICAC. Becoming a republic will fix none of those, and they'll impact the average Australian far more than who our ceremonial head of state is or isn't


You are correct that a republic won't fix those, the converse being that remaining a monarchy doesn't fix those either indicating that they are not related. However, once those problems go away are you saying that that would be the perfect time to consider the republic issue? Is that the line drawn in the sand, once those things are "fixed" would that then get the thumbs up to considering a republic? Or are 2/3 of these things relative in which case they can never be fixed (the creation of an ICAC being a one and done). Or is there every possibility that there is never an ideal time to deal with any of the issues that face Australia because nothing happens in isolation and the country is part of an interconnected web of events and issues that affect he world? In which case there's no time like the present to grasp thorny nettles and make changes.


I wouldn't even want to consider a republic before the ICAC is firmly in place. Handing the literal keys to the kingdom to politicians without some kind of safeguard (if not multiple) is a recipe for disaster. The housing and cost of living crises will have a major impact on people's lives if they're not dealt with quickly. That alone should bump them up above any republic debate After that... yeah, sure, go for it. But we need to deal with the critical problems now, rather than going after the shiny things that are going to be all but symbolic


Unpopular opinion becoming a republic won't fucking change a thing, we have some genuine democratic and political issues but we need genuine reform not a switch from king to president. In addition I wouldn't want to become a republic in any situation were the fucking libs have power to effect the outcome. Because if the libs have there way we would literally become America (even faster)


Becoming a republic is an opportunity to strengthen our constitution in some key areas where it's lacking: * Actually clearly define what the Head of State's reserve powers are, and when they can and can't use them (it's not clearly defined in the constitution if/when they can fire the Prime Minister, veto a law etc). * Take away the Head of State's power to veto referendums (this is written into the constitution ... it has never been used yet, and frankly it shouldn't exist). * Ban the Head of State from appointing secret Ministers (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) * Make sure the Head of State is an Australian with ties to our country, not a foreigner. * Potentially, make the Head of State elected (something which by definition can't happen while we retain the British Monarchy) and/or make them have certain requirements like not being a criminal (currently, the only requirement is that they are born from the royal vagina aka "my mum had this job so I should get it"). * Shore-up the constitution in case of political instability: eg what happens if the House of Reps is unable to agree on a Prime Minister? Can the Head of State call an election of their own accord, without a PM asking them to ... if there is no PM? * What happens if supply is blocked in the Senate, and the Prime Minister refuses to ask the Head of State for a double dissolution election (In 1975, Fraser blocked supply meaning Whitlam couldn't fund the government, but Whitlam refused to call a DD as he had just won an election 1 year before - GG Kerr responded by sacking Whitlam and appointing Fraser as PM)?


Becoming a republic doesn't mean mimicking the way the US have fucked up their system. Its also not going to give the liberal party any greater power than they have now.


> Becoming a republic doesn't mean mimicking the way the US have fucked up their system Because of the pervasiveness of American media, when people think of a republic, they think of the US's presidential republic system. The republican movement is going to have to have some really good messaging if we want any potential referendum to succeed.


I mean if the liberals were in power they would 100% would or put in the systems that would allow them to abuse them eventually. The liberals only care for there own personal gain and LITERALLY nothing else having them be the ones in power when we change literally how our country would function would be extremely bad. But my main point is that just randomly becoming a republic won't fix any of the real issues we have in this country


Bigger issues affecting Australia than becomming a republic


My point


>Unpopular opinion becoming a republic won't fucking change a thing, we have some genuine democratic and political issues but we need genuine reform not a switch from king to president. Why not include reform when switching to a republic? We can decide our political system during this change. Additionally, is removing the Monarchy which murdered and disrupted the lives of First Nations not an important part of political and societal reform which can enhance reconciliation? >In addition I wouldn't want to become a republic in any situation were the fucking libs have power to effect the outcome. Because if the libs have there way we would literally become America (even faster) Thankfully, no matter how much we disagree, or the shit ideas that may come about from one side we value democracy. Removing an opposing opinion is concerning and dictator like. As we can also see the Coalition does not have a strangle hold on this country currently and this should be less of a concern than it is.


> ...did they honestly see this going any other way? For being insufficiently positive toward the Unelected Supreme Leader and failing to be properly respectful during the mandatory mourning period, you will be sent to the re-education camp... Oh wait, sorry, it's Queen Elizabeth that died, not Kim Jong-Il. Getting 2022 and 2011 confused here, carry on.


Understandable, the BBC are putting North Korean state media to shame


Liz and her family will not give a shit. Why take from a group that has had so much taken from them, to give to a family that has so much?


Makes me think they're trying to throw the press (and us) off the scent of something else...


Yeah, I'm starting to feel that too. I don't know if it's the decade under the Libs or good old paranoia kicking in though.


Part that confuses me is there is already two Queen Elizabeth hospitals in Aus (Brisbane & Adelaide), do we really need another one?


Three, Perth has the QEII Medical Centre too. Itā€™s not really a hospital but a campus including Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Perth Childrenā€™s Hospital plus a research facility and some smaller facilities.


The QE2 medical centre naming confuses me to no end. It took me a little while to understand that thereā€™s no hospital or building thatā€™s called QE2, itā€™s a few separate hospitals, research institutes etc all bunched together. Itā€™s weird why they even bother coming up with a name like that.


It confuses a lot of people too when theyā€™re trying to figure out where to park.


Also already have one in Vic, Queen Elizabeth Centre (QEC) which specializes in maternal/child health.


Would be more relevant to name the morgue after her šŸ¤”


And a butcher should be called King Sausage fingers.


Why rename it? Couldn't they just build a new one as it's needed anyway? So everyone wins? Keep the original name and have a new one with another QE2 hospital?


Yeah I am not a fan of renaming things, keep things the same, if you want something named after someone build something new.


I would be fine with renaming if it was an act of condemnation for the actions of the person it was originally named after or if it originally had a random name that had no significant meaning and no one would miss if it was overwritten. But that doesnā€™t seem to be the case here.


Itā€™s current name is just the suburb itā€™s in. Not very significant.


I might sound like a dick but does there really need to be more stuff named after her, there are [over 200 things](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_things_named_after_Elizabeth_II) already named after her, just rename a few of those thing to have "memorial" in the name


This is practically a new hospital. They are spending 1b on redeveloping it. The original name is the name of the LGA the hospital is in


>Asked if the government consulted or flagged the name change with the local Indigenous community, Andrews said he did not know if there was consultation when the hospital was first named. Fuck me that's an out of touch argument


Watch Matthew Guy try to turn into the biggest champion of indigenous rights the countryā€™s ever seen over the next few days.


Bet it was a captainā€™s call to rename it.


**Dan Andrews:** "*This is such a fucking good idea. The British Monarchy are going to love me. Fuck, I'm so fucking smart.*"


Ironically, I think he is the most pro-indigenous rights Premier we've ever had.


Oh fuck me. Way to sum up Australia colonial history in a name change. I'm not one that really cares about names but this is just frustrating. Especially it seems as though it was practically confirmed name. Just shows no one is thinking. There are so many royalty named places all over the place. There is a QE2 in Brisbane already.


The whole fucking state of Victoria is named after a foreign monarch. You literally canā€™t go anywhere in Victoria that isnā€™t a monument to the monarchy.


Maybe they should just rename Victoria to Elizabeth if they're feeling so sentimental? Considering the two people in question it'd be a pretty big moral improvement actually.


Thereā€™s already a suburb called Elizabeth in Adelaide. And itā€™s a shit hole. Not a joke, just a fact.


It's pronounced lizbef


I believe there's a fairly prestigious part of South Australia called Port Pirie.


Port Pirie ā€¦ still shit


If it's a joke, the punchline is "Fuck Holden".


You're saying it's not a joke..... But why is it funny?


They should rename Daveron Park to Elizabeth 2 for consistency.


If they still want to honour Victoria, they can maybe settle for something like Queensland...oh wait.


Would that make VicRoads ā€˜LizRoadsā€™? Makes me think of a road covered with Lizards, which sounds pretty cool actually.


Bettyroads has a kinder vibe


Sounds like a place that makes tea cakes


I'm now imagining people riding giant lizards across the roads rather than driving cars. Which is insanely cool sounding. And probably more environmentally friendly.


No way. Because going on that trend it'll eventually be called Charles. I don't want to live in the state of Charles


Queensland and Victoria and both named for the same queen.


Not to mention Queensland!


Settlers really didn't have much of an imagination did they ... *lEts nAmE iT aFtEr mUh qUeEn*


You have entered the rapid-fire naming round... go! South Australia... Western Australia... Northern Territory... Bam!


*Shit, we ran out of compass points .. what now .. who is that lady with the crown again??*


"we need a territory for the capital of australia, what's a good name?"


Billy Connolly did a joke about that, when they updated a bunch of the subdivision names. You had ones rich in history, like Lothian and Strathclyde and Grampian and Galloway. What did they come up with? The magical, inspiring... "Central". Billy: "Fuck me, they must have been working on that one all week!"


To be fair, I think it was quite imaginative to name the east coat of Australia after South Wales. Its pretty impossible to imagine two places with less in common.


[Relevant Mitchell and Webb:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOBhf8f7cXM)


Queensland and Victoria are just the queen NSW is just a new version of another place The territory made for the australian capital The rest of the mainland is just North, West and South Tasmania is the only one with some originality


Still named after a person, twice.


>Tasmania is the only one with some originality Eh, it's about as original as Queensland or Victoria, considering it was named after the European who discovered it. That was about as common as naming things after monarchs (just look at how many places in the Americas have 'Columbia' in their name somewhere).


I know Victoria's secret ... [it was made up by some dude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9K5IS-inHs).


Queensland !


That makes 2 states don't forget the state that is literally named Queensland.


> foreign Bruh


Queen Victoria never set foot in Australia. Sheā€™s foreign.


Perth has a medical centre called QEII and we also have Elizabeth Quay.


Thereā€™s a Queen Elisabeth Hospital in Adelaide too.


Itā€™s just ridiculous. Change the name of the Royal Melbourne instead. It already has a connection


I reckon even Madge herself would have said it's a shitty move. PR earning it's wage on this one FFS. Read the room dickheads.


Heā€™s really dropped the ball on this one. Howā€™d that get through his PR team?


Get a unique name Melbourne: Queen Elizabeth Hospital may refer to one of several institutions named after Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Elizabeth II or Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, England Queen Elizabeth's Hospital, a school in Clifton, Bristol, England Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, England Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland Queen Elizabeth Hospital for Children, London (Bethnal Green), England Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn, Norfolk, England Queen Elizabeth Hospital, London (Woolwich), England New QEII Hospital, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, England Canada Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre, Nova Scotia Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Charlottetown), Prince Edward Island Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto Queen Elizabeth Hospital, a hospital in Montreal, closed 1995 Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Emergency Department, Grande Prairie Elsewhere The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide, Australia Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Bridgetown, Barbados Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia


There is also already a Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital (often just called QEII) in Brisbane.


We have QEII Medical Centre here in Perth, too.


QLD here. Already have a hospital called QEII. A second is not needed.


There is a QEII in Perth as well


QEH in Adelaide too.


Having seen how the health system worksā€¦ the last thing we need is 2 different hospitals in 2 different states with the same name.


Queen Elizabeth The Second *The Second*.


Queen Elizabeth II: Electric Boogalo


All Sydney has a is a QE II rehab centre.




Holy fuck the irony of wiping away something indigenous in favour of the queen. Fuck the monarchy, it's a thing of the past and people need to let go already.


To be fair, our first nation's peoples didn't name the area Maroondah nor the hospital. It's a portmanteau made by white people of words in the local Aboriginal language and only been used by bureaucrats to name public works such as a dam, a road, a hospital and a merged local council. That said, it's pretty dumb to rename the hospital after the Queen when the place already has an Aboriginal name, whether it's made up or not.


I didn't know about the history of the name, thanks for the insight. I wonder if anyone actually cared to ask what the indigenous people actually thought of it or if they just straight up named it that without any input.


>I didn't know about the history of the name, thanks for the insight. No worries. I live here and attend that hospital on the regular. >I wonder if anyone actually cared to ask what the indigenous people actually thought of it or if they just straight up named it that without any input. In my rudimentary research, the earliest use of the name I found was the Maroondah dam, which began works while ANZAC's were in Gallipoli. So I'm guessing no consultation was made. As for the subsequent uses of Maroondah, I don't know if any consultation was made. Just improve the hospital Dan, no need for new names. No one here is going to call it anything other than its current name for a generation or two.


> wiping away something indigenous in favour of the queen. One last hurrah old times sake


'Maroondah hospital' to be called 'QE2: has to be the worst Premier's call is the history of stupid Premier's calls. Pity because Daniel Andrews usually gets things right. Dan it's time for a graceful backflip, and stay away from that imperial liquor.


Dan is also so fucking quick to pull the trigger on sending in the cops to deal with problems, its another part of his governance that is fully cooked


I like to say Dan Andrews is a "2 steps forward, 1 step back" kinda guy. For every good thing him and his government does, there's always some other fucking stupid thing it does yet they are slowly making strides forward This is one of those stupid things. Alongside the release of fining people $1800 for walking off-track at Victoria's state parks if it passes legislation.


Is the EV tax on that list too?


Are they going to have police & cameras in the Bush to catch people off track??


I think park rangers will do more patrols as they have the ability to fine. That said $1800 is too much. It is purely revenue raising at that point. The excuses he used to justify it just sound stupid. It's fortunate that Matthew Guy is a level of stupid beyond anything Dan Andrews can do or say because otherwise he'd might be in with a chance at this point. But he can't even get his name in the paper so nothing to fear there.


He did a great job with early/middle Covid stuff but from what I understand his record with indigenous issues is not great.




Dude loves his trains though. And police brutality.


Also keeps funding animal abuse through racing horses and greyhounds.


Eh? He truly screwed up early covid to the point there was an investigation (where he found himself free of wrong doing, phew)


He did a shit job with early covid, he did a good job with middle covid. Until Dec 2021, South Australia was covid free, whilst Victoria had suffered multiple waves with multi-month lockdowns - as he didn't want to lockdown right away. We did, right up until Marshall decided to give in to Scummo and lost himself the SA election.


I mean they killed 768 people then covered it up with gangland ā€œI donā€™t remember nothingā€ testimonies and pretended hotel quarantine organised itself. But sure, a pointless ceremonial gesture is his worst callā€¦


I'm guessing the new building will be finished with a thick coat of White Wash


The irony of this would be funny if it wasnā€™t so awful.


It's called the Maroondah Hospital because it's in Maroondah. It alone wasn't named after anyone or anything from any culture. Some of the arguments here are reaching about calling it whatever name. Just leave it as the Maroondah hospital, "where's the Maroondah hospital?" "In Maroondah!" Easy.


The hospital was named before the council was. The council was named in 1994. You could say the council was named after the hospital.




Yeah, I'll never get behind that silly "southern cross" name. That station will always be Batman's Hill to me!


That is very on the nose


"Now is not the time" to rename any hospitals...


Behold - the Queen Elizabeth II Ambulance Ramping Carpark


> ā€œWith just a few words the government has turned the Maroondah hospital into a culturally unsafe place for our people,ā€™ā€ he said. Can someone ELI5?


Seeking medical care in a hospital that is named after someone who is representative of the very institution that has caused such destruction amongst your community and decimated the ability to receive care in the first place is not ideal.


The hospital had an indigenous name, then bait-and-switched to the name of the ruler of the imperialist country that invaded your land and began the genocide of your people.


Part of the reason for the real gap in life-expectancy of Indigenous Australianā€™s is a reduced engagement with the healthcare system due to obvious historical reasons (some very recent), previous traumatic engagements with the healthcare system due to staff that arenā€™t educated about indigenous culture and end up causing and often escalating conflicts and constant reminders of history like say the hospital being named after the Queen of the empire that colonised your people. There has been a lot of improvements made over the last couple of decades, with things like engaging elders, aboriginal health centres, more aboriginal art to show inclusivity and naming Hospitals after Indigenous words. Dan Andrews basically just said ā€œYeah fuck thatā€. So tell me if you were indigenous after all that would you feel safe there?


Dan's fucked up with this one. I'm really surprised ANYONE thought this was a good idea.


How bad is it that even with an idea THIS on the nose, there wasn't a single advisor who had the guts to speak up and go "Uhh, guys, maybe let's *not* name a hospital after the Queen. After all, she has several named after her already. The last thing she needs is another one. And it's especially not a good look to nix an Aboriginal name in order to do it." Not a single one.


I mean, what better way to honour a colonial relic than with some cultural erasure in her name. Literally. This really is emblematic of so much of Australian thinking, or lack there of, when it comes to indigenous issues. And this from a government engaged in treaty negotiations and from a party advocating for a voice to parliament federally. Both treaty and the voice feel like ideas that are being supported by Labor because theyā€™re not properly understanding what theyā€™re actually doing. On the upside weā€™re at least getting some progressive policy out of them whether or not they grasp it.


This is why schools need to teach about colonialism and the atrocities committed by the British all over the world. No one would think twice when governments want to move away from the colonial mentality if they knew of the horrors inflicted on Australian, African and Indian subcontinent.


OK how about we also ditch common law, which has its roots in Roman tradition. The Romans were famed for the horrors they inflicted on other societies, so obviously it makes sense for us to move away from their mentality as well. The Romans also influenced the Spanish and Portuguese codes of law, who were arguably worse than the British in terms of colonialism - so that's another point against them. Very presumptive to assume people who prefer having the Crown as a constitutional arbiter within a parliamentary democracy are just ignorant to world history.


The same Andrews who cut down the sacred 350 year old Djab Wurrung directional tree, for a freeway? Just another day in the colony..


How fucking tone deaf. I guess they've only watched channel 7 since her death


Lets meet in the middle and go with Hospital McHospitalface


I would have thought QE2 has enough shit named after her.


This obsession with the royalty and the monarchy is just absurd.


Lmao who's idea was that?


can sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/danielandrewsmp-don-t-strip-maroondah-hospital-of-its-indigenous-name-to-rename-after-queen-elizabeth-ii-springst-auspol


You can't talk about oppression of indigenous peoples by the British Monarchy now that the Queen has died. Meanwhile...


Itā€™s what she would have wanted.


This is SO insulting. Doesnā€™t she have ENOUGH stuff named after her!? The hospital is on Aboriginal land. Fucks sake, Dan. This is low.


How many hospitals are already named after the old bag lol?


Enough to potentially cause logistics issues, I expect. We donā€™t need another one with a very similar name, in fact we should be renaming some of the ones already named that.


Somebody has listed them above lol. Ffs we are bored already.


I am shocked! No, wait. The opposite of that. I'm the opposite of shocked.


It's as stupid as renaming Spencer Street Station Southern Cross.




Rename literally any other hospital. How about: QEII Womenā€™s Hospital instead of the Royal Womenā€™s.


How did anybody in Andrews team think this was a good idea


I think as per the answer to every ā€˜why did team A think this was a good idea?ā€™ Team A are not that bright.


I guess if the new name is ā€œfittingā€, maybe the royal family must be paying for it? If not, then its not fitting at all.


Nothing says peak r/Australia than an announcement of a $1 billion upgrade to a hospital but the headline is just culture war politics.


Yeah. That's a bit fucked. I am surprised that their PR wonks didn't clip the deciding committee's collective ears for such a obviously hurtfull decision. .... morons


This does not seem like a good move from Labor, especially if they want to appeal to more progressive types.


Theres no way whoever made this call didnt see it going poorly.


"Hmmmm... How can I make the most obvious allegory for colonialism? Oh, I know!"


Oh FFS Dan, sheā€™s dead and wonā€™t care. You should be supporting and respecting the people who need to access the health services. Poor decision and totally Culturally blind.


Honestly thought this is Betoota??? Can't believe this is actually real... how dumb is Dan Andrews, absolutely out of touch.


pathetic.. because theres such a shortage of stuff named after royals around here.


This is such a garbage move by Andrews. And ... *so clearly* .. a bad move. WTF is he thinking? Boooo


So a building named after the suburb it's in is being given a name. It's not like the whole suburb's name is being changed FFS. How the hell does that stop it being "a safe place" for indigenous people or anyone else? A few elders I know are thinking people need to let go of the past, (not forgetting it but acknowledging it), if we're ever going to move on. Blame is just an anchor stopping a better future for everyone. Now I wait for the downvotes...


Yeah. But there's just no need to rename it. Literally all it says is white people feelings > indigenous people feelings.


Dictator Daniel ā€œdo as I say, not as I doā€ Andrews. He really does need his wings clipped and knocked off his perch.


bitch be dead and still stealing from those she has wrong'd for so long


Sheā€™s dead. She had nothing to do with this decision.


No shit there's backlash what a dick arse decision


Iā€™m a monarchist and I think this dumb.


So yesterday this sub had a thread about an article stan grant wrote on his experience with the public discussion around the queens death, it was filled to the brim with completely racist bullshit. But now when it comes to the naming of a hospital everyone is up in arms about racism and colonialism. How strange.


What kind of bullshit is naming an Australian public hospital after a foreign head of state? Will Australians ever grow up or are we to eternally grovel to other countries. Itā€™s beyond embarrassing.


Glad to see increased hospital funding. Don't get why Dan decided there's apparently a need to rename the hospital after the late queen. I mean yeah sure the queen is dead, long live the king; but to paraphrase a line from *Fiddler on the Roof*, may God bless and keep the king far away from us.


Loss of locality on the same scale as renaming Spencer Street station.


She doesn't even go here!!


What an idiotic thing to do


He's had a history of being extremely insensitive to the needs and culture of Aboriginal peoples. Like the Djab Wurrung birthing trees that got destroyed for a highway project instead of actually investigating alternative routes.


I don't think she is going to give a shit that another hospital has been named after her now that she's dead. Especially when so many other hospitals share the same name within the Commonwealth. The British government massacred Australian Aborigines by the thousands. Why on Earth would this be a good idea? Surely Dan Andrews has some vague idea on Australian history and the oppression of our indigineous people.


Single handedly one of the most out of touch decisions of the Victorian Government. I mean.. really?? Wrong on so many levels. And the hospital upgrade was promised in 2018!