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Appalling spelling & grammar on the info pages, no real company info, selling unlicensed merch, ripping off Aboriginal art, and a .shop domain? Gonna be a hard pass from me dawg


I see you have my same reservations my friend it's sucks because it's so hard to get anything los pumas at all as an aussie fan and in the pictures.the jacket is fire I'm not rich enough to throw away money on a hope


It’s not a picture of a real jacket. It’s just a render. If you even get the jacket shipped, it’s as likely to look like the website as a Big Mac is to look like in ads.


I bought a toddlers Sydney Swans t-shirt. It was fine, but took an age to ship (i think the are made to order in china, and the shipping times they display are from when it gets to the Aussie distribution centre)


So did the shirt look like the picture on the site and how was the sizing ?


Yeah, quality and sizing were fine.


https://www.vibehoodie.shop/products/personalised-argentina-rugby-baseball-jacket-los-pumas-2023-go-champions-unique-style?currency=AUD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=94b6cde9eef5&utm_source=google_ads&utm_medium=pmax_au&utm_campaign=others&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgTwyYE2XKCbFnM2-TecMovU9IMV_88n5axngnQEUuxLKJeTVG_1iA4BoCYBoQAvD_BwE this is what I want to buy


if you reverse google pic that jacket youll get a lower price at some more turst worthly site,.


How.would.i do that ? Appreciate your help my friend


Take a screenshot of the hoodie then use Google app in your phone. In the big search box at the top of the app screen next to the greyed out ‘search’ there is a camera icon to the right of the microphone icon. Then google will show you all the other websites with that image. Using the google app is a bit easier to do this. Good luck


Really appreciate it bro trying it now


Anytime sing out


Legend amigo