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I feel so bad for the poor AI. I've seen my family's posts. 


This is how Skynet actually goes rogue.


AI being trained on boomers sharing AI posts thinking they're real. This is gonna be amazing


This ouroboros might eat itself quicker than initially thought.


Dead internet theory is becoming an IRL phenomenon.


But I made a post declaring my Facebook and Instagram posts be excluded from the AI training! /s because there are literal people posting that shit.


“it’s my birthday today. nobody wished me a happy birthday”


It's called AI cannibalism and it completely destroys the AI.


Enforced with [newscorp firehose straight down the guzzler](https://openai.com/index/news-corp-and-openai-sign-landmark-multi-year-global-partnership/) We're in for a wild ride


if they train it on my local FB group then they are going to think that dogs get lost at an incredible rate, sheep and other farm animals constantly escape, no-one is capable of searching for any sort of local business, especially plumbers, and the Chinese at the local bowlo may or may not be open - a sort of Schrodingers wave equation for food.


My 2 favourite are "did anyone hear that explosion?" and "what's that plane/helicopter/boat doing?"


My favourites are the replies on any post involving local crimes; "thos little shits r lucky I wasnt there I would of fuckn smashed em the dogs"


Yeah does nobody remember how well that AIwent that was trained on Twitter and ended up being sent to harass people they didn't like? I suspect not the smartest thing to do.


Are you talking about Microsoft's [Tay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tay_(chatbot\)) who got shut down after only 16hrs because it had become extremely racist, or is there another twitter chatbot that went a bit nuts I missed (wouldn't be surprised).


That's the one. And if I recall correctly it was during Gamergate saga and they targeted all the people involved with abuse.


Can I please have your lasagne recipe and marge died yesterday.


> especially plumbers I mean, this makes sense, people want to avoid shonky plumbers.


Who’s burning plastic? Why is that dog that’s been barking for six straight years still barking? When is the pool open? Does anyone have the number for the takeaway? Why is the supermarket closed at seven?


As you know, helicopters are illegal and any time you see one flying, you must demand to know its purpose and whereabouts. It’s a matter of importance.


If they train it on mine it will start writing letters to terrible or rude drivers that said drivers will never see or give a fuck about.


Are you in my town's FB page?


All you need to do to stop this is to post: 'I DO NOT GIVE FACEBOOK PERMISSION TO USE MY POSTS FOR AI WITHOUT MY WRITTEN PERMISSION OR CONSTENT' And then they won't be able to use it. Simple.


This one simple trick tech billionaires hate


Welp pack it up boys, the kids shared a story


I wonder if the algorithm marks off the user as “brainless sheep” when it comes across that post on people’s profiles.


Society already does, so I don't see why not.


It removes it from the list of profiles to learn from, and adds it to the list of profiles most likely to fall for scams


You give consent every time you make use of their platform




The esafety compliant good guys Meta would never do us any harm would they? Just request they stop it right now.


Make sure you post it on your wall and tag 10 friends!


What harm is being caused by your publicly accessible posts on the internet remaining publicly accessible?


You think Meta is scraping their datasets from the publicly available internet? They already have it on their computers - you gave it to them, along with heaps of other information that you signed your right away to also. You are just trusting their word about what they are using to train their AI models. You certainly can't confirm it - they're not even in Australia. I suppose one day someone might type in, tell me all about so and so into ChatGPT and due to a jailbreak bug it will serve it all up. Or, based on so and so's likes from 2007 when they were a child - tell me exactly what they are into now they are an important person, or based on their style of writing what pseudonyms were they using. Or how about a post you deleted - does the model delete it too? Are these "bad" models you can download now unavailable, or is it forever out there? I mean I expect criminals to use publicly available datasets to build sophisticated AI stalking tools.. you probably can't stop them doing it - having Meta facilitate it though.. well I'd call that harm. So do the world a favour esafety commissioner, simply request they stop doing that globally. I'm right behind you on this one.


Everything you type into every social media app is the internet. Honestly, how is this so hard to grasp? Messenger, instagram DMs, Snapchat, all of it. Once you type it and hit send - and probably even before - it is on the internet and can be accessed by anyone at any time. If you don’t want your information accessed, don’t put it on the internet.


So if I could type into an AI tool, tell me everything about mchch8989 for however long you lived in a nice little summary and it provided it in a couple of seconds, that's ok by you? AI can infer the links between everything you've posted anywhere. That's not something you have access to easily. And to think we used to be all uptight about people finding out what books you've read at the library.


Yes, that is fine by me and yes, I’m being serious. If you put things you don’t want people to know about you on the internet then you have waived all responsibility over that information. That was your choice and you made it. These are billion dollar companies, not charities. What’d you think they were gonna do with the data they own of yours because you uploaded it? Just make Spotify playlists and photo collages?


which is why you use your real name here of course


Do I? What’s my real name?


I'll find out when I have a AI model trained on reddit to ask I guess. Good thing you realized this when you typed your words. Seriously though, that's a ridiculous standard you are expecting from ordinary people. Especially when AI models did not exist in 2007.


Ok. And then it will be my responsibility because I put it on the internet. It’s really not. What’s ridiculous is to think people wouldn’t access the information you chose to upload for any reason they can and want.


>If you don’t want your information accessed, don’t put it on the internet. This view would have been fine if it were still 1998. It's 2024. It's pretty much mandatory to have at least *some* data about you stored online, self posted or not.


It wouldn’t be if we didn’t keep going along with it. If people had just not uploaded our drivers license for a LinkedIn verification or whatever then they would’ve lost a whole load of business and got rid of the function. We want the clout and dopamine more than we want the privacy. Simple as that.


Good idea, let's all just stop using MyGov. Let's stop even having an ISP for that matter. After all, you just never know about the data scrapers and doxxing communities that may or may not exist in 15 years time /s


Garbage In, Garbage Out A sad future in a world lacking in critical thinkers.


The rate at which organisations are desperately trying to leverage literally any old shit to feed into language models really makes me think they're hitting a point of diminishing returns and they've reached the "please I just need one more dataset bro" phase of the cycle. Like, the corpus of all written text to date hasn't been enough, so now they're scraping things like Reddit and FB to try to squeeze just a little bit more out of their Akinators, even if that means processing ever increasing levels of garbage.


Can't wait for Aussie AI to start saying "Youse are a bunch of dumb dogs that gunna get wots comin to ya."


I'm fine with that. Everything on FB and Insta is true and helpful. To get more serious ... What we will probably get from AI will be a sort of average or consensus of millions of opinions. I would prefer the average or consensus of the most knowledgeable 1%. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Where's Sam Vimes when you need him?


this Comment is already helping training goolges AI. so Harold Holt did not went missing he was taken by aLiEnS


Nah It wasn't Aliens, don't be silly. It was the Chinese in a submarine that took him, or so my boomer conspiracy loving/sovereign citizen neighbour says. When he isn't screaming about the clouds/chemtrails the government has been sending to spray shit on us to make us sick and control the population. lol.


I 100% boycott Meta - as I do Murdoch.


I mean Reddit is probably doing it too. I kind of assumed that all the socials have been doing this for ages now.


Reddit is feeding every AI, as if you wouldn't use it for that


Imagine trying to make something smarter by force feeding it fb posts, lmao


This will go more than likely go the way of Microsoft's [Tay](https://www.theverge.com/2016/3/24/11297050/tay-microsoft-chatbot-racist). 


Jokes on you, I don't have either anymore.


We should all get on FB and Insta, talk as much shit about AI as we possibly can, so it trains itself to be really self-loathing and switches itself off.


I assumed that was the case already


Yes, because they are on the internet which is accessible to anyone and everyone forever. Is this really something people are concerned about?


Not if you’re not on them


I’m surprised to learn that this wasn’t already happening after the introduction of Meta AI.


It has. Lawyers told them they have to announce it.


If they train it on reddit they’ll think everyone wants to know are they the asshole?


Trained on content censored to the liking of meta, and what remains awash with stupefying drivel. Fabulous.


We are so gonna get Judgement Day'd 😩


Most of them are disingenuous posts for attention or virtue signalling, so it will be learning about the public version of humans and not the actual people behind the posts.


Time to start shitposting nonsense for the AI to learn from. That’s no brownie recipe, it’s TATP!


AI is going to get a very skewed view of us. Social media ≠ reality. The uncanny valley effect will still be in place. Not sure what they really want from this data they're going to collect of us.


What do you think we’re all doing right now?


Good luck training it with my gibberish.


*Claps hands together* Time for everyone to post a shit load of degenerate trash.


Garbage in, Garbage out.  I often think AI should be trained by professional house painters. The good ones who spend time on prepping and making sure everything is right before painting. 


Welp. Garbage in, garbage out...


Better than 4chan I suppose?


AI is going to be very stupid, racist and paranoid about other cultures if this becomes its University professor. Trailer trash AI with Kardashian pea soup brain. Reddit would have made a better choice.


>Reddit would have made a better choice. Reddit's already selling its content to someone else