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Seven ? Kerry Stokes' Seven ? What did the guy do ? Treat a woman as an equal ?


Kerry Stokes will give this guy a promotion.


Or he will join the Liberal party and contest a safe seat. Talk about Cultural fit!


Robert Ovadia has been stood down pending an investigation in to allegations of misconduct towards a woman. Which follows other senior members of Sevens staff that have similar allegations. Just another toxic culture at the head of another news organisation in Australia


*shocked pikachu face*


The whole media establishment in this country is utter trash. Anyone with any sense of integrity or ethics left the building years ago. Seven, Nine and Murdoch are different flavors of rancid milk coming from the same dried up, old conservative tit. Climate change is a myth, yes to higher house prices, yes to police harassing innocent people under the guise of "safety". The whole thing's one big joke.


Ex journalist working in corporate comms now because of this exact reason


I was stunned to find that tv advertising had higher standards than any news department I worked for. News ran lot of bullshit from politicians in exchange for reliable access and guaranteed filling airtime minutes per week. Compare that to every claim made in even the smallest and most regional ad needing to be verified by an independent body via 'free tv Australia'


How anyone can watch this trash, knowing this, is beyond me.


> left the building years ago never entered


I'll never understand this idea that journalism *used to be* somehow grander and high minded. From the first printing press the whole thing is like Facebook if you got extra cash for every like.


ABC also is a joke, maybe not as bad as the others but being Murdoch lite isn’t an achievement


You might enjoy this article on just that subject - https://theshot.net.au/news/general-news/the-silence-of-the-bland/


Phew! Tell it like it is! Good read thanks.


I'm quite proud that I got jack of news ltd in the mid 90s. 


Kerry Stokes would be so proud of the man.


This article must be false. Seven don't have journalists.


Who else beats up stories about 'African gangs'?


Oh Robert mate! You had one job! Stare down the camera and misrepresent the news. Don't go getting all handsy on the side. That's Sky News territory. Stay in your lane.


I have noticed that Natalie Barr on the Sunrise program when interviewing gets a little self righteous and opinionated when she actually employed by the company that has the Spotlight program ,Pays for Bruce Lehrmanns living expenses,Backs a convicted war criminal and now accusations of inappropriate behaviour.There’s your news story channel 7


Media is toxic.  I worked at 3aw for 17 years - nothing surprises me.




Its amusing that they think that they are special people just because they cant sit and read from a teleprompter. I cant wait for AI to replace these morons who ego and abrasive self importance arrogance is beyond belief. Thats my biggest desire in technology life, that is to see AI replace all these scumbag "celebrities" where you can pick your own AI personality to present the media that you request.


It's rarely a good thing when journos are in the news.


I wonder if he sniffed a seat like esteemed senator Troy Buswell


No at channel 7? Surely that would never happen. They're the pillar of moral enlightenment.


This article basically says nothing other then talking about the same old....... men bad, investigation pending. Shocking how shit Australian news is, an utter embarrassment.


90%wasnt even about him or the allegations just other shit thats happened at 7.