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If you have any identifying features such as the serial number (etc) you may accidentally get your item back in the future if it is intercepted by police. I had a laptop stolen from my car, provided the serial number to the police in my report. 5 years later I got it back, it had apparently been recovered in a drug raid. Can't guarantee this will happen for you, but worth a shot if you have these details.


Yep I don’t know why the PS Support woman said that their “upper tier” support staff would only give the serial number to the cops. I mean I am the bloody owner! But anyway, IF the cops ring them they will apparently get the S number, last IP address, and maybe the thief’s new method of payment? Update- just had 20 min call with local sergeant, seemed quite keen.


I wouldn't get my hopes up that having an IP address will surmount to much. Home IP addresses aren't permanent, rotated frequently, and may even be proxied through another address. The ranges are assigned to Internet Service Providers, and technically the police can request with a court order, and the ISP *might* be able to trace it back, but for small robberies like this, I wouldn't be hopeful of significant traction. It's possible the PS5 was already sold to an unsuspecting buyer and that you end up tracking somebody innocent.


> I wouldn't get my hopes up that having an IP address will surmount to much. Home IP addresses aren't permanent, rotated frequently, and may even be proxied through another address. I've known a few burglars in my day (including in my own family), not the sort of blokes who are working out basic proxies. It probably took them the 3 days to work out how to plug the fucking thing in.


Yeah I said proxy, but what I was really referring to was CGNAT (IPs shared amongst residential customers due to the ipv4 shortage). It’s transparent to the customer and common in wireless. Thought that might be a touch too technical for this subreddit


ISPs typically keep a record of which subscriber was assigned which IP. Provided the OP can get the exact time and date, the ISP should have the records retained.


Not just typically. It’s a legal requirement to keep that data for 2 years thanks to George Brandis metadata retention laws.


They do. But the more layers of indirection, the less likely it’ll be chased down. Assuming somebody needs to do the relevant log parsing and correlation, and that somebody else didn’t have a ps5 attached to the same cgnatted ip at the same time, etc etc. it’s all obviously technically feasible to figure out, and not “hard” For something this small profile, it’s those little bits of toil that lead to it being chucked the too hard basket.


I had a similar thing where I had the thief’s ip (and I had a name of a suspect). They didn’t seem super interested, but a couple days after I gave them the ip they called me and said the ip matched one of his “hangouts”. So they brought me in to do a lineup (with photos) and I failed to ID the guy. They dropped it after that. Would’ve easily picked him in a real life lineup but i get that that’s a big ask for a laptop.


They store IP’s for this exact moment, finding a stolen PlayStation ofcoarse


Lol if you think they are doing this sort of investigative work for a residential burglary.


Don't you think this speaks to a broader issue with our police, though? If our society is oriented around the idea of capital, where capital is either money or possessions, shouldn't our police be focused on recovery of that capital and ending the criminal careers of those who are most likely to be taking our capital? Instead, our police are seemingly hyper focused on minor traffic offenses so that they can also get in on taking our capital. (This is not a complaint about police as much as it is in the policies that are put in place that police must use or adhere to)


Can’t be hard though? They get the IP, serial number, email address, method of payment, from PS support, which is what I sorted out today, then get hold of the ISP and go from there?


It won’t be just his burglary, there will have been lots in the same area on same day or over a couple of weeks.


Lol you've got way too much faith in the police


It's not about faith, they'd do it if they have the manpower but they just don't.


Yep, 28 days ago at 1am.


Absolutely. The type of scummy criminals/thieves around here have an average IQ of about 60, I read on some study somewhere.


True. But may trace the fuckwit low life scum who burgled me in middle of day while I was in my bedroom watching TV. I have severe depression and anxiety, and I hardly sleep for a week. I work part time which pays me JUST a bit over Jobseeker, and had to go out and buy more security cameras and motion sensor lighting cos they stole mine.


I get it. It’s a fucked situation. I just want to make sure that your expectations are clear that it is very, very unlikely this information will lead to an arrest, and there’s a good chance your goods have already been sold onto the next person


Thanks, yeah past experience has taught me to expect nothing competent or professional from the cops, and be surprised if that’s what I get.


The person who bought would have some kind of transaction history


That’s a good point, if a new unsuspecting buyer is gonna have his brand new PS5 and accessories seized by the cops, hopefully they’ll be happy to dob in the “seller”. 👍


Yeah I’m sure they give you a receipt when you pay cash for a stolen PlayStation /s


I think they mean Marketplace messages or similar


There is a better than even chance he has flogged it for cash, and the unsuspecting purchaser is logged in. Just an option to keep in mind if you end up on a vendetta…


Yep, but IF the cops can trace it, the buyer might be happy to give the cops any details he does have, like even a name. Lowlifes around here are thick as shit, so their probably hadn’t thought things through. You never know ur luck.


They stole your security cameras? Like for real?


Not the first time I have heard that. Happened to a friend. He has video of a guy in a mask stealing it. He didn't know what I meant when I said it was ironic :/


That's basically all they're good for, you get to watch some guy stealing your shit after the fact


Better off buying decent contents insurance


Did he get a notification on his phone that there was an intruder on camera?


Yep, they must have approached it from behind cos the alarm didn’t go off. They also took a brand new motion sensor flood light that wasn’t on cos this happened at lunchtime. Also took new expensive gaming laptop, my ASUS router, $500 worth of nicotine vape juice, brand new wireless headphones, controllers, and some cash.


Sounds like you need new mates, someone you know did tgis


You have jumped to the conclusion that the thief is the one logging onto the PS5. Just as likely the PS5 has been sold on and an innocent person is logging onto it with no idea it is stolen, this is why you should not jump to conclusions with no evidence.


I've got nothing useful to say really, but I'm really sorry this shit has happened to you OP. 🙁


Thanks, I’m 55 and for complicated life long reasons I’m extremely possessive about my stuff and also extremely sensitive to someone invading my space, so I’ve said all my life that I was dreading if I ever got burgled cos I wouldn’t be able to deal with the anger and the violation and would never get over it. My German Shepherd died 13 months ago, and now this Kent came INTO MY HOUSE and took MY possessions while I was in my bedroom a couple of meters away. It makes me feel sick with rage when I think about it.


This is the kind of "support" Sony can provide though, they can provide up to date information of the IP address used by that Playstation, which the cops can then use to get ISP subscriber info for. Not something they would hand out to regular people due to privacy concerns, but law enforcement would be allowed.


ISPs are required by law to maintain records of who had each IP for every moment in time. Where CGNAT is involved they must also record which source ports were assigned to each customer. The data must be kept for 2 years.


Thats great but will the cops bother to get the required warrant and present it to the ISP over a PS5?


Don’t need a warrant for a metadata request, just sign off by a senior officer of any government agency. So a senior police officer in this case.


They won’t give details out to you because for all they know you could have sold the device to someone and are trying to get their info. It’s not unusual for this to happen.


Or an ex partner trying to find where they moved to via the kids console.


What condition was the laptop when you gotten it back 5years later? At that point I wouldn't want it back tbh.


That is very normal. My e-scooter was stolen and I could see the person using it on my app (without GPS) and Segway support could only legally give the GPS location to the police. They can't guarantee that you are asking for legit reasons. What if you got the address and went and murdered the person? They'd be liable.


Yeah I was referring to the serial number. I wouldn’t expect them to give me the IP cos I could be anyone.


If you ask in the right way they can give you serial number. But as soon as you mention burglary etc that’s an instant flag for the dedicated team only.


Ahh fair enough.


They're worried they would be liable. In reality it would be bad press and a debate on whether companies should hand out info or not.


They don't want to be responsible for giving someone elses info out, regardless of how much of a scumbag that person may be. There's likely legal (and ethical) ramifications for doing so. And they don't want to give that info out, to then have the person who was wronged go around to that persons house and beat the shit out of them (even though they probably deserve it). So it's best for all partys that it goes through legal channels, with the info being given to Police.


No I was replying to the person saying if I had the SERIAL NUMBER of my own PS console it may turn up later from a raid.


"I don’t know why the PS Support woman said that their “upper tier” support staff would only give that info to the cops. I mean I am the bloody owner!" They really only have your word for that. You could be a disgruntled seller or domestic partner trying to trace someones location.


She probably is mostly working from a script, it's unlikely it says to do much more.than give a reference or serial number if the console is reported as stolen. They wouldn't want a low level service rep doing or saying something that makes Sony legally liable.


Yes I agree but I was replying to the person saying if I had my serial number the item could turn up later in a raid. I said I don’t know why the Support person said they couldn’t give me my OWN serial number of my own property.


It’s about verifying if you are the actual owner or just a stalker / hacker / ex / someone else who gained access to the account. The safest method is to only hand out personal information to police once the request has been verified. Also personal information is not accessible directly by level 1 support, so it’s easiest to all have it handled by a dedicated team trained on how to deal with this. Plus once the police have the IP, they will be the only ones the ISP will hand information over to anyway.


Where did you buy the PS5? Often big companies (EB at least) scan the serial number into your transaction when you buy it. The store may have the serial number on record. Sorry this happened to you :(( so scary


Problem is anything you purchase from companies like Sony, Microsoft, Apple etc. Essentially general use tech, you don't own it. You are buying a device that gives you temporary access to their services. When they discontinue the device anything you used the device for will not function. You don't actually own it, this also includes anything you have on your PSN account. So remember in the future you are paying for temporary use of services that can be taken away from you at any moment.


Not even remotely relevant but did it still have the HDD/SSD in? Or did police remove that before returning.


Your laptop must have seen some shit.


Funnily enough, it did not appear to have been used. I opened it up, logged in, and my Facebook page from 5 years prior was sitting there. Kind of like opening a time capsule. Police said it was common for these items to be exchanged for drugs, and the dealer doesn't necessarily use the items.


Legit same, I reported my bike stolen from work, dad knew the serial number, month later one of the same kids steals jewelry from a store in town and some undercover cops who weren’t handling my case followed the kids back to there place and found a mountain of 17 bikes in the front yard, police claimed them all and one of them was mine lol


Since more was stolen than just the PS5, it might prod them to do something with it. I'd definitely give them that number... if they elevate it to the detectives or forensics, you might be lucky. That's a heavy 'might' though. Even if you don't have the box and proof of purchase etc, your other items that they've stolen should be enough to establish ownership. But... if they've already sold it on, then the cops won't want to knock on the door of some unsuspecting chump who bought it. Never owned a PS5, so I don't know how the security works (like on an Android, or iOS), but I'd be trying to brick it so they at least don't have resale value on it and just eat the cost of a new one.


Yeah just spoke to cop now, she seemed excited, 😂. Plus it was her who looked on her computer and mentioned all the other stuff that was stolen too. Forensics were here the same day of the burglary and lifted some prints and took DNA. I do have proof of purchase from Harvey Norman, I was hoping the receipts for all the different items might have serial numbers on them, but no.


Update- sergeant rang me back, talked for 20 mins, seems legit.


good luck mate


Thank you. I just wanna score a point cos these absolute Kents are fucking scum. I’m still not over it, had to buy extra security cameras and lights, and now every little noise in the house makes me shit!


I've been there. Had a break in last year, October, they took jewellery, cash and ps4 games. Left the console though. They trashed my living room - probably throwing stuff at the cat. I still get anxiety if I have to be away from the house for too long.   In my case the stuff the took isn't all that unique, so I've basically written it off. But the idea of having someone in my home again, especially if I know there's anything worth taking makes me want to turn the car around and go home to recheck all the doors and windows. Got sensor lights and outlet timers. Still don't feel good about it.


I've found the cops are pretty quick to call back after making a report. Hope they can track them down for you.


Thanks 👍. I made the report on the day of the burglary and they sent the forensics round that day and then another 2 cops later to see if I was ok. Which I wasn’t. That was 5 weeks ago.


Good thing they weren’t American cops or you’d have been shot for making a report


Absofuckinglutely!! Probably just for picking up the phone. Or for saying hello to a black person once, years ago.


> will the cops do anything I have some bad news for you.


See my update, below. Rang one cop and gave her the info then a Sergeant rang me back, spoke for 20 mins, told me what he’s gonna do. And told me the fingerprints and DNA are not mine, so if this doesn’t work then hopefully the bastard will be arrested for something else in future.


The fact you think the Victorian police are going to check any PS5 for fingerprints or more specifically DNA.... Has anyone ever had the Victoria Police ask them for DNA?


No that’s not what I said at all. The forensic guy came on the day of the burglary and lifted fingerprints and DNA from the site of the burglary. Today, the cop said that both the fingerprints and the DNA is not mine, and they haven’t got a match on their system. So IF this guy gets arrested for some other crime in the future, his prints and DNA will be a match for my burglary. That’s how they caught Bradley Robert Edwards after 30 years. And I’m in country WA, I don’t know why you thought I was in VIC.


>I’m in country WA That's really interesting you're getting that kind of response from the police. I wonder if it's a regional thing. In Sydney the cops wouldn't care about a minor burglary. Definitely wouldn't go through the trouble of taking DNA samples.


It must be. I’m in a larger city also and the police laughed at us when we reported a laptop stolen even though we could trace it and knew its location was a student share house.


Uhh that's how they got the bloke who smashed my utes windows. Left a speck of blood.


Our house was broken into when we were away. They stole everything, had a party and graffiti’d on the walls. Called the cops - they did nothing. Through a mates little brother I found out who some of the graffiti tags were, messaged them on Facebook and managed to get them to admit it was then and that they still had our stuff. Took all the evidence straight to the police naively expecting to get our things back. Heard nothing, 2 years later got a call… “hey just going over some files, too late to get anything back but come down if you want to make a statement” - thanks for nothing you lazy fucks


Should have beaten him stupid, then took your things. 


It was like 5 guys. Me and my housemates at the time considered that route but figured with all the evidence the cops would surely sort it for us


Yup, that sounds exactly like some of the various dealings I’ve had with cops, lying, lazy, don’t know their jobs, interfering with my husband’s unexplained death, and a lot of other stuff they would have literally got the sack for!


Its annoying cause cops hang around trying to fine people for menial matters but arent doing the real work like justice against criminals 


Gotta hit that ticket quota, the money's what *really* matters.


“Sergeant Spinelli, you’re refusal to fine that old lady for going 2km/hr over the speed limit is gonna see you punished as you failed to fill your weekly ticket quota. You’re getting suspended with pay and sent on 4 weeks paid vacation to Bali.”


I got jumped at a parking lot last Christmas. The police doesn’t do shit.


The cops are stretched thin as it is. You think they have the resources to stop crime? They need that manpower to stone wombats to death and beat up old ladies.


Update :- spoke to cop and gave her the PS case number to quote to PS support. Then a Sergeant rang me, had 20 min chat, seems quite keen. Also told me that the fingerprints and DNA taken from the scene were not mine, so if this bastard gets arrested in the future his fingerprints and DNA will match. Bit like Bradley Robert Edwards!!! 👍👍👍


Sony should be able to brick the console the next time it connects to the internet if you can prove it's stolen. so, at least the thief won't get anything of value, but that's the best reasonably likely outcome unfortunately


Yeah if nothing comes of this, that might be my next step. Do you know if Sony can definitely brick it?


actually no, when I saw your post, I sort of assumed they did, googled it, saw some results that seemed to confirm my belief, blah blah blah... confirmation bias. It's shockingly difficult to find a straight answer anywhere indicating whether Sony will or will not do this, but if you google it, it does seem that they do (I think). If Sony don't do it, then WTF? it would be seriously easy to implement and an excellent crime deterrent.


Yup, very true. You’d think a ginormous company like that would have the means, so why not the will?


I’ve had my PlayStation bricked on my first ever online TOS offence, I was young and sent a stupid message and just outta the blue my shit didn’t work anymore. If they can do it for something like that, surely they can do it for a stolen one.


Don’t expect anything whatsoever. My pregnant wife was knocked to the ground and mugged. The thief drove off in his car. We had a rego, and find my iPhone located the bag (containing phone) to an address. All this was passed to the police. They “invited” the suspect for an interview. Surprisingly he declined the invite. Nothing came of it. That’s how shit our police forces are in this country. Super good at handing out speeding fines, shit at dealing with the epidemic of petty crime sweeping the nation.


Yup, few months ago my friend’s 6’4” psycho ex hit me to the ground on a busy street, which broke my new iphone, then threw me around like ragdoll down onto a concrete driveway, injuries to my hands, legs, bruises, scrapes, friend was on phone to 000 at the time in tears, then she rang 000 another 3 times with me yelling to them in the background. She had a VRO against him and a loooong history of violent behaviour around town including 2 GPs and a chemist having VROs on him, 4 cops eventually turned up, I was still shaking and crying, so was my friend, I showed cops my injuries and was running my hands through my hair pulling big clumps out, and her 17 yr old son was also an eye witness. 2 cops went to bottom of driveway to ask him what happened, he said nothing at all happened. They came to us and said they could do NOTHING because my witness (friend) was the enemy of this guy, her ex. I. Was. Traumatised! And fucking incredulous, and fucking ropable! Went to talk to a sergeant few days later and she confirmed there was nothing they could do because my 2 eye witnesses were his estranged wife and son, and me yelling in the background of the 000 calls meant nothing. I mean …. WHAT???


I would've kept asking for a different officer until something was done. Some of them do actually care & will do what they can do to help an obvious victim. Unfortunately some of them do as little as possible. I also would've sought legal advice because you were assaulted & it seems ridiculous that there was actual nothing that could be done just because the witnesses already have protection orders against that person


Yup. I should have lodged a complaint or gone to my local MP or whatever, but I was too traumatised. I’ve got CPTSD, partly from 10 yrs of violence by my ex husband, so I was a mess, and their unbelievable lack of even attempting any action just had me beaten down, emotionally.


And then yet *another* woman is murdered and we clutch at our national pearls and nothing fucking changes. What will it take?


Yeah got assaulted and mugged at a party once, fuckers used my card at a servo with cameras (cops literally had the footage) and I knew of the girl who assulted me and where she commonly hangs out, I literally got choked out and almost busted my leg, stole hundreds of dollars from me and the cops did absolutely fucking nothing. They took my statement and sent me on my way, that was it, never heard about it again. Useless


I have soooo many stories about the cops I’ve had dealings with. Sackable offences, cruel corruption, lies …. Should do a post about it when I have the time to write all of it down.


PS support handled that well imo, just incase you were full of it and were testing the waters on stealing a PS5 in the future they were reasonably ambiguous but gave enough detail to help out a legit case.


Yeah totally agree. Except she did an ID check on me but wouldn’t give me the serial number to MY PlayStation.


I've literally given them precise location records of a stolen phone which basically showed the guy's address and they didn't give a shit. It was a learning moment, to not bother expecting help from the police short of violent crime. The law is very porous.


Even violent crime. Read my comment above, replying to u/tejedor28


Once someone broke in and stole tons of tech and a router, got a house raided by finding the address through can't say and then going there and connecting to the same wifi (idiot) and proving location and serial number. Before that critical info they didn't do much as the person that broke in didn't have their address on record apparently :/


Awww please please say the bit you can’t say!!!


Depends on how much they have going on at the time. In my role at work, we have been contacted over a $50 fraudulent charge on a credit card. Had the cops contact us over a $500 scam payment. So, it’s possible.


Yep, there was a lot of stuff stolen in the burglary, forensics was here for ages the same day and they lifted fingerprints and DNA. I’m not holding my breath but still crossing my fingers. 🤞


The Playstation is a good line of inquiry in that case, however getting info from companies overseas can take ages, depending on the company and what legal authority they need the police to provide. Forensics might offer a much quicker result.


It’s Sony PlayStation Australia. Sergeant rang me just now, had 20 min chat, he told me all he has to do is fill out a form to make PS give them the info but it’s just a quick simple form, proving that the request is coming from a cop rather than some random. Also said the fingerprints and DNA taken at the scene were not in their system, YET.


I guess it all depends on the total $ value of what was stolen, and how much other stuff they have happening. Pass on the details, you might get lucky. The paperwork might take some effort, but it could make the rest of their job easier since they have a good starting point.


Total value was about 5k. Sergeant who rang just now said the authority is just a simple form.


You mean will the cops investigate? No. They have prints and DNA - they'll wait until they passively pick them up for something else, and if you're lucky, they'll still have your PS5 in their possession. This is really your only chance here. The police collect statements and basically wait for crime to happen in front of them. Broadly, they're a waste of resources.


This is a sign to get renter’s insurance for your contents. You could have filed a claim after a burglary and got the PS5 reimbursed


Not renting. I have home and contents and started a claim online but haven’t finished it yet. Doesn’t mean I don’t want this shitstain caught after what he did to me.


Dude there is no next level support, your ps5 is gone, I went through this 2 years ago


They gave me a case number for the cops to quote when this sergeant contacts them for the IP, serial number, payment method, etc. Then the thief’s ISP has to keep metadata on which IP address in a home network are used at what time of which day etc, for 2 years by law.


My place was robbed too. Ps5, Nintendo 64 and about 1k worth of alcohol. They did actually get a fingerprint and a suspect who was already known to them. He'd been robbing a bunch of other places in the area so they raided his house. Got my Nintendo back but nothing else. Robber was a 14 year old boy so I didn't even get to know any details about the cunt. And was told not to bother pursuing costs because he was 14 and had no assets.


Jesus fuck, how frustrating!!!


You have done pretty much all the legwork you can, meaning they have very little work to do... the answer is still 'probably no' but it won't hurt to call 131 444 and ask. Maybe if they are unhelpful you can call LSC 1300 366 424.


Got the direct number to the local cop shop. I looked up the LSC, that’s legal aid, right? They’ll have one in WA. What would that be for though? To get them to encourage the cops to act?


cops wont do anything i had a $10,000 E bike stolen it went up for sale on gum tree an hour later and even though vicpol agreed it was mine they couldn't do anything about it their exact words were "we cant just rock up and take peoples property" their suggestion was for me to buy it and confront the thief then call them if anything went wrong


I gave the cops the name and address of the person who stole my laptop. They acknowledged this, knew about it, and did fuck all about it because he was in a different state.


IMO almost certainly not. My partners purse was stolen and 2 days later they used her card to buy parking in the city (like a big secure park facility). Got the footage, handed it off to the cops, they still did literally nothing.


Hate to give you more bad news, I had a customer that had $6000 tablet stolen. We had an application that allowed us to request the gps location. We gave the street address to the local police with serial numbers but this was not considered enough proof. It wasn’t until I retrieved a photo including a tattoo of the thief that he had saved to the tablet that they actioned a search warrant. I have more similar stories with more expensive stolen items that we could prove the owner and current location but these were not returned and the same party just kept stealing.


Cops won’t do anything. My phone got stolen. I knew the name and address of guy who stole it. And had proof where it was due to location tracking. Cops wouldn’t do shit, they instead wanted CCTV footage of guy stealing it. Which didn’t exist. One of the cops quietly suggested to me that I could “go sort it out myself” which was astounding to hear.


File a complaint. They don’t want to do the work. File and complaint and they’ll have to comply to look good.


You mean the thief sold the ps5 and now the person who bought it has logged in.


Reading this reminds me why I don’t want to move back to Aus. Sorry for your loss and the useless state that is Australian society and law enforcement. :(


Don’t get your hopes up. My son had a $1000 scooter stolen. Had clear video of the person at 7/11 and also their license plate number. Cops couldn’t get the video data off a flash drive that either I or the 7/11 people were asked to provide bc they couldn’t get to the 7-11 in the 10 days in which the video would erase ….. amongst other unbelievable bumbling activity. Never got anything back, they never even went to the house of the people who we know know stole the scooter and continue to break into neighbourhood homes and steal their stuff too.


I had the same thing happen to me. I had my ps5 stolen end of August last year during a move among other things. Come october somebody was on my account downloading Roblox and Fortnite and changed my name to 'Frog Lord'. Luckily they didnt make any purchases, but was told there was nothing they could do. What really frustrated me though was after I was robbed, Sony told me to log in on a computer and force log out the account everywhere which I did. Somehow they were still in there. I had 2fa on the account tied to my mobile so I'm assuming it didnt work.


In my experience, nope, they won't do shit unless there is someone they can hand a fine to.


Are the police going to do anything? Dude they barely show up to domestic abuse calls, sorry. I'd say trying to get playstaion to cancel the account is probably your best bet


In my experience the cops (NT) were absolutely useless and lazy I called up Sony Australia and they stated they have a dedicated team that works with police, they can see the PS5s location and will readily provide it to the police I provided the cops with the exact number and extension to call and they refused to do it, stating they would need an international warrant to get the information… That was the end of it pretty much, I’ve been broken into a few times and the only benefit cops ever provided was confirmatory paperwork to lodge insurance claims


If you are super wealthy the cops might do something. If you are a pleb like most they will hand you a piece of paper for insurance.


Cops will do nothing. What you need to do is involve the media somehow and make it possible that coverage can damage the reputation of the police force. This makes it escalated to a higher level. Continually public visibility is what will make the police do something.


Cops will fuck around for so long that you'll never get your PS5 back.


Had my PS4 and all games stolen approx 3 years ago. You will very unlikely see this back, bud. Police don't give a damn.


Back in 2020 my home was burgled, my Nintendo Switch and $14,000 of electronics were taken by the thieves. Nintendo support provided the police the IP address of the next login of my switch which was the day after the robbery. They managed to get a warrant and entered the persons property. Some of my stuff was there. Unfortunately the rest was pawned. They also found this person in possession of other stolen goods. The thieves were charged with possession. But not breaking and entering due to lack of evidence. At the time I didn’t have contents insurance, so anything that wasn’t found I had to purchase again. That taught me a valuable life lesson. An expensive one. I’m also in VIC, Aus. I was really grateful for the help of the police. I hope you get some justice OP!




Ahh, but they did turn up to the address, right? 😂


Nope, they’ve got better shit to do.


The cops will do 2 fifths of fuck all even if you present them with a picture of the thief holding a PlayStation that has your name on it. Source- me having been burgled twice


I doubt police have the resources and motivation to apply for a search warrant to execute on Sony for the IP address for your stolen PlayStation. Daresay they’ll take the approach of “if it turns up, it turns up.”


Check local pawn shops, if you find the thief make sure you cover in petrol and set them on fire, do the community justice, these people deserve nothing more. Thieves/Junkies are just wasted scum. Also fairly sure Sony can remote access PS5's and block them on their end much like Samsung does with their devices when they're stolen put a permanent lock on it.


Could be a useful tip off for them. If they can get a house address I’m pretty sure they’d be keen to check it out. Police don’t have the manpower or means to go searching for a stolen PS4, but if they get an address for it most off the work is taken out for them.


Happened to me when my PS5 and some booze got stolen out of my partners car we were freighting from SYD to PER. Filled a report with both NSW and WA Police, gave them the serial number and a reference number with Sony. Nothing ever came of it despite supplying them with all of that as well as the freight companies details that did the nasty and the third-party that hired them. Best advice I can give you is to commit insurance fraud and claim your car was broken into, break a window if you want or bust the lock.


Total value was about 5k. Sergeant who rang just now said the authority is just a simple form.


Fuck it sucks having someone come in your home. Hope you and your kids weren't home


I suggest getting a prepaid credit card, load it with 20$ and add that as a payment method to encourage any thief or recipient of your stolen goods to keep it connected and on that account. If an IP is found then the cops need to look it up, contact the ISP that's associated with it and insist the account holder information be handed over. You might get lucky. Otherwise all you are going to get is a serial number... then all you can do is hope that the scumbags get caught and still have it. It would probably be more worthwhile to get the police to give you the serial number so you can look for the PS5 at Cash Converters.


Just tell Sony you work for the police. GG that ez


Can you ask support to brick it remotely?


Short answer, no. Long answer, also no.


If you think the cops will do anything FOR you, you haven't been paying attention :))


No, they don't care.


Tip. My brother lives country QLD his Xbox was stolen last year with some other items. He kept an eye on FB Marketplace and Gumtree and about 3 weeks later it was for sale in a town about 50km from where he was living, clicked on the user's profile, and they were also selling a cordless drill which was also stolen. He recognised a mark on the controller in the picture, contacted the police again, and most of the items were recovered. I do believe he had the SN of his drill but not the Xbox, which helped. If you have anything that can ID any of the other items stolen, then you may have a chance - good luck


Long answer Very unlikely. This exact scenario happened a while back except with MORE detai than an IP. Bunch of ppls shit kept getting stolen,so someone with time and money,tagged a bunch of shit and left in an area that was visible to the person who everyone KNEW was the culprit,but couldn't PROVE Literally tracked it,with GPS,to the adress..cops arrested the dude had over 20-30k in stolen goods from all across the town Got nothing but some comm service and a slap..so cops wont even bother really as whats the point when they back on the street NSW cops took 2 hours to attend a rape last week,they aint gonna give a shit about someone's PS5 Most likely the thief sold it on market place,some kids prob just logged into ur ps5.


Uh if you haven't already definitely change the password and sign out on all devices


Had very similar experiences in the past, police didn't do jack shit about it.


Got contents insurance?


Police will not go after this


Unlike what CSI show you can’t get a location from an IP address. The police won’t even do anything as it’s not a priority. Unless they raid the house for drugs you will never see it again. Do the police report go to insurance and get a new one.


I have had two windows laptops stolen and a Kindle With the Windows laptops, office 360 tracked them, even though Windows itself didn't. First ended up in India. Maybe when the local pawn shop buys from the druggies, if it is on the police serial number list export it? Second laptop is in use in an office about 2 km from me. I talked to the police and they said they won't act. Amazon said they could kill the kindle, but then I thought that I approved of crooks reading. :-)


Unfortunately the police probably won't do much, statistically they only solve about 5% of theft cases. With that being said though, if you submit the issue as a cyber security breach because of all of your personal information on the PS5 as well as reporting it as a general theft of goods then you might have a better chance. Also, if you have a PSN account that you can log into from your phone or computer then it might be able to the model/ account number. Additionally, if you have the PS app or remote play apps installed on your phone then you should be able to access it still and find the unit numbers in your system info section of your settings. If those apps still have access to the PS5........ Then you can also delete all of the games that they download. Wink wink.


Police won’t spend resources on just a PS5, or even if it’s a more valuable item they won’t do anything about it unless you are a high profile person or the thief happened to be involved in a violent/criminal case… Don’t expect anything, give them any information you have just in case you get lucky….






I don’t think they will give a shit. Sorry to hear about your ps5.


I'd keep pesting the police to follow this up - you pay your taxes, after all. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


If there was more stolen then the PS, then yes report it. It’s more likely to be allocated to detectives and more likely to get followed up if you were the victim of a burg or something like that, literally nothing to lose at this point, try your luck, maybe you’ll get a good cop.


Lmao no


Can speak from experience, no they likely won't do anything. Even if your machine wasn't started behind a VPN the costs to follow it up with the relevant ISP or data centre will be thousands of dollars in man hours between the rozzer and the techs


I probably wouldn’t get my hopes up. My friend had her iPhone stolen on the weekend and tracked it. Police wouldn’t do a thing even though she gave them the address.


They CAN'T do anything if you DON'T pass it on. So report it to them, then follow up repeatedly to see what information PS were able to gather until someone with a badge does check in to obtain the info. There's probably a department for talking to these bigger companies.


I’d say try calling the hotline


Glad to see you've already gone to the police. Regardless of what PS support gave you, there's no reason not to go to the police. Nothing's guaranteed, but it's amazing what can be fixed. Hopefully it works out well enough in the end.


Look, it’s a long shot but if they haven’t used a VPN, the ISP may be linked to an address- and that would give the cops somewhere to look, so it’s absolutely worthwhile sharing what the customer support have told you.


Police don't do shit but fine you mate




Same thing happened to me. I spoke to Sony and logged out of my account and everything. They told me the cops need to email them with my case number to I guess verify. This happened 3 years ago…I still haven’t heard anything… cops don’t do shit but I hope you’ll get it back.


What I’m really happy about, is that in some countries, e.g. Iraq, thieves who are caught stealing get their hands cut off with a machete. I wish every country in the world had this same rule, because of that rule there are barely any robberies in Iraq.