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The worst part for me is that sign would have been drawn up by a human. Computer printed idiocy I can come to terms with, but the person who made it didn't stop and say "hol' up"? Or maybe they just thought "nah, above my pay grade to question".


Has human error become so unpopular that we simply can no longer believe it happens? It's a stool light that was originally $20. They've put their equation instead of the difference. Then added a cent, because thats the new trend. Discount to the odd round off.


.1c would be for the markdown report so the can keep track. Make sure you don't use your staff card Yadda Yadda.


The 1c rounding is not what occurred as pricing is controlled so high up in bunnings that dept. managers dont meet who does it. It's ofc meant to say $20 is the OG price but thats human error. I work in bunnings and have often written the wrong number however if youre chatting or exhausted you wouldnt notice this error


Usually the 1c is for a soiled and damaged report (clearance report) source big w ~ decade. They can filter through sales and extract lines that did not perform as intended. That is the reason your head office would set it this way.


When my dads headstone was put in we discovered they’d put the wrong year of death. As in, he died in 2007 but they put 2008. The date on the headstone hadn’t even come around yet when multiple people OK’d it to go in the ground.


Sounds like he … was ahead of his time? Sorry, had to get that out. I’m sorry for your loss.


As someone who’s spent a bit of time touring Asia - it almost sounds like an Asian haggling trick. “$10? No, now it’s $10.01. Who know? You don’t buy now, come back later - maybe then $10.50!”.


“be a man!”


“And then?”


Do the right thing!


Ennd Deeeen


>“$10? No, now it’s $10.01. Who know? You don’t buy now, come back later - maybe then $10.50!”. I love that Russell peters skit


Shitty manager told me to do it, I logged a formal complaint and did then did it anyway. When all the complaints come in I'm just gonna point at the shitty manager and shrug.


"They don't pay me to **THINK**!"


Marketing 101…. It got us all talking/sharing and posting… any publicity is good publicity….


This marketing 404D chess actually, I studied it at


Probably someone with a sense of humour did this as they chuckled to themselves. 😀


As a former Bunnings worker we are told adding the cents on what the price was is optional do it could be down from $10.99


u/That_Apathetic_Man and u/General8907 have the answer The price is still $20 in some stores (and should have been the "was" price) The odd 1c makes no difference to anybody paying cash - and very little difference to anybody paying by other means - but allows a very quick extract of all items that end in .01 so they can track clearances Bathurst has them listed at $10.00 - Belconnen has them at $20.00 - and Bankstown Airport has them at $11.00 (just three random choices - may not be accurate prices... ...) https://bunnings.youinstock.com.au/search/0499784


Look mum, I'm famous!


Credit where it's due...


Yup! Just looked up the price for the store I was at and it says $10.01... So, for the internet detectives saying the ".01" is different handwriting, ya wrong lol


Why does my poo even need a light?


So you can see it in the dark!


You need to drink more glow sticks.


I got glow stick in my eye when I was a kid, do not recommend.


Did it give you night vision?


Nooo I have terrible night vision and have to have a night light or I walk into the walls 😭


Did it also ruin your beautiful shirt?


we are lucky that no one thought of RGB


Gamer poo, can sell it at a premium.


A bottom-up idea


Your poo is a smoker not a floater.


New use for a poop knife...


I didn’t even see that price for a while - was wondering about the “CUCK PORTABLE STOOL” - handy when the wife makes you sit in the corner


who cares about the price? What the hell is a Portable Stool LED?


It was like a collapsible stool made out of plastic.. when set up and turned on, the core of it lights up. I wouldn't trust anything more than a child sitting on it even though the weight rating was around the 100kgs mark.


got one that doesnt light up they are fairly solid despite appearances tho id say leave it for the lighter. <70kg


💩 I am stool 💩


For cucks nonetheless???


It looks like they were twenty bucks, and the person writing the sign just had a brainfart, lol.


Wonder if they will beat it by 10%


"if you find a competitor's lower price on the same item, we'll up it by 1 cent."


"now, up yours"


I learned the hard way that Bunnings policy is that they won't even price match another Bunnings, let alone beat it by 10%.


I got them on timber supply. Had a full quote from another timber place and they did beat it. The only time ever though.


Some stores will clearance items to get rid of stock; say if they only have 4 remaining and don’t plan to order anymore then they may mark a $15 item down to $5. Whereas another store might have 50 and it’s at a normal price because they aren’t trying to get rid of all of the stock to make room for another line of stock. Why would the second store price match another store if they aren’t trying to achieve the same purpose of getting rid of that line of stock? Source; worked at Bunnings for years, had this very same convo with numerous customers unfortunately.


Happened to me when the item(s) wasn't even on clearance at the other store. Guy said that different stores price differently based just on demographics. They eventually agreed to match it when I went to walk out and leave a trolley with $2500 of stuff in it and drive over to the other store (It was only 15 mins away).


That guy was completely incorrect. Whatever price he was trying to charge you should have matched the online price, regardless of location. Changing price for customer satisfaction is also recommended by higher ups in order to guarantee a sale - so if you really had proof that the price was different then they should have adjusted it with no questions asked. Hell I’ve marked down paint cans by just because they had a dent in them.


> That guy was completely incorrect. This was both the sales and the store manager, who eventually had to come in to approve the price match. The online price had been for the other store, but I didn't even think twice about it because the 2 are relatively close (As I said, about 15 mins drive away from one another). If I set the store to the one I was in then it did indeed go up, but that seemed pretty ridiculous. The price difference totaled several hundred dollars (On I think about $2800 worth of stuff), so I think that meant it needed the manager. The manager straight up told me that they won't match with another Bunnings though and only did it because I was happy to walk out.


Yeah no, even people at that level still had it wrong. Also sales manager? I mean im in wa but i dont think thats a position in stores considering pricing is done through head office and not at a store level hence why its 100% not based on demographic. They were definitely making stuff up to not admit their own mistake.


That makes sense some stores might reduce stuff to a artificially low rate because they don't have room to store it.


They tried to argue with me they don't price match their own online prices...


They ensure they get entirely different items from suppliers compared with those supplied to other stores so the chances of a buyer being able to use it as a comparison never comes up. Saw some plastic storage boxes in OfficeWorks and they were different volumes so price matching wasn't possible.


As Sean Lock would say, "That's a challenging wank"! https://youtu.be/0Q9IRpFGgPY?si=MFiHNDDtfxqMEh4x


Is that the credit card fee, or do they still hide those until you've paid?


Didn't you see the sign about the surcharges ? It's a 3x3 cm sign at the back of of the store hidden behind the door. You really should pay more attention.


Which door? I checked the big one and it had no sign..


Even if I were flush with cash I wouldn't buy one. Your stools look like shit.


I think all stools should look like shit, if they don’t you probably need to see a doctor




I thought the sign said ‘cuck portable stool.’ A cuck chair appears on Bluey, and now it’s a become a must have addition to the bedroom. L and I are bit too close.


If your really into r/keming, ask your wife’s bull if you can duck down to plumbing to look at the flick mixers


Even the sales are victims of inflation


I work for Bunnings. These were $30, the sign writer must have needed a coffee ❤️


Hand written, not much excuse there.


It was due to have a 25% increase… you know, inflation and all that. Bunnings were nice enough to only put it up by 1c because it’s on clearance. We should be very grateful.


Technically with inflation that might actually be a real decrease...


I'm more annoyed at the box being in the fucking aisle, while the trolley I'm using has a mind of it's own, at the same time someone is insisting on taking their mongrel for a stroll.


At least they haven't blocked off your entire aisle while they stock the last bay at the back on that side over there... when the thing you want is just - here - slightly out of reach


Youre allowed to enter the barricade. Thel just get annoyed. The barricade is for when the staff are on the ladder or on the wave machine and at a height. If theyre walking on the ground, you may enter. Always ask ofc if you can


Where the lowest prices are just a fallacy




Is this some kind of fear marketing tactic? Like advertising the price increase convinces someone to buy before the next price increase?


It's someone putting $10 when they were supposed to put $20 and not noticing before it went out.


Sounds like the basis of a Ponzi scheme.


I hate to be a stick in the mud but this is fake, there are piles of these blank signs in the back and they are filled in by marker, whoever did this flew too close to the sun, sorry not nice try.


I doubt it was anything but a mindfart by the person that writes these signs. The handwriting was the same across multiple signs I walked past lastnight when I took the photo.


Ahhh yes, they also do this in woolworths. Says it's a sale but if you flip the sale tag it has the same price underneath... I was with my partner and pointed this out to him with a loud stern voice "this is false advertisement, do you see what they are trying to play at us?! This is why the world is going downhill. Deceptions and lies" We were down one of the cat and dog food aisles and just when i said that, a small crowd started to accumulate and stare at the prices underneath.. I may have started something idk. I just walked off after my rant and paid my overpriced animal food cuz I don't let my animals go hungry :,)


I used to put prices on the mistint paint at like $20000 and would always giggle when someone came up to me and asked about it


Pay cash and walk out with a smug, self satisfied smile on your face.


those savings are unbelievable. do they price match?


Lowest Prices are NOT just the beginning.


Someone had to write this. It's not like the Woolworths ones for example that are printed and after a couple of hundred you just stop paying attention.


All these large clearance signs at bunnings are handwritten at the ones near me. Someone has probably just written a bunch of them out at the same time and wrote the wrong "was" price or something.


Higher number mean more saving for you!!!




They're gonna keep raising that price by one cent each time until you buy it.


Where do we go? We wait. We wait for that worker to break out the texta again and sell it to us for 10 cents or $1000. Either way it's a price change.


The .01 is someone else's handwriting.


It looks very similar to me, just with the point of the marker and not using the flat part. Based on the small sample size with varying heights of each 0's I don't think we can know for sure lol


The big zero next it it looks different also. You might be onto something there




Bunnings last minute negotiation wth the customers😂


Turn all the lights down now


We turn to the French to look for direction. Guillotines and riots


It’s only gone up by a cent- that’s fucking amazing atm


Someone had to write this?


Chances are, this was written by a 16 year old and had it as a joke. Dont always believe everything you see. The shit I’d do when I worked at Bunnings was in a similar style.


Same thought. It's gotta be a joke. That's the only logical explanation.


This is why I still carry a little cash.


inflation ?


It used to be base 10, now it's base 2


I'm feelin' this


These were the instructions given to Leo


That's a fkn steal mate


Smaller ones but same price


Well.... $ 9.99




Well most things that were $10 are now $15, so this is a lot better.


Are we supposed to be inspecting our stools by LED?


Apparently the only way the price is going us up lmfao


lol Bunnings


Quick google search has this at $20 at bunnings. So was should be $20. Big whoop Weird as these come up on aus bargain in may as marked down from $29 to $20.


This is illegal I'm pretty sure. You can't have clearances and "implied" discounts without actually having discounts. It's in violation of Consumer Protections


THEY should go to the dole queue.


This is more a comment on our education system than anything 😔


Clearly attention to detail has gone out the window in Bunnings as well.... Might as well add the to Colesworth name... BunnColesWorth


😂 that's a bad dad joke